Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius 9 degrees. Jupiter in Sagittarius in a person's horoscope

25.07.2019 Food and drink

In astrology, Jupiter is considered a “great benefic”. It represents success and recognition, growth and expansion of boundaries, gaining popularity and wealth. However, passing through different signs zodiac, Jupiter is painted in features corresponding to the sign, so the strength and constructiveness of its manifestation will vary. On its own behalf, Jupiter gives the sign it passes through good luck and expansion of its spheres of influence.

Jupiter in Sagittarius: expanding horizons and moving forward

The transit of Jupiter through the sign of Sagittarius, from November 9, 2018 to December 3, 2019, will bring with it a vision of a new future, both in a personal and global sense, people will show themselves as supporters of a more moral and ethical world order. will arise desire to move on, to improve the status quo, to have more freedom of movement, to accept and learn from other cultures and religious beliefs, to improve this world. Therefore, the number of people seeking to find a new, better life is likely to increase. People with restless optimism will seek something more for themselves, they will be filled with faith in their future and even believe in miracles.

Sagittarius - restless, freedom loving, cheerful sign, is usually depicted as an Archer, high, shooting his arrows in all directions, and a Centaur - half-horse, half-man. This symbolizes the union of the human mind with the instincts and speed of the horse. It is therefore associated with travel - mental, physical and spiritual - and the understanding of life that we gain from such travel. This is the sign of an explorer who is rarely happy here and now, but who desires the freedom to move on and experience new adventures, explore other cultures, customs and gain wisdom from this. Like the eternal student of life and all that it has to offer, Sagittarius strives to move on, experience life to the fullest and learn all that is possible. He is interested in morals and ethics and can be very principled and noble.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, improvement and opportunity, it is also the ruler of Sagittarius, and in the year when it passes through this sign, Jupiter acquires special strength. Therefore, this will be a period when we can expand our horizons and go beyond the things we are familiar with. Therefore, from November 9, 2018 to December 3, 2019 will be a time to study, explore, expand our experience, gain optimism, believe in something better and greater, understand the laws of how to live based on higher principles.

Jupiter in Sagittarius, this is the time when we get inspired to learn more, gain a broader view of something, explore some new area of ​​life or embark on some new adventure to find lusher and greener pastures for ourselves. The time when the desire to break free from current responsibilities and obligations grows, and dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with the current state of things increases significantly.

Thus, this will be a time to move as far as possible from our past, from what is left behind. Work, home, relationships, beliefs, interests, knowledge, something that we feel - is this really enough for us or does all this limit us in movement and separate us from real life? If yes, then we can leave it behind. This desire for change, for freedom to move forward on our own, may seem irresponsible from the outside, but it is necessary for our further growth and development.

In addition, Uranus will be in Taurus at this time, which means the destruction of old methods of supply and production and radical changes in the way we meet our basic needs. Therefore, it may be especially urgent to explore other ways and means of achieving satisfaction and achieving a fulfilling life.

At this time, we can find it extremely useful to cultivate and use Sagittarius skills and qualities such as honesty, open-mindedness, generosity and optimism, developing a spirit of adventure and the ability to open up to new experiences, explore what else life has to offer us, and all this is important in order to enjoy the process itself! Such an experience can give us great wisdom, allowing us to better understand the world and the laws of life, and see the whole picture as a whole.

This is a time to seek a more principled and ethical way of life, so along the way we may meet preachers, teachers and mentors who can truly inspire us or who will make us question our own beliefs and moral values.

We could now open our souls to the generosity available to us and begin to take advantage of what is usually ignored, wasted or thrown away. We can develop a lighter attitude towards things, be more generous, share what we have and open ourselves to the generosity of others without thinking about debt to someone else or about our property. The free exchange of wealth, goods, knowledge and wisdom is likely to increase, we will give what we have to help others and take what they offer us or what is freely available.

We may find it helpful to gain a better understanding of different belief systems, cultures, and ways of life that may have previously been foreign to us. This year will likely provide us with great opportunities for this, we will be able to move to a new place, travel around the world, acquire knowledge about different peoples and ways of life, study subjects such as religion, politics, philosophy or a new language. Something that encourages us to go beyond our usual beliefs and behavior, to open ourselves to a greater, wiser understanding, vision full of pictures, will help us grow spiritually and feel more fulfilled.

We will have the opportunity to develop and grow, to see where we may have been stuck in some familiar things, or have become limited in our views. Any bigotry and selfish or short-sighted attitudes can be challenged, this will make us more liberal and forward-thinking, increasing tolerance and acceptance of other people, their way of life, freedom and the right of everyone to follow their own path.

We will be given opportunities to evaluate the rights and wrongs present in society so that we can understand that there is more to life than our usual petty rules and routines. Obviously, restlessness and dissatisfaction will increase as a vision of a new future and a better way of life opens up before us.

The cycle of Jupiter's transit through the sign of Sagittarius takes approximately one year, the same time it spends in each sign of the Zodiac, so the last time Jupiter was in Sagittarius was approximately 12 years ago, or, more precisely, from November 25, 2006 to December 18, 2007. Try remember what happened in your life during that year. And 12 years before that (December 1994 – January 1996)? And 12 years ago (December 1982 – January 1984)?

How have your horizons expanded during this time? What was important to study that determined your future? The answers to these questions can give you a general idea of ​​what's in store for you over the coming year. This time you will have more wisdom and confidence to take full advantage of the opportunities presented to you.

If you have Asc, Sun & Moon are in Sagittarius.

If your ascendant Sun or Moon is in Sagittarius, then you can look forward to the coming period of great progress and change with particular anticipation.

If in your natal chart The sun is in Sagittarius, you will be able to achieve such successes that will make you extremely proud of yourself. You will simply exude creativity, new projects, and adventures will fill your life with joy and pleasure. With Sagittarius rising, it will seem to you that before this you were in some kind of unreal, surreal world, where you were isolated or somehow hidden, as if you had gotten rid of strange dream, and now you have fully packed your luggage and are ready to embark on a journey to a new life.

If the Moon is in your natal chart in Sagittarius, you can expect changes for the better in your home and family life You may move to a larger, larger home, or you may find yourself in a situation that better suits your needs than the one you have now. It is also possible that your family will grow, you will become pregnant, or your family will be especially special for you this year. great importance.

If Jupiter is in Sagittarius in your natal chart(see list), during this year you will experience what is commonly known in astrology as the “Jupiter Return”. This is a period of a strong feeling of freedom and expansion of consciousness, when you want to improve yourself, experience new opportunities, a new area of ​​​​life, when some new unknown horizons will open up before you.

  1. 25 October 47 – 15 November 48
  2. 11 February 59 – 24 April 59
  3. October 6, 59 – March 1, 60
  4. June 11, 60 – October 26, 60
  5. December 17, 69 – April 30, 70
  6. 15 January 71 – 5 June 71
  7. 12 September 71 – 6 February 72
  8. July 24, 72 – September 25, 72
  9. December 27, 82 – January 19, 84
  10. December 10, 94 – January 3, 96
  11. 25 November 06 - 18 December 07

What will Jupiter's journey through Sagittarius be like, what will it bring us?

Sagittarius is a fire sign, full of energy, enthusiasm and optimism, and we will be able to focus more on the positive aspects of our lives. When Jupiter moves into the sign it rules, Sagittarius, we will strive for what we want and believe in our abilities. And if we believe that something is possible, we will be ready to take any risk, even if it seems incredible to someone. However, grandiose ideas will literally circulate in the surrounding air at this time, and we will choose only the brightest and most incredible of them.

Jupiter leaves the sign of Scorpio and moves into the sign of Sagittarius. Scorpio is a serious sign, focused on serious issues and takes everything extremely seriously. Sagittarius is the complete opposite - easy-going, optimistic, always ready to have fun! This way, we can be much more positive and focus on finding the positive side in everything. This positive outlook can help us open more doors and inspire us to move forward.

Sagittarius is one of the rulers of thinking, it rules the "higher" mind and more advanced, deeper study of issues, so we can devote all our attention to expanding our consciousness through the study of some new subjects. But this is not just book knowledge, now we will attach great value to the wisdom gained through life experience. In this way, we will find ourselves more open to life experiences that will not necessarily lead us to success, but may give us knowledge that we could not obtain otherwise.

Sagittarius also rules Law, so some bright leaders may emerge in the area of ​​important legal changes different types, or the public will begin to pay more attention to the activities of the judicial branches of government around the world. Thanks to Jupiter, it is possible to make positive changes in various legal issues.

Sagittarius has long-distance travel (and flights) under its control, so we can become more easy-going as we move from place to place (Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign, really doesn't like being in the same place for too long!). We can travel to countries or regions we have never been to before and gain much new knowledge from understanding how other people live, what they love and what they believe. It can become part of our own cultural, political and religious beliefs. But there is a danger of becoming overly pretentious and boastful, and starting to preach, so you need to be careful not to waste your energy. Actions speak louder than words!

Whenever Jupiter transits the sign of Sagittarius in your natal chart, you should focus on expanding your horizons, exploring and gaining new experiences. Otherwise, you may feel like you are about to explode, which is, in fact, also a kind of extension (just kidding).

While Jupiter will be at home in Sagittarius, Neptune will be at home in Pisces and Saturn will be at its home in Capricorn. Three slow planets will be in their home signs, so we will be able to feel ourselves during this period. more comfortable using their natural energies. This will prove extremely useful in preparing for the Capricorn stellium that ends this decade.

This transit begins with a "test run" of sorts because 8 days after Jupiter enters Sagittarius, Mercury will go retrograde in Sagittarius (November 16th - December 1st). This will be the only retrograde movement in Sagittarius during this period, but it will occur at the very beginning, so the positive influence of Jupiter may not be immediately felt. It is necessary to ensure that at this stage there is no excessive complacency, empty promises of problems with the law or in travel, so as not to break away from reality.

Mercury ends retrograde on December 6th 2018 and the next day, December 7th, there is a New Moon in Sagittarius which will help us try to pick ourselves back up and move on on this positive basis.

Jupiter leaves the sign of Scorpio while Venus in Scorpio is moving retrograde (from October 5th to October 31st), so this period will not be the best for using Jupiterian energy.

The only negative aspect that Jupiter will make while passing through the sign of Sagittarius is a square to Neptune in Pisces, which will happen three times: January 13th, June 16th, and September 21st, 2019. On June 21st, 2019, Neptune squares Jupiter will be retrograde. (therefore, in June this aspect will be felt most strongly). During this period, you need to carefully monitor what is happening around you and work as hard as possible, avoiding falling into delusions of grandeur or excessive stubbornness or fanaticism.

You also need to be careful not to become a victim of scammers trying to drag you into some kind of adventure. It is necessary to give your imagination space for free flight so that it can find its way out in some kind of creativity, where you will need to direct energy, resonate with your subconscious, which will help strengthen our intuition, so that we can completely trust our inner voice .

Otherwise, this transit of Jupiter will be extremely easy and favorable. And it will be even more pleasant to feel in 2019 after the rather harsh fixed energy of the current 2018.

What will the transit of Jupiter bring to the zodiac signs?

Jupiter is a planet that many astrologers rate extremely highly. His actions are always considered positive, especially for the signs that are in trine or sextile to him, but especially for the sign through which Jupiter makes his transit (conjunction aspect). Jupiter is a slow planet, taking approximately 12 years to travel around the entire Zodiac. Thus, it occurs approximately once every 12 years or so in each sign. It must be said, however, that its influence is not so fundamental that it could change radically better life some sign or person. But it can make it easier to come up with ideas, projects, initiatives, give good opportunities that can be used, or give a great desire to do something new in your life.

But what will Jupiter bring with it, which on November 8, 2018 at 15:38:35 (Moscow time) will enter the sign of Sagittarius and leave it on December 3, 2019? Which signs will be the luckiest, who will be warmed by the rays of this blessed planet? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that the main favorites will be representatives of the sign of Sagittarius, along with representatives of two other fire signs: Aries and Leo.

This year will also be good for those who form a favorable sextile to Sagittarius - Libra and Aquarius.

In 2018/2019, Jupiter definitely does not favor the sign Gemini, which is in opposition to Sagittarius. Most likely, its influence on representatives of this sign will be unfavorable.

Pisces and Virgo, who are in square to Sagittarius, will be deprived of the support of Jupiter, but here the situation will be a little easier, since these signs are still protected by Saturn.

However, we must remember that here we consider the influence of Jupiter only in a general sense and do not take into account the position of other planets in the natal chart, which is individual for each person, and also do not take into account the transit of other important planets.

Now all the obstacles that were present in your life can be destroyed and you can finally give your thoughts a positive direction, which has not happened for the past few months. Problems at work and a lack of professional ideas did not allow you to do everything you wanted, but now the situation will change and become extremely favorable even if you are involved in some new project or have changed jobs.

In every area of ​​your life, you will be able to breathe a breath of fresh air, and this wonderful feeling of freedom and optimism will force you to look for new professional initiatives, new ways of working and take important steps. Even in the area of ​​love, where you can decide whether to break up with your partner, move in together, or get married. The area of ​​personal relationships will be very important even for those who do not yet have a loved one, because in 2018/2019. you can count on some interesting meetings. No more dreams, illusions or blunders, every day of your life will become more concrete and stable. By the end of this year and with the beginning of a new one, you will be able to receive good news, good job opportunities, especially if you want to change your job or if you don’t currently have one.

Relationships with work colleagues and the climate in the work team will improve; if you had any conflicts in the past, now you can easily resolve them. There is an increased likelihood that your salary will be increased or you will be able to find some ways to profitably invest the money you have. Your physical and mental energy will return, your health will improve, even if you have had problems that bother you in the recent past. The only condition in order to feel the blessed influence of Jupiter on your life is that you need to start thinking positively and take on new things without hesitation.

The skies will finally clear up for you because by November 2018, Jupiter will no longer be in opposition to your sign. You can breathe a sigh of relief, and it’s good if the past months haven’t ruined your life too much. Jupiter, which is no longer in opposition to your sign, will give you a greater sense of freedom, your illusions will dissolve, and it will now be more difficult for you to succumb to deception and fall into the networks of scammers. Many Taurus, most likely, have had legal and bureaucratic problems this year, but now, albeit slowly, the situation will begin to change for the better, and you will be able to find the best solution for yourself to all existing issues.

Last year, you had a lot of unnecessary expenses, made wrong investments and lost documents. Unfortunately, it is impossible to return this, but starting from November 2018, favorable changes will occur and thanks to Jupiter, you will begin to smile again, and in addition, you will be able to begin implementing some important projects or investments that were impossible to implement in the past.

Of course, this transit of Jupiter is not very favorable for you, in the sense that it does not so much give you any advantages, but simply frees your thinking and your life path from some obstacles that could cause you a lot of losses. But this is also a lot!

From the first months of the transit, namely November and December 2018, you will feel much better, your self-esteem will increase, and your outlook on the future will be much more positive and optimistic.

During this period, but especially in August, September and October 2019, you will be able to receive new job offers, achieve new opportunities to earn money, and get the opportunity to start new personal relationships that can develop into love. There is a high probability of restoring relationships that were threatened in 2018.

Unfortunately, the planet of Fortune - Jupiter will pass opposite your zodiac sign and therefore the period that begins for you in November 2018 will hardly be called wonderful. It must be said, however, that good-natured Jupiter does not exert an overly malefic influence, but when its planetary aspects are unfavorable, they can lead to an extremely difficult period in every area of ​​your life. But above all, a period in which the danger of deception and self-deception increases significantly.

First of all, you need to try not to enter into important agreements during these months, including financial transactions, and not to trust strangers. Someone may make you an offer that, at first glance, seems extremely attractive and profitable, but in reality it will not be so interesting and may contain some kind of trap.

Do not take part in projects that require large financial investments from you, try to avoid quarrels or conflicts that could result in you being involved in litigation. Very often, when Jupiter is in opposition, unfortunately, the likelihood of losing a lawsuit, getting into bureaucratic problems, becoming a victim of someone's malicious intent increases, and therefore one should move forward with great caution.

In addition, being in opposition, Jupiter can lead to large financial expenses, particularly related to real estate, legal disputes, or unpaid bills, as a result of which you will have to pay a significant fine, especially in the summer of 2019.

This placement of the planet can also lead to a period of significant emotional distress, nervous shock, when you find yourself unable to think optimistically. It is possible, however, that this will turn out to be your salvation, because with an excessively positive attitude, you risk, due to your own unfounded trust, becoming a victim of scammers who will drag you into a very unpleasant story and cause great harm.

A difficult situation will also arise in your love sphere. This period will not be suitable to start life together or enter into an official marriage. The risk of divorce or severance of existing relationships increases significantly, so try to be careful and not enter into conflicts with your significant other.

The beneficial influence of Jupiter on your zodiac sign ends on November 8, 2018, but this event will not be fatal for you during the new year. Even when Jupiter enters the fifth astrological sector, it will be able to give you good opportunities, including on the economic level, because the fifth astrological house associated with pleasure, but also with money, the acquisition of material possessions and winnings in games.

Unfortunately, it must be said that its influence will be significantly limited by Saturn, which is in opposition to your sign, and therefore over the next few months, almost all Cancers will have to work hard to earn even a small amount of money or achieve some economic success that will be significant , below what you expect or desire.

Jupiter, the planet of small and large success, can only offer The right way make do on your own, therefore, starting from November 2018, you will have to fight, fight every day to get the maximum in any situation. The work will become much more difficult, your income will tend to decrease, but do not be discouraged - you will be able to move forward, although not too quickly.

I should say one more important thing for you. When Saturn is in opposition and Jupiter is not forming favorable aspects to your sign, you should try to refrain from making significant economic investments because it can lead to big setbacks. Continue to live calmly, do not rush anywhere and keep your eyes wide open, especially regarding your health, which will not be very good.

Your thinking may become negative. The situation in the love sphere risks being quite aggressive and unconstructive; alas, various problems can arise here too. In short, in 2018/2019, the movement of Jupiter will bring dissatisfaction with the status quo in your life. But you have to get over it!

Jupiter will finally form a very nice trine for your sign, thanks to this new planetary transit, the end of 2018 will be truly magnificent for you.

First of all, trine Jupiter will give you greater serenity, make you happier and more optimistic, but Top news is that you will now feel a strong need to make fundamental changes in your professional field and try out the new opportunities available to you. The stars will favor your work, and the new ideas you have will allow you to earn more money, especially if you are a freelancer, want to invest money somewhere, or perhaps purchase real estate.

The most favorable for this will be the central part of 2019, namely its summer months. By the end of 2018, for many representatives of the sign, new stage in their love sphere. Not surprisingly, now Leos may want to change a lot in their lives, including what concerns their personal relationships. Someone will want to get married, someone will start a life together with their current partner, and someone will think about the birth of a new baby. The probability of all such events increases, although in reality only some of them can occur.

However, a Jupiter trine can lead to the destruction of outdated relationships, because this planet brings not only good luck, but also liberation from professional, family or emotional dependence.

November and December 2018 Leos can start with some new projects that they will develop throughout the new year 2019 and especially during the summer. There will be dramatic improvements in your work area and you may start earning more. For those who do not yet have a job, Jupiter will be able to offer very good opportunities to improve the situation: interviews, requests, a probationary period, passing exams. Try to prepare your resume in advance so that you are fully equipped at the right time.

Jupiter has already brought many good things and beautiful events into your life lately, now the period is coming when you will be able to reap the benefits of what you have already done or accomplished, including thanks to the support of Saturn, which will be there during 2018 and 2019 remain in a favorable position for you.

The new transit of Jupiter will allow you to collect everything that you have sown in the past months, both in the area of ​​finances and in the social, family or emotional sphere. Therefore, it cannot be called absolutely negative, despite the unfavorable aspect of the square to your sign.

Those who have not yet found their soulmate can now expect some very pleasant and promising meetings, and those who are already building their own beautiful love story can start living together, think about buying a house together or decide to enter into marriage.

In your area of ​​work, new projects that you started developing in early and mid-2018 may show their first results, but you will receive the greatest benefits from them closer to spring, and especially towards the end of 2019. Now you can expect financial and economic success, successful resolution of disputes or lawsuits in your favor, and the opportunity to receive a significant amount of money that was previously blocked for some reason.

Mentally and physically you will now be very strong, and nothing can particularly harm you, however, excessive consumption of food and alcoholic beverages can lead to weight gain. excess weight In addition, you may experience minor problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

If, from November 2018 to April 2109, you receive an offer from someone to change jobs or move to another city, try to make a decision as quickly as possible. To avoid making mistakes, listen to the advice of someone close to you and who loves you.

After a year that turned out to be quite favorable for you financially, but was not very good for love and family relationships, a period is coming that will help you make up for everything that you have lost in these areas and resolve all the crises that exist here.

Now Jupiter will form a sextile to your sign, it will give you more optimism, a more positive mentality, which will allow you to do a lot of good things during the next 2019. Personal relationships that have entered a deep crisis can be severed, but only if you yourself want it. If not, you can restore everything if you wish.

Loved couples who do not have any particular problems may decide to live together, get married, or move to a new place of residence. Many representatives of the Libra sign may have their first or second child.

In addition to improving the climate at work and establishing warm relationships with colleagues. Jupiter will help you solve many family problems, especially those that have remained unresolved for a long time.

Last year was favorable for you financially, however, the projects you have been involved in have not yet produced tangible results (Uranus, standing in opposition to Libra, interfered). During the period that will begin in November 2018, the situation will begin to improve significantly, you will have many new and truly creative ideas that will lead you to success, especially in the last quarter of the coming 2019.

Of course, the sextile of Jupiter does not act as effectively as a conjunction or trine, but if you have had minor health problems, or were often in a pessimistic mood, now you will have a great desire to have fun and enjoy your time, to be reborn to a new life, start doing what you really want to do.

The astrologer recommends that you go on a journey, during which you will definitely meet a person who makes your heart beat faster or someone who will provide you with significant help in your life. professional activity. This year will also be very favorable for making economic investments.

Now, at the end of November, a year that has been extremely successful for you is ending. But don’t be upset, the following years, including the whole of 2019, will also be quite happy for you. Indeed, if 2018 was the year when you were able to change your life for the better, in the new year you will be able to finally reap the fruits of your work, your important decisions, of course, if you were consistent and persistent enough in it.

Starting from November 2018, Jupiter will move to your sector of material acquisitions, profits, economic investments. All this means that your income may now increase significantly, but your expenses will also be greater. You will earn more, especially as a freelancer, but you will have to spend a lot of money to satisfy your needs, including professional ones.

Moreover, this new stage, which will be much more favorable in the second part of the coming year, will bring great luck regarding employment contracts, agreements, companies and cooperation. Probably, someone may ask you for financial help, or for you to financially support some project, in which you can also take part with great profit for yourself, thanks to your professional skills.

If you are looking for a new job, then don't worry, because within two last months In 2018 you will have many new interesting offers. This transit of Jupiter will allow you to implement many projects that you started a few months ago, but which until now continued to remain rather random, superficial, not very concrete, probably because you did not have enough funds for them or you needed someone else help.

The situation for personal energy and health will be extremely positive.

Financial investments and real estate investments will also be successful.

The last years have been extremely difficult for you, and you have experienced many difficulties, but finally, after 12 years, Jupiter returns, and this will mark the beginning of a new successful period in your life, Fortune turns to face you, and your thinking will become calmer and more optimistic . The peak of the favorable influence of Jupiter will come in the second half of next 2019, but already the last two months of 2018, November and December, many Sagittarius will devote to thinking about a new life, new projects, feeling in the very depths of their souls the need to change everything or almost everything in their daily existence .

Work, love, family - these are the areas that require important changes, which must be completed this year, when Jupiter conjuncts the Sun in the natal chart of each Sagittarius.

A new period may begin with hard work, some sacrifices and new creative energies will be required from you, but they will allow you to realize a large number of projects in the coming years and achieve good professional and economic success. If you're unhappy with your job, you may be able to take a sharp turn during this planetary transit.

And don’t let the fact that you don’t see anything suitable on your horizon scare you now, the power of Jupiter is such that it will definitely offer you many wonderful opportunities that you will be able to use in your movement further.

You will be overwhelmed by the desire to change everything in your life, the desire to get married, move to new house or to another city, improve relationships with work colleagues, break up uninspiring romantic relationship, and there will be a great need to enter into a new love affair. Lonely hearts may meet their soulmate or develop a friendship with the person who will become their love in the coming months or years.

This will also be a great time for economic investment, you will no longer have to worry about your money. However, the beneficial influence of Jupiter does not negate the need to work and be honest in your behavior - only then will he give you good luck.

In the recent past, Jupiter has brought you a lot of good things, but its further transit does not promise you anything negative. This planet is moving towards you, waiting to move into your astrological first house at the end of 2019. Therefore, the coming year can rightfully be called a year of great preparation.

From November 2018 to December 2019, you will need to think about what changes you would like to make in your life over the next few years. Thanks to Saturn moving through your sign, over the coming months you will be able to achieve certain professional and economic successes that will give your life greater stability.

Your income will increase, especially if you are a freelancer. Throughout the year, but especially at the end of December and beginning of January 2019, you will be able to conclude several promising contracts. If you're still looking Good work, you may have many tempting offers, however, you will get the best opportunities directly during the Jupiter transit, which will take place in November 2018.

Winter will be an excellent time for you to improve not only family relationships, but also relationships with new work colleagues. Much will depend on your character, often overly reserved and not very expansive, but you will enjoy complete trust.

In the area of ​​feelings, the situation will also be quite positive, because even if Jupiter does not favor the conclusion of new love unions or new friendships, however, thanks to the influence of Saturn, your personal life will be very stable, it will be based on the maturity and seriousness of the relationship.

If you are still single, you should not be sad either, because throughout the year and especially in the immediate vicinity of your birthday, you can meet a person who will make your heart beat faster. Prepare for significant changes to happen in your life, and even if you don’t believe in it now, you should just be patient and wait another year.

Finally, after a rather difficult year for them, when they had to tighten their belts, a relatively calm period will begin for Aquarius. In the recent past, you have had to deal with significant costs and difficulties of a bureaucratic or legal nature. But now, starting from November 2019, Jupiter will be in a favorable aspect to your sign, and therefore you will again be able to feel serenity and optimism, which will grow day by day.

Even if Jupiter sextile your Sun does not have a strong enough positive influence, you should not worry because the planet of Fortune will definitely bring with it many favorable events, especially in your professional field. Since Uranus will demand changes, it is likely that many Aquarians will decide to make them, especially if the current professional situation, for some reason, does not suit them too much.

This Jupiter transit will bring with it new contracts, new collaborations, new opportunities to meet people who can play an important role in your future professional success and in increasing your income. Those who work independently, for themselves, will be able to notice a significant increase in the number of their clients, and, accordingly, their income. Those Aquarians who are hired workers and depend on their employer can change jobs, they can get a little increase wages or they will receive gratitude from management for their conscientious work.

In your personal life the situation will also develop quite favorably, especially for those representatives of the sign who do not yet have a loved one, or for those who have recently broken off relations with their partner and would like to fall in love again. During 2019, you may meet someone who will make your heart beat faster.

And Jupiter's sextile can significantly improve your mood, will help you receive good news every day, and will help expand your thinking, thanks to which you will have many new promising projects. The likelihood of various bureaucratic problems and lawsuits will increase, which, however, will be resolved in your favor.

In Pisces, Jupiter will move to the ninth house and bring with it some new events related to philosophy, religion or travel abroad. During such a long trip, whether for work or for personal pleasure, you may make acquaintance with a certain high-ranking person who, over the coming years, will assist you in the implementation of your projects, which you may have already begun to develop in the recent past.

In addition, Saturn still provides you with its patronage, thanks to which the situation will continue to remain stable, and you will have enough strength to promote your own ideas and establish long-term professional contacts. Those of you who have changed jobs or moved to another city can now fully enjoy the success they deserve. in addition, they will be able to improve their economic situation and begin to receive large and stable profits.

At the beginning of 2018, Jupiter gave you a good positive push and now you must move forward on your own, paying attention to the details that can make a big difference in your success, separating it from failure. As for the family, relationships with relatives, parents, children, husband, wife, they will remain quite stable throughout the year, and only around September 2019 you will probably have to conflict, discussing issues related to inheritance, real estate or some other family problems.

If Jupiter has already given you heartfelt love, then during its new transit you will have to think about the purpose of the union, which may have formed by pure chance, and Saturn, which is in a harmonious sextile to your sign, will definitely help make your love relationship wise, mature and serious.

Your creativity during this period will be inexhaustible, your ideas will continue to win. March 2019 will be a particularly successful month for you, in addition, now you will be able to meet new people, among whom you are likely to find your love, which will be extremely important for you during this period.

In November and December 2018, you can expect to receive some good news.

If Mars makes Sagittarius irresistible, then Jupiter, on the contrary, makes it impenetrable. His breadth of views, benevolence, inability and unwillingness to see unpleasant details and general philosophical view things make him completely invulnerable to any adversity. Jupiter always gives Sagittarius psychological or real compensation, new opportunities, luck, etc., as a result of which he feels in this world (more precisely, in houses ruled or aspected by Sagittarius) at ease and confidently, although essentially, especially in bad times. elaboration, there may be insufficient grounds for this. In the lower octave, this position of Jupiter indicates an ideological and administrative leader above the average level, who regularly fails the work assigned to him, after which fate or patronage transfers him to the next, no less honorable and responsible position.

In case of defeat, snobbery is possible and, under the guise of breadth of views, their extreme superficiality and narrowness, too strong influence of society, fundamental ignorance of a specific vision and activity. This position of Jupiter gives a strong flow of cosmic fire of a fairly high level and the temptation to try to warm the whole world with it. Karmic task consists, firstly, in not reducing the level of vibration of the energy flow, and secondly, in finding an adequate field of activity for it, i.e. inspire the right people to the right things, showing them the big picture in the light they need.

With negative character development, a pronounced tendency towards tyranny and dictatorship appears, as well as excessive demands towards other people and succumbing to temptations. A person becomes reckless and talkative, a passion for wastefulness and a desire to argue with anyone and about anything appears. He is often inclined to use others for his own interests. With the harmonious development of nature, a type of direct and honest leader, precise and accurate, responsive and generous, noble and magnanimous, is formed. He loves freedom and strives to free everyone in the world. He is burdened by connectedness and longs for justice to be restored. He is independent and sincere, strives with all his might to expand his horizons and yearns for distant countries. Such a person has persistent interests in the study of philosophy, religion and politics and is invariably directed upward both in spiritual-religious and socio-political terms. His desire to own property often leads to success thanks to his special talent for turning out risky activities to his own benefit. He is always ready to help his neighbor, even if he guesses that they simply want to use him.

He listens to all offers that promise material and financial benefits, but in general is not concerned with issues of wealth and accumulation. Often he openly displays contempt for the material and earthly, which initially leads to losses, but is later compensated by the successful deployment of highly idealistic programs. Selfless struggle for one's ideals sooner or later leads to material well-being. The craving for personal freedom, independence and independence is extremely strong. In life there are many changes and rearrangements, changes and turning points. Despite the sequence of spiritual development, throughout life such a person more than once changes his view of both the environment and himself. The character is honest and just, noble and pious. Great love for nature and children. Interests are extremely varied and broad. There may be excessive sentimentality and losses due to gambling. The mind is clear, lively, philosophical in direction, not alien to practical problems. Success is possible in publishing, in politics and in the field of youth education. Such a person seeks to subordinate both his own behavior and the actions of others to a clearly formed system of moral principles.

He clearly understands his place and role in society, and has an innate sense of upcoming social changes. He is extremely authoritative, his worldview is broad and deep, he fits perfectly into government structures and is usually widely popular among the people. He integrates into society without difficulty, despite the fact that he never compromises with his own positions. It’s just that he brings in his ideas and projects so inspired and passionately that others cannot help but accept them. Strives to occupy a high position, craves honors and glory. Sometimes he can be impudent and unceremonious to the point of insolence. Often the desire to gain privileges degenerates into irrepressible greed. Such a person raises high the banner of spiritual authorities and passionately serves society and the Church. He has organizational talent and the gift of directing the social and spiritual development of entire groups of seekers of light and happiness. He is invariably interested in everything unknown and mysterious, embodying the results of his occult searches in organizational matters and pedagogical studies. This nature is carried away, often losing control over itself, which is why it is prone to getting into all sorts of trouble. But such people are invariably noble, generous, open and cordial, and therefore the best of the best always follow them, inspired by their example and believing in their star. People of this type tend to organize new political parties, which reveals their natural passion for expansion.

They tend to oppose the powers that be, showing in their position antagonism between the authorities and the people. IN best case scenario the authorities can use them in their own interests, or, at worst, suffer from the fact that it costs such a person nothing to ignite thousands of like-minded people and lead them along the road of transformation to new victories. Such a person spends his whole life occupied with an active case, to which he devotes himself without reserve. He resolutely and uncompromisingly defends his moral positions and is ready to fight to the end in the fight for a just cause. Compassion sometimes pushes such a person to rash actions, as a result of which they are often betrayed by those for whom they throw themselves into the breach. Such people can be both ardent fighters for ideas and skilled diplomats who invariably achieve success in negotiations. They are able to seize any suitable opportunity and use it to everyone's benefit. They are very sociable and love to be in company. They enjoy making other people's lives better. They rarely report to anyone, but more often they themselves occupy leadership positions. They are far-sighted and thoughtful, open and optimistic. Sometimes they like to indulge in luxury and waste.

Such people are always restless, but their energy is invariably directed towards improving life. They are sensitive, loyal, witty and kind friends. Their mind is humane, broad, merciful and sincere. They often have a prophetic gift, which allows them not only to see long-term goals, but also to discern natural ways to most effectively achieve them. These are born spiritual leaders who deserve the right to be called teachers. They are characterized by a stable interest in the religious, cultural and philosophical heritage of all times and peoples. They strive to incorporate as many diverse positions as possible in order to develop a complex synthetic system of ideas and principles. They need to follow spiritual authorities and always have their own spiritual philosophy, on the foundation of which they build their destiny. Their desire to subordinate their behavior to strong moral principles earns respect and admiration even from their opponents. They know nature human consciousness, they are able to adapt to any social situation. They are intuitively aware of the meaning and tasks of man in the Universe and know about the fundamental spiritual and creative Force behind the external evolution of the material world and superficial social processes.

One way or another, these people come to high religious faith and admiration for the Highest Principle. They actively seek to convert others, particularly their children and partners. Unanimity in the family guarantees them success in a wide social activities. True, they themselves perceive everything new quite critically within the framework of the spiritual and moral system they have formulated, and therefore they are always independent in their judgments and are not afraid of developing their own ideas. They tend to ignore opponents of their principles or regard them as enemies; in any case, they are unable to approve of their “unreason.” A certain intolerance is characteristic of these people. True, it is often overcome by the ability to achieve a broad harmonious synthesis of the most diverse points of view. Such people often give the impression that they always know everything about everything. In fact, this is how it turns out - they are really well aware of everything that happens in society, nature and the higher world.

In its sign, Jupiter shines with all the colors of the rainbow; in case of defeat, too, but one, usually socially unacceptable, color dominates, and the rest are mixed in some strange combination. However, Sagittarius Jupiter often encounters luck and happiness, one might say, at every step, but he does not always perceive them exactly like that, and sometimes or for the most part does not perceive them at all (such things are often much more clearly visible from the outside).

The sign of Sagittarius for Jupiter is his home, so here he shows his Jupiterian qualities especially clearly. Such as honesty, decency, integrity, benevolence, nobility, generosity, the desire for justice, feelings of compassion and mercy.

Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius gives its wards a strong desire for personal and spiritual freedom, independence, independence, great interest in philosophical and religious issues, cultural, educational and ethical-moral problems. People with Jupiter in Sagittarius have good organizational talent. These are leaders, chiefs, leaders. They often hold government positions or have high church rank; many are involved in world issues and strengthen their positions in the political arena. These people fight for their ideas as fiercely as they fight for secular power or religious reform. They often become real rebels. They are very ambitious and ambitious, so they want to dominate everywhere: at the state level, in spiritual events, in sports competitions, and in the family. But they are not aggressive, do not wish harm to anyone, their intentions are noble, and they achieve success through their work, skill and knowledge.

People with Jupiter in Sagittarius strive to embrace the immensity, and in this they are tireless and do not stop in their desire to learn until the end of their days. Their native side turns out to be not enough for them; they strive to go abroad either to study, or to work, or simply go to become familiar with a foreign culture. They are the ones who become missionaries and bring ideas, knowledge and faith to the world. They do not focus only on their own affairs and problems, they try to make life easier for those around them, they constantly look after someone, patronize someone.

Many of them have psychotherapeutic abilities, thanks to which they are able to console people in misfortune. This gift of theirs, breadth of soul, insight, ability to understand the human soul, attracts people to them. They are also very fond of nature and animals, especially dogs and horses, and are often members of organizations and departments that deal with environmental problems, animal protection, human rights protection. These people are fighting against the criminal world, against corruption, against everything illegal and unfair.

Sagittarius Jupiter stuns his beloved with his ideas (often far-reaching and at least on a national scale), overflowing cheerfulness, general goodwill and warmth, breadth of views and concepts, reaching the point that on his horizon she looks like an imperceptible point, without a sign of personality and individual characteristics; in short, he is full of himself, but this can look very good from the outside, especially if his beloved wants to warm up, admire and feel a little vampiric (it is very difficult to energetically eat Sagittarius Jupiter entirely, he has too many energy channels; if this succeeds, then the person will be completely destroyed and will never recover, unless he has a strong Scorpio).

Similarly, the egregor attracts Sagittarius Jupiter with numerous opportunities for a bright life, fame, climbing the social ladder, and even more high level and scientific and philosophical-religious hobbies. Sagittarius opens to Jupiter all socially acceptable ways of expanding consciousness - just walk, and the dust will always quickly settle under the rain of wet pink petals. But Sagittarius Jupiter does not really like to work, especially with weak Mars and Saturn, he likes to choose... well, in this incarnation he has the right, even if he is proud of his personal achievements, and not the breadth of his potential capabilities.

Every year Jupiter, one of the largest planets solar system, goes to new sign Zodiac. This happens once every 11-13 months.

And this time Jupiter gives everyone We hope for good luck and positivity. After all, from November 8, he moves into the sign of Sagittarius right up to December 2, 2019.

For almost the entire 2019, Jupiter will be in the sign of its strength. And, therefore, it will be easier, simpler and more comfortable for him to show his positive qualities.

Speaking in simple language, we are very lucky, because it is not for nothing that Jupiter is called a “great benefactor” in astrology!

Therefore, it is very important to make the most of such a rare period, since Jupiter in astrology is considered a planet that brings great luck.

In astrology, Jupiter is considered the planet of success and new opportunities. It is responsible for optimism, expansion, expansion, learning and self-development.

Unlike personal planets, which manifest themselves to the maximum in the fate of a particular person, Jupiter is a social planet, that is, one that seriously influences not only a particular person, but also society as a whole.

Depending on what sign Jupiter is in, luck will favor different zodiac signs and areas of activity.

Period of Jupiter in Sagittarius

From November 8, 2018 to December 2, 2019, Jupiter passes through the sign of Sagittarius.

In the sign of Sagittarius, Jupiter feels strong and confident, since it is the “native” sign for this planet.

The sign of Sagittarius is one of the fairly positive signs of the Zodiac, since its main theme is expanding horizons, optimism, new opportunities and prospects.

Why is it so important to consider Jupiter's transit?

Transit is the actual movement of the planet through the signs of the Zodiac at one time or another. The planet Jupiter, on average, transits one Zodiac sign in 11-13 months, which gives a certain character to the whole year of your life.

Important: next time Jupiter will be in the sign of Sagittarius only after 12 years.

Consequently, those events, tasks, issues and projects that will be launched now will continue to operate for a fairly serious period.

Therefore, if Jupiter in Sagittarius favors you or the field of activity in which you are engaged, you should not miss such a rare opportunity.

That is why you should read this article more carefully and take all the necessary steps to take advantage of Jupiter’s favor.

Step 1. Determine how Jupiter in Sagittarius will affect you

In general, if Jupiter manifests itself as a favorable planet in your horoscope, you will be able to note that, in general, a ray of good luck, happiness and hope has appeared in your life.
In all areas associated with the sign of Sagittarius, life becomes easier.

To assess the influence of Jupiter in Sagittarius on you, you can remember what happened in your life in the period from November 24, 2006 to November 18 December 2007.

However, there are special lucky ones for whom the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Sagittarius will bring special luck.

Jupiter in Sagittarius will bring great luck:

  • those born under (≈ November 22 - December 21);
  • for those whose ascendant (rising sign), also known as the first house of the horoscope, is in the sign of Sagittarius.

If your rising sign (ascendant) is Sagittarius, then the period of Jupiter in Sagittarius can bring you good luck in money.

During the transit of Jupiter through the sign of Sagittarius, luck will increase for these zodiac signs:

  • Aries (≈ from March 23 to April 19);
  • Leo (≈ from July 23 to August 22);
  • Libra (≈ from September 23 to October 23);
  • Aquarius (≈ s January 20 to February 18).

Note: if your rising sign is Aries, Leo, Libra or Aquarius, then your luck will also increase.

How will luck manifest itself for you if you were born under one of these signs:

  • You will feel a surge of energy and optimism;
  • You will be lucky in your endeavors;
  • Brilliant opportunities appear, support comes in difficult situations. For the signs Aries and Leo - unexpected help, a hint, they will literally organize for you to “get away with it unscathed”, all other things being equal. For Libra and Aquarius, something always softens the blow, protects and wards off serious consequences. However, do not abuse this support unless absolutely necessary!

It may be a little more difficult for you than others if you:

  • Gemini (≈ May 21 - June 21);
  • Virgo (≈ August 23 - September 22);
  • Pisces (≈ 19 February - March 20).

note: If your rising sign is Gemini, Virgo or Pisces, then you will also need to be careful.

  • If you were born under the sign of Gemini, solar or rising, then it is very important for you not to promise more than you can do, learn to limit yourself in emotions and affections, and say “no”. This is very important for the sphere of relationships, both personal and business.
  • If you were born under the sign of Virgo or Pisces, solar or ascendant, then it will be important for you not to succumb to provocations and not to get involved in dubious adventures, to keep your emotions under control. For Virgo sign special caution will be required in communicating with loved ones and in household matters and situations related to real estate. For Pisces sign- topics in the field of work and career become more active, which can cause dissatisfaction with loved ones if you pay little attention to them.

Remember, any stressful aspect can always bring you very good benefit!

Note: these are the recommendations general character, since they were prepared without reference to a specific horoscope. What impact the events of the Jupiter in Sagittarius period will have on you can be found out at .

Important! Jupiter favors all areas through which he “passes.”

Your horoscope consists of 12 houses - sectors associated with various areas of life. And it may turn out, for example, that your house of money in the horoscope is associated with the sign Sagittarius, which means great luck will come to you! Maybe not in general, but in the area of ​​money, which is also not bad.

Step 2. Take advantage of favorable opportunities according to your zodiac sign

To make the most of the opportunities that Jupiter in Sagittarius brings, consider the following recommendations.

During the transit of Jupiter through the sign of Sagittarius, it is favorable:

For those born under the sign of Sagittarius:

  • If Jupiter passes through the first house of your horoscope (ascendant in Sagittarius) or through the Sun (Sun in Sagittarius), then the time has come for you to begin projects that previously seemed too complex or even overwhelming for you, to put things in order in your wardrobe, to express yourself, to include "penetrating abilities".

Favorable for all zodiac signs:

  • Engage in long-term planning for a period of 5 to 12 years. It is beneficial to prepare a list of goals and desires. For example, practice in preparation is very suitable.
  • Think through various options for cooperation, including with representatives of other cultures and foreign partners.
  • Engage in learning and self-development, creative projects. It’s good to study foreign culture and history and expand your horizons.
  • Understand your value system, realize what is important and meaningful to you, find your purpose, reconsider the mission of your business.
  • A good period for those who are engaged in self-improvement, study or apply esotericism.

Depending on where Jupiter in Sagittarius falls in your horoscope, you can expect development and predictable favorable changes in a particular area of ​​life.

Step 3. Identify the areas favored by Jupiter in Sagittarius

During the year, while Jupiter passes through the sign of Sagittarius, a number of industries and areas of activity will do better than the overall market.

All areas of activity associated with the sign of Sagittarius receive strong support from Jupiter in the period until December 2, 2019.

Sagittarius is the zodiac sign associated with knowledge, culture, learning and broadening one's horizons. Therefore, in order to be luckier, it is important to pay more attention to learning and self-development in 2019.

Among the areas favored by Jupiter in Sagittarius are the following:

  • energy, gas, gasoline,
  • science, teaching, higher education generally,
  • esoteric knowledge such as astrology, tarot, metaphysics and others,
  • philosophy, philology, publishing,
  • management and politics, legislative activity, justice,
  • any big business
  • foreign trade, wholesale trade,
  • tourism,
  • transport long distance, long-distance transportation,
  • very expensive, elite areas
  • and some others.

The influence of Jupiter in Sagittarius for each zodiac sign

Note: in your horoscope, Jupiter may be, for example, in a weak position, or damaged by tense aspects. In such a situation, even a favorable planet can manifest itself negatively. If in your horoscope there are no aspects of Jupiter with personal planets and luminaries, then the influence of this transit may be felt weaker.

Video timing:
Features of Jupiter in Sagittarius for everyone: 00:00
Horoscope for Aries - 07:11
Horoscope for Taurus - 09:16
Horoscope for Gemini - 10:43
Horoscope for Cancer - 11:54
Horoscope for Leo - 12:58
Horoscope for Virgo - 14:14
Horoscope for Libra - 15:17
Horoscope for Scorpio - 16:24
Horoscope for Sagittarius - 17:36
Horoscope for Capricorn - 19:12
Horoscope for Aquarius - 20:43
Horoscope for the sign Pisces - 21:52

So, let’s summarize what you need to do during the period of Jupiter in Sagittarius so that luck smiles on you:

  • Determine exactly how the passage of Jupiter through the sign of Sagittarius affects your situation.
  • Check whether Jupiter in Sagittarius coincides with a significant point in your horoscope (position of the ascendant, Sun, Moon, etc.). If yes, then the influence of Jupiter on you will be stronger than on others.
  • Use recommendations about the favorable opportunities that Jupiter in Sagittarius opens up.
  • Study which industries and areas of activity receive the support of Jupiter. If you are planning new projects, starting a new business or moving to a new job, it is better to choose those areas and activities that Jupiter favors.
  • Make the most of favorable opportunities to make a good start for many years to come.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation; read more about that.

Find out more about how in 2019 to resolve an important issue with work, career or your business, when buying or selling real estate, find out whether to plan a move and other serious issues, taking into account the influence Jupiter in Sagittarius You can at

Have questions? Please write them in the comments under this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

Why is everyone waiting for transiting Jupiter to come to their First House? Because Jupiter is the most noble and generous planet in astrology. Jupiter in Sagittarius is especially favorable. The placement gives the native many good qualities of character, good strong social position and vigor. When the giant is strong, it gives a person good income and the opportunity to travel.

The planet Jupiter in Sagittarius promises good career, but only if a person follows the principles of ethics - Dharma, in Sanskrit. In addition, Jupiter or Brihaspati is responsible for the birth of children in a personal horoscope.

Sagittarius is a fiery active sign, incredibly creative. Jupiter feels quite good in this element. The planet rules the 12th House and the 9th. This position gives a huge sense of self-importance. A person constantly craves attention and praise from others.

Jupiter has two Houses - in Pisces and in Sagittarius. In Gemini and Virgo, he is in exile, that is, he does not show his positive qualities at all. Jupiter is exalted in the sign Cancer.

In Sanskrit, Sagittarius is called Dhanu-Rashi. The sign is mutable and guides along the spiritual path. From the point of view of the Vedas, Rashi is also ruled by Jupiter and has the nature of pitta - fire. In the Vedic astrological tradition, Jupiter is called Guru (demigod occupying the highest position). He is the teacher of the demigods. Another name for Guru is Brihaspati.

It is Sagittarius who, from the entire zodiac circle, most strives for purushartha - compliance with the rules and norms in following the 4 earthly goals - dharma, artha, kama and moksha. He not only strives for it himself, but also tries to teach this to others.

The sign of Dhanu gives the native unprecedented vitality and activity. These people cannot sit at home doing nothing. They believe in a better future and try to bring this ideal time closer with their active actions. Under the influence of Brihaspati, strong, significant personalities are born, capable of diplomacy and able to be responsible for a large number of people.

When the giant moves into Sagittarius

The gas giant of our solar system has been in one zodiac sign for exactly a year. From April 10, 2019, Jupiter will become retrograde for 4 months and move into Sagittarius, but only for 14 days. From April 24, the giant planet will move into Capricorn. While going through the retrograde loop, he will visit several signs before he finds himself back in Sagittarius. Calculations were carried out according to the Western astrological system.

This period is not very favorable. In political legal activities and in learning it brings delays and various difficulties. This happens every year. Better to be aware of the beginning and end retrograde movement this celestial body.

Jupiter moves into Sagittarius for the second time on August 11, 2019, then will move direct again.

Jupiter's power

According to Jyotish, Guru is the graha of expansion. Therefore, all Sagittarius, under the influence of the ruling planet, have an independent and easy-going character. A native with such a position of Jupiter will not be able to live normally with those who limit his freedom. Working in complete subordination or performing routine daily duties is also not their path.

These people experience boredom and dissatisfaction in life if they do not have students or followers. Jupiter gives the power to inspire and guide other people, as well as the power to believe in yourself and your business. Men and women with Jupiter in Sagittarius in their natal chart are born teachers, patrons, and spiritual leaders. Of course, a lot depends on the upbringing and individual views of the individual. If such a person does not consider himself a member of any orthodox system, he still has inner faith.

Jupiter in Sagittarius on the Ascendant

When the Guru is in the First House in the birth chart, especially in the first degrees - on the Ascendant, his influence on the behavior and appearance of a person will be very strong. This is one of the most favorable positions. Moreover, Jupiter is strong in the 9th and 11th Houses.

But let’s continue with the description of the native with Jupiter in Sagittarius on the ascendant. He is a tall man with a beautiful oval-shaped face. He dresses with taste. He has soft hair and large, expressive eyes. He tends to be full, since Jupiter always expands everything. When it is in the house of the physical body, it expands it, especially in the abdominal area.

By nature, these people are very sociable, kind, and merciful to the weaker. Their voice is loud, their laughter is sonorous and contagious. People always turn to them for help, and they are happy to help everyone.

Positive aspects of the situation

The astrological position of Jupiter in Sagittarius (like other celestial configurations) has its advantages and disadvantages. That is, he endows the ward with positive character qualities and negative ones. A person is endowed with the following positive qualities:

  1. He strives for justice everywhere and in everything.
  2. He is characterized by true humanism.
  3. Able to quickly adapt to any circumstances.
  4. Shows straightforwardness in communication.
  5. Always open to new acquaintances.
  6. He has a good outlook and knowledge on many issues.
  7. Takes care of others.
  8. Optimist.
  9. He does not like to lie, he behaves absolutely honestly towards his loved ones.

The ascendant will also tell you a lot about the personality. moon sign. The House, where the Guru is located in the natal chart, is also very important.

Negative sides

The other side of the coin is also present. The negative traits of a person with Jupiter in a fire sign are:

  • May show arrogance.
  • Too much of an idealist. They say about such people that they behave as if they are wearing rose-colored glasses.
  • Does not show practicality in everyday life.
  • Impulsive, prone to taking unnecessary risks.
  • Not inclined to make independent decisions, he plays for time in order to postpone resolving the issue.
  • Prone to nomadic life.

Should you enter into a close relationship with a person or keep him at a considerable distance from you? This needs to be decided after communicating with him. A horoscope may indicate certain aspects of personality, but these should not be decided important questions, relying on the recommendations of an astrologer. A person can “outgrow” his horoscope - become stronger, more elevated, reconsider and change his behavior. He can also follow his own lead negative qualities character without developing positive ones.

Women with natal Jupiter in fiery Sagittarius

Such women are noble, sympathetic and good-natured. They love to buy only high-quality things for themselves and their loved ones and give expensive gifts. When a woman has Jupiter in Sagittarius, she strives to constantly learn something new, read, study, and then share this information with other people. However, due to the desire for generalization, she does not always grasp the details of a new theory or a new approach to the study of sciences, does not delve into details, only tells general provisions.

These girls are incredibly popular among their friends. They are generous and moral, they will never respond to meanness or take revenge. They tend to communicate equally cheerfully with everyone. But they will boldly express all his shortcomings to a person’s face if they don’t like the interlocutor.

These girls are usually rich, fair, love to travel, learn about other cultures and customs. They have big plans: they dream of knowing everything, going everywhere, being fully realized and raising perfectly raised children.

Material benefits bestowed by Jupiter

For the zodiac signs with whom he intersects in life, a person with Jupiter in Sagittarius seems to be a real darling of fate. People with a different position of Jupiter in the natal chart are less lucky. When Brihaspati is in his home, he bestows all the blessings of life, good erudition, health, attractiveness and a lot of impressions while traveling around the world.

Someone is always in love with such people, because they concentrate both physical and intellectual attractiveness.

To earn the favor of the Guru, one must serve the people well in past life. This is what Jyotish philosophy says.


What destiny is destined for people who have Jupiter in the sign of Sagittarius in their horoscope? These individuals have a sense of justice, which is why they often go to law school. They are also capable of becoming good teachers and politicians. Having quite extensive knowledge and the desire to instruct everyone around them, Sagittarians intuitively go into pedagogy or the field of international relations.

Enthusiasm and excellent health allow them to “stay in the saddle” until old age. At the same time, they are able to accumulate enough knowledge to pass on their experience to new generations. Women prefer the field of pedagogy, while Sagittarius men choose the path of lawyers, international judges or clergy. They can become excellent managers, auditors or financial geniuses.

Jupiter conjunct other planets

Planets and Houses cannot be considered separately. It is necessary to view all aspects between celestial bodies, as well as the interaction of planets in Houses with points of the lunar orbit.

In the native's horoscope, Jupiter may be in the same House with other planets. If they are located in a sector from 2 to 8 degrees (each planet has its own personal orb), then astrologers say that the planets are in conjunction. This leaves a certain imprint on the personality.

Let's consider how direct aspects of Jupiter in Sagittarius with other planets will affect a person:

  1. Jupiter conjunct Saturn. The native is more prone to solitude, which is somewhat strange for Jupiterians. Shows perseverance and stoicism, able to withstand any blows of fate.
  2. The sign of Sagittarius is Jupiter and Neptune a few degrees apart. This aspect means a strong attraction of the individual to issues of philosophy and religion. Perhaps a person will go to a theological academy and devote his whole life to the church.
  3. Conjunction of Jupiter. A person wants to be unique in everything. He will not choose an ordinary profession. He is drawn to explore everything, to learn new things. He is an excellent organizer and strategist, loves history, strives to understand the past and future.
  4. Pluto and Jupiter. With this combination, good luck accompanies financial matters. Such a person does not waste money, plans a budget well, knows how to guide people, convince them of his ideas, and has a knack for psychology.
  5. Jupiter with Lilith. A person suffers from boredom, seeks dangerous adventures, strives for fame by any means.

Let us recall that Lilith and distant planets in Eastern astrology are not taken into account by the astrologer.

Parent characteristics

If Jupiter in Sagittarius in men is not aspected by Saturn or one of the nodes, then over time they make wonderful dads. These men do not immediately strive to tie the knot. In their youth they are flighty, like Geminis. They are usually attractive and charming, so they have no shortage of fans. When such a man finds his ideal woman, he stays with her forever.

The same applies to women. They also search for their ideal for a long time. When they feel that they have found their destiny, they become very caring and faithful wives. In any horoscope House, Jupiter in Sagittarius (a woman’s House can be filled with three or more planets) will always force her ward to first realize herself and then get married.

Jupiter is responsible for followers and children. In natality, such people have more than 1 child. Children may be from different partners, but the mother is always with them a good relationship. Sagittarius women according to Jupiter are definitely looking for a partner who would be a friend to both her and her child. This applies to those women who remarry.

Transiting Jupiter

During the transit of Jupiter through Sagittarius, horizons in all spheres of human activity expand as much as possible. People actively study foreign languages ​​and study. Businessmen expand their markets and earn more profits. The sign of Sagittarius promises many wonderful ideas and faith in the future.

If there is stagnation in life, Jupiter in Sagittarius can improve the situation and help a person believe in himself again.

At the international level, relations between countries are improving. The heads of state are trying to find mutual understanding and establish cooperation for many years. If Jupiter is damaged by aspect to Saturn, the results may be reversed.


If an astrologer told you that you have Jupiter in Sagittarius, how can you decipher this? What to expect from fate? This is a strong position of the planet. In the fire sign, the Guru promises a wonderful comfortable life, career success and the love of the public. Transiting Jupiter promises many “gifts” to everyone. But the planet, being in the 6th, 8th, 12th Houses, will not be able to show its best characteristics.