Too lazy to do everything. How to understand when to fight laziness and when to give up being too demanding of yourself

30.06.2020 This is interesting

Everyone knows firsthand what laziness is: who hasn’t had to be lazy! Laziness is the lack of desire to do anything.

There are many proverbs and sayings about laziness: “Labor feeds a man, but laziness spoils”, “A lazy man in the middle of the river asks for a drink”, “A lazy spinner has no shirt for herself”, etc. Many folk parables are also dedicated to laziness, and traditionally laziness is considered vice. Being lazy is bad, because “no water flows under a lying stone,” and a lazy person, as a rule, lives at someone else’s expense, that is, he is simply a freeloader.

When we say: “I won’t do this because I’m lazy,” deep down we understand that the task at hand is not interesting to us, or we feel it is unnecessary, so we internally resist completing it. At the same time, we waste time in every possible way so as not to engage in something that our soul is not passionate about. After all, laziness does not necessarily mean doing nothing.

A student who, to put it mildly, does not like his life, would prefer to sit aimlessly on the Internet, talk on the phone for hours, play shooting games, just not do what he should do at the moment.

Another example: you can be lazy for years if a person understands that he will never need it.

3. Perhaps the main reason for laziness is lack of motivation.

The human body is designed in such a way that it allows us to take actions necessary for our survival. Where basic instincts are present, laziness does not exist. For example, it is unlikely healthy person he will be too lazy to eat if he is very hungry.

In more complex cases of behavior due to motivation or lack thereof, things are not so simple. For example, an unemployed husband lies in front of the TV, and an irritated wife convicts him and persuades him. But he is lazy, because everything suits him, except, of course, his wife’s lectures. However, the pleasant opportunity to lie on the sofa outweighs the irritation from her words, so he will continue to be lazy. Most likely, he will budge only when the lights are turned off for debts, the food runs out, that is, when this situation no longer suits him and when he becomes motivated (unless, of course, the same wife continues to provide for him).

This is too simple an example, but it shows that if there is no motivation, then there is no energy, and the person becomes lazy.

The lack of proper motivation, for example, appropriate remuneration, on the part of management can lead to the fact that the entire team in any field of activity “sick” with laziness. And this disease is dangerous because it progresses. In this case, each employee will expect that his work will be done by someone else, and not by himself.

4. Lack of dopamine

Some scientists have concluded that laziness may be inherited due to the laziness gene, which prevents brain tissue from producing enough of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine takes part in the formation of motivation and has an invigorating effect on the body. The lack of dopamine makes a person lethargic and inert.

Although, of course, the easiest way to justify your idleness is with the words: “I was born that way, you can’t go against nature.”

5. Laziness is contagious

Spending too much time in the company of inert people, we risk becoming lazy and becoming the same.

Is it possible to overcome laziness?

In fact, there are many methods to combat laziness. At the same time, some of the chronic lazy people came to the conclusion that it is impossible to fight laziness - but it can be used profitably by making friends with it. That is, don’t waste your energy fighting it, forcing yourself to do uninteresting things, work through “I don’t want to,” but do even less, but do what you like and leads to success.

Some people joke: “You can overcome laziness, but laziness.”

In addition, there is an opinion that in most cases the fight against laziness is the cause. The loser in this struggle experiences disappointment and dissatisfaction, which can ultimately lead to depression.

Still, why not try? Moreover, knowing the reason for our own laziness, it will be easier for us to do this.

1. Review your daily routine and diet

A person who is overcome by apathy, lack of interest in anything and reluctance to do anything due to fatigue and decreased vitality cannot be made to work until he returns to his previous form. This means he must rest and reconsider his daily routine and diet.

Natural stimulants are used as tonics for physical and mental fatigue: tincture of eleutherococcus, Chinese magnolia vine and ginseng root.

2. Take a closer look at the people around us

If it turns out that we copy their behavior and easily succumb to the influence of others, in particular, we adopt the habit of spending our time idly, it is worth gradually changing our environment. No wonder they say that a king is made by his retinue.

3. Motivate yourself

To defeat laziness, you need to have a decent incentive and clearly imagine the benefits of our actions, that is, motivation, which will serve as our driving force on the path to our intended goal.

4. Sometimes you still get lazy

There is a parable about laziness: after death, one man found himself in a wonderful place where he could do nothing, just enjoy delicious food and have all kinds of fun. And so time passed in idleness until the person became bored with such a life. And he asked a passing creature in white robes when he would be able to do something, because such a life is worse than hell. To which the creature replied: “Where do you think you ended up?”

Thus, if sometimes you want to be lazy, you need to give yourself this opportunity. After some time, we will get bored with idleness, and we ourselves will develop active activity.

5. Remind yourself more often that life is short and there is no time to be lazy.

Sometimes it’s worth making an effort on yourself and instead of saying “I have to do this,” say to yourself: “I want to do this,” because “the road can be mastered by those who walk.” Otherwise, if we do not learn to manage our lives ourselves, there is a high risk that someone else will manage it. And not always worthy of trust and respect.

The fact that there is laziness in your life often only means that you are a living person and not a robot, and sometimes you simply slow down the pace and intensity of your activities. Sometimes you just need to get up and start doing what needs to be done at that moment in time. In fact, overcome laziness through willpower. However, it happens that laziness takes on exaggerated forms, and here it is worth stopping and reflecting on its causes and choosing an effective tool for correcting it. Let's look at each reason in more detail.

Lack of motivation

This is probably the most common sign of laziness. A typical example of this type of laziness are situations when a person understands that he needs to do this or that work, but cannot bring himself to do it. There is a reluctance to do something. Or the desire not to do something. People literally feel internal resistance and struggle. In psychology, this phenomenon is sometimes called a conflict of independent units of consciousness or intrapersonal conflict. A person’s personality can be represented as a collection of subpersonalities, each of which wants something and strives for something. If their intentions are opposite, then the person will really be “torn into pieces,” because each subpersonality will pull him in its own direction.

What to do about it

When dealing with this type of laziness, efforts must be made in two directions. On the one hand, to increase motivation, and on the other, to eliminate internal conflict at the level of subpersonalities, literally negotiating with them. The simplest, but very effective exercise, aimed at increasing motivation, looks like this: you identify the activity that you are too lazy to do. After this, by repeatedly asking the question “Why do I need to do this activity?”, you seem to connect a specific activity with a highly desired goal on a larger scale.

Suppose you are too lazy to teach English language. You ask yourself the question: “Why do I need to teach him?” - and answer: “In order to be able to read English-language literature and communicate with native speakers.” Again you ask yourself the question: “Why do you need to read English-language literature and communicate with native speakers?”, in response you get: “To get an MBA from Harvard University”... “Why...?” ... - “To increase wages tenfold... To ensure the future of children... To be happy.” As a result, instead of the connection “learn English in order to learn English”, a new one will be formed - “learn English in order to be happy.” Agree, the second motivates much more than the first.

As for eliminating internal conflict, I recommend that you pay attention to the developments of modern NLP. The essence of working with conflicts in this case will be to identify the intention of each of the subpersonalities and adjust the method of its practical implementation in life.


Laziness is often caused by fear. Moreover, it does not matter which one - fear of the unknown or fear based on previous negative experience. Sometimes a person is afraid not of something negative, but, on the contrary, of fame, glory, success - everything that pulls a person out of his usual way of life.

There is a common point of view that you just need to overcome fear by breaking yourself. “Don’t be afraid,” they tell us. “Are you weak?” - friends are trying to motivate us. I do not agree with this and believe that such tactics can be destructive. Climbers have a good saying: those who were not afraid are no longer with us. And this is true, because fear also has a positive side - it protects us from stupid, arrogant actions. That is why we should not perceive fear as an enemy that must be fought and overcome - sometimes it should be perceived as a friend who does not allow us to do something without “spreading straws.”

What to do about it

Effective work consists of increasing overall self-confidence and the ability to predict possible difficulties that will arise in the process of a particular type of activity and think through ways to resolve them. Of course, it is impossible to predict all potential difficulties, but in the process of thinking, you mentally place yourself in this activity, thereby significantly adjusting the level of fear.

Any event what's happening
in a person's life, initially absolutely neutral-– positive or negative
makes him the man himself

In situations where a person has a previous negative experience, a general increase in self-confidence and forecasting options for the development of the situation may not be enough. But don't despair. At the moment, there are psychotherapeutic techniques that allow you to effectively work through past negative experiences. Most often they are based on the idea that the past is not what happened to us, but what we did with what happened to us. Based on this, any event that occurs in a person’s life is initially absolutely neutral - it is the person himself who makes it positive or negative. Methods allow you to reassess a past event, taking into account accumulated experience and the presence of other points of view.

Lack of energy

It is quite logical that a lack of energy can be a consequence of fears, lack of motivation, and much more. But most often this is a consequence of three factors: insufficient sleep, poor diet and lack of regular physical activity. Adjusting these parameters allows you to radically get rid of this type of laziness.

What to do about it

I will only focus on the most important points. The importance of sleep is difficult to overestimate: you need to sleep at least 7–8 hours. When forming a diet, it is recommended to adhere to three rules: do not eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, while regularly taking vitamins and mineral supplements. Physical activity must be present in life without fail, since, on the one hand, it allows you to effectively cope with daily stress, and on the other hand, it significantly increases the overall level of energy. It doesn’t matter what kind of physical activity it will be: running, strength training, football, yoga. You are free to choose what you like, the main thing is that the classes are regular.

This type also includes situations where laziness is simply a protective reaction of the body from overexertion. In this case, the solution to the problem is very simple - lie down and rest.

Individual feature

Perhaps the most striking example is the typical exam preparation strategy for students - the night before the exam, although it would seem much more logical to distribute this process over a longer period of time. That is, a person needs to bring the situation to a very high level mental stress, and when it exceeds a certain “bar”, a person begins to act actively.

What to do about it

In principle, if such a feature does not bother you, you can do nothing with it. It's another matter if she starts to harm you. In this case, it would be best to proceed with banal planning and strict implementation of the plan. For example, you know that you need to prepare for a presentation and you have 30 days to do it. At the same time, you are aware that if you do nothing, you will begin preparing for the presentation in exactly 29 days. Next, you simply allocate yourself, for example, 30 minutes a day to complete this task. At this time, you forbid yourself to do anything other than the presentation. It is important to understand: you do not expect inspiration to come to you, you do not expect to be mega-motivated - you just spend 30 minutes a day preparing for the presentation. As a result, with a high degree of probability, the level of your preparation in this case will be radically different from what you are used to.

Deep psychological reasons

IN in this case most often it is about psychological trauma and negative scripts received in childhood. They write a lot about all this: for example, Eric Berne in the books “People Who Play Games” and “Games People Play”, Mikhail Reshetnikov in the book “Mental Trauma”.

What to do about it

Unfortunately, effective independent work with this type of laziness is almost impossible. The only right way out is to find a good psychotherapist or doctor. A state of reluctance to do something can be a manifestation of a mental (depression, neurosis) or physical (hypertension, endocrine problems) disease. With prolonged apathy and depression, it makes sense to visit a doctor, because the vast majority of such diseases can be successfully treated.

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So, a few tips for lazy adults to combat laziness:

Think positively - let positive emotions into your life. Think about what could shake you up (or just make you happy) - attending a concert of your favorite band, a football match, a tourist outing, or just a trip to another city? Perhaps it's time to jump with a parachute?

Never start new life(business) from Monday – only here and now.

Charge yourself with energy - enter physical exercise. If you can’t force yourself to do morning exercises, sign up for group classes at the gym or pool at a time convenient for you. In a gregarious way, you will slowly get involved and maintain your shape. A healthy body is a successful business!

Break your work into small components and be sure to give yourself a reward for completing them or, as a last resort, praise yourself out loud - a small thing, but nice.

Create a visual reminder for yourself in which you will enjoy celebrating the work you have completed.

Constantly remind yourself exactly what goal you are moving towards. Every evening, when talking with your loved ones or friends, talk through what you managed to do during the day. Such unique reports can help stimulate your work activity - you should brag about the work you have done.

Work in short bursts during which you complete real tasks.

Alternate pleasant and unpleasant things. Try, without thinking, to do dull, boring work, because no one can do it without you. Motivate yourself - why are you doing this? Perhaps this is a chance to be noticed and appreciated. Or maybe you are a pioneer - be so proud of yourself!

Remember that quality work will take much less time.

Don't believe in wizards and forget the word "maybe." Believe in your strength - and you will succeed!

At the same time, remember that laziness is not always bad. Listen to yourself - maybe you just haven’t rested for a long time and the apathy that has arisen towards everything is the first bell. In this case, it’s time for you to go on vacation or just need to get some sleep.

Hello everyone, Olga Ryshkova is with you. What is laziness? Is this a hereditary property or a condition that occurs as a result of some kind of disease? If so, is there a cure for laziness?

No one blames a cat lying for hours for laziness. For her, like for other animals, laziness is a way to save energy. This is especially true for animals that eat low-calorie plant foods.

Human laziness promotes our progress - cars carry us around, they do our laundry for us washing machines, Conveyors and forklifts operate in factories. But here we are talking about talented inventors. And our desire for idleness, which attracts us to the sofa, where does it come from?

If a person has slept for 8-9 hours, wakes up exhausted, and after 2-3 hours he again becomes drowsy and apathetic, this should make him wary. Everyone experiences bouts of laziness, but few people think about its sources. There are several medical reasons that are commonly called in a simple word“laziness”, but in fact have a scientific basis.

Reason 1. Thyroid hormones.

They affect the functions of the human body and, in particular, the speed of biochemical reactions and energy exchange between cells. What we regard as laziness may turn out to be a malfunction of the thyroid gland. If it synthesizes insufficient hormones, metabolism slows down. This is called hypothyroidism - reduced function of the thyroid gland. A blood test and ultrasound can help detect it.

Reason 2. Adrenal hormones.

So-called laziness, lack of interest in life and pleasure from things that previously pleased a person can be somatic signs of stressful conditions.

Catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and cortisol are stress hormones that we need to adapt to any situation. They are produced by the adrenal glands.

During times of stress or intense work, their levels in the blood increase. The more frequent and severe the stress, the more adrenal hormones are in the blood. It is an internal defense mechanism against severe physiological stress.

But only if the hormonal system works correctly. If a person lives in a state of constant, chronic stress, when the adrenal glands are forced to pump stress hormones into the blood for months and years, these glands become depleted.

The adrenal glands can no longer respond when necessary by releasing hormones. Plus, tissue receptors adapt to them and stop responding to them. The person becomes lethargic, lethargic, and tired. Which one? That's right, lazy.

This is a situation that requires normalization of lifestyle or even professional help from a doctor in order to cope with stress illnesses and improve life.

Reason 3. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

If a person is tired psychologically (for example, in a stressful situation), his mental abilities deteriorate. CFS may outwardly look like simple fatigue, but it is accompanied by deterioration of immune defense and impaired oxygen delivery to tissues. Scientists believe that the cause of the development of CFS is the herpes virus (its forms are Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus), I wrote about this in detail in the article “ Herpes virus is the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome».

CFS is not the usual periodic short-term fatigue depending on the intensity of work. This state continues for a long period of time, six months or more, without any enlightenment with a constant feeling of fatigue, memory loss, and irritability. Chronic fatigue syndrome and its companion laziness can be contracted like the flu.

Reason 4. Defense mechanisms of the psyche.

Such mechanisms are activated when a person needs protection from mental and emotional stress and when the subconscious does not want to do what a person does consciously. This is a common situation when a person looks lazy and not hardworking enough, but this is not due to the fact that he does not want to do anything, but to the fact that what he is doing is not very interesting to him. This is normal resistance that should not be fought. It’s better to find out what this person is really interested in.

Laziness may simply be a lack of desire, a lack of motivation, goals, unclear prospects for the future, or it may be an avoidance of failure. Communication with a psychotherapist will help identify such problems.

Reason 5. Protective mechanisms of the nervous system.

Such mechanisms are triggered when work and rest patterns are disrupted, as well as during prolonged intense brain work. The body turns on the laziness mechanism to protect itself from nervous exhaustion.

Working late and at night often leads to disruption of circadian or circadian rhythms. The sleep-wake cycle must be respected and if a person continues to be awake at night, the body does not accept this, he must sleep at night.

If, due to the nature of work, nighttime activity becomes the norm for a long time, the body adapts to chronic stress and loses the ability to rest normally. Physical endurance is impaired.

The accumulated situation with sleep disturbance leads to depletion of compensatory capabilities and fatigue and weakness quickly increase. You can overcome lethargy and laziness if you change your lifestyle. It is recommended to reduce the load at least slightly, review the rest cycles and compulsorily introduce active types of recreation into life, including physical education.

Reason 6. Genes.

We agree that, in addition to the reasons listed, some people also have a common predisposition to idleness. Scientists have found that out of the 17 thousand genes we have, 36 are related to a character trait called laziness and these genes are inherited.

But if you haven’t found any lazy people in your family tree, and it haunts you, think about the fact that the body can signal laziness about its problems.

But if doctors don’t find any medical reasons for your laziness, then it’s time to take charge of yourself.

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Laziness, what a familiar feeling, isn’t it? To get rid of laziness forever, we all really want this and dream about it! It’s not for nothing that throughout the entire existence of mankind, the topic of laziness has been written great amount jokes, parables and fairy tales.

Here is one of my favorite jokes about laziness: one friend asks another: “Brother, do you ever have bouts of laziness? No, the second one answers him, I have moments of activity. Laziness is my constant state.”

Or in the parable about two cats who are arguing about who is lazier, the one who is too lazy to raise his paw and catch the mouse running nearby, or the one who fell face-first into sour cream and is too lazy to lick his face.

And the modern Internet is replete with articles and video courses on this topic. Let's define what laziness is, why it occurs and how to deal with it? Let's figure it out together!

I'm lazy. What to do? The fight against laziness and inaction

We consider laziness to be the lack of desire to act, work, produce something. Most often, we explain this feeling to ourselves with the words: I don’t want, I can’t force myself, why, why should I do this.

Why is this happening. It’s very simple, we don’t want to do something that we don’t see the point in, that is, where there is no motivation, laziness is born. The feeling of laziness is like a defense mechanism against joyless, routine or simply unnecessary work.

Although, this does not always happen, because there is work that you want or not, but must be done, what then? There are two options to solve this problem. The first is not to perform an action or job at all that causes a feeling of laziness, change jobs.

Doing a job you don’t like can very often cause not only laziness, but also lead to depression, when you will need the help of specialists.

Unfortunately, changing your unloved job to your favorite one may be the most correct and effective way, but it is not always feasible in reality.

The second option is to find positive motivation for action, and in the words of psychologists, you should change your attitude towards action.

Remember Emelyushka from the Russian fairy tale, lying on the stove all the time with nothing to do, a typical lazy person, isn’t it? So, what was it that lifted him from the stove? Of course, motivation!

After all, the brothers promised to bring him a red caftan and red boots, because he would help his daughters-in-law. No amount of persuasion or exhortation had any effect on him, and only the threat that he would not receive the desired gift raised him from the stove.
That is, due to the emergence of motivation, his attitude towards action changed and laziness disappeared! Often, simply by imagining the benefit that a person will receive from the work done, laziness disappears and you begin to act.

So, for example, imagine that if you don’t finish your work during the working day, you will have to stay to finish it after work or take work home, which means you won’t be able to do something more enjoyable, watch your favorite movie, or go to the pool, etc.

Or imagine that you receive a salary for your work, and this allows you to support your family, go on vacation, give gifts to children, and help elderly parents. Here's another motivation.

Once you complete the work, you will feel satisfied and relieved, which will boost your self-esteem!
Of course, there are routine tasks that you can’t escape from. This is where clear working hours come to our aid. I have already written about this in my articles.

If in the first half of the day we do the planned, necessary, but not entirely favorite things, and then move on to something more interesting, then the feeling of satisfaction from what has been accomplished will make routine things not so scary.

Try it and feel the result. The feeling of laziness will recede!

Watch the video about planning your time, your day (time management). There is an article about it on the blog.

Very often we have a huge number of ideas, but are too lazy to bring them to life. We have a lot of excuses and justifications for this. This is how we lose a huge amount of the most valuable thing in our lives - time!

The path from laziness to success

What to do? How to take action, overcome laziness, and start moving towards success and goals? There are a lot of trainings and articles on how to get rid of laziness, many of which I read and analyzed.
For myself, I came up with a simple formula on how to get rid of laziness. This is self-organization and clear planning of working time.

Don’t set impossible goals, move forward in small steps, as in the proverb “The slower you go, the further you will go,” decide why you are doing this.

For example, today I am actively working so that tomorrow I can take up my hobby, for example, going on a trip or fishing.

Read more in my articles about where to start moving towards your goal, the basics of personal information, how to do it on the Internet and.

Watch a useful video from which you will learn about techniques that will teach you how to fight laziness.

An extreme way to get rid of laziness

There is another extreme way to get rid of laziness, maybe it will suit someone, I don’t know.

Psychologists suggest giving up everything, any activity, not working, not reading, not watching TV, just sitting and doing nothing.

It is believed that after some time of absolute inaction, a desire to work will appear, since throughout all of evolution man could not afford to be inactive.

More extreme psychologists suggest doing something you want, for example fishing, but nothing else, that is, sitting with a fishing rod for a day or two until you get bored and want to work. These are the techniques, try them!

But I still like to approach this problem, that is, stick to my formula for success, which consists of self-organization, self-discipline, choosing goals and ways to implement them, clear planning!

Watch the video about expanding living territories from the course. This will also help fight laziness and inaction.

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