What kind words can you call your beloved man? What kind words can you call a guy? How to call your beloved guy so that he likes it: choose an affectionate nickname

30.06.2020 Computers

In this article, I will teach you how to call your man so that he feels all your love. We will look at the main points that will help you make a successful compliment.

After reading the article, you can easily choose an affectionate name for your chosen one. Not all women know, but men love compliments no less than the weaker sex. Moreover, the right words and encouragement can stimulate a man to take active action.

There are words that you need to say to a man so that he becomes better and develops before your eyes. Which? We'll talk about all this in more detail below.

Why and when to give compliments?

If it seems to you that giving compliments or choosing an affectionate nickname is so easy, then this is a big misconception. It is important to take into account character, age, situation and expected result. There is a special approach for a man to find a job, go to the store with you, start renovations, or make a long-awaited marriage proposal.

To lift your spirits in difficult times

Remember that in difficult situations or moments of depression, you should not throw yourself on your loved one’s neck and “wipe his snot.” This is the lot of a mother or sister, and you must support him without depriving or humiliating his manhood.

Rules of conduct during this period:

  • create the most comfortable environment for him and “cover your rear”;
  • Compliment him in another area if he has failed in something. Teach him to switch between events;
  • Don't forget about humor, but in moderation. You can say, “Sorry, I didn’t see how well you played football because I was always looking at your toned, athletic legs.”

If you see that the man is relaxed and cheerful, then you have achieved a little success. You can consolidate it with pleasant and funny nicknames: My hero, True athlete, Winner.

To get some of his attention

If you are often in a bad mood and constantly make scandals, then you shouldn’t expect anything good from your partner. Would you like a compliment and some kind words? Give something in return first. To give, a man must accumulate good things in himself. This is especially true for introverts, choleric people and phlegmatic people.

Tell them often:

  • “Thank you for making my world so bright”;
  • “I have never met a stronger and more confident man”;
  • “You are my sunshine, thank you for always warming me with your inner warmth.”

Few people know, but most American psychologists believe that correct and lasting relationships are based on mutual recognition and compliments.

You can find out which compliments you can give and which you can’t if you carefully read this

To improve behavior

If you like some special things that the man you love does, then you need to consolidate them. It is not necessary to say directly - “do this, don’t do that.” Only positive behavior is reinforced. Therefore say:

  • “I like to kiss you when you've just shaved,” followed by a kiss;
  • “You are very caring, thank you for helping me clean up the dishes after dinner,” then a kiss;
  • “I’m glad that you are so courageous and do household chores yourself,” then you hug or cook a delicious dinner for your partner.

Remember!A man remembers emotions and behavior, and in order to get them again, he will be ready to repeat the feats more than once.

What shouldn't be said?

Men, like women, love not only with their eyes, but also with their ears. He pays attention to compliments, admiration, and tries to be even better for his woman.

Let's talk about some things that are absolutely forbidden to say to a man. This not only does not stimulate, but also causes a lot of negative emotions:

  1. Never say a compliment or a phrase that contains the words “but.” Because most people don't hear the good things that come after the comma. You say “yes, you lost, but you are very smart and in good shape,” but the man only remembers that he lost.
  2. You can compliment his mother, sister, but don't speak too well of his friends. After all, all men are gambling by nature, they want to be better than others. And emphasizing the success of his friend will nullify the self-esteem of his loved one.
  3. Don’t say the phrase “you’re great.” This way you are judging the actions rather than the man himself. According to psychologists, such words can even humiliate a partner, then he begins to believe that he is not good enough. Say complete and detailed phrases: “You are very attentive, thank you for not forgetting about my dad’s birthday and buying the gift yourself.”
  4. Do not use too pretentious and high-flown compliments, such as divine, incredible, amazing, unsurpassed. It sounds false and even forced. Such things are subtle, so a man is more likely to be upset by your lies than pleased.
  5. When writing a message or congratulation, do not take ready-made poems or words from the Internet, speak from the heart. This way you can highlight the main features of your young man and please him.

Watch video tips from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer that will help you understand what you shouldn’t say to a man and why:

What cute names are suitable for a man?

Often women do not know what to call their loved one, besides the name and endearments From him. There are several options to choose from:

  • Treasure.
  • Tiger.
  • Favorite.
  • Cowboy.
  • Big guy.
  • Sweet.
  • Little bear.
  • Bogatyr.
  • Little fox.

Just remember that the nickname should suit the person and characterize him. It's better if it's extraordinary pet name, which is associated with a certain event, situation between you. This will bring back memories of a good or intimate event, relax, and lift the same emotions from memory.

What if a man is serious and doesn’t like nicknames?

There are also representatives of the stronger sex who do not at all like excessive tenderness and especially cute nicknames. Therefore, it is not worth pestering such a man once again with the words “bunny and kitten”.

You can find an alternative, for example:

  • My happiness.
  • My joy.
  • Golden.
  • The only one.
  • Darling.
  • The best.
  • My heart.

Another important point!Never distort a man’s first or last name; for them it is a source of pride and dignity. Also try not to use obnoxious or childish nicknames.

What rules should you remember when communicating with your man?

Think about how your loved one feels around you? Tender, tough, reserved or self-confident? Based on this, choose cute nicknames.

In addition to cute nicknames, compliments and forbidden phrases, there are several features of communicating with your loved one:

  • Don't feel sorry, but support. It’s difficult for men when a woman sees him helpless and treats him like a child.
  • When communicating on the phone or in personal meetings, call him champion, winner, handsome, my god. For what? It motivates and raises self-esteem.
  • Sometimes in public places, address a man as “YOU”; this also evokes respect for the person, emphasizes his status, and gives him more respectability.
  • If you haven’t used affectionate nicknames before, introduce them into your vocabulary gradually. Otherwise, it will arouse suspicion; your loved one will think that you want something from him in return.
  • Always greet a man from work joyfully, with tenderness and a ready-made lunch.
  • Put your love and sincerity into every compliment. Then the banal “beloved” will give a boost of energy and self-confidence.

How to compliment a man?

First of all, let's define that compliments in relationships are needed to create and maintain an emotional connection.

There are a few basic things you need to remember about your relationship and compliments:

  • let your man know that he is the most brilliant, smart and strong. It is important that you convince him. Then he will understand that he becomes so wonderful only around you;
  • do not try to bring a man to a “heart-to-heart talk”, because of this he will distance himself even more;
  • use endearing words not only for seduction or obtaining the desired result, but also after work, before bed, during the day on the phone;
  • show that with him you feel most desired and happy;
  • Remember to use your compliments in moderation, since you cannot over-praise or over-exaggerate your lover’s abilities; this will make him lazy and arrogant.

No matter what compliments you give a man, no matter how much you support and motivate, remember that this is effective only in a set of measures. They include caring, honesty, support, tenderness and attention.

Also, do not forget that pleasant messages in the form of , will also support him, and show him that you love him and care about him.

Answers on questions

“Recently, things have been going badly for my husband at work, he missed out on several successful deals, he was demoted and is threatened with dismissal. I think that soon my beloved will fall into depression. What to do?"

If your loved one has problems and you want to help, remember:

  • You can’t feel sorry for a man;
  • try to create maximum comfort at home, find an outlet for it;
  • show that the failures are temporary, because he is your smartest and most successful;
    redirect your area of ​​interest.

“My young man is quite smart, savvy, hard-working and responsible person. He has several options for a startup, but he is afraid to start. How can I help him with words and support?

To give a man self-confidence, motivate and guide him, you need to:

  • use clear examples from your life to show what a great guy he is;
  • rejoice at his small victories, compliment him as often as possible;
  • show that you feel happy next to him.

“I really like it when a guy helps me around the house, cooks and spends time with me. But he doesn't do this often. How can we subtly hint that I would like to see this more often in our lives?”

As mentioned earlier, the main thing is to reinforce positive actions with emotions and compliments. That's why:

  • tell me how you like to clean, cook, and run the household together;
  • give a compliment “I’m so glad that I have such a thrifty and attentive man, thank you”;
  • When you're done cleaning, kiss, massage, or cook dinner for your loved one.

What to remember:

To summarize all of the above, there are several basic recommendations regarding compliments to a man:

  1. compliments and pleasant words should be selected based on the situation and the expected result;
  2. Don't be corny, come up with cute and personal nicknames;
  3. do not distort the first and last name of your loved one, he will not tolerate this;
  4. don’t lie and stick to the measure when it comes to compliments and pleasant words;
  5. motivate your partner by saying nice things to him throughout the day, on the phone, in public places;
  6. try to communicate with your loved one respectfully, listen carefully if there are strangers nearby;
  7. show how happy your partner makes you;
  8. in case of failures, transfer your lover’s attention to another area where he succeeds;
  9. reinforce words with actions, care, attention.

Remember , men, more than women, need to hear compliments, words of support and praise for his actions. Thus, they believe in themselves, activate internal energy and become more competitive among others "males". And no one except your beloved will support, reassure and motivate you more.

Many girls try to distinguish their boyfriend by giving him an original nickname that will make him stand out from others.

It seems that coming up with an original nickname for a guy is easy, but in reality it is not. They often use standard nicknames and nicknames.

Where did nicknames come from?

History suggests that nicknames in pre-Christian times had the meaning of names.

In those days, a nickname personified a pronounced characteristic of a person: external features, type of activity, bad habits, behavioral characteristics.

Pagan traditions gave way to Christian ones and the child was already given a name in accordance with biblical norms. The nickname began to take on the meaning of a surname.

Considering more recent events, nicknames and nicknames became widespread due to the fact that a child could be given several names at birth.

The choice was up to the person when he grew up. The Slavs have one name from birth, so the nickname acquired during life determines the characteristics.

Sources of nicknames:

  1. Close and dear people try to compare a person with pleasant phenomena, so they give cute nicknames.
  2. In places of deprivation of liberty, the nickname in slang is called pogonyalo. Each experienced person has his own nickname, which characterizes the character and misdeeds of the person.
  3. IN modern society Nicknames are often given according to physical characteristics or names.
  4. Pirate traditions required calling each other by fictitious “names” so as not to reveal their identity when committing illegal actions.
  5. Cool nicknames can be borrowed from movies and songs if there is a similarity between the person and the character.
  6. Unusual nicknames are obtained due to a play on words that characterize certain human traits and behavioral characteristics.

As in ancient times, such “call signs” accompany a person from birth to old age.

Depending on the change in type of activity, character traits, and social circle, nicknames may change.

List of funny and cool

“Call signs” for a person can be beautiful, offensive and funny. In accordance with interesting and original nicknames, psychologists conducted tests.

The results showed that people with such “middle names” are most susceptible to depression and are more mentally unstable.

Note! A non-standard name given at birth, in contrast to mocking nicknames, makes a person stronger and more purposeful.

Girls choose affectionate nicknames for guys they like.

It is impossible to receive gentle reproach from friends or enemies - they will try to present something negative about a person’s personality or physical characteristics. Often funny and non-standard nicknames arise that cause a smile and interest.

List of funny nicknames in different situations:

Nicknames for... Cool and funny options Characteristics of the nickname
Men Microphone Ideal for the person who loves to sing karaoke
The bell Suitable for a man who often communicates on the phone, a businessman
Sigamacho If a man smokes too much
Boys Brownie Due to sloppy hairstyle or constant homebodies
Nibbler For a boy who constantly eats and chews
Vrednyusik A harmful and uncompromising boy
Friends Zinger For an active and talkative friend
Smile This criticism would be ideal for a humorous and smiling friend.
Hedgehog They give the nickname because of their prickly character or constant stubble on their face.
Beloved Diamond Describes your attitude towards your loved one
Marshmallow Ideal for a sweet tooth or a person with a soft character
Astrologer For romantic, loving natures

Examples of offensive nicknames

Nicknames can be at the same time not only cool, but also offensive to their owner.

Often such offensive complaints refer to a defect in appearance or character. Sometimes even funny and cool complaints can offend a person.

Usually, funny, unspoken middle names are invented for ex-boyfriend. In this way, the girl can recoup her grievances by spreading offensive messages.

How offensively you can call a guy:

  • Fattrest and Donut. They are assigned to guys who are overweight or have a curvy figure.
  • Bald - ideal for a man with large bald patches on his forehead.
  • Cheburashka. It emphasizes the guy's appearance with large, protruding ears.
  • Pig or Stinky. This is a criticism for a sloppy or unclean man.
  • Nibbler. Suitable for people with crooked or protruding front teeth.

There can be a lot of examples. It all depends on the imagination of the inventor. Some offensive nicknames and nicknames for the bearer are not such.

The degree of human sensitivity plays a huge role.

The meaning of nicknames

An originally presented nickname, especially with a foreign pronunciation, can carry a positive or negative meaning. Before you attach a complaint to a person, you need to know exactly the meaning.

Meaning of nicknames:

  • Sociable is an energetic guy.
  • Jovial – for a smiling and open guy.
  • Pahan – refers to prison slang. Emphasizes the primacy of man.
  • Olejandro, Sancho and the like are derived from male names.
  • Skeleton. The nickname has many meanings, depending on culture, beliefs and position in society.
  • Dario and similar aliases attribute to a person the features of movie characters or representatives of other nations.

It is worth considering the origin of the chase. Some came into use from places of imprisonment and belong to the characteristics of thieves' concepts. Cultural and folk aspects should also be taken into account.

Note! Some nationalities take nicknames very seriously, considering them a person’s middle name.

You should be especially careful with nicknames in English. It is imperative to know the translation so as not to turn out to be a fool and the subject of ridicule.

Some people come up with their own aliases - but it needs to be done correctly.

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A romantic relationship between a girl and a guy is unlike any other type of relationship, because we cannot experience such strong feelings when we are close to friends or relatives, only a loved one makes our heart beat faster. Love and infatuation bind two people with absolutely unique bonds and make them indispensable to each other. One of the most touching moments in the relationship between lovers is affectionate nicknames. For a guy, picking them up won't be that easy.

Do men love with their ears?

There is a fairly widespread opinion that the fair sex loves with their ears, while men do not. special attention compliments. This is partly true, but only half. Indeed, women, regardless of age and character, are always more sensitive than men and react more emotionally to affectionate words. However, guys rarely remain indifferent to kind words. They only hide their emotions so as not to appear weak.

List of affectionate nicknames for a guy

To express your admiration for a guy, it is not at all necessary to resort to elaborate compliments - it will be enough to just come up with a cute nickname for your loved one. You should not be afraid that this nickname will seem unoriginal or banal to someone, the main thing is the meaning that was invested in the praise.

The most popular affectionate nicknames for guys:

  • Bunny.
  • Kitty.
  • Hedgehog.
  • Raccoon.
  • Sun.
  • Baby elephant.
  • Little dolphin.
  • Little squirrel.

When choosing a nickname, you should not pay attention to feminine words, for example, Lapulya, Bubochka or Businka, as this may hurt the guy’s sense of pride. It is recommended to replace such nicknames with a more masculine version of the masculine gender - Businka - with Busenysh, Ptashka - with Chick, and so on.

Unusual nicknames

The list of affectionate nicknames for your beloved guy does not end with one dozen banal words associated with the names of animals in a diminutive form. In addition, not all nicknames mentioned in previous section, may suit one person or another, not to mention the fact that they will sound strange in relation to the guy you like, but with whom you are not yet in a relationship. In this case, you should address the object of your sympathy using other nicknames.

Try to highlight the man’s positive qualities and add the prefix “my” if necessary. Here are some interesting examples:

  • Hero.
  • Champion.
  • Genius.
  • Smart ass.
  • Handsome.
  • Strongman.

Also, do not miss the moment to use the whole phrase: “How inventive you are,” “And you are a rebel!” And so on, as your heart tells you.

A few more sweet options

When choosing an affectionate nickname for your beloved guy (the list will be given below), you should take into account the kind of relationship you have with him. If everything is just beginning for you, then you should be extremely careful in this matter. Who wants to apologize for their own outburst of tenderness? It is also important to take into account the character traits of your lover so that there is no awkward moment.

It is best to choose one of the neutral options:

  • Sugar.
  • Charming.
  • Eaglet.
  • Tiger cub.
  • Dandelion.
  • Little dragon.

Also remember that most guys don't like to be addressed by their nickname in groups. Even if he loves this nickname with all his heart, the situation can change greatly if it becomes a reason for ridicule from his friends. This advice should be kept in mind both at the initial stage of relationship development and in the future.

Nicknames on behalf of a lover

Some girls love to compare their boyfriend to animals and some cute objects, but not all guys like to be called Bunny or Sunshine. Despite this, there are still several options for how to affectionately call your chosen one. To do this, it will be enough to experiment a little with his name. For example, a young man named Sasha can be called Sashko, Sanyushka, Shunya or Sashenka. Dima should like the following options: Mitechka, Mityusha, Di, Dimochka. Nikita will suit Nikitushka, Nikitulya or Nick. And the proud name Vlad in the diminutive form sounds like Vladyusha, Vladik or Vladusik.

Cool nicknames

It is not at all necessary that the nickname be affectionate and gentle. The main thing is that it personifies the character traits of your lover or the characteristics of his behavior. You can choose some humorous option that you won’t be embarrassed to use in the company of friends. A joke is, after all, a joke.

Here is a small list of affectionate and cool nicknames for a guy:

  • Baby.
  • Babe.
  • Macho.
  • Charming.
  • Masik.
  • My dear.
  • Handsome.
  • Pusya.

If your boyfriend loves cartoons at his age, then you can take advantage of this by giving him one of the following nicknames:

  • Smesharik.
  • Garfield.
  • Luntik.
  • Shrek.
  • Smurf.
  • Nafanka.
  • Malysharik.
  • Teletubby.

Remember that if a guy initially didn’t like such a nickname, then you shouldn’t continue to call him that. Otherwise, such actions can lead to resentment, misunderstanding or even a quarrel.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

Most men always remain children at heart, and they want to feel like a playful little child again next to their beloved girl. If your boyfriend has a good sense of humor, then you are very lucky. In this case, you can give free rein to your imagination without fear that cute name-calling will hurt your loved one’s sense of pride. But how to choose a nickname so that it suits only your most beloved man?

In this case, it is worth paying attention to the meaning of affectionate nicknames for guys:

  • Malyshkin, Malysh, Baby - emphasize your passion for the young man.
  • Lyalik, my Little, Baby, Baby - will help a guy feel like a child again, return to childhood and become happier.
  • Kislovashka, my Fool, Durashka, Durynda - suitable for loved one, who was seriously guilty of something, but asked for forgiveness.
  • Manyunya, Tsemik, Masik, Musipusechka, Musya - these words speak of your great affection for the young man, as well as the fact that you are very passionate about him.
  • Bar, Eclerc, Croissant, Cookie, Donut, Sweets, Candy - express a huge surge of emotions, and are also suitable for those who love sweets.
  • Teddy Bear, Kisyunchik, Kisenysh, Kotofey, Murchik, Kotya, Kotyatina - your attention is focused on the object of love and no one else.
  • Lapuchik, Lapotulka, Lapusik, Lapulya, Lapa are gentle nicknames that characterize your determination to be more active in a relationship than a guy, to try in every possible way for him, your beloved.
  • Jumpy, Tummy, Telepub, Pinocchio - suitable for fans of cartoons and children's programs.

Such nicknames look quite cute in the phone book, especially when your loved one calls you. They can also be used to sign a card for a very close friend. Remember that it is not at all necessary to call your lover this way every day, but it is better to wait for the right moment.

Affectionate nicknames in English

The Russian language is beautiful and rich, but it is not at all necessary that an affectionate nickname for a loved one sound in it. IN English language There are many equally sweet words that can be used in relation to a young man. Such a cute nickname will be unique and inimitable.

Below is a list of affectionate nicknames for a guy in English with translation:

  • Baby - Baby.
  • Banny - Rabbit.
  • Sweet - Sweet.
  • Honey – Darling (literally “honey”).
  • Sugar – Cute (literally “sugar”).
  • Poppet - Baby.
  • Angel - Angel.
  • Love - Beloved.

Such nicknames can also be used in relation to girls, so there is something interesting here for male readers too.

I love you until you laugh

The rich Russian language allows you to choose funny but affectionate nicknames for a guy. If you've been dating for quite some time and know each other well, then why not joke about some of your lover's shortcomings? The moments when you both laugh will remain in your memory for the rest of your life, so create more of them.

A list of funny and affectionate nicknames for a guy can help you with this:

  • Cranky - you can make an offended face and call your boyfriend that when he scolds you.
  • Splyushka is ideal for a man who likes to sleep longer or does not want to get out of bed early in the morning.
  • Glutton or Tummy - you can jokingly call a guy who loves to eat delicious food or whose tummy sticks out.
  • Piglet - you can hint to a young man to clean up the dirty dishes with the help of such a nickname.
  • Hairy - suitable for a man with a lot of hair on his face or head.

Of course, there may be many more such options. An exclusive nickname is often quite unexpected, so try to think carefully about what you associate your boyfriend with and find him an appropriate nickname. However, remember that such kind words are only suitable for home use, so do not use them in front of witnesses.

Who needs funny nicknames?

Remember that funny nicknames may not suit all guys. Some young people can be quite introverted and unsure of themselves. If you call your lover such a stupid name, he may take it as a curse word. In this case, it is better not to give the guy funny nicknames that are associated with his negative character traits, since you may offend him.

At the same time, you should be wary of lovers who have a good sense of humor. They can answer you in the same way, coming up with some offensive nickname for their chosen one. Are you ready to be a pig after calling your boyfriend a pig, or should you still use more affectionate nicknames for each other?

How not to offend a guy?

Remember that a comic nickname should in no case strongly ridicule any serious shortcomings of your lover. For example, never call your loved one Cheburashka if he has protruding ears. And under no circumstances call your guy Flash when it comes to intimacy.

If women love with their ears, then men simply adore with their ears (although they do not openly admit it). Just one kind word from the chosen one can inspire them to heroic deeds or settle a quarrel. Many girls want to express their feelings in order to please their loved one, but they don’t know how to call a guy affectionately. Let's start a “master class” on using affectionate words!

What words will a man like?

Affectionate words intended for a guy should have a slightly different connotation than for girls. It's about male psychology. What kind words does a man want to hear from you? Words of love are pleasant to everyone. Therefore, no matter how banal the word “beloved” may seem, it is pleasant to the male ear.

All guys like affectionate words that emphasize their masculinity and exclusivity. Using words like “big”, “strong”, “smart”, “priceless”, “unique”, “brilliant”, “amazing” will be a balm to the heart of every man!

A woman should be able to choose the kind of tender words for her lover that he is waiting for. It all depends on the character of the man. Let's reveal a little secret: the more brutal he looks, the more he likes diminutive words. For example, a two-meter “jock” will melt from the words “kitten”, “bunny”, “chick”, “paws”. And a fragile intellectual with glasses will be delighted if his beloved calls him incomparable, a strongman, or uses the words “beast”, “animal”, “Apollo”, “macho”, “cowboy”, “cool” in his address.

How can a guy be called an affectionate word so that he is really pleased? There are several main rules that will help a girl not make a mistake with her choice:

  • It's better not to use hackneyed compliments. They will not cause much of a reaction and may even cause irritation (these include: “dear”, “precious”, “darling”);
  • If you want your loved one to listen to your every word, then always use the prefix “my” or “at my place” along with affectionate words. If you address your close friend as “my God”, “my desired one”, “you are the only one I have”, then he will actually be only yours;
  • and finally, what not to say. Some words, even if pronounced with a gentle intonation, will still not please a man. Even if he does not suffer from complexes, he will feel offended when he hears the addresses “goat”, “ram”, “cockerel”. You should not use words that may hint to him about his weaknesses and secret fears (incompetent, soft-bodied, cute, unlucky).

Affectionate words should also be used sparingly. If you pepper every phrase with them, they will lose their freshness and may be perceived by a man as a preface to a request.

The magic of words: how can you call a guy affectionately?

Even if others know about your close relationship with a guy, not all kind words are suitable for addressing him at work or in public place. Verbal expressions of affection should be appropriate. For example, if you call him insatiable among his colleagues, this will make him embarrassed and not happy, although at home he would be very pleased.

What kind words can you call a guy anywhere? Let's list the “allowed” manifestations of feelings:

  • my sun;
  • my handsome;
  • native;
  • my good;
  • You are so wonderful;
  • Cute;
  • talented;
  • My joy;
  • my protector.

These words will give the guy confidence and increase his self-esteem.

Happy moments of love: kind words in private

More sincere and intimate affectionate words can be used when lovers are alone. Then feelings and situations will probably tell the girl how to call the guy affectionately. A list of the most popular words that will not leave a man indifferent may look like this:

  • beloved;
  • desired;
  • sexual;
  • sweet (delicious);
  • gentle;
  • real;
  • the only one;
  • unusual;
  • passionate;
  • unique (inventive);
  • temperamental;
  • hot, best lover.

You can give a separate compliment to the features of the guy’s figure, strengthen him in the idea that he has an impeccable, muscular, athletic, seductive body.

Men like it when girls praise their hands, calling them gentle, strong, dear and affectionate. The same can be said about the lips: they are sensual, magical and sweet.

Unusual but nice: secrets for two

Men are forced most time to hide their real emotions, since it is generally accepted that sentimentality does not suit them. Only if the relationship between a guy and a girl has reached such a level that absolute trust and mutual understanding have arisen between them, can you come up with some kind of funny (or even stupid), but very affectionate nickname for him.

How can you call a guy affectionately and unusually to add even more tenderness to the relationship? If he has a sufficient sense of humor, he will like these words:

  • sweeties;
  • music;
  • fluffy;
  • fish;
  • mouse;
  • little pig;
  • bear;
  • kitten (cat);
  • hare, bunny;
  • hairy;
  • Ryashechka;
  • sexbomb.

Of course, there are many more options. An exclusive nickname can be completely unexpected, the main thing is that no one is offended! These affectionate words are only suitable for home use; it is better not to use them in front of “witnesses.”

I love it to the point of laughter: affectionate and funny nicknames

If you are in love and happy, then why not joke with each other? Give your loved one affectionate and at the same time funny words that will give you moments of joy. You can call your loved one with such cool but cute nicknames:

  • shalun (naughty girl);
  • baby elephant (elephant);
  • kisser;
  • darling;
  • badger;
  • bald boy;
  • glutton (belly);
  • dandelion;
  • scops owl;
  • crucian carp;
  • bitch.

Many young people in romantic relationships with each other, they come up with affectionate nicknames for their half. Some of them are popular, while others are known only in a specific pair. Many girls don’t want to repeat some banal or generally accepted names, so they try to come up with something of their own. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to some nuances such as the correctness and appropriateness of expression in order to please your man, and not offend, insult or anger him.

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What phrases may seem inappropriate to a man?

Before assigning a nickname to a young man, it is worth considering whether he will be offended and whether such a sign will be pleasant to him. A name should not be used if it:

  • Points to weak sides young man. A man is able to perceive such a gesture on the part of a girl as ironic ridicule.
  • Reminds a guy of his complexes or can develop them. Under no circumstances should we associate affectionate name with human shortcomings, even in a comic form. For example, there is no need to invent nicknames related to height, physique, facial features or other external features partner.
  • The young man doesn't like it. Not all men like to be spoken to in a diminutive form. If this annoys a guy, then you shouldn’t make him emotional on purpose. This will not bring pleasure to either him or his partner. In this case, you should call the young man an affectionate nickname derived from his name, or come up with something individual related to a specific situation that only he will definitely like.

It is important that the nickname invented for a partner expresses the girl’s tender feelings for her man. A young man, hearing these words, should feel the woman’s warm attitude towards him.

Some phrases may offend a man or seem unpleasant:

  • A nickname previously used in a relationship with another man can offend a guy, especially if he knows that the name has been used for another man.
  • In order for a guy to like the way a girl treats him, you shouldn’t overdo it with nicknames at the very beginning of the relationship. Sometimes you should address them by name or use standard expressions - “beloved”, “dear” and the like.

It is important to remember that sweet and gentle words addressed to a man should not cause him discomfort. If a couple is in a circle of mutual friends and the guy feels ashamed when the girl addresses him in a form that is familiar only to them, then you should call him by name. In most cases, the environment should be appropriate. That is, in a circle of unfamiliar people, it is advisable not to use original names invented by a couple for each other.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a nickname?

The choice of words for an adult and mature man should be approached more responsibly. Not every partner will be happy with the nickname assigned to him. In such cases, it is advisable to use some well-known names. For example: “sun”, “dear”, “beloved”, “dear” and the like.

When choosing an affectionate name for your boyfriend, it is important to pay attention to his individuality. If your partner has some skills, interests, or specific hobbies, then you can associate the nickname with this. A nickname can be gentle, sweet, funny or sexy. You should not come up with words that carry something ironic or sarcastic.

A beloved man or husband can be called so that the nickname carries something that is known only to the couple. This could be some kind of general joke, a reference to a situation that happened, or an image known to the partner. Often girls use comparisons with animals, using diminutive suffixes - “fishy”, “baby”, “kisonka” and the like. These can be both well-known names and those that the woman came up with herself.

You can build on what the young man calls his girlfriend and use a similar nickname that reflects the essence of the first.

List of affectionate words

If you want to call your guy something affectionate, you can use well-known nicknames from this list, common in many couples:

  • Suffix nicknames derived from the names of animals. The most famous of them are “cat” and “bunny”. You can come up with something similar using the same principle.
  • Words indicating the value of a young man and the girl’s love for him. Examples - “sweetheart”, “treasure”, “my destiny”, “happiness”, “sun”.
  • Changed names. If a guy’s name is Oleg, then you can call him Olezha or Olezhka, Timur - Timka, Yuri - Yurchik or Yurochka. Other names are converted according to the same principle.