How to make money from subscribers on YouTube. How to start making money on YouTube from scratch - step-by-step instructions. Selling your own goods and services

13.12.2018 Business

Hi all! Today we’ll talk about making money on YouTube. In order to make the article as informative as possible for you, I talked with top YouTube bloggers. So, the recommendations presented below are tips not taken out of thin air, but tested in practice by many successful video bloggers.

Step by step about making money on YouTube

The scheme for earning money on your channel is as follows:

  1. We are looking for an idea;
  2. We record a video (interesting for people) and experiment with composing titles with previews;
  3. We advertise our channel in popular channels;
  4. Register in the affiliate program;
  5. We continue to develop the channel and earn money.

But that is not all! Below there will be step-by-step instructions on how to make money on YouTube and a number of recommendations on creating, maintaining and making money on your channel. I spent a long time looking for all these recommendations from YouTubers on the Internet and put them together.

Basics of operation and monetization

In order to make money on YouTube, you need to start working on video hosting by registering your account on the YouTube website. It is free for all users and does not pose any special difficulties. The main condition is that you must be over 14 years old (but how this information is verified by the hosting management is not known for certain).

  • Go to YouTube and click on the top right corner "To come in".
  • On the page that opens you will be asked enter address Email . If you have a Google account, simply sign in.
  • If not, then under the mail line click " Create an account". I won’t describe the full registration process, it’s as easy as shelling pears.

The next stage is working on a new channel, filming and posting original videos. To do this, click the button “ Add a video". You select a video on your computer, it downloads, and then enter its title, preview (description), keywords (tags), etc.

Users give their ratings using the “like” or “dislike” signs. Interesting and informative stories make people subscribe to your channel, creating a loyal audience. Therefore it is necessary to pay Special attention the quality and content of videos, their music and design.

Last preparatory stage becomes monetization, which is the basis for generating income on YouTube. It is closed for some countries, so the user needs to change their place of residence to the USA in the settings. You can participate in the video hosting affiliate program, which significantly increases your profit percentage, only after gaining a certain number of subscribers and views.

How to make a preview, title and tags

Many YouTubers do not pay attention to tags, but pay a lot of attention to the title and preview.

The title should contain the key phrase by which you want to promote the video. This phrase should also be in the description (preview). But in addition to the phrase itself, the preview should contain a description that will attract the user to view it. Someone may notice that cool YouTubers do not have this description, only a title, or instead of a description there is an advertising link. Yes, there is such a thing. But these people are promoted due to the fact that they have many subscribers. Their video will quickly gain thousands of views, because their active audience will promote the channel. In the meantime, while you are still young and full of optimism, add a preview and make it with the main keyword.

For example, you made a video with a test drive of the Mitsubishi Outlander XL:

The title will be " Test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL", but you can dilute it to make it more interesting “The most honest test drive of Mitsubishi Outlander XL”.

The preview should also contain the phrase "Test drive Mitsubishi Outlander XL", but in context. In the preview you can also add where the test drive was conducted, what parameters were used, etc. But don’t stretch his description too much.

Example in the screenshot:

Search for key phrases

Now we will look at where to get key phrases to compose headlines, previews and tags. After all, you need to know what phrases to promote so that your video is searched and viewed. If your key phrases have a small number of views, then few people will watch the video if it is not viral. There are 2 options here.

First option - Google AdWords Keyword Planner. Let's move on, enter under our own Google account, which you have already registered.

Click on " Search for keywords by phrase«

Then in the window that opens, insert in our case “Mitsubishi Outlander XL”, select the country or city that is being targeted and click “ Get options«.

And here you see the keywords and the number of their requests per month. These are the ones you can use to compose titles, previews and tags.

The second way is to look for keywords from competitors;)

Everything is simple here. Access similar videos through your browser Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. And on the video page, right-click and select " View page code" or " Page source code«.

And in the tab with the code that opens, press “Ctrl+F” and in the line that appears, enter “keyword” (without quotes). And you will see this picture with keywords.

Now you know where to look for keywords and phrases to optimize your video. If you do everything right, you can quickly start making money on your YouTube channel. Let's move on to another step.

How to promote your YouTube channel from scratch

According to many YouTubers, the best advertising is advertising in well-promoted channels. Therefore, add at least 10-15 videos and start looking for popular channels for advertising. Negotiate with admins and buy advertising. You can buy a link under the video in the description, you can have the author recommend your channel in the video, etc. Each author has their own advertising formats.

Many users who want to earn income from views of their videos should know that the YouTube affiliate program only works on popular channels. To monetize videos, the number of views must start from 1000 per day. This means that you will have to promote your channel and attract visitors different ways. Here are some of the ways to promote a channel on YouTube:

  1. Use annotations. Small buttons with a call to “subscribe to the channel” appear at the final stage of viewing. An effective and simple method can be set up in a special section and used on all video content.
  2. Using the call in the video itself. Call-to-action phrases can be added to the main text and unobtrusively invite viewers to subscribe to your channel.
  3. Mutual advertising. Many novice video bloggers negotiate (or buy) hidden advertising from well-known and proven authors. They will invite their loyal users to pay attention to your channel.
  4. Comments-invitations. An effective way to increase page traffic is to leave an interesting and original comment under other people’s videos. This could be advice, a remark or a short video response.
  5. Personal invitations to subscribe. This feature is provided by YouTube. It is limited to 40-50 invitations that you can send to users. Given the limited number, you need to first study the audience, identify potential subscribers by analyzing channels with similar topics.
  6. Use other languages. YouTube has no borders, so interesting and vibrant videos can be watched by viewers from other countries. This is a promising sector in which the cost per click is slightly higher. You can translate your videos in different ways or add captions at the bottom.

By constantly developing your channel, you yourself will find the most optimal options that will help you constantly increase your audience and profits.

Let's start monetizing your YouTube channel

Now let's move on to how to make money on YouTube. Active video bloggers have come up with several options for generating income through advertising on their YouTube channels. The most popular and accessible are:

  1. Place links to your customer’s website in the description of the video. The main condition is the coincidence of the theme of the plot and the advertised object, product or service. This can be not only a direct or referral link, but also a “thank you” to the sponsor for their help in creating the video.
  2. Availability of contextual advertising(a special text message that appears at the bottom of the screen when the video is shown). But to do this, you need to allow it to be displayed in your Google Adsense account, which we will mention separately.
  3. Placing small commercials before and after the main video. Clicks from such advertising are quite expensive, but they are paid only when viewed for at least 20–30 seconds.
  4. Placement of special banner advertising on the channel page itself. Here, payment can be for one click to the site or 1000 views of the video itself.
  5. Attracting start-up capital or orders for a specific product. If you have a unique commercial offer or development, you can film several advertising or informational stories. Such self-promotion will help you profitably offer the product to potential buyers and receive the first prepaid orders from channel subscribers.
  6. Participation in the YouTube Partner Program, which will significantly increase the total amount of income. Such a special program is available for many countries, but requires some effort and effort from the channel owner. Next I will tell you more about this.

As you can see, you can mainly make money on YouTube by views. YouTube is a unique Internet resource that provides a lot of opportunities for creative and entrepreneurial people.

Our Crazy Joker (an interview with whom you will find below) began to monetize the channel with an affiliate program after 300 subscribers. You can start the same or with more. To start monetizing your channel, the minimum requirements are:

  • At least 50 subscribers;
  • More than 3000 views per month;
  • More than 10 videos on the channel.
  • And also all the rules of the YouTube service itself.

The affiliate program itself is called VSP Group.

With its help you will earn money on your channel. Why VSP Group and not directly from YouTube?

There are many reasons!

  • VSP Group has more loyal requirements;
  • No need to wait for 1000 subscribers;
  • Fast and constant technical support;
  • It is a certified YouTube partner;
  • You have access to all the features of a premium YouTube account;
  • Online statistics for your YouTube channel, including data on advertising revenue;
  • Education, participation in webinars and trainings;
  • Statement of copyright and complete protection of your original video content from plagiarism;
  • Recommendations for channel optimization
  • And much more.

How much will the affiliate program pay you:

  • 70% of income - up to 500,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 75% of income - from 500,000 to 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month;
  • 80% of income - from 1,000,000 commercial impressions on your channel per month.

Payments will be sent to you monthly to:

  • Your bank card;
  • Yandex money;
  • WebMoney;
  • PayPal.

To register, go to the affiliate website, submit an application and you will receive a response by email within 72 hours. If you have completed all of the above points, then the answer will be positive and you can start making money on your channel.

The second way to monetize is through direct advertisers!

When will your channel have a large number of subscribers, direct advertisers will contact you to place advertisements in your videos. By then you will already be an experienced video blogger and will know the price of such advertising. This income can account for half or more than half of the channel's total income.

The question of how to make money on YouTube today was probably only asked by the laziest users on the Internet. Surely many of you have heard a lot of stories about millionaires who made their fortune on YouTube. But despite the fact that many have already successfully realized themselves in this business, many still do not know how to start making money on YouTube, we decided to make a small instruction that would help such people get started, in addition, you will find out how much the most successful channels earn in Runet and why you shouldn’t make money from other people’s videos. You can read about other online business ideas in the article - “”.

We offer you simple instructions a component of just 4 steps, allowing you to start earning your first money from your own YouTube channel literally immediately after reading this article. All steps are very simple and anyone can repeat them. Well, let's look at how to make money on YouTube.

Step No. 1 “Create an account and connect Adsense”

The first step in making money on YouTube is to create an account on Gmail, if you already have a Gmail account, just go to YouTube through it. Now that you have logged into the old one or created new entry

, you need to connect Adsense contextual advertising. For those who do not know what contextual advertising is (this is the advertising per view that Adsense will pay you for), you only need to connect it once, and then it will appear automatically in videos.

To connect Adsens e, you need to take the following steps: “log into your YouTube account” → “video manager” → “channel” → “status and functions” → “monetization” → “apply”. After this, you need to read, select an account for Adsense, select a language, after that you need to fill out an application for participation in the Adsense program. After this, we wait for the application to be reviewed; as a rule, it is processed from 1 to 3 days and the answer will be sent to you by email.

Step No. 2 “Creating viral video content” The next step is to record the video itself. There is no universal formula for how to make a viral video (a viral video is a video that gains a large number of views in a matter of days), there are several simple rules that will help you do good video

After you have decided on the video format and recorded the video, you will need to process the video recording (remove unnecessary moments, insert music, etc.). There are a large number of both free and paid programs (of varying processing complexity) for video processing. For example, if you just want to shoot a video and add sound without unnecessary special effects, Windows Movie Make will be enough for you, but if you want to make beautiful transitions and other effects, then you will need a more powerful program, such as Adobe Premiere.

Next, you need to add music if necessary, if you plan to make money on your channel, it is better not to use copyrighted music, since such a video may be deleted or other problems may arise with copyright holders. The solution may be to use free music, which YouTube itself offers to use; YouTube provides a large amount of free music, ranging from classical to hard rock.

Tips for creating videos:

    record video in good quality (preferably HD);

    take care of the sound quality (so that it doesn’t hiss, etc.);

    the topic of the video should be interesting for a mass audience;

    use free music from YouTube.

These banal tips will help you create an interesting and, most importantly, high-quality video that will be interesting for subscribers to watch, which means they will last and the channel will receive many new subscribers.

Step No. 3 “Upload videos to YouTube and work on SEO”

Now you need to upload the finished video to your channel. To do this, you need to log into your account and click on the “add video” button, then click on the arrow in the center of the screen and upload the video.

While the video is loading or after it has been uploaded, you need to fill out all the information about the video. This is necessary so that your video is found using keywords through search. For example, if you name your video “how to make money on YouTube,” if a user enters this phrase into a search, he will be able to easily find your video. If possible, you need to fill out all the fields (video title, description, tags) and then click on the publish link.

Step No. 4 " Marketing and channel promotion»

After all the main steps have been taken, you can start promoting a specific video and the channel as a whole. By promotion we mean getting new views and new subscribers. There are quite a few both paid and free manuals on the topic of promoting a channel on YouTube. This is a very broad topic, so in this article we will only look at the main points where you can leave a link to the video.

Announcement video on other resources:

    own website;

    thematic forums;

    advertising to bloggers on similar topics (both free and paid).

In addition to the YouTube site itself, there are many resources through which you can get new potential subscribers. You should not neglect them, because for example with social network You can get a huge number of new clients. All successful top channels have promoted groups on social networks and make announcements of their videos there.

How much do the best YouTube channels earn?

This is usually the second question most often asked by new YouTubers. Well, let's look at it, YouTube pays 50% to the authors of the videos.

Let's look at an example, the value per 1000 ad impressions or clicks on an ad will depend on the topic, well, let's take the average topic per click, for example, 1000 people clicked on the ad in your video, in this case the earnings will average up to $5, of which you will receive 50% and this is $2.50 net profit. And that’s only 1000 ad clicks from 1 video. And a viral video sometimes gains several million views in a few days, so consider how much you can earn on YouTube with 1 video.

Now you know how much bloggers on YouTube and other successful owners of top channels in Russia earn only with direct adsense advertising.

How to make money from someone else's video on YouTube

Many people are also interested in the question “how to make money from someone else’s video on YouTube.” I would like to say right away that we do not support this method of making money on YouTube and do not advise our readers to even try it. Below we will explain why in more detail.

But even despite the advantages, it is not worth it, since you can lose much more. And if your channel starts to gain a large number of views, the author will immediately see it and block it. best case scenario and in the worst case, he will sue you and demand compensation for financial damage + fines, etc.

Therefore, we do not recommend using someone else’s video to make money on YouTube, it’s better to work onimplementation of your project, after all, everyone once started from scratch, who knows, perhaps your channel will be much more successful than the one youplannedcopy.

We hope now you know where to start making money on YouTube and can easily realize yourself as a blogger or reviewer, create your own unique channel and start making money from it.

A detailed guide on how to get money from YouTube. Earn money from your videos!

There are many opportunities on the Internet to earn extra money. For example, this is available thanks to the international video hosting YouTube.

If you don't know how to get money from youtube, this article will be a detailed guide for you.

Moreover, it is not necessary to be able to shoot exclusively professional videos with millions of views.

Almost any good video There will definitely be an advertisement that can be placed in front of it.

Namely, with its help, users receive money.

Briefly describing the process, it looks like this.

You become a YouTube Partner if you meet the requirements.

After this, advertisements can be placed in your videos (in the form of a short insert before the start of the video or separate blocks).

Viewers can click on these ads, and for each click you will receive a certain amount of reward.

It is impossible to give an exact figure per click, as it depends on many factors.

Typically, earnings vary between $3-10 for every thousand views.

Why is the number of views not equal to how much money you will receive?

As mentioned above, a large number of views does not guarantee that you will receive big money from YouTube.

Although most often these indicators are really closely related.

There is no direct relationship between them due to the types of advertisements that advertisers place.

To make it clearer, let's explain with an example.

So you filmed a master class on how to cook herring under a fur coat.

At the same time, the description indicated the ingredients, recipe and some tips.

Then this video will reach those advertisers who are interested in these topics - cooking, kitchen equipment, grocery stores.

If the description is inappropriate, then your viewers will be shown ads for other topics.

Accordingly, they will not be interested in it, so they will not click on it either, and the money will not be credited to the account either.

So you yourself understand how important it is to work smartly to improve the effectiveness of your video, and why you yourself are interested in this.

YouTube hosting itself is text-oriented - title, description, hashtags.

But since Google has recently become the owner of the network, the search mechanism had to become more complex.

It may now include both cookie data and the viewer's location. But no one can answer this reliably, since the company keeps such information secret.

Therefore, users can only upload high-quality videos with informative descriptions.

What do you need to do to get money from YouTube?

  1. As a rule, the first step needed to receive money from YouTube is to create an account in.
  2. Achieve certain account indicators in order for your application for the affiliate program to be approved.
    Experienced users advise that your YouTube channel should have at least 5,000 subscribers, and the number of views should reach a million.
    Then you are guaranteed to be accepted!
  3. The number of videos also matters – there should be at least 50.
    Experienced users say that the number should be even more than 100.
    In addition, videos need to be added regularly to whet the interest of subscribers.
    And also, this is a sign for YouTube management that you are committed to long-term cooperation.
  4. Work on your channel style.
    Maintaining the “brand” is not a requirement of the affiliate system, but it will increase your chances.
    Development of a unified design includes the following elements:
    1. order a designer to create a personal logo,
    2. place the logo also as a watermark on the video,
    3. start setting up the channel,
    4. If possible, pay specialists to create a professional introduction - “intro”.
  5. Check that the content of the channel does not violate the copyrights of others.
    This applies to videos, music that you can use for the background, and the use of other people's photos.

If you meet all the requirements of the YouTube affiliate program, you can safely submit an application and count on its approval after some time.

What videos can you earn money from YouTube on?

As you already understand, you can only earn money from your own videos that do not violate the rights of others.

For monetization you can use the following videos:

  • various thematic video blogs;
  • home videos;
  • music videos that you created yourself from start to finish;
  • short films authored by you;
  • reviews of your favorite games, equipment, films and books;
  • instructions for preparing dishes and making hand-made items.

How to receive money from YouTube through an intermediary?

Some users do not want to wait until their channel meets all the official requirements.

There is a way out - turn to intermediaries.

A certified YouTube partner is VSP Group.

To become a participant in this program, you must meet more modest requirements: only 50 subscribers, 3000 views, and there must be more than three videos on the channel.

As in the case of cooperation with the official “affiliate” of YouTube, it is impossible to say exactly how much money you will receive.

But the commission amount is fixed:

  • if the number of impressions per month is less than 500,000, you will receive 70% of the money,
  • if in the range of 500,000 - 1,000,000, then already 75%,
  • and if you get more than a million views, you get 80%.

Payments are made using a variety of payment systems, including the usual WebMoney, and there is also direct withdrawal to a card.

So what is the benefit of VSP Group besides the reduced “bar” of terms of cooperation?

In additional bonuses that are opened to participants.

  • you will get access to all the tools available to owners of a premium YouTube account;
  • you will be able to put certain pictures on the “splash screen” (preview) of your videos;
  • gain access to advanced training through trainings and webinars;
  • You will have access to round-the-clock technical support for the project;
  • uploaded videos will be protected from theft and copying by copyright;
  • Detailed statistics will become available, which will help you significantly improve your channel.

About how to make money on YouTube through the VSP Group affiliate program,

watch in the video:

  1. Working on a video hosting site should not make you feel tired.
    Choose the direction that will bring you real pleasure.
    Then work will be a joy, and you will be able not only to receive money, but also to realize self-realization.
    This is also important for the inverse relationship: the fact that you will receive money from your videos is not guaranteed.
    So try to choose an area that will bring you pleasant emotions even without money.
  2. Throw away this established stereotype that no one clicks on advertising!
    Yes, the demand for advertising windows and videos has indeed decreased slightly.
    Bright banners and blocks are simply automatically overlooked by many.
    But many people still click on ads and generate income for those who post videos on YouTube.
    At the same time, there are enough such people that the penny rewards for a click can generate a good income.
  3. There is no need to try to deceive the administration and increase clicks, including by clicking on advertisements in your account for yourself.
    Google is very sensitive to compliance with established rules.
    Therefore, for such violations you can very quickly get a complete ban and lose all the money you earned.
  4. Another rule that has been said many times before, but is worth repeating many more times: don’t try to monetize other people’s videos!
    In general, there should not be anything in your account that does not belong to you.
    And even more so, you can’t make money on YouTube from such material!
  5. Continually collect information that will help improve the quality of your account.
    Many useful ideas for new content can be found in the comments to your videos.
    It is also worth paying attention to the statistics, which have a very useful section.
    It shows which website the traffic to your channel is coming from.
    Based on this, you can draw a conclusion in which direction you should work more actively.
  6. In addition to studying useful recommendations, you will need to figure it out yourself, how to get money from youtube.
    Monitor which commercials are shown on your channel and whether they are relevant to the content.
    If not, adjust the description and names.
    Run tests until everything is perfect.
    Then the level of earnings will be maximum.

Marchenko Marina Anatolyevna - woman retirement age, who started making money online 1 year ago. She created a profitable technique called “Swallow”, or how can a beginner start earning 7,000 rubles a day from scratch?” Marina has step-by-step video tutorials where she shares her earning system in detail + gives a full report on the work done.

Nowadays, the question of the possibility of making money on YouTube is quite relevant. This is not surprising: it’s enough to simply add up three components - the wild popularity of this video hosting, creativity, and most importantly, the availability huge amount ideas of young (and not so young) people and their desire to earn good money. But we’ll talk about how to make money on YouTube later.

How much can you earn on YouTube?

In order to objectively assess possible income, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what exactly users of this Internet resource can receive money for?
Earnings on YouTube include:

  1. payment for advertising placed on the video you posted;
  2. payment for the views your video gets.
Ways to earn money will be presented in more detail below, but in general view These are the most common items of income.
Having created and promoted a certain video, you can safely apply for the placement of commercials and other marketing advertising on it. Payment for such promotion varies and is often financially very interesting, but nothing concrete can be said here - it all depends on the case. You can find advertising as a way to make money on YouTube either independently (by personally contacting the advertiser) or through the YouTube affiliate program (more on that later). So we have more or less figured out how to make money on YouTube without an affiliate program.
If you can find advertising yourself, then payment for views is carried out only if you are a YouTube partner. By concluding a partnership agreement with this server, you will receive a certain monetary reward for each view of your video, that is, YouTube simply pays you for advertising it. And believe me, it pays a lot!

But judge for yourself:

for 1 view of your (of course, unique and exciting video) YouTube will pay $0.0033, therefore:

  • 1,000 views will bring you an income of 3.3 dollars,
  • 10,000 – 33 dollars,
  • 100,000 – 330 dollars, etc.

The numbers are quite impressive! Thoughts fly away into a cloudless, financially independent future... Dreams? No!

If you nevertheless come down to earth and adequately look at what exactly brings someone money on video hosting now, at the present time, then you will understand that everything is in your hands.

Let's see who makes money on YouTube and how much

Take, for example, the clip PSY - GANGNAM STYLE: at the time of writing this video had 1,706,955,797 views. Having performed simple mathematical operations, we get a colossal figure of $5,632,954.13. Five billion dollars!

Naturally, this video has worldwide popularity, which is rarely achieved by ordinary “home video”, but we actually don’t really need 5.5 million dollars.

If you take some ordinary, simple video with jokes (and you can make such a video just sitting at the computer, using Internet resources), then even it can easily gain 300 - 500 thousand (or even more) views. And this is also a lot of money - you can easily earn 1000-1500 dollars.
On YouTube, any video will find its fan, but do not forget that the more there are, the better, so “create” accordingly. In addition, no one can limit the number of your masterpieces.

Now, I think it’s time to cover the question “How to make money on YouTube?” in details.

Six ways to make money on YouTube:

1. Concluding a partnership agreement with this video hosting service.

This method is the most common. It implies that you and YouTube video hosting enter into a partnership agreement, on the basis of which the latter gets the opportunity to place video and banner advertising on your videos from Google AdSense (the YouTube contextual media network) and undertakes to pay you for this - if a person showed good behavior when watching your video interest in the advertisement placed on it (clicked on it or viewed it completely), then you receive a reward in the amount of $0.01, which goes to your AdSense account. After the end of the calendar month, the accumulated funds can be withdrawn to WebMoney. How to access this type of monetization will be discussed below.

2. Connecting direct advertising.

Making money in this way is extremely simple: you find an advertiser yourself (or they find you), negotiate with him to place his advertising on your videos, receive a link to the resource you need to advertise, and place this link directly on the video itself or in the description to him. Well, of course, you get money for it. Despite the fact that this method of earning money is quite common and most famous video bloggers use it, you may encounter so-called “scammers,” so always take a 100% advance payment. This method will be very interesting for those who are interested in the question “How to make money on YouTube without an affiliate program?”

3. Through E-mail marketing.

In general, this is the same advertisement. You need to collect as large a subscription base as possible of E-mail subscribers, through which the promotion of advertised products, yours or partner ones, takes place. However, remember: to get a subscriber's permission to send him marketing information, you must first of all interest him; Email marketing is not spam.

4. Through affiliate sales programs.

If in the second method you simply advertise a product, then here you can already act directly as a seller of certain products (under a partnership agreement with manufacturers). By combining this method with the previous one, you can really very successfully conduct commercial activities on the Internet, and at the same time, importantly, you will be very well financially rewarded for this.

5. Through the information business - selling knowledge.

This method of earning money is the most difficult. It consists of combining educational and marketing activities. Simply put, you must have a video blog (video channel) that teaches something and some kind of paid information product (that has at least some relation to the topic of your channel). For example, you can talk about ways to lose weight, but at the same time you are selling certain “unique” weight loss programs, that is, to some extent, you are just selling information.

6. Through C.P.A. marketing.

The method is somewhat similar to the second option for earning money. However, here the advertiser (C.P.A. offer) will not pay for clicks or views of their advertising located on the video, but for specific consumer actions, therefore, your task is to arouse the interest of people watching the video. That is, you must make a reference to the advertised products directly on the video itself. For example, if you are making a video about the passage computer games, then, when connecting to a gaming offer, you will have to link to the games it offers.

The choice of one or another monetization method depends on the degree of your “conquest” of YouTube and, naturally, on the topic of the video.

What can interfere?

The only factor that makes it impossible for you to earn money is the lack of demand for your video.

Therefore, when creating your video, always think about whether it will be interesting. Also, when shooting a video, think about ways to promote it. But more on that below.

Information on how to make money on YouTube will be incomplete if you only talk about ways to make money. After all, before you start making money, you need to work long and hard.

Step-by-step instruction

First, you need to make an interesting video. And in order to remove it, already at this stage you need to think about the theme of your future channel. Since this branch of the Internet is still underdeveloped, you have a lot of options: it could be an educational channel, a business channel, or an analytical sports channel. Gaming channels, channels on political and computer topics are also very popular. Videos, of course, must have appropriate content.

Secondly, you need to create and beautifully design your Internet channel. Think about how it should be pleasant and convenient for people to use.

Thirdly, it is necessary to regularly fill the channel with new videos. If you uploaded a video to your channel one time, and even if it was wildly popular, this does not mean that you can sit back and wait for money to rain down on you. To receive more or less tangible and, no less important, regular income, your channel must be constantly updated. At the same time, do not forget that when uploading to a channel, you should simplify the search for each video as much as possible by optimizing key queries, which can be done in the channel settings.

Fourth, constantly promote your channel. If you have completed all the previous points to the highest standard, this does not mean that your channel will be popular. And all because they simply won’t know about you. Yes, you will have a certain audience, but it will not bring you mega-earnings, since there must really be a lot of subscribers. So at first you will need advertising yourself.

How to advertise your video channel?

Since you can only make money on YouTube from popular videos, you should use the popularization methods presented below in a comprehensive manner:

  • social media. Send links to the video and channel to all friends in all networks where you are registered, ask friends to send links, post videos in thematic groups, etc. However, don't forget that Google can ban you for spam, so advertise wisely.
  • video hosting. Moreover, it is recommended to post the video with a link to YouTube, and not order from a computer. Naturally, you can do this only on those video hosting sites that allow you to carry out such actions. These include,, Yandex video,,
  • entertainment portals. Since these sites have an audience of thousands, you just need to interest them.
  • forums and blogs. You can independently post your videos in thematic discussions (forums) or make this request to bloggers, which will also bring you some advertising.
  • youtube. When posting a video on your channel, you should take care of how easy it is for users to find it, for which you need to select the optimal keywords. You can also increase the audience of subscribers by using English-speaking users (also by optimizing keywords).

Good luck!

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The most popular video hosting site YouTube is not just an entertainment portal, but also a means of earning money. Many popular video makers are already making considerable profits from their videos, which confirms the possibility of using YouTube as a source of income.

Anyone can create their own video channel on Youtube, because it’s free. And thanks to the video hosting affiliate program, which operates in a number of countries around the world, owners of promoted channels can receive part of the income from contextual advertising. We will talk about how to make money on YouTube.

Making money on YouTube is somewhat different from the usual monetization of websites and making money on social networks. And if the policy of social networks is aimed at preventing people from making money on them, then video hosting, on the contrary, encourages its partners to do this. Therefore, making money on YouTube is somewhat easier if you know some of the nuances of working with the most popular video hosting site.

1.1 Advantages of promotion on YouTube

YouTube is the third most visited resource in the world. It is second only to the famous search engine Google and the social network Facebook. And this means that there are a lot of people on YouTube . And since there is demand, it means you can make money on it.

The second important feature is that the operating principle of YouTube is very similar to search engines: to get videos of interest, people enter keywords into the search box. This means that to promote your video channel you should use similar methods as for promoting your site in search engines. However promoting a channel on YouTube is much easier than a site in Yandex and Google. Why is this so, and what other advantages of promotion does the most popular video hosting have?

1. Firstly, it should be noted lower competition in the video environment rather than among websites. Perhaps this is due to the fact that creating your own web resource is accessible to almost everyone, but not everyone can shoot and edit a video. For example, let’s look at the competition in search engines (Yandex is selected) for the query “how to get promoted in search engines.”

2 million answers found - that's 2 million competitors in Yandex. You can expect to see similar numbers on Google – 557 thousand pages. Other search engines need not be considered.

Now let's look at the competition for the same request on YouTube.

There are only 623 results, which is 3 thousand times less than in the popular Runet search engine! Roughly speaking, the competition is 3 thousand times weaker.

2. Secondly, easier promotion on YouTube is a consequence of video hosting search technology. Its principle is based on studying the title of the video, its description and keywords (tags, labels) that the owner of the video filled in. Moreover, you can specify quite a lot of tags, which guarantees a large number of video views (from people who came from search or similar videos).

3. Thirdly, promotion on YouTube is easier due to the absence of the need to use SEO or anything similar. – practically necessary element to promote a website in search engines, but its big drawback is its high cost. You have to spend money on buying links, creating a website, working with the semantic core, ordering SEO texts, etc. This, of course, means external optimization. There is no such element on YouTube, which saves money. It should only be noted that on YouTube it is necessary to create competent descriptions, select the right keywords and give the correct name to the video - this is very similar to the elements of internal website optimization, but everything is done independently and for free.

4. Fourthly, one advantage of video promotion on YouTube should be highlighted. We are talking about the appearance of videos in search engine results. Those. you are promoting your channel, your videos on YouTube, but at the same time you automatically end up in Yandex and Google.

The screenshot above shows that for some requests, Yandex added a couple of options for videos from YouTube to the search results. Moreover, compared to ordinary sites, the result with a video stands out thanks to the image of the player. A similar situation is happening at Google.

In order to achieve successful earnings on YouTube, you need to know a number of features of the most popular video hosting site. You also need to understand that official, representative channels receive best places in YouTube search results. It makes no sense to compete with them for some requests, because... YouTube will always give them preference. For example, the video of the official Ello channel is above all the others.

And now more about what you need to do to promote your channel and make money on YouTube.

  1. A YouTube channel will be popular when it is unique and attractive. Hence the conclusion: design it so that it looks beautiful. Then more people will want to subscribe to your channel, and it will be easier for you to monetize it.
  2. Before adding a video, decide on the topic, find a free (low-competition) niche so that you have the opportunity to get to the TOP of video hosting.
  3. Use available methods for video promotion. Pay special attention to the choice of title, description and key tags. They must be composed correctly and have a correlation (similarity) with each other, so that the search engine robot does not decide that the description, tags and title are in no way related to each other. Try to include as many tags as possible, because this will determine how often people find your video. This video explains very well about choosing tags and writing a description:
  4. Do not violate copyright, otherwise making money on YouTube will be closed for you. Follow the rules of video hosting, you can read about them in detail.
  5. Regularly update your video channel with new videos so that your subscribers don’t get bored.
  6. Before you make money on YouTube, you need to post a certain number of videos, otherwise you simply won’t get into the video hosting affiliate program. Before you start monetizing your channel, you must have a certain database of video clips prepared.
  7. Try to make your videos unique and different from others, otherwise they will not be successful and will not gather subscribers.

2. Ways to make money on YouTube

There are several scenarios for how to make money on YouTube, which we will now discuss.

2.1 YouTube Affiliate Program

The best solution would, of course, be to enter into an agreement with a video hosting service and participate in its affiliate program. In this case, the income from YouTube monetization will be maximum, but in order to become a partner, you will have to make a lot of effort.

The popular video hosting site offers video makers good earning conditions. The point is to take part in an affiliate program that is available in a number of countries around the world. The idea is simple - YouTube embeds contextual advertising into videos , which is shown to viewers at the beginning of the video (at the bottom).

The principle of making money here is the same as with regular contextual advertising - the video maker will receive income for each click, but he will give part of the profit to YouTube.

The second option is to show a commercial before the main one. (in this case, the viewer must watch the advertisement, usually at least 5 seconds).

However, you should understand that the more intrusive the advertising in the video (and its second option is very annoying), the more difficult it is to promote it.

YouTube video hosting is ready to pay partners 65% of its income from these types of advertising, so it’s not difficult to calculate what kind of earnings awaits you. The only thing you need to know is what is the average income a video generates from 1000 impressions. For example, if YouTube earns about 1 dollar, then you will receive 65 cents from every thousand views. And the more there are, the higher the earnings. This is a reason to strive to make your videos popular.

To register in the affiliate program and start making money on YouTube, you need to go to this link. If your country is allowed to register in the affiliate program, then you will be asked to fill out a form (personal information, reason for wanting to work with YouTube, etc.) and choose ways to earn money. For Russia, there is only one option available (earn money through ads). In some countries there is also a second option – “rent your videos to YouTube”.

It should be noted that all monetized videos undergo mandatory moderation, the purpose of which is to verify the copyright of the video maker and the compliance of the video with the rules of video hosting.

2.2 Advertising in the video description

Another way to make money on YouTube is your advertising in video descriptions. This method is much simpler than the previous ones, because... now videos do not undergo moderation, the channel owner does not need to confirm compliance with copyrights (even if they are violated, the video is not deleted until its real owner asks to block it) and register in the YouTube affiliate program.

The point is that in the description of the video, which almost all viewers pay attention to, various text advertisements are added. It can be anything:

  • referral and ;
  • advertising someone's goods and services;
  • advertising your website or its individual pages;
  • thanks to the "sponsor".

2.3 Advertising in video

Another option for monetizing videos on YouTube is to place ads directly in the video. This, for example, could be an advertisement of your goods or services (a short introduction at the beginning of the video). Or maybe a regular link (YouTube allows you to place links to web resources inside the video) with some kind of advertising offer. Thus, the video itself on YouTube allows its author to promote himself and start.

Now you know that there are several ways you can make money on YouTube. Choose the one that is affordable and most convenient for you, or even better, combine them. But don't forget that too much advertising will irritate your viewers. And without them, you will not be able to monetize your video channel.