Space Conquerors board game. Board game about space for children: selection for preschoolers and schoolchildren

22.07.2019 Health

Attention! This post is the subjective point of view of the author. All definitions and formulations are the author’s completely evaluative opinion, which is not aimed at insulting or inciting hostility between certain social groups.

Let's walk through latest news. The other day I read on Tesera that Crowd Games launched new project to raise funds for their new game"Conquerors of Space." Everything would be fine, I approved the game itself, as they say, but the guys from CG wear glasses with pink lenses that are too large in diameter and thick.

Why did I decide this? See for yourself. Here is a quote from their note from Tesera: We We are planning to promote “Space Conquerors” to the Western market and we have virtually no doubt that we will conclude a number of contracts at the international exhibition in Essen.

Those. They should sell more boxes in the West and make more money. That's pretty much what they said. But they did not take into account some serious details.

Before going into these details, you can dwell on my subjective assessments of this game. I got all the information from this video:

Positive ratings:

Subject. Thank you for not forgetting the great achievements of the Soviet Union.
+ Beautiful art. It looks very cool in the Soviet style, a la the 1960s-70s.


Few images. Just 5 different cards and a handful of tokens.
- Familiar mechanics. A mixture of "" and "Master of Orion" gallery.

Another minus, but objective and related to the plot of the game: are you gathering Soviet cosmonauts (specialists) and carrying out the American Gemini project? Authors, this looks absurd and ridiculous.

Let's get back to my vanguing and why the game in this form will fail here and in the West.

First of all, let’s look at Russia, our market, and what this market can give to a game like “Space Conquerors”. How, it was empirically found that the average age of board game lovers is 30-40 years old, i.e. - these are mature people, wealthy, not all of them are adequate, but that’s another question. So, these adult men and women were born in the Soviet Union, for many of them the Soviet romance and desire for discovery, which they absorbed with Soviet upbringing and education, are still alive. Precisely, for such people the game “Conquerors of Space” will come in handy.

My theory is supported by practice, we read comments from Tesera:

Thanks to these people who clearly understand what I gave Soviet Union to all humanity and what impulses guided people who were ready for exploits.

Now let's look at the other side. Inadequacies are a dime a dozen, examples are attached.

This inadequate person most likely does not know that space is indeed ours. After all, Russia is the only country in the world that can fly into space and lift cargo to the ISS. American troughs are lifted into space on Russian RD-180 engines, which they will buy for many years to come, contracts have been signed.

And, yes, the language of the ISS is Russian. Cosmonauts from all countries are required to be able to speak Russian.

Here's another Russophobe. Here he is offered to look at the game box with the first Sputnik and Gagarin, and he remembers not the best moments from the Middle Ages. How does he perceive the Great Victory? Read his comment to the end. Russophobia, distortion of facts and slave psychology. He almost openly calls for repentance for his history.

It’s an extravaganza here: lol: Gagarin, space, the first satellite - “beep-beep”, and he has slavery and camps. This is such a blockhead.

Have you identified the mood of the Russian-speaking audience? Have you seen, how many upvotes do their comments get? Publishers, hey, do you really believe that this swamp is capable of accepting such a game theme?!

At least 50% of Russophobes and zombie victims of the Unified State Exam are eliminated and will never buy “Space Conquerors”, because “slavery-torture-camps”.

I appeal to the publishers of the game and, probably, to the editors of Tesera, because, as it seems to me, the publishers bought an advertising post from them and want to promote their game well.

Dear publishers, pay attention to this behavior of some commentators, they are directly spoiling you. The game is good, but they crap for ideological reasons. Perhaps this behavior can be interpreted as « actions aimed at inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of the dignity of a person or a group of persons by belonging to any social group, committed publicly or using means mass media or information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.” I'm not a lawyer, but I can get advice, as they say.

Tesera's editors allow such behavior from visitors who, from the very beginning, trample the domestic game with such a chic theme into the mud.

Above was an approximate analysis of Russian-speaking representatives from the world of board games. Now I will move on to tell you how things are going abroad. This is a little more complicated and figurative, but board gamers have a good imagination and should easily imagine what I mean. The only thing I will hint at is that the roots of the problem are the same. Let's go, on a foreign topic...

Now I’ll try to explain it with my fingers, and you try to apply it all to reality modern world and the place of Russia in this world, or rather, not the actual place of Russia, but that imaginary place into which the so-called "civilized West".

So, revealing the topic. According to the developers, they have no doubt that “They will conclude a number of contracts in Essen”. Let me remind you that Essen is Germany (West Germany), the country that we defeated during the Great Patriotic War and which became our ideological enemy under the occupation of the USA, Great Britain and France.

All my life, after this bloody war, The West tried to eradicate everything “red”, in the ideological sense and, of course, everything Soviet and Russian. Not a single film about space that the West makes will show you the first artificial satellite of the Earth, the first cosmonaut, the first human spacewalk. They have a ban and strict propaganda in this regard.

Moreover, Soviet symbols are prohibited in Germany at the legislative level. In stadiums and on T-shirts for tourists, they are allowed, but official level- is prohibited, so boxes with the inscriptions “USSR” and communist stars will be regarded as “propaganda of communism” and will be carefully wrapped at the stage of reviewing layouts (or something else, I don’t know how the process of sending games to print works).

It is no secret that there are communist parties in Germany, but they do not exist under red banners with stars and hammers and sickles, but simply exist. You will not see portraits of Karl Marx, Lenin and, God forbid, Stalin himself anywhere in the offices of the German Communist parties. Compare with China, there Communist Party- one and only. Their red flag with stars is almost an analogue of the Soviet one. They are very upset that we have forgotten the Ilyich case and openly lament this in our conversations. For them, red, stars, Lenin are part of life.

It's not like that in the West. They couldn't crush the "red" in the Soviet Union, so they simply banned it. Democracy is the same. They equated Soviet symbols with Nazi symbols and that’s it. Business.

Therefore, the game, on the box and cards of which it is written “USSR”, has images of red stars, “Hammer and Sickle” (is it in this game?); a game that, in the opinion of Western censorship, contains Russian, Soviet and communist propaganda, will be banned. After all, it’s impossible to show the Western public that in astronautics the USSR alone achieved O greater success than all Western countries together.

Wow. This is such a long preface and justification for the fact that beautiful boxes with “Conquerors of Space” will not pass censorship in the so-called. "democratic society" of Western countries.

The developers don't know this or they have a backup plan. According to my assumptions, something like this: they are already ready to erase all the “USSR” inscriptions, remove Gagarin from the box, exchange Soviet equipment for American and replace Leonov with Neil Armstrong.

You'll see.

If they don’t know this layout, then they need to be prepared for anything, or they already have a second layout ready for the Western market. If money wins over common sense and truth, then we will see “Pokoriteli kosmosa. American Edition".
Always yours - Nastolgame.

Wash your hands before playing! P.S.

I’m really looking forward to the release of this game, I’m already thinking about buying it, and I wish the developers success in their business. I really hope that their project will be successful and they will sign a lot of contracts.

Reading time: 8 minutes “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting,” says a children’s song from the cartoon. It’s not for nothing that the theme of space never ceases to excite children’s (and not only) minds. Arrange solar eclipse space games, and let Space become closer!

Not only children, but also adults love to spend an evening playing, especially since there are games for almost any age and taste: adventure games, strategy games, card games, quizzes and a mixture of all of the above. Choose. Better yet, let the children choose, because it’s up to them to conquer Worlds and Galaxies!

1. Space adventures

An adventure game for true adventure lovers: you won’t be able to sit in a corner here. The whole game takes place on a large fabric field, which, by the way, is washable, so you can sit not only on the floor, but also on the grass or ground. The point of the game is to throw a large soft die (you won’t lose one in the grass!) and move your rocket across the field, completing tasks if necessary. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins!

Players age: 4+
Number of players: 1-6 people

2. Space flight

Do you want to visit all the planets of the solar system? Then urgently sign up for a team of scientists who are going on a space expedition! The goal of space travel is to visit all the planets, collect soil from each of them and return to Earth. The path is not short and not without obstacles: a black hole, meteor shower and other cosmic dangers await the young cosmonauts on the way home.

Players age: 4+
Number of players: 1-4 people

3. Tenth Kingdom. Space adventures

Help the funny alien get to his beloved, overcoming all the difficulties in the vastness of space. Roll the dice and rush to the finish line, completing tasks along the way.

Players age: 5+
Number of players: 1-4 people

4. Memo. Space

Now we’ll check who has the better reaction! From the cards in the row, you need to be the fastest to collect paired images on a space theme. And, by the way, adults do not always cope with a task better than a child. A nice bonus is a brochure with interesting facts about space.

Players age: 5+
Number of players: 2-8 people

5. Cortex for children

Courage and endurance are not enough to become a real space conqueror. Without ingenuity and quick reaction, you cannot become an astronaut. Solving problems and puzzles at speed, putting together puzzles and running through mazes, you are guaranteed a good workout. For each completed task, the player receives a card, and for two cards, a winning chip. The winner is the one who collects 4 chips of the same color.

Players age: 6+
Number of players: 2-6 people

6. Aliens

Imagine that you are a pioneer and want to build as many space stations on new planets as possible. Great! Roll the dice, take a tile and place it in front of you in such a way as to continue an existing planet or start a new one, and the good aliens will help you with this.

Players age: 6+
Number of players: 2-4 people

7. Equivocations. Space

How to explain the hidden word? There are only seven ways:
1. Words-synonyms or antonyms.
2. Facial expressions and gestures.
3. Read the word backwards.
4. Sing a song about it.
5. Draw.
6. Blind from plasticine.
7. Answer leading questions.
It even sounds a lot of fun, but big company You risk tearing your tummy from laughing. The large puzzle playing field can also be used separately as an independent adventure game.

Players age: 6+
Number of players: 4-16 people

8. Looney. Quest

Travel on different worlds- this is real happiness for an astronaut! And then there is every chance of becoming the heir of one of the kings: the main thing is to win the tournament. Armed with a magic felt-tip pen, travel through impenetrable jungles, endless deserts, lost temples and gain experience points. But be careful - opponents are not asleep, and new worlds are always full of traps and evil creatures! In general, only the most dexterous and fortunate will be able to return from a dangerous journey and receive the throne.

Players age: 8+
Number of players: 2-5 people

9. Chest of knowledge: Space

How many secrets are kept in the endless space? How long does it take to understand the Universe? In 10 seconds! That's exactly how much time is given for an answer! The quiz game will not only test your knowledge and introduce you to space facts, but will also force you to strain your memory, use your powers of observation and ingenuity.

Players age: 8+
Number of players: 1-10 people

10. Panic in the laboratory

If an accident occurs in a secret laboratory, don't expect anything good! After an emergency in the laboratory, naughty anebs broke free, and they definitely need to be brought back. But this is not as simple as it seems at first glance: these creatures constantly slip into the ventilation holes, change color and shape! But you're not afraid of difficulties, are you? Anyone who catches up with the fugitive receives a token, and to win you need to collect 5 tokens. If you make a mistake, return the token! Cheerful card game will not leave either adults or children indifferent. By the way, the playing conditions are a little simplified for the youngest players.

Players age: 8+
Number of players: 2-8 people

11. Sun and Moon

Wow! Now everyone can control the Sun and Moon! Arranging an eclipse is as simple as a steamed turnip! The point of the game is to lay out cards in ascending order both in your own row and in the opponent’s row, in such a way as to get rid of the cards in your hands as quickly as possible.

Players age: 8+
Number of players: 2-4 people

12. Astronauts

Visit a given number of planets in any order and return to Earth before your opponents. Just don’t forget to refuel on time and complete personal tasks! In addition, all cosmic dangers will certainly be encountered on the path to victory. This is space...

Players age: 8+
Number of players: 2-4 people

13. Cosmopoly

Space analogue popular game"Monopoly". The planets of the galaxy are constantly being attacked by pirates, and the players’ task is to strengthen the defense and economy of their planet and beat other players.

Players age: 9+
Number of players: 2-6 people

14. Space Conquerors

Do you want to know how the first satellite was sent into space? Become the head of a research corps, invite the best specialists and implement space projects together with them. The most successful leader who launched greatest number projects and inviting at least 12 specialists.

Players age: 10+
Number of players: 2-4 people

15. Space Age

Create a mighty space empire! How? It's up to you! Develop science or trade, colonize planets peacefully or seize them by force, expand the borders of your empire. Become the ruler of the galaxy! At the beginning of the game, all players have the same set of cards, but then each turn they choose a role and take one of the role cards from the deck.

Players age: 10+
Number of players: 2-4 people

16. Giraffometer

By the way, it is quite possible to measure space using this game. True, the measurement values ​​are quite non-standard, but that only makes it more fun. Each round, 6 fact cards are laid out. Players need to guess which card corresponds to the highest and which to the smallest number. After voting, you can see the correct answer on the back of the card. Whoever scores 7 points wins.

Players age: 10+
Number of players: 2-8 people

17. Cosmopolis

Being a mayor in a city of the future is cool and difficult at the same time. You will have to decide with each new card, send a specialist to the capital and benefit from his abilities, or exchange him for points. At your disposal are rich merchants, talented scientists, professional agents and influential priestesses. Having secured their support, it is important to maintain balance and carefully weigh decisions, because the last card will be decisive.

Players age: 10+
Number of players: 2-4 people

18.Master of Orion

Every space traveler dreams of discovering an inhabited planet and meeting an alien race. Imagine that there are already seven of them and each has its own unusual abilities. Choose your civilization. Distribute resources, sell goods, send spies to your opponents, collect victory points. Make your race the most powerful in the Universe!

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 2-4 people

19. Eclipse: Galactic Rebirth

Seize power in the entire Universe? Quite possible! Lead one of the superpowers and defeat the rest! In addition to space battles, players will have to explore uncharted corners of space, populate new planets, research and create new technologies, design warships and space stations, form alliances and calculate the economic benefits of each action.

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 2-6 people

20. Star Wars: Path to Hope

Leading a rebel squad and planning the theft of important drawings is not easy. And implementing your plans is even more difficult. Players work together and find fragments of drawings by playing cards. We managed to collect a certain number of drawings - the Rebellion won!

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 3-6 people

21. Star Empires

Space battles aren't always about blasters and spaceship collisions. Skillful planning of actions is no less important in the battle of intergalactic empires. In addition, you can always attract allies from all over the galaxy to your side and use the power of your authority. A simple card game for a small company.

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 2 people

22. Fight for the galaxy

How to create a powerful intergalactic empire from scratch? Find a suitable corner in the galaxy, develop and implement technologies, conquer new territories, produce goods and exchange them for victory points... The one who scores the most victory points will win.

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 2-4 people

23. Space alarm

When a space academy cadet is offered a very simple task for very good money, it’s worth thinking that something is fishy here. Most ships do not return from flights and... yours will not return the first time either! Only a quick reaction and well-coordinated teamwork will help repel the attacks of local residents, complete the task, return safe and sound and, accordingly, win the game.

Players age: 12+
Number of players: 1-5 people

24. Space truckers

When you have a whole pile of spare parts at your disposal, you probably want to assemble something interesting, for example, a spaceship. True, this will have to be done at speed, so it’s good if such a ship takes off and doubly good if it arrives at its destination. In general, good luck!

Players age: 13+
Number of players: 2-4 people

25. Star Munchkin

Munchkins in Space, watch out! The goal of the game is to “kill monsters, grab treasures and set up your friends.” Armed with a Maser Laser, Neuro Whip, or Brainless Gun, you can fight an unfair fight with the Destroyer Bot or the Little Green Evil Thing.

Players age: 13+
Number of players: 3-6 people

Perhaps it’s time to call it a day, run to the store to buy a board game, and gather the whole family (and grab a couple of bosom friends). Let's have an unforgettable space evening! Just don’t forget to go to bed on time: brave astronauts need sleep and rest no less than secret knowledge and effective strategies. I hope you remember about!?

If you want to learn even more about board games for children, we recommend reading our materials:

Share your favorite space board games in the comments, let's play together!

Dear comrades, we are recruiting employees for the new research building in 5 different specialties: engineer, tester, scientist, builder and astronaut. As a result of successful and fruitful cooperative work, the team will implement important space projects and earn the title of the most advanced and successful scientific unit.

“Space Conquerors” – original strategy game about the recruitment of scientists and their fruitful work on significant space exploration projects. The era of space flights and research expeditions has begun - gather a reliable team and complete tasks, combine skills and efforts, use bonuses and carry out the plan.

An exciting strategy game about space and science

Board game"Space Explorers" involves a dynamic process of gathering qualified employees and executing important projects. Taking into account abilities and special skills helps to quickly expand the staff and achieve goals. Special skill tokens limit the ability to recruit employees - as many tokens as there are so many workers.

The interesting mechanics of transferring skill tokens when recruiting staff makes the game incredibly exciting, because the strategist cares not only about his well-being and expanding his corps, but also about limiting his opponent. The launch of satellites and manned spacecraft, the construction of space stations directly depend on the logic and calculation, foresight and ingenuity of the participants.

Incredibly atmospheric and beautiful game

The strategic game “Space Conquerors” is designed in the best traditions of the USSR space era: colorful illustrations and stylish art convey the unique atmosphere of a time of incredible discoveries and the first steps in space exploration. The neat and beautiful components of the game will delight fans of detail and unusual design.

Exciting strategy for space explorers

“Conquerors of Space” is an interesting and original strategy with clear rules and incredibly beautiful atmospheric design for connoisseurs of science fiction, space exploration and simple management. An excellent gift for a fan of space themes and a lover of unusual, well-thought-out games.

Space themes can be interesting at any age. Having begun to be interested in space in childhood, a person carries this craving throughout his life. This distant, unknown world attracts with its unknown nature. Therefore, everything related to space unites generations. Board games about space are interesting for both adults and children.

You can choose tabletop space adventures to suit every taste: feel like a real astronaut, discover new planet, meet extraterrestrial intelligence, catch up with a flying saucer, fight space pirates, etc.

This article is devoted to a review of the most interesting board games about space.

This is perhaps the most famous space-themed board game. And this is a translation of a computer game into a board game. The desktop version is a whole universe. The game is global. All details are carefully worked out: unit figures, planet cards, order tokens.

The theme of Starcraft is dedicated to the confrontation between three galactic races. Zerg, Protoss and Tyrants fight among themselves on the playing field. The battle system is similar to the computer version, but is not at all inferior to it in terms of dynamics and complexity. Moreover, these are not battles for the sake of battle. All fights are strategically justified. The action takes place in real time.

Starcraft is a beautiful epic war strategy game.


Space Truckers

Space Truckers is a Russian localization of the desktop game Galaxy games Trucker. It all starts with assembling the spacecraft. From available parts you need to assemble a semblance of a ship, preferably faster than your rivals.

On the assembled spaceship, your team will travel around the galaxy. The truckers' galaxy is beautiful and cartoonish.

Whoever assembled the ship the fastest is the first to open event cards and take off. In space they are waiting for him:

  • habitable planets: here you can take valuable cargo and make some good money;
  • space pirates (where would we be without them). There are only two options here - either you or you. That is, you must either fight or be robbed;
  • abandoned ships and space stations;
  • empty open space - here you can organize races.

The mechanics of the game are not entirely ordinary. The main task is to correctly assemble the ship so that both the guns and power shields are where they need to be. The trick is that the parts of the ship are like pieces of a puzzle, which does not always work out the way the player would like.

The winner is the one who, as a result of three flights, earns the most space rubles.

The game brings a lot of positive moments. It will appeal to space lovers and those who are attentive to details. The development of the game space is quite complex (in a good way). It is most interesting to play with a group of 3-4 people, so that there is excitement and competition. But it’s also perfect for dad and son.

Game packaging

Space Age

Space Age (Eminent Domain) is a deck-building board game. The goal of the game is to build a strong space empire.

As in a classic strategy, in the game you can mine minerals, trade, explore new territories, create space fleets, develop science, etc.

The game develops logical thinking and imagination. Not suitable for babies. The box has an age limit of 10+. This is due to the complexity of the game plot.


Hyper 6

Hyper 6 or cubes in space - abstract space strategy.

The mechanics of the game involve moving figures along a fabric floor by making simple mathematical moves. The number and direction of steps is determined by rolling dice. The amount rolled determines the number of steps, and the actions of opponents affect the direction of movement.

The game is best played with a group of 3-4 people. If there are only two players, the course of the game can quickly become predictable. Players age 12+.

Fabric floor for movement

Space alert

Space alert or Space alarm in Russian localization is the creation of Vlaada Chvatil. It just won't happen. But it will be interesting. The main thing is that the 46-page manual with rules does not scare you.

In fact, the rules are simple, there are just a lot of them. Yes, it takes time to figure them out, but the gameplay is worth it. But it's really complicated.

Firstly, Space alert – team game. Those. you are all together against the enemies. Moreover, each player has his own astronaut figurine. And each figure can launch different actions - press buttons, launch processes. The essence of the game is to plan several game moves in advance, and then execute them simultaneously.

Secondly, the events of the game take place in the present time. Those. the game progresses no matter how well you and your team understand each other.

The game will appeal to companies where people understand each other well. A game for connoisseurs of board games with non-standard mechanics.

Game packaging

Twilight of the Empire

Twilight of the Empire is a global space strategy with a lot of details and plot moves.

The plot of the game is non-trivial. In the center former empire- a planet that hides global knowledge about the Universe. Several races that were once part of the empire are now fighting for supremacy. Each player chooses one of six races and enters into a struggle for leadership - occupying planets, developing science, and engaging in diplomacy.

In fact, the game is very multidimensional. The playing field is formed randomly (parts of the map are shuffled and opened in a chaotic order). Each section of the map contains some kind of space object.

The plot of the game is based on: diplomacy, war, economics, science. The interweaving of all these game components makes the gameplay fun. Game decisions depend on which race the participant has chosen. Each race (with the exception of humans) has an affinity for one of the industries. This determines the game strategy on behalf of each of the races.

Global space strategy with a lot of details and plot moves.

Eclipse (New Dawn for the Galaxy)

The board game Eclipse is similar in mechanics and plot to Twilight of the Empire. But it does not have the same detailed universe.

The player's game lasts exactly 9 moves. This is approximately 30 minutes of time. The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible in the allotted time.

Despite the shortcomings, the game also has its advantages. The battles are very dynamic and interesting.

Players don't have to wait long for their turn. Each game action is performed in turn. All actions take place almost simultaneously, which increases the excitement of the players.

Space Conquerors

The board game Space Conquerors deserves special attention.

A short overview of the gameplay.

The plot immerses us in the history of the Russian space program of the twentieth century. Looking at the box with the game, you’re tempted to say: “Let’s go!”

The game is dedicated to domestic researchers, whose efforts made space flights a reality.

The gaming space is the Space Research Center. The building of the scientific research center is a playing field, each player has his own. The goal of the game is to bring to life as many space projects as possible. To do this, the player needs to recruit as many highly qualified specialists as possible to his team and, together with them, launch ships and satellites into space.

The one who implements wins maximum amount projects or recruit the maximum number of specialists into the group, and there are 12 of them. Each completed project and each invited specialist gives the player development points. The more points, the higher the chance of winning.

Space Conquerors is a board game that is easy to learn. But winning is not at all easy. Space Conquerors is still a novelty among board games, so there are not many reviews of the game yet.

The game mechanics have several features:

  • the game has a closed cycle of resources (the player pays the next player for hiring a specialist);
  • Some cards have unique, activated abilities.

The creators are positioning their creation as a game for a wide audience. The rules are quite simple and even a beginner can understand them. Age limit 10+.

Game set

Space trip

The board game Space Adventure is a simple, exciting game. Designed for children. In order for the child to be interested in the plot, the book “Night at the Observatory” is included with the game.

The playing field looks like a monitor from a space observation station.

Players roll the dice to determine the direction of movement and the color of the zone.

The game is intended for children from 4 years old.

Space adventures

Another family-type board game, in which even small family members from 4 years old can take part. There are enough chips for everyone, the maximum number of players is 6.

The large playing field is made of fabric, which means it can be easily washed. Space Adventure is a classic walking game. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Space flight

The board game Space Flight not only entertains little explorers, but also introduces them to the planets of the solar system.

IN game form children will learn what a black hole, milky way, galaxy, etc. are.

According to the plot of the game, a group of scientists goes on a journey through the planets of the solar system. The task is to collect alien soil from each of the planets and return to earth.

The rules of the game are simple. Space travel will not leave any child indifferent.

Tenth Kingdom. Space adventures.

And again we have a walking game, where, overcoming various difficulties and adventures of the playing field, you need to get to the finish line. The main character is an alien who cannot get to another planet, where his girlfriend is waiting for him.

Great space journey.

This is a board game from 1986, a classic walker, it was published in the magazine Funny Pictures. Nowadays it is not on sale, but you can download an image of the playing field from the Internet and print it.

Simply Space and Space 2000

“Into Space” is a Soviet board game. Many people remember her from childhood. Years of production: 1979-1980. The playing field looks like solar system. In the center is the Sun.

This is both a walker and a quiz game. The player starts from Earth. For correct answers, the player receives resource tokens and makes moves. The movement occurs throughout the solar system.

Cosmos 2000 - Soviet desktop intellectual economic game. On the playing field there are sectors with planets that can be purchased, as well as the Astrologer and Fortune sectors, where the player receives cards with predictions.

The game Space 2000 is now a rarity.

And, if other board games from the times of the USSR can be found on the Internet or at flea markets and bought, then this will not be possible with Cosmos 2000.

You can find board game fields on the Internet and print them out, or make a game about space with your own hands.

Detailed instructions are easy to find online. You can even make cubes with your own hands.

Equivocals. Space.

Board game Equivoki. Space. is a word explanation game.

It is especially pleasing that it was made in Russia, which means that it is understandable and interesting to us, since it takes into account all the features and delights of the Russian language.

The rules of the game are simple. The players have a die. Each of the faces is a way for the player to explain the word. Did you know that you can read a word backwards and wait for someone to guess it? How about singing a song about him? How can it be depicted on paper? How about sculpting from plasticine? And all this must be done while the sand in the hourglass (included in the set) is running.

Reviews of the game say that the gameplay is crazy and gives a lot of positive emotions. It's a pleasure to play in a big company.

And if the company is not large, then the playing field will come to the rescue, which can be used as a separate board game.

Equivocals. Space. will appeal to those who love everything cosmic, who love games like crocodile and equivocation. The game is suitable for a large family or a noisy group that likes to spend time together.

Word explanation game

Space pirates.

The board game Space Pirates is a very, very worthy representative of the line of games about space.

The game is so thoroughly thought out that you can do almost everything in it that the player expects from space adventure. The game has everything - flights, deals with pirates, space police chases, traps.

Space pirates is a strategy, but a very dynamic one. The movements of pirate ships throughout the game space are calculated based on fuel reserves and the proximity of capture objects. To win, the player must have a certain amount play money. But they will have to be spent on fuel and military affairs.

The player starts with a minimum “survival kit” in the form of one pirate ship, a couple of credit cards and plans to conquer the galaxy.

There are a lot of nuances in the game. The player must remember the amount of fuel in the tank, the fact that a broken ship needs to be repaired, treaties with allies, and the police on their tail. In general, you won't be bored.

The playing field (in our case, the Galaxy) is created by the players themselves before each new game. All details of the game are made of very high quality. Transport ships glide along playing field with a click.

Pirates actively compete with each other. The board game Space Pirates is a multifaceted, exciting world.

The game has it all - flights, deals with pirates, space police chases, traps

Space battle. Invasion.

Space battle. Invasion is a board game from the Biplant brand. Mechanics and rules are the same as in the game Sea battle. The game is designed for two players. The goal of the game is to destroy all enemy spaceships.

Board game Space combat. Invasion. Develops logic, instills simple technical skills and teaches battle strategy.

Biplant has developed 3 versions of the rules. The complexity and tactics of the battle depend on the option chosen.

The mechanics and rules are the same as in the game Battleship.

Space Wars

The board game Space Wars is a sports game.

The playing space is a real battlefield. The field is divided into 2 halves; on each side there are ships and cannons aimed towards each other. The goal of the game is to fire cannonballs across the galaxy to shoot down enemy ships.

The game develops a child’s desire to win and teaches him to lose with dignity. The gameplay is very dynamic. Players actively interact.

The goal of the game is to fire cannonballs across the galaxy to shoot down enemy ships.

Space Alert

Space Alert is a team board game. The goal of the game is survival in the far dangerous corners of space.

From the very beginning of the game, participants come under fire and capture. Threats will come not only from outside, but also from inside the ship - either alien slime or an uprising of robot guards. In this case, the mistake of one player can cost the lives of other participants on the playing field.

A variety of foreign companies.

Our next project on the schedule is one of the expansions for the game "Blood and Fury". But we are forced to put off this project because, unfortunately, we have not yet been given any information about the printing schedule for these additions. What should we release instead of "Gods of Asgard"?

And so we decided to experiment. For more than a year now we have been wanting to publish our own game called “Space Conquerors”.

This is a game created in collaboration with a production studio Moroz Publishing. We understand that this is not exactly what we did before, so we won’t be offended at all if you pass by. But, firstly, since we are publishing this game, we decided that:

  • it would be fair to offer it to our supporters at a favorable pre-order price;
  • we have almost no doubt that this game will be released in Europe and the USA (since we already have enough connections, and the game turned out to be very good). So consider yourself ordering a “Western” product;
  • the game is generally ready and will be sent to you in early November. So you won't have to wait long.

So, with pleasure and some excitement we present to you a domestic development authored by Yuri Zhuravlev with design and illustrations by Alexey Kot - a board game "Conquerors of Space".

The conquest of outer space is one of the main milestones in the history of the last century. Humanity has entered the space age.

Exactly 60 years ago, the first satellite in history was launched into orbit, which was called Sputnik-1. Just four years later, Yuri Gagarin went into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft.

The game, which you can get in November 2017, is dedicated to the first space explorers. That is, to all those wonderful people who made flights beyond the Earth a reality.

So, as Yuri Gagarin said: "Go!"

Each of the players becomes the head of the research corps in the fictitious Space Research Center. The goal of your activity is to implement large-scale space projects.

You invite the best specialists to your team and, thanks to their efforts, send ships into space and launch satellites.

The game ends when players complete all available projects or when one of them recruits 12 specialists to their team. Specialists and projects bring development points. The most successful player with the most points wins.

A game "Conquerors of Space" is a geek filler: easy to master, but difficult to beat if you play with experienced players. It is vaguely reminiscent of Splendor, although the mechanics are completely different:

  • closed resource circulation system (when hiring a specialist, the player pays not the bank, but the next player clockwise);
  • another way to receive discounts for issuing a card;
  • unique activated card abilities.

You can take a closer look at all the components of the game, see the starting layout, turn order, properties of some cards, the completion stage, scoring and determining the winners by watching this video.

All character images in the game are based on collective images. Any similarities to real people are purely coincidental.

The box contains rules (16 pages) with detailed description, illustrations and examples, as well as:

Before the start of the game, participants receive a tablet divided into 5 sections different colors, 5 unique research tokens, a memo with symbols and one specialist card from the deck.

The tablet is a research building that is led by the player. It has several divisions. They will have to be filled by specialists from a variety of space professions. Builders, engineers, scientists, testers and, of course, astronauts will work here.

Without a certain composition of specialists in different fields, you will not be able to launch a particular spacecraft.

Each illustration corresponds to a real satellite, spaceship or interplanetary station. The game features eight Soviet spacecraft and two American ones.

The higher the level of qualification of a specialist, the more difficult it is to attract him to your Corps. A certain level of research is required.

In the center of the table, a deck of specialists is laid out, from which 6 cards are revealed on the table, and project cards (according to the number of participants plus two more).

Adding specialists to the corps

Players take turns taking turns. On your turn, you can do one of two actions:

  • take a specialist card into your hand from those open on the table,
  • add the card to your case (on your tablet).

You can add not only by hand, but also by moving it from the table to the tablet, if you can immediately fulfill all the conditions.

Let's take a closer look at the map.

1. Illustration.
2. Development points. Counted at the end of the game.
3. Skills. They indicate the department in which a specialist can be placed, and what projects will require his skill.
4. Difficulty in attracting a specialist. Measured in research symbols.
5. The arrow determines the order in which the difficulty of attraction decreases.
6. Ability. Valid while the specialist card is on top of the unit card pile, or is taken into account when calculating development points at the end of the game. IN in this case: After completing the project, you can take 2 cards from the pile into your hand.
7. Card number. Abilities are described at the end of the rules and in the memo (if clarification is required).

Each employee is highly qualified in one area or another, in other words, a skill. You can place him in a corps unit that matches his skill in color. For example, with a red skill - to the red, construction division of the corps.

Some professionals have skills in two areas. In this case, you decide for yourself which department to send them to.

To attract a specialist, you need to dial the research symbols shown on the map.

Now that we have all the necessary research symbols, place the map on the tablet.

Implementation of space projects

Card Abilities

Specialists have unique abilities.

All employee abilities are described in detail in the rules and in the memos that are distributed at the beginning of the game. The card type and number will allow you to quickly find the necessary explanation if required.

Ending the game

The game will end when one of the players recruits 12 specialists into their corps or when the last of the projects is completed.

Each player sums up his development points on the cards in his corps and on the projects he has implemented.

The player with the most development points wins!

Yuri Zhuravlev is one of the most famous and experienced Russian game designers. The first game was published six years ago. Yura created the well-known board games “The Viceroy”, “Costa of Ruana”, “ZooMagic”, “Guilds of Laar”, “Cotham City” and a number of others. From 2013 to 2016 he worked at the Lifestyle company, being one of the organizers and curators of the ROOT publishing project. During the same period (until the beginning of 2017), he supported the Moscow board game club “Random Place”. Also, for 3 years in a row, I kept my own blog with publications on the topic of game design.

Alexey Kot, the creator of the visuals for “Space Conquerors,” often draws in a retro style. His illustrations are familiar to many from the board game “Take Off Allowed!” He is also the author of the image on the box of the Flashlights game, published in Russia by Crowd Games. Alexey draws in many areas. For example, at one time his poster for the epic film “ Star Wars", which he drew for fun, was officially acquired by Lucasfilm to officially unveil the game.

Denis Davydov, producer of the game “Space Conquerors,” heads the Moroz Publishing studio, which produces and publishes board games in Russia and abroad. Previously, Denis worked for the companies World of Hobby and Nival Interactive. But mostly he is known as Chief Editor magazine "Gaming", and later - as the head of the publishing house, which also published "World of Fantasy", "Best computer games"and other magazines.

Yuri Zhuravlev: “When playing Space Conquerors, try to feel the unity of all participants at the table. After all, what one used can be used by another! Give - and life will flow. Start being greedy and you will be the first to feel the discomfort of being constrained by this acquisitive strategy. Life is a process that cannot stand static. But she also teaches us that we need to take responsibility into our own hands!”

Denis Davydov:“When working on the creation of the game “Conquerors of Space,” I tried to recreate the atmosphere of the golden era of astronautics as much as possible. This had to be manifested in everything, in every little thing, be it a line in the rules or an icon on the map. Alexey Kot, a phenomenally talented artist and designer, took exactly the same approach, thanks to whom the game looks exactly the way it should!”

The following people took part in testing the game: Daria Bessonova, Evgenia Borisonic, Denis Varshavsky, Konstantin Vakhnin, Ekaterina Gorn, Alexander Gorny, Sergei Grafchikov, Irina Grafchikova, Maxim Grigoriev, Yulia Grigorieva, Maxim Gudkov, Anton Demyanov, Andrey Dorofeev, Pavel Yeltsin, Olga Ermakova, Artyom Zhdanov, Alexander Kazantsev , Fedor Kvashnin, Denis Kokorev, Yaroslav Kryslov, Oleg Meleshin, Eldar Morozov, Egor Nikolaev, Evgenia Ovinnikova, Anatoly Okhapkin, Victor Pavel, Arkady Pavlov, Pavel Podkorytov, Sergey Pritula, Svetlana Pritula, Pavel Rezanov, Andrey Rumyantsev, Ekaterina Rumyantseva, Oleg Silukov, Ksenia Silukova, Igor Sklyuev, Vadim Trishkin, Nadezhda Filippovich, Damir Khusnatdinov, Vlad Janus and others.

There have been quite a few gaming sessions with 2 to 4 people. Testing was carried out both at the Moroz Testing Ground club and in the author’s gaming cell.

The game was evaluated according to various parameters. The game's art, originality and elegance of mechanics were highly appreciated.

The disadvantages included the complexity of the iconography on the maps, but the majority noted that thanks to the instructions it is easy to understand, and after the second batch the instructions are no longer needed.

Thanks to everyone who took part in testing the game! It's funny that according to the final table, representatives of the fair sex more often won.


What did Crowd Games, Moroz and Yuri Zhuravlev do? To the depth and variety they added several atypical mechanics and beautiful design. The result is a candy that many people will want. A pleasant aftertaste and a desire to repeat are guaranteed.



"Conquerors of Space" - good game with stylish art and quite interesting gameplay. Some of the mechanics will seem familiar to an experienced board player, but there are also some interesting discoveries. The downside is that the iconography is not very intuitive, but after a few games the properties are remembered and players stop being distracted by studying the decoding instructions.



A solid game that looks like filler, but isn't! Leaves a pleasant aftertaste, like Race for the Galaxy. And the circulation of resources is a very good idea!



“Space Conquerors” is an atmospheric game about a scientific race. What’s most striking about it is its dynamism and simplicity, which is combined with depth and a good choice of strategies. If you like a cold battle with a science and space exploration theme, this game is for you!



"Space Conquerors" - a family game with beautiful design in Soviet style. The game is suitable for the whole family, it will appeal to both tacticians and strategists, while it has very simple and fast gameplay. In terms of mechanics, I’ll put the game on par with both Master of Orion and Splendor.



The game is fun and exciting. Intercept a project before another player completes it on their turn? What could be more pleasant!

All tokens will be 1.75mm thick and printed on linen. Card size: 63 x 88 mm. The tablets are made taking into account the possible use of protectors.

The cards and instructions are thick (300 g), the booklet with the rules is 16 pages.

Box size: 20 x 20 x 5 cm (like “Patchwork”).

The shelf price in stores will be approx. 1000 rub.

The game "Space Conquerors" is a modern and fast game,

which will allow you to immerse yourself in the golden era of astronautics!
