Vedic astrology Venus in the 5th house. Astrological encyclopedia

09.07.2019 Career and Work

Moon calendar florist for September 2018 for indoor plants will inform all flower gardeners which day is favorable or unfavorable for working with plants, what seedlings are allowed to be planted, what and on what day it is useful to do in the garden or summer cottage, when to hill up, loosen, water and fertilize. He will also provide a large amount of information on conducting work in the garden, which touches on such issues as preparing seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, revealing the secrets of agricultural technology, how to combat pests and plant diseases, and the timing of harvesting crops from the garden. But most of all he will reveal the topic of house plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants in September 2018 will give flower gardeners a hint on what and how best to feed the plants. plot of land or at home, how and with what help you can increase productivity by an order of magnitude, what fruit-bearing plants or flowers like and do not like. See our website for indoor plants.

How often to replant indoor flowers?

  1. Slowly growing healthy plants are replanted once every two to three years.
  2. Young, intensively developing plants annually.
  3. Mature, sufficiently formed plants once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like once every 4-5 years.
  5. It is advisable to replant conifers before the dormant period.
  6. Early flowering plants will better tolerate replanting after flowering.
  7. An unscheduled transplant is necessary if pests or signs of disease appear on the plant, as well as in cases where the flowerpot is damaged.

Sequence of actions when replanting house plants according to the lunar calendar

  • The day before transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly.
  • Prepare a new pot, thoroughly wash and disinfect it.
  • Drainage is placed in the pot, then a soil mixture prepared taking into account the requirements of the plant is poured in a heap.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot by turning it upside down. Hold the stem with your left hand.
  • The roots are shaken off the ground, then inspected root system to identify old and diseased roots, which are immediately removed.
  • The plant is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and the container is filled with earthen mixture without deepening the root collar, then the substrate is pressed down, leaving a space of 2-3 cm to the top of the pot.
  • Plants are carefully watered along the edge of the pot. You can water through the tray.
  • Place the pots in light and warm place providing protection from direct sunlight.
  • Transplanted plants are regularly sprayed clean water within 6-8 days.
  • It should be remembered that it is not advisable to replant plants in a flowering state. Containers for transplantation should be larger than the old ones by 1.5-3 cm, and in the case of large plants (tubs) by 8-10 cm.

The influence of moon phases on house plants?

As you know, the Moon goes through several phases, each of which has its own specific effect on plants. This is exactly what we can now verify. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by a florist

  1. Firstly, the phase of the young or waxing Moon. This option is considered one of the most favorable for planting flowering plants in a garden flower bed or simply replanting. Ask why and what is it? The answer is very simple, since plants during the process of transplantation during this phase receive additional energy, which in turn has an important influence and significance on their growth. At the same time, astrologers strongly recommend paying attention to phases when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
  2. Secondly, the waning phase of the moon. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any actions or manipulations with plants, or, more precisely, replanting. Why? The answer is obvious, since the energy of the Moon in this case will be concentrated directly in the roots.
  3. Thirdly, the second and fourth phases of the moon. At this time, it is also better not to replant plants and process them. For example, if you are growing outdoor flowers, then the best thing to do is prepare the seeds.

Astrology and house plants

The influence of each lunar phase adjusted by the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located. If sowing occurred during the period of a “dry” sign, then even the waxing Moon will not be able to give it the necessary strength and energy for productive growth. Lunar calendar for April 2018 for a florist

  • Fertile (water) signs - Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces.
  • Infertile (dry) signs – Aries, Sagittarius.
  • Signs of average fertility - Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

In addition, there are “leaf days” – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and “root days” – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, on which watering is especially recommended. On “flower days” – Volodya, Libra, Gemini – on the contrary, it is better to avoid watering .

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for September 2018 by day

The first month of autumn is characterized by a decrease in air temperature. In September the weather is unpredictable. In order to properly care for a houseplant without harming it, you need to know the days of the month that are favorable and unfavorable for certain actions.

September is not the best suitable month for replanting domestic flowers, as they are preparing to go into a dormant state and their vital activity decreases. Therefore, even if a flower grows in a small container and requires replanting, it is better to wait until spring.

Favorable time for transplantation for bulbous and tuberous flowers (narcissus, lilies, cyclamen, gloxinia, etc.): September 1, 5, 6, 27, 28, 29.
Climbing indoor flowers (liana, hoya, indoor grapes, etc.) can be transplanted: September 2, 3, 4.
Transplantation time for leafy indoor flowers (asparagus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, monstera, peperomia, ficus, chlorophytum, myrtle, indoor rosemary): September 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19.
Unfavorable days for transplantation, you should not carry out any active actions in relation to flowers: September 7, 8, 9, 25, 26.
Watering and fertilizing indoor flowers is especially recommended: September 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24.
Pest control will be most effective on the following days: September 2, 3, 4, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22.

Moon phases in September 2018

New moon in September 2018 - September 09. On this day you should not replant anything.
Full moon in September 2018 - September 25. On this day you can do preparatory work, but not by replanting flowers.
Waxing Moon in September 2018 - from September 10 to 24. During this period, it is best to replant decorative foliage indoor flowers.
Waning Moon in September 2018 - from September 1 to 8 and from September 26 to 30. These days it is better to start planting and replanting tuberous and bulbous indoor plants.
When replanting and caring for indoor plants, you should focus not only on the phases of the moon, but also on the zodiac sign in which the Earth’s satellite is located. They are divided into 3 groups:

Fertile signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio): September 5, 6, 13, 14, 23, 24, 2018;
Signs of average fertility (Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius): September 1, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, 2018;
Infertile signs (Leo, Aries, Virgo, Aquarius, Gemini): September 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 2018.
It should be noted that replanting indoor plants in September 2018 is best done when this important satellite of the Earth is in Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus. An extremely unfavorable period at this time of autumn will be when the Moon moves into the constellation Aquarius.

>> Venus in the 5th house

In relationships with loved ones, a person who was born Venus in the 5th house, can be very happy. He gets a lot of joy from communicating with children, and playing on the stock exchange brings good results.

He is distinguished by a love of art and a penchant for creativity. By nature he has good acting and writing abilities. There is also a predisposition to success in sports games. Such a person makes many love affairs during his life, and he is successful in love, since this position of the planet makes him sexually attractive. He is kind, sociable, full of passions and loves pleasure. He enjoys working with children and teenagers.

Communication with a person with Venus in the 5th house

When a planet is damaged, there may be difficulties in achieving what you want, which can be overcome with great difficulty. An optimist and romantic, he cannot live without pleasure and prefers a serene existence. Romantic relationships gives a lot great importance and quite often turns them on. Popular in society, richly gifted with talents, interested in theater and loves to be in society and at various parties.

Such people, as a rule, become excellent parents, talented teachers and simply experts in child psychology. If they have daughters, they are often blessed with artistic talent and beautiful appearance. If a person gets married, it turns out to be long and fruitful. He quickly has children with whom he gets along well, as he has musical and artistic talents. Usually it is children who inspire him to achieve material success, make good profits and give him a feeling of happiness. Often achieves success through connections, love or friendship; Sometimes the talent of entertaining others comes to the rescue.

Character of a person with Venus in the 5th house

This person, as a rule, manages to make profitable investments thanks to his entrepreneurial gift, he is lucky in business, he can make good money in the beauty and entertainment industry, as well as in events related to children. When a planet is damaged, a tendency to destructive indulgence of one’s desires and passions develops and, as a result, health problems. May fail on the love front, in relationships with children, or as a result of his addiction to gambling. He can get serious problems, even life-threatening, due to his reckless and frivolous attitude towards the subject of his passion.

These people have a well-developed dancing talent and a penchant for entrepreneurial activity. Children, who usually have an attractive appearance, are tried to be raised well. There are chances to succeed in the field of theater activities and as a teacher. An incorrect approach to the use of energy causes an increased craving for eroticism, which can lead to large expenses on pleasures and sensual pleasures.

The defeat of the planet can lead to frequent failures in the lottery and gambling. The path to the stage and cinema is open to these people; they can become opera singers or good educators, as well as successfully engage in brokerage activities.

>> Venus in the 5th house

In relationships with loved ones, a person who was born Venus in the 5th house, can be very happy. He gets a lot of joy from communicating with children, and playing on the stock exchange brings good results.

He is distinguished by a love of art and a penchant for creativity. By nature he has good acting and writing abilities. There is also a predisposition to success in sports games. Such a person makes many love affairs during his life, and he is successful in love, since this position of the planet makes him sexually attractive. He is kind, sociable, full of passions and loves pleasure. He enjoys working with children and teenagers.

Communication with a person with Venus in the 5th house

When a planet is damaged, there are likely to be difficulties in achieving what you want, which can be overcome with great difficulty. An optimist and romantic, he cannot live without pleasure and prefers a serene existence. He attaches great importance to romantic relationships and starts them quite often. Popular in society, richly gifted with talents, interested in theater and loves to be in society and at various parties.

Such people, as a rule, become excellent parents, talented teachers and simply experts in child psychology. If they have daughters, they are often blessed with artistic talent and beautiful appearance. If a person gets married, it turns out to be long and fruitful. He quickly has children with whom he gets along well, as he has musical and artistic talents. Usually it is children who inspire him to achieve material success, make good profits and give him a feeling of happiness. Often achieves success through connections, love or friendship; Sometimes the talent of entertaining others comes to the rescue.

Character of a person with Venus in the 5th house

This person, as a rule, manages to make profitable investments thanks to his entrepreneurial gift, he is lucky in business, he can make good money in the beauty and entertainment industry, as well as in events related to children. When a planet is damaged, a tendency to destructive indulgence of one’s desires and passions develops and, as a result, health problems. May fail on the love front, in relationships with children, or as a result of his addiction to gambling. He can get serious problems, even life-threatening, due to his reckless and frivolous attitude towards the subject of his passion.

These people have a well-developed dancing talent and a penchant for entrepreneurial activity. Children, who usually have an attractive appearance, are tried to be raised well. There are chances to succeed in the field of theater activities and as a teacher. An incorrect approach to the use of energy causes an increased craving for eroticism, which can lead to large expenses on pleasures and sensual pleasures.

Creates a feeling that life is interesting and fun game. As a rule, a person with this is distinguished by some kind of brilliant talent (especially if the planet has a rich aspect). Venus gives beauty, grace and harmony, and the 5th field is the desire for self-expression and the revelation of one’s inner potential.

A person with Venus in the 5th house does not bury his talents in the ground, but at every opportunity demonstrates what he is capable of. The native does many things from the heart and with love. He can rightfully be proud of his creative achievements.

Aptitudes, talents and behavioral characteristics of a person

The owner of such Venus is distinguished by a cheerful disposition, open character and warmth. He knows how to enjoy life and often has some interesting hobby to which he devotes all his free time.

Such people are often interested in art. Even if there is little creativity in their activities, they enjoy going to the movies, theaters, concerts and exhibitions. It is important for the native to know famous actors, popular singers and famous artists. Art for them is not so much a sacrament and an individual creative process What a world of bright and inimitable images created by an extraordinary personality. Deep down, they themselves feel like the most talented and promising creators.

If Venus is damaged in the 5th house, then this may indicate the subject’s idleness, his love for sensual pleasures and gambling.

As a rule, a person with Venus in the 5th field dotes on children. Next to them, the subject awakens enthusiasm and inspiration, a feeling of joy and creative flight comes. Although much, of course, depends on the strength of the planet and the quality of its aspects.

Venus and some zodiac signs

If Venus in the 5th house of the horoscope is strong in quality and harmoniously aspected, then children for the owner of the horoscope are a source of happiness and inspiration. and are disposed to large offspring. Such a person is talented and develops the numerous abilities of his children.

Weak in quality or in quality may indicate problems with children and in personal life. Such a person can devote himself entirely to art, but stable personal relationships are difficult for him.

Venus in the 5th house for a man

The position of Venus in the masculine is important to analyze when drawing up a horoscope for your personal life and relationships. Venus in the 5th house will tell you that the native can meet his soulmate during holidays, cultural and creative events. A happy meeting can happen, for example, at a disco, in a club, while dancing or at a friendly party.

The owner of the horoscope will be happy with a woman who is cheerful, bright, optimistic and socially active. Such a man knows how to care, give compliments and beautifully declare his love. He knows what kind of gift he can pleasantly surprise his chosen one with, and participation in holidays and going out becomes an integral part of life together.

Venus in the 5th house for a woman

If the planet in question is in the 5th house of a woman’s birth chart, then it imparts to its owner a positive attitude and an easy-going attitude towards life. Such women are not inclined to complain and be discouraged. They love to be in society, share their joys with others and enjoy their attention.

Children occupy an important place in the life of the owner of the horoscope. If Venus is strong and harmonious in the horoscope, then the woman gets along well with both her own children and those of others. She initiates trips to the circus, the cinema and children's concerts, which wins the love of her little friends.

Such a woman happily organizes family holidays and celebrations. She develops children's creative talents and tries to make their every day fun and exciting.

The fifth house is traditionally considered the house of children (putra bhava). It denotes our ability to bear children and the relationship that the owner of the horoscope will develop with his children. If defeated, it indicates either childlessness or the grief that children will cause us (for women, the fifth house from the Moon, rather than from the ascendant, is often a more important indicator of children).

In addition, the fifth house is the house of creativity in the broad sense of the word. On high level it symbolizes the creative mind and our capacity for original thinking. It can be used to determine how capable a person is of giving good advice to others. In this regard, the favorable fifth house is important for lawyers and politicians. In general, the fifth house is the most important indicator of the level of development of our intellect (buddhi). When defeated, it indicates that a person’s judgment is often erroneous, and thinking is distorted by emotions.

Like the ninth, it is the house of piety and good karma. By the fifth house we can judge the spiritual resources and merits that we brought with us from past incarnations, the karma accumulated in past incarnations. It is also the house of mantras: it shows how skillfully we are able to use our words and thoughts for spiritual purposes.

The fifth house is the house of love, both in its highest and lowest forms. It symbolizes romantic love and our lovers (not necessarily those who are married to us). This is the home of pleasure and entertainment, relaxation and our favorite activities. It is also the house of health and vitality.

It characterizes our ability to make a profit from speculation and trading on the stock exchange, and also shows the benefits that the fruits of our labor, the creations of our hands, our entertainment and imagination bring us.

Material from the book “Astrology of Seers”. David Frawley.

FIFTH HOUSE: Putra bhava - house of children

The 5th house corresponds to the fire sign and is therefore called the house of dharma (duty or purpose in life).

Children, mental ability, intelligence, purvapunya (credit from previous life), speculation, risk, sports, the art of painting or drawing, moral standards, dignity, mercy, religious direction mind (religiosity), romance, love affairs, pleasures, prayers, spiritual practices, wisdom, higher education, leadership, good deeds - all these are indicators of the 5th house.

The 5th house, being a trikona, is considered beneficial. Therefore, the lord of the 5th house brings benefit to any house, wherever it is located. In addition to its main leadership over children, mind, investments, the 5th house is considered the main indicator of purvapunya. Purvapunya is a loan from a previous life (or lack thereof) that will manifest in the current life. Almost all of the most famous individuals have a strong 5th house. This suggests that they have worked quite hard in the past and are now being rewarded for their work. Purvapunya also gives a sense of predestination, so a person with strong purvapunya often feels or knows his destiny from an early age.

Since the 5th house is the house of morality and dignity, when it is strong, it indicates a person who is gifted, honest, modest and has other excellent qualities.

The 5th house plays a leading role in the lives of great spiritual aspirants and religious leaders, as it rules religiosity, moral standards, prayers and spiritual practices.

In India, marriages take place at an early age, so there the 5th house speaks of the love received from the spouse. In the West, the 5th house speaks of love affairs both before marriage and during marriage.

Karaka or indicator of the 5th house is Jupiter.

Material from the book “Ancient Indian astrology for modern astrologers." James Braha.


Lord of the 5th house in the 1st house

This person will give advice important people; he may have a child who will become a famous, respected person. Such people will teach others, will be educated in methods of calculation, will be interested in mantras, will be widely known; will have a romantic nature.

Lord of the 5th house in the 2nd house

Symbolize the presence large quantity children, interest in astrology; the ability to make correct predictions and prophecies. This person becomes proud due to the acquisition of wealth through the favor of government service.

Lord of the 5th house in the 3rd house

They can have many children; their brothers rise to positions of influence. A talent for research, as well as a penchant for deception.

Lord of the 5th house in the 4th house

Characterized by a small number of children, income related to land or agriculture, good educational opportunities, possession nice home and educated friends.

Lord of the 5th house in the 5th house

Good goals; worries from your own child; good intelligence, but unstable mind; this person will be the senior priest or counselor; it has certain capabilities in the field of accounting, along the lines of entertainment, and investment in industry.

Lord of the 5th house in the 6th house

These people may have children who are unfriendly towards them; they can adopt a child. The uncle of such a person may be wealthy or famous. Such people do not take well spiritual knowledge or neglect their religious duties.

Lord of the 5th house in the 7th house

This will be a truthful person, devoted to his teacher, and virtuous in his actions. He may have a child who will achieve fame in distant lands. They are interested in commercial investments and like to have their opinions heard.

Lord of the 5th house in the 8th house

This person will have debts, diseases of the respiratory system; he must be satisfied with a small number of children. His guru or employer will be unfortunate; such people are irritable and easily lose faith.

Lord of the 5th house in the 9th house

This is a superlative position, indicating one who is righteous, who has much to teach other people, and one who has a child with religious inclinations. In his life it is assumed: authorship in any field, good opportunities to travel, successful investments.

Lord of the 5th house in the 10th house

Ownership of property; charitable work such as the restoration of temples; advice given to important people - this is how classical texts characterize this position. The child of such a person can become famous.

Lord of the 5th house in the 11th house

This is an educated, gentle person, not prone to violence, useful to other people; his career is successful. This situation may promise wealth for his child.

Lord of the 5th house in the 12th house

One can assume the loss of a child and a great interest in self-awareness. This person has few attachments; loves to travel.

Material from the book “Vedic Astrology”. Tom Hopke.


Sun in the 5th house
High social position, love of travel and reflection, games and entertainment. They are good advisers and teachers. There may be a small number of children or problems with the children's health.
They are strong, attractive, but can suffer from stomach diseases.

Moon in the 5th house
Education, a responsible position in society, good children or students who are a source of pride. They are able to serve society, invest money well, and give wise advice. Own precious stones, property, trustworthy, honest and follow a straight path through life.

Mars in the 5th house
Power, leadership positions in society, a good education, success in a military career, sports, and education. There may be problems with childbearing or the loss of a child. These people may be immoral, prone to gambling, and using intoxicants. They suffer from insults inflicted on them, but do not notice how they offend others. They may lose their social position. Possible peptic ulcer.

Mercury in the 5th house
Good education, talent for research, ability to write, inconstancy, love of sports and games. These people often occupy high positions and can give good advice. They have many children. They love astrology and are prone to prayer.

Jupiter in the 5th house
This is a godly and fortunate position. These people are prone to prayer and make good teachers and advisers. They are accompanied by good fame, they have great personal charm. They can make successful investments. They have few children, mostly girls.

Venus in the 5th house
These people are usually wealthy and prudent. They have good children and students. They are dreamy and idealistic, inclined to pray. They can give good, wise advice and live in comfort. They make good investments and have opportunities in the entertainment industry.

Saturn in the 5th house
Emotional coldness, disappointment in love, hard work, susceptibility to diseases of the digestive system, questionable investments, interest in antiquity.

Rahu in 5th house
These people are not very intelligent, neglect prayers, suffer from excessive emotions and excessive romanticism. Their minds are poisoned by the poison of Rahu, they are prone to taking intoxicants and are atheistic. They have few children, or none at all, and abortions or miscarriages are possible. They have a competitive spirit and love to be entertained. Possible ulcer.

Ketu in 5th house
Few children, interest in prayer, loss of money due to bad investments. They are intelligent, able to work hard, restless, and capable of losing their minds under the influence of strong emotions. Stomach diseases and allergies are possible.

Indubala Devi Dasi (Pozdeeva I.V.) “Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology.”

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