The fastest things in the universe. Amazing speed records In the world of high speeds

19.09.2019 State

Almost everyone likes speed. The idea that you can move faster than anyone else inspired man to create ever more perfect things.

The fastest person

Usain St. Leo Bolt is an outstanding Jamaican sprinter, three-time Olympic champion in 2008, five-time world champion. The current holder of world records in the 100 (9.58 seconds, Berlin 2009) and 200 meters (19.19 seconds, Berlin 2009), as well as in the 4 × 100 meters relay as part of the Jamaican team (37.04 seconds, Daegu 2011) ). He is the first person in the history of athletics to set world records in these three distances at the same Olympics. For his name and achievements, he received the nickname Lightning.

The fastest land animal

The fastest land animal is the cheetah, a marvel of evolution. He is able to run at a speed of 115 km/h. The body of a cheetah, flexible, with long limbs, is simply made for speed.

The fastest computer

IBM Roadrunner is a supercomputer at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA. Was the world's fastest supercomputer in 2009.

The fastest fish

The sailboat is the only species in the genus of sailboats and the fastest swimming fish in the world. The sailboat lives in the warm waters of all oceans. Has a blue and blue color and has hallmark a sail-like fin running along the entire length of the back. Another sign is an oblong protrusion on the muzzle. These fish develop speeds up to 110 km/h.

The fastest train

A test site was built in Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan, where on December 2, 2003, an experimental train of three MLX01 modification cars set an absolute speed record for rail transport of 581 km / h. JR-Maglev uses electrodynamic suspension with superconducting magnets (EDS) installed both on the train and on the track. Residents of the prefecture can ride the train for free, and 100,000 people have already done so.

The fastest water slide

Insano is the fastest water slide in the world with a height of 41 m. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In height, the slide can catch up with a 14-story building. Insano provides a very fast descent in 4-5 seconds, the speed develops up to 105 km / h.

The fastest underwater vehicle

K-222 is a second-generation Soviet nuclear submarine armed with P-70 Amethyst cruise missiles, the only ship built according to project 661 Anchar. The fastest submarine in the world, reaching speeds of over 80 km / h (42 knots) underwater. However, for such a speed had to pay a lot both in terms of money and high level noise and great damage to the hull.

The fastest manned aircraft

The X-15 is an experimental US rocket-propelled aircraft equipped with rocket engines. The aircraft holds the record as the fastest in the world. He reached speeds of up to 7273 km / h under the control of pilot Pete Knight.

The fastest helicopter

Westland Links is a British multipurpose helicopter. On August 6, 1986, during demonstration flights on Lynx with a modified engine and special rotor blades, a world speed record for helicopters (400.87 km / h) was set.

The fastest wind

On May 3, 1999, during a tornado in Oklahoma, scientists measured the speed of the fastest wind. It amounted to 511 km / h. That day, the tornado killed 4 people and destroyed 250 houses.

How fast does a cork pop out of a champagne bottle? Which animal is the fastest on earth? Are speeds faster than the speed of light possible? Today we'll talk about some amazing speed records.


They move at a speed of about 90 meters per second.


It is 10 km/h.


The biggest speed in the animal kingdom - 322 km / h. This speed is developed by the peregrine falcon when diving for prey:


When water boils, its molecules move with speed 650 meters per second.


She was registered on August 12, 1889 - only 1.35 km/h. This sport was tug of war.


The next moment after hitting the golf ball, it speed instantly develops up to 270 km / h.


When the aircraft is moving at 1,000 km/h, then its length increases by one centimeter relative to its rest length.


Commonwealth Bay is officially recognized by the Guinness Book of Records and the eighth edition of the National Geographic Atlas as the windiest place on Earth. Moreover - it is located in Antarctica, so forget about short-term gusts of wind, the wind is constantly blowing here at a speed of 240 km / h.


It is a three-toed sloth, it moves at a speed of about 2 meters per minute.


Is superluminal speed possible? Probably everyone - even people far from physics - knows that the maximum possible speed of movement of material objects or the propagation of any signals is the speed of light in vacuum. It is denoted by the letter c and is almost 300 thousand kilometers per second; exact value With= 299 792 458 m/s.

In 2000, Lijun Wong and colleagues at a research institute in Princeton (USA) performed the following experiment. A laser pulse was passed through a chamber 6 centimeters long filled with cesium vapor. The result of the experiment: a light pulse entering a chamber filled with cesium vapor increases its speed by more than 300 times. Thus, the fastest speed ever recorded on our planet, 310 times the speed of light.


The fastest speed ever developed by man, is 39,897 km/h. It was reached by the astronauts of the Apollo 10 main module at an altitude of 122 km from the Earth's surface when returning to their home planet.


The highest speed developed blind driver - 322.5 kilometers per hour. Driver Hein Wagner accelerated to this speed in a Mercedes-Benz SL65 AMG and managed to maintain this speed for a kilometer. With his record, Hein Wagner hopes to draw attention to the problems of blind people. His record was officially recognized by the representatives of the Guinness Book of Records.


The reading speed of a 16-year-old from Kiev Ira Ivachenko - 163,333 wpm with full reading comprehension. This achievement was officially registered in the presence of journalists.

Unofficial reading speed record - 416,250 wpm. The record was set on September 9, 1989 during testing under the direction of the Center in the presence of 20 course participants. Record holder - Evgenia Alekseenko. At the Kiev Center for Brain Research, a special test was prepared for Evgenia, which she underwent in the presence of several scientists. Eugenia read 1390 words in one-fifth of a second - the time it takes to blink. Eugene retells the content of what he read for hours, without missing the smallest details.

Another reading speed record was set by a Russian school student Svetlana Arkhipova - 60,000 characters per minute. The record is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


The highest rate of reproduction in humans is 58 children per year. The record was set by the Sultan of Morocco, Moulay Ismail (reigned from 1672 to 1727), who by the age of 31 had 525 sons and 342 daughters. Moulay Ismail kept 500 concubines.


The fastest print speed 2600 A4 pages per minute. The record belongs to the Hewlett-Packard Inkjet Web Press printer. It should be noted that the cost of one print is not more than 1 cent.


The record for the fastest drumming speed was set on October 24, 1991 by the famous English musician Rory Blackwell. He demonstrated his skills in Finlake Leisure Park, Devonshire (Great Britain). In one minute on one drum, he made 3,720 beats. chopsticks in 60 seconds. That is 62 beats per second! At that time, Rory Blackwell was already 58 years old.


German physicist Friedrich Balk of the Technical University of Clausthal in Lower Saxony has calculated the speed of a cork from a bottle of champagne. With the help of photoelectric and acoustic devices, the scientist found that traffic jam speed reaches 40 km/h, flight height - up to 12 meters. Theoretically, the speed of the cork can reach 100 km / h, but this is only possible in bottles that have spent a certain time under direct sunlight and were well shaken before opening.

Who and what is capable of moving on our planet and beyond it the fastest? HowStuffWorks journalists have compiled the top 10 fastest things known to man today.

In modern physics, it is believed that speed of light in a vacuum is maximum speed motion of particles of matter. Light is studied by scientists as electromagnetic waves or as a stream of photons - elementary particles whose rest mass is equal to zero. These particles can only move at the speed of light and cannot be at rest.

It is now accepted that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant. physical quantity equal to 299 792 458 m/s, or 1,079,252,848.8 km/h. Sunlight takes about 8 minutes and 19 seconds to cover a distance of 150 million kilometers and reach the Earth.

In this material, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with everything "the fastest" that is known to mankind today.

The fastest man on the planet

The title of the fastest man on the planet belongs to the legendary Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt. He set current world records in the 100 meters (9.58 s; Berlin, 2009), 200 meters (19.19 s; Berlin, 2009) and 4x100 meters (36.84 s, London, 2012). The athlete accelerated to maximum speed 37.578 km/h.

Ex-president IOC Jacques Rogge then called Bolt a phenomenon in sports. " Bolt shows these results because he is a phenomenon in terms of genetics and body structure.", the official noted.

The record run of the Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt in the 100 meters haunted scientists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. They decided to create a mathematical model of a runner and find out what allowed the athlete to run a hundred meters in 9.58.

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Bolt's tall height (195 cm) makes him a tall athlete. On the one hand, it gives an advantage when running, allowing you to take big steps. On the other hand, the athlete experiences more air resistance. Using data from the International Association of Athletics Federations, whose experts used a laser to measure the position of an athlete every 0.1 seconds, scientists calculated that over the course of their record run, more than 92% of energy expended The bolt was spent on overcoming the force of air resistance. Mathematicians compared Bolt's result, shown at the Beijing Olympiad (9.69), with the record of 2009. According to their calculations, without a tailwind in Berlin, which was 0.9 meters per second, Bolt would have come running later, but still would have set a new world record - 9.68 seconds.

The fastest animals

On the ground

The fastest land animal is cheetah. IN scientific literature there is evidence that these felines can reach maximum speed 105 km/h.

To track the movement of cheetahs in the Botswana savanna, scientists have developed a special collar equipped with a GPS module, gyroscopes and an accelerometer. The device was equipped with solar panels that charged the battery during the daytime. Biologists observed the life of five cheetahs for 17 months.

The highest speed recorded during the work of zoologists turned out to be less than previously measured in zoos (93 versus 105 kilometers per hour).

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In water

Able to move faster in water sailboat. This predatory fish lives in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It can reach speeds up to 100 km/h. During a series of tests conducted at the Long Key fishing camp (Florida, USA), the sailboat swam 91 meters in 3 seconds ( 109 km/h).

Sailfish during movement practically does not create friction with water. This is achieved thanks to a special coating in the form of furrows of small outgrowths where water is retained. In fact, it is this water that comes into contact with sea water, and not the body of the fish itself. In addition, the body is perfectly streamlined. All this allows the fish to reach such a high speed of movement.

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In the air

The fastest planet

As you know, the earth year lasts 365 days - during this period of time our planet makes a complete revolution around the sun. For comparison, Mercury needs 88 days for this, and Neptune 6000 days.

In 2013, using the Kepler space telescope, astronomers managed to detect an exoplanet Kepler-78b. It moves in an orbit 40 times smaller than the orbit of Mercury - the radius of this orbit is only three times the radius of the star itself. Kepler-78b makes a complete revolution around its star in just 8.5 hours and is the main contender for the title of the fastest known planet.

Scientists consider Kepler-78b a real mystery. " We don't know how it formed or how it got to where it is today. All we know is that she won't last long", - says astronomer David Latham. Exoplanet researchers believe that Kepler-78b " will soon fall on a star".

It is worth noting the existence of another candidate for the title of the fastest planet. This is the planet KOI 1843.03, also discovered with the help of the Kepler telescope. Scientists suggest that a year on this planet lasts only 4.5 hours.

The fastest toilet

Perhaps the strangest participant in this ranking is the "fastest" toilet. The official website of the Guinness Book of Records says that the record belongs to the toilet Bog Standard presented on March 10, 2011 in Milan. It is a motorcycle with a sidecar, equipped with a bathtub, a sink and a basket for dirty laundry. The structure is able to move at speed 68 km/h.

However, in May 2013, British self-taught inventor Colin Furze demonstrated a toilet on wheels that he designed, which can reach speeds of up to 88 km/h. It took Ferza about a month to create the "miracle technique". Unusual vehicle equipped with a 140 cc engine.

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The fastest wind

For a long time, a small mountain in New Hampshire (1917 meters above sea level) was considered the place where the highest wind speed on Earth was recorded. In April 1934, on Mount Washington, gusts of wind reached 372 km/h.

In 2010 automatic meteorological station on the island of Barrow off the coast of Australia recorded a record wind speed - 407 km/h. This is when it comes to our planet.

Michigan State University researchers using the Chandra X-ray Space Observatory have detected the fastest "wind" in the universe blowing from the disk that surrounds the stellar-mass black hole IGR J17091-3624. Stellar-mass black holes are born from the collapse of very massive stars. As a rule, they weigh 5-10 times more than the Sun.

The wind moves at a speed of about 32,000,000 km/h(about 3% of the speed of light). While studying the black hole IGR J17091-3624, scientists also came to an unexpected conclusion: the wind can carry away more material than the black hole has time to capture. " Contrary to popular belief that black holes absorb all the material that approaches them, according to our estimates, up to 95% of the material in the disk around IGR J17091 is thrown into the wind" said lead researcher Ashley King.

The fastest birth

Of course, today we cannot know exactly when the fastest births actually occurred, because since time immemorial people have not kept a record of such things. Nevertheless, history knows several cases when childbirth occurred incredibly quickly.

The first such incident occurred in 2007. British Palak Weiss gave birth in 2 minutes completely healthy girl weighing three and a half kilograms. The doctors did not even have time to give the thirty-year-old woman in labor an anesthetic, because already 120 seconds after the waters broke, a baby named Vedika was born. Interestingly, while the happy parents were trying to register this achievement, their record was broken by a few seconds by another woman from the UK.

When in 2009 the British Catherine Allen began regular contractions, she and her husband began to rush to the hospital. But, while Katherine was going down the stairs, her waters broke - and then a 3.8-kilogram girl appeared in the light, finding herself in the leg of her mother's sports trousers. Then it was reported that the birth happened so quickly that the woman did not feel any pain.

The fastest production car

American supercar Hennessey Venom GT on February 14, 2014 on the NASA runway at Cape Canaveral accelerated to 435.31 km/h.

The speed record among production cars was recorded by an authoritative telemetry system. However, the Guinness Book of Records does not recognize this achievement. For the official record, it was necessary to drive in two directions, after which the average speed is calculated. But the Space Center authorities did not allow the Hennessey Venom GT to pass the runway in the opposite direction. In addition, in order to be called a production car according to the rules of the Guinness Book of Records, 30 cars must be produced, and only 29 units were assembled for the Hennessey Venom GT.

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Speaking of the fastest cars, one cannot help but remember the jet car. Thrust SSC, equipped with two Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engines with a capacity of 110 thousand horsepower. On October 15, 1997, at the bottom of a dry lake in Nevada, Andy Green accelerated his Thrust SSC to 1227.985 km/h. For the first time, a ground vehicle broke the sound barrier.

Fighter pilot Andy Green later told the story of his record this way: " Before me was the largest tachometer with a scale from 0 to 1000 miles per hour (0-1600 kilometers per hour). When the engine started, I realized that it was not so easy to keep a ten-ton monster that flies at the speed of a rocket on a straight line. My butt was ten centimeters off the ground and it was a terrible feeling. The car went with crazy acceleration, increasing the speed from 320 to 960 kilometers per hour in less than twenty seconds. At around 900 kilometers per hour it got even worse, the car became almost uncontrollable. I remember the eerie howl of air waves forming over the cockpit, I remember the ground rushing under me at incredible speed. I drove a kilometer in three seconds. It was the most wonderful adventure of my life.".

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The real ground speed record belongs to an unmanned vehicle - a rail sled. This is a platform that slides along a special rail track with the help of a rocket engine. She does not have wheels, instead of them special skids are used, which follow the contour of the rails and do not allow the platform to fly off.

April 30, 2003 at Holloman Air Force Base in the United States, the rail sled accelerated to incredible 10,430 km/h(!).

The fastest object in the universe

One of the fastest objects in our universe was accidentally discovered by astronomers from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Scientists studied the jet - a jet of matter, which "spits out" a black hole in the center of the M87 galaxy.

Active giant elliptical galaxy M87. A relativistic jet erupts from the center of the galaxy. The second jet may exist, but is not visible from Earth. Image:

Scientists believe that the plasma stream escaping from the center of the galaxy moves in a spiral at a speed of 1024 km / s ( 3,686,400 km/h), forming a cone expanding away from the black hole. This character of motion serves as proof that the plasma moves along twisted magnetic field lines.

The M87 galaxy is located in the constellation Virgo at the center of a cluster of about two thousand galaxies, located 50 million light-years from us. The black hole at the center of M87 is several billion times larger than our Sun.

Previously, scientists have compiled from images taken by the Hubble telescope over 13 years of observations, a video that shows how a black hole in the center of the galaxy M87 throws out a jet of hot gas 5 thousand light years long.

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The fastest internet

As reported on the official website of the Guinness Book of Records, citing data from Cisco, the fastest Internet is available to residents of South Korea. Cisco experts recorded the average data download speed in this country in 33.5 Mbps.

Last year, a 75-year-old resident of the Swedish city of Karlstad named Sigbritt Lotberg became known to the world as the owner of the world's fastest Internet connection - the speed reaches 40 Gbps. Such a gift to an elderly woman was made by her son Peter, who thus tried to convince Internet providers to invest in the development of high-speed communication channels.

Peter Lotberg works for Cisco. He developed a technology that made it possible to transmit a signal between routers over a distance of up to 2000 km without the participation of intermediary equipment. With a relatively small investment, Peter provided his mother with access to the World Wide Web at breathtaking speed. Thus, he showed that cheap and at the same time ultra-fast Internet is quite possible.

The fastest superhero

Most of the things presented in this rating are called the fastest because they have officially registered records or educated guesses. Determining the fastest superhero is the hardest.

Comic book fans might assume that Flash should be the clear winner. Publisher DC Comics positions its superhero as the fastest person. He is able to reach the speed of light. More precisely, a speed 13 trillion times the speed of light. This means that it can move not only to any point on Earth in a fraction of a second, but to any point in the Universe.

But do not forget about the popular hero of Marvel Comics - the Silver Surfer. He can move in hyperspace, that is, faster than light.

Silver Surfer. Image: Marvel Comics

The debate about who is the fastest superhero continues to this day.

from helicopters and spaceships to elementary particles - in front of you are the 25 fastest things in the world.

25. The fastest train

The Japanese train JR-Maglev reached a speed exceeding 581 kilometers per hour using magnetic levitation.

24. The fastest roller coaster

Formula Rossa (Formula Rossa), recently built in Dubai, allows adventurers to reach speeds of 240 kilometers per hour.

23. The fastest elevator

Elevators in the Taipei Tower in Taiwan transport people up and down at speeds of 60 kilometers per hour.

22. The fastest production car

Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4 (Bugatti Veyron EB 16.4), accelerating to 430 kilometers per hour, is the world's fastest car approved for use on public roads.

21. The fastest non-serial car

On October 15, 1997, a Thrust SSC rocket-powered vehicle broke the sound barrier in the Nevada desert.

20. The fastest manned aircraft

The US Air Force X-15 not only accelerates to an impressive speed (7,270 kilometers per hour), but also soars so high that several of its pilots received astronaut "wings" from NASA.

19. The fastest tornado

The tornado near Oklahoma City was the fastest in terms of wind speeds, reaching 480 kilometers per hour.

18. The fastest man

In 2009, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt set the 100m world record in 9.58 seconds.

17. The fastest woman

In 1988, American Florence Griffith-Joyner ran the 100m in 10.49 seconds, a record that no one has yet broken.

16. The fastest land animal

In addition to the fact that cheetahs run fast (120 kilometers per hour), they are also able to accelerate faster than most production cars (from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 3 seconds).

15. The fastest fish

Some individuals of the sailboat species can accelerate up to 112 kilometers per hour.

14. The fastest bird

The peregrine falcon is also the fastest animal in the world overall and can exceed speeds of 325 kilometers per hour.

13. The fastest computer

While this record will most likely be broken by the time you read this article, Milky Way-2 in China is the most fast computer in the world.

12. The fastest submarine

It is difficult to record records in such things, since information about submarines is usually kept secret. However, according to some estimates, the Soviet submarine K-162 developed the highest speed in 1969. The speed was about 44 knots.

11. The fastest helicopter

In July 2010, the Sikorsky X2 (Sikorsky X2) set a new speed record over West Palm Beach - 415 kilometers per hour.

10. The fastest boat

The world water speed record is the officially recognized maximum speed developed by water transport. At the moment, the record holder is the Spirit of Australia, which has reached 511 kilometers per hour.

9. The fastest racket sport

In badminton, the shuttlecock can reach speeds of over 320 kilometers per hour.

8. The fastest land transport

Military missile skids reach speeds in excess of Mach 8 (9800 kilometers per hour).

7. The fastest spaceship

In space, speed can only be measured relative to other objects. Given this, the fastest spacecraft moving from the Sun at a speed of 62,000 kilometers per hour is Voyager 1 (Voyager 1).

6. The fastest eater

Joey “Jaws” Chestnut is currently recognized as the world champion by the International Federation of Competitive Eating after eating 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes.

5. The fastest crash test

To determine the safety rating, EuroNCAP usually conducts its crash tests at speeds of 60 kilometers per hour. However, in 2011, they decided to increase the speed to 190 kilometers per hour. Just for fun.

4. The fastest guitarist

John Taylor set a new world record by perfecting Flight of the Bumblebee at 600 bpm.

3. The fastest rapper

No Clue earned the title of "fastest rapper" in the Guinness Book of World Records when he spoke 723 syllables in 51.27 seconds. He spoke about 14 syllables per second.

2. The biggest speed

Technically, the fastest speed in the universe is the speed of light. However, there are a few caveats that bring us to the first point...

1. The fastest elementary particle

Despite the fact that this is a controversial statement, scientists from the European Center for Nuclear Research recently conducted experiments in which the neutrino muon bridged the distance between Geneva, Switzerland and Gran Sasso, Italy, several nanoseconds faster than light. However, for now, the photon is still considered the king of speed.

Loeb and Guilshon calculated that the merger of supermassive black holes would have to eject stars with a wide range of velocities. Few of them would reach near-light speed, but the rest would accelerate seriously enough. For example, says Loeb, there could be more than a trillion stars in the observable universe that move at a speed of 1/10 of the speed of light, that is, about 107,000,000 kilometers per hour.

Since the movement of a single isolated star through intergalactic space will be quite dim, only powerful telescopes of the future, such as scheduled for launch in 2018, will be able to detect them. And even then, most likely, such telescopes will only be able to see stars that have reached our galactic environs. Most of the ejected stars most likely formed near the centers of galaxies and were ejected shortly after their birth. This means that they are already traveling. most your life time. In this case, the age of the star will be approximately equal to the time that the star travels. By combining the travel time with the measured speed, astronomers can determine the distance from the star's home galaxy to our galactic neighborhood.

If astronomers can find stars that were ejected from the same galaxy at different times, they can use them to measure the distance to that galaxy at different times in the past. By looking at how this distance has changed over time, it will be possible to determine how fast the universe is expanding.

two merging galaxies

Ultrafast wandering stars may have another use. When supermassive black holes collide with each other, they create ripples in space and time that display the intimate details of black hole mergers. The eLISA space telescope, scheduled to launch in 2028, will detect gravitational waves. Since ultrafast stars form when black holes are about to merge, they will act as a kind of signal that will point eLISA to possible sources of gravitational waves.

The existence of such stars would be one of the strongest signals that two supermassive black holes are on the cusp of merging, says astrophysicist Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Although they may be difficult to detect, they will represent a fundamentally new tool for studying the universe.

In 4 billion years, our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy. The two supermassive black holes at their centers will merge, and the stars could also be ejected. Our Sun is too far from the center of galaxies to be ejected, but another star might hold habitable planets. And if people still exist by then, they could potentially land on this planet and go to another galaxy. Although, of course, this prospect is far, like no other.