How does a pectoral cross protect? Do black magicians wear an Orthodox cross? But it’s true that the cross protects.

06.07.2020 Documentation

Pectoral cross(in Rus' it is called “telnik”) is placed on a person in the Sacrament of Baptism in fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (MK 8:34).

The pectoral cross helps to endure illness and adversity, as well as in difficult circumstances, strengthens the spirit, protects from evil people. When consecrating the cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour into the cross heavenly power and so that the cross protects not only the soul, but also the body of a person from all enemies visible and invisible, from dark forces, sorcerers and sorcerers. That is why on the inside of the pectoral cross there should be the inscription: “Save and preserve”

A pectoral cross is not a decoration. First of all it is a visible symbol of the Christian faith. The crosses are very ancient tradition and therefore, depending on the place, time of manufacture and some formal features, they are very diverse in appearance and names. For example, crosses - Monastic, Mother of God, Jerusalem, Heart, Through, Figured, Radiant; as well as “The Crown of the Universe”, “The Holy Eucharist”; crosses of repentance, communion, intensified warfare; cross-candle.

The great Russian elders advised that one should always wear a pectoral cross and never take it off anywhere until death.

“A Christian without a cross is a warrior without weapons, and the enemy can easily defeat him,” they said.

The pectoral cross is called that way because it is worn on the body, under clothing, never exposed. Outside, only priests wear the cross.

The cross is real power. Many miracles have been and are being performed by him. The sign of the cross must be done slowly, correctly, with all attention, trembling and reverence. A person should confess in church every Lent and receive communion in order to make life easier. If the father and mother are unbaptized, then they should be baptized immediately, and then the child.

« Demons, - writes Reverend Simeon New Theologian, – they are afraid of the image of the cross and cannot stand to see the sign of the cross depicted even in the air, and they immediately flee from it ».

For two thousand years the word “crucifixion” was repeated so often that its meaning was to some extent lost. The greatness of the sacrifice that Christ made for all people, past and future, has also dimmed in the consciousness of those living today.

A few words about the desecration of the cross in symbolism playing cards available in many homes. All four card suits (pictures of cards) imply sacred objects equally revered by Christians: a cross, a spear, a sponge and nails, that is, everything that was the instrument of the suffering and death of Jesus. Out of ignorance, many people, playing cards, desecrate the cross, because they do not know what they are doing.

So, for example, a card with the image of a “trefoil”, that is, the cross of Christ, desecrates a shrine that is worshiped by half the world. The player casually throws it on the table with the word “club” (translated from Yiddish as “bad” or “evil spirits”)! If we clarify the true rules of all card games, all the players will be left in the cold. When playing cards, you severely beat, so to speak, your Guardian Angel. Everyone knows that at birth a person is given two angels. One, white, is on the right shoulder. The other one, black, is on the left. No wonder there is a saying: “Spit over your left shoulder.”

The card suit “vini” or otherwise “spade” blasphemes the Gospel pike, that is, the spear of the holy martyr Longinus the Centurion.

The suit “worms” blasphemes the Gospel sponge on the cane.

The suit of “tambourines” blasphemes the Gospel forged nails with which the hands and feet of Jesus were nailed to the wood of the cross.

Case from practice: A woman asked for help for her son. My son is 24 years old. Something always happens to him. When entering the institute, one point was missing. He often gets into accidents. Strange things happen out of nowhere. Twice I wanted to get married, but I quarreled with my brides, and at the last moment they left. Sick. Constantly loses his pectoral cross (the chains break). At the reception, they explained to my mother that if a person loses his crosses, it means that he was subjected to a strong magical influence by a magician. This is the source of all his failures and personal problems. And since the son often plays cards, he aggravates this curse.

After the curse was lifted and the card games stopped, the guy’s life improved.

Case from practice: A woman came to visit Victoria Nikolaevna with a request to help her husband. The husband constantly played cards, lost considerable amounts of money, was late from work, began to abuse alcohol, and quarrel with his family. The reason was damage to the cards. The man himself later remembered that he often found thrown cards in the car. When the spell was removed from him, he admitted that he was as if under hypnosis, and thanked him for opening his eyes.

Traditional spiritual healer VICTORIA.

Welcome to my site.

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Do they wear Orthodox cross doing black magic?


Hello, Natalia!
Your question is not at all simple and ambiguous. Here you cannot answer only yes or no. Let's try to figure it out.

The Orthodox cross is a symbol of faith, but as it is said in the Gospel, “demons also believe and tremble,” and faith does not prevent them from committing various “dirty tricks.” So, just the presence of a cross does not make a person a true believer, much less righteous.

In ordinary life, a witch or sorcerer can wear a cross. It is impossible to determine who is in front of you just by the presence of a cross. After all, ordinary atheists don’t wear a cross either, but they don’t practice magic either. A person can practice black magic, but profess a different religion, in which case you will not see a cross on your neck either.

But there are certain rituals in black magic when the cross must be removed. Basically, these are rituals to summon spirits, various dark forces, etc. Any jewelry and metal objects are also removed. When performing some black magic rituals, the cross is thrown onto the back. It is believed that this provides additional protection from the forces of the afterlife.

Of the black magicians, the only ones who do not wear the Orthodox cross are those who have consciously (I emphasize - consciously) and irrevocably given themselves over to the power of dark forces. They can visit temples, but will never pray or participate in sacraments such as weddings, baptisms and others. There are only a few such magicians, and they don’t deal with “little things”; they cause big harm.

If you need to protect yourself from such a person without knowing who he really is, that is various ways- amulets, spells. To prevent the sorcerer from entering the house, various enchanted objects are often placed behind the threshold. If you have never practiced protective magic, then it is best to turn to to a knowledgeable person. And if you are a believer, then be sure to wear a cross; faith and prayer are the best defense against all evil spirits.

Good luck to you in everything, Natalya!

An important question for any Christian. But not every believer understands exactly how the pectoral cross works and protects, although understanding the essence is very important. Because when people do not understand how it works, it gives rise to many misconceptions and illusions. When, for example, a person shifts the responsibility for his protection to this very small cross, not realizing that without Faith the cross does not work.

Let me give you an anecdote that reflects the essence of this issue. When a parishioner is pursued by Dracula, and he runs away from him in fear through the city cemetery. Dracula overtakes the man, bends over him, and then the parishioner takes out a cross and holds it out in front of him with a trembling hand. Dracula calmly takes the cross from his hands, throws it aside and says “for this to work, you need to believe in it”... As you might guess, in this joke everything ended badly for the parishioner, because where there is fear, there is no faith...

A good pectoral cross is just an amplifier that carries an energetic connection to certain Forces. If the cross is Orthodox, then the energy-information connection from the cross reaches to the Orthodox egregor, where the owner of the cross is connected. But the cross only strengthens if there is something to strengthen. If a person has Faith, then it can be strengthened, if there is a correct attitude towards God and His Creation - a person deserves help and protection, in this case the cross will work to its maximum.

And if a cross is worn by a vile person who, in essence, does not care about the commandments of God, Spiritual Law and the creation of the Creator - the cross will not protect him. On the contrary, if the cross initially carries a strong light connection, it will be difficult for this person to wear it, he may suffocate and feel very unwell.

How exactly does the pectoral cross protect?

If a person deserves help and protection, through the pectoral cross he can receive energy enhancements from Orthodox forces(if the cross and the person himself are of the Orthodox faith). Through this cross, he seems to be always in touch with Them, with the Higher Powers. And if a person is in danger or is experiencing a negative energetic impact, the cross can be the bell that calls for Higher power to protect this soul (this person). But this is only if a person deserves it, then in a difficult or dangerous situation the appropriate Patrons (of Christianity, etc.) can come to his aid and protect him.

And if a person does not deserve such protection, the cross will not help and will not protect from any demons, even if this cross is Jesus Christ himself.

Cross to cross is different!

You should not wear someone else's cross, especially if you do not know who its previous owner is. Remember, a cross can even have absolutely dark, negative energy connections, even satanic ones, if it is charged accordingly (through a dark ritual).

Any religious egregor is like a multi-layered cake, in which the top is light (the Saints, high Patrons live there), and the bottom layer is the dark, sinful part of religion, which always exists and is not small. Dark forces enter this part as if entering their home. The darkest part of the egregor is connected to the most fallen sinners, dark people who do not distinguish between Good and Evil, but at the same time consider themselves Christians. Remember the new Russians and bandits who killed left and right, and at the same time wore crosses on their chests, crossed themselves, and then brought bundles of money to church, believing that absolution could be bought. Such people will always be connected to the dark part of the Christian egregor, that is where their place is - according to their deeds and beliefs.

But the presence of such a connection does not guarantee them protection from dark forces; on the contrary, such people openly cooperate with dark forces, and with their dirty deeds and evil tongue, in fact, call Satan and his representatives into their lives. In this case, no cross will protect you from dark power.

By the way, the consecration of the cross in the Church does not solve anything either. The cross can be consecrated and it will be filled with light energy, but if a vile and dark person wears it, then after a while the cross will automatically receive the connection that its owner deserves, and the light energy will be taken from it due to inconsistency.

Therefore, in order for the cross to have a pure, bright and maximally high connection, so that it works and protects you, you need to purposefully turn to God so that this connection and light protection is given, and honor the Law of God yourself, and become a true believer. If you deserve it, if you truly believe in God, you will receive such protection and your cross in the Subtle World will shine.

Often people who go to “Orthodox healers” or to grandmothers are perplexed: what harm can be done by an Orthodox icon or prayer? After all, they heal in the name of God!

First of all, we must understand that for us an icon is not an idol, we do not worship an icon (or anyone other than the Lord God), but we honor the image of a saint on an icon. The icon itself does not mean grace or holiness. People who don’t know this think that since there is an icon, it means there is holiness here. This is wrong. On the other hand, the use of candles in itself is an occult method: sorcerers and other psychics often pour wax in order to manipulate it to influence a person’s soul, move a lit candle around his body, “cleanse the aura” - this is also a magical method of influence per capita.

People who have suffered from such influence come to the Spiritual and Medical Rehabilitation Center for Persons Victims of Totalitarian Sects and the Occult, in the Krutitsky Compound in Moscow, and when they often say that they visited an Orthodox healer, we have to clarify what it is. ? In response you hear something incomprehensible:

“But he had icons, he read prayers, lit a candle...

- What prayers did he read?

- We don’t know...

— Maybe “Our Father”?

- Yes, it seems, “Our Father”...

— Do you know “Our Father”?

Taking advantage of this ignorance, sorcerers carry out their own methods of influencing the human body. And people who, out of naivety and ignorance, decided to “get rid of the corruption” of the “Orthodox” sorcerer find themselves in slavery to the same forces from which they wanted to get rid.

The fact is that sorcerers do not read Orthodox prayers as they should: either they secretly utter demonic words to themselves, or they clearly distort the words and meaning of the prayer and adapt this distorted prayer for their own conspiracies. So for them, prayer has the meaning of a conspiracy: additional information is introduced there - witchcraft, occult, which damages a person... But even if we ourselves pray with a purely magical purpose, so that not by faith, but from prayer, we receive healing - this is already spiritual corruption is magic. After all, the Lord said: according to your faith it will be given to you. We are in in this case we turn not to God, but to the words of the prayer, giving them a magical meaning and creating an idol from the prayer. This is already a terrible thing.

Why is it so attractive for occultists to deprive prayer and the cross of their grace-filled power? Because, as the occultists themselves admit, the most powerful means of protection is orthodox prayer and the cross... I would like to emphasize: it is the Orthodox prayer, and not any other - but not with a magical purpose, but pronounced with faith in the Lord.

Sorcerers are trying to slip people under the guise of a cross something completely incompatible with Orthodox faith. As a “protection”, it is advised to erect fiery crosses in front of oneself, as if to construct them in space - with a glance, or an idea, or color. But they advise energetically making in front of you not just a cross, but a rotating cross, the so-called “svasti”, and even with lit ends - both clockwise and, worst of all, counterclockwise, rotating them around the body, which allows demonic forces to conveniently and freely penetrate, using their terminology, into the depths of the energy structures of the body. Such a neoplasm is an abnormal cross! This is no longer a cross. In this way, a kind of shell is created, akin to when they advise creating a cotton shell. So this is not a cross, but a so-called field shell, which has nothing in common with our Orthodox cross!

But the sign of the cross, applied with sincere faith, pure Orthodox prayer can destroy these demonic machinations. Things can also happen to a “prayed” icon in the temple that are out of the ordinary.

It is known that psychics often go to church with their own goal: to “recharge” at the holy icons, which they consider “a channel, a conductor of cosmic energy.” In the summer of 1994 in Diveyevo, at the holy relics of St. Seraphim of Sarov, where many hundreds of people gathered for repentant prayers, such a witch was admonished.

“Brothers and sisters, today there are two psychics in the church,” the priest warned before the liturgy.

One of these women was clearly conspicuous by her unchurchly, absurd behavior: standing in front of the icon Mother of God“Tenderness,” she extended her palms towards her, trying to catch something, “accept the energy,” then she began to make energetic passes with her hands. No one paid attention to her, did not touch her, did not drive her away. Suddenly, something incredible began to happen to the bioenergeticist who had “gained energy”: her arms were cramped and twisted back, and her whole body was distorted, she seemed to be twisted, wrapped in some kind of wild knot, and in the end, exhausted, she sank to the floor in front of the icon. So Venerable Seraphim He did not allow bad deeds in his monastery, once again showing that God cannot be mocked.

“Psychics in Diveevo often lose their power,” Priest Vladimir Shikin later said, “in front of many, the blasphemous woman received a blow from the right hand of heaven for her dark deeds.” But the Lord does not reject them either if they sincerely repent. How many cases have there been when, after confession, the demonic “gift of healing” completely disappeared, for it was not from God...

To show the power of grace contained in prayer, it happens that the Lord gives the opportunity to see a miracle from prayer and weak people. When to the Trinity Church of the Holy Dormition convent After the service, a woman came in and began to dance near the Crucifixion, making incomprehensible movements with her hands, a novice of the monastery and two parishioners began to read the Jesus Prayer together. They read to themselves, mentally asking the Lord to help this woman if she needs help, and to forbid her if she is doing something bad. The sorceress (and it was obviously she) could not see the worshipers standing behind her at the end of the temple. But nevertheless, she instantly felt prayer, which, apparently, greatly bothered her. She tensed incredibly with her whole body, as if she felt something in the back of her head, sharply turned to the worshipers, but half a turn suddenly fell backward, as if cut down from behind at her feet, struck by an invisible force...

Such cases are not that rare. In the city of Mosalsk, Kaluga region, in 1993, the sorcerer Konstantin Grishin, despite the protests of the Orthodox community, conducted mass “healing” sessions in the House of Culture helpfully provided by the local authorities. Having taken the priest’s blessing, the parishioners of the local church decided to picket the gathering and persuade people not to bow to the evil forces. But, apparently, by God’s permission, only one of these parishioners came to the beginning of the demonic action. She managed to dissuade several people from turning to the sorcerer for help, but she could not prevent the witchcraft. Confused and upset, she grabbed the Jesus Prayer as her last hope. She read it as best she could from the rosary, which she kept in her pocket, standing in front of the entrance to the hall where those “being healed” howled, screamed, and raged. She did not even think that her weak prayer could influence the sorcerer, but with all her heart she asked the Lord to stop the lawlessness. But the sorcerer Grishin himself felt very well where the “interference” to his session was coming from. About ten minutes later he sent an assistant bodyguard to find out what was happening. Jumping out into the empty hall and not finding anyone except silently standing, modestly clothed woman, he walked away in bewilderment. However, he soon appeared again, persistently sent by the sorcerer, who could not bear the prayer going on outside the walls of the hall. Then again and again. Having finally realized that the reason for his “patron’s” concern was obviously the woman standing at the door, the square-looking bodyguard silently stomped around her, not knowing what to say or do. Or maybe, by the grace of God, he couldn’t do anything...

The next day in Mosalsk, the sorcerer Konstantin Grishin was supposed to conduct an individual “reception”, which began with a mass “recovery”. This time, with the blessing of the priest, another parishioner, journalist T., went straight into the hall to expose the sorcerer, writing about his actions in the local newspaper. Being a new Christian, she didn’t really believe that the sorcerer could “figure out” her in a full hall, so she listened somewhat ironically to the advice not to be scared if Konstantin Grishin suddenly came up to her and started doing something, but to sign him with the sign of the cross.” amenity and say: “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I forbid you, spawn of Satan, to do this!”

- What are you talking about, he won’t even know about me! - she waved it off.

But sitting down in the back rows of the hall, putting on a belt with the 90th psalm “Alive in the help of the Most High...”, placing the Gospel on her knees, she began to read the Jesus Prayer, making notes in a notebook and, frankly speaking, thinking more about what was to come. publication in the newspaper, rather than about stopping the sorcerer. But the Lord was pleased to help her unbelief and hear her inept prayer. To T.’s surprise, the sorcerer could not begin the session at all, not a trace remained of his yesterday’s eloquence, he moved around the stage, clowned, shouted at patients who allegedly did not carry out his orders, threatened that he would immediately kick everyone out of the hall and not return the money . After shouting in this way for half an hour, he declared that he would not work with such people, that the session was over, and left the stage in anger.

Undoubtedly, the sorcerer was stopped by Orthodox prayer, performed in the heart by a person with little church life, but with the blessing of the priest, which is very important, because self-will in such an area can end badly. In addition, Grishin “figured out” T., who prevented him from bewitching people. Entering the office of the director of the House of Culture (where T. was looking through the documents issued to him by the Black Lotus association, on the basis of which he was admitted to the audience), the sorcerer, together with two bodyguards, blocked the doorway:

- Here she is, the same one. Well, now you won’t leave us anywhere!

And he grabbed T. by the right side of his head. As this parishioner later said, she felt some kind of burn at the place of contact, like a vibrating burning, and her heart sank to her feet. But, remembering the instructions of her Orthodox friends, she crossed the sorcerer, saying that in the name of God she forbade him to harm her. Laughing wildly, he stepped back from the door, and T., unable to recover from the shock, ran home to quickly sprinkle her head with Epiphany water. For the first time she felt so visibly the monstrous reality of demonic power and its powerlessness before prayer. For six months, the right side of her head, which the sorcerer touched, hurt, but, interestingly, the pain was not relieved by pills, but stopped when T. began to pray.

How different are the consequences of such a simple, sincere prayer from the consequences of the “magical” use of prayer, cross and icon, where there are devilish distortions - obvious or secret!

The same thing happens with the sign of the cross. If a person distorts the sign of the cross or applies it without reverence, carelessly, then the demons rejoice at this, but they run and tremble from the correct one. When a person with faith, with reverence, correctly depicts the sign of the cross on himself, then Christ stands between him and another force. And nothing in the world can overcome this power.

Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​Alevtina Pecherskaya. "Orthodox sorcerers - who are they."

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In our time, it is no longer possible to imagine a Christian without a pectoral cross. It happens that the priest in the church sometimes asks the question: “Do you wear a cross?” A true believer does not hide the cross, but does not boast about it, so as not to fall into the sin of pride.

The pectoral cross protects a person from the moment of Baptism to the grave. About the fate of a baptized person beyond the grave it is said this way: “It is not easy for us baptized people to go to hell.”

We wear the cross, as a symbol of Christianity, fulfilling the covenant of Jesus Christ: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34).

The image of the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified became the subject of the greatest reverence among His followers even among His disciples. The cross, as a symbol of sacrifice for all humanity, was wanted by the followers and disciples of the crucified Jesus Christ. At that time there were no crosses on the body, and students made an image of a cross directly on the body, most often in the area of ​​the heart. This image was hidden under clothes to avoid persecution. Maybe this is where the custom of not showing off came from? Although there were Christians who, wanting to follow the path of Christ’s suffering, depicted a cross directly on their foreheads.

In the 4th century, pectoral crosses appeared, carved from hard wood. The names of the first martyred saints who wore such crosses have been preserved.

Nowadays parents try to baptize their child immediately after birth. Often God-parents For this purpose they buy a gold cross. This is both a gift to the godson and a symbol of union in Christ. Now their destinies are inseparable, because godparents are responsible for the child before God after the real parents.

In ancient centuries, people were baptized at a conscious age, but child mortality was so high that the Church established the custom of baptizing a child on the 8th day, and in case of illness, even earlier. After all, according to the words of the pectoral cross righteous John Kronstadsky, “there is a great power that delivers from all evils, especially from the villainy of invisible enemies.” With the cross, a person is sanctified and protected, especially from demonic attacks, from damage and the evil eye, which Orthodox Church does not deny.

In our burden, which one abbot called the Age of spiritual chaos, we cannot live without the cross. When the Sacrament of Baptism is performed on a person, the priest puts on a cross, and it cannot be removed without permission, only replaced. When consecrating the pectoral cross, the priest reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross and that this cross will protect not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces.

We carry our cross, literally and figuratively, all our lives. This is both our protection and our destiny. Father John Krestyankin said: “They don’t come down from the cross given by God - they take it off.” If you are a Christian, bear your cross and believe!

How to choose and? Indeed, in Christianity crosses have very various shapes, depending on the time and place of its manufacture. The cross has been a favorite decoration since ancient times. Most often, jewelers made crosses, and everyone tried to make a cross that others did not have. This is the so-called “branded” quality mark. Therefore, there are a great many forms of the cross. They unite in groups, and these groups have certain names - Latin, Patriarchal, Nahlebny, St. Andrew's, Orthodox. The materials from which crosses are made were and remain different. Nowadays, of course, people prefer silver and gold crosses. Such a variety of forms and materials reflected the great veneration of this Christian shrine.

But still, traditionally the Orthodox pectoral cross has an eight-pointed shape.

Let's agree right away - a pectoral cross is not jewelry, so its shape and material can be any. Whichever one suits your soul, buy it. This is an individual shrine. Of course, gold is better - it does not lose its appearance, does not oxidize, does not darken and is practically eternal.

The pectoral cross is worn on the body, under clothing, never exposed. Only priests are supposed to wear the cross outside. In Russia, Emperor Paul introduced the pectoral cross as hallmark priestly rank.

“A Christian without a cross,” wrote Elder Savva, “is a warrior without weapons, and the enemy can easily defeat him.” Often people first grab their cross when they are afraid of something or are in danger. This instinctive movement means a request for help to the one depicted on the cross - to Jesus Christ himself. It says so on the back: “Save and preserve.”

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