Who can you marry in skyrim full list. Beautiful wives in Skyrim: Bretons and Imperials. How to propose for marriage in Skyrim

13.08.2018 Computers

In Skyrim, you have the option to marry a character of any race or gender. To do this, you need to complete the Bonds of Marriage quest, that is, you need to talk about marriage with Maramal, put on Mara's amulet, which shows that you are ready to marry, find a character who treats you well enough to agree to marry you (marry on you) and, finally, take part in the wedding ceremony at the temple of Mary. After the wedding, you can determine the place of your further residence by talking about it with your spouse. If you already own a home, your spouse may move in with you. On the other hand, if your spouse (s) has a house, you can move in with him (her). Marriage also offers many benefits, such as home cooking.

As the first generation of games continues to evolve, the games that are made to capture their hearts and minds continue to do so as well. So what about the hit title? If you want to bring sexy back to the super-popular game, know this: you can't have sex in Skyrim. This is because the title and the current list of mods do not allow for a fully "experience" so to speak. However, there are some things you can install and do in the game to keep you going until the inevitable flood of mods that will satisfy your most basic and basic desires.


There are many ways to get Mara's amulet. The easiest way is to go to Riften to the Temple of Mary and buy it from Maramal for 200 gold. Amulets can also be found in various locations or from merchants.

You will not be able to get married until you talk about the wedding with Maramal, even if you already have Mara's amulet. If you have not yet visited the Bee and Sting tavern, then Maramal is usually located there, and not in the temple.

While we won't point you in the direction of where you can download all the nude mods - they're easy to find anyway - we can show you how to find the love of your life in the game and live happily ever after. He explores how to take marriage vows with the person of your choice.

And you don't even have to wait for a vote to legalize it in your village! Right now, the game leaves it all up to your imagination as you can actually sleep with your partner, but that's about it. Unfortunately, there are no juicy love scenes.

Don't worry though, it looks like there are a few mods in the works that will add realism to your family beds. At the same time, you can download some extensions that will add some eye shades for you. A simple mod that replaces female characters' underwear with chain mail, this is probably one of the easiest mods you can use.

When you get close to a suitable character, they will notice the amulet you are wearing. In order for this feature to become available, you must complete all quests associated with this character. Even if a character is marked as available for marriage, the Radiant AI system may not give you the correct line to do so, even if you've completed all the quests associated with that character, so it's best to always have a fallback.

Of course, with plenty of real women on the internet willing to carry it all, why would you need a video game mod? Anyone who has ever seen a member of the opposite sex play a video game knows that the other gender is doing it wrong. My older brother was nowhere thrilled until he saw a giant attack his house. But to be honest, we can't "cook" Peach like you think. While customizing your character, work for at least half an hour to make your character appear as one species. Follow the cutest guy in the vault on your escape from Helgen. In order to be able to buy land in Falkreth, you can usually help Jarl by getting him some honey or whatever he might ask you. This includes helping the priest of Mara to clear a tower full of mad priests and orcs, plus leveling up the beat! Buy land! Once you've completed the Septims, go on an adventure and maybe find a husband along the way. If you made at least 2 single beds in your house before you completed Septims, adopt the children by talking to one of the adopters.

  • Spend another half an hour working on the appearance of your character as a different species.
  • Choose which one looks best and use it.
  • Marriage is an option in Skyrim, remember?
  • There's a whole wide world to explore!
  • Who needs dragons?
  • There are three options where you can buy land.
  • Below is a picture of Septim.
You can also collect amazing weapons and armor to display on racks and mannequins in your home.

You can ask the character if he is interested in you or not. He, in turn, will ask you about the same. If you answer yes, then you can start preparing for the wedding. To complete this event, you need to go to the temple of Mary in Riften and arrange a ceremony. If it seems to you that you have chosen the wrong character, you can simply not come to the ceremony. Then you need to talk to this character (he will be waiting at the door of the temple of Mary). Immediately after you say "I agree", you should talk to your spouse about where you live together before you leave the temple, otherwise your spouse may just get lost. In any case, you can always change your mind.

You can bring gifts home from your adventures for your children. What is missing in this game open world, plus plenty of battles and adventures, is a great place to marvel at as you pursue your mission. And nature shows all its abundance in places like the Throat of the World, which sits atop mountains, Winterhold, an icy city with breathtaking views, and Markarth, one of Skyrim's largest cities, which has unusual buildings nestled between cliffs, waterfalls, and ruins.

Technology makes the game even better. The graphics are much better as well as improved art, effects and reflections. Textures, lighting, vegetation, and snow and water effects have also been improved, making the scenery even more stunning. The Special Edition includes critically acclaimed plays and extras with all new features such as remastered illustrations and effects, volumetric rays, dynamic depth of field, space reflections and more.

After your spouse moves into your house (or you into your spouse's house), you will be able to ask your spouse about the income received from the store they will open. Starting the next day, you will be able to receive a daily income of 100 gold from your spouse (regardless of who moved in with whom). In addition, if your spouse has moved in with you and not you with him, then your spouse (s) becomes a merchant, allowing you to buy and sell things to him. In any case, your spouse's income from selling items to you has no effect on your daily income of 100 gold.


  • The player's wife will cook a special homemade meal once a day that increases health, stamina, and magicka regeneration by 25% for 600 seconds.
    • Note that even if there are unique lines for each character (your spouse), the line about making special homemade food will always be the same.
  • If you married your follower, he still remains your follower and you can trade items with him.
  • Your spouse will occasionally surprise you with gifts.
  • Your spouse will open a shop somewhere and you can earn 100 gold daily from sales.
  • If a spouse moves in with you, they become a merchant and you can sell and buy items from them.
    • If your spouse was already a merchant, he will continue to sell the same items that he sold before marriage, and if he was not a merchant, he will start selling various items, including what you leave in his inventory.
    • Items in your spouse's inventory change randomly once per day (as does the amount of gold your spouse can offer you).
    • Being your spouse, the character will not give you additional discounts. Prices are still determined by your Speech skill and enchanted items.
  • If you sleep with your spouse in the same bed, you get the Lover's Comfort bonus, which allows you to improve your skills 15% faster for 8 hours.
    • This bonus does not work if you are under the influence of the Lover's Sign.
    • This bonus works if you are under the influence of the Mage, Thief or War stones.
    • This bonus does not work if you are a werewolf.
    • If your spouse is also your follower, you can move to his house (even if it is actually your house) and use the Lover's Comfort bonus there.

Spouses property

If your spouse already has a home, you can move there. Items that you leave in the house will not disappear anywhere. If you buy new house, your spouse will move there with you. However, spouses cannot move to vacant houses or houses received as a reward for completing a quest, but can only move to those that you have bought. The property of the spouses is divided into things that are goods in the store, things used in everyday life and common things. Property can be anything in the house, or even a room you've rented for the night, such as the Bee and Sting tavern. The spouse will no longer be able to sell his goods if he moves in with you (if he was a merchant before marriage). If the spouse lives in his own home, he continues to live the same way as before, visiting other places and doing different things. If the spouse moves in with you, he will never leave the house, unless you make him your follower. Please note that the spouse will not appear at your house immediately, as it will take him time to get to your house from Riften on foot.

If you helped someone, you are usually allowed to sleep in their house or take some inexpensive items from their house, and this will not be considered stealing. However, if you take more expensive items, the characters will consider it as theft, and if you leave expensive items at their house, they will become the property of these characters. After marriage, you can take your spouse's belongings or items in chests and other containers in his/her home without stealing them. In order to get the key to your spouse's house, you need to move there, otherwise the door will be locked as usual.

The spouse's property may consist only of his bed. For example, Dravinia the Carver lives in Woodlace Inn, but she only owns her bed in a small room she shares with other characters who continue to reside there after you marry her. Other objects and things in the chests in this small room, and in general in the hotel, do not belong to her. Also, once you complete her quest, you can still sleep in her bed without marrying her, so marrying her won't do you any good. The room in Wooden Lace is rented for a day only and does not include any items in the chests. Also, if your spouse lived in a house with someone else before marriage, then these characters will continue to live there even if you move there. Your spouse will not be able to become a merchant if they are already living with someone who trades, however if that character dies, then becoming a merchant becomes possible.

If you just started playing the game and don't have enough money, you can marry someone who already has a house and use it until you have enough gold. The table below shows the property owned by characters available for marriage, almost all of them at least have a bed.

Dear friends and guests of FullRest! One of our regular and favorite readers - Djiub– he asked for advice about marriage, complaining that he “had already run around a bunch of girls,” but so far he hasn’t settled on anyone.

In Skyrim, you can not only absorb dragon souls and look for trophies in ancient ruins. The Computer and Video Games publication promises that its instructions will help the player get rich without wandering around the dungeons, and also find the love of a lifetime and acquire property. Dear readers, today we publish the first part of the instruction -

HOW to get married?

First of all, you need to get the Amulet of Mary. By wearing this accessory, you show the inhabitants of Skyrim that you are in search of a soul mate. When the amulet is on you, you can offer your hand and heart to the NPC applicants you are interested in.

But first you need:

  • - find Mary's Amulet. He can accidentally get caught among the trophies, but the simplest and most the right way get an accessory - go to the Temple of Mary in Riften and talk with the priest, Maramal;
  • - buy an amulet for 200 gold, and then find out from Maramal about wedding traditions in Skyrim. You definitely need to “go through” all the dialogues with the priest so that it doesn’t turn out that you missed something;
  • - find someone with whom you want to start a family. You must have friendly relations, formed as a result of completing quests - or maybe you just showed each other some kind of courtesy.

Well, now - the promised list of brides:

Aela the Huntress

profession: follower, residence: Whiterun, Jorrvaskr, race: nord. Condition: Companions quests completed

Camilla Valeria

Profession: Merchant, Location: Riverwood, Race: Imperial. Condition: completion of the Golden Claw quest

From the Editor: Do you remember how Todd Howard complained that on his “wedding night” with a resident of Skyrim, an outsider came out of his own bedroom? Everything points to the fact that this fluffy tail is Camille, so we do not recommend her to you!


Profession: Huscarl, Location: Breezehome (House of Warm Winds), Race: Nord. Requirement: Become the Thane of Whiterun

Utgerd the Unbroken

profession: warrior, place of residence: Whiterun, race: nord. Condition: Challenge her to a fight - and win

Dear friends and guests, not all the brides that can be found in the game are listed here; our reader lorddedar in the comments to the post "Skyrim: SECRETS OF THE GAME / How to quickly upgrade eloquence to 100?" offered much more full list, A daedroman even wrote own instruction- no worse than this one from Computer and Video Games.

It is important that there are many brides in Skyrim: these are girls and women different types appearance and professions, races and ages. You will understand that they are ready to change their marital status if in the dialogue you have the opportunity to ask the question: “Do you like me?”

If she answers in the affirmative, you need to return to the Temple of Mary again and talk to Maramal again. You have to wait 24 hours, well, and then you meet your almost-wife already at the altar. By the way: if at the last moment you change your mind and do not come, then you will no longer have the opportunity to start a family with this girl. Well, if you still decide, then the wedding will take place, and after the ceremony you will receive an enchanted wedding ring.

Talk to your wife about your future place of residence. If you have a house, she will move in with you, if not, you can live with her. By the way, the spouse will get to the house herself; next time you show up there, she will already be waiting for you.

Why get married?

  • - it turns out that your wife is a good businessman. Every day, ask her the question: “Well, did the store bring in income today?” - and get 100 gold. Money is piling up; so you can apply for them, say, once a month and get a pretty tidy sum.
  • - sleeping in a marital bed gives you a bonus: within 8 hours after it, the restoration of health, mana and stamina is 15% faster.
  • - once a day, your spouse will cook dinner for you, you just need to talk to her first and ask: “Will you cook something for me?” After that, the so-called "Homemade food" will appear in your inventory, which quickly restores health, mana and stamina.

From the editor: dear readers! We plan to continue publishing this "Instruction" and in the coming days will offer you recommendations for purchasing real estate in Skyrim, along with an overview of suitable homeowners. Well, if you don’t have enough money for this yet, well, instructions from Computer and Video Games will help you earn extra money without embarking on dangerous adventures.

After November 11, newcomers joined the discussion of our news feed, and we are very happy about it! It's good that now with us Svetomech, yea And Foxundor! And also - Finardin, which we will mention a little later, and Raben, And Scorpionix2! Hello, Slippknot, Mithriacus, JFire- make yourself comfortable! Goshik Zmey– and we salute you! We hope you stay with us for a long time.

As always, we are very proud efficiency, professionalism and friendliness of the comments of our regular readers and some newcomers - no sooner does one of you ask a question than he immediately receives a detailed, accurate, competent answer! For such clarifications, we want to thank the guests of the news feed lorddedar-A, Finardin-A, Jukka And Pyromaniac-A. Thanks guys!