Horoscope for the last ten days of September. Aspects of the Sun are a significant area of ​​life

10.07.2019 Trips

I'll probably start with a Stephen King quote: "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest just get up and go to work"- it is more suitable in meaning to the transition of Mars into the sign of Virgo (5.09.2017 12:34:44).

In general, Virgos will be in great demand this month - however, until September 20, they will be more like irreplaceable specialists. Mars will give them - and all representatives of the Earth element - energy, initiative and even a desire to fight! Why not? It’s good at this time to direct your ardor to work, especially increasing your efficiency and productivity, improving your health, improving the condition of your physical body through diet, sports training. But do not become a workaholic during this period and do not self-medicate.

During the period when Mars is in Virgo, there may be exacerbations of diseases such as dysentery, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, abdominal hernia, cholera, appendicitis, pinworms, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and also, for example, unpleasant manifestations of disorders such as mysophobia - this fear of dirty hands, to which representatives with inharmonious Virgo are often susceptible natal chart, Cameron Diaz for example.

09/05/2017 at 14:28:46 Mercury will finally become direct and gradually begin to pick up speed. I think many have already formed their thoughts and ideas, and they can begin to implement their projects. And now we can tell them confidently - go ahead!

On 09/10/2017 at 5:52:00, Mercury moves into the sign of Virgo, and on 09/20/2017 at 4:15:20 - Venus. Did you think dirty hands would be the biggest problem this month? You are very mistaken :). A strong and filled Virgo sign in the sky (or in the chart) can make everything a problem, or rather, what needs improvement! After all, everything will now be examined through a magnifying glass, and so many details will come to light that you can forget about a quiet life, because now there are so many things to do! The apartment has become terribly dirty, the ends of my hair are simply terrible, the rest of the body must also correspond to the golden ratio, and what about love? What are you speaking about? Which real love possible to an imperfect person? :)

Venus, Mars and Mercury in Virgo will strive for excellence in everything, and this, of course, is good for improving your life on all fronts, and it does not matter what you strive for at this time - physical perfection or spiritual perfection, as long as you are hardworking, responsible, capable of a critical look not only at the world, but, first of all, at yourself, then the month will be very productive for you. But in case of excesses, and they are inevitable with such zeal, there is a risk of excessive criticism and perfectionism.

The greatest success will come from initiatives and projects related to crafts, land, gardening, pharmaceuticals, education and all matters related to medicinal plants, hygiene, diet and scientific research. Virgos, Taurus, Capricorns and those who have important points in these signs need to roll up their sleeves and use this time to achieve career or personal heights.

09/22/2017 at 23:01:49 the Sun moves into the sign of Libra, and from this time an eventful life will begin, the activity of representatives of the air element, especially Libra, will increase. They need to catch luck by the tail while the benefactor Jupiter is in their sign and they are really lucky.

From this period, the need for justice and harmony will increase, however, everyone will understand it differently or as it will be more beneficial to the elite strata. But still, from now on, hope for help increases higher powers in search of a fair solution... well, or no less fair retribution.

From the third ten days of the month, success awaits workers in the field of art, law, and in marriage agencies, queues of those eager to find their soul mate will begin to gather (for those who are sure that life alone is not a joy for them)).

Significant other

Phenomena close to our hearts
Often reflects poetry.
He fixes aspirations,
A simple ordinary moment:
Sad bird cry by the sea,
Random train, toast on the way
And a sad sigh in a moment of grief,
Suddenly bursting out of my chest.
Nobody knows about Fate
Although prophets are nothing new,
But everyone is looking on Earth -
One's soul mate.
Among the glances of lean and casual
For us, the look is warm, like success.
And the blood suddenly worries unexpectedly
A sly, impudent woman's laughter...
The gaze sees and does not want to believe:
Beauty passed with a smile!
I also hear the rustling of clothes,
The aroma is fragrant!
Nobody knows about Fate
Although prophets are nothing new,
But everyone is looking on Earth -
One's soul mate.
To see it at least once is a desire,
I rush after her without pretense,
And I don’t look at what’s in the subconscious
The traffic light flashed purple.
I want to see and remember
I look as if I’m not myself.
My wish will come true
But he will take part of his soul with him...
Nobody knows about Fate
Although prophets are nothing new,
But everyone on Earth is looking for -
One's soul mate...


Dear friends! The month of August has ended - the month of eclipses, reflections, internal crisis, emotions. I hope you were able to avoid getting involved in other people’s aggressive manifestations and quarrels, devote August to cleansing and postpone important undertakings to September.
September has arrived and now it is important to plan your actions correctly.
Mercury is still retrograde until September 5th, which means it is better to postpone the purchase of gadgets, smart equipment, negotiations, and conclusion of contracts until September 8. If it is possible to postpone the purchase of an expensive gadget or the execution of an agreement or the opening of a business, then it is better to do this in the period from September 26 to October 13, when Mercury will be in its strongest position. Within this period there is the most favorable and strongest period: from September 26 to October 8. Then you can plan your trips.
to plan important things for several months ahead, check out the forecast for the entire 2017

Period Mercury retrograde from August 13 to September 4 good for reading old books, re-listening to past training sessions, putting things in order in documents, files, the computer, completing previously started tasks, meeting with old acquaintances, reviewing and adjusting old ideas and plans, and fulfilling old promises.
from August 25, Saturn returns to its stationary position. Saturn was in a retrograde position for a long time (since April 6, 2017) and slowed down issues of construction, repairs, and landscaping. This means that in September we will have the opportunity to very successfully resolve all these issues. Plan these types of work from September 8th. .
Still aspected by three malefic planets (Saturn, Mars, Rahu) the signs of Scorpio and Leo from August 27 to October 12 will give a certain emphasis to people’s attention in the areas of energy, mysticism, and interest in astrology. People can start playing sports, increasing their level of knowledge and fame, they can worry about children, hobbies, including romantic ones. There may be various unforeseen situations. In terms of health, reproductive function, kidneys, intestines, lower back, stomach, pancreas, gall liver, and lymphatic system will require attention. It is recommended to carry out preventive, health, and cleansing procedures.
Particular attention to emotions, pressure, kidneys, lymphatic system, outflow of fluids from the body on August 30, August 31, September 25, September 26. These are very difficult days for emotional people and people with poor health.
On September 12, Jupiter will move into the sign of Libra. And will remain there until October 11, 2018. This transit is favorable both for starting new relationships and for reviewing or “correcting” existing relationships. Jupiter gives wisdom and understanding.
This will also be a favorable period for realizing your creativity, because Venus, which rules Libra, in addition to the sphere of relationships, is also responsible for beauty, harmony, grace, fashion, creativity and art. Jupiter allows you to peacefully resolve your legal issues with your partners. The period is also favorable for resolving legal issues.
from September 15 take care of your love and relationships. Venus moves into Leo and there may be difficulties in relationships. Stay faithful and love your partner. Any wrong word can cause a scandal. This is valid until September 26th and especially stay calm on September 18th and 19th.
Female representatives, be careful. The period until the beginning of October can provoke aggression from men. Don’t walk alone at night, ask to be escorted to the apartment door, read amulets regularly, lengthen your skirts.
Also, during the period from September 15 to November 2, do not plan to purchase new clothes, new haircuts, cosmetic procedures aimed at changes in appearance, selection of wallpaper or interior items. From October 9 to November 2, it is advisable to completely abandon these plans (including the period is not favorable for marriages, purchasing a car), but in the period from September 15 to October 9, you can buy, but only what you really really liked and fits. Otherwise, you will have to redo the repairs, throw away purchased items, and the procedures will not bring the desired result. Postpone these things to November.

So, the astrological calendar for September:

from September 1 to September 4 waxing moon-period for the beginning of everything that will give its growth;
September 1st is Ekadashi day
September 2-3
September 3 is “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 4 (from 9:44) - September 5 (until 10:11) - lunar day “empty hands”
6September at 10:02 (Moscow time) full moon Unfavorable time.
from September 7 to September 19 waning moon- finish things, get rid of unnecessary things, pay off debts, cleanse yourself;
September 8 is “winner” day, plan important things on this day. One of the most auspicious days month.
September 9 - lunar day "empty hands" - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 10 is the day of “fullness”, plan important things on this day
from September 12 - Jupiter moves into the sign of Libra and will stay there for more than a year. See. higher.
September 13 – “winner” day , plan important things on this day.
September 14 (until 18:06) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, rest, cleaning
from September 15 - Venus moves into the sign of Leo. Recommendations for this periodSee. higher.
September 16, the transition of the Sun from the sign of Leo to the sign of Virgo “Kanya Surya Sankranti”- exclude the day from your endeavors; It is better to devote the day to routine activities. You can repeat the mantra: “Ram” or “Om Tat Sat” if important things are coming up.
September 16 is Ekadashi day- plan cleansing on this day and fasting;
September 17 (from 12:12) – “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 18-19 can be emotional and nervous days.
September 18 (from 10:38) - September 19 (until 09:22) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 19- 30 lunar day, the day of remembrance of deceased ancestors. For those who planned to start working with the family, this is the most favorable day to begin atonement for the sins of the family. Or just stop by the church and light a candle.
September 20 at 08:29 (Moscow time) new moon,- be careful on the roads, emotional and nervous day; Unfavorable time.
from September 20 to September 30, the waxing Moon.
September 20, 21- make wishes;
September 22 – “winner” day, 3rd lunar day, very good for plans, creating dreams, attracting money, plan important things on this day
September 23 (from 08:53) - September 24 (until 10:09) - lunar day “empty hands” " - do not start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result, there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, rest, cleaning.
September 25, 26 Moon in Scorpio and Moon in Conjunction with Saturn. - nervous, restless, emotionally difficult days; be careful on the roads, do not get into arguments, do not start anything on this day; Pay attention to the pressure. To soften, you can repeat the mantra: “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.”
September 27 (from 16:39) - September 28 (until 19:06) – “winner” day, plan important things on this day
September 28 (from 19:06) - September 29 (until 21:20) - lunar day “empty hands” - don’t start anything on this day. Beginnings on this day will not give a positive result; there may be obstacles and obstacles. The day is suitable for cleansing, resting, cleaning.
September 30 is the day of “fullness”, plan important things on this day. ONE of the most favorable days of September.
Plan your events taking into account the laws of nature, and then the Universe will give you only positive changes.
. . .
I wish you happiness, wealth, prosperity and harmony.
If it is important for you to know how the planets and lunar days affect you specifically, you can get
consultation with an astrologer on your personal horoscope. .

WITH Best wishes, Irina Galskaya

September is a month of purity and summing up results, because the master of analysis - Mercury rules the constellation Virgo. The beginning of the month with a cluster of planets on the northern lunar node in Leo may indicate the continuation of lion energies with thunder and lightning, with bright performances and fiery speeches, especially when the transit moon on September 8-9 goes through Aries, but let's start in order.

From August 27 to September 20, Venus moves into the sign of Leo: the desire to get all possible joys from life, the desire to indulge in idle rest and love is born. Feelings are shown openly and demonstratively. These days, the number of romantic meetings, intimate dates, and easy, non-binding affairs is sharply increasing. There will also be a lot of money spent: on gifts, pleasures, entertainment. People become more generous and pamper their children and loved ones with gifts. Possible small profits, occasional unexpected money. Various kinds of speculations are going well, this is also a time of sparkling rhinestones for people of art, famous people. Favorable for presentations, exhibitions, demonstrations.

On September 1, Venus passes the royal degree of Leo - it’s time to buy valuables and jewelry, elegance in feelings, generosity, the desire to shine.

On September 3-4, the transit Aquarius moon creates a tense aspect first to Venus, and then to Mars in Leo - an emotional outburst, whims and extravagance, quarrels.

On the 5th, Mercury becomes direct in its movement and this is pleasing, since a healthy analysis after the events of August will not hurt.

On September 6th, at the full moon (moon in Pisces), Mars moves into the sign of Virgo: a contradictory time when criticism can prevail over a romantic mood. Mars in Virgo is like a bull in a china shop, he is in a hurry to put things in order, put everything in its place, count, audit and record. A business that begins with Mars in Virgo usually progresses slowly, is moderately profitable, but will be constantly subject to changes for improvement and threatens to get bogged down in minutiae. During this period the role increases trade unions, the most pressing and pressing issues are those related to employment, especially for emigrants. In terms of health, Mars can provoke intestinal pain, appendicitis, in September it is undesirable to eat seeds and nuts - in nature, animals store in the fall what is useful in a hungry winter, and in the human body it goes to the reserve zone (appendix).

On September 11th Mercury also enters its native sign- Virgo, which sets society in an analytical mood and functionality.

On September 14th the sun makes an exact square to Saturn in Sagittarius - heartache, vitality problems, encountering obstacles.

On the 16th, Mercury connects with Mars in Virgo at 7 degrees: relationships with friends, sponsors, and guardians deteriorate due to harshness of statements, criticism, intolerance, and nervousness. Disputes, quarrels, conflicts, blackmail, betrayal can lead to a break in relationships. The danger of an accident with a friend, the possibility of his premature death due to the mistake of another person.

On the 20th there is a new moon at 28 degrees Virgo - a time when it is good to make wishes for further materialization.

On September 21, Venus moves into the sign of Virgo: the influence of Venus brings coldness, people are less susceptible to emotions, everything is analyzed and weighed. On the one hand, this impoverishes feelings, on the other hand, it warns against mistakes in choosing a partner. Due to the fact that at this time people attach great importance trifles, the slightest trifle, often not even tracked by consciousness, can cool down the developing feelings. On the other hand, excessive criticism also manifests itself in relation to oneself, for example, a person considers himself not attractive enough to care for someone or accept advances.

On September 22nd, the equinox with the moon in Libra conjunct Jupiter is a great time for successful transactions, as well as for lavish ceremonies.

On the 23rd, the luminary moves into the sign of Libra, and the transit moon in Scorpio represents emotional vulnerability.

On the 25th, Mars becomes in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces - the transit moon in Sagittarius at the apex completes the tauquadrate - conflict situation in the struggle for justice, rallies and scandalous disclosures of deceptions.

On the 28th, Pluto comes out of the loop, connecting simultaneously with the transit moon in Capricorn - a time when you want someone’s professional psychological help, depressed mood, depression.

Routine work, putting things in order or cleaning can make me sad, but September still breathes the hot bliss of August, the energies of creativity and love are strong. Concentration on relationships with those whom Aries loves. Gradually, going deeper into September, an understanding of the laws of dialectics comes: the transition of quantity into quality. For more windy Aries, nature will remind them of their routine and proper nutrition.

A time of love, a desire to create (manifests itself differently for everyone). Your own home can become a creative studio, and a muse, rattling pots in the kitchen, can inspire a change in home design. Taurus women will want to purchase art objects and add more bright colors to their everyday life. In love there is healthy criticism and debriefing. the last week September is dedicated to the “harvest”.

Geminis are masters of the epistolary genre... in September they will write romantic SMS to someone, while simultaneously renovating their house (or moving). There, under the roof of your own home, work deals and signing of important projects can take place; by the end of the month, the luminary enters the zone of love and creativity.

Venus and Mars actively mix the ambivalent desire to save and spend in September, gifts also take place. The month is dedicated to an abundant flow of information of various kinds. The last ten days of the month will also bring romantic correspondence or pleasant communication with charming relatives.

a lion
Mars will leave the sign of Leo on September 6th, and Venus will continue its path, pacifying the temper of the crowned ones until September 21st. Venus will bring a lot of love warmth and adoration, romance and sensuality. The luminary, in turn, will help you easily obtain food, and gradually other planets will move into the financial zone, which Leos will be incredibly happy about. September will be very velvety for Leos.

The functional brains of Virgo are created for creating projects, but from September 6th, alien conflicting Mars enters Virgo, introducing a storm of all sorts of rubbish and aggression. Aggression is not typical for Virgos and therefore they will automatically begin to sort out this rubbish and slow down aggression, however, not everyone can do this and therefore some Virgos may develop health problems. Gradually, over the course of the month, the sign of Virgo will be filled with other planets: Mercury will bring analysis, and Venus will bring a lot of charm and softness from the 21st.

Charming Libras are given sympathy and love until the 21st, but September is not the best time for entertainment; September offers Libra a deep analysis of what is happening, acceptance of one’s sins and remission of them, this is a time of withdrawal into oneself. From September 23rd, the luminary enters their sign, illuminating and bringing in the powerful energy of the sun. Libra begins to behave like kings and queens, giving the world aesthetics and beauty, increasing peace and justice.

Mars passing through the sector responsible for friends may indicate a showdown, but the entire month is dedicated to them - precious friends and girlfriends. On the 23rd-24th, the moon passing through Scorpios brings emotional dissonance, but life is good, and they feel it.

September is a little uncomfortable for optimistic Sagittarius due to the tense aspects of the sun and Mars to their constellation; bosses may demand new indicators from Sagittarius or be too critical of them professional activity. In terms of well-being, there may also be complaints about cardiovascular activity. The last week is dedicated to friends.

The velvet season is the right time for travel; business partners may appear from afar with dubious offers; the trips themselves, despite their attractiveness, may carry an underlying conflict. Foreign exchange earnings from partners are possible.

Aquarians have an active zone of extreme activity: you should pay close attention to the fact that injuries and surgical intervention are possible in September, so it is advisable to exclude all types of extreme recreation. Financial issues with partners and government loans, in the zone of partnership relations - bright, unforgettable days holiday.

A very active month for Pisces in terms of public activities and partnerships; partners are not always gentle towards sensitive Pisces, and sometimes even conflict, but the sign of Pisces is so flexible that even temporary disagreements pass quickly. The last week opens the curtain on the borderliness of existence and the chemistry of magic.

Autumn is beginning! The time of Indian summer, the passing of warmth, sometimes longing for warmth and a stormy summer, subtle sadness, and sometimes depression! The body requires restructuring to a more balanced and calm mood.

Sun in Virgo – encourages the manifestation of personal authority in one’s work, and especially when supervising the work of others...

September 5 Mercury goes into the direct phase and it is possible that you will have to repeat the path already taken.

On September 6, Mars will move into Virgo , Moon opposite Neptune . It is worth avoiding secret intrigues and self-destructive tendencies, unwanted mental impressions.

September 8-9 a good time to improve existing conditions, but a person's home and emotional stability can be destroyed by large-scale forces. There can often be unpleasant mental experiences.

9th of September It’s good to do design, buy or sell real estate, land.

September 14-15 Sun in a tense aspect to Saturn , may indicate a disorder in the individual’s ambitious plans. This is an unfavorable time for social and romantic affairs. Often this is a commitment to traditional attitudes and beliefs. Decreased vitality, fatigue, depression. Achieving your goals requires hard work, discipline, and organization. Speech against authority, Difficulties with employers, influential people and government agencies. Major revolutions can occur in a person's life. There is a need to improve the quality of security for your home and family. Major domestic and financial upheavals in a person's life can be the result of environmental, geological, political, economic and cultural forces beyond a person's will.

September 21-23 you can get exciting or unwanted experiences.

good time get rid of old, useless habits and relationships.

After September 23 public relations and legal matters are intensified. The spirit of competition is activated.

Mars in Virgo sets you up for achievements and conquering peaks... But Mars in Virgo often does not see the forest for the trees. For this reason, actions may be aimed at clearing the “Augean stables”. But success is also possible if actions are thoughtful and aimed at achieving some important goal. It’s a good time to put things in order in those areas that you haven’t gotten around to. Critics may become more active different levels, raising people...

I think that we will again talk about disappointed hopes, ordinary people! Although pensions may be under revision, foreign countries will help us!

Competition and struggle for power will increase. Tariffs or other charges may increase and prices may increase. Impracticality and irresponsibility are increasing, and increased spending on public activities can lead to financial difficulties.

Although the holiday season is over, but for some people there comes a time when large amounts of money will be spent on recreation and entertainment, and for some, social and financial difficulties. Excessive extravagance and thoughtless spending can lead to financial difficulties for many people. There may be problematic situations due to foreigners or people from distant places. Vacations, travel for pleasure, hospital stays or other institutions may cost more than expected. Excessive undemandingness and self-indulgence, in social activities, can distract attention from more important responsibilities.

Health, and especially the health of children, will require increased attention. Somehow, children will require parental help and financial investments, as well as updating their own image.

It is very important to remember about the dangers on the water by the full moon, September 6th!!!

Self-deception, unrealistic plans and hopes, and unplanned pregnancies where paternity is questionable should be avoided.

By the full moon tendencies towards neurosis and a tendency to escape reality with the help of alcohol, drugs and other unreasonable activities may increase.

Important relationships can increase the tendency to neurosis and inappropriate actions. This time can be marked by illusions, doubts in the mind. Who wants to avoid self-deception or deception from other people, theft, it is necessary to understand subtle mental factors. In any case, it will be difficult to avoid mental unrest.

Mars and Mercury will form a tense aspect with Neptune . This can make people less aware of their actions. It will be difficult for them to distinguish illusions and dreams from reality. You can become a victim of deliberate deception, especially September 5,6,20,24 and 25 . Difficulties may arise when staying abroad, on the water. On such days there may be rain, problematic situations with gas, on water, difficulties with foreigners, theft and deception.

There may be problems with mail and travel. Try to consciously limit yourself from unnecessary calls and conversations, which will increase the tendency.

It’s better not to sort things out with colleagues, and also with the police and relatives. When performing work, you should take care of your safety.

This is a good period for those who are engaged in self-improvement, sports and participation in groups for physical improvement of health and appearance. As for work, you need not only caution when working with tools, but also when communicating with authorities and superiors, because Scandals and job loss are possible.

It is important to control expenses so that scandals do not arise in families over the lack of necessary funds, which is also a trend.

Excessive spending, financial burdens from the authorities, difficulties with electricity, studies, may not add to the mood. Take care of your friend during this difficult time.

It is very important to support children at this time, instead of criticizing them for not yet adapting to the educational process.

The people, the servants of the people and the army, may worry

16 of September - quite a conflict day. Transport danger remains.

Venus in Leo promotes the opening of the theater season, rich receptions, musical and creative evenings. It's a good time to meet new people, after September 6 . But it is difficult to expect that they will bring the results that you can count on...

But at the same time, we must avoid dramatization and violence, jealousy and sexual promiscuity, and a tendency to unreasonable financial spending in our actions.

Restaurants and sports arenas will fill up. Women politicians are becoming more active.

It is important to remember about health prevention. The period of infectious diseases begins. There may be difficulties with digestive and nervous systems. Avoid stale foods, especially September 5-6,12,19,20, 24-26 . These days, product incompatibility and poisoning are possible. Prevention will help you avoid them. Vitamins and conditioning, exercises will help maintain health.

A good time to buy and sell real estate, especially abroad, to resolve legal matters.

September 1,6,8,9,12,15,19,21,22,26,27,30 - days of unstable weather, mental health. You should make your decisions consciously.

Problems due to impulsiveness and false optimism, gullibility and impractical idealism cannot be ruled out. Do not believe empty promises. There is a tendency towards unrealistic projects and tasks, especially towards the end of the month. Conflicts over financial issues which tend to be unstable and unpredictable. Major losses are possible, especially September 27-28 .

Things may be restless in Israel, Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal, Iraq, Syria, Georgia, China, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Crete, Brazil, Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Qatar, Tajikistan. In Paris, Athens, Lyon and Boston there may be trends towards fires, earthquakes and other types of disasters.

After Sunset until the next Moonrise, destructive (negative) energies reach their peak; on a lunar morning or day it is easier to deal with them, it is especially important to take this into account on the satanic 9th, 15th, 23rd and 29th Lunar days. The moonset time indicated in the table may shift to another date of the month. For example: Sunrise is at 22:28 on August 13, and sunset is at 11:33 on August 14. Every part Lunar days lasts about 6 hours.

September 2017— a month of high dynamics of development and breaking stereotypes. Planetary relationships in September dictate an active plan of action, from the birth of ideas to their concrete and fair implementation. This is a month of real deeds and real actions. In the second half of the month, competition will increase, and along with it, new ways to implement plans will appear. September is good for those who are ready to work hard and earn even more. The winner is the one who can implement updated, undeservedly abandoned initiatives and put the process on the feet of law and objectivity. A hindrance in this matter can be the pessimism of others and lack of faith in one’s own strength. Pragmatism plus optimism will result in a long-awaited victory over thinking stereotypes and outdated standards.

September is especially interesting for the education system, since it is against this background in the aura Solar eclipse August 21st starts academic year. The pedagogical community will be ready to show increased activity and initiative in order to introduce more effective forms of activity in the educational process. The coming year is especially good for working with talented and gifted children. An emphasis on working with this contingent can produce fabulous results in the future. Children will be very active in demonstrating their inclinations and abilities. If you do not create the proper conditions for their use, then there is a danger of wasting time and getting an explosion in a pasta factory. Internet technologies will play a huge role, the proper use of which will help strengthen relationships between teachers, students and their parents.

The management structure in education will be under attack, painful castlings are very likely, there will be a struggle between emotions and common sense, and children's naivety and openness to change will contribute to the movement of adults towards progress and inspire discovery and innovation. Position