Board game hive. Features of laying out a new chip

07.08.2019 Relationship

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Tactical, unusual, deep - this is how I would briefly describe the heroine of today’s review, the game “Hive”.

Usually, when we play certain games, we immediately see the advantages and disadvantages of these games. I try to approach everything from a positive point of view and always try to see only the positive sides to make playing more fun, but sometimes I also note the shortcomings of certain games. However, when I got to know Hive, I realized that this game has no flaws. We'll look at why this is so in this review.

Just a note: I I’m considering the game “Beehive”, also known as “Hive” in its camp version(pocket, pocket). All the advantages and differences of this option will be described below.


The game is sold in plastic packaging. All components are kept separately. There are no cardboard boxes. All.


Oh, these wonderful stones! Oh, these chips are made of dense and loud plastic! You want to endlessly fiddle with them in your hands, knock them against each other and make unusual patterns from wonderful arthropods on your table! There are a total of 26 game stones in the game. And the orange bag is very on topic! Delivery set for 5+. Everything is as it should be - compact, always at hand and of high quality.

Rules and purpose of the game

The rules of the game are extremely simple - you need to place your insect chips on the table in order to surround your opponent's queen. It doesn’t matter what kind of insects she will be surrounded by, her own or someone else’s, but it is important that all the cells of the field around the uterus are occupied by someone.

There are 7 types of arthropods in the game: Queen, Beetle, Grasshopper, Spider, Ant, Ladybug, Mosquito.

Progress of the game

Let's look at how the figures move using these patterns as an example.

The queen can move 1 move in any direction:

The beetle also moves for 1 turn, but can climb onto any other pieces.

If, for example, a white beetle climbs onto a black spider, then this chip will be considered white. According to the color of the beetle accordingly.

The grasshopper can jump over other figures, but only in a straight line. Cannot bridge gaps in the hive.

The spider moves 3 turns in any direction:

The ant is the queen. Moves in any direction for any number of moves. A very strong figure!

The ladybug moves for 3 moves, but the first 2 it makes on the heads of other arthropods, like a beetle, but at the end of the move the ladybug must go down.

A mosquito moves according to the insect it is next to. The ability is chosen by the player. A mosquito drank spider blood and became a spider. I drank beetle juice and became a beetle.

A special feature of the hive is that it cannot be torn apart. Those. You cannot move your figure so that the hive splits into several parts.

IN in this example the hive breaks during the course, but at the end of the course the hive closes. But that’s also not possible. The hive must always remain intact!

Sometimes a figure is pinched from several sides and the movement of this figure becomes impossible. In this example, the queen “breaks” the hive, so you can’t walk like that. The ant is not trapped, so you can walk.

The same. When the ant moves, the hive breaks. You can't walk like that.

Well, and the finale of the game - the uterus is surrounded on all sides. The color of the figures is not important, the main thing is that the uterus is completely blocked. The end of the game, the black player won.

This is roughly how moves are made in this wonderful game. The number of moves and pattern options is huge, therefore, the replayability of the game is at its best.

Differences from the usual "Hive"

The insect chips in the pocket “Hive” are smaller than in the regular one, however, the size is good. The chips are not bulky and for me this is an ideal option. The orange bag and small chips are the standard of mobility and convenience. The game is easy to take with you on the road and you don’t have to worry about its dimensions. Plus, the pocket “Hive” already contains insects from the add-on - these are the “Mosquito” and “Ladybug”. In the original "Hive" you will have to buy them almost at the price of the game itself.

Impressions and reviews

A good replacement for boring chess. If you love this ancient Indian game, you will definitely love Beehive. The depth of tactical miscalculation is at good level, good for thinking people. I also attribute relatively short games to the advantages of this game; there is no need to sit for half an hour over each game - 5-7 minutes and the battle is over. Let's start a new one!

The compactness of the game comes in handy - you can take it anywhere. The orange pouch takes the headaches out of storing and housing your swarm. Practically, indestructible components - you can even drive a tank over them. Therefore, you can take the game anywhere - fishing, to the beach, to pick potatoes.

Are you playing with a noisy group? No problem! Spilled compote will not ruin your favorite game. The orange bag is always in sight, you will not lose it or forget it.

And this incessant sound of chips when they are in the bag is magical!

The constantly changing situation on the field adds excitement to the game. It has happened more than once that you seem to be about to win, but they beat you to it. The game is fast and will not let you get bored, there is always room for a short and cheerful discussion of moves; in chess, for example, there is deathly silence.

Recommended for everyone who loves tactical and combination games. People with a technical mind should like it 100%. Good for children. I find this game very educational and educational, however, adult supervision is required because the complexity of the game implies the presence of one of the more experienced players nearby.

The advantages of the game include its price. It is not so expensive that you start to regret the money spent. The game is always at hand, it is very effective and has sufficient depth. People who have already played a little board games perceive Hive well.

So about bees and ants. See you at Nastolgame!

And again, at the end - a little beauty and photogenicity (and don't forget to click on all images to enlarge).

The placed chips can be walked. The queen moves one step around the perimeter of the hive. The queen is the least mobile piece, but its movement can often upset the plans of the opponent, who has already outlined a plan for encirclement. Spiders also move around the perimeter of the hive, but three steps (no more and no less). Spiders are useful at the beginning of the game, then as the hive grows, their value decreases. The ant is a strong figure; it moves around the perimeter of the hive any number of steps. The grasshopper jumps “over the heads” of other insects in the hive, both its own and others, but it cannot walk any other way. The beetle moves only one step, but it can crawl on other insects, both its own and others, including the queen and other beetles. The piece under the beetle cannot move until the beetle crawls off it. To a beetle that has crawled onto an opponent’s chip, you can place chips from your hand (of course, if they do not touch other opponent’s chips). This way you can crawl onto your opponent’s queen and lay out chips from your hand towards her, immediately surrounding her.

When moving chips, the main rule is the integrity of the hive. Neither during nor at the end of the movement of the piece, the hive can be “torn” into two parts. One of the main tactics is to place your piece next to your opponent's piece on the outside of the hive, then the opponent's piece will not be able to move (otherwise your piece would be torn off from the hive).

Despite the small number of chips, there are a great many options in which the game can develop, and each of your moves will matter and affect the course of the game. The game is really much more complex and deeper than it seems at first glance. For a good game, it is important to combine the actions of your chips so that they complement each other, and quickly respond to the actions of your opponent, force him to make mistakes and use these mistakes.

You shouldn’t expect to win “quickly” (unless your opponent makes a big mistake). It is unlikely that you will succeed if you immediately run headlong to surround your opponent’s queen. Good players take their time, gradually improving their position, depriving their opponent's pieces of the opportunity to move and freeing up their own. U good players it turns out to make it so that the base of the hive is made up of the opponent’s stationary chips, while their chips walk freely around the perimeter of the hive, depriving the last opponent’s chips of the ability to move and surrounding the queen. It would also be a good idea to protect your queen by taking her to a safe place where it will be difficult to surround her.

“Hive” is a game for an amateur, but this very amateur can be very captivated. I think that if you have a worthy opponent, you can play “Beehive” for a long time, the game is addictive, and the better you begin to understand the game, the more interesting it becomes.

Summary with ratings:

Simplicity and clarity of the rules: 5. The rules are very simple, you can start playing almost immediately.

Originality, interestingness: 5. The idea of ​​the game is very clever. In addition to originality, one should also note the balance and complexity of the game; despite the simplicity of the rules, the game has a lot of possibilities and nuances.

Gameplay: 3. Like most abstract logic games, “Hive” has a drawback - it lacks dynamics. Having made a move, the player simply waits for the opponent's move without affecting the situation. However, this time can be devoted to thinking about the next moves.

Versatility: 3. This game is definitely not suitable for a party. To play you need to choose quiet place, besides, the game is only for two, you can’t play with the whole group. Not everyone will also like the slow pace coupled with the need for deep calculations. On the other hand, I am sure that “Hive” will find its audience among all ages. Another advantage is that you only need a small table to play.

Dependence of the game result on the player’s skill: 5. There are no random events in Hive. If you win, you can confidently say that you did not win due to luck.

Longevity: 4.5. One of characteristic features good abstract logic games - the higher the level of the players, the more interesting it is to play. It takes a long time to improve. On the other hand, some may find the game somewhat monotonous.

Design: 5.The chips are very nice, there is a convenient bag. Excellent performance, what can I say.

Price: 3. At Mosigra, “Hive” costs 990 rubles. Given its simplicity, it could have been cheaper.

Total: 33.5/40.The ratings were high, but the game deserves it. “Hive” is not suitable for everyone, but for fans of the abstract genre strategy games, and also, just people who like to think should like it. Of course, you will have to spend money, but for excellent performance of an excellent game it’s not too bad to spend money.

The review participates in the game review competition of the Mosigra store.

Posted on Dec. 31st, 2011 at 04:18 am |



The board game Beehive is so popular that it has its own Wikipedia article. You can buy it, or you can make it yourself.

The board game Beehive is so popular that it has its own Wikipedia article.

What do they write there?

Hive is an insect-themed board game developed by John Yianni and published in 2001 by Gen Four Two. The publisher in Russia is the Mosigra company. The goal of the Beehive game is to surround and capture your opponent's queen bee. "Beehive" belongs to the category of abstract strategy games.

The game, like chess, checkers, and backgammon, is designed for a duel between two players. Fascinating, gambling, making you think, look for the best moves, and invent different strategies. And with all this, it is absolutely easy to learn. A few minutes are enough to understand the rules of the game. .

And, most importantly, for starters, you don’t have to buy an expensive game in a store, but make it yourself. Anyone can do this. But if you still want to buy it, go to


Game contents The playing field is any flat surface. Therefore, you can play Hive anywhere. There are also cards in two colors. IN

classic version

- black and white. But this is not important.

The cards depict insects: Bee, Grasshopper, Ant, Spider, Beetle, Mosquito, Ladybug, Woodlouse.

Each player receives a set of 11 mandatory cards.

The kit includes:

There are 3 additional cards that complicate the game and add more excitement and competition:

Surround your opponent's queen. It doesn’t matter what color the chips are, the main thing is that there is a ring of 6 chips around the queen. If the last move simultaneously results in two queens being surrounded, it is declared a draw.

Beginning of the game

The right to make the first move is determined by lot.

After this, the player places 1 card of any kind on the table.

The second player also places his any card close to the first player’s card. This is the only case when a player can place a new card right next to the opponent’s card.

All subsequent steps the player can either lay out his cards or move existing ones.

How to lay out cards?

You can lay out a new card so that it is in contact with the already laid out cards and ONLY of its color.

During the first four turns, players must lay out a card with a QUEEN.

How to move chips?

Each piece, like in chess, moves in its own way.

The basic rule is one hive rule .

You cannot move a piece if it connects two halves of the hive.

You cannot move the card away from the hive.

Another rule - sliding rule .

You cannot enter an empty space surrounded by chips by simply moving. It’s as if the chip cannot “push” through the narrow hole.

When moving chips, they can already come into contact with both their own chips and the opponent’s chips.

How the pieces move:

Queen Bee, like the king in chess, it can only make one move in any free direction.

In a situation like the one in the picture below, the queen can make 3 different moves.

The Beetle, like the Bee, can only move for one turn. But he can also go over his head. That is, you can place it on top of both your chip and your opponent’s chip.

By the way, after this the field is considered to be the color of the Beetle. The piece from underneath loses the ability to walk until the Beetle gets off it. One of the strategies of the game is precisely to catch the enemy’s queen and “fix” her in place with the help of a Beetle. And then try to surround her.

The grasshopper jumps great. He can jump over any number of chips (both his own and others) and stand in an empty space. But!!! The grasshopper jumps only in a straight line, no diagonals or zigzags.

The grasshopper is used to capture empty cells inside the hive.

The rule of sliding movement does not apply to the grasshopper.

An ant can move ANY number of squares, moving in one direction around the hive.

At every step, it must be in contact with at least one side of the chips already standing in the hive.

The spider can move exactly three steps. (No more and no less). But he can move in any direction.

At every step, it must be in contact with at least one side of the chips already standing in the hive.

The spider cannot return to its original position.

These are the main game pieces.

These are enough for beginners.

But if you feel like an ace in the game, you can add some additional chips to each player. Or all three at once.

Mosquito. This is a real card Joker. He can do anything! Or rather, it acquires the properties of the chip with which it comes into contact. (Except for the Queen, of course). If there is a Beetle nearby, the Mosquito can climb onto the neighboring pieces. If there is a Grasshopper nearby, jump forward.

A very powerful figure that complicates the course of the game.

Ladybug. This is a beefed up Beetle. Ladybug walks exactly three steps. Moreover, she does the first two (without fail) on top of other chips; on the third move she must go down. It cannot stay on top of the chips.

Woodlouse. This is a judoka in the Hive world. Woodlouse can turn over any other chip over itself.

That is, take, for example, the Grasshopper, put it on your back, throw it off opposite side. And all this in one move!

If you don't have the opportunity to make a move, you miss it.

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That's all.

Additionally, you can watch this video with the rules of the game:

As already mentioned, the game can be purchased. Playing with beautiful large plastic chips is very convenient.

There is only one drawback.

If you take your set on a visit or to the countryside, then with a high probability by the end of the holiday you will be missing a couple of chips. they just get lost somewhere.

Therefore, it is better to make a couple of sets yourself for such noisy outdoor events.

It will cost you almost nothing, just a little time to work.

After all, making a set of the game “Beehive” with your own hands is not at all difficult.

How to make a game with your own hands?

To get started, just print out this template.

First 2 times on white paper, then 2 times on colored paper. The color doesn't matter - green, red, yellow...

The main thing is that the chips are of different colors.

The chips need to be cut out.

It is also advisable to take a piece of cardboard. And cut out parts of exactly the same size from it.

Then glue - a chip with the pattern down, a chip made of cardboard, a chip with the pattern up.

The end result will be excellent, durable pieces for playing Hive.

And if you don’t have a purchased option, this one, made by yourself, can be additionally laminated or simply covered with film so that the pictures do not wear off so quickly.

Tactical board game for two people.
Brilliantly simple and surprisingly interesting strategy!
Hive is a localization of the famous game Hive, which was first released in 2001 and quickly became a huge hit. The rules of the game are quite simple - you need to lay out and move hexagonal insect chips, trying to capture the queen of your opponent's hive, surrounding her with your pieces.

Why is Hive so popular in Europe?
Because the Hive has enormous strategic depth and at the same time can be explained in just a few seconds.

Great, then let's try to play!
You have the queen of the hive (she is the most important), spiders, beetles, grasshoppers and ants. You place the first chip on the table and pass the turn to your opponent. He places his first figure close to yours - this is how a hive begins to form. Now you continue to place or move your insects without breaking the hive: the first two figures briefly represent the "bridge" between your part and the opponent's part.

Our insects said hello. What to do next?
Next, you need to surround the enemy queen and capture the entire hive. To do this, you will need a variety of insects with different abilities.

Who can do what in my hive?
- The queen is slow: she can crawl only one square, but she can unexpectedly move and ruin all her opponent’s plans.
- The spider can run exactly three cells around the perimeter of the hive: this is very useful at the beginning of the game.
- An ant can run along the edge of the hive for any number of steps: it can end up anywhere on the border of the hive, even behind enemy lines. This is why he becomes very useful in the mid and late game.
- Grasshopper Jumps: He can fly over enemy insects in a straight line, allowing him to easily jump into inaccessible places or escape from surroundings.
- The beetle can crawl on other figures from above, “stepping” on them. The figure under the beetle cannot move until it crawls somewhere else. One of the most popular strategies is to crawl a beetle onto the enemy queen and block it with it, and then surround it with ants and grasshoppers.

What do the field and figures look like?
The figures are hexagonal chips with the image of an insect. There is no field as such: you create it yourself by placing chips close to each other.

What are the specifics of a hive's strategy?
- Firstly, it is very important to start correctly: after all, the first pieces laid out, on the one hand, will allow you to quickly take the desired positions, and on the other hand, they will most likely remain blocked by other insects.
- Secondly, you can quickly block the main threats of the enemy: after all, if you place your piece on the outer edge of the enemy piece, it will not be able to move: the hive must be inseparable, and moves separating pieces from it are impossible.
- Thirdly, there are some more tips on strategy on the Wikipedia page.

Wow, there's a whole theory about how the game develops!
Yes, because Hive is a very deep strategy game that has great replay potential. This thing is complex enough that you can play games more sophisticated the more sophisticated your opponent is.

Who is this game for?
For lovers of high-quality, interesting and unusual games. The hive is very, very good... further ".
Thanks to the absence of a field and a bag in the kit, the game becomes wonderfully suitable for the road: you can carry it with you always and everywhere and lay it out on any flat surface, even just on the ground, if you suddenly want to. For two, passing the time on a train, in a hotel, while waiting, or in similar situations is simply perfect.
Thanks to its simplicity, the Hive is suitable for a child. In the game, he will develop logic and systematic thinking - like in chess, but simpler, clearer and much more fun.
Of course, like many European games, Hive is designed for relaxed communication: take one set of the game home, and you will always have something to entertain your guest.
The Hive chips are made of high-quality plastic: this makes it very solid and an interesting gift. Perhaps everyone will be happy with such a gift.

What is in the box?
Inside the box there are two game sets of insects: one on white hexagonal plastic chips, the second on black ones. Each set contains one queen bee, 2 spiders, 2 beetles, 3 grasshoppers and 3 ants, for a total of 22 figures. Inside there are illustrated rules of the game in Russian and a convenient durable bag for travel. The thickness of the chip is 1.2 centimeters, width - 4.2 centimeters.
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