The name Vadim is a diminutive pet name. The meaning of the name Vadim

24.06.2019 Education

The mystery of the name

Sofia, Sophia- wise (ancient Greek).
The name is rare, one in a thousand in the city, only a few in the countryside, and it does not become popular.
Zodiac name: Scales.
Planet: Saturn.
Name color: dark blue.
Talisman stone: lapis lazuli.
Auspicious plant: linden, lovage.
Patron name: praying mantis.
Happy day: Friday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Diminutive forms: Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sonyusha.
Main features: sociability, activity, generosity.


Sophia of Egypt, martyr, October 1 (September 18).
Sofia Slutskaya, princess, on the third week after Pentecost, April 1 (March 19).
Sophia of Rome, martyr, September 30 (17). She died of grief at the grave of her daughters - martyrs - Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov - on the third day after their execution for the faith of Christ. The icon of Sophia, the wisdom of God, occupies a special place in the Russian Orthodox Church. The icon depicts Mother of God and the Wisdom incarnate from Her is the Son of God. By Wisdom (or Sophia) we mean Jesus Christ. The Mother of God is depicted standing in the temple under a canopy supported by seven pillars. Her arms and palms are spread out, the pillars are established on the crescent moon. She holds the Holy Child blessing right hand, and in His left hand is an orb. On the cornice of the canopy is inscribed: “Wisdom created for herself a house and established seven pillars.” Above the canopy are God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. From the mouth of God the Father come the words “I established Her feet.” On both sides are depicted seven Archangels holding signs of their service. Under the feet of the Mother of God is a pulpit with seven steps, depicting the Church of God on earth, on the steps are the forefathers and prophets. There are inscriptions on each of the steps. "Faith, hope, love, purity, humility, goodness, glory." The seven steps are established on seven pillars, on which are inscribed images taken from the Apocalypse.


See name Vera.


Sonechka is a charming curly-haired creature, very loved and spoiled. She knows this and understands which string to play in order to insist on her own. Very observant and resourceful. It is impossible to force her to do something if she doesn’t want to, you just have to persuade her.

At school she is friends with everyone, knows girls from other classes, participates in sports competitions, various competitions and debates. She supervises the lower grades and helps those who are lagging behind. Everyone knows that they can rely on her.

She learns easily on her own, she has a sharp mind, a wonderful memory, she is diligent, and will not go anywhere without doing her homework. He loves music very much and plays the piano.

Active since childhood, Sophia manages to do a lot in adulthood. She is always in sight, fast, talkative,

Sophia likes cheerful companies, she loves to be the center of attention, to know everything and about everyone. Sophia can understand other people's weaknesses, she will forgive everything except betrayal; Sophia often plays the role of a lightning rod in other people's problems, but copes with her own. Sophia knows how to manage, arrange life, organize it, in a word, she simply knows how to live. The name Sophia was studied especially deeply by P.A. Florensky:

"The name Sophia has a feminine aspect male name Vasily, but not in the sense of the manifestation of a male name in a female personality, but as a phenomenon parallel to this latter and independent of it...

Sofia is more divine than Vasily. However, it is understandable that female activity, as more intuitive, coming more from the depths, less conscious and less dissected - activity, which by its nature may be closer to the creativity of spiritual power in nature... Sophia is powerful and believes that power by nature, by the make-up of her personality, of course, it should belong to her. Sofia takes power as her own, and does it with a clear conscience, because her hand will never waver from doubt whether it is right. And she cannot waver, since Sophia takes power, and others do not interfere with her, as long as this is done in the name of truth and good - the only truth and the only good known to Sophia. Sophia has an innate self-awareness of herself as superior to those around her by nature - not by her personal merits, but by her birth itself; this can probably be compared with the self-awareness of crowned heads, who can think very modestly about themselves, be aware of their shortcomings, be easy to handle and helpful and yet feel separated from other people by a special kind, natural power. This self-awareness of Sophia as power is so alive and bright in her that any non-recognition of her power by those around her causes an internal protest, but not because of hurt pride or unsatisfied vanity, but as some kind of untruth, as a distortion of the proper order. Hence the impression of pride that Sophia often produces on those who are not thoughtful enough, although this is not pride, but something else, much deeper..."


Sofia Fominichna (Zoya Paleolog) (c. 1448-1503) - nee Byzantine princess, Grand Duchess of Moscow.

Her childhood coincided with difficult years for her homeland: Mohammed II, at the head of a large army, dealt the final blow to the fading Byzantium. In 1453 Constantinople fell. In 1460, her father, Thomas Palaiologos, fled from the pressure of the Turks from the Peloponnese, went to Italy to Pope Pius II, to seek an alliance against the Turks. He left his wife and children on the island of Corfu. In 1465, Zoya was left an orphan; first her mother died, and months later her father died.

Thomas Paleologue's faithful friend, Cardinal Vissarion, took care of Zoya's life. Zoe lived in Rome, officially called “the beloved daughter of the Roman church, the nurse of the apostolic throne.” She received a good education.

The initiator of the marriage of Zoya and Ivan III was Vissarion, he acted with the knowledge of the pope, since the expenses of the ambassadors to Moscow were paid by the pope. The strong Moscow prince aroused hopes in Rome for help against the Turks and even dreams of Rus''s annexation to the papal throne.

Preliminary negotiations have begun. The Russian chronicle tells: On February 11, 1496, the Greek Yuri arrived in Moscow from Cardinal Vissarion to the Grand Duke with a sheet in which Sophia, the daughter of the Amorite despot Thomas, an “Orthodox Christian,” was offered to the Grand Duke as a bride. Our chronicles everywhere call Princess Zoe Sofia. Apparently, she changed her name when she got married, that was the custom. The ambassadors brought a portrait of Sophia to Moscow - “the princess is written on the icon.” She was not a beauty, but Ivan liked her big, intelligent eyes. Ivan III, after consulting with the metropolitan, his mother and the boyars, sent an embassy to Rome for the princess.

The ambassadors introduced themselves to the pope, already Sixtus IV, expressed respect on behalf of the Grand Duke and presented him with a fur coat and 70 sables as a gift.

The betrothal was performed with a commissioner from the Grand Duke in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and was celebrated with luxury and splendor.

Sophia with a huge retinue triumphantly moved through the western lands to the borders of the Moscow state. Many cities met and saw off her with royal honor, and festivities were held in honor of the princess.

Having entered Russian soil, the princess showed herself in the most favorable light: she forgot Latin and showed herself to be a zealot of Orthodoxy, and when Bishop Anton, her companion, did not want to express respect in front of the icons, she insisted on it. Pskov and Novgorod greeted the princess with great respect; she was touched, but was in a hurry to go to Moscow.

On November 12, 1472, the princess entered Moscow, and a large crowd of people greeted her. She was brought straight from the road to the church, where the Metropolitan blessed her, and then they took her to the mansion. Soon he arrived and Grand Duke, the bride and groom saw each other for the first time. A solemn wedding took place, the Byzantine princess, the ward of the Pope, became Sophia Fominichna, Grand Duchess of Moscow.

Dad's hopes for Sophia's marriage did not materialize, and her family life apparently turned out well: she had 5 sons and 5 daughters, the eldest son later became the famous Prince Vasily III, the collector of Russian lands. Sophia had a significant influence on her husband. There is a legend that it was she who, at the council of the Grand Duke, when Khan Akhmat’s demand for another tribute was discussed, persuaded Ivan III, relying on military strength and God, to end the tribute and stand up for the honor and Holy Faith. And the double-headed eagle - the coat of arms of the Byzantine emperors - became the state Russian coat of arms.

Sofia is a name that indicates that its owner is endowed with an extraordinary mind; it literally translates as “wise.”

Origin of the name

The nickname appeared in Rus' even during the time of the adoption of Orthodoxy, then it sounded like Sophia, only the daughters of aristocrats were given this name. The name became available to ordinary people only in the 19th century.

general characteristics

Sonechka is a little fidget, a very active child, who is not so easy to keep track of. The baby is growing up friendly and extremely sociable; there are always many friends around her. The little girl tries to show her best qualities, children are drawn to her, adults adore this smart and inquisitive little one.

Sofochka rarely cries, asks for help only when necessary, preferring to deal with minor problems herself. She will not distract her elders over such trifles as an untied shoelace or a small scratch.

At school, Sophia tries to get good grades; her phenomenal memory helps her succeed in her studies. Teachers never tire of praising the girl and setting her as an example for other children.

However, like any person, Sonya has shortcomings. She is selfish and stubborn, sticking to her line to the last. These qualities can be overcome if relatives notice their manifestation in time.

Parents should try, while raising their daughter, to instill in her patience and philanthropy. The girl must understand that all people are imperfect, and you shouldn’t expect the impossible from them, then she will learn to turn a blind eye to other people’s shortcomings, and will be less critical of herself.

Positive character traits

Sonechka always acts honestly, her conscience does not allow her to deceive someone even in small matters. The girl does not hide her diary from teachers and tells her parents honestly if she gets a bad grade. Conscientiousness remains with her into adulthood.

The sense of compassion brought up in Sonya makes the girl kind, delicate, and capable of empathizing with her acquaintances. Without hesitation, she will rush to help a person in trouble, even a stranger.

Sofia has an analytical mind, in her smart head everything is sorted into shelves. This wise woman is able to find an answer to any question in life.

Negative character traits

Sociable in childhood, Sonechka can become shy in adolescence. If the family does not help the girl regain her self-confidence, she will remain shy forever. This quality will interfere with Sofia’s ability to get a job and communicate with people.

The owner of the name is so attached to her own mother that she can completely obey her instructions, being already an adult and independent. Such behavior will not have the best effect on personal life Sofia.

Passions are raging in Sonya’s soul, but she hides her true feelings from others, embarrassed to express them. A girl can be led by a momentary impulse and commit a rash, stupid act.

Sonya is also characterized by excessive seriousness. She is often too demanding of herself and picky about everyone around her.

Zodiac sign


Sofiyushka, Sophiechka, Sofiyka, Sonya, Sonya, Sonechka, Sofiyushka, Sofa, Sunny, Sonyushka, Sofochka, Sofushka.

Short form of the name Sophia. Sonya, Sofyushka, Sofa, Sona, Sonechka, Sonyusha, Sofyanka, Sofka, Soka, Soya, Fike, Fi, Fiya, Fip, Sofitye, Sofula, Fula, Sofitsa, Fifi, Fika.
Synonyms for the name Sophia. Sofia, Zofia, Sophie, Zofie, Zofia, Sufia, Zofia, Sufiye, Sokhvi, Sofiko.
Origin of the name Sophia. The name Sophia is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Sophia (old Sofia) translated from ancient Greek language means “wisdom”, “wisdom”, “wise”. There is a translation option for “reasonableness”, “science”.

The name Sophia came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy. Initially it was used only in aristocratic circles. This was the name of the only daughter of the 2nd Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich (born between 1297–1316), the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Vasily I, the wife of Ivan III - Sophia Paleologue. Subsequently, this name was borne by Princess Sofya Alekseevna and two empresses of the late 18th century, who received different names at baptism - Catherine II and the wife of her son Maria Fedorovna (they bore the names, respectively, Sofia Augusta Frederica and Sofia Maria Dorothea Augusta Louise).

The name Sophia was used mainly among the nobility. In the 18th–19th centuries, this name was fifth in the ranking of names of ladies-in-waiting of the Russian aristocratic court after the names Catherine, Anna, Maria and Elizabeth. TO end of the 19th century century, the name became the 20th most popular and was no longer used only among nobles, but also in other classes. During the Soviet period, this name was one of the most unpopular; it returned to use only at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2008, according to the Moscow registry office, the name Sophia became 9th in the list of the most common names for newborn girls, and in 2011 it became the most popular in Moscow. In the Khabarovsk Territory in 2009, the name was in 5th place in popularity.

In Ukraine in 2009–2010 and in Great Britain in 2010, the name Sophia took second place in popularity, and in Ireland in 2010 it took first place.

In Christianity, Sophia is considered the mother of three daughters - Faith, Hope and Love, whose names represent the three main virtues of a Christian. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs executed in Rome in the 2nd century AD. The names of the sisters in Orthodoxy were translated literally, and the name of their mother was borrowed from the Greek language. In some early translations church books from Greek into Church Slavonic the name Sophia was translated as Wisdom. But the literal translation of the name Sophia, unlike the names of her daughters, did not take root among the people, but was transformed into an easier pronunciation - Sophia.

The diminutive title Sonya has become an independent name.

The European name Sofia (Sofia, Sophie) should not be confused with Muslim name Safiya, which has variations in pronunciation - Safiyat, Sapiyat.

WITH youth Sophia manifests herself as an active and receptive girl. She enjoys communicating with other people. She has a rich inner world. At the same time, learning new knowledge is not always easy for Sophia. Her parents love her very much in her family. She is very mobile. The owner of this name easily resolves any issues. With age, Sophia becomes more and more noticeable and attractive, which attracts the opposite sex.

In life, Sophia strives to manage and learn everything. She always wants to be the center of attention. Among her friends, she is frank, loves to talk heart to heart, knows how to listen to her interlocutor and, if necessary, give advice. At the same time, the girl can be lack of initiative and even weak-willed. More than once in life, Sophia may need to adapt to those around her, and, consequently, change.

Sophia always knows what to strive for and tries to make her plans come true. She will be lucky and everything will definitely work out. Sophia needs to learn to trust other people. She knows how to sincerely sympathize.

In relationships with friends, it is very important for Sophia that they know how to listen to her. She herself is always ready to help and resolve any dispute. If necessary, she can respond sharply, knowing that she will offend the person with her words. Sophia loves to communicate with other people, talking about their problems. Thanks to these qualities, people are always drawn to her. She quickly finds people to talk to even in unfamiliar company. The girl rarely listens to other people's advice. It is based on its own intuition and logic. This girl is smart and knows how to do everything on her own.

According to her moral qualities, Sophia is capable of heroic deeds. Over the years, she begins to see people's weaknesses. At the same time, she displays confidence and firmness. She can be upset for a long time because of her mistakes. Sophia always solves other people's problems with ease. Tries not to enter into conflicts.

In her personal life, the girl is temperamental. Sophia always expects complete dedication from her man. He wants to hear declarations of love from his partner as often as possible. To be happy, Sophia must be given the opportunity to express herself from the feminine side in every sense of the word. In her personal life, she needs to feel love. After getting married, she spends a lot of time doing housework. In this, undoubtedly, the girl is helped by her innate hard work. Determination often awakens in Sophia, which greatly helps her in life. In the family, she does not like to be a leader, although she has all the necessary qualities for this. A man feels something special in his chosen one. Her husband and children always come first for her.

Sophia loves to invite guests. She is an excellent cook and delights everyone with her culinary masterpieces.

The owner of the name is quite sociable. This quality of hers will help her achieve success in her work. Sophia is perfect for a profession that involves regular business trips. She can become an excellent journalist. Colleagues appreciate her integrity. Sophia is moving up the career ladder quite quickly. She never counts on anyone's help and tries to achieve everything on her own.

Sofia's name day

Sophia celebrates her name day on February 28, April 1, June 4, June 17, September 30, October 1, December 29, December 31.

The name Sofia has confidently remained among the most popular female names in Europe for over a hundred years. However, few people know that this beautiful female name there is a male pair. It is so rare and unknown that it is used only in some countries and is not at all heard of by most Europeans.

It turns out that in northern Europe, in Denmark, Sweden and Norway, the name Sophus is used, which is considered a male version of the name Sophia. In other countries given name and you won’t find it, especially as a paired version of the name Sofia. Perhaps for the reason that the name Sophus is not present in the Catholic calendar (analogue Orthodox calendar among Catholics).

Famous people named Sophia

  • Sofia Kovalevskaya ((1850 - 1891) née Korvin-Krukovskaya; Russian mathematician and mechanic, since 1889 a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The first woman professor in Russia and Northern Europe and the first woman professor of mathematics in the world (who received Maria Agnesi had never taught this title before.) Author of the story “Nihilist” (1884).
  • Sofya Romanova ((1657 - 1704) princess, daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, in 1682-1689 regent at younger brothers Peter and Ivan)
  • Martyr Sophia (the most revered of the other saints with this name; mother of Faith, Hope and Love)
  • Dona Sofia Greek and Danish ((born 1938) full name- Sofia Margaret Victoria Federica Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg; Spanish Queen, wife of King Juan Carlos I of Spain)
  • Sofia Paleologus, Zoya Paleologina ((c.1455 - 1503) Grand Duchess of Moscow, second wife of Ivan III, mother of Vasily III, grandmother of Ivan IV the Terrible. She came from the imperial Paleologian dynasty.)
  • Sofia Loren ((born 1934) real name - Sofia Villani Scicolone; Italian actress and singer. Winner of honorary awards at all major film festivals - Cannes (1961), Venice (1958, 1998), Moscow (1965, 1997), Berlin (1994) Winner of five Golden Globe awards (in the special category “favorite of the world audience”), the first winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film (1961), winner of an honorary Oscar (1991) with the wording “for”. a career rich in memorable roles that gave the cinema an unfading shine.")
  • Sofia Rotaru ((born 1947) full name - Sofia Evdokimenko-Rotaru; Soviet, Ukrainian pop singer (contralto), actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1988) People's Artist of the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR. Hero of Ukraine (2002). Rotaru's repertoire includes more than 500 songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish and English.)
  • Sofia (Sofia) Coppola ((born 1971) American actress, film director, screenwriter and film producer)
  • Sofia Gubaidulina ((born 1931) Russian composer, author of more than 100 symphonic works, works for soloists, choir and orchestra, instrumental ensembles, music for theater, cinema and cartoons)
  • Sofia Zakrevskaya ((1796/1797 - not earlier than 1865) Russian writer)
  • Sofia Perovskaya ((1853 - 1881) one of the leaders of " People's Will", who directly supervised the assassination of Alexander II)
  • Sofia Rostopchina ((1799 - 1874) married - Countess de Segur; French children's writer of Russian origin)
  • Sofia Bluvshtein ((1846 - 1902) nee Solomoniak); legendary Russian criminal adventurer Jewish origin, known by the nickname "Sonka the Golden Hand")
  • Sofya Giatsintova ((1895 - 1982) Soviet actress and theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1955). Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree (1947).)
  • Sofya Khvoshchinskaya ((1828 - 1865) pseudonym Ivan Vesenyev; novelist, translator, published in Otechestvennye zapiski)
  • Sofia Zaklikovskaya ((1889 - 1975) Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist and applied artist, member of the Leningrad Union of Artists)
  • Sofia Ochigava ((born 1987) Russian boxer, competing in the up to 60 kg category. Two-time European champion, three-time world champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.)
  • Sophia of Polotsk, Sophia Vladimirovna ((c.1140 - 1198) Princess of Minsk, Queen of Denmark. Sophia married (October 23, 1157) the Danish king Valdemar I; the record of the marriage contains the 12th century chronicle "Slavic Chronicle" by Arnold of Lübeck and Saxon Grammar. Sophia took an active part in the public life of Denmark at that time. She is not mentioned in Russian chronicles - she is known only from Western sources: the works of Saxo Grammar, “The Saga of the Knüttlings,” the genealogy of the Danish kings, “Review of the sagas of the Danish Kanungs,” the collection of sagas “Beautiful Skin.” ", Danish annals. Some Scandinavian sources give her name distorted - Sufiya, Sifiya. The origin of the princess was controversial in historiography: it is traditionally believed that Sofia is the daughter of Volodar Glebovich and Ryksa, the daughter of Boleslav Krivoust, it was also assumed that Sofia is the daughter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich. but in this case it must be assumed that Waldemar had a marriage with his niece.)
  • Sofia Teikh ((born 1983) real name - Anna Baeva; Russian singer, lead singer of the Russian female popular group "Lyceum")
  • Sofya Shpunt (Soviet chemist. Winner of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods, third degree (1941) for developing a method for producing ammonium sulfate and soda from mirabilite (together with other scientists).)
  • Sofia Ginsburg ((1863 - 1891) Russian revolutionary - populist)
  • Sophia Margarita Knorring ((1797 - 1848) Swedish novelist, daughter of the Swedish marshal Tselov, wife of Colonel Sebastian von Knorring. In 1834 she anonymously published “Kusinerna,” a novel that created a sensation. It was followed by: “Vännerna” (1835), “Axel” (1836) and many others. Belonging to high society herself, she most often depicted its life, easily and vitally, with a subtle gift of observation, being able, however, to grasp the characteristic features of people's life.)
  • Sofya Pevtsova ((1768-1857) was nee-Moders; daughter of the Perm Governor General Karl Fedorovich Moderah and wife of Agganovich Stepanovich Pevtsov, chief of the Yekaterinburg Musketer regiment. It was considered one of the most enlightened women of her time. From 1826 to 1852, Sofya Karlovna headed the Moscow school Order of St. Catherine.)
  • Sofia Nartova-Bochaver ((born 1961) Russian psychologist. Author of more than 160 publications, including books on child and family psychology, as well as differential psychology.)
  • Sofya Vishnevetskaya ((1899 - 1962) Soviet theater artist and screenwriter, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951))
  • Sofia Bogatyreva ((born 1932) née Bernstein; literary historian, publisher, memoirist)
  • Sofia Nizharadze ((born 1986) Georgian singer, actress, songwriter. Performed the role of Juliet in the Russian version of the French musical “Roméo & Juliette” (2004-2006, Moscow, Operetta Theater). In 2005, she represented Russia at the competition of pop singers music "New Wave". In May 2010, she represented Georgia at the 55th Eurovision Song Contest in Norway.)
  • Sofia Glyavone ((1760 – 1822) in her first marriage - Witt, in her second marriage - Pototskaya, also known as Sofia de Cheliche; Constantinople courtesan of Greek origin, according to one legend she was the Sultan’s concubine, cohabitant of many celebrities, spy and adventuress, managed to become Polish aristocrat (titled countess). A regular at European aristocratic salons, one of the most colorful figures in the history of Poland, revered by her contemporaries as a woman of exceptional beauty and charm, nicknamed by her contemporaries “the beautiful Phanariot” or “the beautiful Greek woman.” She is also known for her brilliant intellect, cunning, lack of remorse and numerous novels, as well as the founding of Sofievka Park.)
  • Sofya (Sultane) Maikapar ((1883 - 1956) professional singer who successfully toured at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and abroad under the pseudonym Nina Ormeli. Sofya Maikapar became the first woman in Russia to fly on an airplane (airplane) as a passenger. In at the beginning of the 20th century this was a sensation.)
  • Righteous Sofia Yurievna, Princess of Slutsk, Princess Radziwill ((1585 - 1612) the last princess of the city of Slutsk, saint, revered by the Belarusian Orthodox Church)
  • Sophia Juliana Friederike von Dengoff ((1768 – 1834/1838) Countess of the Dengoff family, morganatic wife of the King of Prussia, Frederick William II)
  • Sofia Stetsenko ((born 2003) Ukrainian film and dubbing actress)
  • Maria Sophia von Laroche ((1730 – 1807) née Gutermann von Gutershoven; German writer of the Enlightenment era, who wrote sentimental novels. The owner of a literary salon.)
  • Sofia Kuzeva-Cherneva ((born 1967) Bulgarian actress, known to Russian-speaking viewers for her role as Katya in the film “The Art of Living in Odessa”)
  • Sofia Bekatorou ((born 1977) Greek athlete, Olympic champion in sailing in 2004 (paired with Emilia Tsoulfa) and bronze medalist in 2008)
  • SOPHIA, Sofia (Japanese singer of Greek origin, best known for her participation in the Japanese melo-death group Blood Stain Child. In addition musical career, Sofia is a professional translator and model.)
  • Sophia (Sonka) Golshanskaya ((c.1405 - 1461) princess from the Golshansky family, Queen of Poland, from 1422 the fourth and last wife of the Polish king Vladislav II Jagiello. Initiated the first translation of the Bible into Polish language, known as the Queen Sophia Bible.)
  • Sophia McDougall ((born 1981) English writer, playwright and poet, author of a trilogy in the genre of alternative history. The author imagines a world in which the Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD, but managed to survive and survive to this day.)
  • Sofia Margarita Vergara ((born 1972) Colombian actress, model, TV presenter)
  • Sofia Boutella ((b. 1982) Algerian dancer, face of Nike)
  • Sofia Vembo ((1910 - 1978) real name - Efi Bembo; Greek singer and actress, best known during the Italo-Greek War (1940 - 1941) for singing patriotic songs, and subsequently received popular recognition as the “Singer of Victory”)
  • Sofia Arzhakovskaya (Shchetinina) ((born 1987) Russian ballet dancer, American film actress. Winner of the title “Mrs. World 2006.”)
  • Countess Sophia-Maria-Josefina-Albina Chotek von Hotkow und Wognin ((1868 - 1914) since 1907 - the title of Her Serene Highness Duchess of Hohenberg; morganatic wife of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, killed with him in Sarajevo on the eve of the First World War)
  • Sofia Parnok ((1885 - 1933) Russian poetess, translator)
  • Sofia Seliverstova ((1871 - 1938) Russian saint Orthodox Church, venerable martyr)
  • Sofia Rudyeva ((born 1990) Russian model, winner of the Miss Russia contest in 2009. She became notorious due to the publication of an erotic photo shoot before the Miss Universe contest.)
  • Sophie Solomon ((b.1978) British violinist, composer and vocalist)
  • Sophie Ferguson ((born 1986) Australian tennis player. Winner of 9 ITF tournaments.)
  • Sophie Okonedo ((born 1969) British actress, Oscar nominee)
  • Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Dame Grand Cross ((born 1965) nee Rhys-Jones; wife of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, youngest son of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Married in 1999. Until 2002 she worked in public relations, currently supports her husband in royal affairs. As a member of the royal family, she has her own coat of arms, combined with her husband's.)
  • Sophie Daniel Sylvia Marceau ((born 1966) birth name – Maupu; French film actress)
  • Sophia Magdalena Scholl ((1921 - 1943) activist of the Resistance to the Nazi regime in Germany. Together with her older brother Hans Scholl and several other students at the University of Munich, she created the group " White Rose”, whose participants carried out peaceful anti-Nazi actions (such as scattering leaflets). Sophie and Hans Scholl were arrested on charges of treason and executed by guillotine. Around the 1970s, interest in the fate of Sophie and Hans Scholl began to grow in Germany; they are now considered symbols nonviolent resistance Nazism.)
  • Sophie de Condorcet ((1764 - 1822) better known as Madame de Condorcet, was a prominent hostess of social salons from 1789 until the time of the Terror, and again from 1799 until her death. She was the wife and later widow of a mathematician and philosopher Nicol de Condors, who died during the Terror. Despite the death of her husband and the exile of her brother Marquis de Gruchy in the period 1815-1821, she retained her uniqueness and had influential connections before. French Revolution, during and after it. As a mistress of fashionable salons, Madame de Condorcet was popular for her kind heart, beauty and indifference to people's class and social background. Her salons always included other women, among them Olympe de Gouges. De Condorcet was also a writer and translator in her own right, highly educated for her time, with a fluent knowledge of English and Italian languages. She is the author of influential translations of scholars such as Thomas Paine and Adam Smith.)
  • Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatte ((1899 – 1974) née Sofia Friedman-Kochevskaya, in 1922-1929 she used the name Sonia Friedman-Gramatte, in 1929-1936 Sonia Gramatte; Austrian-Canadian composer)
  • Sophie Ward (English actress, daughter of actor Simon Ward (“Young Winston”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, etc.))
  • Sophie Calle ((born 1953) French artist, writer and photographer, also engaged in directing activities. Calle’s work is distinguished by the use of purely personal experiences of a person.)
  • Madeleine Sophie Arnoux ((1740 - 1802) French actress and singer, considered the best soprano of her time. At the age of five she first performed in front of the queen and the Marquise de Pompadour. In 1757 she made her debut as an opera singer and performed on stage until 1778. Arnoux enjoyed significant success both in operas of the French repertoire (Lully, Rameau, Monsigny) and in the title role of Gluck’s Iphigenie in Aulis (1774). At the end of her stage career, Arnoux remained at the forefront of Parisian cultural life as the hostess of the salon. twice a week, and one of these days, Thursday, was reserved only for women. The singer's wit and intelligence made her salon a favorite meeting place for the most prominent French intellectuals - Voltaire, Diderot, La Harpe and especially Beaumarchais, with whom Arnoux was on friendly terms. Arnoux owns or is credited with a number of elegant aphorisms and bon mots Among Arnoux's aphorisms: “Women give themselves up to God when the devil no longer wants to have anything to do with them.” The life of Sophie Arnoux is dedicated to a hoax memoir written on her behalf by the writer Lamothe-Langon (1837), a documentary book by Edmond de Goncourt (1893), and an opera by Gabriel Piernet (1927).
  • Zofia Wilczynska (Polish theater and film actress)
  • Zofia (Sofia) Wenckovic-Ligeti ((1901 - ca. 1950/1959) Russian revolutionary of Polish origin, commissar of the Hungarian international detachment, then journalist and public figure)
  • Sufiya Kurbangaleeva (Safiullina) (Bashkir artist, high school teacher. Serves at the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after Mazhit Gafuri. People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.)

Modern parents are increasingly paying great attention to choosing a name for their unborn child. This is explained by the fact that the name given to us at birth predetermines not only our character, but also our destiny. We invite you to find out everything about the meaning and origin of the name Sofia.

Short story

The beautiful and melodic name Sofia is of ancient Greek origin. Our ancestors who lived in Rus' began to actively use it during the popularization of Christianity. The literal meaning of the name Sophia is “knowing”, “wise”. Gradually, the ancient Greek name Sophia, which took root in Eastern Europe, acquired a new name form - Sophia.

Since even our ancestors who lived in medieval Rus' knew about the meaning of the name and character of the girl Sophia, only aristocrats could call their daughters that way. The parents knew that their daughter, whose name was Sofia, would be an incredibly smart and calm child. And as an adult, the girl will definitely marry successfully.

However, already in the 18th century the name became more widespread. Little Sophias began to appear among the nobles. TO 19th century the name was allowed to be given to all girls, regardless of the social status of their parents. It was during this period that it gained the greatest popularity in Rus'.

Despite the fact that in the USSR the name practically did not attract the attention of future parents, with the beginning of the new millennium it again came into fashion. Today, more and more people are interested in the meaning and origin of the name Sofia for girls. This is explained by the fact that it appeared on television screens great amount celebrities who own this beautiful name, for example, Sofia Rotaru, Sophia Loren.

Name Sofia: the meaning of the name and the fate of the girl

Parents who decide to give this name to their daughter should know that the child will be incredibly active and active. Since childhood, Sonechka has shown great interest in everything unusual and also loves animals. This love is inherent in the meaning of the name Sofia. The girl is characterized by a tendency to compassion. All the animals living in the area will be under her care. She loves to take care of stray cats and dogs, regularly bringing her four-legged friends home.

Knowing the meaning of the name Sofia for a girl, we can say with confidence that she will always be surrounded by a large number of friends. She finds it easily mutual language not only with peers, but also with older guys. She often tries to demonstrate her leadership skills, help your neighbor. This girl is quite generous. Without the slightest doubt, she will give her favorite thing to her best friend, wanting to please her. Sofia knows almost everything about her comrades, but she knows how to keep her mouth shut and never snitches, even if someone offends her.


The girl is predisposed to exact sciences. Possessing excellent memory and perseverance, she easily understands even the most difficult school subjects. As a rule, Sofia is interested in theater arts and also loves classical music. Having good hearing and voice, she is able to achieve significant results and become, for example, an opera singer.

The girl has good physical characteristics. She enjoys performing at school and city competitions and olympiads, delighting her parents with her achievements. From early childhood she has a keenly developed sense of responsibility. It is extremely important for her to feel her own importance in the family, to know that she is loved infinitely. When a girl grows up, she begins to show maximum care towards close people and tries to change their lives for the better.

The meaning of the name Sofia, whose character is very calm, predetermines her ability to listen to the voice of reason. She will never do anything she will regret. Unlike most teenagers, Sofia is a realist. She sets herself exclusively those goals that she is able to achieve.

She has a good sense of humor, is sociable and tactful in dealing with people. Respecting others, Sofia demands the same attitude towards herself. She is very suspicious. Any failure can unsettle a girl for a long time. However, she cannot harbor a grudge for long, especially if she is asked for forgiveness.


The meaning of the name Sofia tells us that this girl will have a very kind heart. She is a responsive and sensitive person who is always ready to help a person who truly needs support. Sofia is insightful, tactful and wise beyond her age. In many difficult life situations, intuition helps her find a way out, which Sofia relies on in most cases.

Despite her active life position and sociability, she is quite modest. Sofia always tries to control and mask her own emotions from people, but she cannot be called secretive. Having found her place in the team, Sofia tries to gain authority and become a leader. She enjoys volunteering. Sincerely sympathizing with a person, she is able to decide most his problems, receiving moral satisfaction from the work done.

The meaning of the name Sofia predetermines her desire to “live to the fullest.” However, haste in business very often leads to negative consequences, which are capable of knocking the rug out from under the feet of any person, but not Sofia. She patiently endures all the blows of fate, and also carefully analyzes each situation, drawing a lesson from it. Sofia is a maximalist. She tries to get everything done, she is not used to putting things off until later, even if they seem absolutely trivial.

Looking at Sofia, the meaning of her name and whose fate is already partially known to us, no one can even imagine that she quite often feels like a lonely person. She is not used to paying much attention to herself, constantly trying to solve the problems of others.


The meaning of the name Sofia tells us that this girl is very sexy and sensual. She has an exceptional reputation and will never be seen in casual relationships. She will give her body only to the person whom she will love and feel reciprocity, trust him. Sofia plunges headlong into relationships. It is extremely important for her to know that she is loved and admired. In return, she is ready to undertake all sorts of experiments and give true pleasure to her lover.

She will become an ideal wife who will never throw a scandal over some trifle. Despite the fact that she is quite jealous, Sofia skillfully hides her inner feelings and tries to maintain a positive emotional background in the family. It’s not for nothing that “wise” is her real full name.

Meaning of the name Sofia: family life

Sofia will take such a serious step as marriage only if she is one hundred percent confident in the man. It is extremely important for her that he is strong and stable in all respects. An ideal union will be if the husband and wife can find their own place in this life and become financially independent even from each other. It is extremely important for her to know that she has a little personal space. Otherwise, the girl will feel disadvantaged and unhappy. The consequences can be very different. Perhaps Sofia will meet another person who will not only love her, but will also be ready to make any concessions for the sake of her beloved.

She takes care of household chores, but considers this work boring and thankless, and does it without much enthusiasm. But no one can blame her for being a bad housewife. She is a very hospitable and open person who maintains excellent relationships with both relatives and friends, of whom she has many. He knows how to cook perfectly. She never ceases to amaze her family with her culinary masterpieces.

Sofia is a wonderful mother who devotes a lot of time to her children. She tries to give them a decent upbringing and education. She never imposes anything on the children, giving them the opportunity to choose their own path in life. Sofia worries about her children all her life, showing maternal care even when they grow up and start their own families.


Considering the name Sofia, the meaning of the name and the fate of its owner, it should be noted that the most successful union will be with Alexei, Oleg, Ilya, Vladimir, Roman, Vsevolod, Konstantin, Pavel and Denis.

You should avoid relationships with Nikita, Andrey, Peter, Dmitry, Stanislav.

Career and business

Sofia is used to relying only on herself, achieving everything on her own. Often girls named by this name become real careerists, so the choice of profession is of particular importance for her. Sofia will be most successful if she becomes a researcher, doctor, critic, singer, actress or journalist. It is very easy for her to move up the career ladder and already at a fairly young age she can occupy a high position, a leadership position.

Sofia should not choose a profession that involves daily monotonous work. She will quickly lose interest in her, since she is a creative and versatile person.

No matter who this girl works, she will be respected in the team. Colleagues will definitely appreciate her professionalism and such positive features character, such as good nature, the ability to empathize and the desire to help one’s neighbor. Sofia will make an excellent leader. She is able to competently organize the work process and unleash the potential of employees.


The meaning of the name Sophia and its secret (from an astrological point of view) are as follows:

  • Patronizing planet - Venus and Saturn.
  • The most suitable colors are green, purple and white.
  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn and Libra. Sofia, born under these zodiac signs, can count on the favor of fate.
  • The most favorable season is autumn.
  • Happy day is Friday.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli and agate. Lapis lazuli will contribute to the spiritual and moral development of the individual, will help you find your place in the sun, and will also bring material stability and good luck. Agate is a talisman stone containing energy of colossal power. He is able to give good health and peace of mind. It imparts such positive qualities as confidence, wisdom, attentiveness and success. Also, this talisman absorbs all the negativity directed at its owner. Therefore, it must be cleaned periodically by rinsing with clean running water.
  • Totem plant - linden and lily. Since ancient times, linden has been considered a talisman with enormous power that can protect against curses and obsession. Therefore, never try to break or cut down this tree as its power may turn against you. According to popular belief, if you make a wish before the linden blossoms, it will definitely come true. The lily is a royal flower, which among Christians has always been associated with mercy, innocence and tenderness. Containing exclusively positive energy, the flower is able to guard the dignity of its owner.
  • Totem animal - swallow and praying mantis. The swallow is the personification of motherhood, the beginning of a new life or dramatic changes for the better. The Christian religion has a positive attitude towards this bird, associating it with spiritual purity and resurrection. The praying mantis is the strongest totem, endowing its owner with such character traits as resourcefulness, fearlessness, cunning and courage.


The girl, named Sofia, has been in very good health since early childhood. She gets sick extremely rarely and does not cause her parents any additional trouble or worry. With age, the situation changes somewhat, and not for the better. Sofia has a tendency to be overweight, which can lead to quite serious consequences. An adult woman needs to constantly follow a diet and keep her physical shape in good shape. It is not advisable for her to excessively eat fatty foods, flour and bakery products, or drink carbonated drinks. If you don't follow these rules, simple rules, then perhaps it will appear diabetes.

Characteristics by date of birth

The meaning of the name Sofia, the character and fate of its owner largely depends on the date of birth. For example, the winter birthday girl has a rather difficult character. Not everyone likes her straightforwardness. She also does not find words, so she is often rude to people who cause antipathy. Despite her stern image, Sofia is a very kind and positive person who is ready to help her close relatives and friends. At the same time, she never expects any return or gratitude.

The spring birthday girl is distinguished by her sensuality, peacefulness and temperament. It is extremely important for her to have her own audience, to be in the spotlight. She is able to charm any person, winning his heart with her beautiful smile and her cheerful disposition. She loves to receive compliments.

The summer birthday girl is a true leader and careerist. Her goal is material well-being and high social status. Despite her vanity, she has a very kind heart and is ready to work all day long to make the lives of her loved ones happier.

An autumn birthday girl is radically different from a summer one. She is not at all interested in money. Her wealth is a large and happy family. Sofia, born in autumn, become good wives and mothers, helping their children throughout their lives.

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Sophia (Sonya) is detailed description origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Sophia. Sofyushka, Sofa, Sonya, Sona, Sonechka, Sonyusha, Sofiyanka, Sofka, Soka, Soya, Fike, Fi, Fiya, Fip, Sofitye, Sofula, Fula, Sofitsa, Fifi, Fika.
Synonyms for the name Sophia. Sofia, Zofia, Sophie, Zofie, Zsofia, Sufia, Zofia, Sufiye, Sohvi.
Origin of the name Sophia. The name Sophia is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Sophia (old Sofia) translated from ancient Greek language means “wisdom”, “wisdom”, “wise”. There is a translation option for “reasonableness”, “science”.

The name Sophia came to Rus' along with the adoption of Orthodoxy. Initially it was used only in aristocratic circles. This was the name of the only daughter of the 2nd Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich (born between 1297–1316), the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Vasily I, the wife of Ivan III - Sophia Paleologue. Subsequently, this name was borne by Princess Sofya Alekseevna and two empresses of the late 18th century, who received different names at baptism - Catherine II and the wife of her son Maria Fedorovna (they bore the names, respectively, Sofia Augusta Frederica and Sofia Maria Dorothea Augusta Louise).

The name Sophia was used mainly among the nobility. In the 18th–19th centuries, this name was fifth in the ranking of names of ladies-in-waiting of the Russian aristocratic court after the names Catherine, Anna, Maria and Elizabeth. By the end of the 19th century, the name became the 20th most popular and was no longer used only among nobles, but also in other classes. During the Soviet period, this name was one of the most unpopular; it returned to use only at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2008, according to the Moscow registry office, the name Sophia became 9th in the list of the most common names for newborn girls, and in 2011 it became the most popular in Moscow. In the Khabarovsk Territory in 2009, the name was in 5th place in popularity.

In Ukraine in 2009–2010 and in Great Britain in 2010, the name Sophia took second place in popularity, and in Ireland in 2010 it took first place.

In Christianity, Sophia is considered the mother of three daughters - Faith, Hope and Love, whose names represent the three main virtues of a Christian. Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia are holy martyrs executed in Rome in the 2nd century AD. The names of the sisters in Orthodoxy were translated literally, and the name of their mother was borrowed from the Greek language. In some early translations of church books from Greek into Church Slavonic, the name Sophia was translated as Wisdom. But the literal translation of the name Sophia, unlike the names of her daughters, did not take root among the people, but was transformed into an easier pronunciation - Sophia.

The diminutive title Sonya has become an independent name.

There is no need to confuse the European name Sofia (Sophia, Sophie) with the Muslim name Safiya, which has variations in pronunciation - Safiyat, Sapiyat.

From a young age, Sophia manifests herself as an active and receptive girl. She enjoys communicating with other people. She has a rich inner world. At the same time, learning new knowledge is not always easy for Sophia. Her parents love her very much in her family. She is very mobile. The owner of this name easily resolves any issues. With age, Sophia becomes more and more noticeable and attractive, which attracts the opposite sex.

In life, Sophia strives to manage and learn everything. She always wants to be the center of attention. Among her friends, she is frank, loves to talk heart to heart, knows how to listen to her interlocutor and, if necessary, give advice. At the same time, the girl can be lack of initiative and even weak-willed. More than once in life, Sophia may need to adapt to those around her, and, consequently, change.

Sophia always knows what to strive for and tries to make her plans come true. She will be lucky and everything will definitely work out. Sophia needs to learn to trust other people. She knows how to sincerely sympathize.

In relationships with friends, it is very important for Sophia that they know how to listen to her. She herself is always ready to help and resolve any dispute. If necessary, she can respond sharply, knowing that she will offend the person with her words. Sophia loves to communicate with other people, talking about their problems. Thanks to these qualities, people are always drawn to her. She quickly finds people to talk to even in unfamiliar company. The girl rarely listens to other people's advice. It is based on its own intuition and logic. This girl is smart and knows how to do everything on her own.

According to her moral qualities, Sophia is capable of heroic deeds. Over the years, she begins to see people's weaknesses. At the same time, she displays confidence and firmness. She can be upset for a long time because of her mistakes. Sophia always solves other people's problems with ease. Tries not to enter into conflicts.

In her personal life, the girl is temperamental. Sophia always expects complete dedication from her man. He wants to hear declarations of love from his partner as often as possible. To be happy, Sophia must be given the opportunity to express herself from the feminine side in every sense of the word. In her personal life, she needs to feel love. After getting married, she spends a lot of time doing housework. In this, undoubtedly, the girl is helped by her innate hard work. Determination often awakens in Sophia, which greatly helps her in life. In the family, she does not like to be a leader, although she has all the necessary qualities for this. A man feels something special in his chosen one. Her husband and children always come first for her.

Sophia loves to invite guests. She is an excellent cook and delights everyone with her culinary masterpieces.

The owner of the name is quite sociable. This quality of hers will help her achieve success in her work. Sophia is perfect for a profession that involves regular business trips. She can become an excellent journalist. Colleagues appreciate her integrity. Sophia is moving up the career ladder quite quickly. She never counts on anyone's help and tries to achieve everything on her own.

Famous people named Sophia

  • Sofia Kovalevskaya ((1850 - 1891) née Korvin-Krukovskaya; Russian mathematician and mechanic, since 1889 a foreign corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. The first woman professor in Russia and Northern Europe and the first woman professor of mathematics in the world (who received Maria Agnesi had never taught this title before.) Author of the story “Nihilist” (1884).
  • Sofya Romanova ((1657 - 1704) princess, daughter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, regent under his younger brothers Peter and Ivan in 1682-1689)
  • Martyr Sophia (the most revered of the other saints with this name; mother of Faith, Hope and Love)
  • Doña Sofia of Greece and Denmark ((born 1938) full name - Sofia Margarita Victoria Federica of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg; Spanish queen, wife of King Juan Carlos I of Spain)
  • Sofia Paleologus, Zoya Paleologina ((c.1455 - 1503) Grand Duchess of Moscow, second wife of Ivan III, mother of Vasily III, grandmother of Ivan IV the Terrible. She came from the imperial Paleologian dynasty.)
  • Sofia Loren ((born 1934) real name - Sofia Villani Scicolone; Italian actress and singer. Winner of honorary awards at all major film festivals - Cannes (1961), Venice (1958, 1998), Moscow (1965, 1997), Berlin (1994) Winner of five Golden Globe awards (in the special category “favorite of the world audience”), the first winner of the Oscar for Best Actress in a Foreign Language Film (1961), winner of an honorary Oscar (1991) with the wording “for”. a career rich in memorable roles that gave the cinema an unfading shine.")
  • Sofia Rotaru ((born 1947) full name - Sofia Evdokimenko-Rotaru; Soviet, Ukrainian pop singer (contralto), actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1988) People's Artist of the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR. Hero of Ukraine (2002). Rotaru's repertoire includes more than 500 songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Romanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Polish, German, Italian, Spanish and English.)
  • Sofia (Sofia) Coppola ((born 1971) American actress, film director, screenwriter and film producer)
  • Sofia Gubaidulina ((born 1931) Russian composer, author of more than 100 symphonic works, works for soloists, choir and orchestra, instrumental ensembles, music for theater, cinema and cartoons)
  • Sofia Zakrevskaya ((1796/1797 - not earlier than 1865) Russian writer)
  • Sofia Perovskaya ((1853 - 1881) one of the leaders of Narodnaya Volya, who directly supervised the assassination of Alexander II)
  • Sofia Rostopchina ((1799 - 1874) married - Countess de Segur; French children's writer of Russian origin)
  • Sofia Bluvshtein ((1846 - 1902) nee Solomoniak); legendary Russian criminal-adventurer of Jewish origin, known by the nickname “Sonka the Golden Hand”)
  • Sofya Giatsintova ((1895 - 1982) Soviet actress and theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1955). Winner of the Stalin Prize, first degree (1947).)
  • Sofya Khvoshchinskaya ((1828 - 1865) pseudonym Ivan Vesenyev; novelist, translator, published in Otechestvennye zapiski)
  • Sofia Zaklikovskaya ((1889 - 1975) Russian Soviet painter, graphic artist and applied artist, member of the Leningrad Union of Artists)
  • Sofia Ochigava ((born 1987) Russian boxer, competing in the up to 60 kg category. Two-time European champion, three-time world champion. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.)
  • Sophia of Polotsk, Sophia Vladimirovna ((c.1140 - 1198) Princess of Minsk, Queen of Denmark. Sophia married (October 23, 1157) the Danish king Valdemar I; the record of the marriage contains the 12th century chronicle "Slavic Chronicle" by Arnold of Lübeck and Saxon Grammar. Sophia took an active part in the public life of Denmark at that time. She is not mentioned in Russian chronicles - she is known only from Western sources: the works of Saxo Grammar, “The Saga of the Knüttlings,” the genealogy of the Danish kings, “Review of the sagas of the Danish Kanungs,” the collection of sagas “Beautiful Skin.” ", Danish annals. Some Scandinavian sources give her name distorted - Sufiya, Sifiya. The origin of the princess was controversial in historiography: it is traditionally believed that Sofia is the daughter of Volodar Glebovich and Ryksa, the daughter of Boleslav Krivoust, it was also assumed that Sofia is the daughter of Vladimir Vsevolodovich. but in this case it must be assumed that Waldemar had a marriage with his niece.)
  • Sofia Teikh ((born 1983) real name - Anna Baeva; Russian singer, lead singer of the Russian female popular group "Lyceum")
  • Sofya Shpunt (Soviet chemist. Winner of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods, third degree (1941) for developing a method for producing ammonium sulfate and soda from mirabilite (together with other scientists).)
  • Sofia Ginsburg ((1863 - 1891) Russian revolutionary - populist)
  • Sophia Margarita Knorring ((1797 - 1848) Swedish novelist, daughter of the Swedish marshal Tselov, wife of Colonel Sebastian von Knorring. In 1834 she anonymously published “Kusinerna,” a novel that created a sensation. It was followed by: “Vännerna” (1835), “Axel” (1836) and many others. Belonging to high society herself, she most often depicted its life, easily and vitally, with a subtle gift of observation, being able, however, to grasp the characteristic features of people's life.)
  • Sofya Pevtsova ((1768-1857) was nee-Moders; daughter of the Perm Governor General Karl Fedorovich Moderah and wife of Agganovich Stepanovich Pevtsov, chief of the Yekaterinburg Musketer regiment. It was considered one of the most enlightened women of her time. From 1826 to 1852, Sofya Karlovna headed the Moscow school Order of St. Catherine.)
  • Sofia Nartova-Bochaver ((born 1961) Russian psychologist. Author of more than 160 publications, including books on child and family psychology, as well as differential psychology.)
  • Sofya Vishnevetskaya ((1899 - 1962) Soviet theater artist and screenwriter, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree (1951))
  • Sofia Bogatyreva ((born 1932) née Bernstein; literary historian, publisher, memoirist)
  • Sofia Nizharadze ((born 1986) Georgian singer, actress, songwriter. Performed the role of Juliet in the Russian version of the French musical “Roméo & Juliette” (2004-2006, Moscow, Operetta Theater). In 2005, she represented Russia at the competition of pop singers music "New Wave". In May 2010, she represented Georgia at the 55th Eurovision Song Contest in Norway.)
  • Sofia Glyavone ((1760 – 1822) in her first marriage - Witt, in her second marriage - Pototskaya, also known as Sofia de Cheliche; Constantinople courtesan of Greek origin, according to one legend she was the Sultan’s concubine, cohabitant of many celebrities, spy and adventuress, managed to become Polish aristocrat (titled countess). A regular at European aristocratic salons, one of the most colorful figures in the history of Poland, revered by her contemporaries as a woman of exceptional beauty and charm, nicknamed by her contemporaries “the beautiful Phanariot” or “the beautiful Greek woman.” She is also known for her brilliant intellect, cunning, lack of remorse and numerous novels, as well as the founding of Sofievka Park.)
  • Sofya (Sultane) Maikapar ((1883 - 1956) professional singer who successfully toured at the beginning of the 20th century in Russia and abroad under the pseudonym Nina Ormeli. Sofya Maikapar became the first woman in Russia to fly on an airplane (airplane) as a passenger. In at the beginning of the 20th century this was a sensation.)
  • Righteous Sofia Yurievna, Princess of Slutsk, Princess Radziwill ((1585 - 1612) the last princess of the city of Slutsk, saint, revered by the Belarusian Orthodox Church)
  • Sophia Juliana Friederike von Dengoff ((1768 – 1834/1838) Countess of the Dengoff family, morganatic wife of the King of Prussia, Frederick William II)
  • Sofia Stetsenko ((born 2003) Ukrainian film and dubbing actress)
  • Maria Sophia von Laroche ((1730 – 1807) née Gutermann von Gutershoven; German writer of the Enlightenment era, who wrote sentimental novels. The owner of a literary salon.)
  • Sofia Kuzeva-Cherneva ((born 1967) Bulgarian actress, known to Russian-speaking viewers for her role as Katya in the film “The Art of Living in Odessa”)
  • Sofia Bekatorou ((born 1977) Greek athlete, Olympic champion in sailing in 2004 (paired with Emilia Tsoulfa) and bronze medalist in 2008)
  • SOPHIA, Sofia (Japanese singer of Greek origin, best known for her participation in the Japanese melo-death group Blood Stain Child. In addition to her musical career, Sofia is a professional translator and model.)
  • Sophia (Sonka) Golshanskaya ((c.1405 - 1461) princess from the Golshansky family, Queen of Poland, from 1422 the fourth and last wife of the Polish King Vladislav II Jagiello. She initiated the first translation of the Bible into Polish, known as the Queen Sophia Bible.)
  • Sophia McDougall ((born 1981) English writer, playwright and poet, author of a trilogy in the genre of alternative history. The author imagines a world in which the Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD, but managed to survive and survive to this day.)
  • Sofia Margarita Vergara ((born 1972) Colombian actress, model, TV presenter)
  • Sofia Boutella ((b. 1982) Algerian dancer, face of Nike)
  • Sofia Vembo ((1910 - 1978) real name - Efi Bembo; Greek singer and actress, best known during the Italo-Greek War (1940 - 1941) for singing patriotic songs, and subsequently received popular recognition as the “Singer of Victory”)
  • Sofia Arzhakovskaya (Shchetinina) ((born 1987) Russian ballet dancer, American film actress. Winner of the title “Mrs. World 2006.”)
  • Countess Sophia-Maria-Josefina-Albina Chotek von Hotkow und Wognin ((1868 - 1914) since 1907 - the title of Her Serene Highness Duchess of Hohenberg; morganatic wife of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand, killed with him in Sarajevo on the eve of the First World War)
  • Sofia Parnok ((1885 - 1933) Russian poetess, translator)
  • Sofia Seliverstova ((1871 - 1938) saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, martyr)
  • Sofia Rudyeva ((born 1990) Russian model, winner of the Miss Russia contest in 2009. She became notorious due to the publication of an erotic photo shoot before the Miss Universe contest.)
  • Sophie Solomon ((b.1978) British violinist, composer and vocalist)
  • Sophie Ferguson ((born 1986) Australian tennis player. Winner of 9 ITF tournaments.)
  • Sophie Okonedo ((born 1969) British actress, Oscar nominee)
  • Sophie, Countess of Wessex, Dame Grand Cross ((born 1965) nee Rhys-Jones; wife of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, youngest son of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Married in 1999. Until 2002 she worked in public relations, currently supports her husband in royal affairs. As a member of the royal family, she has her own coat of arms, combined with her husband's.)
  • Sophie Daniel Sylvia Marceau ((born 1966) birth name – Maupu; French film actress)
  • Sophia Magdalena Scholl ((1921 - 1943) activist of the Resistance against the Nazi regime in Germany. Together with her older brother Hans Scholl and several other students at the University of Munich, she created the White Rose group, whose members carried out peaceful anti-Nazi actions (such as scattering leaflets) Sophie and Hans Scholl were arrested on charges of treason and executed by guillotine. Around the 1970s, interest in the fate of Sophie and Hans Scholl began to grow in Germany, and they are now considered symbols of non-violent resistance to Nazism.)
  • Sophie de Condorcet ((1764 - 1822) better known as Madame de Condorcet, was a prominent hostess of social salons from 1789 until the time of the Terror, and again from 1799 until her death. She was the wife and later widow of a mathematician and philosopher Nicol de Condors, who died during the Terror. Despite the death of her husband and the exile of her brother Marquis de Gruchy in the period 1815-1821, she retained her uniqueness and had influential connections before, during and after the French Revolution. Madame de Condorcet was popular for her kind heart, beauty and indifference to the class and social background of people. Her salons always included other women, among whom Olympia de Gouges was also a writer and translator, highly educated for her time. with fluency in English and Italian, she is the author of influential translations of scholars such as Thomas Paine and Adam Smith.)
  • Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatte ((1899 – 1974) née Sofia Friedman-Kochevskaya, in 1922-1929 she used the name Sonia Friedman-Gramatte, in 1929-1936 Sonia Gramatte; Austrian-Canadian composer)
  • Sophie Ward (English actress, daughter of actor Simon Ward (“Young Winston”, “Around the World in 80 Days”, etc.))
  • Sophie Calle ((born 1953) French artist, writer and photographer, also engaged in directing activities. Calle’s work is distinguished by the use of purely personal experiences of a person.)
  • Madeleine Sophie Arnoux ((1740 - 1802) French actress and singer, considered the best soprano of her time. At the age of five she first performed in front of the queen and the Marquise de Pompadour. In 1757 she made her debut as an opera singer and performed on stage until 1778. Arnoux enjoyed significant success both in operas of the French repertoire (Lully, Rameau, Monsigny) and in the title role of Gluck’s Iphigenie in Aulis (1774). At the end of her stage career, Arnoux remained at the forefront of Parisian cultural life as the hostess of the salon. twice a week, and one of these days, Thursday, was reserved only for women. The singer's wit and intelligence made her salon a favorite meeting place for the most prominent French intellectuals - Voltaire, Diderot, La Harpe and especially Beaumarchais, with whom Arnoux was on friendly terms. Arnoux owns or is credited with a number of elegant aphorisms and bon mots Among Arnoux's aphorisms: “Women give themselves up to God when the devil no longer wants to have anything to do with them.” The life of Sophie Arnoux is dedicated to a hoax memoir written on her behalf by the writer Lamothe-Langon (1837), a documentary book by Edmond de Goncourt (1893), and an opera by Gabriel Piernet (1927).
  • Zofia Wilczynska (Polish theater and film actress)
  • Zofia (Sofia) Wenckovic-Ligeti ((1901 - ca. 1950/1959) Russian revolutionary of Polish origin, commissar of the Hungarian international detachment, then journalist and public figure)
  • Sufiya Kurbangaleeva (Safiullina) (Bashkir artist, high school teacher. Serves at the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after Mazhit Gafuri. People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus.)