The horoscope is all about the Sagittarius woman. Zodiac signs: Sagittarius - woman

26.08.2019 Computers

Sagittarius woman horoscope

Sagittarius woman: appearance

Sagittarius women are hard to miss; they are bright, original and involuntarily attract the attention of others. They love abundance in everything, generously decorate themselves with original jewelry, combine bold colors in their outfits, but at the same time they do not sin in bad taste. Representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by fast, sweeping movements, which are not always distinguished by dexterity and grace.

Sagittarius woman - behavior characteristics

There are many qualities in the nature of Sagittarius women that make communication with them pleasant for others: they are kind-hearted, friendly, natural, and free from prejudices. All their actions are dictated by the movements of the soul, and if such a woman cries or laughs out loud, then there is not a drop of pretense in this. Being creative people with an indomitable imagination, they are interesting interlocutors. Those around them are impressed by their cheerfulness. Such women are not characterized by decadent moods; they rarely fall into a state of depression.

At the same time, as the horoscope warns, the Sagittarius woman is often not as sensitive, soft and delicate as is expected from the weaker sex. However, speaking excessively straightforwardly, she does not pursue the goal of offending or humiliating anyone. It is difficult for her to understand that in many situations the correct thing to do would be to simply remain silent. These women demand the same straightforwardness from close people and may be offended when faced with a different manner of behavior.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius - woman in work and career

It is difficult to turn such a woman into a housewife who devotes herself entirely to home and family. She is also able to outperform many men in the professional sphere. It is no coincidence that representatives of this sign often find themselves in leadership positions. These are excellent organizers and performers, proactive, creative workers. The field of professions for Sagittarius women is very wide, the main condition is opportunities for creativity, interest in work, people of this sign do not like routine in any of its manifestations.

Sagittarius woman in love

For a Sagittarius woman, love is one of the most beautiful and interesting aspects of life; they are romantic, emotional, and often give themselves over to passion completely, without listening to the arguments of reason. Their personal life is usually very busy - and there will most likely be several marriages in it. Women of this zodiac sign tend to ignore conventions when communicating with men, which sometimes earns them a reputation as frivolous people. However, such behavior is not determined by promiscuity, but by straightforwardness, sincerity and openness. Sagittarius women are confident in their impeccable honesty and purity of intentions, so they allow themselves to communicate with the stronger sex on short terms.

Sagittarius woman in sex

As in everything else, in sex the Sagittarius woman is active, temperamental, inventive, emotional and open. All this makes the representatives of the sign wonderful lovers. The situation becomes more complicated if the partner does not show the expected passion and is inferior in temperament. Because of this, Sagittarius may break off relationships. She knows how to liberate herself and demands the same from her partner.

Sagittarius woman in marriage

Unlike representatives of many other signs, Sagittarius women do not strive for marriage; they value their personal independence. The title of an old maid does not frighten them or inspire horror; they live alone with pleasure, without experiencing any negativity towards the male sex. The character of the Sagittarius woman is such that you will have to try a lot to lead her down the aisle. It is important to convey to her the idea that no one is going to subjugate her will, deprive her of the right to control her destiny and the opportunity to do what she loves. IN family relationships Sagittarius strives for complete clarity, frankness, sincerity, and tries to quickly resolve conflicts and resolve misunderstandings at the stage of their occurrence. The husband can trust her completely, although she can surprise him more than once with very extravagant acts. married woman actions.

Zodiac signs: Sagittarius woman - mistress of the house

Having gotten married, the Sagittarius woman directs her violent energy towards creation family life. Routine housework does not inspire her, and in order to somehow brighten it up, the Sagittarius woman tries to add new, brighter colors to her household environment, applying a creative approach to ordinary household chores and experimenting. Women of this zodiac sign tend to change their interiors often. Sagittarians love to spend money, and marriage does not eradicate this habit, only their priorities become different - aimed at home and family.

Characteristics of a Sagittarius woman - mother

Sagittarius never ceases to be an interesting person to communicate with, she is cheerful, is often in a good mood, she has an excellent imagination, she is wise and understanding, so children are very comfortable with her. Meanwhile, such mothers can be very demanding, always finding a lot of activities for their children in order to reveal their potential as fully as possible, however, they often take their own unrealized dreams as a guide. If a grown-up child rebels against the activities imposed on him, such a mother will not persist, but will search for compromise options.

Who is suitable for a Sagittarius woman according to the horoscope to start a family?

If the woman is Sagittarius, compatibility promises to be very good with representatives of such zodiac signs as Gemini, Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra.

What to give a Sagittarius woman

The prospect of choosing a gift for a Sagittarius woman will make anyone worry: the acquaintances of such a lady know what kind of original personality they are dealing with. The active lifestyle of women of this sign makes it a good decision to buy her a tour package and pay for a trip to yet unknown places. If such a plan does not fit into the budget, you can donate some travel accessories, sports equipment, etc. Good gift for Sagittarius woman - Appliances, things that allow her to quickly cope with household chores that do not arouse her enthusiasm. You can choose something from dishes as a gift for a Sagittarius woman, but it must be beautiful and look expensive; Any things that make Sagittarius’ living environment more comfortable and respectable are suitable. It is advisable to spice up a serious offering, for example, a piece of jewelry, with a cheerful surprise or joke - this will greatly cheer up the hero of the occasion.

A woman born under this zodiac sign is smart, cheerful and energetic. She does not know how to lie, be a hypocrite and hide her emotions, even if for ethical reasons this is necessary. The Sagittarius woman speaks her opinion about people in plain text, without trying to choose more pleasant words to express her thoughts. Naturally, not every person is ready to accept the harshness of her character and patiently listen to criticism addressed to her, so the representative fire element Conflicts regularly occur in the family, at work, and even with strangers.

In relationships with men, she behaves as an equal, and in the men's campaign she generally gives the impression of being “her guy.” She does not like to flirt, does not try to look feminine, does not resort to cunning to impress a man, and acts straightforwardly. For personal happiness, she needs a person who will appreciate her sincerity and will not be frightened by some of the brutality of her behavior.

The Sagittarius woman can be very successful at work, but she tries to choose an interesting activity for herself and avoids routine and monotony. She is proactive, has a high ability to work and great creative potential, so she quickly climbs the career ladder and can easily get a managerial position. With the advent of her family, her interest in work does not fade. The Sagittarius woman will never agree to the role of a housewife, even if her husband is quite capable of providing her with a decent life.


Sagittarius is the most cheerful sign of the zodiac, able to quickly cope with any difficulties thanks to optimism. Such a person walks through life with an easy gait, confidently moves along the chosen path, without getting hung up on trifles and not getting discouraged in the event of temporary troubles. Sagittarius always believes in the best, and therefore will not miss his chance. Such a person can become a reliable support for his loved ones. Thanks to his generosity, he will never leave them in trouble, and most importantly, he does not need anything in return. Sagittarius is not one of those people who like to remind people of their good deeds so that they feel like they are in his debt. All his noble deeds come from a pure heart, he does not like to put other people in an awkward position, and therefore it is easy and pleasant to be around him.


Sagittarius can be very tactless and even rude, which often offends close people. Acting on emotions, he can make a mistake, which he himself will later regret, and will spend a lot of energy trying to somehow rehabilitate himself in the eyes of those to whom he is guilty. Sagittarius can flare up and cool down just as quickly, and few people have the desire to adapt to his emotional swings.

Sagittarius does everything a quick fix, and this applies to both home improvement and work. A person born under this zodiac sign sees the task as a whole, but does not attach importance to details, which can be very important. Sagittarius is not so much lazy as inattentive and inclined to judge everything superficially. It happens that as a result of his hasty decisions and actions, the problem not only remains unresolved, but also gets worse. Eliminating his mistakes, Sagittarius spends much more time than it would have taken if he had acted deliberately from the very beginning.

In relationships with men

In love, Sagittarius is emotional, passionate and loves novelty. This does not mean at all that he often changes partners or is incapable of being faithful. For personal happiness, a Sagittarius woman needs a person with a similar temperament and a desire for diversity, and, most importantly, who does not limit her freedom. Jealous people definitely have nothing to do next to Sagittarius. The representative of this zodiac sign is very sociable and attractive, so he is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. If his chosen one attempts to influence his lifestyle, this will inevitably lead to separation. Sagittarius will not avoid conflicts, try to avoid sharp corners, and will not want to change even externally, because indulging the whims of others is humiliating for him. On the other hand, his attitude towards his loved one cannot be called unfair, because Sagittarius himself accepts people as they are. He is not busy searching for his ideal and is tolerant of other people's shortcomings, but only if his personal interests are not affected. Having met a person to his liking, a representative of the fire element will surround him with care, love and attention, and will also do everything to ensure that this union is long-lasting.

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

A lively and interesting interlocutor, capable of turning a head or “breaking off” all the best impulses of her suitor. The Sagittarius woman is not the easiest prey for gentlemen. And yet they are drawn to her, because her sincerity, cheerfulness and openness become an excellent alternative to intrigue and hidden motives, which can most often be found in the behavior of many representatives of the fair sex.

And after a hard day, surrounded by constant problems and adversity, such a companion will help you take your mind off the drab everyday life and teach you how to truly enjoy life. Of course, in order for your compatibility to allow her to be around long enough, you need to try. But the result will be worth all the effort.

general characteristics

A noisy, cheerful and cheerful Sagittarius girl always attracts attention in any company. She knows how to rejoice and laugh from the heart. A friendly and sincere attitude towards everyone is devoid of falsehood and games. She is always the way she is, and portraying something that really isn’t there is beneath her dignity. She has a very active imagination, which allows her to come up with many interesting ideas and immediately bring them to life. With such a companion you will never get bored.

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of our Zodiac, are not characterized by manifestations of melancholy and pessimism. And in order to become despondent or depressed, such a woman needs to endure many strong blows of fate.

The main trait that the Sagittarius woman possesses is her straightforwardness. She always says what she thinks and does not think at all about the reaction to her words from others. A woman can afford such behavior because she knows exactly her worth and is well aware of her strengths and weaknesses.

Truthfulness also manifests itself in relation to oneself. Self-confidence makes Sagittarius a very strong and unbending person who can stand up for himself and his opinion. Any rumors and gossip in her direction will in no way affect her self-esteem.

To enjoy work, those born under the sign of Sagittarius, which is part of the Zodiac, must have the opportunity to create, search and realize themselves. She does not like control and pressure; they will interfere with her ability to cope with her tasks. At the same time, it is important for her to bear social responsibility and be needed by someone. In a male team, such an employee will feel confident and will be able to keep everyone on their toes. IN It is quite difficult for her to choose a gentleman, since she immediately calculates possible compatibility and will not hesitate to voice a refusal if the man is not suitable for her.

Love and Sagittarius

With all the positive characteristics, it is quite difficult for ladies born under the sign of Sagittarius to find love and a life partner. Especially considering how easily they mislead their suitors.

The behavior of this seductress and coquette leads to the creation of an opinion about her availability and desire to go further (for example, to intimacy). This is exactly how her suitors perceive her, but they are mistaken. A flirting Sagittarius girl is able to point out to men their superficial judgments the moment they try to “cross the line.” Anyone, even the most experienced seducer, can be plunged into severe despondency by a harsh refusal received from the object of courtship. At the right moment, Sagittarius will calmly and coldly reject the claims of a gentleman who is unable to understand the true depth of such a woman.

For this sign, lying is unacceptable, and they do not hesitate to tell the truth. Therefore, a boyfriend who is focused on testing himself for compatibility with Sagittarius needs to be prepared for the truth about himself. Such a companion will not think about male pride and will not soften the blow. It's just that the moment you make a mistake, she will directly tell you everything she thinks.

In love, the Sagittarius woman values ​​sincerity. She strives for equality and sees nothing wrong with quarreling with her lover on business and then making peace with him. Cunning and guile are not for her. She expects the same attitude from her partner.

This woman can fall in love only for her spiritual qualities, which excessive tinsel will not prevent her from considering. The Zodiac gave her this opportunity. In response to sincere feelings, the partner will receive spiritual comfort and undemandingness from her. Such a woman knows how to forgive mistakes and support when a man needs it. She is able to show how easy it is to enjoy ordinary things and can charge you with a positive mood.

Characteristic features and appearance which he has Sagittarius woman. Characteristics of the sign zodiac according to astrological observations.

It is very difficult not to notice such a woman. They differ from the general mass by the incredible brightness of their appearance. Sagittarius women always attract the attention of people of the opposite sex. They value originality and an abundance of expensive jewelry, while they are not at all characterized by conservatism or bad taste. Such women know well that the brightest combinations of colors and shades, as well as bold designer decisions, suit them.

The movements of Sagittarius women are usually fast and wide, sweeping and not always graceful. Dexterity is not their quality.

Character of Sagittarius women

By nature, Sagittarius women are quite friendly. They love naturalness and absolute freedom from any prejudices. Basically, these are absolute realists who do not know how to simulate emotions and pretend. Such women are extremely interesting interlocutors, since they are deeply creative people and have a wonderful imagination. They are cheerful and confident in themselves and their bright future.

However, there are also negative character traits of Sagittarius women - these women are rarely sensitive and delicate. They are characterized by straightforwardness and courage, in addition, they are sometimes unable to remain silent.

Career path of a Sagittarius woman

It is quite difficult to lock a Sagittarius woman within four walls and force her to become a housewife. They are simply not able to devote themselves entirely to their family and homework. In this regard, such women are stubborn and love freedom of choice and opportunity.

They can easily compete with men in almost any field of science and activity. Often Sagittarius women achieve success in career growth and occupy prestigious leadership positions. These women are strong and capable of taking initiative everywhere. Executive and active, they are excellent workers in any industry.

Sex and love in the life of Sagittarius women

Despite some harshness or somewhat unclassical femininity, Sagittarius women are very romantic and deeply emotional. Their passionate nature, combined with crystal clear sincerity, can bewitch almost any man who happens to be nearby. Unfortunately, giving themselves entirely to their passions, such women often forget all reasonable arguments. Hence - frequent short-term, but very stormy and unforgettable novels. Perhaps even several marriages.

Sagittarius women sometimes look like very frivolous people, but this is not at all the case. Their very free behavior is dictated primarily by the sincerity of their emotional impulses, and not at all by licentiousness or bad manners. These ladies are pure and honest in their intentions, and therefore allow fairly free communication with men.

In this area of ​​personal life, Sagittarius women are just as active and sensual as in life in general. Particular ingenuity and relaxedness allows her to lead a fairly varied sex life. This, combined with a hot temperament, makes such women almost ideal lovers - they are capable of anything!

Beautiful representatives of this sign require partners with a similar passionate and temperamental nature. Sexual dissatisfaction can cause serious harm love relationships in the case of a Sagittarius woman, as they really value good sex.

Sagittarius woman in family life

Such women do not at all strive for marriage, which clearly distinguishes them from many representatives of other signs. Loneliness and open relationships do not frighten Sagittarius women at all. This is dictated primarily by the absolute independence and desire for personal freedom of Sagittarius. When marrying such women, it is important to let them understand that the bonds of marriage will not limit freedom in other areas of a person’s life. Sagittarians value frankness, honesty and clarity in the actions and words of their partners.


Creating a lasting family hearth for Sagittarius women it is as important a task as any other. With a complete dislike for housework and everyday routine, for the sake of family well-being, such women make all their creative efforts to create comfort in the home. They love frequent changes of environment and renovation of interiors. They love to spend money, but with marriage these expenses become narrowly focused - on home, family and comfort.


An active and creative person, the Sagittarius woman is capable of becoming not only a caring mother, but also a wise one. Such women will, sometimes without noticing it, actively develop their children. With such mothers, babies are always comfortable and happy. However, you should be careful and remember that no matter how honest and open Sagittarius women are, how demanding they are, especially in relation to their children.

A Sagittarius woman doesn't always say what you want to hear. More often than not, she will amaze you with her frank statements or questions that put you in an awkward position. Although every now and then she might say something beautiful that will make you want to sing. A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually entangles your heart with her unique charm that you will have nowhere to escape. She is always somewhat straightforward, because she sees the world as it is. And, it must be admitted, talent.

Few people know how to apply reasonable logic to any situation and at the same time maintain the happy ability to believe in the best. She will never lie to you. Sometimes you will even want her to lie. Be curious about how she spends her time when you're not dating her. And you'll get an honest account of how many dates she put off over the phone, then she might say that she thought about your relationship and decided that between you it's just friendship and not love. You don't want to hear such confessions. But don't shout too loudly, you will offend her and she may explode. Perhaps she will live alone.

The Sagittarius woman is very independent. Both sexes of this sign have an aloofness from family ties. Maybe this is because she loves to travel very much. She is in constant motion. You need to remember right away: when you want something from her, you can ask, but not demand. She believes that caveman techniques do not suit her. She likes to be protected, but cannot stand being ordered around. Even a mother cannot always achieve something from her, much less you. However, there is a strange thing about her - although she does not like to be commanded, especially in public, you must always be firm in everything, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

If she gets too angry and offends you, treat her like Tarzan for a minute just to put her in her place. Show yourself sternly when you pull her back. The Sagittarius woman is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved. But she is pleased to know that you treat her like a woman. Many of them confuse friendship with love. There is no humility in her. This woman behaves quite frankly with men and does not play coquetry. She speaks and acts exactly as she feels. Her excessive frankness naturally causes the wrong opinion about her, not to mention the fact that it simply hurts you. This is a very strong-willed woman. Her pride comes to the surface and gets her out of crisis situations, allowing her to treat her heartache as a joke. She may be crying inside, leaving you. But she will put all her intelligence and strength into telling her friends that her affair with you was just a flirtation. Few would imagine how many tears she cried into her pillow, wondering what she could have done that led to the breakup.

All Sagittarians become indignant when their honesty is doubted. Few men perceive her excessive honesty correctly. She openly flirts without any intention of turning it into an affair. Because of this, she gains a reputation as a cold, heartless woman. In fact, she may even remain an old maid, but at the same time she will not be angry and mischievous, she will play with life and have fun. She will have many interests to replace a man with. Of course you plan to make her your wife. She is somewhat prejudiced about the loss of her freedom. You will have to use a lot of bait to get it. She has no conventions in relationships with men, because... she considers herself equal to a man, she can copy their manners, wear their sweaters, she loves sports just like men. Although she is feminine by nature.

Because she is very honest, she can be somewhat careless about her reputation, as well as what society thinks of her. She is usually surrounded by many men. She knows that her reputation is impeccable, and that is the only thing that matters to her. Naturally, she is wrong here. What other people think is very important to a woman's reputation. But try to understand it. If she laughs at a frivolous joke, it means she didn't understand the subtext. Subtext and double game very often they are not clear to Sagittarius.

The basic truth is that she is a trusting child by nature. And her views are so naive that they make her vulnerable to the seducer. Forget about her intelligence and amazing logic. It has nothing to do with her heart. She is very smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless, it often breaks. And she's also a little clumsy. You can watch her gracefully walk down the street until she trips over the sidewalk and clumsily grabs a kiosk to stay on her feet, knocking over a couple of boxes in the process. But her friendliness saves the day. Sometimes she may remind you of a clumsy puppy. The typical Sagittarius has a big appetite. He loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel. She usually spends money. She is not interested in money for the sake of money. Think carefully before lending her money.

A Sagittarius woman can perform in shows because... she likes the ramp lights. Don't expect her to leave her career for you. Never force her to choose between you and the public. After a while, she will get tired of the public's flattery and artificial light, and she will return home to feel something real, and that could be you. She needs a person who will say that honesty is beauty, and deception is ugliness. If she gives up her career, this does not mean that she has lost her wings, she has had them since birth. The suitcase will always be next to her. Go on vacation with her or let her go, trust her. She loves you, not who she spends time with. Her somewhat indifferent attitude towards love and shyness before marriage may lead you to think that she lacks sensitivity.

You are mistaken, she may cry when she watches sad films, reads poetry, perhaps she saved your first note. As for her talent as a hostess, take courage and patience here. She is tired of having to constantly wipe the dust, put things in order, and make the beds. She just hates it. But when she gets her own house, maybe she'll pull herself together. Although she prefers to rent a house. female worker If this is not possible, she will make efforts to keep the house in order. Her mother will find it hard to believe. Pride makes Sagittarius do the necessary things around the house. Firstly, she should be surrounded by beauty and purity. And then, she understands that if she doesn’t do it, no one will do it for her. It’s also hard to say anything about her cooking. If she cooks all week, you can't expect to be served a fancy meal on the weekend. You'll have to go to a restaurant. Most Sagittarius women have little desire to cook.

Her own bad mood can be terrible, but fortunately it is rare. When she is truly hurt, she becomes sarcastic, but may forget what she said before she has finished her sentence. And she doesn’t understand why you were offended by this. She will not get along with a melancholic person. She physically cannot stand gloom and pessimism. Children will probably adore her. She will entertain guests well; no one can entertain as grandly as she can, not even the Lioness. Her friendliness makes people feel welcome, and she can easily resolve conflicts. While you claim her soul, let her feel free, you will receive triple income from her: fidelity, trust, love. All these three things are inseparable for her. Because by giving her love, she also gives her friendship.

The Sagittarius woman is simply an incredible idealist. And here's a secret that she may have never told you, she fell in love with you when she was just a little girl and made a wish on a shooting star that she would have a man in her life who had an honest heart. When you finally showed up, she recognized you immediately.