True fortune telling for love online. Online fortune telling for the love of a guy, a man

26.08.2019 State

Approaching New Year Both Christmas and love fortune telling at home are arousing new interest. Such simple but exciting fortune-telling sessions with a young man are always popular among young girls. There are many options using available materials (paper, cotton wool, playing cards), and each of them is interesting in its own way.

The best times for the ceremony are:

  • New Year;
  • birthday or name day;
  • Christmastide (January 6–19);
  • Christmas Eve (January 6–7, night).

Option 1

Fortune telling on paper at home is characterized by simplicity, and material for it can be found in any apartment. To find out what to expect, use: paper sheet, pen, compass, ruler. Start guessing:

  • draw a circle on paper and divide it into sectors like the petals of a flower;
  • the number of fragments corresponds to the letters in the name of your loved one;
  • write them one on each petal;
  • then enter your name;
  • if there are more letters in it than sectors in the circle, then do not write it in its entirety;
  • look how many petals contain both a vowel and a consonant;
  • if this combination is missing, then you have no future;
  • if there are two such sectors, then the relationship will begin, but will not last;
  • the number three portends agreement and mutual understanding in a couple;
  • more than three - you love each other and will stay together.

Simple fortune telling on paper at home

Option 2

For the session you will need: a sheet of paper, a pen. To get the answer, do the following. Write your first and last name on paper young man, and under them - their own; cross out the letters that match the data; Add the remaining number until it fits between 1 and 9 (if 15, then you get 6 and so on).

  • One means a cloudless union in the future;
  • number two - the relationship will not work out;
  • three – short relationship;
  • four - the feeling is not sincere on your part;
  • five - you are together for financial reasons;
  • six - a harmonious couple;
  • seven - there is only friendship between you;
  • nine - fortune telling predicts a future together if you devote time and attention to each other.

Fortune telling on a mirror at home is classified as simple, but effective and interesting:

  • place two identical mirrors opposite each other;
  • light a candle in front of them;
  • Hold one of the mirrors in your hands opposite the other so that you get a labyrinth of reflections;
  • say:

    “Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner”;

  • the narrowed one will appear in the reflection.

Pour cold milk into a saucer and place it in front of the threshold at the entrance to the house. Melt the wax with the words:

“Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

Pour into milk, interpret the result depending on the resulting form:

  • “flower” - a new acquaintance that will end in marriage;
  • “man” - a great feeling is coming;
  • “asterisk” means luck in relationships and other areas.

Fortune telling on a book

Take your favorite book, formulate a question to yourself about your loved one, open it at random and, without looking, point your finger at the line, this is the answer, interpret it depending on the question and situation.

Fortune telling on a thread

Take: a piece of fabric, a red thread, a needle. To get an answer:

  • thread the thread into the eye of the needle;
  • pull the needle through the fabric several times;
  • pull the thread sharply;
  • if the thread came out easily, then nothing threatens the relationship with your loved one;
  • the thread becomes tense - he will have others;
  • breaks - an alliance with this person will not bring happiness.

Fortune telling by ring

Attributes: silver ring, red wool thread, candle, coin. To make fortune telling work:

Light a candle; tie a thread to a ring, place a coin in front of the candle, hold the thread with the ring motionless over the coin, formulate a question to yourself about your lover or future love.

  • The ring does not move - it is too early to ask about this;
  • sways in different directions - the answer is positive;
  • approaches and moves away from you - means “no”;
  • moves in a circle - ask the question differently.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling on cards

This is the most interesting, but difficult option. For fortune telling, ordinary playing cards are used, which everyone has. But you will only get the answer if you know their interpretation. The layout method is also important. To make a prediction, remember that the suit of playing cards corresponds to the gender and age of the person for whom we are telling fortunes. Lady:

  • tambourine – a young free girl;
  • crosses - a married or elderly woman;
  • worms - girlfriend, older than you;
  • peak is an ill-wisher.
  • worms - a married man;
  • tambourine – unmarried;
  • peak - brunette or authoritative man;
  • Krestov is an older man.

Meanings for love

IN playing cards in love fortune-telling, some of them are of particular importance. Hearts suit:

  • ace - the lover will send a message;
  • king - a temperamental admirer will appear;
  • lady - they will propose to you;
  • ten - wait for a declaration of love;
  • Nine – pursuit of a persistent lover.

Regular playing cards are used for fortune telling.

Diamond suit:

  • king - the appearance of a groom or lover;
  • nine – love obstacle;
  • seven – treason.

Hearts suit:

  • the king is a married friend;
  • lady - family woman;
  • eight - futile expectations;
  • six - a joint unsuccessful journey.

Spades suit:

  • nine – loss of a loved one or friend;
  • eight - betrayal;
  • seven – conflict.

Love combinations:

  • the lady next to the king - married girl, secret engagement;
  • the king below the queen is a devoted man;
  • tens on the sides of the lady are a declaration of love, and eights are unpleasant rumors; ace of spades and ten of diamonds - conflict;
  • sequentially queen, ten, king of the same suits - mutual love for a man;
  • in reverse order - a reciprocal feeling for a woman;
  • four tens - marriage, marriage.

Simple layout

Playing cards will show your inner world and future:

  • shuffle and remove with left hand;
  • start laying out three at a time until you reach the queen of diamonds;
  • analyze her environment;
  • the cards on the sides correspond to her mood and feelings;
  • on top – the future of the relationship;
  • below are people from the past.

The cards will give the answer only if you know their interpretation

Fortune telling on needles

For the prediction session you will need: 13 needles (preferably different in length and shape); blank paper. Start guessing:

  • select “your” needle (so that you can easily identify it);
  • also indicate your acquaintances, loved ones or those with whom you are interested in relationships;
  • put a sheet of paper on the table and throw needles on it, trying to get into the center;
  • if the needles to which you gave names lie with their blunt ends towards yours, then these people will bring joy and comfort, and the relationship with the guy will work out;
  • if they are positioned at the tip, then this marks a deterioration in contact, even to the point of hostility, and the young man will grow cold;
  • provided that such needles are on the right - after quarrels and misunderstandings, harmony with the betrothed will come;
  • if other needles fall yours, then this means strengthening the connection with these individuals.

Fortune telling by wood

Charming a husband or a loved one (betrothed) was a popular pastime in the village. Despite the prohibitions of the church, simple ways to find out the future, they were regularly used by girls of marriageable age. Firewood was pulled out at random from a woodpile near the house; the result was interpreted by the surface and shape of the log:

  • if it is smooth and large, the girl will receive a handsome, kind betrothed;
  • uneven foreshadowed a homely groom;
  • fat meant stocky, with a good figure;
  • knotty - the groom has a lot of relatives;
  • the curved symbolized physical abnormalities;
  • a log in places or completely without bark predicted a betrothed without money.

Fortune telling with cotton wool

The cotton wool was randomly divided into lumps, placed in a hat or pot, and pulled out without looking. Depending on the thickness and shape of the elongated fragment, the figure of the narrowed one was predicted.

Hair fortune telling

Place a clean comb under the pillow

A clean comb or comb was placed under the pillow with the words:

“Betrothed-mummer, comb my head.”

He appeared in a dream; if in the morning strands were found on the comb, then they meant the color of the betrothed’s hair.

Playing cards were rarely used in the village to find out the future. It was an attribute of a merchant or bourgeois urban environment. Later they were joined by Tarot cards (in noble esoteric circles).

All of the above types of fortune telling can be easily performed in home interiors. No special devices are required for this. The necessary attributes (needles, mirrors, candles, paper, etc.) can be found in every home. You can guess alone or with friends. Even if you don’t see your betrothed, you will have fun and join the folk tradition.

People are divided into groups not only based on ethnic or cultural differences. We also share the degree of mistrust in various methods of predicting the future. But love is also a rather irrational feeling for which it is impossible to find any logical explanation. We behave irrationally and learn to guess at love.

Before you begin this activity, carefully read the words of the cult writer Paulo Coelho, in which there is some truth.

Fortune telling for love at home

Very often we lack direction, especially in relationships. We really want to protect ourselves from possible losses and problems, from pain and disappointment.

When starting fortune telling, remember: you should not ask a question to which you cannot accept a negative answer. Perhaps you should let go of the situation and not try to lift the mysterious veil of the future, do not rush.

General rules for conducting magical rituals and fortune telling

  1. You should not be disturbed (relatives, mobile phone, TV)
  2. You must be extremely collected and concentrated on the question you are going to ask
  3. It’s better to guess on an empty stomach
  4. Don't guess in the morning. Best time to receive answers - afternoon, evening, night
  5. Do not turn to magic during major church holidays

The exception is fortune telling

  • Yuletide
  • New Year's
  • Epiphany
  • Maslenitsa
  • Kupala
  1. The question can only be asked once. You should not guess the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer
  2. Traditionally, fortune telling should be done with your hair down. Hair is the best conductor between the Universe and man. Besides women's hair Since ancient times they have been considered a powerful magical instrument.
  3. The moon is yours faithful assistant. Focus on moon calendar about to find out the future

Fortune telling - will your loved one return: on playing cards

36 or 54 playing cards will answer this and other questions.

  • The only condition: the deck must be new. In the future, this deck should only be used for fortune telling.
  • In addition, only you can work with the deck, so the deck will get used to your energy, and you will receive more accurate answers to your questions
  • To “rest”, hide the deck in a secluded place away from prying eyes, wrapped in a red or green cloth

General rules for shuffling a fortune-telling deck of cards

  1. Shuffle the deck well. If the deck slips out of your hands and crumbles, stop the ritual: the cards don’t want to “speak”
  2. While shuffling the cards, mentally concentrate on the question you are looking for the answer to.
  3. Take the shuffled deck to left hand. The cards should be face down on the palm of your hand.
  4. Little finger right hand remove some cards by moving towards you
  5. Place the removed part under the deck

"One card" layout

  1. Remove the top card and read the answer. See below for how to read cards.

Seven Card Layout

  1. Shuffle the deck according to the tips above
  2. Without turning the cards over, remove the first card and place it in the center. The diagram shows card 1. This is the card of your chosen one. She will tell you about those innermost thoughts that, perhaps, he himself is not aware of.
  3. Place the next three cards next to the left and three more to the right
  • cards on the left mean: 2 - thoughts, 3 - feelings, 4 - desires of the chosen one
  • cards on the right: 5 - his goals, 6 - attitude towards you, 7 - reasons for your discord

Scheme of the layout “For seven cards”

How to read cards for fortune telling: the meaning of the cards

To read the answers, of course, you need intuition. But the cards quickly get used to your hands, and you quickly learn to feel them. In the meantime, use the tips

Maps can suggest the estimated time period of an event. Below are the meanings of the suits and the period they may indicate. As well as a possible event that could happen during this period

The meaning and time period of the event for Aces of all suits

The meaning and time period of the event for Twos of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Threes of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Fours of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Fives of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Sixes of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Sevens of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Eights of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Nines of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Ten of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Valts of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Ladies of all stripes

The meaning and time period of the event for Kings of all stripes

Fortune telling about your beloved man's feelings using playing cards: does your beloved love you?

The next scenario is more complex, but you can get more answers. This layout can answer all the questions you ask. And these questions can relate not only to amorous affairs

Except general rules by shuffling the cards, try to determine the “mood” of your deck

  1. After thoroughly shuffling the cards, begin laying out three cards at a time from top to bottom until you meet your card. Cards are placed face up
  2. Read the cards drawn with yours
  3. If they correspond to current reality, the deck is set to work

How to determine your card or the card of the person you are telling fortunes about?

The most reliable way is by zodiac sign

  • King/Queen of Clubs correspond to the constellations Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • King/Queen of Diamonds correspond to the constellations Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • The King/Queen of Hearts corresponds to the constellations Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • King/Queen of Spades correspond to the constellations Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Layout "Russian"

This layout requires an incomplete deck consisting of 36 cards: from Sixes to Aces.

Jokers, Twos, Threes, Fours and Fives - set aside

  1. Find your card or the card of the person you are fortune-telling and place it in the center
  2. Shuffle the deck thoroughly
  3. Take any card from the deck and place it, without opening it, on the central card
  4. Place, without opening, two random cards at the feet of the central card, at the heads, on the left and on the right

  1. Discard the top three cards and place the fourth on the center card
  2. Repeat the procedure 4 times

  1. After you have read all the meanings, collect the cards from the layout and mix thoroughly again
  2. Lay the cards out in groups of three, moving from top to bottom. This will allow us to look again at the predictions regarding
  • what awaits the fortuneteller or the person being fortunetold
  • what is standing on the threshold of his house
  • what will happen in his near future
  • what will happen
  • what will calm his heart
  1. After viewing and interpreting the layout cards, remove paired mutually exclusive cards
  2. Antipodean cards are considered mutually exclusive: “diamonds-clubs”, “hearts-spades” of the same value. For example, the Seven of Diamonds and the Seven of Clubs.
  3. Read the remaining few cards. This is something that will inevitably happen

Love fortune telling on sticks

If card fortune telling seems too complicated for you, try the English fortune telling “The Queen”. Predictions using wooden sticks are the legacy of the druid magicians who once sheltered Foggy Albion

Perhaps the fortune-telling sticks of the Druids were taken from trees that had a certain energy, but residents of megacities lost this knowledge. There are Druid horoscopes and you can look for wands in "your trees"

Or take the path of least resistance and use wooden skewers. For fortune telling you will need

  • 4 wooden sticks 9-10 cm long
  • 3 sticks 6-7 cm long
  • 1 relatively massive stick, which will be the “queen”

How to guess

  1. Stand in the middle of the room or any other open space
  2. Place the queen wand at your feet
  3. Take 7 sticks with your left hand
  4. Close your eyes and mentally say a question that is important to you
  5. Try mixing the sticks in your hands without opening your eyes
  6. Transfer the chopsticks to your right hand
  7. With your left hand, slowly pull out one stick and scatter the rest on the floor.
  8. Look at how the sticks are arranged and which stick is left in your hands

you pulled out

  • long stick - good sign or a positive answer to the question
  • short stick - bad sign and a negative answer to the question
  • the sticks have scattered, but at least one of them is in contact with the queen wand - all your endeavors will have a positive result
  • the sticks scattered far from the “queen”, but are directed in her direction - you have enough strength to solve all your problems
  • the sticks scattered and two of them crossed - achieving a favorable result will be associated with many problems

Love fortune telling with a pen

You can also recall simple school fortune-telling, which many girls still use. Considering that our grandmothers told fortunes in a similar way and, most likely, our granddaughters will tell fortunes, there’s probably something in it!

You will need

  • paper
  • pen

How to guess:

  1. On a blank sheet of paper, draw an arbitrary number of lines, placing them in one row. Don't count the lines in advance. Trust your inner voice. As soon as he says, “Stop,” stop working. When drawing lines, think about your loved one
  2. Repeat drawing three more times. You should end up with four rows consisting of different numbers of lines

  1. At the next stage, cross out three sticks at a time, forming so-called “triples”. If there are extra sticks left in the row, write down a number next to them corresponding to their number
  1. As a result, you should get four digits that make up the code number. Find the code number in the table below and read the answer to your question

Decoding the code number

Fortune telling by beans or fortune telling by beans

Bean divination is found in many cultures. Beans were revered in everything Ancient World and naturally, they could not help but become a powerful magical tool

For fortune telling, large white bean grains that have no flaws are used.

A simplified method of fortune telling with beans

  1. Buy beans at the market or store, and give the change from your purchase to those in need
  2. Select 31 grains
  3. Mentally formulate a question or desire
  4. Divide the beans into three equal piles without counting the grains. Mentally say your question as you lay out the beans.
  5. From the first main pile, select grains according to the “3-2-1” scheme and arrange them from top to bottom, forming new derivative piles

  1. From the second main bean pile, select grains according to the “3-2-1” scheme, but arrange them from bottom to top, complementing the derivative piles. As a result, you should have an equal number of grains in each of the three derivative piles
    1. If the number of beans is even, you will be lucky, the answer to the question is yes. An odd number of seeds predicts difficulties. If there are no beans left in the pile, the answer to the question is uncertain

    Fortune telling with matches

    You will need

  • candle
  • box of matches

How to guess

  1. Light a candle and concentrate on it for a while, mentally imagining the image of the person you are interested in. State your question
  2. Place two matches in the gaps of the box as shown in the picture.
  3. Light the matches from the candle, place the box on a flat surface and observe the “behavior” of the burning matches

  • If the matches are drawn to each other, everything is fine between you and the person you wished for.
  • If you turn away, a quarrel is inevitable

Fortune telling by candle

Another fortune telling related to the forces of the elements. Little secrets of fortune telling with candles are presented in the video “Fortune telling with candles: how to do it correctly?”

Video: Fortune telling by candles: how to do it correctly?

Video: Wax fortune telling and wax figures

Fortune telling for love is very popular nowadays. There is probably not a single woman who, at least once in her life, has not resorted to such a way to find out her fate as fortune telling.

Love fortune telling is an integral attribute of celebrations and rituals of human civilization at all times, including for representatives of Slavic culture, from pagans to our contemporaries.

Depending on the purpose, truthful fortune telling for love can be conditionally divided into two types: the first - to find a groom, and the second type - to find out about the feelings of a particular person.

There are many ways to get answers to both of these burning questions.

Unfortunately, traveling to us through the centuries, many guides for fortune-tellers have lost most useful data were incorrectly retold, and simply forgotten.

But, fortunately, most of the methods have still reached us in their original form, proven thousands of times.

All thanks to the efforts of our great-great-great-grandmothers, who on long winter evenings, while doing needlework, taught young girls feminine wisdom.

There are no clear restrictions regarding the time of year for carrying out such rituals, but it has long been customary that the most successful love fortune-telling is at Christmas time.

It's hard to say why Christmas fortune telling most effective.

Perhaps the ritual draws its power from the spirits and various evil spirits freely roaming at this time, and it is from evil spirits that long-awaited information about the betrothed arrives.

Or the forces of light, which also actively manifest themselves during the period from Christmas to Epiphany (the time of winter holidays), help girls determine their destiny. Let's look at the ancient, most popular and effective methods of fortune telling for love.

Love fortune telling with a match and a basin

This is one of the most interesting and most accurate love fortune telling. To perform the ceremony you will need a basin filled with clean water, an ordinary match, a piece of apple, a pencil, several sheets of white paper and tape.

Write the male names that interest you on the sheets of paper. Tape them along the entire top edge of the basin. Then light a match, stick it into the apple slice, lower it into the water and watch what happens. A few moments later, an apple with a burning match will float to one of the leaves and set it on fire - bearing the name inscribed on this leaf.

Fortune telling for love - we tell fortunes by inducing a dream

Take a sheet of plain paper and write what you need on it male name. Paint your lips with your favorite lipstick and leave a trace of your kiss on the piece of paper. Before going to bed, hide the paper under your pillow along with your pocket mirror and say your cherished words.

"On the night from Monday to Tuesday,

I look through the windowsill.

The one who dreams of me

Let him come to me in a dream!”

At night you will definitely dream of a man with this name, but is it the one you were thinking about? Fate often presents us with surprises, and when looking into the future we need to be prepared for anything.

There is another version of this fortune telling. Take three large bay leaves and write on each of them a name: Azarius, Ananias, Misail. And your betrothed will certainly appear in a dream this night.

Fortune telling with fire

Fire is a beautiful bright element, a symbol of youth, thirst for life, love and passion. Perhaps the beauty and power of fire forced our ancestors to compose and carry out many different fortune tellings, in which all forms of open fire were used - from a match to a fire.

Here is one of the most accurate fortune telling with fire. Make a wish for yourself and your loved one over each of the two matches. Place the matches on the sides of the closed matchbox and light them, wait until they burn out. Strong mutual feelings will appear like coals rushing towards each other.

For a fun company unmarried girls There is another way of fortune telling for love using fire.

Each girl takes a thread (of equal length). At the same time, all participants set fire to the lower end of the thread. The one whose thread burns out faster will become the first married lady. If your thread goes out before it even burns halfway, this year wedding dress don't wear.

Love fortune telling with personal items

The meaning is that the fortuneteller throws her hand on the road; the direction of the sock will indicate the direction in which she is destined to get married.

Another option is with a towel. A clean, dry towel is hung outside the window at night, saying, “My dear, betrothed, come, dry yourself with the towel.” If the towel is dry in the morning, marriage will not happen this year. But a wet towel indicates an imminent wedding.

Love fortune telling with a rooster

Getting a rooster in the urban jungle is not so easy, but nothing is impossible for a girl who wants to know her destiny! But we also need chicken. When the animals are in your hands, place two plates, a mirror and a chicken in front of the rooster.

The first bowl should contain grain, and the second should contain water. Step back and watch the rooster for a while. If he approaches the mirror first, your chosen one will be gentle and beautiful.

Preferring grain, the rooster will indicate a rich groom, and if the bird decides to get drunk, your betrothed will be a drunkard. The cockerel that first approached the chicken represents a womanizing husband.

Card fortune telling for love

This method of fortune telling is the most common due to its simplicity, accessibility and truthfulness. Select all four kings from the deck and send them under your pillow. As you fall asleep, say: “I’m waiting for you, betrothed, I’m waiting for you, dressed up, I’m waiting for you, my dear, dream about me in a dream.”

At night, the King of Hearts may appear to you - which means the groom will be rich and young.

The appearance of the King of Spades will mark the old jealous man.

The King of Diamonds foreshadows the one and only desired one.

Cross is a sign of a successful businessman or military careerist.

Fortune telling with wax

With the help of this fortune-telling, you can not only clarify the heartfelt side of your future, but also obtain information regarding any issue that concerns you. Fortune telling with wax has been a favorite since ancient times. Slavic people, for its truthfulness, colorfulness and special mystical sensations.

Pour clear water into a large glass or deep bowl, remove the ring that you always wear from your hand and place it at the bottom of the vessel.

Then you need to put pieces of wax in a tablespoon and melt it over a burning candle, while whispering: “Burn the candle clearly, clearly, hot wax Topi-topi, show me your darling.” Immediately begin pouring wax onto the ring.

Take out the ring and remove the resulting wax figure from it. You will have to determine your destiny by the shape of the wax. Here are some common interpretations.

The wax, which takes the form of strips, is literally perceived as roads and predicts travel for the fortuneteller.

Stars and snowflakes signify successful studies or service.

If the figurine looks like a man, you will meet a new good friend on your life path.

The animal, on the contrary, warns of the appearance of an ill-wisher, an enemy in the near future.

But the flower portends something soon

Fortune telling by comb

Buy a simple single-row comb, preferably a wooden one. Before you go to bed, stroke her hair and say: “Come, my dear, my darling, and comb your hair.” Afterwards the comb is placed under the pillow. In the morning, carefully examine the comb; if there are hairs on it, you will meet your groom very soon, perhaps this year.

Fortune telling using a ring

This fortune telling requires great skill. Fill a transparent glass with water and place it in wedding ring, say out loud, peering into the water above the ring:

My betrothed, my mummer...

If all actions are correct, you will see a transparent image of the groom in the water above the ring.

Love fortune telling with a mirror

One of the most serious and accurate fortune telling for love is the ritual with a mirror. This fortune telling is shrouded in many different tales with happy and terrible endings. But the power of mirror fortune telling still attracts young girls.

You will need two fairly large mirrors, a candle and an opaque scarf. At midnight, preferably during the winter holidays, try to stay alone at home, place the mirrors “facing” each other, sit between them and hold a lit candle in front of you.

Look carefully behind your shoulder in the reflection of the second mirror and say out loud: “Betrothed, mummer - appear!” After some time, a fairly clear image of a man should appear. Try to quickly remember his features and throw a scarf over the mirror.

The Old New Year is a kind of holiday that could only appear in our country. But let’s not delve into very distant history and start thinking about the expediency of its existence.

The most interesting fact is that the January night from 13 to 14 has mystical properties and one should not miss the rare opportunity to look a little into the future with the help of fortune telling. There are quite a lot of sacrament options; you need to choose the one that you like the most and will be the easiest to perform.

Fortune telling using spoons

After the holiday festivities are over, everyone must leave their spoon on the table. If in the morning the spoon lies with its depression down, then the whole year will be successful; if the spoon is upside down, then you should pay close attention to your health, and you should not take risks.

When it’s frosty outside, young girls can freeze water in a spoon, and if the ice comes out with a bubble, then this is a sign of good health for many years. The appearance of a hole in the ice threatens trouble and possible illness for the one who tells fortunes or his loved ones.

Fortune telling with rings

An unmarried girl needs to prepare a gold, silver and copper ring, put it in a pot of cereal and mix. With your eyes closed, you need to put your hand there and take out a handful of cereal; if there is a ring there, then she will have a wedding in the next year. If the ring turns out to be gold, the groom will be the richest.

Fortune telling by book

You need to prepare a book for fortune telling, preferably fiction. Before starting the sacrament, you should make your deepest wish and concentrate on it, then select the page, paragraph and line number.

What is written in the hidden line will be a variation on a given theme. You should interpret the text in relation to your wishes.

You need to prepare a container with cereal and six small sheets of clean paper. On one of the sheets you need to write the name of the desired man. All the pieces of paper should be rolled into tubes and mixed with cereal, then with your eyes closed, take out a handful of cereal.

If you come across a piece of paper with the name of your loved one the first time, then a proposal to marry will soon follow; if you get such a piece of paper a second time, this may mean that there are some obstacles on the way to the wedding.

If the treasured leaf is caught for the third time, then deception is possible in a love relationship. In the case when a piece of paper with a name is not found after three attempts, this may indicate that the chosen man is not entirely suitable for marriage.

At the end of the article, I suggest that you now tell your fortune using the prediction table. This quick and accurate fortune telling is described by Tatyana Anatolyevna Radchenko in her book “Fortune telling with tea and coffee”

I am always glad to meet you on the pages of this blog.

Popular fortune telling

The Lenormand “Get to Know Your Partner” card layout gives insight into relationships in the present, past and future. How does your partner feel about your relationship, what nuances should you pay attention to, what pitfalls are hidden and what surprises of fate should you expect in your relationship with your lover. Think about your partner, ask your question regarding the relationship and choose 8 cards from the deck.

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our lives? This is a very interesting question for many, especially when it comes to close relationships. The “Karmic Union” layout on the mystical cards of Madame Endora gives answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson you should learn from this relationship, what role you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete the karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

The Manara tarot card layout “Wife and Lover” is ideal for clarifying the situation in a love triangle. The layout on the erotic cards of the Manara tarot gives an understanding of the problem in different areas and gives answers to questions about comparing wife and mistress for the intended man, and also gives a forecast for the development of relationships for the coming year. This fortune telling is equally suitable for both the wife and the mistress.

Love fortune telling gypsy maps Tarot “Feelings of a Beloved” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

The layout of the Manara Tarot cards “I and He” on the deck of erotic cards of the Manara Tarot will help you find out interesting nuances regarding love relationship. Fortune telling gives answers to the questions: What can you get from this relationship, what can you contribute to it (give) and what is the future of your love. Only three cards describe important nuances of relationships with a partner, and you can independently ask a question regarding each card.

Love fortune telling “Seven Stars of Love” - ideal for predicting the development of relationships, receiving love characteristics the personalities of you and your partner, the secret thoughts of your partner. This alignment will show what contributes to the improvement of your relationship, and what, on the contrary, oppresses you. Focus and ask your question, imagine the face and name of your partner, then select cards from the tarot deck.

Layout of Lenormand cards “Separation” Suitable for those who are at odds with their partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards breaking up, how your life will change if you decide to break up or maintain the relationship, and most importantly, whether your relationship has a chance. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

The layout of the cards on the Simbolon oracle “Portrait of a loved one” allows you to imagine which person is right for you to create a family or for Serious relationships. This alignment answers the most exciting questions regarding the character of the partner who is ideal for you and whether your idea of ​​an ideal partner coincides with the character of the person you really need. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling on two dice “For love” gives love forecast relationship with a partner in the future or a characteristic of your partner or you. In any case, the information that fortune telling cubes carry will help you understand an important and unknown nuance regarding your personal life. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards “Attitude towards me” will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you, and this person’s attitude is shown in three time periods: present, past and future. Also, this alignment divides a person’s attitude into external manifestations and true, internal feelings. Think of a person you are interested in and select six cards from the deck.

The Manara tarot card layout “Swing of Love” on the Manara deck of cards is intended for couples who cannot maintain peace and harmony in their relationship. The layout itself examines the important nuances of any relationship: weaknesses and strengths, the sexual and sensual side of issues, and also gives a forecast of how the relationship will develop further based on the current situation. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on Tarot cards “Venus in Scorpio” gives an understanding of how partners relate to each other, what feelings they experience, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relationships should be expected in the near future. This alignment is valid for about 3 months, if you change your behavior tactics, we advise you to carry out this alignment again, since predicting the future is always based on maintaining the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that the cards give you will help you in your matter (preserving or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the area of ​​feelings. Concentrate and ask your question to the cards.

Fortune telling with 6 Tarot cards “Marriage” allows you to find out how your partner feels about the prospect of marriage with you, how he imagines your future married life, whether he wants to take your relationship to a new level, what is his ideal married life, and others. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, imagine your partner and ask a question that interests you. Remember that the decoding of any fortune telling cannot be taken literally; sometimes it is just information for thought, containing an important message for you.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The layout of the “Constellation Hyades” by the arrangement of the cards resembles the constellation Hyades, which the Egyptians attributed to the God of foreign peoples. Using this layout, you can find out how communication will go with an acquaintance, a stranger, or even stranger. How will he treat you, what will be his reaction to your words, what will be the meaning of your conversation and what will it lead to in the end. Before choosing cards from the deck, think about a person or event you are interested in, where you can meet him and ask your question.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is used for single women who want to find out the reason for their loneliness. Fortune telling allows you not only to understand the reasons for love fiascoes, but also to get advice on what needs to be done to improve your life and find your loved one and loving man. Focus, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Manara tarot card layout “Sex in big city"on an erotic deck of cards will allow you to find out how your partner treats you in the intimate sphere, how he treats your body and the manifestation of your sexuality, and you can also find out whether you like you and whether your partner is suitable for you in an intimate way. Before starting fortune telling, imagine your partner, think of a question and select six cards from the deck.

Card layout on the Simbolon oracle “What’s on his mind?” allows you to find out what a person thinks about you, what part of his personality he shows you and what he hides, what he gives you and what he can give you in the future, what he receives and what he would like to receive from you in the future. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what you would like to know about a person, but for some reason you cannot ask him or he does not want or cannot tell. Think about the person you are going to guess about and your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling for love and relationships is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a lack of money or failures in the professional field than with the constant presence next to someone who is not loved or dear. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s heaven in a hut with a sweetheart. And understanding how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune telling for love and relationships that would provide free answers to all questions regarding such pressing issues.

In this section you will find free virtual fortune telling for marriage and infidelity, you will be able to make a choice from several candidates for your heart... And you will also have the opportunity to understand directly online whether your chosen one is right for you and what kind of person he is, what are the prospects for your relationship and what he thinks about you at the moment moment your lover (or beloved).

Free fortune telling for love and relationships online

How deep are the feelings of the person you are in love with? Will the power of your love be appreciated? After all, it may turn out that your heart, beating faster at the mere mention of HIS (or HER) name, will end up mercilessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary, you think the worst, suspect a person of self-interest, but he (she) is actually ready to sell his soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Here is a love fortune telling, which right now, online, will help you find out the whole truth and understand what is going on in your partner’s soul.

You like this person... Although he probably has shortcomings, and you, of course, disagree with him (her) on something. True, you can’t see it yet. Or you don’t want to notice some disagreements, considering them trifles. Or maybe your partner seems ideal to you. However, life inexorably dots the t's... And therefore it is better to understand in advance how suitable you are for each other. And this virtual online fortune telling will help you understand such important issue in a matter of seconds.

Here is a fortune telling for love and relationships... A fortune telling that gives detailed answers to several personal questions at once. What's going on between you now? What are the prospects? What is on the soul of your chosen one (or chosen one)? What, perhaps, are you doing wrong? The answers to them are objective, because they are given by the Tarot system. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And yet - completely free.

A woman’s fate does not always look logical and obvious. An ugly girl can get married faster than a beautiful girl, and a girl, seemingly destined by nature itself to be a mother and a wife, is all alone, while her friend, whose culinary talents boil down to scrambled eggs and bacon, is already getting ready to get married... To figure it out in such a difficult issue and help yourself finally get married, take advantage of this online fortune telling on Tarot. It gives a detailed and - most importantly - comprehensive answer to it. And besides, he offers practical advice and outlines prospects.

All your doubts and torment about the fidelity (more precisely, infidelity) of your loved one will be resolved by this virtual Tarot layout. With its help, you will see the true state of affairs, understand whether your partner is predisposed to cheating in general, figure out what you can expect from him (her) in the future... Fortune telling will examine the current situation from all possible sides, will help you understand its causes and consequences. This means you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and prevent possible problems in advance.

Nobody knows their fate. And even a simple “tomorrow” is hidden from us by a thick veil. But we humans are curious and persistently look for a crack through which we can peek at our future. Humanity has invented many ways to do this. And Catherine’s fortune telling is one of the simplest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as fortune telling for love, for the near future, or for good luck. The three symbol pictures that appear as an answer to the question are interpreted by you yourself, based on the circumstances of your own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no general interpretations of “nothing.” In addition, everything happens online, that is, here and now.

Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free relationship fortune-telling will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

How painful the unknown is! Does he think about me? Will she call me or not? Loves or doesn't love? There are a lot of questions, and they all make the heart beat anxiously and the mind forget about important things... Meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts in a few seconds. And he is in front of you. This virtual fortune telling is simple and clear. It will not take much time and will not require much effort, but at the same time it will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So, try it!

An excess of fans can be just as problematic as a lack of them. And really, how to choose between several candidates? Here, truly, if only “the lips of Ivan Kuzmich and... to the nose of Nikanor Ivanovich and to the swagger... of Baltazar Baltazarych...” The classic was right. But we suggest that you do not think painfully and pointlessly, but try to resolve all your doubts right now in this online fortune telling for love and relationships. With its help, you will understand how attached each of the contenders for your heart is to you. And you can choose the most loving of them.