Tender words of a girl, what is she like?

31.01.2019 Relationship

So, what is the affectionate name for a girl? With a gentle nickname, understandable only to you two, diminutive form name, or maybe we should give her a nickname of a “zoological” nature?

Psychologists studying the forms of address of lovers to each other have divided words according to their semantic load. The classification looks like this:

  • ordinary, “standard”;
  • diminutives;
  • nicknames with parental intonation;
  • passive-aggressive;
  • "sweet";
  • nicknames hinting at passionate relationships;
  • nicknames of a “zoological” nature.

Common nicknames lovers use most often. Such nicknames include those that are used not only in private, but also in everyday communication: dear, only, my sun, happiness, dear, and similar affectionate words.

To diminutive nicknames include: baby, naughty girl, baby, doll, honey, little wife or half. Calling your girlfriend such nicknames is very cute.
With a parental intonation, you can affectionately call a girl baby, mommy, daddy, little one, and it is not necessary that the couple have heirs.

Nicknames for aggressive-passive sense: fool, dirty, for some such nicknames they use foreign words that really seem rude to our ears.

"Sweet" nicknames edible kind. You often hear such addresses as bun, candy, crumpet, berry, pie, and this does not mean at all that the words are addressed to an overweight person, just “nutritious” associations can cause a surge of passion.

Nicknames that hint at passionate relationships, rarely sound in public, but sometimes you happen to be present behind the scenes when a couple talks over mobile phone while within earshot. And then it is said into the phone: tireless or insatiable, stallion or tireless rider, sweet little thing, and other rather ambiguous words. This type of nickname hardly allows you to call a girl affectionately and originally.

Nicknames help you learn a guide to zoology: bunny and kitty, cat and fox, tiger cub and lion cub, turtle and hamster, moth and even a worm. Other zoological nicknames also sound affectionate and funny, conjuring up the image of a cute little animal.

Why do we come up with and respond to nicknames?

Many couples come up with such an exciting game for themselves as affectionate nicknames in order to constantly be convinced of their partner’s special attitude towards them. “Everyone addresses me by name, but only he (she) affectionately,” a girl or boy assures himself, and this strengthens the union of two hearts.

The game that lovers use does not require any special skills; most often, ordinary observation is enough. The glance highlights the features of the figure, and here in front of us is a birch tree, a reed, a blade of grass. The color of the hair evokes the image and corresponding treatment as a red fox, a chestnut, or a black one.

A diminutive nickname would be decent, it is formed from the name and turns out very affectionately: Svetik, Lyudusik, Alyonushka, Natulka, Ritulya and others.

If a seasoned boyfriend gives nicknames, then he is very willing to call the girl a goddess, a beauty, a sorceress, so these nicknames from affectionate and exceptional can turn into standard, worn-out ones.

There are a lot of girls who cannot stand affectionate nicknames and recognize them as lisp and nonsense. If you have chosen such a girl, you should not try to instill in her a love of nicknames - call her by name, she will not change her attitude towards you for the worse because of this.

So should you still be sure to come up with an affectionate nickname for your chosen one or call her by the name she received at birth? The best thing to do is to talk to her in such a way that when you contact her, she experiences only pleasant sensations. That is, you need to not just address, but choose exactly the manner of address, based on the girl’s response.

How to affectionately call your beloved girl

The romantic mood depends on both participants, however, male attention takes the leading position. A girl is a gentle, charming and mysterious creature. Even if we are talking about an informal party, then behind the aggressive shell hides a vulnerable soul. However, the right approach is the key strong relationships, and it all starts with courtship. What do you call your girlfriend?

My life, my love, my soul is untrue, you are not of this world, and you have found a soul mate, if she is still next to you. Such metaphors will not scare off only an admirer of Turgenev, Pushkin and other classics. Such statements today are acceptable for inseparable couples who have passed through flower beds and black rocks, oceans and deserts, passion and resentment, sadness and joy, separation and years together. All others are associated with nerds, old-fashioned gigolos and immature men. Come up with something original.

Bunny, kitty, bear cub - cute and funny, nevertheless, warm and pleasant. Pussy - your relationship is exclusively aimed at a pleasant pastime and emanates open eroticism. Sunshine, beloved, mouse, kitten - this is not love or sympathy, you love this girl. A bug, a little goat, an ugly little goat, a goat - the relationship is warm, relaxed, rather friendly, even if of a sexual nature.

By name, but with affectionate inflections - you are, rather, older. Treat your chosen one with a little parental care and feel responsible for the comfort of this girl. If this is not the case, then your feelings are not entirely deep, insincere, and you are wary of her, do not open up completely, and, in fact, do not want it. Or are you just friends? Often simple open relationships involve pet names in the form of constituent parts of the girl’s first and last name, her characteristics, habits or professional activity . Such personal names are more typical for married couples and you should not use this practice in teenage and young adult relationships. If what you came up with pet name

Baby, baby, crumb - such affectionate names are typical in adolescence, when everything is boiling and seething inside. After reading a text message with a similar word or hearing your hoarse voice on your mobile phone, such words will send a shiver through her navel. My woman, goddess, mistress - this is no longer funny. Men who have finally had sex and feel like a male can say similar things. They are weak and unsure of themselves. If such words occur somewhere, then only in the relationships of men over 50, and only those who have been languishing with lust for a long time, but could not satisfy it with a female body.

My dear, sweet, yummy and other pleasant sounds that do not have a bright and expressive color instill a good mood and put the girl in a good mood. It all depends on both participants: if you are not a couple, then your behavior and pet names will immediately put an end to the relationship. Small is childish, and that’s all. Darling - girls like it, but not everyone.

Don't chase fashion, don't listen to your friends and don't pay attention prompts from adult men. Girls, like keyholes, completely different, and each requires its own key.

Love relationships cannot exist without affectionate nicknames. But how to call a girl affectionately and originally so that she is pleased? After all, not everyone can take your experiments well. And hackneyed love nicknames are very boring. But there are several tricks in this regard that will allow you to succeed.

How to call a girl affectionate but not offensive?

Such simple affectionate nicknames as sunshine, bunny, fish, kitten, etc. will allow you to name a girl in an original way. From them you can form unusual words, such as:

  • Zayusha;
  • Kitty;
  • Favorite;
  • Hedgehog;
  • Fishing and so on.

In order not to provoke a scandal, there is no need to be overly sophisticated. The nickname should not be offensive or funny.

It is advisable to know the character of your beloved and predict her behavior in advance. You can ask directly what pet names she likes. Many girls react sharply to such compliments. And caution will definitely not be superfluous here.

How to name a girl by her appearance in an original way

She can also suggest affectionate nicknames appearance. Just don't consider the shortcomings. Emphasize her advantages with her nickname. Choose epithets such as:

  1. Slender (if she is really slim);
  2. Green-eyed;
  3. Snubnosik;
  4. Bun (not for fat people);
  5. Model;
  6. Star.

If a girl has a sense of humor, then you can come up with a funny nickname. But this should be done carefully. If she herself hints at humor, then you can try it. But if she is critical of herself, then you shouldn’t joke about it.

You can also come up with “names for a girl” based on her favorite films and cartoons. Many people compare themselves to famous heroines, and they like it.

Affectionate nickname and character of the girl

Pay attention to the lady's temperament. Based on your character, you can come up with an interesting pet name. If she likes to fuss and is constantly busy with something, then call her a bee, a naughty girl, a hooligan.

But a calm girl who doesn’t run anywhere can be awarded the title: cutie, good-natured, mouse, etc. The main thing is that she likes such a nickname and reflects her essence.

You can come up with lacquer names based on her occupation. Find out what she does after school (work) and what she likes in general. For example, if she loves to draw, then the phrase “my artist” will be the best compliment for her.

For a smart girl, a nickname like “professor”, “clever girl” or “smart girl” is suitable. Depending on her attitude towards sweet words. A girl who doesn't like stereotypes can be called a rebel.

You can come up with words depending on her daily routine. If she goes to bed late, then she is a night owl. For those who do not like to sleep, a birdie or birdie is suitable.

Intimate nicknames

If there is sex in your relationship and the girl devotes a lot of time and effort to it, then you can call her:

  • Goddess;
  • Panther;
  • Tigress;
  • Gymnast;
  • Kitty and so on.

But you shouldn’t come up with sexual nicknames for someone who treats sex as a sacrament and doesn’t like to talk about it even with you. Otherwise, your intimate life may crack.

We haven’t come up with a specific recipe for how to call a girl affectionately and originally. It all depends on her character and the closeness of the relationship. Look at it and imagine the most realistic associations. Then you will understand exactly what to call your beloved so that you and she will be pleased.

and how can you affectionately call your beloved girl?
Nowadays you won’t surprise a girl with standard compliments about the beauty of her appearance (eyes, figure, hair, etc.). You need to be original, be able to say something that few people have told her, know how to call your friend affectionately in a given situation, surprise her with your attentiveness, highlight little things, such as the perfect accessory or something like that. Your phrase will end with a question, so as not to end the acquaintance with the usual “Thank you.”

The art of giving compliments needs to be learned, which will take time and practice. When you walk down the street, pay attention not just to external beauty, try to notice what she is trying to focus attention on, what she is improving in. Compliment her on this matter and she will respond with a sincere smile.
What do you need when you first communicate? Interest and attract a girl. Talk about one thing, so that between the lines there is something else. Excessive openness will seem boring to her. Better use intimate subtexts. So that she suddenly blushes during a conversation about nothing that happens to be exciting. Speak with pauses, accents and changes in intonation - the girl will like it. This is the skill of flirting: it is not the text that should be vulgar, but the subtext, so that she does not have the opportunity to accuse you, to catch you. It only seems to her that you are talking about something intimate, while at the same time you are enthusiastically talking about completely different things.

Do you want to get closer to a representative of the fair sex? Advice and recommendations from friends are unlikely to help here. Be confident in yourself and your abilities, act independently; girls feel comfortable with such men and want to continue communicating with them. Feel free to move towards achieving the goal you have set for yourself. What can you call a girl kind words?

Bunny / bunny / bunny / hare / Hare. Today is a very common topic ...
Kitten/kitty/kitty/pussy/kitty. The second most popular option today. We have to give credit to the cats :)

Girls want to see a protector next to them, strong and courageous. She imagined every man with whom the girl kissed at least once as her husband; accordingly, she has sex with the one who fits this role... this is how the girl’s subconscious works. She must be sure that you are responsible and that she can build a serious relationship with you, that she can raise children with you and give them a happy childhood. A man should have such confidence, come from him. And for this you need to constantly work on yourself, loved ones. And make a plan, in case something goes wrong, you always have a backup plan, and you will continue to communicate.

An active, purposeful, self-confident and positive man - that’s who a girl needs. Strive for this and you will succeed!

Now you know how to build a model of relationship with the girl you like, how to give compliments and communicate beautifully, how to call her beautifully. Below we will tell you in detail how to attract the object of the opposite sex you like and how to affectionately call your beloved girl.

Now it will be much easier for you to get acquainted with any “unapproachable beauty” using our recommendations, and now you don’t have to wonder how you can call your beloved with affectionate words - our list of beautiful nicknames will help you with this.