An effective program for the press. How to pump up your abs at home: exercises for men.

04.03.2019 Sport

Every man, even those who are very busy with business, can pump up their abdominal muscles to a six-pack without spending a lot of time traveling to a fitness center on the other side of town. This can be done at home, spending 60 minutes (or more) training 2-3 times a week, repeating each exercise 15-20 times. If desired, accelerated pumping of the press using an exercise program can be carried out daily. In this case, each exercise should be repeated 10 times, spending 20-25 minutes on the entire complex.

High-speed pumping of the press

How to quickly pump up your abs at home short time? In reality, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get six-pack abs in a week; many people can’t even do it in a month. But you can remove a couple of centimeters from your waist to fit into your favorite trousers with intense exercise. You will need the following diagram (photo 8):

Conclusions. To pump up your abs at home, you need to choose several different exercises for yourself and do 2-3 programs that include pressing movements to work out different areas of the abdominal muscles.

Often, beginners are not aware that when performing abdominal exercises they must constantly feel involved in the work. This exclusively ensures that it is the abdominal muscles of the abdomen that receive the load, and not any others.

Before moving on to "advanced" exercises with additional scales, it is important to learn how to pump up your abs and feel each section of the abdominal muscles at work - the upper, lower and lateral abs. This is exactly what our exercise program for beginners is designed for.

How NOT to pump up your abs? Why can hanging leg raises and planks harm the development of abdominal muscles and muscles?

Abs: at home or in the gym?

The purpose of the presented set of exercises is to develop the correct technique, and not to set a record for the number of repetitions. More effective will be not 100 quick crunches “somehow” and with poor technique, but 10 technical ones, performed with full awareness of the involvement of the abdominal muscles in the work.

That is why it is preferable to perform our abdominal program at home, 2-4 times a week, on days free from main strength training. Repeat the exercises as slowly and technically as possible - a specific burning sensation in the abdominal muscles will be a sign that you are doing it correctly.

Exercises to burn belly fat

Not a single abdominal exercise, even the most difficult one, can lead to weight loss. To get rid of a kilogram of fat, you will have to perform 500,000 abdominal crunches in a row - and belly fat will be burned last due to the characteristics of metabolism and genetics.

You will be able to see six-pack abs or a flat stomach only after you achieve overall thinness through diet and special exercises. It is important to understand that abdominal exercises are important primarily for improving the shape of the abdominal muscles, and not at all for losing weight and burning fat.

Don't forget to turn on your abs!

Let us note once again that when performing the complex, you must constantly remember that the point of any abdominal exercise is to perform the movement precisely due to the abdominal muscles. When crunching, only the abdominal muscles should work, and not the back, legs or any other parts of the body.

That is why our abs program for beginners includes both dynamic exercises with movement and repetitions, as well as static ones, in which you just need to stay in a certain position, while feeling the work of the abdominal muscles to maintain balance.

Home set of abdominal exercises

Perform the complex exercises slowly, monitoring your breathing and feeling the involvement of your abdominal muscles in the work. Try to train without music - it will knock you down from a slow pace and significantly reduce your performance. Measure your rest time wristwatch with a stopwatch.

Leaning on your elbow, keep your body in a straight line from your head to your toes, consciously keeping your abdominal muscles tense. Don't touch your knees to the floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then change sides. Perform 3 repetitions, alternating left and right side bodies in everyone.

Lying on your back, left leg on the floor, right leg on the left knee. Tightening your lateral abdominal muscles, lift your left shoulder off the floor, pointing your elbow toward your right knee, but without turning your head. Perform the exercise 10-15 times, then change sides and shoulders - this is one repetition. Perform 3 sets.

Using the strength of your abdominal muscles, lift your body up, as if trying to reach your elbows with your toes, but do not push off right hand from the floor. Hold at the top of the exercise for 5-10 seconds, feeling the tension in your abs. Perform 5-7 repetitions, then switch sides. Only 3 approaches.

Keep your body as straight as possible, while looking down and keeping your abdominal muscles tense. It is important not to raise your buttocks too high - for this you need. Stay in the standing position for 20-30 seconds, take a break for 30-60 seconds. Perform 3 sets.

5. Exercise “Scissors”

Lying on your back, arms crossed and placed under your buttocks. Using the strength of your abdominal muscles, lift your outstretched legs, then begin to make alternating movements with them left and right. Move your legs slowly, feeling that your body is supporting their weight with the force of your abs. Perform 10-12 times, 3 approaches in total.

Slowly move your clasped hands to the left, while pulling your right leg towards you. Hold at the extreme point for 5-10 seconds, feeling the burning sensation in your abs, then return to the center, rest for 10-15 seconds and perform for the other side. A total of 1-2 approaches, 7-10 times on each side.

Lying on your back, extend your arms forward and lift your legs slightly. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your torso off the floor. Reach your fingertips towards your feet. Hold at the top of the exercise for 10-15 seconds, straining your abs, then take a break of 20-30 seconds. Only 3 approaches.

Tightening your abdominal muscles, point your knees towards your chest, trying to lift your lower back off the floor. Slowly lower your legs down, but do not place them completely on the floor. Perform 3 slow sets of the exercise for 10-12 repetitions. It is important to feel the burning sensation in the lower abdomen.

This exercise is performed almost last so that tired lateral abdominal muscles allow the rectus abdominis muscles to fully engage in work. Curl as slowly as possible, perform 3 sets of 7-12 repetitions each. Rest – 30-60 seconds.

Kneel down, supporting yourself on your hands. Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back. Hold the position for 15-20 seconds, stretching as much as possible and tensing your abs. Switch sides. Perform a total of 1-2 sets of 5-7 repetitions for each side of the body.

The first rule of six pack abs is low percentage. subcutaneous fat, achieved through fat-burning training and diet, rather than abdominal exercises. The abdominal exercises themselves can only help to develop the abdominal muscles and improve the actual shape of the abs.

I present to your attention home workout program for abs, without any equipment. It only takes about 20 minutes a day, done three times a week.

These simple home ab workouts focus on strengthening all your abdominal muscles. We designed this program so you don't need any exercise equipment at all!

Abdominal training at home performed three times a week, with at least one rest day in between workouts. Monday - Wednesday - Friday would be ideal. If your abdominal muscles are still sore from a previous workout, wait until the soreness subsides before your next workout.

Abdominal training program at home

Notes: twisting - hands on the sides of the head, gaze directed at the ceiling, then, raising the shoulders from the floor, bend the upper torso without lifting the lower back from the floor, exhale on the way up, hold the torso in the upper position for about 2 seconds. It is important to understand the mechanics of the exercise; you are doing a torso twist, not a torso lift!

Notes: watch how to properly perform a double twist in the video:

Note: The plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, so the most important thing is to hold the body correctly (and for as long as possible).

Let's see how to do the plank correctly:

Follow this program for three months and you will see the results of home ab workouts.

If you are ready to spare no time and money for the sake of 6 packs, check out the techniques that will help you get the desired relief. The exercises below for the abdominal muscles are designed for men and can be performed at home and on the street.

In the suspended position, the abdominal muscles, calves, chest, and sacral area are ideally pumped.

  1. lie down on the mat face down, lean on your elbows and toes;
  2. We stay static for 1 minute.

We gradually increase the time. We start with 3 repetitions.


We perform the following exercises from the position classic "plank":

  • The body is static, legs are spread apart. We jump up with our legs.
  • Leaning on your right forearm, extend your left hand upward and hold a short pause. We turn over and alternate hands.
  • Get into a side plank position, stretch your arm up, hold for 20 seconds at the height. Duplicate for the other side.
  • We bring the right leg forward to the wrist, pause. We return to the IP, change limbs.

We repeat 18 x 3. We increase the number of sets.

Exercises for pumping mainly the upper abs


  1. We sit on our backs, our feet resting on the floor.
  2. Hands behind the head or crossed over the chest.
  3. We strain our abdominal muscles and tear off our shoulder blades.
  4. With the left elbow we reach towards the opposite knee.
  5. Repeat with the right hand. (25 x 4).


We change the position of the legs. We raise them perpendicular to the floor, crossing our feet. The lower back is pressed to the surface. We continue to work using identical technology.


  1. We stretch out into a string, pull our hands behind our heads.
  2. As you exhale, simultaneously raise your torso and limbs, fold at the waist, and touch your toes.
  3. Pause for a second, straighten up (20 x 4).

We keep our legs and arms suspended all the time. After 1 set, we attach weights to the wrist.

Exercises with an emphasis on the middle abs

All abdominal muscles work.

Leg Raise

  1. We lie down on the mat, bring our legs together, place our arms parallel to the body.
  2. We raise the lower limbs perpendicular to the floor, lower them down, and leave them suspended.

Repeat 20 x 3.

  1. From this position, bend your knees at an even angle.
  2. We grab them with our hands, pull them towards the chest, trying to touch the chin.
  3. The lower back is pressed tightly to the surface.
  4. Only the shoulder blades come off.

25 x 3.

Dumbbell row to the waist in a lying position

Loads the upper and middle abs.

  1. We put the shells on the floor, grab them with our palms, and get into the “plank” position.
  2. As you inhale, lower your body down and move the weight with your right hand to your waist. We do not unfold the dumbbells, we monitor the tension of the core.
  3. As you exhale, take IP.

We perform a series for the left, then the right sides.

Pull dumbbells to the waist while standing:

  1. Let's take a classic stance.
  2. We squeeze the shells with our palms.
  3. We bend forward, hanging our hands down.
  4. With a tense press, we raise our elbows to shoulder level and lower them. During work, the lower back is static (20 x 3).

Side Press Exercises

The exercise strengthens the oblique muscles.

  1. We lie sideways on the bench, clasping the back of our heads with intertwined fingers.
  2. Half of the body is hanging down.
  3. To maintain balance, please hold your feet. As an alternative, we put our feet under an interior object.
  4. Raise the torso on both sides 25 x 3.

Bends with a load

Suitable for people with pumped lower back.

  1. We stand in IP, place the bar on the trapeze.
  2. Leaning deeply, we perform 17 bends in both directions.
  3. We linger at the bottom point, feeling the tension in the side. We monitor the straight position of the body.

Complication. We bend forward with abdominal crunches. The left elbow faces the right knee and vice versa. Instead of a barbell, you can take heavy dumbbells.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

The next series of abdominal exercises for men is designed for fans of street training. Ideally pumps the abdominal muscles, thighs, buttocks, deltoids.

Let's imitate a frog:

  • hang on the bar with bent legs;
  • we pull them up exclusively with the help of the press;
  • We remain static to the point of discomfort.


  1. We perform slow leg lifts using the abdominal muscles.
  2. While hanging, we raise straight limbs horizontally, keeping them suspended as best we can.
  3. Having mastered the technique, we pull ourselves up in this position.

"Windshield wipers."

  1. Raise the lower limbs at an angle of 45 degrees.
  2. We unfold them left and right.

The oblique muscles are optimally loaded.

"Bicycle", "scissors" on weight

These exercises are familiar to everyone, but I rarely perform them on the horizontal bar. Great the inner side of the thigh and abdominal group are worked out.

  • While hanging on the horizontal bar, we turn the “pedals” or imitate scissors, throwing our legs over one another with a wide swing.
  • Now we raise our limbs up as much as possible. Having reached the top point, we draw a semicircle with them.

If you bend them, it will become easier to work. We gradually increase the amplitude of the swings.

We choose the number of approaches ourselves. We focus on the burning sensation in the muscles.

The effect is achieved gradually. We start with 8 times, reach 25 times in 2-4 approaches. We rest for half a minute between sets.

Pull-ups on parallel bars

We consolidate the effect.

  1. The palms are fixed on supports.
  2. As you exhale, raise your limbs to waist level. If it is difficult to keep your legs suspended, bend them and pull your knees towards your chest.
  3. We lower it slowly.

The number of repetitions is 18-20. Gradually add weight, bringing it up to 20 kg.

To make cubes appear, we dry the body. We start the program with an intense 20-minute cardio workout and end with abdominal exercises.

If you perform half of the exercises for the abdominal muscles from the presented techniques 2 times a week for several months, switch to a diet rich in protein, your sculpted stomach will resemble a washboard.

Pumped abdominal muscles are one of the most desirable body parts for every athlete. It seems like everyone wants them, but only a few have them. Do the following exercises and your stomach will turn into stone abs!

Athletes work their butts off in the gym doing countless sit-ups and crunches, only to end up with sore muscles and diminished motivation.

Some people don’t worry about them at all and practically don’t develop them, remembering them only at the end of the training.

The abdominal region includes a number of important muscles. Not only does it provide balance, but it also redistributes tension and stabilizes the entire core while lifting weights. If the abdominal muscles are pumped, the body can put more force into, for example, a squat and hold the load almost like a weight belt.

The next time you bench press, tighten your abs a little and keep them that way throughout the lift—you'll be surprised how much your abs will help you with this exercise.

Abs cubes are a sign of a harmonious physique

So, not only are your abs an important part of the other exercises in your program, they also play a major role in bodybuilding.

A competitive bodybuilder must have an excellent set of abdominal muscles in order to place on the podium. From an aesthetic point of view, the abdominal muscles attract attention above all, since they should present a proportional and harmonious physique. Additionally, abs with six-pack abs show that the athlete is in great shape and help showcase a V-shaped torso.

If you stick to a healthy eating plan and a comprehensive workout regimen, sculpted abs can become a reality for you. Despite the fact that in this article the main emphasis is on the training regimen, proper nutrition is also an important factor in creating impressive abs. You can't just do countless squats and leg raises and expect amazing results.

Developing no other part of the body requires such discipline, but then people around you simply won’t be able to take their eyes off your abs.

A little anatomy

The abdominal muscles are made up of several sections that compress, stretch, twist, and stabilize the core area. They are located in front on the sides on the lower torso, starting at the chest and continuing along the pelvis. Let's look at each muscle and its function separately.

Rectus abdominis muscle
These are those same coveted six “packs” - although the muscle has more than six heads. It bends the spine and brings the chest and pelvis closer.

Transverse abdominis muscle
This muscle is a deep muscle and is located under other muscles that are necessary for core stability.

Internal and external oblique muscles
Diagonal muscles, which work when turning the torso and stabilize the abdominal area.

Pump up ripped abs!

Now that you know about anatomy and movement mechanisms, let's figure out how to pump up your abs. The movements and exercises presented are designed to get maximum results every time you visit the gym.

Remember to always use proper technique and not lift too much weight to risk your safety. When performing any abdominal exercises, make sure you constantly control the movement (concentric and eccentric) to avoid “idle” repetitions.

Twisting and lifting the body from a lying position

The standard crunch is performed while lying on the floor, feet flat on the ground, and arms either crossed in front of you or behind your head. Bend your upper body towards your knees, while keeping your lower back off the ground, just top part torso. Squeeze your abdominal muscles and exhale as you rise. Hold this position for a second, then return to the starting position, keeping your abdominal muscles tense.

To perform sit-ups, take the same starting position, then lift your entire upper body toward your knees. Return to the starting position. Try to use your abdominal muscles rather than your lower back when lifting.

There are many various types this exercise, such as crunches on an exercise ball, with your feet on a bench and a small plate on your chest for weight.

Another way to perform weighted crunches: Lie on the floor with your head toward a rope harness on a low pulley and pull the weight as you lift your body. Make sure you keep the ends of the rope on either side of your head as you twist.

A great way to make the sit-up more challenging is to do it on a bench with a negative incline while holding a weight plate with your arms crossed over your chest. This is quite difficult, so try it with light weights first.

Leg raises

Leg raises are performed while lying on your back on the floor, with your arms slightly out to the sides and your palms flat on the floor for support. Keeping your feet together, lift them with your knees slightly bent until they are almost perpendicular to the floor. Lower your legs to the starting position, without, however, touching your heels to the floor, and repeat the exercise.

Advice: To make it more challenging, perform leg raises on a bench with a negative incline. This will allow the range of motion to be wider and the muscle contraction will be more intense and effective.

Straight or bent leg raises in a hanging position are two more exercise options for pumping up the steel muscles of the lower abs. While hanging on the bar, raise your legs straight or bent at the knees in the same way as in a lying position until they are parallel to the floor. Lower your legs. When lifting bent legs, lift your knees towards your stomach and lock. Lower your legs to the starting position.

Side crunches

Lie on the floor on your side with both hands behind your head and, if necessary, use a footrest to stabilize your lower body. Lift your body to the side without lifting your hips off the floor. Fix your body position at the top point for a second, then return to the starting position. Don't lie down. Switch sides and repeat the exercise.


One of the most effective exercises Of the entire complex for the press (especially for the oblique muscles) is the “bicycle”. It is quite complex, but if performed correctly it can guarantee excellent development of all abdominal muscles.

Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, lift your legs slightly off the floor. Start alternately reaching your elbows towards your knees. Rotate your torso so that your left elbow reaches your right knee and vice versa. Continue the exercise without your shoulders touching the floor. Squeeze your obliques with each contraction.

Advice: You can make it more challenging and isolate one set of oblique muscles by focusing on one side first, then the other. Just complete all reps on one side first and then on the other.

Russian crunches

This exercise is not for the faint-hearted. Sit on a Roman chair or negative incline bench with your upper body lifted off the surface.

With straight arms, hold a medicine ball or pancake in front of you. Start doing upper torso crunches, first to one side (as far as you can), then to the other. Continue the exercise at a slightly slower pace. Sudden jerks can lead to lumbar injuries.

Advice: For those who find it difficult to perform an exercise with a ball or pancake, you can simply clasp your hands in front of you and continue to act in accordance with the standard technique. This way you can strengthen your muscles in order to move on to weighted crunches in the future.


This exercise does not involve any movement and is used to strengthen and develop deep muscles. This stability exercise is used primarily to tone the transverse abdominis muscle.

Just take a lying position, just lean not on your palms, but on your elbows. Draw in and tighten your abdominal muscles to engage your internal muscles. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then rest - this will count as one set.

"Side plank"

Like a regular plank, this exercise develops the internal muscles, but only on both sides for lateral stability. Without bending your body, lie on your side, prop yourself up on your elbows, and keep your feet together. You can place your other hand on your waist or side. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.

Advice: To make the exercise a little more challenging, try slowly switching from a side plank to a regular plank as you move to the other side. Make sure your body is aligned and perform the exercise smoothly and at an even pace.