Trade Union of Migrant Workers - Russia's Moral Reform. "Any reform other than moral reform is useless" - Brenik

04.09.2019 Career and Work

In his statement, T. Carlyle raises the problem of moral changes in society and an individual person. He is convinced that any attempt to transform the existing reality must begin, first of all, with the internal changes of each individual.

The main indicator of how effective the planned reform will be is the moral character of the inhabitants of the country in which this reform will be carried out. Morality should be regulated by social and civil norms, and first of all by the person themselves through self-control. the whole order in the country.

Of course, without proper preparation, any reform can be rejected by the country's population. History provides vivid examples of how the moral ignorance of certain segments of the population pushed Russia's development back, preventing it from progressing. This phenomenon includes, for example, the long-drawn-out reform to abolish serfdom , which until a certain point could not be implemented due to the ignorance of the nobility.

And, of course, we must not forget that without the presence of moral principles in society, no reforms in the field of legislative activity will bring the proper result. One has only to recall the numerous newspaper articles, television programs that describe cases of violations of laws, norms of law and others. illegal actions of individuals.

Based on all of the above, we can come to the realization of the need not only for external, government reforms but also internal "reforms" taking place in people's minds.

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Updated: 2018-03-10

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“Whoever advances in the sciences, but lags behind in morality, goes more backward than forward.”

(IVcentury BC ancient Greek philosopher, scientist, sage Aristotle).

Russian administrators, who "tightly chained themselves to the galleys", scooping "oars" natural wealth and financial resources from the state treasury, are trying to inspire fellow citizens with the opinion that democratic reforms are not needed in the country.

That’s all, de we are doing so well, “don’t rock the boat”, it’s not politics that needs to be modernized, but only science and technology. Their desire to "fall forever into the bins" is obvious and understandable.

All the material values ​​​​of the world have never in history made a single monkey a man - "Any reform, except moral - is useless." (XIXcentury, English writer and philosopher Thomas Carlyle).

...Bring "a pig to the golden palace, and the palace will become a pigsty." A Man will come to the "pigsty, and the pigsty will become a palace." With evolution, with nature, with mores - and from this the abyss of difference in material existence - you can not argue.

Imagine a family where the head revels in luxury and the children starve. What is the head of the family called? - Scoundrel! Now, imagine that the family is the state.

In it, a managerial official receives a salary of 100,000 rubles, and a doctor, teacher, nurse, educator kindergarten and others who perform no less significant work - exist from hand to mouth on a salary of 5,000 -10,000 rubles. Is it possible to say that such a “righteous, caring” official is a moral person? - Of course not. - Also - rascal! - The word cuts the ear, but nothing else is provided for such a behavioral two-faced type in the Russian language. - "Those who believe that money can do anything - in fact, they can do anything for the sake of money." ( XVIIcentury, writer, politician George Halifax).

There cannot be such a gap in material income between people. No, in this case, the example of personal morality is in power. She is powerless to influence society. On the contrary, it will cause his condemnation. - "The decline of morals is the death of the state as a political whole"! (Napoleon I Bonaparte).

Power is presented to many managers not as a moral responsibility for the country, people, but as a source of profit and a sweet life at the expense of society. - “There are legions of tomboys who have the word “state” in their language, and in their thoughts - a pie with official filling.” ( XIXcentury, Russian writer Saltykov-Shchedrin).

The rulers explain their contentment at the expense of taxpayers by the fact that if they are given little from the poor people, then in this case the managers will be inclined to steal, abuse and extort bribes. Such an explanation - it is assumed that they are obviously criminals, and their high salary is a "kickback" from the budget for "honesty".

In this regard, a question arises. - Why do we need such immoral managers? - Society could answer it briefly and clearly, but, here, new problem- no one asks the opinion of the people. - And in this case, again, everything rests on the need for moral (political) reforms.

Mother science and her daughter technology are the “fruits” of an exclusively (!) morally developed mind. The doors of knowledge are closed to immorality.

Where does it start moral reform in society? - From education of the moral beginning which democracy gives to a society. - Not the completely false, selfish, autocratic-party system, not the “pack of predators in sheepskins", who pretend to be democrats - ah, genuine people's power!

The modern party government (the same - the CPSU), hides everything that is proposed for improvement by censorship in the central media political system. She, advocating in words: for freedom, science, modernization - holds society hostage to her lies.

"Even the most progressive party is a conspiracy against the nation" (George Halifax).

Replacing some officials with others (despite the fact that the political system remains untouched) does not change anything in the country. The system forces society to "play" with it according to its deliberately losing program (similar to slot machines).

For Russia - a huge multi-million country, it looks stupid and funny when party leaders draw up lists of deputies from their close ones - ... artists, athletes, friends, matchmakers, godparents, brothers and sons. In this case, the bet is on personal loyalty and cheap popularity. Base calculation on a primitive ignorant voter. Isn't there a mind for the whole of Russia? - Ashamed! It's a shame to be such "underdeveloped dinosaurs" in XXI century!

A meaningful mechanism for selecting the deserving should be applied. The best people's deputies should become the "locomotive" of the development of Russia and society. The development of the intellectual material and technical base of society requires a proactive moral development of the political management system (legislative and executive power). The only thing that depends on this is whether society will be directed towards the reproduction in citizens of the human or "animal" nature.

In Russia (like a disease) there is a deep political and economic systemic crisis that drags the country into ruin, and the masses of the population into poverty!

The reason for this:

Non-fulfillment by the authorities of the provisions of the articles of the Constitution on the supremacy of democracy;

The absence of any meaningful choice of deputies to the legislature;

Uncontrolled arbitrariness of the executive branch of government.

Until the upcoming elections in December 2011 in State Duma there is time, need and opportunity to change the electoral system. For this, one good will of the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev is enough. - "Each step of an effective movement is more important than a dozen programs." ( XIX century, Karl Marx).

In another case, Russia (observing its constant downward slide) will inevitably face an "alternative option" according to the scenario of Tunisia, Egypt or Libya, or Kyrgyzstan, and finally - Russia in 1917. - "It is impossible to govern with impunity a state without the people and against the will of the people." ( XXcentury, French public figure Maurice Thorez).

Russian administrators, who “tightly chained themselves to the galleys”, scooping natural resources and financial resources from the state treasury with “oars”, are trying to impose on their fellow citizens the opinion that political and democratic reforms are not needed in the country.
Everything de we have and so well, "don't rock the boat", it is not politics that needs to be modernized, but only science and technology. Their position, their desire to "fall forever in the bins" is understandable.

...Bring "a pig to the golden palace, and the palace will become a pigsty." A Man will come to the "pigsty, and the pigsty will become a palace." You can't argue with evolution, with nature, with morals - and from this the abyss of the difference of being. No material values ​​and scientific modernization have made and will not make a person out of a “pig”. "Any reform, except moral, is useless." (XIX century, English writer, philosopher Thomas Carlyle).

Imagine a family where the head revels in luxury and the children starve. What is the head of the family called? Scoundrel! Now imagine that the family is the state. In it, a high official-manager receives a salary of 100,000 rubles, while a doctor, teacher, nurse, kindergarten teacher and others who perform no less important work live from hand to mouth on a salary of 5,000 rubles. Is it possible to say that such a “good, righteous, caring” official is a moral person? Of course not. Also, wicked! Yes, this word cuts the ear, but nothing in return for such a behavioral two-faced type is provided in the Russian language.

The power of such managers is presented not as a moral responsibility for the country, the people, but as a source of profit and a sweet life at the expense of society. “There are legions of tomboys who have “state” in their language, and in their thoughts – a pie with a state filling.” (XIX century, Russian writer Saltykov-Shchedrin).

The rulers explain their contentment at the expense of taxpayers by the fact that if the “fathers” of the poor people are not given enough, then in this case the managers will be inclined to steal, abuse and extort bribes. No other way! Thus, it is assumed that they are obviously criminals, and their high salary is a “kickback” from the budget for “honesty”. In this regard, the question arises: why are such managers needed? Society could answer it briefly and clearly, but here is a new problem: no one asks the opinion of the people. And in this case, again, everything depends on the need for moral political reforms.

Mother science and her daughter technology are the sweet "fruits" of a morally developed mind. Knowledge is closed to immorality.

Where does moral reform begin in society? From the upbringing of the moral principle that democracy gives to society. Not that completely false, ugly, autocratic-party system, not that "pack of predators in sheep's clothing" who pretend to be democrats - but real people's power!
The modern party system (as in the days of the CPSU) hides everything that is proposed for improvement by censorship in the central media political power. She, advocating in words: for freedom, science, modernization, keeps everyone hostage to her lies.
Replacing some officials with others (despite the fact that the system remains untouched) nothing changes in the country. The system forces society to “play” with it according to its deliberately losing program (similar to playing slot machines).

For Russia - a huge country of many millions - looks stupid and funny when party leaders draw up lists of deputies from their close associates - ... friends, matchmakers, godfathers, brothers and sons. What, isn't there a mind for the whole of Russia? It's a shame - it's a shame to be such underdeveloped "dinosaurs" in the 21st century!

Gotta act meaningful mechanism for selecting the worthy. The best people's deputies will become a "locomotive" for the development of Russia and society. The mechanism for the implementation of new elections is proclaimed in the "Manifesto of democracy - the power of conscience and mind" -- and many other sources.

For the development of the intellectual material and technical base of society, a proactive political and moral development of the management system (legislative and executive power) is required. It largely depends on this whether society will be directed towards the reproduction in citizens of the human or "animal" (pig) principle.

In Russia there is deep political and economic systemic crisis, which drags the country into ruin, and the masses of the population into poverty.
The reason for everything is the anarchy of the people, the presence of shameless managers in power, the absence of any meaningful choice of deputies to the legislature and completely lawless anti-constitutional arbitrariness of the executive system of power.

Before the upcoming elections to the State Duma in December 2011, there is time, a need and an opportunity to change the electoral system. For this, one good will of the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev is enough. In another case, Russia (watching it slide down) inevitably waiting (!)"alternative option" according to the scenario of Tunisia, Egypt or Libya, or Kyrgyzstan, and finally - Russia in 1917.

I have thousands of specialists who can build a pyramid, and there is not one who would know whether it is worth building it
35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy

The big is made up of the small. In small things and in big things, everything is governed by the same unchanging laws. By changing the small, we change the compound big!
In relation to the state, the above is as follows.

The state, as a complex mechanism for the life support of society, is a neutral value, like " pure water". What you add, such a "taste" (from bitter to sweet) and you get it. It depends on the "cook" who "adds spices."

"If the palace is luxurious, then the fields are covered with weeds ... Nobles dress in luxurious fabrics, carry sharp swords ... accumulate excess wealth. All this is called robbery and waste." (VI century BC, ancient Chinese philosopher-sage Lao Tzu)

The people in such conditions are reduced!

A person, having left the animal world and until the moment of his moral maturation (for some it does not occur throughout his life), does not differ much in behavior from his ancestor (not as a critical remark, but as a fact).

With the scientific and technical saturation accumulated over the centuries, man has not changed in his inner essence.

"Of all knowledge, moral science ... is the most necessary, but it is not taught." (VI century BC ancient Greek sage, thinker Pythagoras)

They still don't study it!

When morally immature, often random people are in power, they establish laws corresponding to their level, which are transferred to the model of the structure of society and the state.

The population is protected from influence by excluding contacts with state servants, and if it is impossible, it reduces them to a minimum. They survive by the fruits that the Earth unselfishly bestows for labor.

How to change the thieves' state, what reforms - technical or moral - are necessary? Will technical modernization change thieves' mores? Of course not!

"A golden bridle and an expensive saddle will not make an Arabian horse out of a donkey."

The state and society can develop only by moral people. It is necessary to improve morals by carrying out moral reforms!

"Any reform other than moral is useless." (XIX century, English philosopher, writer T. Carlyle)

Moral reforms begin with the "head"! With cleaning control from immature. Elections are held to replace them and find worthy ones. Their main task is to find suitable and not so much scientists as moral ones. (Science in the service of morality brings benefits to society, and crawling at the feet of immorality harms the people).

How to find worthy? A new mechanism for the selection and formation of power, set out in the "Manifesto of Democracy - the Power of Conscience, Honor and Mind", is proposed. (Published in independent media as well, easy to find online).

"No one will do the same as before, as soon as something better is possible."
(V century BC, the ancient Greek thinker Plato).

But this best needs to be conveyed to the masses!

“I have thousands of specialists who can build a pyramid, and there is not one who would know. Is it worth it to build? (35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy).

The big is made up of the small. Whether small or large, everything is governed by the same unchanging laws. By changing the small, the compound big also changes!

In relation to the state, the above is as follows. -

The state, as a complex mechanism for the life support of society, is a neutral value, like “pure water”. What you add, such a “taste” (from bitter to sweet) and you get it. Depends on - "cook" who "adds spices".

“If the palace is luxurious, then the fields are covered with weeds… The nobility dresses in luxurious fabrics, wears sharp swords… accumulates excessive wealth. “All this is called robbery and waste.” (6th century BC ancient Chinese philosopher and sage Lao Tzu).

- The people are reduced in such conditions!

A person, having left the animal world and until the moment of his moral maturation (for some it does not occur throughout life), does not differ much in behavior from his ancestor (not as a critical remark, but as a fact). With scientific and technical saturation (accumulated over the centuries), man has not changed in his inner essence.

- "Of all knowledge, moral science ... is the most necessary, but it is not taught." (6th century BC ancient Greek sage, thinker Pythagoras). - They still don't study it!

When morally immature, often random, people are in power, they establish laws corresponding to their level, which are transferred to the model of the structure of society and the state.

How can a person survive under these conditions? - The population is protected from influence, excluding contacts with state servants, and if not possible, they reduce them to a minimum. They survive by the fruits that the Earth unselfishly bestows for labor.

How to change the thieves' state, what reforms - technical or moral - are necessary? Will technical modernization change thieves' mores? - Of course not! — “A golden bridle and an expensive saddle will not make an Arabian horse out of a donkey”.

The state and society can develop only by moral people. Morals need to be improved carrying out moral reforms!- "Any reform other than moral is useless." (XIX century, English philosopher, writer T. Carlyle).

Moral reforms begin - from the "head"! – With the cleaning of management from immature. Elections are held to replace them and find worthy ones. Their main task is to find suitable and not so much scientists as moral ones. (Science in the service of morality brings benefits to society, and crawling at the feet of immorality harms the people).

How to find worthy? - A new mechanism for the selection and formation of power, set out in the "Manifesto of Democracy - the Power of Conscience, Honor and Mind", is proposed.

"No one will do the same as before, as soon as something better is possible."

(5th century BC e. ancient Greek thinker Plato). But, this is the best - you need to convey!