Taurus fire snake horoscope for the year.

24.09.2019 Animals

2017 promises many good things and interesting events for representatives eastern calendar- snakes, which is filled with both pleasant moments, both difficult and unpleasant.

Snake Woman: Horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Rooster, Snake women will turn out to be trendsetters. This is one of the important reasons why they are advised to give up the habit of spending a lot of time alone and get out into society more often.

The Snakes' ability to work will be increased, and personal charm will come to the rescue - there are good chances for career growth. But to do this, you will have to sacrifice your character a little - you should not conflict with colleagues and especially with your superiors. Mercantile interests require some skill in dissimulation. If you use them in moderation, there is nothing wrong with it.

On a personal level, Snake women have the right to hope for the support of loved ones in difficult situations. The year is also favorable for having children.

Although at the beginning of the year some Snake women may feel a loss of strength and mood, overall the year will be quite successful, and all efforts will be adequately rewarded.

Snake Man: Horoscope for 2017

In the foreground they will have such a quality as determination. Snakes will be full of interesting ideas, their plans will resonate with others and will be successfully implemented. This will require a lot of work, and perhaps a long-planned vacation will have to be postponed. But as a result, the Snake will experience significant success, for which it is worth trying.

Personal life will be almost cloudless. Snakes will receive the active support of loved ones in the implementation of all their plans. Those of them who are married will enjoy the love and respect of their spouse and children. Of course, minor quarrels cannot be avoided, but essentially these will be minor misunderstandings, and everything will be settled literally in minutes.

For better results, Snake men should remember that it is not always worth sharing your plans with the first person you meet. Sometimes it's better to hold your tongue.

Snake: Love horoscope for 2017

Snakes are serious people; many petty affairs rarely suit their interests. More often they are committed to a long-term romance or marriage, and expect affection, care and fidelity from their partner.

This will be the case in the year of the Rooster, and Snakes can expect to get what they want. A successful romance or a happy life awaits them family life provided that they are determined not only to enjoy communication with a partner, but also to give it.

The best option would be some kind of romantic surprise - a trip, a trip to the theater or restaurant, a gift with a hint. Snakes' partners will definitely appreciate this.

Snakes can count on the help and support of their partners, but they themselves must do the same. It will be useful for them to be interested in work problems and career growth spouses or lovers, actively participate in raising children and jointly solve everyday problems. This guarantees peace, harmony and mutual understanding.

Snake: Finance and career horoscope for 2017

The Snakes can’t count on stunning success, but overall it’s going to be a good year. It favors starting your own business - things will go well. In the service, it is better to maintain peaceful relations with colleagues and not rush up the career ladder too zealously - there will be no benefit. But conscientious work will allow you to get a promotion, although not a very significant one.

There is enough money for everything you need and for pleasant little things, but you need to spend it wisely. However, Snakes know how to do this. Problems are most likely at the end of the year, so it is better to have some kind of reserve for this case.

But what is contraindicated for Snakes in the year of the Rooster is debts. Moreover, you can neither give nor take. In both cases, losses and problems are possible. You also shouldn't allow yourself to be taken advantage of financially - not everyone who needs help really deserves it.

Snake: Health Horoscope for 2017

Snakes' immunity is low, so it will have to be maintained, otherwise a cold cannot be avoided. Problems with the thyroid gland are also likely.

You will definitely have to undergo treatment, and you don’t need to trust the “miraculous” remedies of your grandmother or friend. It is much safer to contact a specialist with your problem.

Snakes will need to strictly monitor their diet. It is undesirable to overload the body with fatty foods, but dairy products are recommended. Rest should be active. In summer you can go to the sea or go hiking. In winter - skiing or playing hockey.

The most common preventive measures are prescribed - a course of vitamins, stimulation of the immune system and consumption of vegetables and fruits.


Their intelligence will show itself in the best possible way. But you should avoid empty dreams and focus on practical things.


It's time for them to go to a psychic show - Taurus will suddenly discover the ability to guess the future. But the question arises: is this always good and is it always worth doing it out loud?

Snake Gemini

This is what you need. Balance and pragmatism will help you achieve significant success in the Year of the Rooster.


Rakov will find a verse of undignity. Their behavior will be unpredictable, their character will be eccentric, and it will be difficult for others to understand them.


They will turn out to be doubly dangerous. Moreover, a certain “poison” may appear in their character, which is usually not characteristic of Leos. Many old friends may be disappointed in them.


They will be the very charm, any company will strive to get them. But you should not count too much on their reliability and loyalty.


They are shown a pilgrimage to Tibet. Libra will be very interested in spiritual practices and will be able to achieve noticeable success in this area.


A very unsafe creature that it is better not to anger. But it makes sense to ask him for advice on a fashion purchase - the Scorpio-Snake’s taste will be impeccable.


A very unusual situation - Sagittarius, eternal adventurers, will turn into homebodies this year. You need to take a break from your exploits sometime.


These are, in principle, pleasant people, and even more so in the Year of the Rooster. Everyone can hope for their support and truthfulness in relationships.


Another surprise - those who would like to have a passionate romance should turn to Aquarius. There will be no better lovers this year.


Snakes are not characterized by suspiciousness, but it will seem to them that any of their endeavors are failures from the very beginning. You may experience several failures this year, but all of them will later turn out to your advantage, since you will not see true results right away. According to the Snake, it will change its skin all year, and only at the end will it be completely renewed and grow: mainly morally, but also the financial situation will be able to be corrected.

Horoscope for 2017 for Snake

Accustomed to lying and basking on a warm pebble, Snakes will be forced to actively move at the beginning of 2017. Since the Rooster is very active and fickle, laziness is alien to him, both in himself and in others. Therefore, he will strive to eradicate this deficiency in everyone he can reach. Of course, you can try to lie back from the turbulent changes, but life will still overtake you and you can achieve success only if you join this turbulent stream and swirl in the whirlpool of new events.

Speaking about novelty, first of all, it should be noted that Snakes need to renew not only their skin, but also their own content. It's time to gain new knowledge: courses, second (or first) education, new technologies and skills, advanced training. The greatest success will be achieved by those Snakes who can rebuild. That’s why it’s so important now to get as much theory as possible, which can then be applied in practice. It is also recommended to learn from experience from senior colleagues and comrades who can suggest a non-trivial way out of the current situation.

You will not be able to play the role of a wise adviser if you yourself do not gain this wisdom, so you will have to go out more often and communicate with people: meetings will be very useful both for your business events and in love terms.

But you still need to focus more on work. Several discoveries await you in this field:

  • Don't expect a promotion - even if you get a new position, moving up the career ladder will be very small.
  • Your colleagues don't gossip about you, they gossip in general. Do not be offended by those who offend you with words - they are just words. Only actions matter.
  • You will have to earn money; no bonuses or unexpected income are expected.

All this, of course, is not the best news for you, but look at it from the other side: you will finally be able to express yourself and your creative inclinations!

Yes, exactly creative ones, because the Rooster will provide the most support to those who show creativity and their talents to achieve their goals - in your case, making money. Of course, not every job can be creative. For example, it will be difficult for an accountant to use carving in his daily work, but no one is stopping you from making money from your hobby! If you have a favorite hobby, and you make something with your own hands no worse than factory crafts from China, it’s time to receive not only praise for it, but also financial rewards. Handmade is now not only in fashion, but also in price!

Take seriously the advice of the stars regarding money - you need to not only earn it, but also save it. It is better to postpone large purchases until the fall, and carefully monitor small ones. It will seem to you that you will attract more attention with a new suit, but believe me, it will be much more profitable for you to prepare a speech for a speech or acquaintance than a new outfit.

You need to invest money carefully. Usually your forethought and intuition tell you what to do, but this year it is better to back up your intuition with facts. Even if your best friend advises you to study the documents and investment prospects, you may be left penniless.

Don’t forget about your family: your significant other will be happy to receive cute little things as a gift - for any reason or no reason. But he won’t forgive you if you forget a memorable date: a first date, a kiss or a wedding anniversary. Mark these days on your calendar in advance to avoid getting into trouble. Also remember that nothing brings you closer together like a joint vacation, so send your children to their grandmothers a couple of times a month just to be together. You should forget about long trips - work won’t let you go - but something short-term is quite within your power.

Snake horoscope for 2017: woman

Snake women need to be very careful this year and check every step: you risk too much in case of failure. Know that only active actions will protect you from serious losses: Don't sit still, act if you feel threatened or in danger.

You should be afraid of financial collapse. If you don't get involved in time, you can become bankrupt in no time. What to do? Work! You need to not only fulfill your direct responsibilities and take on a little more - but only a little! Otherwise, all the lazy people in the area will dump their work on you. Conquer your natural laziness and do something extra. Perhaps you should think about working part-time or looking for another job that will bring in more income. An increase in salary or position is possible only by the end of autumn, and then only on the condition that you literally crawl out of your skin. To do this, you will also have to learn something new: master a related or new profession, attend trainings or seminars, webinars on the job - and you will earn additional points in your piggy bank. Become an almost indispensable employee and your superiors will appreciate it. Important: don’t get lost along the way good attitude colleagues. If you climb over other people's heads, you risk making enemies and slanderers. They can harm your progress. In addition, you are already quick-tempered and easily make ill-wishers for yourself without additional effort.

Another way to save money is to spend it sparingly. Make it a habit to take a limited amount of money with you to the store and leave your credit card at home. Only put in your shopping cart what is on your pre-made list and check the list three times at home, crossing off anything you can easily do without. Of course, you shouldn’t limit yourself completely, but you shouldn’t pamper yourself too much either. You will need the accumulated money: in the middle of summer an unexpected expense may occur that will seriously undermine your financial well-being, unless you take care of this in advance. And one more thing about credit cards - don’t borrow money and don’t lend it yourself. It will be very difficult for you to repay, and your debtor will disappear for a long time. long time, and you will lose not only money, but also a friend. As an option, borrow exactly as much as you don’t mind paying at all - and tell a friend about it. Your gesture will be appreciated.

Be more reserved in your family. The horoscope for 2017 for the Snake says correctly that the woman is very hot and quick-tempered. Don’t rush to sort things out in a raised voice; sometimes it’s enough just to listen to another opinion to resolve the conflict. In general, there is no need to draw hasty conclusions and suspect treason and betrayal at the first unanswered call. Your aggravated pathological jealousy can destroy even the most strong relationships– not every partner has enough patience for your scandals and attacks. Control yourself.

Good news for those who want to become a mother - the year is suitable for both conception and the birth of a child, but you are guaranteed a hormonal storm. Prepare for sudden mood swings. Your family will be afraid of you, don’t let this happen. It will be important for you to maintain a warm relationship with them.

Astrologers recommend that lonely Snake women not fall into despair and not try to replace quality with quantity. No one can resist your charm and ability to seduce, but this is not a reason to drag everyone into bed. A light affair or flirtation will bring you more satisfaction than a one-time relationship. But a serious romance can only begin closer to autumn.

Snake horoscope for 2017: man

The Snake man will be a real tempter - as in business sphere, so in love. You can make good money on intermediary services: you can persuade anyone, even an out-and-out skeptic, into the riskiest scam. But be careful, the demand from you will also be quite high. However, the risk will be worth it most of such transactions will be very successful for both you and the other two parties.

As for personal transactions, intuition will help you here: you can always smell a trick a mile away, and this year the Rooster will be on your side - he does not like scammers and those who are chasing easy money. But it won’t let you deceive anyone either. Immediately abandon the ideas of gambling and quick money: cards, roulette, bets - all this will be a loser this year. Therefore, you can only save in a legal way and thanks to your hard work. Well, maybe not so difficult, considering your gift of persuasion and hypnotic abilities.

When it comes to work, you're actually better off being diligent: both for your personal project and if you're working for someone else. This year, bosses value diligent and silent employees, so there is no need to give advice unless asked. Even if you see an error. It’s better to come up with a plan on how to get out of a difficult situation later. This way, you will not only prove yourself from the best side in front of management, but you will also be in a good light in the eyes of your colleagues: you will not cross the road with your advice.

If you are in the mood for a quick jump up the career ladder, know – not this year. You should focus on planning, generating new ideas and projects. And all of them will be fully implemented only next year, just like your promotion. Consider this year as a preparatory year: you are simply preparing a springboard for takeoff in advance. But next year you will receive real recognition, and not grains of it.

In relationships with your loved ones, everything will be smooth: your family understands how busy you are and won’t bother with advice and help, but will always provide it if you ask. Your parents won't bother you, but that doesn't mean they don't need you to be there for the holidays. You shouldn’t brush them off with a phone call; it’s better to visit them with the whole family on the weekend - make a surprise. You can also give your wife a surprise, and more than one: a trip abroad will not be possible, but you can relax somewhere closer. A country house or cottage by the river is also a good idea. When choosing gifts for your loved one, pay attention to something iconic, not expensive. Firstly, you need to save money, and secondly, she will appreciate it. You will feel that she is trying to make your life easier and do everything in her power to make you feel calm and comfortable at home. Most likely, you will be relieved of some household responsibilities. But don’t be too happy about it, it’s only for this year.

Your impulsiveness and attractiveness can be enhanced by the influence of the Rooster, who loves attention from women. If you already have a couple, don't look around too much; your fleeting affair could cost you your family. It is also not recommended to have office romances at work; you will fall sharply in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors, and you may lose your job if the relationship does not work out.

Single Snakes should carefully monitor their surroundings: your destiny is already somewhere nearby. It is this year that you can meet the one with whom you will be ready to live your whole life. The main thing is to notice her in time in the line of girls charmed by you. However, you will recognize her by her meek character and calm disposition.

Remember about your health - you are alone, and therefore stress less at work. This does not mean that you need to work half-heartedly, no. Just alternate work time with rest time, and don’t forget to turn off your phone on the weekends. And get enough sleep: normal sleep(doctors recommend eight hours) is the key to excellent mood and vigor from the very morning until late in the evening. Be careful when drinking alcohol: your health will be significantly damaged by excess. At parties, you just need to hold a glass in your hands, and no one will bother you with stupid questions.

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2017 will be very favorable for those born under the sign of the Snake. For such incredible luck, the Snakes should thank the patron of this year, the Fire Rooster, who definitely has a fondness for this sign eastern horoscope great sympathy. Success and luck will literally haunt everyone who really wants and tries to make their life much better.

The advantageous difference between the Snake and other signs of the eastern horoscope is its severity, sophisticated mind and elegance.

The presence of these and other advantages can help representatives of this sign receive the much-desired respect and recognition among colleagues. It is quite possible that those around you, without noticing it, will follow the direction given to the Snake. The rare ability to control the actions and thoughts of people cannot always be directed for good, however, in most cases it will be based on mutual agreement and will not cause the slightest harm to anyone.

About plans for next year Snakes most likely will not want to share with people around them, making an exception for those closest to them - their family members and friends. It is important to note that despite the fact that, for the most part, people born in the year of the Snake will outwardly look like inactive observers of ongoing events, they will not be deprived of their influence on the development of actions.

It is quite possible that in 2017, most Snakes will lead a relaxed lifestyle, not bothering themselves at work, and without any effort they will be able to get everything they want - thanks from management, monetary incentives and career advancement. It goes without saying that such privileges will only be earned by those individuals who in previous years worked tirelessly, thereby earning respect and trust from higher officials.

IN close surroundings Snakes will behave in a completely different way - they have an urgent need to share all their plans and decisions with family and friends in order to gain their approval. Having received support from like-minded people, those born under this sign will enthusiastically begin to implement all plans in which they will be given every possible assistance. But despite this, a small part of the Snakes will shun all support from their relatives, since they will want to comprehend the unknown through their own trial and error, in order to have a sufficient store of knowledge and skills in the future. Those who decide to separate and move through life on their own need to first develop their own strategy.

The stars recommend turning your attention to existing projects that can be improved in such a way as to get even more benefit from them. This advice has another significant advantage - investing Money investing in an already known enterprise significantly reduces the risk than spending it on something new and unknown. Last months years will be an excellent time to take stock. If we take the data from last and this year, then the Snakes will be able to quite clearly notice the difference in the income they receive, they will understand what they need to refine, improve and what to strive for in the future.

Luck will accompany the Snakes throughout the year, which passes under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. The main thing is that they must correctly distribute the strength and time they have available.

Among other things, the stars strongly recommend that the Snakes pay attention to their daily routine - they need proper rest to restore their strength, without which no one has ever managed to move mountains. You may also need to reconsider your diet - making it more correct and balanced.
In 2017, Snakes can get carried away with their plans for the future, since the financial reserves they have are capable of bringing many ideas to life.

Changes await those born in the year of the Snake in their personal lives - some will want to legitimize their relationships, while others will have a new addition to their family. The child will not only be long-awaited, but also, like many other things in the life of Snakes, planned.

Astrological forecast for snake men

In 2017, men born under the sign of the Snake will describe themselves as people who are confident in themselves and their actions. Men of this sign a large number of positive traits character, but their significant disadvantage is vindictiveness. They remember unpleasant things done to them for a very long time. A similar feature is characteristic of all those born in the year of the Snake.

In their career, snake men will strive for growth and independence. They will not want to obey not only people, but also circumstances. This desire of theirs is justified by another distinctive feature– the desire to protect your personal space from any possible penetration into it.

Such a desire can lead to a number of conflicts at work, however, they will have virtually no impact on your career or financial income. The sharp mind and observation skills characteristic of all those born in the year of the snake will help them to detect in time the issues that need to be resolved. Almost all snake men are workaholics, but despite this, they need very little time for complete physical and moral recovery; after a short rest, they are again full of strength and the desire to move forward.
The personal life of men of this sign in 2017 will be very stormy - one short, but passionate affair will be replaced by another. A series of these novels will bring the man fame as a ladies' man. But if he is lucky enough to meet his true love, then in a short time he will be transformed beyond recognition: he will become sensitive, tender with the soul of a romantic, striving to lay the whole world at the feet of his beloved.

What can snake women expect from the year of the Fire Rooster?

The star indicates that in 2017, for women born under the sign of the Snake, the already worsening developed intuition. Many representatives of the fair sex use such changes for their own benefit, to achieve their long-planned goals. Like men, women of this sign have an amazing vindictiveness; she will never forget even those failures that were committed completely by accident, although most likely she will pretend that nothing happened.

Many representatives of this sign will do their best to improve their financial and social situation. For the opportunity to purchase your favorites gems, appearing at social events, they will be especially meticulous in choosing a man for themselves, placing extremely high demands on candidates. If a man can justify the hopes placed on him, then he will be rewarded for this with the fidelity and devotion of his companion. In relationships, female snakes are very jealous - they will show with all their might and the methods available to her that the man next to her belongs only to her and she will not tolerate competition.

For wise and charming Snakes, the year of the Rooster will bring a lot of interesting things. The Red Fire Rooster adores Snakes, who are calm and calm, but at the right moment they will show their sting and hiss if necessary. To an ignorant person, Snakes may seem lazy, but the stars know that you are accumulating strength for the next breakthrough. In 2017, many Snakes will have good luck in the professional sphere - you can open your own business, the main thing is a thoughtful approach, but you will not have problems with this. In the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for snakes to improve their level of education - intelligence plus intuition, and now you are at the pinnacle of power.

In the love sphere, the Cockerel will not leave the cute Snakes - there will be many chances to meet the long-awaited soul mate. Snakes have the gift of clairvoyance, and it will not be difficult to discern the right person; if anything happens, the Red Rooster will point his wing at the chosen one. Family Snakes will enjoy ideal relationships with relatives. For many Snakes, the Cockerel crows about a new addition to the family - you can look for a dowry for the kids right now. Children born in 2017 will be unusual - little geniuses will begin to surprise happy parents from the first days of birth.

As for money, Snakes have no reason to worry - in the year of the Rooster, rain of money will become a frequent occurrence. Don't forget the saying - the more you give, the more you receive. It is not necessary to distribute capital left and right, but sometimes it is useful to engage in charity. In 2017, Snakes can make travel dreams come true - you are far from Fedor Konyukhov, but you will be able to visit a couple of exotic resorts. It is advisable to save wisely during the year of the Cockerel - you can buy an apartment, or invest in a profitable enterprise. Anything, just don't keep the packs under the mattress.

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Fire Snake

Years of birth: 1977.

The Fire Cockerel will favor Snakes from his element, and from the first days of the year you will feel his care. There will be many profitable offers, contracts will pour in like from a cornucopia, and business partners will line up to get an appointment with you. Success can turn the heads of Fire creatures - keep your eyes open, competitors are not asleep, and are waiting for your mistakes. The cockerel will rush to the rescue and peck the insolent ones, but it is better to save your strength for important matters. Fire Snakes can achieve success in creativity - the Rooster is delighted with your brilliant ideas and will help in any endeavor.

Fire Snakes are gentle creatures, and in the year of the Rooster you will be surrounded by fans who are ready to protect and protect you from adversity. Try to be more selective, the Rooster will weed out unwanted elements, but a couple of obsessive suitors may slip through. Although, what’s wrong with leaving the entrance and tripping over gorgeous bouquets, or waking up every night from the love songs of unlucky admirers and from the screams of neighbors. For family Fire Snakes, the situation in the Year of the Rooster is great - storks are flying in a race, have time to choose: a boy or a girl, or maybe you want twins at once?

Requests from the Fire Snakes will increase in the year of the Rooster, but don’t worry - there is enough finances, you will also share with the stars, thanking them for the good forecast. You won’t have to go to the owner of 2017 for advice - you’ll smell good deals a mile away, and if you’re sad, it’s only about where to spend it. Here acquaintances and distant relatives rush to the rescue - everyone urgently needs cool cars and gold jewelry. Be more selective - you need to help wisely. For the sake of an experiment, dress up in rags - everyone will instantly evaporate, and only those who care about you without any wealth will remain in your environment.

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Water Snake

Years of birth: 1953 and 2013.

Water Snakes in the year of the Rooster can leave problems in the past and begin to build their future. The cockerel will help in the professional sphere - Water creatures will instantly achieve recognition in the service if they stop being modest. Water Snakes are kind creatures - this will attract many things to life. positive people, but several enemies will also sneak in, so be careful. The Rooster respects Water Snakes for your desire for independence. For those Snakes who are tired of working for their uncle, the owner of 2017 will bring interesting business plans in his beak - forward, and with a song, luck is just around the corner.

In the love sphere, the Fire Rooster will inspire Water creatures to perform great deeds. Free Snakes will want something more - among your suitors there will be worthy contenders for the title of future marriage partner. Families created in the year of the Rooster will be strong and happy, and even if you don’t make it to the registry office, there is no need to worry - relationships with the opposite sex will be bright and romantic. Snakes who have been married for a long time will want to diversify their relationship with their chosen one - a flag, as they say, in hand, and a couple of magic feathers to boot. The Cockerel is not greedy these days.

With finances in 2017, everything is not easy, but Water Snakes have no reason to sadly curl up in a ball - there will be enough money for everything, the main thing is that you do not get confused in your desires. Suddenly you will want to have a luxurious sauna at your new dacha, and a day later you will start dreaming of a Cadillac. Be consistent, and everything will turn out great - here you will find entertainment, profitable deals, and pleasant purchases. By the way, finances will soon be needed for something more important - haven’t the stars yet announced a new addition to the Water family?

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Wood Snake

Years of birth: 1965.

The Fire Cockerel is delighted with Wooden creatures, he will take care carefully so as not to accidentally scorch your wooden backs with his flame. Don’t be surprised if in 2017, acquaintances who have achieved heights in the business world unexpectedly appear - the Rooster has done serious work with them, and the important guys will not leave you behind until you agree to a profitable cooperation. Don't want to leave your usual job? It doesn’t matter, the Rooster made a fuss here too - the Wooden Snakes will be the boss’s favorites, and your climb up the career ladder will soon begin.

Official matters will distract Wooden Snakes from love and romantic experiences, and one fine day you will be very surprised - a war will begin among fans for your attention. Some Wood Snakes will be so lucky that the Fire Lord of 2017 will be jealous of you - even he does not receive so many gifts. Family Snakes will bask in the love and adoration of their household members, but you also try and turn on your Wooden fantasy - your relatives will be happy with any surprise. In the year of the Rooster, you can think about heirs, the main thing is desire, and the Rooster will instantly wink at the right stork.

To succeed in the field of finance, it is advisable for Wood Snakes to trust their intuition - in the year of the Rooster it will go off scale. You can easily find projects that will bring good profits, but it is important not to forget about the right team. The Rooster will find a couple of smart and reliable lawyers, and you will have to deal with the rest yourself. Wooden Snakes are not fanatical about wealth, you earn money easily, and just as easily part with your capital - the money gods will appreciate this approach, and banknotes will come across your Wooden path quite often, and mostly green.

 Horoscope for 2017 for the Earth Snake

Years of birth: 1929 and 1989.

In the year of the Rooster, Earth Snakes can succeed in any business, it is only important to take the initiative. Don’t be afraid to constantly be on the front line - how could it be otherwise? necessary people will your Earthlings notice? The Fire Cockerel can shower your Earthen backs with multi-colored feathers, just to be safe, but it’s better to be more active. In 2017, Earth creatures will be full of ideas and plans - look for partners, and with the help of true friends you will quickly conquer any peak. The Year of the Rooster is also good for creative endeavors - Earth creatures will quickly figure out which activities will be most in demand.

Due to the eternal busyness in the service, Earth Snakes may begin to have difficulties with fans - suitors will begin to whine and overwhelm you with claims. Don’t be sad - the strongest admirers will endure, and among them you can choose a worthy candidate. It is better not to postpone the wedding ceremony - why wait until next year if during the reign of the Rooster you can create an excellent family. Those Earth Snakes who dream of heirs will be lucky in 2017. Even if all the storks go on vacation, the Rooster will change his plumage and personally deliver the bundle with the long-awaited baby.

But the babies need to be fed something, and toys need to be bought, and the nanny needs to be paid - the Earth Snakes hissed indignantly and began to think. Hide your discontent - won’t the Cockerel really take care of it? Finance will not sing romances or serenades; banknotes will rain down on you in an endless silent rain. But you will have to get off the stove, because rich business partners will not come to you in jeeps to crack the seeds and give a couple of billions for beautiful eyes. The Earth Snakes will have a dime a dozen side jobs and lucrative deals, the main thing is to look around carefully and notice the girl Luck in time.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Metal Snake

Years of birth: 1941 and 2001.

The Rooster will take Metal Snakes under his Fiery wing; you just need to look out more often and collect gifts. The organizational abilities of Metal creatures will be at their best in 2017 - authority in the team, favor with the boss and delight on the part of business partners: this is only a small part of the benefits that await you. For Metal businessmen and entrepreneurs, the green light will shine in the year of the Rooster - any business will lead to an excellent result. What about us? - the creative Metal Snakes will ask. Everything is in order for you - the Rooster personally laid out the red carpet, you can confidently move along the path to fame!

Disagreements may arise in the love sphere, but do not rush to show your Metal stings - there will be disagreements among fans who will begin to fight for your affection. Figure out what is more important - endless bright novels, or modest and sweet walks under the moonlight. The Fire Cockerel will create ideal conditions for the Metal Snakes - you can take a walk to the registry office if you wish, the owner of 2017 has agreed with the registrar, and you will be signed up without a queue. What can I say - the Rooster also held a meeting with the storks, so be prepared for sleepless nights.

Year of the Rooster - time money luck for Metal creatures. Snakes may be lucky in the lottery; don’t be lazy to buy a few tickets. Metal Snakes should be more careful with spending - two new computers are good, but TVs in every room, including the toilet, are already too much. Why don't you try yourself in a new activity - Metallic intuition will tell you the right decision, and your hobby can turn into a source of income. The local rich people in a panic ran to the Fire Rooster for advice, but you are his favorite, so everything is fine!

Horoscope for other eastern zodiac signs:

Years of birth of the Snake: 1941,1953,1965,1977,1989,2001

Lucky numbers: 1,2,4,6, 13,24,42,46

Western Astrology Equivalent: Taurus

Color: red

Celebrities born in the year of the Snake: Kim Basinger, Wob Dylan, Treasure Garbo, Audrey Hepburn, Liz Hurley, Wred Pitt, Brooke Shields, Oprah Winfrey


“Oh, it’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself” - if you live by this motto, you will not avoid a problematic romance and other disappointments. Don't despair, by summer everything will change - you will begin to look at life more realistically, get rid of oppressive relationships and will remain alone for some time. But autumn will bring a new meeting - do not miss your destiny.


Don't overload yourself at work, otherwise it will affect your health. Limit time for important things. In spring, positive changes in your life await you, and this will require a lot of strength. Summer will pass calmly, but in the fall it is better to take a break from the hustle and bustle, because at work your efficiency will be quite low.


The wisdom and intuition of the Snake this year will help her spend the year calmly and measuredly. Even noticeable success in business will not force the Snake to make any special efforts. At the beginning of the year, you shouldn’t put things off, solve them slowly, but bring them to the end. Otherwise, the delay may slow down other projects. In the spring, you may be drawn into behind-the-scenes intrigue. Remain indifferent to this mouse fuss, and then you will be a winner. At the same time, you have a chance to get promoted at work.


Spring and summer are a great time to realize professional ambitions, financial questions You should decide on your own, without relying on the participation of your partner - he may let you down. In the fall, the Snake may find an additional source of income to start his own business.

METAL SNAKE (1941,2001)

The Metal Snake is about to travel, where a holiday romance will certainly await her. And even if she stays at home on her vacation, she is still guaranteed a romantic meeting with an old friend or even a neighbor. Autumn will bring in daily life peace, stability and restraint of feelings.


The Water Snake is very sensitive. Passion usually guides her, and under its influence she can commit impulsive, rash acts. In the spring you will have to work a lot without feeling tired and without noticing problems with the digestive system. It's time to go on a diet!


This year you are guaranteed a lot of acquaintances and declarations of sympathy. Married couples are also not far behind, they will have the opportunity to start a new honeymoon. However, in the spring some details from the past may come to light and poison the entire romantic atmosphere. Admit your guilt and resolve conflict situation Once and for all.


In fact, you are just looking for how to add something new to your relationship with your partner. If you want to preserve an already established union, call on your imagination to help. After all, even without supernova ideas, you really have the power to make your relationship interesting for both.


Starting in the fall, your matters of the heart will intensify. You will experience unforgettable moments of bliss, although it may not be possible without suffering. But you won't complain, because you will be captivated by an exciting love game. If you are not married, then at the end of the year your personal life may undergo a number of shocks due to jealousy or stubbornness of a partner. In these moments, you will truly feel who you are dealing with, and you will finally decide whether this relationship has a future.

When working with a Bluetooth headset, you need to make sure that other people's devices do not cling to the laptop. This degrades the quality of communication.