Christmas time December for men. What name is suitable for a boy born in December?

10.10.2019 Auto/Moto

Choosing a name for a child born in December

In December, especially under the sign of Sagittarius, very hot-tempered and emotional people are born. Despite their explosive nature, they are quite persistent, know how to overcome difficulties and achieve success.

People born in December are independent and ambitious. They are straight as an arrow, incapable of cunning, tricks and intrigue. When achieving their goal, they always fight openly, preferring to destroy the enemy in a fair fight. They are extremely sociable - they need communication like air. At the same time, above all else they value their own freedom, preferring to dominate and at the same time avoiding tying themselves to any obligations.

Being romantics and idealists, they become true friends. A December person will not hide anything from a friend or partner - he will always tell the truth, even if it may hurt. Being honest, decent and straightforward, they expect the same from others. They would prefer to listen to the bitter truth than to maintain their peace of mind while being in the dark.

Hot-tempered but quick-witted, decent and obliging, purposeful and energetic, December people cope well with the responsibilities of a leader, unless they take unjustified risks. Possessing an extraordinary mind, good memory, courage and originality, people born in December successfully occupy their niche in all areas of human activity.

IN family life It's quite difficult with people born in December. They are impetuous and impulsive, amorous and not constancy; it is difficult for them to build stable long-term relationships. Financial issue also remains for them eternal problem due to the inability to be thrifty and the inability to plan expenses.

The undoubted advantages of December people are their kindness, unforgivingness, and responsiveness. They get irritated easily, but quickly move away and rarely get seriously offended.

The happiest male names for people born in December, the following are considered: Andrey, Mikhail, Artem, Stepan, Kirill, Roman, Alexey, Grigory, Maxim, Alexander, Pavel. Suitable female names are: Irina, Vera, Polina, Natalya, Anna, Ekaterina, Zoya, Anfisa, Angelina.

It is not recommended to call children born in the first month of winter with names such as Anatoly, Nikolay, Dmitry, Sergey, Elena, Tatyana, Alina.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.

Name and career

Along with character, the name also determines the profession - in which field a person can most successfully build his career. A name can help or hinder the achievement of goals.

Your son will be born in December, but you still haven’t decided what name to choose. We re-read the Saints, dictionaries of personal names, remembered our favorite characters from books and films, went through a lot of disputes and discussions about the baby’s name with my husband, grandparents, and friends. And still nothing. Let's try to figure out which name is more suitable for a boy who will be born in the first winter month; the information below will help you decide on the choice of name.

What should you not name a child, according to folk superstitions?

Expectant mothers are probably the most superstitious people on planet Earth. From the first days of pregnancy, they instinctively try to protect their baby from troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, therefore they believe and try to observe all signs and superstitions. Of course, whether you believe in them or not is up to you, but we will still introduce you to them, although some may seem ridiculous to you.

  1. The son is not named after his father. It is believed that along with a name a person acquires a guardian angel, and if two relatives with the same names live in the same house, then it is more difficult for the angel to protect both of them at once. Astrologers and psychics believe that with a name received “inherited”, the negative character traits of the father can be passed on to the baby. It is possible to name a child in honor of a grandfather, especially if he lived a long, successful life.
  2. You cannot name your baby after recently deceased relatives or loved ones. It is believed that such children, when they grow up, can repeat the life path of this person, but only with a minus sign.
  3. You cannot give the name of a family member who suffered from any serious illness, an alcoholic, a suicide, or a mental patient.
  4. The baby's name, which will be written on the birth certificate, must be different from the name given to him at baptism. It is believed that the name assigned during the baptismal ceremony should be kept secret.

General character traits of a boy, according to astrology, born in December

Boys born in December are simply doomed to be reliable friends, they are honest and straightforward, but those with a very hot-tempered character, they are characterized by amorousness and inconstancy in personal relationships, can be excessively capricious. For a son born in this cold month, in order to correct and soften negative traits, it is advisable to choose a soft, melodious name with a positive meaning.

  • Artem, Artemy(Old Greek) – safe, a person with excellent health;
  • Valerian(lat.) – healthy, strong;
  • Zakhar, Zechariah(ancient Hebrew) – memory of the Lord;
  • Clement, Klim(lat.) – soft, loving people, merciful;
  • Mark(lat.) – derived from the name of the god of war Mars;
  • Moses(ancient Hebrew) - two versions of the origin of the name - taken from God and extracted from the water;
  • Nikolay(Old-Gr.) – winner;
  • Paul(lat.) – junior, modest;
  • Paramon(other gr.) – constant, reliable;
  • Sevastyan(Old Greek) – sacred;
  • Semyon, Simeon(ancient Hebrew) – heard by the Lord;
  • Spiridon(Old Greek) – wicker basket, gift of the soul;
  • Tryphon(Old Greek) – living in wealth, spoiled;
  • Yaroslav(glory) - the name that was previously given to princes is translated as - bright glory, glorifying the Sun God Yarila.

Choosing a name for a newborn baby is a very responsible matter, because the fate of the child depends on this decision of the parents. Parents should be even more responsible when choosing a name for a boy.

A man's name is something that every man should be proud of, and that every man should wear with dignity throughout his life. All boys dream of being strong, dexterous and successful, but they also want their name to be strong and beautiful, and to the greatest extent emphasize their manly strength and beauty!

Today, when it comes to choosing a name for a boy, there are thousands of different names, and parents now have plenty to choose from. Parents are no longer limited in choosing from traditional names that have been passed down from generation to generation. However, when choosing a name for your child, you need to consider not only fashion trends, political and religious views, as well as the time of year.

It is known that at different times of the year children are born with completely different characters. Therefore, knowing the natural coloring of the name and the date of birth, you can choose the right names for boys by month; the meaning of these names can successfully develop qualities that your child lacked from birth, or, conversely, mute undesirable ones.

Winter strengthens not only the body, but also character. It is believed that boys born in the winter months are purposeful, hardworking, and strong-willed. Intractability and unwillingness to compromise interferes with family life.

They are creative people and achieve significant results in the field that interests them. In order to “dilute” the severity of the winter months, you can choose a “soft” name.

Names for boys born in December

December gives birth to hot-tempered, stubborn, persistent offspring. Possible options names: Alexey, Andrey, Afanasy, Arkady, Arseny, Anton, Adrian, Arkhip, Valery, Vasily, Valerian, Vsevolod, Grigory, George, Gabriel, Gury, Gennady, Daniil, Egor, Zakhar, Ivan, Clement, Lev, Mikhail, Mitrofan, Maxim, Mark, Makar, Nikolai, Orest, Peter, Procopius, Roman, Stepan, Savva, Sevastian, Semyon, Tryphon, Thomas, Fedor, Filaret, Christopher, Yuri, Yaroslav.

Names for boys born in January

January boys are distinguished by their balance and patience. Possible names: Afanasy, Vasily, Veniamin, Valentin, Bogdan, Gregory, Georgy, Daniil, Emelyan, Efim, Egor, Elizar, Ilya, Ivan, Ignat, Kirill, Clementy, Konstantin, Maxim, Mikhail, Mark, Nikolay, Nikita, Nikanor, Pavel, Prokhor, Peter, Proclus, Savva, Sebastian (Sebastian), Stepan, Sergei, Timofey, Theoktist, Niphon, Seraphim, Semyon, Trofim, Philip, Fadeus, Theodosius, Feodor, Yuri, Yakov.

Names for boys born in February

February gifted its boys with determination, strength, perseverance and efficiency. Names for boys born in February: Alexey, Arseny, Arkady, Akim, Anton, Veniamin, Valerian, Valentin, Vasily, Vsevolod, Valery, Vitaly, Victor, Vlas, Grigory, Gerasim, German, Gennady, Georgy, David, Efim, Ephraim, Egor, Evgeny, Zakhar, Hippolytus, Ignatius, Ivan, Ignatus, Innocent, Cyril, Clement, Constantine, Leonty, Lavrenty, Luke, Dmitry, Makar, Maxim, Nikolai, Nikifor, Nikita, Pavel, Porfiry, Roman, Semyon, Stepan, Savva, Timofey, Pankrat, Prokhor, Fedor, Feoktist, Philip, Felix, Julian, Yuri, Yan, Yaroslav.

These are the names that are supposedly suitable for winter children.

You can make the name softer if you call your baby affectionately. From Yaroslav you get Yarik, from Pavel - Pasha, from Efim - Fimka, etc. The main thing is to be creative, and you can choose a name for your child to suit your taste.

There are many ways to choose a name for your child, but it is better not to name your baby after one of your relatives, especially deceased ones. There is an assumption that he can repeat the fate of this person. Why repeat yourself when there are many names for boys born in winter, and you can choose a variety of options.

How to choose a name for a child:

What to name a child born in February:

Men born in December are characterized by increased emotionality, are quick-tempered over trifles and unbalanced; in moments of irritation they have difficulty controlling themselves. They need frequent changes in their environment and social circle; they cannot stand monotony and monotony. However, their explosive nature does not prevent them from being persistent; they know how to overcome various obstacles and achieve the desired goal. Correct selection name will make the boy more easy-going and decent. Strong, bright, sonorous name will give him determination and energy.

December men are ambitious and independent. They are straightforward and incapable of cunning and intrigue. In addition, they are unusually sociable; they need society like air. Most of all, they value their freedom, always striving to dominate in everything. Avoid any obligations.

Incorrigible romantics and idealists, they know how to be true friends. A December man will always tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. They never hide anything from a friend or other half. Straightforward and decent, they expect similar behavior from others. They will always prefer the bitter truth to ignorance, even if it preserves their imaginary peace of mind.

Men born in the first month of winter become excellent leaders if they do not succumb to unjustified risks. An extraordinary mind, good memory, courage, determination and originality help representatives of the stronger sex born in December easily take their place in any field of activity.

Family life for December men is difficult. They are impulsive, prone to impulses, amorous and fickle, it is very difficult for them to build stable, long-term relationships. Planning a family budget is not easy for them either. They are not thrifty and do not know how to spend money.

The main advantage of December men is kindness, responsiveness and lack of rancor. They are easily angered, but they quickly move away and rarely get seriously offended.

Most suitable names

For a boy born in December, the following names are well suited: Mikhail, Maxim, Alexander Alexey, Valery, Makar, Fedor, Peter, Christopher, Yakov, Roman, Platon, Gregory, Ivan, Mitrofan, Clement, Vsevolod, Paramon, Arkady, Arseny, Orest, Mark, Adrian, George, Egor, Yuri, Innocent, Vsevolod, Leo, Pavel, Kirill, Thomas, Daniil, Arkhip, Gabriel, Vasily, Stepan, Andrey, Naum, Gury, Modest, Sophron, Nikon, Spiridon, Afanasy, Savva, Gennady, Zakhar, Anton, Valerian, Procopius, Yaroslav, Filaret, Tryphon, Sevastian, Semyon.

Such names as Roman, Alexey, Grigory, Andrey, Mikhail, Artem, Stepan, Kirill, Maxim, Alexander, Pavel will bring happiness to those born in the first winter month.

It is not advisable to call December boys names: Anatoly, Nikolay, Dmitry, Sergey, Stanislav.

The fact that one’s own name evokes the most vivid emotions in a person, no matter what language it is spoken in, is already a scientifically proven fact. But what kind of emotions these will be, positive or sharply negative, depends entirely on the choice made by the parents. It is precisely from the awareness of the responsibility that needs to be taken upon oneself that the process of choosing a name for a future or already born baby turns into a real test for mothers, fathers, and all relatives who will not miss their opportunity to make their contribution. And to dispel the confusion, we will offer you the most suitable names for boys born in December.

Character of December men

It is generally accepted that a person’s character largely depends on the genes received from his parents. However, a cheerful and cheerful mom and dad may be quite surprised that a small, but volcano man has appeared in their family, who alternates between periods of calm and unbridled activity with enviable regularity. There is nothing strange about this, because it’s enough just to observe nature in December, when nice and sunny days suddenly turn into snowstorms and cold. This is approximately what happens to children born during this harsh period.

The zodiac sign under which the baby is born also gives its imprint. In December, you may have either little Sagittarius (until December 21) or Capricorn (from December 22, respectively). You may not believe the horoscope or treat it with a bit of humor, but centuries-tested knowledge is still worth taking into account. Boys, and then Sagittarius men, are distinguished by boundless optimism and curiosity. They are incredibly sociable and strive in every possible way to make more and more new acquaintances. Be prepared for the fact that your first loves will happen already in kindergarten, however, in most cases, the object of adoration changes quite often.

In addition, Sagittarius men are incredibly ambitious, and on the way to their goal they are ready to sweep away literally all obstacles. Names for future men under this sign must fully reflect these qualities and fully correspond to them. Choose sonorous, authoritative options that emphasize character. This could be Alexander, Taras, Andrey, Vladislav, Fedor. Forgotten, but no less sonorous, are Gabriel, Akim, Ostap, Kazimir, Spartak. You can soften your hot temper a little by calling the boy Nikita, Julian or Igor.

Capricorns are a completely different matter. Being positive and optimistic guys by nature, they are able to show these traits only in the circle of those closest to them. With strangers they are often withdrawn and uncommunicative. They are hardworking and scrupulous, but unlike Sagittarius, they move towards their goal gradually and calmly. “Walking over corpses” is clearly not for them. As children, they really need parental support and absolute understanding. Even a casually uttered mistrust or ridicule can cause your child to withdraw and stop trusting you. What to name a boy born in December under the sign of Capricorn?

Here you need to give preference to a name that will add masculinity and strength to an overly calm character. This could be Miron or Miroslav, Eduard, or Ilya. The name Askold, Venedikt, Broneslav or Joseph will sound unusual. Of course, the traits we described will not necessarily manifest themselves in full, because first of all, everything depends on the environment in which a person develops and on parental upbringing, thanks to which certain inclinations will be cultivated and grown.

Choosing a name according to the calendar

A tradition with thousands of years of roots. Since the adoption of Christianity, our ancestors were not faced with the question of choosing a name for a baby; it was predetermined by the date of birth. On the day of remembrance of which saint this happened, the baby will bear that name. It was believed that this is how a person finds his guardian angel, who will help in all his endeavors.

Recently it has become very popular to choose names according to Orthodox calendar, and there’s certainly plenty to choose from here, since December is very rich in name days. But even if on the day your baby is born a suitable name If you don’t find one, you can pick one from those that will be ahead.

  • 1: Roman, Plato, Nicholas;
  • 2: Dmitry, Filaret, Jacob, Mikhail, Leonid, Alexander, Gennady, Vasily, Adrian, Varlaam, Benjamin, Ignatius, Hilarion;
  • 3: Ivan, Ipaty, Alexey, Anatoly, Nikolay, Macarius, Proclus, Arseny;
  • 5: Arkhip, Ivan, Yakov, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Fodor;
  • 6: Seraphim, Fedor, Alexander, Boris, Gregory;
  • 7: Semyon, Mark, Alexander, Mikhail, Grigory, Evgeniy, Prokop, Alexey;
  • 8: Vasily, Victor, Pavel, Kuzma, Ivan, Peter, Semyon, Nazar, Nikon, Nikolay;
  • 9: Daniil, Georgy, Egor, Ivan, Vasily, Mikhail, Yakov;
  • 10: Vsevolod, Vladimir, Demyan, Dmitry, Seraphim, Roman, Fedor;
  • 11: Peter, Fedor, Thomas, Andrei, Daniil, Konstantin, Stepan, Sergei, Erofey;
  • 12: Paramon, Denis, Nikolai, Ivan, Valerian;
  • 13: Andrey;
  • 14: Anton, Filaret, Naum;
  • 15: Matvey, Kirill, Dmitry, Pavel, Solomon, Stepan, Fedor, Vladimir, Ivan;
  • 16: George, Gabriel, Egor, Ephraim, Savva, Andrey;
  • 17: Seraphim, Gennady, Dmitry, Vasily, Alexey;
  • 18: Sergey, Zakhar, Ilya, Savva;
  • 19: Nikolai;
  • 20: Anton, Ignat, Lev, Peter, Pavel, Gregory;
  • 21: Sergey, Kirill;
  • 22: Stepan, Sofron, Vladimir, Alexander;
  • 23: Gregory, Alexander, Anatoly;
  • 24: Vincent, Nikon, Emelyan, Ivan, Daniel;
  • 26: German, Evgeny, Yakov, Nikolay, Arkady, Arseny;
  • 27: Philemon, Hilarion, Nikolai;
  • 29: Makar, Arkady, Semyon, Pavel, Vladimir;
  • 30: Daniil, Ivan, Nikita, Stepan, Denis, Peter;
  • 31: Mark, Victor, Egor, Ilya, Sevastyan, Fedor, Mikhail, Modest.

The choice is truly huge, and here you can find both names that are familiar to us, as well as long-forgotten ones that have become very exotic.