Compatibility of zodiac signs: who is right for you. Decades of a month are a third of a month, or a ten-day period of time

24.08.2019 Health

Little Capricorns often surprise their parents with completely unchildish behavior and unchildish interests. They can sit down next to you to listen to economic news, they know exactly who the president is in our country and what global warming is. Being a Capricorn parent isn't easy... but it's fun!

Element of the sign: Earth

Patron planets: Saturn and Uranus

Colors: black, brown, gray

Talisman stones: obsidian, onyx, chalcedony

Main character trait: determination

Positive features: seriousness, perseverance, responsibility, patience

Negative features: secrecy, sullenness, isolation, conservatism

general characteristics

A typical Capricorn child is a calm and obedient child, with a precocious sense of responsibility. Capricorn children are not very prone to pampering and the usual childish whims; they do not like to upset their parents, so they try to behave exemplary.

At school, Capricorn children are exemplary students, due to the fact that they are very diligent and diligent. Little Capricorn can sit through difficult tasks homework the whole evening, and will get up from the table only when he understands everything and does everything perfectly.

Character traits

The Capricorn child tends to hide his feelings and emotions from others, and therefore from the outside it may seem that he is “impenetrable”. But this is a very misleading impression! Capricorn children are quite sensitive and impressionable, often suffering from painful shyness and timidity. They just prefer to keep their feelings to themselves and not show them to others.

In relationships with other children, Capricorn children are rarely leaders and ringleaders. Usually little Capricorn does not refuse to take part in children's games, he is happy to make friends and play with other children, but at the same time he has few close friends - only one or two. But the Capricorn child is very attached to his few friends and values ​​them. The most important thing for a Capricorn child in friendship is reliability.

Little Capricorns are very loyal friends, and this is what they expect from others. Most of all, they are attracted as friends to quiet, serious guys - just like themselves.

But, despite their quiet disposition, Capricorn children have a rather strong character, and therefore can give a strong rebuff to those who try to command them. Little Capricorns almost never act as instigators of conflicts themselves, but they do not allow themselves to be offended by other children, they always know how to stand up for themselves and put the offender in his place.

Capricorns are extremely hardworking and very early become mom and dad's helpers. In general, it must be said that these children grow up quite quickly, often ahead of their peers. Therefore, little Capricorns do not cause much trouble for their parents: they will readily do everything that their mother asks - they will clean the apartment, go to the store for groceries, and younger brothers and the sisters will look after you.


Studying is easy for Capricorns, but it’s not very easy either. The fact is that little Capricorn needs some time to understand the information received and assimilate it well. Therefore, Capricorn children do not cope very well with tasks that require ingenuity and speed of execution. But if you don’t rush the Capricorn child and give him the opportunity to think carefully about the task, then he will probably do an excellent job! It is precisely because of their slowness that Capricorn children are most often not excellent students, but solid good students.

Capricorn children are best at exact and natural sciences - mathematics, physics, chemistry. Many Capricorn children master these subjects so well that they even take first place in school competitions in these subjects. Little Capricorns learn humanities subjects less willingly, although they approach their studies very responsibly. Foreign languages ​​are not very easy for Capricorns, therefore, in order to avoid falling behind in these subjects, you need to devote more time to studying them.


The range of interests of a typical Capricorn child is not very wide, but his interest is very thorough and deep. So, if a little Capricorn gets his hands on a toy that he likes, he can play with it for hours. And the best toys for little Capricorn are construction sets or plasticine. Capricorn children love to build or sculpt something with their own hands, and if they have made some kind of craft, their parents should definitely praise them. Capricorn children never ask for praise and may even show indifference, but they secretly love it very much, as it will raise their self-esteem and help them believe in themselves.

Parents of Capricorns should know that their children feel no worse alone than in the company of other children. Little Capricorns are sociable, friendly children, but sometimes they like to be alone - read an interesting book, watch an exciting movie. Moreover, they enjoy reading not only children’s books, but also serious literature - classics, poetry.

Capricorn children are very hardworking, do not like to waste their free time unnecessarily and are happy to attend various clubs where they can acquire useful knowledge and skills. A Capricorn boy can be enrolled in a club young technician, and the girl - in a sewing or knitting circle.


The typical Capricorn child is in good health and gets sick relatively rarely. Moreover, the older Capricorn becomes, the higher the body’s resistance. But if a Capricorn child is already sick, he needs to be treated quickly, since in Capricorns the acute stage of the disease can quickly turn into chronic. In early childhood, many Capricorn children suffer from tonsillitis, bronchitis, and sinusitis, but gradually their immunity strengthens and their health improves.

The musculoskeletal system is most vulnerable in Capricorn children. Poor posture can lead to severe back pain. The carelessness of Capricorn children often causes bruises and broken bones. In order not to develop dental problems, it is advisable for little Capricorn not to eat a lot of sweets and to carefully care for the oral cavity. In adolescence, Capricorn children are often bothered by juvenile acne, which should be dealt with through hygiene and proper nutrition.

Capricorns born in December

Capricorn children born in December are under the influence of Jupiter; They have developed ambition, they are very ambitious. These little Capricorns love to be praised and try their best to be among the first students. They are very picky when it comes to friendship and love to be friends with older guys.

Capricorns born in the first ten days of January

Capricorn children born in the first ten days of January are under the influence of Mars, love sports and have a hot-tempered and stubborn character. These are very energetic and determined little Capricorns who know how to stand up for themselves and protect those who are weaker.

Capricorns born in the second ten days of January

Capricorn children born in the second ten days of January are influenced by the Sun. These children are distinguished by great self-confidence, optimism, good health and are very often endowed with some abilities and talents. Their biggest drawback is inflated self-esteem.

Serious and ambitious - that’s how they are, our little beloved Capricorns!

A drawing by Yutaka Kagaya was used to illustrate the article.

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And for days. Each time period has its own designations. For example, a century, a day, a half year. Here we will look at such a concept as “decade”; it is not used as often as some other terms, but it is still necessary to know its meaning.

People who come across this definition for the first time often wonder: how many days is a decade of a month? In this article we will look at this topic in more detail.

Origin of the word

The term comes from the Greek words dekas, meaning "ten". Oddly enough, in many other languages, which are not related to Greek, there are words of the same root with the same meaning. There are certain assumptions on this score, the main one of which is that such a word as “ten” came to us from the time when the common Indo-European language was widespread.

Based on etymology, the words “decade” and “ten” mean counting, which is a multiple of gums - ten fingers. Previously, for some peoples, a week was equal to ten days, that is, a decade, while for others it was five days, as, for example, in Ancient Rus'. This unit of time was first used when using the French Republican calendar.

IN ancient japan The division of the month into decades, which were then called the word “jun,” was widespread. This time measurement was introduced later in post-revolutionary France, with a period of ten days being the smallest indivisible unit of time.

From France this concept comes to colloquial many peoples of European countries and becomes a measure of time, which divides the month into three parts.

What does the term "decade" mean?

A decade is a kind of group that contains ten units. This term is used mainly in relation to the month.

Based on the generally accepted definition, ten days of a month are units of time, each of which is equal to ten days. Currently, this definition is mainly used not in Everyday life, and, for example, in the economic field or in statistics. It should also be noted that it is also used in astrology.

Other designations

In addition, a decade sometimes means a specific event, for example, “a decade of English culture at a university” or “a decade of literature and art of the peoples of Russia.” IN in this case ten days of the month are certain events that last ten days, or otherwise a third of the month. Here this word is used in the context of a specific holiday or event of social significance.

Based on the interpretation given in Ushakov’s dictionary, the ten days of the month are ten-day periods that replaced the week in the modern Soviet calendar. A period of time of ten days that is used in the training schedule. It is also a period used in the fields of statistics and economics. English word decade, for example, does not mean ten days, but a period of ten years. This designation is used in England itself and a number of other countries.

How many decades are there in a year and how many decades are there in a month?

A month has 30 (31) days and thus has three decades.

If we take into account that the ten days of a month are intervals equal to ten days, then in a year (365 days) there are 36.5 such decades, rounded - 36. In Ancient Rus', in order to remove five or six extra days, they used the Christmastide system Thus, there were exactly 36 decades in a year, each of which was equal to ten days.

Decades according to the dates of the calendar month

Accordingly, the first ten-day period lasts from the beginning of the month, that is, from the first to the tenth, the second ten-day of the month is the period from the 11th to the 20th, and the next one after it is from the 21st to the end of the month.

Decades in the form in which they should be exist only in a number of those months that have thirty days, namely April, June, September and November. In other months, the 3rd decade of the month is an interval that contains one extra day. The exception is the month of February, which has last decade less than ten days and is eight or nine days, depending on whether or not.

Zodiac decades

Just as a calendar month is divided into decades, each sign of the Zodiac to which a particular time period belongs is also divided into three parts, but this division should not be confused with the one that applies to a regular month.

The division here is based not on a period of ten days, but on a period of ten degrees. The astrological decade, like the calendar one, most often contains ten days, but still its time boundaries can shift in one direction or another, that is, for example, be a couple of days more or less.

The astrological year, like the calendar year, is divided into 12 parts, only each of them in this case is not a month, but a specific sign of the Zodiac. It should be noted that the decades of the astrological month have great importance, because each of them is ruled by a specific planet, which, in turn, affects the zodiac sign.

Thus, it is possible to trace some mystical meaning the number of ten (decades), because the number ten has been considered since ancient times to be the Divine number.

If people knew who was right for them in marriage, many family dramas and divorces could be avoided. Advice from astrologers can help avoid a rash, unhappy connection, but for specific recommendations about the compatibility of people in marriage, it is not enough to know only about the moment of their birth; it is necessary to compare them in each of both horoscopes ( natal charts) at least six indicators (mutual positions of the planets and the ascending signs of each). Nevertheless, even brief recommendations that give only a general idea of ​​compatibility are useful in that they allow you to navigate the right choice of a partner.

Aries(March 21 - April 20)
Aries, born in the first decade of the period, is attracted by Leo, Scorpio, Libra. Aries of the second decade is inclined to the first and second ten days of Sagittarius, to the second ten days of Scorpio, to Libra and the last ten days of Virgo. For Aries of the third decade, an alliance with Leo, Gemini, and Sagittarius is favorable. An alliance with Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus is unfavorable.

Taurus(21 April - 21 May)
Women of this sign, born in the first decade, choose Scorpio of the first decade, men - Scorpio of the last decade. The first and last ten days of Virgo are also suitable for Taurus. Marriage to a Capricorn may be reasonable. Scorpio is also suitable for Taurus in the second decade. For those born in the third decade, a harmonious union with Virgo, Cancer, Pisces, and sometimes with Capricorn is harmonious. The union with Leo and Aquarius is unfavorable.

Twins(May 22 - June 21) Gemini in the first decade is attracted to Sagittarius, Libra, third decade of Aquarius, Capricorn. Those born in the second decade tend to the first and second decades of Sagittarius. Those who dream of ideal love want to get along with Libra, and those who support passionate love with Capricorn. Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius and Capricorn are suitable for Gemini in the second decade. For Geminis of the third decade, the most harmonious unions are with Capricorn, Libra, Aquarius, Leo, and the most favorable ones are with Virgo and Sagittarius. Some accept the love of Pisces. Happy is also the union between Gemini themselves.

Cancer(June 22 - July 22)
Cancer of the first decade unites an ideal marriage with Capricorn. Scorpio and Pisces inspire them with great love. Particular happiness can be found with Virgo and Pisces. Cancer of the second decade tends to the last decade of Capricorn, the second decade of Scorpio and the first decade of Pisces; Aquarius can also suit it. Cancer of the third decade gravitates towards Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius. As we see, Cancer can find mutual understanding with many signs of the Zodiac.

a lion(23 July - 23 August)
Leo, born in the first decade, is suitable for an alliance with Capricorn and the first and second decades of Aries. You can also choose the second decade of Libra, the last decade of Sagittarius. Leo of the second ten days will be happy with Sagittarius, and will get along quite well with Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries. For Leo in the last ten days of the period, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces are suitable. An alliance with Gemini and Libra is unfavorable; marriage with Capricorn is doubtful.

Virgo(24 August - 23 September)
A Virgo born in the first ten days is attracted to Pisces in the first and second ten days, the first ten days of Capricorn, and the first and second ten days of Aries. Virgo of the second ten days chooses a life partner forever. - Capricorn, Pisces, Taurus are suitable for her. The love choice of Virgos of the third ten days falls on Gemini, Pisces, Taurus. An alliance with Scorpio and Cancer is unfavorable. Virgo strongly attracts Aquarius, but long-term relationships between them rarely arise. Mutual sympathy with one’s own sign is also extremely rare.

Scales(September 24 -October 23)
For Libra in the first decade, an alliance with Aries, its absolute complement, is suitable; marriage with Taurus is also harmonious. Aquarius inspires great love, but marriage with him promises suffering. Those born in the second ten days will be quite satisfied with the first ten days of Aquarius, Leo and the second ten days of Aries. Libra of the third decade will find full understanding of the last decade of Capricorn, they can also be satisfied with Pisces, Leo and Aquarius.

Scorpion(October 24 -November 22)
For Scorpio in the first decade, the ideal life partner is Taurus; he will also find reciprocity in Cancer and Pisces. A person born in the second decade will be happy in a union with Pisces; a marriage with Cancer is also suitable for him. Scorpio of the third decade will be quite satisfied with an alliance with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer. A union with Taurus and Gemini will bring difficulties, and with Aquarius - misfortune.

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21)
Sagittarius of the first ten days is impressed by Aries of the second and third ten days, Gemini of the first ten days. Excellent results when connected with the first decade of Leo and Virgo. Sagittarius, born in the second decade, is attracted to Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius of the third and Gemini of the second decade. Sagittarius of the third decade willingly converges with Aries, the first decade of Leo, the last decade of Gemini.

Capricorn(December 22 - January 20)
The first ten days of Capricorn are Cancer, Taurus, the first and second ten days of Leo, and the third ten days of Virgo. Those born in the second decade can seek intimacy with Leo, Taurus, Aries. Capricorn of the third decade willingly enters into an alliance with Aquarius, Scorpio of the second decade, Leo or Aries of the first decade. Alliances with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces are harmonious. A marriage with Libra will be unstable, a marriage with Sagittarius is extremely rare, and a strong union with Leo is rare.

Aquarius(January 21 - February 18)
Libra and Gemini are very drawn to Aquarius in the first decade. Sometimes Leo loves this sign, but conflict between them is inevitable. Aquarius of the second decade is satisfied with Virgo, Gemini of the second decade. For those born in the third ten days, the first ten days of Gemini are suitable. An alliance with Libra and Sagittarius is also favorable. An alliance with Pisces threatens excesses. Quarrels with Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, and Virgo are inevitable, although Aquarius experiences a strong physical attraction to the latter. An alliance with Aries is possible.

Fish(February 19 - March 20)
Between Pisces of the first decade and Cancer of the second decade there arises tender love, but marriage with a Virgo is more reasonable. Complete incompatibility with Scorpio. For Pisces of the second ten days, the first and last ten days of Cancer and the last of Scorpio are suitable. A good partnership with the first two decades of Virgo, the second decade of Sagittarius and the last decade of Libra. Pisces in the final ten days have harmonious marriages with Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn. Difficult relationships develop with Sagittarius, happy marriages are extremely rare. Pisces is strongly inclined towards Gemini. There is little chance of a harmonious marriage with Aquarius. Rarely fold a good relationship with a related sign.

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Sergey writes | 06/22/2010 05:06 | e-mail

I still believe in this, but I would correct a lot of things here, for example, I believe that:
My observations: Aquarius - Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Libra;
Pisces - Capricorn, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio;
Aries - Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius;
Taurus - Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra;
Gemini - Aquarius, Sagittarius, Aries, Leo;
Cancer - Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces;
Leo - Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries, Libra;
Virgo - Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius;
Libra - Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo, Taurus;
Scorpio - Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Aries;
Sagittarius - Gemini, Aries, Leo, Aquarius;
Capricorn - Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus.
P.S, please teach me how to determine compatibility by decades 😊

I'm a Gemini 3D - he's a Capricorn 1D, happy))

Victoria writes | 07/04/2016 03:28 | e-mail

Konstantin writes | 24.11.2016 07:26 | email | website

I was born on August 21, 1997, who am I?
suits me how many times in a meeting what do I need
Geminis are very good matches with Pisces
somewhere around 50℅ or 45℅ percent

According to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, in August the heat in Moscow will last until the Honey Savior. From the second half of the last month of summer, after heavy rains, the temperature will constantly decrease. Thanks to the decrease in temperature, it will become much easier to move and breathe.

Weather in Moscow and Moscow region

Moderate weather, with the same indicators as last year, awaits residents and guests of Moscow and the Moscow region in August 2018. On average, the temperature in August will be 25°C during the day and 16°C at night. At the beginning of August, the weather will not change, it will be just as hot up to 28°C, and already in the second ten days it will get colder to 18°C ​​and the rains will begin. Residents of Moscow will still enjoy the warmth for a while, and then at the end of the month, during the summer holidays, the weather will make its own adjustments.

It will also be hot up to 29°C in the first half of August in the Yaroslavl and Vladimir regions. After which cold temperatures and rain are expected. Closer to September the air will be quite warm up to 20-24°C, but there will be little sun.

In the Smolensk region, thanks to a warm front, the temperature in the first ten days of August will rise to 26°C, and rain will begin. The temperature will drop in the second ten days of the month to 18°C, at night - to 6°C, with occasional light precipitation. The weather in the Tver region at the beginning of the month will be warm up to 28°C, but after that it will be replaced by cold weather up to 16°C. There will be rain and downpours, although by September the weather will again delight residents of the region with sunny, warm days.

Weather in other regions of the Moscow region

Heavy rains will begin in August in the Kostroma region, and the thermometer will rise to 27°C. The warm, sunny days of summer in the first half of the month will lift your spirits before the colder weather. The temperature will drop to 18°C ​​in the second ten days, and there will be light precipitation. Cool weather will continue until the end of the month.

Hot summer up to 32°C will begin in early August in the Voronezh region. The temperature will remain the same throughout the month. Rain will occur in the second half of the month. Hot weather in Perm region will drop to 20°C, and in the second ten days of August it will further drop to 13°C. The hot weather will change to cloudy and rainy.

Here it comes last month summer. The weather in August is very intense: from hot sunny days until it gets cold and rains. Summer is coming to an end.