What is the mystery of living nature? "Love of nature is the key to understanding the Universe"

19.09.2019 Trips

    What is a person?

    Man and his vital needs.

    Man and the basic order of his nature.

What is a person?

It would be more correct to pose the question not “What is a person?”, but “Who is a person?”, since a person is not a thing, and he cannot be defined in the same way, as is the case when defining products of nature or objects of production. However, a person is very often considered precisely as a thing when they say he is a worker, a doctor, a teacher, an engineer, etc., that is, a person is defined according to his social role, identified with his professional function in society.

But a person is not a thing, but a living being, which can only be understood in the long process of its development. At any moment of his life, he is not yet what he can become and what he may yet become. So a person is not a thing, but a certain process of life. The most important aspect in defining a person is that his thinking can be projected beyond the satisfaction of his needs. For a person, thinking is not the same as for an animal: it is not only a means of achieving the desired benefits, but also a means of discovering one’s own being in the world, regardless of attachments and aversions. In other words, a person has not only objective thinking, like an animal, but also a mind with the help of which he can comprehend the truth. If a person is guided by reason, then he must do everything for the benefit of himself, society, his essence, both physical and spiritual.

Since a person is not a thing that can be described from the outside, he can only be defined from the standpoint of the personal experience of humanity itself. And posing the question “Who is man?” inevitably leads to the question “Who am I?” And if we do not want to treat a person as a thing, then to the question “Who am I?” there is only one answer - Man.

a) Each person is focused on certain values ​​- social, moral, psychological and others. How do you know that the path along which this or that person is moving has been chosen by him seriously and for a long time, and that he will not turn away from this path under the influence of any circumstances? Is there such a moment in the process of life that should be considered the pinnacle, the culmination in the formation of personality, about which one can rightfully say that at this moment a person is exactly what he is, and now he will never become different? From a statistical point of view, of course, such a statement is possible about many people. But can this be attributed to every person until his death, and can he himself say to himself that he would not have become different if the vital conditions were different or if he had lived longer in the world?

Religious teachings telling about the creation of the world and man bring to the world the idea of ​​the divine origin of man, the presence in him of traits characteristic of God, because God created man “in his own image and likeness.” This situation obliges us to do a lot, but, starting from the very first representative of the human race, people do not always correspond to the divine model, even in individual manifestations, not to mention in general, and often show a negative essence.

This may be why Darwin’s theory, which substantiates the natural emergence of the human species (such as man), is so actively in demand and generally accepted on a mass scale. After all, animal principles are not so rare in people and their actions, despite their ability to think. Further evolution was ensured labor activity person.

But “man is a contradictory creature.” After all, even this recognized Darwinian doctrine is subject to serious doubts. Doubting scientists - non-idealists argue that it was not work that contributed to the transformation of a monkey into a human. Those areas on the African continent where traces of the first person were found are unique, since it is in them that uranium deposits were discovered. Thus, radioactive effects on apes ensured, millions of years ago, rapid mutational processes and, accordingly, not an evolutionary, but a revolutionary transition from apes to a new biological species - humans.

Whether this hypothesis will ever be reliably more substantiated and confirmed - it is unknown whether it will become widespread - time will tell. In the meantime, the appearance of Man on Earth remains an unsolved mystery.

To determine the essence of a person, you can choose other criteria - two types of passions and drives. The first type of drives of biological origin applies almost equally to all people. This includes the need for survival, which is associated with the need for food and drink, the need for safety, some form of social security and, finally (to a much lesser extent) the need for sex.

Passions of another kind do not have biological roots, and therefore they are different for all people. Their occurrence is associated with various social structures. These include: love, joy, compassion, solidarity, envy, remorse, hatred, jealousy, rivalry, acquisitiveness, vanity, vindictiveness, etc.

In contrast to biologically determined passions, the so-called “socially” determined drives are the product of a certain era.

If a person wants his actions to be reasonable, he should not allow his irrational passions to run rampant. Intelligence remains so even when it is assigned a negative role. Reason makes us aware of reality as it is, and not as we want to see it in the interests of our cause, and therefore it turns out to be valid only to the extent that it triumphs over irrational passions, that is, to the extent that a person becomes truly human, and the blind passions cease to be the main driving force of his behavior.

The most amazing feature of human behavior is the incredible depth of passion and manifestation of human strength.

There is a widespread belief that human capabilities are unlimited. The study of human behavior over the centuries shows that there is practically no task that would be beyond the power of a person - even the most ordinary people, not to mention the especially gifted. Since a person is endowed with reason, he is able, by critically analyzing his experience, to understand what contributes to his development and what hinders him. He strives for the most harmonious deployment of all his physical and spiritual forces in order to achieve a state of well-being. The opposite of prosperity is depression. Joy and happiness are a product of rationality, depression is a consequence of an incorrect lifestyle.

There are many people who have never experienced happiness in their lives, but there are no people who have never suffered. And no matter how people try to repress their experiences from their consciousness, it is unlikely that they will be able to find a person who would live life without suffering. Sympathy is inseparably linked with love for a person. Where there is no love, there can be no empathy. The opposite of empathy is indifference, which in many cases can be defined as a pathological state of a schizoid nature. And what is called love for a single individual often turns out to be just addiction. “He who loves only one person loves no one” (E. Fromm).

Man is born as a freak of nature, being within nature and at the same time transcending it. Instead of instincts, he has to look for principles by which he will act and make decisions. He needs to have an orientation system that allows him to create a logical picture of the world as a condition for consistent actions. He is forced to fight not only against such dangers as death, hunger, pain, but also against another danger, specifically human: mental illness. In other words, he has to protect himself not only from the danger of losing his life, but also from the danger of losing his mind.

A human being born into the conditions described above would indeed go crazy if he did not find a reference system that allows him, in one form or another, to feel at home in the world and avoid the feeling of complete security, disorientation and isolation from origins. There are many ways in which a person can find a solution to the problem of how to stay alive and maintain mental health. Some of them are better, others are worse. The word “better” refers to a path that helps increase the power of clarity, joy, independence; the word “worse” is the opposite. But finding some viable solution is more important than finding a better solution.

b) Some anthropologists and other human researchers have come to believe that man is infinitely malleable. At first glance it seems that this is so, just as he can eat either meat or vegetables, or both; he can be both a slave and a free man; to live in want or abundance; to live in a society that values ​​love, or one that values ​​destructiveness.

Indeed, a person can do almost everything, or, perhaps, it is better to say, the social order can do almost everything to a person. The important word here is “almost.” Even if the social order can do everything to a person: starve him, torture him, put him in prison or feed him - this cannot be done without certain consequences arising from the very conditions of human existence. Completely deprived of all incentives and pleasures, a person will be unable to engage in work, especially skilled work. When he is not completely deprived of them, then if you turn him into a slave, he will have a tendency to rebel; if his life is too boring, he will have a tendency to go wild; if you turn him into a machine, he will most likely lose all ability to create. In this respect, man is no different from animals. You can put some animals in a zoo, but they will not give birth, while others will become brutal, although they were not wild in freedom.

The history of human development shows with precision what can be done with a person and what is simultaneously impossible.

Any change in the social model threatens a person with a loss of confidence, since quite often the entire range of his relationships with reality is mediated by fiction, presented to him as true reality. The higher his ability to comprehend reality independently, and not just in the form of the sum of information that society supplies him with, the more confident he feels; the less his dependence on consent with society, the less dangerous social changes are for him.

Man as a Man has an inherent tendency to expand his knowledge of reality, and therefore get closer to the truth.

A person has not only a mind and a need for a system of orientation that allows him to find some meaning in the world around him and arrange it. He also has a soul and a body that needs an emotional attachment to the world - to man and nature. Animals are given connections with the world mediated by instincts. A person, unlike an animal, has several alternative ideas for establishing such connections. They may be different, but one of them, which a person especially needs to establish a connection with the world, to maintain his mental health, is any attachment to people close to him, to nature, etc., with which he will feel confident .

The “primary bond”, natural and necessary for a child, is the relationship with the mother. Being connected with nature, mother, father, a person really manages to feel at home in the world, but if these attachments are prolonged, then he pays an exorbitant price for this security with his subordination, dependence, inability to fully develop his mind and the ability to love other people and nature . He remains a child even when he should become an adult. If a person finds a better way to feel at home in the world, then not only his intellect will develop, but also his ability to experience affection without submission, intimacy without suppression, the ability to feel at home without being imprisoned.

In the second millennium, the solution to the problem of human existence was no longer sought in a return to nature, in blind obedience to the personality of the father, having discovered that a person can feel at home in the world and overcome the feeling of frightening loneliness through achieving the full development of his human powers, his ability to love, to use reason , create beauty and enjoy it, share your humanity with all your neighbors. Buddhism, Judaism and Christianity proclaimed this new vision.

The new bond that allows a person to feel at one with all people is fundamentally different from the subjugating tie to father and mother - it is a harmonious bond of brotherhood in which solidarity and human connections are neither emotionally nor intellectually overshadowed by restrictions on freedom. This is why brotherhood is not a matter of subjective preference. Only it can satisfy two basic human needs: to be closely connected and at the same time to be free; to be part of the whole and to be independent. This way of solving problems has been experienced by many individuals and groups, both religious and secular, who have been and remain able to develop bonds of solidarity together with the unlimited development of individuality and independence.

Freedom is the quality of a fully humanized existence. Love, tenderness, intelligence, interest, integrity and identity all provide freedom. Political freedom is a condition of human freedom only to the extent that it contributes to the development of the specifically human. If a person is deprived of freedom, he will become either submissive and lifeless, or violent and aggressive. If he is bored, he will become passive and indifferent to life. If he is reduced to the level of a punched card, he will lose his originality, creativity, and interests. The eternal state of man is the desire for goodness, love, justice.

At first glance it seems that modern world sufficiently studied. After all, scientific and technological progress has reached such a level that scientists have probably revealed all the secrets. But this is far from true.

Mysteries of nature still exist today, unusual, shrouded in superstitions and scientific hypotheses, defying any explanation.

Let's touch on the most amazing of them, lifting the veil of secrecy.

Mystical "Crooked Forest"

This Pine forest, located near the Polish city of Griffin, has more than 400 hundred trees, the curved trunks of which, all as one, are directed in one direction. Rising above the ground, they bend in an arc in the northern direction, and then, straightening up, stretch up to 15 m. The mysteries of nature do not end there. The forest has another strange thing - no sounds can be heard in it. The grasshoppers do not chirp, the birds do not sing. Complete silence.

Local residents joke, explaining this by saying that the trees are specifically facing north so that no one gets lost in the forest.

And the “Crooked Forest” itself is gloomily silent, not revealing its secret to anyone.

Valley of wandering stones

There are mysteries of nature in every corner of the globe. In the state of California (USA) there is one unusual plain located on the site of a dried up ancient lake. In fact, it is a desert without water and vegetation, on the surface of which stones are scattered. That's what it's all about. It turns out that these themselves are on completely flat terrain, covering 15-20 cm per day, which is reflected in the name of the area - the Valley of Wandering Stones.

Scientists are trying to explain these mysteries of nature by seismic activity, strong winds or rain. But there is practically no precipitation in the valley, and the stones, individual specimens of which weigh about 500 kg, are unlikely to be moved by the wind.

But the indigenous people are sure that the stones are moved by evil demons.

Ink Lake

In the vicinity of the city of Sidi Bel (Algeria) there is an unusual natural lake. The mysteries of nature (the photos show them in all their glory) of this area are amazing. The lake is not filled with water, but with real ink, so there are no plants or fish in it.

Scientists have been struggling with this phenomenon for a long time and have finally figured out the reason. It's all about the rivers that flow into the lake. One of them has dissolved iron salts in a huge number, and the other, flowing through peat bogs, contains organic compounds. Their waters, merging in the basin of the lake, enter into a chemical reaction, as a result of which real ink is formed.

The opinions of local residents on this matter are divided. Some are sure that these are demonic tricks and call the lake “The Eye of the Devil”, while others take advantage of it and jokingly call it the “Inkwell”.

We still have to deal with something supernatural, amazing and even mystical for a long time. natures are inexhaustible, and I would like to unravel each of them.

Any person is living mystery. He is the most perfect creation of nature. Not a single creature on our earth has such a palette of intelligence as man. He creates obstacles for himself, undermines the ground under his feet, sinking deeper and deeper. People personally paint their days in bright and joyful colors, and sometimes in gloomy and gray ones. In the latter case, their life becomes dull. A person should not be alone. He must spread love to someone and, looking into his soul, find a reflection of this love in himself. But there are people who are unable to love, to keep true friends close to them, who do not strive to achieve harmony with others, life’s blessings and pleasures to such an extent that they can surround themselves with those they need and love: “I am like a sailor, born and raised on the deck of a robber brig: his the soul has come to terms with storms and battles... he... peers into the foggy distance: will the desired sail flash there on the pale line separating the blue abyss from the gray clouds..."

These are the words of the hero M.Yu. Lermontov - G. Pechorina. And how consonant they are with other Lermontov lines:

"The lonely sail is white

In the blue sea fog...

And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,

As if there is peace in the storms!

Pechorin is always lonely. He is always surrounded by people who sincerely love him and seek friendship with him. But it seems that the hero does not notice this, plays with the destinies of people, interferes in the course of life. In Pechorin’s diary one can increasingly see the word “boring”. It brings with it a feeling of purposelessness in life:

“I am like a man yawning at a ball who does not go to bed only because the carriage is not yet there.”

Disappointment in life, boredom, loneliness haunt the hero:

“And maybe I’ll die tomorrow!... and there won’t be a single creature left on earth who would understand me completely...”

A complex character who sometimes does things that are not entirely understandable. This is Pechorin.

The author places his hero in a different environment each time, showing him in different circumstances and in clashes with people of different social status, giving us the opportunity to see Pechorin from a new side. First, we learn about Pechorin from Maxim Maksimych, who emphasizes in his statements the originality of the protagonist: “He was a nice guy... just a little strange.” “Yes, sir, with great oddities, and must be a rich man.” He classifies Pechorin as one of those people “with whom one must certainly agree.” Maxim Maksimych sees in the hero willpower, courage, and the ability to subjugate others. But the kind Maxim Maksimych cannot discern Pechorin’s inner world, he simply talks about his actions and deeds. In the story “Maksim Maksimych” we learn about the hero from the author himself. In the draft manuscript, Lermontov compared his hero to a tiger: a strong and flexible animal, affectionate, gloomy, generous and cruel. Pechorin, according to Lermontov, is a tiger, capable of constantly fighting and incapable of submitting. The comparison with the tiger shows the author's opinion about the character of his hero. Later, Lermontov removed the comparison of the hero with a tiger from the work so that we ourselves would have the opportunity to judge Pechorin. The first impression of him is deceiving; it does not give us the right idea. To try to solve Pechorin’s riddle, you need to read the other three stories, which are the diary of a hero who trusts him with all his innermost thoughts: “My love did not bring happiness to anyone, because I did not sacrifice anything for those I loved...”. But we read not only gloomy thoughts in Pechorin’s diary: “It’s fun to live on such a land!... The air is clean and fresh, like a child’s kiss; the sun is bright, the sky is blue - what would seem to be more?”

The mystery of the hero is manifested in everything. He constantly experiences boredom and dissatisfaction with his own life. He is always indifferently calm, indifferent to everything. And we could form our impression of the hero as a person incapable of sincere impulses, inattentive to life and relaxed, if not for the story “Taman”. The hero himself speaks very briefly about what happened in Taman: “I almost died of hunger there, and on top of that they wanted to drown me,” but we understand that something unusual happened there. The reader sees the hero interested for the first time. Pechorin is intrigued by the mystery of the people he meets. He is not content with the role of a simple observer, but himself becomes a participant in the events. His intervention in someone else's life determines the conflict in the story. However, Pechorin does not act for the sake of the desire to benefit people, not for his own benefit, he simply becomes interested for the first time; the mystery of what was happening excited him. Here we no longer see a bored hero, indifferent to everything, but an active one.

Yes, nature rewarded Pechorin with wonderful qualities: persistence and self-control, observation and love of nature, courage and bravery. The possibilities inherent in it are great. The author claims that his appointment was “high.” But, unfortunately, these sides of nature have not received real development. Instead of great deeds, Pechorin interferes in other people's lives, makes enemies and rejects friends, and wastes himself on trifles. His soul remains a mystery to all readers. People like him are always lonely, they are not able to feel human warmth and love.

It seems to me that if Lermontov tried to create some kind of ideal of a person, no one would be interested in him. After all, the artist, when painting the most beautiful face, is not afraid of the deepest shadows; they only make the portrait more lifelike and more mysterious. Pechorin in the novel is shown as alive, falling, making mistakes, confused and inconsistent, prickly and boyishly perky, self-confident and doubtful at the same time. He is a real living mystery. And many of us find our own traits in the hero... We are the same as him, alone in a circle of people and having lost faith in the best:

This is what you doomed me to disbelieve

And into the world, and into the life that reigns around,

That I'm afraid, like a tree, to fall,

Go to the grave, preserving the memory,

Just about how unhappy I was always.

Although modern science has progressed far in understanding the laws of nature, there are quite a lot of things that scientists are simply not able to explain. Our review contains ten seemingly simple questions that have no answers yet.

1. Cows always turn north or south when eating.

Usually no one looks closely at grazing cows, but when a team of scientists carefully studied thousands of Google Earth satellite images, they discovered a fact unknown for thousands of years. Cows always turn their heads towards the Earth's magnetic poles (north or south) when they are grazing or resting. This remains the same regardless of wind or other factors. Nobody knows why this happens. Although it has long been known that some animals have an “internal compass,” this is the first time such a thing has been discovered in large mammals. Also strange is that the closer the cows are to the poles, the less accurately they orient themselves. This phenomenon is observed on all continents of the Earth.

2. Why some mammals returned to the water

Science claims that some marine animals, in the process of evolution, developed limbs that allowed them to move on land. But why some of these animals, such as the immediate ancestors of whales and seals, moved back into the water remains unknown. It is much more difficult, evolutionarily speaking, for land animals to return to the sea than the other way around. This is what puzzles scientists all over the world.

3. Alkaloids in plants

Plants often produce substances that have strange effects on the animals that eat them. These substances are called alkaloids, and one of the most common types is morphine. In total, scientists have identified about 7,000 various types alkaloids in plants. Although modern science has been able to study these chemicals in detail, why they began to be produced in plants is a mystery. Some believe that, in addition to external reasons (such as protecting plants from herbivores), alkaloids may be useful in regulating the metabolism of the plants themselves.

4. Why do flowers grow all over the planet?

Flowering plants are found all over the world, regardless of climate. Interestingly enough, this was not always the case. Flowering plants quickly replaced other types of flora about 400 million years ago, and today they make up about 90 percent of all plant species. Charles Darwin tried to solve this problem all his life, calling it a “terrible mystery.” The rapid development of flowers soon after their appearance on Earth contradicted the theory of slow evolution by natural selection.

5. Why is there a diversity of life forms near the equator?

Traveling from the colder regions of the planet towards the equator, it is easy to notice that life is becoming more diverse. Even 200 years ago, the Prussian explorer Alexander von Humboldt discovered that biological diversity increases as one approaches the equator, while nature becomes more diverse, human culture and diseases. For example, now every time new terrible viral diseases appear in Africa or South America, right near the equator. There are about three dozen theories explaining this phenomenon, but they often contradict each other.

6. Phytoplankton paradox

Phytoplankton are a class of organisms found in large bodies of water and include a wide range of different subspecies. They are essentially floating plants that are found all over the world. The enormous diversity of these organisms calls into question the theory of evolution and natural selection. Lack of resources makes it impossible for so many different organisms to survive in an ecosystem. Nevertheless they exist.

7. How Argentine ants create colonies on different continents

At first glance, Argentine ants are no different from other representatives of this species. But they are the only inhabitants of the Earth, besides humans, who managed to colonize three continents. All three Argentine ant supercolonies in Europe, South America and Asia are inhabited by ants that share the same genetic traits and are essentially one population.

But what puzzles scientists is not so much their habitat as social structure. Argentine ants recognize their counterparts from other continents, but are aggressive towards ants of other species. In addition, the modern genetic code of ants has not changed for thousands of years. This is surprising because organisms outside their native environment tend to change rapidly.

8. Mysterious human ancestor

Pedigree modern man has been carefully studied for many years. Although the first people appeared a long time ago, today scientists have a pretty good idea about the ancestors of Homo Sapiens. At least it seemed so until scientists discovered traces of the existence of a whole new species of ancient human ancestors. When scientists studied the DNA of Denisovan man, they found traces of an unknown species that could not be identified.

It's worth noting that the Denisovan hominids themselves are surrounded by mystery, but science at least knows who they were and where they came from. The same cannot be said for the unknown species with which Denisovan humans apparently reproduced some 30,000 years ago and which left a clear imprint in Denisovan DNA. Basically, all that is known about this species is that it gave the Denisovans a strange set of teeth that have not been found anywhere else in the animal kingdom.

9. Animals that can live without oxygen

Almost every organism on Earth lives thanks to oxygen - some living organisms consume it, while others produce it. Recently, scientists announced a shocking discovery - the first oxygen-free animals were found deep in the Mediterranean Sea. Although some bacteria and other simple organisms can live without oxygen, this was previously unheard of for complex multicellular animals. Three species of such creatures, belonging to the marine invertebrates of the Loricifera group, were found at a depth of 3.5 kilometers. Scientists have no idea how they evolved.

10. Sexual reproduction

Apart from some microbes and plants, almost all living things in the world reproduce sexually. People take this for granted, but in fact it is a huge evolutionary anomaly. After all, half of all species (males) are not able to produce offspring, but they use the same amount of resources from environment. Why was so much effort spent to develop a mechanism that has obvious shortcomings in the long term? Therefore, sexual relations remain to this day a phenomenon that scientists are not able to fully understand.

Target: generalization and systematization of students’ knowledge about living and inanimate nature, development of the internal need of love for nature.

Objectives: to systematize students’ knowledge about nature. Show aesthetic, cognitive, practical significance nature in people's lives and the desire to preserve and protect the environment. Develop environmental ethics in students. Development of environmental literacy of students, formation of a high level of their environmental culture. Foster the need to take an active part in environmental activities.

Form of conduct: oral journal.

Method of conducting: verbal, visual, illustrated.

Conditions for holding: ecology cabinet.

Equipment: an exhibition of books about animals and plants, an exhibition of drawings on the theme “Man and Nature”, pictures of endangered animals, cards (green and red) for playing the game.

Methodological advice for the preparatory period: children learn poetry, a drawing competition “Nature and Man” is held, students draw signs of correct behavior in nature. The presenter is a teacher, the characters are children.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment.

II. Main stages of the lesson.

  1. Riddles “Living and inanimate nature.”
  2. Reading poetry by pupils.
  3. Game “Ecological traffic light”.

III. Summary of the lesson.

IV. Reflection.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Guys, today we are going to Magic world nature. This world is magical and fabulous, but very familiar to us. Do you love nature?

Children's answers. Yes very. Yes, we do. Nature is very beautiful.

Teacher: Nature is rich and diverse. On land, in the air, in the water and under water - life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles.

Once upon a time, having gathered my last strength,
The Lord created a beautiful planet.
Gave her the shape of a big ball

And he planted trees and flowers there,
Herbs of unprecedented beauty.
Many animals began to live there.
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own it,
Plow the land, sow it with grain.
From now on I bequeath to you all -
Take care of this shrine!

Teacher: (The teacher reads out the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky)

“There are countries in the world where nature is brighter than our fields and meadows, but the native nature of its region is the most precious. You just need to see how the trees are covered with a white blanket in the spring, how the bees fly over the golden hop bells, how the apples and red tomatoes are filling - all this must be experienced as joy, as the fullness of your spiritual life. Let your childhood be remembered in the bright rays of the sun: a garden in a white bloom, the unique sound of a bee harp over a buckwheat field, a blue sky with a flock of cranes above the horizon, a crimson sunset, slender poplars by the road - let all this leave an indelible imprint on your heart.”

II. Main stages of the lesson.

1. Riddles “Living and inanimate nature.”

Teacher:“Nature and man!” It was this topic that brought us together today to once again think and reflect on such an important issue as nature conservation. And to protect nature, you need to know it well. But, as you know nature, we will now check. I invite you to guess riddles about living and inanimate nature. You have cards on your tables - square and circle figures, I will ask you riddles, you answer and pick up the cards. If it is animate, show a circle, if inanimate, show a square.

They fly without wings
They run without legs
They sail without sails. (Clouds)

In rich clothes,
I am blind myself,
Lives without a window
Haven't seen the sun. (Mole)

Parents and children have all their clothes made of coins. (Fish)

Not water, not land:
You can't sail away on a boat,
And you can't walk with your feet. (Swamp)

On a green cord, white bells. (Lilies of the valley)

White peas on a green stem. (Lilies of the valley)

I live under the very roof,
It's scary to even look down.
I could be taller
If only there were roofs there. (Icicle)

It flies and howls, it sits and digs the ground. (Bug)

I always fall in the morning
Not a raindrop, not a star -
And sparkles in the burdocks
On the edges and meadows. (Dew)

Lives in seas and rivers,
But it often flies across the sky.
How will she get bored of flying?
It falls to the ground again. (Water)

He's in his forest chamber
Wears a colorful robe.
He heals trees
He knocks and it’s easier. ( Woodpecker)

Zarya-zaryanitsa, red maiden,
I was walking across the field and lost my keys.
I saw the moon but didn’t pick it up,
The sun saw it and picked it up. (Stars)

Jugs and saucers do not sink or break. (Water lilies)

Sir, not a wolf,
Long-eared, but not a hare,
With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

They look very wonderful!
Dad has wavy curls,
And mom walks around with her hair cut,
What is she offended about? (A lion)

She grew up and grew a tail,
She wore a dark dress.
Has grown up - turned green,
I swapped the tail for oars. (Frog)

I catch bugs all day
I eat bugs, worms,
I’m not leaving for the winter,
I live under the eaves. ( Sparrow)

2. Reading poetry by students.

Teacher: Poems about nature are, first of all, beautiful and kind poems that distract from the worries of life and give a feeling of peace and tranquility. I have always been fascinated by beautiful poems about nature, about the seasons, about spring, summer, autumn and winter.


It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,
In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,
And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,
And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,
And distant gray winter threats . (Alexander Pushkin)


I walk and feel sad alone:
Autumn is nearby somewhere.
A yellow leaf in the river
Summer has drowned. I throw him a circle
Your last wreath.
Only summer cannot be saved,
If the day is autumn. (Novitskaya G.M.)


White birch
Below my window
Covered with snow
Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches
Snow border
The brushes have blossomed
White fringe.

And the birch tree stands
In sleepy silence,
And the snowflakes are burning
In golden fire.

And the dawn is lazy
Walking around
Sprinkles branches
New silver. (Sergey Yesenin)

Teacher: Who knows poems about the seasons? What seasons do you know?

Children's answers. I know and I know. Autumn. Winter. Summer. Spring.

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are the shortest of all days,
Of all nights longer than night.

To the fields and meadows
It snowed until spring.
Only our month will pass,
We are celebrating the New Year.
All year round.

Children's answers. December.

Children read poetry.


Open the calendar -
January begins.
In January, in January
There is a lot of snow in the yard.

Snow - on the roof, on the porch.
The sun is in the blue sky.
The stoves are heated in our house,
Smoke rises into the sky . (S. Marshak)


The snow is melting and the ice is melting,
Mom's holiday is coming.
Gives mom a badger,
A bunch of palm branches.


April, April!
Drops are ringing in the yard.
Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads.

The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.

The birds began to sing songs,
And the snowdrop blossomed. ( S. Marshak)


“There is no better native land.”
Zhura - zhura - crane!
He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, walked around,
Wings, legs strained.
We asked the crane:
-Where is the best land?
- He answered, flying:
- There is no better native land! ( Platon Voronko)


You can recognize a swallowtail from afar
For sunny tropical beauty:
Swept along the ant slope
And he sat down on a dandelion by the highway.

The net hits, and there is a loud rustling sound in the net.
O yellow demon, how you tremble!
I'm afraid of tearing the serrated edges
And the thinnest black tails.

If you aim, the branches will get in the way;
You wave it, but it flashed, and it was like that,
And they pour out of the inverted mesh
Only plucked crosses of flowers... (V.V. Nabokov)

Teacher: There is no person on Earth whose life is not connected with nature. However, every day, she needs protection more and more.

Tree, flower and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed,
We will be alone on the planet.

3. Game “Ecological traffic light”.

Teacher: You have green and red cards in your hands. I will read poetry to you, and you choose the correct answer and raise the desired circle: green - you are helping nature, red - it is clear that you are harming it.

Five green frogs
They are in a hurry to rush into the river.
But the guys don’t lie down,
They catch frogs with a jar.
Let the frog live in the house,
She is better here than in the wild. (Red)

Squirrel killed!
On snow
She lay spread out,
As if she was still running...
Yes, suddenly she froze while running. (Red)

I caught a grasshopper
I planted it in a jar of weed.
Let him show how it cracks,
How he moves his mustache. (Red)

Planted a tree
In my yard,
Let the green grow
Carved sheet, carved sheet.
Watering the tree
Often, often we.
So that over time
It gave us fruit. (Green)

In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and damp.
In a steep ravine under the mountain
We cleaned the cold spring. (Green)

We water the flower beds together,
We'll weed out the grass for a bet.
Why do we need this?
May our yard be beautiful. (Green)

They brought pine cones from the forest,
We carry a bag of acorns,
Earrings were found from birch trees.
To plant a new forest (Green)

We walk, we walk through the meadow,
Collecting by flower:
Red White, Blue colour,
Wonderful bouquet. (Red)

Prickly, green
They cut it down with an axe,
From the forest fragrant
He comes to our house. (Red)

I'll hang out on the window
And sweet peas,
And violets and geraniums.
Try it yourself. (Green)

We're going by car
And we are proud of how beautiful it is
Smoke billows behind.
Sneeze-sneeze-sneeze! Where are we running? (Red)

We throw bottles and cans while hiking,
Garbage does not decompose in nature.
They came to the clearing a year later
And they discovered a landfill. (Red)


We live in the same family,
We should sing in the same circle.
Walk in the same line
Fly in one flight.

Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow
Water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp.


Like an apple on a platter
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Scrape everything down to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.

III. Summing up the event.

Teacher: I hope that today’s lesson did not leave any of you indifferent. I am sure that you love nature, love your region. There are so many beautiful poems about nature that show us that the poet and nature are connected by some deep, inner ties. Analyzing the poems of poets, we can conclude that man is nothing more than a part of nature. And under no circumstances should he (the person) enslave it, exhausting all its depths. Russian poets inspired the whole people that nature is beautiful, it is everything, it is an object, and no subject.

Let’s draw pictures and posters on the topic: “Nature protection is the business of every person”, “Man and nature”. Children draw pictures. The children also suggested writing rules of conduct for protecting our nature.

Methodological advice to organizers and directors: it is better to hold the event in an office. Create an exhibition of drawings and posters about nature. To create the emotional mood of the group, you can use musical accompaniment (voices of birds, animals, sounds of nature, etc.).

Methodological advice for the immediate aftereffect period: additional literature on environmental protection can be recommended to students.

Teacher: Guys, although our lesson is over, when you come to the forest or park, remember that animals are our younger brothers. Don't offend them! Appreciate them and remember that some are very rare and endangered species. I invite you to draw pictures and posters on the topic: “Nature conservation is the business of every person”, “Man and nature”. Next, drawings and posters are hung on the stand in order to familiarize others with the rules of behavior in nature. When summing up the lesson, the teacher thanks the children for their participation, for the excellent poems that were read, for the posters and drawings. And also for their idea about rules for nature conservation. Notes the bright moments of each child’s drawing, while not missing the mistakes that were made.


  1. Ananyev V.A. Teaching the basics of nature conservation in primary school. - Tomsk, 1994
  2. Kasatkina N.A. Biology. 6-7 grades: non-standard lessons and extracurricular activities. Volgograd.
  3. "Teacher". 2007.
  4. Novikov Yu.V. Nature and man. – M.: Education, 1991.
  5. Collection of poems. Volgograd. "Teacher". 2003.