What bedding is according to Feng Shui. Correct selection of bed linen according to Feng Shui

14.07.2019 Career and Work

Improves mood and quality of rest. Bedroom sets (sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers, bedspreads) are made from various materials; they can be plain, colored, with a pattern or a theme.

It is known that color affects the human psyche. For example, red excites nervous system, and black depresses and calms. That is why the color of bed linen is chosen not only in accordance with a person’s taste, but also takes into account the impact on the emotional sphere.

Symbolism is also important. For example, in the eastern practice of Feng Shui, all colors have their own specific meaning and are tied to the corresponding elemental element. Some can bring happiness and love into life, while others are contraindicated for use in the bedroom.

What is Feng Shui

East is a delicate matter

Feng Shui is an eastern practice of organizing space. Using this art, you can build a house energetically correctly and design the layout of rooms. For classical Feng Shui, only the movement of Qi energy is important - the fundamental vital substance that fills the Universe and all living things.

However, in modern practice, it is customary to interpret Feng Shui as a certain way of arranging life and home with the help of various amulets, personification of natural forces, dividing housing into thematic zones of family, wealth, love and health.

For example, according to Feng Shui, a bedroom should not be a walk-through room; mirrors opposite the bed and bodies of water (aquariums and fountains) should be avoided - violation of these rules can lead to energy congestion and poor health. The right color of bed linen (as well as the interior as a whole), on the contrary, will provide a surge of strength, good mood and even establish healthy marital communication.

Color in Feng Shui is most often associated with one of the symbolic elemental elements:

  • Tree – represents life, path and growth (green and purple).
  • Fire – development (red and orange).
  • Earth – stability and reliability (yellow and brown).
  • Metal – decline and hardness (white, gray and gold).
  • Water – the end and beginning of the cycle, movement (blue and black).

Fire and water symbolize Yin (north) and Yang (south) - the feminine and masculine principles. Wood, earth and metal can be expressed as either Yin or Yang, depending on the cardinal direction in which these elements are activated:

  • earth (Yin) – southwest;
  • earth (Yang) – northeast;
  • tree (Yin) – east;
  • tree (Yang) – southeast;
  • metal (Yin) – west;
  • metal (Yang) – northwest.

Elemental color is of great importance. For example, a person born in fire year and resting on red sheets will awaken passion and irritability and will not get enough sleep. A water person under the influence of blue and cyan colors will become passive.


White color is not used in its pure form

The color of perfection, purity and spirituality. Includes the entire range of colors. Represents the element of metal. Traditionally in China, white is a mourning color, symbolizing death and the other world. It is ideal for bed linen if the owner is a freelancer and likes to work at home and spends a lot of time in the bedroom. The use of color helps to activate financial well-being and success.

A bed with white linen is placed in the west of the bedroom or in the northwest - these are directions associated with the element of metal.

Images suitable for decorating a white set:

  • circles;
  • crescents;
  • coins;
  • metal objects;
  • "Money Tree".

According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to use only snow-white linen - it weakens you energetically and promotes the outflow of vitality. It is best if the color is present as inclusions or ornaments. A reasonable amount of white neutralizes negative energy, calms you down, and helps you wake up quickly and easily.


The color of joy and energy. Represents the element of earth. A bed with a yellow bedding set is located in the southwest or northeast of the room.

Promotes physical and mental activity. It is not recommended to use deep yellow bedding - a person will think a lot about problems, and the head must be cleared before going to bed to calm thoughts. Too much yellow can cause stagnation in romantic relationships. Bright patterns on the sheets and duvet covers are recommended for a children's room.

Suitable images:

  • crystals;
  • gems;
  • landscapes;
  • geometric square patterns.

The following color options are beautiful and comfortable: honey, soft golden, noble copper. Warm shades help calm the nervous system and relax, as well as recover from illness.


Green is the color of balance and harmony

The color of harmony, balance and tranquility, promotes the development romantic relationships. The use of green color helps to calm down and discard unnecessary thoughts before going to bed. A green bedding set is ideal for a children's room, where it is necessary to balance activity, as well as for an adult bedroom, if a person wants to fully rest and relax.

Green is the color of the wood element, suitable for use in the eastern part of the room. Recommended ornaments and designs:

  • leaves and flowers;
  • trees;
  • green landscapes;
  • bamboo shoots.

One of the few colors that can be used in its pure form. However, the abundance of green in the interior can awaken groundless expectations and unnecessary idealism.


Brown is the color of earth

The color of confidence and tradition, belongs to the element of earth. Light brown is a lighter option, while a rich shade can evoke negative thoughts. Bed sheets Brown can become a bright accent in the bedroom interior. Soft shades can relieve fears, calm, and fight the effects of stress.

The following images are suitable for decorating brown bed linen:

  • squares;
  • landscapes;
  • imitation stone.

Brown also helps strengthen love and make relationships more stable. Suitable for use in the southwest and northeast of the room.


Red is the color of success and good luck

Traditionally, in Chinese culture, red is the color of success and good luck. On holidays, bright aerial lanterns are launched into the sky; the bride and groom also wear red clothes at weddings. Color activates vital energy, promotes movement and the emergence of passion, personifies the element of fire, a very strong natural element.

Suitable pictures:

  • geometric pointed patterns and triangles;
  • image of a flame or candles;
  • sun (sunrises and sunsets);
  • Phoenix.

It is best to apply color in the south of the room. Red bed linen is used in cases where they want to restore the relationship to its former sensuality. If there is too much color, people under its influence can become aggressive and quarrelsome.


Another fiery color, symbolizes the forces of creation, as well as action and freedom. Orange helps cope with fears and bad moods. Increases feelings of independence and pride, so is not recommended for married couples who need loyalty to each other and an open relationship.

Orange is best used as accents and decorative elements. Bed linen will be decorated with:

  • orange flames;
  • firebirds;
  • triangles;
  • sunset.

Excessive use of orange will lead to unnecessary activity, and the bedroom is meant for relaxation. The appropriate side of the world is south.

Gray and silver

The color of rigor, stability and isolation, embodies the element of metal. Suitable for “male” interiors, for the rooms of young men and bachelors. The predominance of gray color can suppress bright emotions and ruin a good mood. Gray is good as accents.

Suitable textures and patterns for decorating a bedding set:

  • rounded geometric shapes;
  • partial moon (crescent);
  • money symbols.

Light gray sets made of glossy “metallic” fabrics - satin or satin - are also suitable. Gray color will help enhance financial well-being if used in the western or northwestern zone of the room.

Blue and cyan

Blue and cyan colors are calming

Calms and harmonizes, personifies the moving element of water. Blue is not suitable for soft and spineless people, because it enhances the negative aspects of this character trait. A bedding set of this color will help you rest, relax, and put your thoughts in order before bed.

Blue is a more active and rich color, reduces reaction speed, and helps you fall asleep faster. The color of contemplation, in large quantities can cause melancholy and depression, therefore it is recommended as accents and decorative touches.

Blue and light blue bed linen is decorated with the following images:

  • waves;
  • fish;
  • wavy geometric patterns;
  • seascapes;
  • rivers and waterfalls.

Water is considered the primary element that gave birth to all others. This element is a conductor of Qi energy, which is extremely important in Feng Shui, and also personifies the feminine principle of Yin. It is best to use blue and cyan in the north of the room.

Violet or magenta

Purple color for linen

The color of nobility and divine presence helps to balance the spiritual and physical principles. A creative and mystical color, suitable for relaxation and meditation. When choosing bed linen, preference is given to delicate lavender and lilac shades.

The color represents the tree, so the following drawings are suitable:

  • flowers and herbs (heather, violets, irises, wisteria, hyacinths);
  • geometric patterns of rectangles, ascending lines;
  • landscapes.

Purple is an active color; too much of it will not allow you to relax and will cause irritation. The corresponding application area is southeast.


Black cannot be abused

Surprisingly, according to Feng Shui tradition, black represents water. This is a symbol of the unidentified and mystical night world, the starry sky. Despite the apparent gloom, it is a calm color. It helps to slow down the movement of energies, calm down and fall asleep. Black is a symbol of the feminine essence of Yin.

Successful decorative solutions:

  • smooth wavy lines, abstract patterns;
  • night landscapes with the moon;
  • black and white fish prints;
  • traditional Chinese landscapes in black and white.

Black color is very practical, but don't go overboard. An excess of dark shades is depressing, causing melancholy and gloomy feelings. Ideally balanced with white, gold or silver, or used as accents. The appropriate side of the world is north.

According to Feng Shui, you can use many different colors for bedding. They all have positive characteristics, but, while predominant, they also exhibit negative traits. The art of Feng Shui helps to achieve harmony and prepare space for the movement of energy, therefore the colors in the interior should interact, intersect, and complement each other.

Feng Shui is a Chinese practice, so to achieve the absolute effect, it is better to use smooth and durable cotton fabric with a plain weave.

All these materials fit pleasantly to the body and contribute to complete relaxation. A well-chosen color scheme and decorative elements will help turn a bedding set into a bedroom decoration.

Color can calm, attract love, success, creative inspiration and good thoughts.

The connection of the color palette and natural elements in Feng Shui turns ordinary sheets and duvet covers into symbols, filling images and details with meaning.

The ancient art of Feng Shui consists of thousands of nuances, which are quite difficult for an unprepared consumer to learn and put into practice in full. But there are a number of simple recommendations, following which you can bring harmony to personal life, feel more energetic and better.

Bed linen color

Feng Shui pays special attention to the color of linen. In a small bedroom, light-colored bedding will visually increase the free space. In spacious rooms you can use darker colors. But do not overdo it, because, according to Feng Shui, a black or dark blue bed has a Negative influence per person, gives a feeling of fatigue, lethargy, and can cause apathy.

“Yin” colors (green, purple, pink) give a feeling of peace and relaxation. Shades of “Yang” (yellow, beige, lilac, golden) charge with vital energy and promote a positive attitude.

Red symbolizes activity and passion, but it is not suitable for everyday relaxation, as this is fraught with insomnia. Lingerie in this color is ideal for special occasions, such as a romantic night.

Drawing on bed linen

When choosing colored pillowcases, duvet covers and bedspreads, it is advisable to pay attention to their pattern. According to Feng Shui, predators imprinted on bedding are a symbol of danger, which may not have the best effect on your night's rest.

Images of water and everything connected with it look very impressive, but they do not guarantee healthy sleep. Therefore, it is better to refuse underwear of this color.

Longitudinal stripes on bedding can cause discord in relationships. The drawing is symbolic: the stripe seems to separate the partners.

Images in the form of Chinese characters can also cause a negative effect, because each written character has its own meaning, the essence of which is unknown to most consumers.

The calmer and more neutral the pattern, the deeper and more complete the rest.


Feng Shui masters strongly recommend promptly and without regret getting rid of faded, worn out or torn bedding, because negative energy accumulates in them. According to Feng Shui, the bed should be changed even after breaking up with a partner, because saturated with his energy, it becomes an obstacle to a new romantic relationship.
And further. You should never quarrel in bed or cry into your pillow, because the bed will absorb all this spilling out negativity.

Your bedroom is ideal place for relaxation, because it is behind its doors that we leave the bustle of the day, our worries and annoying problems. When you walk into your bedroom and look at your bed, what emotions come to you? This could be complete calm or a surge of strength, apathy or unpleasant anxiety. Did you know that the cause of a particular reaction may directly depend on the color and design of the bed linen?

Colors of bed linen sets:

White bed linen.

Black bed linen.

Red bed linen.

Orange bed linen.

Green bed linen.

Blue bed linen.

Blue bed linen.

Purple bed linen.

Pink bed linen.

Brown bed linen.

Yellow bed linen.

Feng Shui in choosing the color of bed linen.

Fans of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui know that color therapy is an integral element of it. All colors are divided into yin and yang.

Yin colors

Yang colors– these are the colors that charge with energy and give positivity: beige, yellow, golden, orange, red, burgundy, brown and lilac. You can rely on any approach in choosing your bedding. But the confirmation of the correctness of your choice will be the comfortable state on this bed linen and your cheerful and high spirits in the morning!

Color therapy. How to choose the color of bed linen.

Color therapy. How to choose the right color of bed linen.

Your bedroom is an ideal place to relax, because it is behind its doors that we leave the hustle and bustle of the day, our worries and annoying problems. When you walk into your bedroom and look at your bed, what emotions come to you? This could be complete calm or a surge of strength, apathy or unpleasant anxiety. Did you know that the cause of a particular reaction may directly depend on the color and design of the bed linen?
According to Canadian scientists, most people are visual learners, that is, vision is our main channel for receiving information. A person experiences certain unconscious emotions when surrounded by objects with a certain color and a certain pattern.
Knowing these features of the influence of colors and patterns on the psyche, you can easily create the ideal and necessary atmosphere in your bedroom.
Nowadays, thanks to the wide selection of bedding, it can be difficult to decide on your preference. Someone chooses, taking into account only their own opinion, color preferences or fashion trends. There are people who try to choose bedding strictly according to Feng Shui.
So it turns out that, as many people as there are, there can be as many ways to choose underwear. We invite you to understand exactly how the color of your underwear affects your rest, well-being and sound, healthy sleep.

Colors of bed linen sets:

White bed linen. White color represents purity and peace. This color is considered neutral, because classic white bed linen suits everyone without exception. White color enhances your energy, calms you down and helps you cope with insomnia.
Black bed linen. Black is a deep and sexy color of luxury. It is bright and dark at the same time, giving you an influx of energy. Black bed linen is not suitable for everyone, but if you have chosen black bed linen and feel comfortable in it, then the depth and brightness of this color will give you an unforgettable experience.
Red bed linen. Red color is preferred by active and energetic people, because this color has a bright and emotional impact. Red color helps stabilize heart rate and reduce blood pressure. This color protects you from fears and anxiety, charges you with positivity and energy. Setting a romantic mood and creating intimacy, the red color of bed linen will allow you to push all worries far beyond the bedroom. No wonder it is the color of passion and fire.
Orange bed linen. Orange is a softer color than red. Orange bed linen improves mood and helps cope with sadness and depression. This positive color will give you a feeling of confidence and optimism. Don’t be afraid of this bright and rich color, because when you wake up in such a bedroom, you will definitely receive a guaranteed dose of positive mood.
Green bed linen. Green color is famous for its calming properties. Green bedding will give you a feeling of freshness and unity with nature, will help you relax as much as possible, relieve stress and muscle tension, waking up rested and invigorated.
Blue bed linen. Tibetan doctors call blue the color of blissful sleep. Bed sheets blue color calms and relaxes you, gives happy dreams, has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Blue color also heals the body, helping to relieve your throat, nasopharynx and Airways from various inflammatory diseases.
Blue bed linen. Blue color Your bed linen will give the bedroom nobility and sophistication. Blue bed linen will help you completely relax your body and mind, achieving peace of mind. Blue color relieves nervousness and fear, creating an atmosphere of security. Underwear of this color helps lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on vision and sleep.
Purple bed linen. The color of purple bed linen is chosen by dreamers and philosophers. In the bedroom with such linen you will have colorful, bright and extraordinary dreams. Use purple bedding sparingly, and then it will give you peace of mind after a hard day, giving you vitality.
Pink bed linen. Pink is considered the color of tenderness and desire. Bed sheets Pink colour improves your mood, it will give you a feeling of carefree and comfort. It is customary to give sets of pink bed linen to newlyweds, because this color conveys all the tenderness and depth of their feelings.
Brown bed linen. Brown is the color of strength, reliability, common sense and practicality. Brown bedding will give you a feeling of warmth and stability, comfort and trust, calm and vitality. It is predominantly a masculine color.
Yellow bed linen. Yellow is the positive and bright color of the sun. Bed sheets yellow color will give you strength and vigor, warmth and good mood. Thanks to such underwear you will radiate positivity, illuminating the world with your smile. Yellow tones perfectly strengthen the nerves and help cope with depression.
You can choose and buy bedding sets of any color that suits you in the catalog of the ElitePostel online bedding store.

Feng Shui in choosing the color of bed linen.

Fans of the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui know that color therapy is an integral element of it. All colors are divided into yin and yang.
Yin colors– these are colors that can give relaxation and peace: black, white, blue, purple, pink, green.
Yang colors– these are the colors that charge with energy and give positivity: beige, yellow, golden, orange, red, burgundy, brown and lilac. You can rely on any approach in choosing your bedding. But the confirmation of the correctness of your choice will be the comfortable state on this bed linen and your cheerful and high spirits in the morning!

Harmony and bringing into balance the energies that fill our home is the main task of feng shui, which provides us with health and well-being, and leads to positive changes in our entire life. There's a reason why the bedroom and bed are key areas of the home where clear guidelines and recommendations are always given, and failure to follow them can have serious consequences for your health, relationships and overall well-being. After all, during sleep we are most vulnerable and susceptible to the influence of negative energies, if any in our environment. Therefore, if you are not yet familiar with these important recommendations, you should start with them - how to do it correctly and why it is important to pay attention to it.

And in this article we will look at another important nuance that also affects the quality of our sleep, and therefore our well-being and emotional state, which, unlike other factors that we may not see or realize, has close contact with our body and consciousness. It's about about bed linen, its colors and textures, as well as their effect on us during sleep.

When choosing bed linen, we are primarily guided by visual perception and this is not surprising. After all, first we see an object, react to its colors and listen to our own taste preferences and likes. And if among the presented assortment we see something that matches them and catches our attention, we are interested in its material and quality. In other words, it is the color that first of all attracts our attention, and the modern market is ready to provide a choice for every taste. Which, on the one hand, seems to be good, but on the other hand, the abundance of different colors, prints and designs are often not at all suitable for really good, productive sleep. And all this abundance and diversity leads to the fact that we forget to think that the choice we make should be based not only on visual preferences. And Feng Shui has specific recommendations in this regard - which colors and patterns are favorable and will contribute to relaxation and recuperation. And which ones are better to avoid, so as not to disrupt the recovery process that is so important for us and not lead to nervous and emotional disorders.

Among the colors that Feng Shui recommends avoiding when choosing bed linen are black, turquoise and blue. It is believed that these colors negatively affect our psycho-emotional state, causing a whole range of sad and depressive emotions and feelings that can lead to the development of various negative dependencies and addictions, which is precisely a sign of the desire to escape from the reality that brings them. This influence is also explained by the fact that these colors belong to the Yin Water element, which carries the energy of emotional lethargy, apathy, depression and despondency if it prevails. That is, by choosing linen in these colors, we ourselves oversaturate our bed with this energy. The same goes for images of water, no matter whether it is a sparkling waterfall or a beautiful mountain lake, or ocean waves reminiscent of relaxation.

The preferred colors for bedding are softer, muted tones and pastel shades. After all, it’s no secret that the brighter the color, the stronger its impact. This does not mean that you cannot use them at all and that you should immediately throw out all the laundry bright colors in your house. Such underwear can be used, but not often and not for long - literally a few days, and then replaced again with a more “calm” one. You can even use bright colors purposefully for a specific impact.

For example, Orange color fills and charges with energy and positivity, helps to get out of depression, so if you feel that you need to be filled with positive energies and get rid of sad thoughts, put this linen on for a few days until you feel better. It can also be used to enhance passion in a relationship, just like red underwear - it will help ignite the fire of feelings and desires, get a stagnant relationship off the ground, or help you finally move on to more active actions. The main thing is not to overdo it and not sleep on it all the time, otherwise it can, on the contrary, lead to sleep disturbances, insomnia, overexcitation, and, due to regular lack of sleep and shallow sleep, to various nervous disorders.

Images on bedding of any objects that carry the energy of activity and aggression are also undesirable. These include animals, especially aggressive ones, grinning, captured in a jump or any other pose - regardless of whether the animal is wild, or just a dolphin or a hamster, they carry the energy of life, movement, instead of peace and tranquility, which are necessary for good night. And more often such kits are purchased for children, although they are the ones who are more susceptible and can, after some time, become nervous, rude, and abrupt with their parents. If you notice such changes in the behavior of your children and have recently updated their bed linen, it is better not to go to extremes and change it.

This group also includes all moving objects, various vehicles, regardless of the elements through which they move - trains, planes, ships, cars, and even bicycles and roller skates. Carrying the energy of vibrant life, activity and psycho-emotional tension are megacities, skyscrapers and various popularly visited attractions. All of them can make sleep anxious and superficial, bring confusion to consciousness, and make awakening difficult.

In order not to attract outside connections into your life, and to avoid feelings of suspicion and unfounded jealousy in your soul, it is better not to use bed linen with images of people and flowers, especially in the marital bedroom. Although there may be questions and misunderstandings about the latter, especially considering that this is a very common print that looks beautiful and seems very suitable for bed linen. However, such underwear can awaken excessive sexual activity in one of the spouses, especially if these flowers are peonies, and lead to infidelity.

In general, it is better to choose underwear with calm patterns, smooth lines, openwork, curls and neutral patterns, avoiding sharp corners and arrows in the designs, as well as vertical lines that separate and cool partners towards each other.

As for the quality of the fabric, of course, preference should be given to natural fibers - cotton, linen, calico, satin, silk. Synthetic fabrics carry heavy energy and interfere with the beneficial rest of the body, poorly permeable to air and not absorbing moisture. And intimate relationships are affected by a lack of sincerity and depth. Even an admixture of synthetics in bed linen will negatively affect the body’s energy state and well-being, so it is better to choose linen made from 100% natural fabrics.

You should also not lose sight of the condition of the linen itself: it must be intact, without damage or patches - any, even small holes, sewn up with neat stitches will negatively affect relationships in the family and with your partner, making them tense and fragile. It is better to get rid of damaged linen, realizing that it took upon itself an energetic blow intended for you. Also, you shouldn’t “wear” it until it’s shabby - this will not bring anything good either to personal relationships or to well-being in general. Bed linen should be clean, tidy, intact and always well ironed, and then sleeping on it will contribute to deep, restful sleep and good health.

Read with this article

Chinese sages already knew what sheets and pillows should be like.

Feng Shui traditions: all about the harmony of color and space

For those who seek harmony according to the laws of the Celestial Empire, it is no secret that “fen” is translated from Chinese as “wind”, and “shui” is just “water”. But the wind carries water, and water is life, like the sun and like a dream, without which there is also no life.

Feng Shui is, in essence, the science of space and energy, the art of living in harmony with oneself and nature. Feng Shui practitioners paid great attention to the location of the home, its entrances and exits. Not everyone now has the opportunity to choose where their bedroom windows will look, but the ancient sages also left their secrets for such a case.

No sun - add colors and symbols: Yang and Yin colors

According to Feng Shui, no color is good or bad.. Every home and person has colors that will work for them. It is important to take into account only the elements and energies that govern our lives.

According to Chinese tradition, these are, first of all, yin and yang, which do not exist without each other. Yin is night, peace, femininity. Yang – light, fire, movement, masculinity. In addition, it is recommended to take into account elements such as water, earth, wood, fire and metal, which accompany each year of birth.

Yin flowers are considered:

  • blue and blue - give rest and relaxation;
  • black – wealth and profit;
  • green – growth and prosperity;
  • violet or purple - develops intuition and reveals internal reserves;
  • pink – symbolizes love and tenderness;
  • gray and silver - represent haze, fog and moonlight.

The yang color scheme traditionally includes:

  • white is equivalent to light and symbolizes purity, confidence and peace;
  • yellow is a symbol of the sun, joy, fun and good luck;
  • orange – charges with positive and creative energy;
  • brown and beige - associated with neatness, fundamentality and thoroughness;
  • red is the color of love, energy, passion, success and wealth.

Choosing warm shades

Red and gold, like its shades, have always symbolized wealth and prosperity in the Chinese tradition. But, if you want to choose the color of bed linen according to Feng Shui, then adherents of the teaching suggest being more careful.

The fact is that red color has a beneficial effect on the most different areas our life. It accelerates the movement of energy, excites and attracts. But if we are talking about the bedroom, then this color is recommended to be used in limited quantities. Let it be a better color of clothes that can be taken off...

Gentle and warm colors are preferred for the bedroom. However, not everyone chooses plain bedding. In this case, the bright colors of yang will only emphasize the tenderness and severity of yin. If we are talking about a matrimonial bedroom, then the set of linen should be paired.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, the colors black and dark blue are considered unfavorable for the bedroom. However, in combination with white they can form a very harmonious union. You just need to remember that red is like a color fire element, does not tolerate proximity to black, which is considered a symbol of water.

As for warm brown, which is considered a symbol of the earth, as well as neutral beige, they are not believed to do any harm.

Don't frighten the sleeping ones with a tiger

Ornament also plays an important role. There should be no fabrics with inappropriate patterns in the house, and especially in the bedroom. Sharp corners and other threatening motifs should be avoided.

In particular, the following are considered unacceptable:

  • images of rivers and stormy waterfalls;
  • wild animals;
  • galloping horses and other symbols and all kinds of movement (cars also fall into this category)

Feng Shui masters are confident that this kind of print on bed linen subconsciously brings confusion, increases aggression and can even negatively affect material well-being.

It is better to choose a calmer pattern with smooth rounded lines, herbal or floral patterns.

Let's think about the children

The interior of a children's room, and especially the color of bed linen, should not cause excitement and aggression. Pink, blue, beige, delicate light green and green have a calming effect. You can choose just white. After all, it also symbolizes purity of thoughts and innocence.

Children of the Internet era, from an early age, love to look at images that are sometimes aggressive in nature. “It is important that children are surrounded by objects and pictures that evoke only positive emotions and images,” writes Lillian May in her book “Feng Shui. Golden rules for the harmony of living space."

It's better to choose natural

Blankets and pillows with synthetic filling have gained well-deserved popularity. But hardly anyone will deny that the five elements identified by Feng Shui - water, earth, fire, wood and metal - still have their place.

Nobody has canceled porcelain, invented in China. And still nothing compares to down, shearling, cotton and natural silk.

In order not to attract negative energy into the house, Feng Shui practitioners recommend getting rid of old, worn-out things. If it's time to put patches on the sheets, then it's time to change them to new ones.

A little history

Feng Shui, as a set of knowledge that helps a person live in peace with the forces of the Universe, has been known in China for almost 4 thousand years. The first information about this system appeared in Europe and Russia only in the 19th century. Now it has become an addition to horoscope, numerology and other innocent hobbies. Moreover, Chinese “landscape art” often does not contradict common sense.

Meanwhile, Rus' also had its own system for arranging living space. Our distant ancestors believed in amulets and the existence of the spirit of fire, which they tried to pacify in the hearth.

No matter how things and their role in a person’s life change, regardless of national traditions, one thing remains the main thing: peace and comfort in the home, and of course in the bedroom, where people spend almost a third of their lives.