Meaning of the name Maria. Female name Maria - meaning: description of the name

11.10.2019 Education

Diminutive names: Masha, Masha, Mashutka, Mashenka, Marusya, Mashunchik, Manya, Manyunya, Masyanya, Magnano

1 option

Of Hebrew origin. According to one version, bitter, according to another, beloved, according to the third, stubborn.

Many people know Mashenka as a kind, gentle, calm girl. She herself is still a child, but she is already starting to nurse the younger ones; This is the only job that Mashenka never seems to get tired of. It’s easy to offend a girl; she often takes even a small remark painfully. Nevertheless, Mashenka has enough firmness and dignity to stand up for herself. She can be capricious and likes to do what she likes. Sometimes her actions are dictated by a momentary whim.

Masha is specific and loves justice. Responsible for school and home responsibilities. Her classmates love her for her hard work and ability to empathize.

Such is the matured Maria. She generously spreads warmth around her, constantly warming those in need of affection, attention, and care. Someone else's misfortune evokes in her an instinctive desire to help. Maria is devoted to her children, she dotes on them. Infatuation with someone when Maria is married is unlikely, but if the husband wants to completely protect himself from this, he should have at least one child with Maria. By the way, Mary’s children are most often born same-sex. A good relationship Mary and her mother-in-law are guaranteed if the latter is old and helpless, but if she is young, healthy and does not need the cares of her daughter-in-law, she will be jealous of her son. Maria bravely endures everyday difficulties. The only thing that makes her deeply unhappy is her husband’s infidelity. She is very loved by the children, who always take her side.

Source - B. Khigir. The secret of the name.

Option 2


The name comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which according to one version comes from a root meaning “rejected”, according to another - from the word “sad”. Orthodox tradition translates the name as "madam".


In the name Maria, in a strange way, severity is combined with cordiality, and passion with some detachment. Sometimes this leads to the development of a very contradictory character, but much more often one of these sides receives a significant advantage due to upbringing and living conditions. Such images as the Christian Virgin Mary and even the no less famous cheerful and sociable girl Masha from Russian fairy tales can play a significant role in the development of Masha’s character.
Indeed, Masha is usually distinguished by noticeable mobility and is not without a sense of humor, but at the same time, in the depths of her soul, significant passion can gradually mature, which she will most likely try to hide from others. However, the more she hides her deep feelings, the more they will grow. Over the years, this can make Maria a rather strict and outwardly serious woman, although she can transform in the circle of close people. Often her sensuality is reflected in her love, especially for her children. At the same time, if we take into account that her feelings often take on the character of passion, then it is possible that this love of hers will turn out to be excessive, to the point that she may not even notice the interests of other people behind the interests of her child. Especially if this child is the only one.

Very often, Mary’s deep soulfulness forces her to choose humane professions, such as teaching or medicine. Here, indeed, the combination of warmth and severity can be very favorable. However, no matter what her desire for her profession is, she cannot distract Maria from caring for her own family. She is a wonderful housewife and tries to devote her whole life to children. She builds her relationship with her husband on the same principles, being always ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of the child’s sacred interests.

A machine’s life develops differently if, due to her upbringing or for some other reason, she has learned not to hide her passionate nature from others. In this case, her fate may turn out to be quite stormy, but interesting. Especially when her sensuality does not break through immediately, but after a sufficiently, but not too long period of secrecy. It will be like opening a bottle of champagne, fun enough, but, alas, short-lived. In a word, in both cases one should not forget that everything is good when in moderation. It's too much, it's just too much.


It's hardly worth attaching great importance Mary’s appearance, because behind both her severity and her reckless cheerfulness, her kindness and sincerity most often hides. Of course, her warmth will be enough for you, just don’t touch what is sacred to her.

We celebrate name days:

January 31, October 11 (January 18, September 28) – Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother St. Sergius Radonezhsky.

On the week of St. myrrh-bearing women - Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus the Four-Days.

the name comes from the Hebrew name Mariam, which according to one version comes from a root meaning “rejected”, according to another - from the word “sad”. Orthodox tradition translates the name as “mistress.”

Energy name

In the name Maria, in a strange way, severity is combined with cordiality, and passion with some detachment. Sometimes this leads to the development of a very contradictory character, but much more often one of these sides receives a significant advantage due to upbringing and living conditions. Such images as the Christian Virgin Mary and even the no less famous cheerful and sociable girl Masha from Russian fairy tales can play a significant role in the development of Masha’s character. Indeed, Masha is usually distinguished by noticeable mobility and is not without a sense of humor, but at the same time, in the depths of her soul, significant passion can gradually mature, which she will most likely try to hide from others. However, the more she hides her deep feelings, the more they will grow. Over the years, this can make Maria a rather strict and outwardly serious woman, although she can transform in the circle of close people. Often her sensuality is reflected in her love, especially for her children. Moreover, if we take into account that her feelings often take on the character of passion, then it is possible that this love of hers will turn out to be excessive, to the point that she may not even notice the interests of other people behind the interests of her child. Especially if this child is the only one.

Very often, Mary’s deep soulfulness forces her to choose humane professions, such as teaching or medicine. Here, indeed, the combination of warmth and severity can be very favorable. However, no matter what her desire for her profession is, she cannot distract Maria from caring for her own family. She is a wonderful housewife and tries to devote her whole life to children. She builds her relationship with her husband from these same principles, being always ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of the child’s sacred interests.

The Machine’s life develops differently if, due to her upbringing or for some other reason, she has learned not to hide her passionate nature from others. In this case, her fate may turn out to be quite stormy, but interesting. Especially when her sensuality does not break through immediately, but after a sufficient, but not too long period of secrecy. It will be like opening a bottle of champagne, fun, but, alas, short-lived. In a word, in both cases one should not forget that everything is good when in moderation. Too much is just too much.

Characteristics of the name

Maria is a person of extraordinary warmth. This is the best friend you could ever wish for. Someone else's misfortune evokes in her an instinctive desire to help. She has a rare ability for self-sacrifice. She is able to devote her life to her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her credo is “I feel sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!” Maria is extremely intelligent and prone to philosophy; she is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time - she must arrange the affairs of others! Maria is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful hostess. But still, Mary’s life is a mirror for loving people.

Many people know Mashenka as a kind, gentle, calm girl. She herself is still a child, but she is already starting to nurse the younger ones; This is the only job that Mashenka never seems to get tired of. It’s easy to offend a girl; she often takes even a small remark painfully. Nevertheless, Mashenka has enough firmness and dignity to stand up for herself. She can be capricious and likes to do what she likes. Sometimes her actions are dictated by a momentary whim.

Masha is specific and loves justice. Responsible for school and home responsibilities. Her classmates love her for her hard work and ability to empathize.

Such is the matured Maria. She generously spreads warmth around her, constantly warming those in need of affection, attention, and care. Someone else's misfortune evokes in her an instinctive desire to help. Maria is devoted to her children, she dotes on them. Infatuation with someone when Maria is married is unlikely, but if the husband wants to completely protect himself from this, he should have at least one child with Maria. By the way, Mary’s children are most often born same-sex. Mary's good relationship with her mother-in-law is guaranteed if the latter is old and helpless, but if she is young, healthy and does not need the cares of her daughter-in-law, she will be jealous of her son. Maria bravely endures everyday difficulties. The only thing that makes her deeply unhappy is her husband’s infidelity. She is very loved by the children, who always take her side.

The name Maria is perhaps the most common of female names throughout the world. This is explained by the breadth of Christianity covering a wide variety of countries. The name Mary is a transliteration of the Hebrew name Miriam, which means “bitterness.” Its most famous owner was the Most Holy Reverend Virgin Mary of Egypt, Mother of Jesus Christ, who conceived the Son of God immaculately after the appearance of an angel of the Lord to her. Along with other representatives of the holy family (St. Joseph, St. Anna), the Blessed Virgin Mary was canonized already in the first years of the existence of Christianity. Mary is characterized by spontaneity, cheerfulness, gullibility, good disposition and elegance.

Her alliance with Grigory, Anatoly, Alexander, Victor, Evgeniy, Ivan, Valentin will be strong. Marriage may be unsuccessful with Ruslan, Eduard, Felix.

This can be called Pisces, Taurus, Scorpios, Capricorns. This name is not suitable for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Secrets of communication

It is hardly worth attaching great importance to Maria’s appearance, because behind both her severity and her reckless cheerfulness, her kindness and sincerity most often hide. Of course, her warmth will be enough for you, just don’t touch what is sacred to her.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Masha, Mashenka, Mashunya, Mashuta, Manya, Manyechka, Manyuta, Manyusya, Maryushka, Maryasha, Mariyka, Marisha, Marusya, Marusenka, Manyusha, Manyasha.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Scorpion.
Planet: Sun.
Name colors: orange, steel.
Most favorable colors: calm brown.
Talisman stone: jasper.

Maria's name day

August 4 (July 22)- Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles, Myrrh-Bearer.
January 31, October 11 (January 18, September 28)- Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun, mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
On the Sunday of St. myrrh-bearing women- Maria of Bethany, sister of Lazarus of the Four Days.
February 25 (12)- Mary of Bithynia, venerable woman, who labored in male form.
February 19 (6)- Mary of Asia, virgin, martyr.
April 14 (1)- Mary of Egypt, Venerable, on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. At the age of twelve she left her parents’ home and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned to the righteous path in Jerusalem and lived in solitude for 48 years in great feats of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian desert (6th century).
June 20 (7)- Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian) martyr.
February 8 (January 26)- Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, reverend.
August 22 (9)- Mary of Constantinople, patrician, martyr.
July 25 (12)- Mary of Persia, confessor.
June 22 (9)- Mary of Persia, martyr.
August 22 (9), March 2 (February 17)- Mary, sister of the Apostle Philip.
November 11 (October 29)- Maria Hidanskaya, reverend.

Trace of a name in history

The daughter of the prompter of the Maly Theater (1853–1928) had already been involved in the theatrical environment since childhood and always dreamed of becoming an actress, but it is unlikely that even in her dreams she could have imagined what heights she would reach on stage.

She married early for love, to a wealthy landowner, lawyer Shubinsky. However family life it didn’t work out, even the birth of a daughter didn’t help – the young people very quickly realized how far they were from each other.

At the age of 16, Yermolova performed on the stage of the Maly Theater, replacing a suddenly ill actress. After the first words spoken by Yermolova, applause was heard in the theater: everyone was struck by her voice, “coming from the chest and reverberating in the heart.” Afterwards, she wrote in her diary: “What I didn’t even dare to dream about five days ago has come true. I thought they would call me once. I was called twelve times.” Despite her success, she played insignificant roles for several years, until through hard work and unbreakable persistence she won a position for herself. And when she celebrated her 25th anniversary in 1896, she was already considered one of the first artists not only in Russia, but also in Europe.

Her performance fascinated everyone who saw Ermolova on stage. According to contemporaries, she managed to create deep, contradictory, complex images, which at the same time were as real as life itself. However, the actress achieved this effect not only thanks to her talent, but also to her enormous capacity for work, as well as pedantry. So that there were no “blank spots” left for her in the character of her heroines, before learning any historical role, the actress spent a long time rummaging through books and papers of that time, recreating for herself the whole picture - and as a result, her performance was almost documentary. Before the performance, she came to the theater several hours early to get in the mood and get used to the character; That is why director K. Stanislavsky considered Maria Ermolova an ideal actress, whose art, in his words, “lies in complete simplicity.”

Ermolova played Lope de Vega, Racine, Shakespeare, Schiller, Hugo, Pisemsky, Ostrovsky, more than two hundred roles in total.

In 1920, the Soviet public solemnly celebrated the 50th anniversary of Ermolova’s stage activity. V.I. Lenin was present at the anniversary performance. She was the first in the country to receive the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

There are still many theatrical jokes about the great actress, based on her amazing ability not to get lost in any circumstances. So, once Ermolova played on the stage of the Maly Theater. A shot was heard behind the scenes - it was the heroine’s husband who shot himself. An actor ran onto the stage. Ermolova is in terrible excitement: “Who shot?” The actor, without taking a breath, instead of “Your husband!” blurted out: “Wah flies!” Ermolova repeated in horror: “Moss of flies?” - and fell unconscious

Other famous namesakes of Mary

  • Maria(Theotokos, Mother of God, Virgin Mary, Madonna) - in Christianity, the mother of Jesus Christ, who immaculately conceived him.
  • St. Mary of Cleopas– She lived in the house of Father Joseph the Betrothed with the Blessed Virgin Mary. They loved each other like closest relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her “sister of the Mother of Jesus.”
  • Maria Andreeva(Yurkovskaya) (1868-1953). Russian actress. On stage - since 1894, in 1898-1905. ? at the Moscow Art Theater. One of the founders and artist of the Bolshoi Drama Theater (Petrograd, 1919). Commissioner of Theaters and Shows of Petrograd (1919-1921). In 1931-1948. - Director of the Moscow House of Scientists.
  • Maria Bashkirtseva(1860–1884) - Russian writer and artist, lived and worked abroad.
  • Maria Bezobrazova(1857–1914) – writer, the first professional researcher in the field of ancient Russian philosophy. Doctoral dissertation She defended “Manuscript Materials on the History of Russian Philosophy” at the University of Bern in 1891, a year later the work was published in Leipzig.
  • Maria Vetrova(1870-1897). Revolutionary populist, member of the "Group of People's Will". In 1896 she was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In protest against the prison regime, she burned herself.
  • Maria Volkonskaya(1805–1863) - princess, wife of the Decembrist S. G. Volkonsky, who followed him into exile.
  • Maria Hamilton- maid of honor of Catherine I and favorite of Peter I.
  • Maria Callas(baptized as Cecilia Sophia Anna Maria Kalogeropoulos; 1923-1977) - opera singer (soprano). The greatest opera diva and prima donna of the 20th century. She influenced the world of opera more than any other person in the 20th century, if not at all times. She dominated her profession for 12 years and was an outstanding performer for 20. When she died, Pierre-Jean Remy, the Parisian opera critic, said of her: “After Callas, opera will never be the same.” She turned opera into a real dramatic theater, making even “trills and scales express joy, anxiety or melancholy”
  • Marie Curie-Skłodowska(1867-1934) - French physicist and chemist, one of the creators of the doctrine of radioactivity, twice Nobel laureate.
  • Maria Magdalena von Losch(pseudonym of Marlene Dietrich) American actress (1901-1992).
  • Mirra (Maria) Lokhvitskaya(1869-1905), Russian poetess. Sister of Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi. She entered the history of literature as the “Russian Sappho”: in her lyrics she sang sensual love, pagan passion, and freedom of feelings.
  • Maria Mordasova(1915-1997) - performer of Russian folk songs.
  • Maria Skvortsova(1911-2000) - actress who embodied on the screen a gallery of “folk images” - peasant women, mothers, grandmothers.
  • Maria Ulyanova(1878-1937). Party member since 1898. Sister of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Iskra agent. Participant in the revolution of 1905-1907. And October revolution 1917 in Petrograd. In 1917-1929 - member of the editorial board and executive secretary of Pravda, then - in the Central Control Commission-NK RKI. Since 1934 - member of the Soviet Control Commission. In 1925-1934 - Member of the Central Control Commission of the party. Member of the USSR Central Executive Committee.

Name Maria: meaning, characteristics, totems, compatibility with male names, history and origin.

Merlin, a name known throughout the world thanks to the talented actress of the last century. But few people know that this is the American version Slavic name Maria. In this article we will tell you about all the secrets and mysteries that this keeps. popular name, and also about what Mary should surround herself with so that life brings success and happiness.

What does the name Mary mean according to the church calendar?

The roots of the name Maria are branchy and go back centuries. With the birth of Christianity, the name Mary was already quite common and had many synonyms and modifications. But girls in Christianity were baptized with the name Maria, and not with analogues. In order to understand what the name Maria means, church calendar it is necessary to look at the first written Bibles that have survived to this day. They are written in Greek and the name Maria is written as Μαρια, which translated means “sad.” And indeed, Christian Marys had many reasons in life to be sad and sad. But even in such a life, they found faith in God and the righteous path, which led them to a holy form.

Patron Saint named Mary

Patron Saint named Mary

Mary of Egypt, who lived in the 4th century, is considered the patroness of all penitent women, as well as the patroness of girls and women bearing the name Mary and its analogues.

The mystery of the name Maria

Considering ancient origin The name is quite difficult to determine its origin. One way or another it is reflected in almost every religion and major national branches. We generally consider the name Maria to be originally Russian, Slavic as it is, since this name was borne by women at the beginning of the history of the Slavs, but we should not forget about other directions and versions of the origin of the name.

For example, one version says that the name Mary is Hebrew. Since it is mentioned in the canonical text of the Bible and is also found in the book of Exodus. It is worth noting that at that time the lives of men were described, but women were taken for granted with men and were not even mentioned. Accordingly, the mention of a woman’s name means that this person was very influential and carried a lot of weight in that society.

The mystery of the name Maria

The name Mary is also mentioned in the oldest sources in Hebrew - מרים, which means “rejected.” Again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that, on the one hand, the name has a sad character in the description of the ancient representatives of the name, and on the other hand, the mention itself means special significance in this society.

Another reference in Hebrew is מר, which means “bitterness.” In the Islamic tradition it is customary to call Mariam or Maryam.

Surprisingly, in almost every nation, the oldest preserved records contain a mention of this name. How strong is the energy of this name that its owner changes his life so much?

But in the Orthodox version, the name Maria means nothing more than mistress. Most likely, girls of noble origin were often called this name. Surprisingly, along with the position of mistress, the mother of Jesus bears this name. Which causes heated debate regarding the origins of Jesus' parents. They may have been of noble birth, but because of their beliefs they had to give up power, flee and lead a modest lifestyle. This version has not been confirmed, but has a logical explanation for why the government has always had a biased attitude towards them and the love of the people.

What nationality is the name Maria?

It is generally accepted that the name Maria is national, but the most zealous skeptics are still trying to prove that the name Maria is rooted specifically in their nationality. Main directions: Russian, Jewish, Jewish, Orthodox and Catholic.

Name Maria, Masha: origin and meaning, popularity

Despite the fact that the exact origin of the name is unknown, it has always been popular. In ancient records, various variations of this name have been preserved, for example, the Jewish prophetess, sister of Moses and Aaron, bore the name Mariam, or as some sources mentioned Mariam. From the first royals to today, among kings and close nobles, the name Mary was an honorary name, and many princesses (later queens), duchesses, countesses, etc. were named by it.

For example, when the heir to the throne, Mary Stuart, was born in Scotland, the close nobility named the daughters born with Mary the same name. Subsequently, when Maria was sent to France, she arrived with her ladies-in-waiting, the Marias.

In Catholicism, the name Mary and its analogues are quite common. Many miraculous icons and statues have survived to this day: Consuelo, Dolores, Montserrat, Regina, Carmela, Mercedes.

In England, when separated from Catholicism, the name Mary took on the original English style - Mary (in English Mary). After this, the expanded version of the name Maria was practically not used. But Mariah's version was very popular in Africa and Asia, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the singer of the same name Mariah Carey at the end of the last century. Also in England and America, Polly and Molly are quite common.

In Europe, in addition to the name Maria, diminutive names are used autonomously: Marie, Mary. In Germany: Marieke, Mitsel, Marichen. In France: Marian, Manon, Mariette, Marion, Mariel. In Spain: Marilda, Marica. In Italy: Maryun, Mariolla, Mariella. Romania: Maritza and Marioara. The Greeks call Mari: Marietta and Marigula. Poles and Belarusians - Marusyami. Czechs: Marikami im Marzhenkami. In the Netherlands: Mathieu and Maike, and neighbors in Sweden: Mian and Maya. Norwegians call them Mia and Mariken. Irish - Maura and Moira. Georgians - Lamirami.

Maria - decoding of the name from Greek

Translated from Greek, Mary means “sad,” also meaning “sad.”

Name Maria, Masha in English, Latin, different languages

Translation of the name Maria into different languages:

Language Spelling the name
Belorussian Marya
Ukrainian Maria
Tatar Maryam
Azerbaijani Məryəm
Armenian Մարիամ (read as Mariam)
Hungarian Maria
Bulgarian Maria
Latvian Marija
Croatian Marija
Czech Marie, Marika
Greek Μαρια
Latin Maria
Spanish Maria
French and German Marie
Finnish Maria, Marie
Arab مريم‎‎
Hebrew מירים
Chinese traditional 馬利亞
Korean 마리아
Japanese マリア
English Mary

How is the name Maria written in a foreign passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is prescribed in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Maria in the international passport should be written as MARIIA.

Maria: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

In addition to the previously mentioned diminutive and endearments named Maria are:

  • Mariel
  • Mariola
  • Marilyn
  • Maraqui
  • Marisha
  • Lamara
  • Maiken
  • Marilyn
  • Mashunya
  • Marika
  • Marya
  • Marion
  • Marichka
  • Marusya
  • Mariyka
  • Mariam
  • Miriam
  • Moira
  • Miriam
  • Molly
  • Marigot
  • Manyasha
  • Minnie
  • Meryam
  • Mariami
  • Mariette
  • Maryam
  • Manon

Maria: the meaning of the name character and fate

Maria's energy allows her to grow up as a calm, balanced, intelligent girl. Marias are very emotional, but with early years very closed even from loved ones. Which creates the appearance of calm, a certain detachment. Parents should know that the more distant she looks, the greater the storm of feelings boils inside Maria. On the one hand, she is sensitive and emotional, on the other hand, she does not like to show emotions. This makes her persistent from an early age and teaches her self-control. Girls grow up to be power-hungry, self-confident and knowing what they want to achieve in life.

Maria approaches education thoroughly, studies well and strives to receive an excellent education. Marys are careerists, they languish at home and develop neuroses.

Maria in marriage is a good housewife, a devoted wife, kind and loving mother. But only if it is realized in a career. Otherwise everything will collapse. Also, the husband needs to constantly look after his wife, support romantic relationship. Otherwise, Maria will get bored and her sexuality towards her husband will fade away, but when a suitor appears, she will be inflamed with all passion for him. At the same time, she will not leave her family, and will hide her relationship on the side for a long time.

Name Maria: sexuality, marriage

Maria perceives sex the same way good food or fitness. If he is not with his loved one, she will have no problem starting a “temporary solution.”

Name Maria: health and psyche

Maria is distinguished by excellent health, but with her psyche everything is much more complicated. Due to this closed nature, there may be nervous breakdowns, and in case of an unfortunate fate, even ending up in psychiatric hospitals for treatment. The most important thing for Maria is to have the opportunity to do what she loves; without it, problems with nerves cannot be avoided.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Maria: compatibility with male names

Maria is an easy to pronounce name with a vowel at the end. This name is suitable for 98% of male names, and therefore patronymics. But before you name a girl with this name, be sure to “try on” the middle name.

When is the name day, Mary's Angel Day according to the Orthodox calendar?


Maria Laktionova, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2001?


Maria Danilova, martyr

New Martyr, 2000 ?

31 Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun
8 Mary of Constantinople, Palestine, Venerable
19 Mary of Asia, martyr, virgin
25 Mary of Bithynia, Venerable
2 Mariamne (Mary)

Maria Grosheva, nun, martyr

New Martyr, 2000 ?

2 Mary, martyr
14 Mary of Egypt, Venerable
17 Maria Lelyanova, nun, martyr
25 Maria Vifanskaya
10 Maria Nosova, novice, martyr
17 Mary Magdalene, Equal to the Apostles (myrrh-bearer)

Maria Kleopova (Discovery of Relics)

Mary of Cleophas, Jacob, Josiah (myrrh-bearer)


Maria Ustyuzhskaya

Mary, virgin

15 Mary, martyr
17 Maria Vifanskaya
20 Mary of Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr
22 Mary of Persia, martyr
24 Mary of Pergamon, martyr
2 Mary, mother of Joseph
17 Maria Romanova, Grand Duchess, Passion-Bearer
25 Golindukha (baptized Maria) Persian, confessor
18 Mary, martyr
22 Mary of Constantinople, martyr, patrician
24 Maria Synklitikia
28 Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
8 Maria Diveevskaya (Fedina), holy fool for Christ's sake
Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Maria Rykova, martyr, nun

Maria Yegisskaya, Venerable

2 Maria Mamontova-Shashina, venerable martyr
11 Maria of Radonezh, schema-nun
21 Maria Volnukhina, martyr
11 Maria Khidanskaya, reverend

Maria Zhuravleva, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2005 ?

Maria Tseytlin, venerable martyr

New Martyr, 2004 ?

Congratulations on Angel Mary Day, short in verse and prose

Maria! We sincerely congratulate you on your name day! On Angel Day, we wish you to always remain at a height invisible to us. Let every new day of yours be better than the one that came before it! Don't stop dreaming, creating and striving for new things! Your wishes will definitely come true!

Video: Congratulations on Angel Mary Day

Song with the name Maria, Masha

And of course, on Birthdays and Name Days it is impossible to do without songs!

Video: Song about Masha

Video: Masha, Maria

Video: Mikhail Shufutinsky - Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Tattoo with the name Maria, Masha

Pendant with the name Maria made of gold: photo

Name Maria: intuition, intelligence, morality

Despite the fact that Maria has a very developed intuition, she rarely resorts to it, placing the main emphasis on intellect and knowledge. Special attention Mary pays attention to morality. Even if she wants this more than life itself, even if she knows that her idea will be crowned with success, she still will not allow it if she considers the action immoral.

Name Maria: hobbies, activities, business

Maria will succeed both in creativity and in the humanities, both in science and in business. In fact, Maria is a very versatile person and no matter what she undertakes, everything will be crowned with success. But here it is worth focusing on what suits Mary’s soul more. After all, if, under pressure from loved ones, she chooses a field of activity that is not the one she wanted, even dizzying success will not save the situation - nervousness and breakdowns are guaranteed to her.

Characteristics of the name Maria

Maria collected in herself rigor and tenderness, emotionality and external aloofness. She is a desperate careerist and a loving mother, an independent woman and a devoted wife.

  • Winter Maria. Those born in the cold season are also cold and reserved. She is very silent and does not like to waste words. In marriage, she gives the leading role to her husband and will not try to steal it even if her husband has difficulties in being the head of the family;
  • Spring Maria. These girls are cheerful and optimistic, but their openness is their Achilles heel. They are more sociable than other Marys, and therefore are most often subject to criticism and condemnation, and therefore it is much easier to hurt their feelings. In marriage she is calm, compromises, but does not allow her space to be encroached upon;
  • Summer Maria. Very nervous, vulnerable and overly sensitive. She does not like conflicts and carefully avoids them, but if she enters, she loses due to the fact that she does not like debates. In marriage, she is restrained and agrees to submit to her husband in order to avoid conflict;
  • Autumn Maria. Those born in autumn are suspicious, calm on the outside and nervous on the inside. Doesn't know how to cope with breakups, failures and refusals. Every problem is a tragedy that must be suffered. She takes her choice of husband very seriously and is usually happy in her marriage.

The most complete and happy Mary is born in the zodiac sign Virgo. But the other signs, in principle, are suitable for this name, there is no incompatibility.

What zodiac sign does the name Maria go to?

The name Maria has several talisman stones:

  • The pomegranate symbolizes passionate and eternal love, but besides this, it helps Mary save face in the face of difficulties and evokes courage and bravery. Helps pass tests;
  • Carnelian will help you find happy love and will lead you away from the deceivers. It will also give you mood and help you concentrate in difficult times. During public speaking, he will be gifted with eloquence;

Talisman stone for the name Maria
  • Sapphire is endowed with modesty, loyalty, wisdom and at the same time power. In Europe, it was customary to give jewelry with sapphires to Mary for her coronation;
  • Diamond will help you gain inner core, strength, hardness and at the same time look sophisticated and brilliant. Protects from diseases.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Maria

The tree named Maria is a tender birch tree.

The flower named Maria is cornflower. He gives Mary constancy, tenderness, femininity and simplicity. It will also help maintain youth and remain beautiful in old age.

Mary is attached to doves, symbolizing peace and fertility. In difficult times, when Maria does not know where to go next, she even intuitively goes to the pigeons, be it her own bird or feeding pigeons in the parks. They help her find the right solution.

Totem animal named Maria

Numerology of the name Maria

Body number 5

Hidden Spirit Number 7

Mary's soul number is 3

This set of numbers gives Maria creativity, as well as the opportunity to independently choose the direction in life. It should be borne in mind that Maria takes criticism very seriously and is not always able to endure it with dignity without falling into depression.

Nickname for the name Maria

Bright, sublime pseudonyms are suitable for the name Maria. These are Maria Regina coeli (queen of heaven) and Maria Stella (star of the seas) and many other truly royal pseudonyms.

Element named Maria

The element of Mary is Air, thereby presenting all the possibilities of her signs.

Patron planet of Mary

Proserpina is a delightful planet symbolizing self-improvement, transformation and self-education skills. Thanks to this, Mary constantly moves forward throughout her life.

Patron planet of Mary Marilyn Monroe

Video: Maria - the meaning of the name. Character, qualities, analysis of the name Maria

Meaning of the name Maria: This name for a girl means “beloved”, “desired”.

Origin of the name Maria: from the Hebrew word Miriam.

Diminutive form of name: Mariyka, Marisha, Marya, Mulya, Musya, Marusya, Maryuta, Masya, Musha, Manya, Manyunya, Manyasha, Masha, Mashunya, Maryasha.

What does the name Maria mean: Masha has a pliable and gentle character, as long as it does not concern her priorities, she knows how to defend her interests. She often chooses to work with children or professions related to sports. It is difficult for her to do housework all day, so the family leads an active lifestyle and travels often.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name Mary: the name marks the name day three times:

  • April 14 (1) – The Venerable Mary of Egypt left her parents’ home for twelve years and led a sinful life for seven years, then she turned to the righteous path in Jerusalem and lived in solitude for forty-eight years in great feats of fasting and prayer in the Jordanian desert (6th century).
  • June 5 (May 23) - St. M. Cleopas (that is, the wife of Cleopas) - daughter of Joseph the Betrothed; she lived in her father's house with Holy Virgin Maria; they loved each other as closest relatives, which is why the Gospel calls her “sister of the Mother of Jesus.”
  • September 21 (8) – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Signs: April 14 Marya - light up the snow, make the ravines play. If there is a spill on Mary of Egypt, there will be a lot of grass. September 21, the Nativity of the Mother of God, is Opozhinki, a harvest festival. On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed: the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit.


  • Zodiac – Virgo
  • Planet – Proserpina
  • Color - gray
  • Auspicious tree - birch
  • Treasured plant – cornflower
  • Patron - dove
  • Talisman stone – diamond

Characteristics of the name Maria

Positive features: The meaning of the name Maria from a psychological point of view. The name Maria gives decency, kindness, reliability, activity, humanity. A girl with this name has a huge reserve of love and tenderness. Since childhood, she has shown gentleness, obedience, sympathy for people and a willingness to help a person in trouble. At the same time, there is firmness and dignity in her character. If necessary, the girl is able to stand up for herself and her ideals.

Negative features: The name Maria brings gloominess, vulnerability, and touchiness. She has a hard time dealing with comments addressed to her. If she doesn’t agree with something, she expresses her disagreement quite violently.

Personality of the name Maria: What character traits does the meaning of the name Maria determine? Masha is a person of extraordinary warmth. This is the best friend you could ever wish for. She has a rare capacity for self-sacrifice; She, like no one else, is able to live life in her husband, children, friends, and favorite books. Her credo: “I feel sorry for everyone. I have to help everyone!” the one with the name is extremely intelligent and prone to philosophy; she is a psychic, a psychoanalyst, a fortune teller, a healer, a good sorceress - she always has sublime, almost superhuman abilities, which she rarely develops in herself: there is no time, she must arrange the affairs of others! A girl named Masha is elegant, beautiful, and a wonderful housewife.

Adult Masha is also a smart, hardworking woman with a huge supply of love and tenderness. She is a little envious, but someone else's misfortune makes her instinctively want to help. If something happens to her, Masha withdraws into herself and rarely shares her experiences.

She Maria is stubborn. He expresses his disagreement with something actively and violently. Failures have a special meaning for her. They, of course, upset her, but she doesn’t make a tragedy out of it, she quickly pulls herself together and starts over.

Maria and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The meaning of the name Maria is favorable in alliance with Alexander, Anatoly, Andrey, Boyan, Bryachislav, Vasily, Vlas, Vyacheslav, Gavrila, Danila, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mstislav, Roman. The name is also combined with Svyatoslav, Fedor. Difficult relationships are likely with Anisim, Bronislav, Valery, Vsevolod, Efim, Zinovy, Laurus, Lev, Rostislav.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Maria promise happiness in love? In marriage she is faithful, ready to follow her husband. She is a very devoted mother, gives all of herself to her children, and even takes care of the grown ones. They reciprocate the girl's feelings and are always on her side.

Mashenka’s husband should remember that she is not only painfully experiencing internal and family discord, but may get sick or even commit suicide as a result.

Her main concerns are her own family. The meaning of the name Maria is a wonderful housewife, she devotes herself entirely to her children, even relegating her husband to the background. But she is faithful to him, sensual, and will never give her husband a reason to reproach her for anything. Rather, she may have a reason to be disappointed in him, but Masha knows how to endure. Her husband and children more often respond to her with devotion and obedience.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A woman bearing the name Maria belongs to the type of person who “reigns in heaven and on earth.” Her activities are marked by high spiritual, intellectual and creative aspirations. She is responsible and hardworking, she manifests herself most fully in medicine, pedagogy, and the field of art. Since childhood, a girl named Masha has been accustomed to solving her problems on her own, without putting them on the shoulders of others. If she fails to receive an excellent education, then she can earn fame and honor in a modest work field.

She is not afraid of professions where you need to give your all, the range of her activities is extremely wide, she is in her place everywhere - cheerful, good-natured, hardworking. Over the years, she becomes quite strict and outwardly serious, but her warmth and sociability remain. Therefore, the best professions for Masha are pedagogy and medicine, the most humane, requiring warmth and rigor.

Business and career: This girl stands firmly on the ground and does not strive to shine. She lives within her means, knows how to save money, but does not depend on it. Defeats and failures upset her, but she does not attach great importance to them.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Maria: Mashenka is calm as an infant. Parents do not experience any particular difficulties with her. But when she turns one and a half years old, she often begins to get sick with the flu and other diseases. But mentally and physically, the meaning of the name Maria promises normal development.

“Winter” Masha has a congenital heart defect. As a child, Masha’s throat bothers her; she has a weakened nervous system. She is very irritable, so you should contact a neurologist. As a child he suffered from chickenpox. A sore throat can cause complications in the eyes and bronchi, which are already weak.

A girl with this name is a very lively, emotional girl. Reacts to everything that happens. But it depends on her middle name. For example, the name Maria with the patronymic Alexandrovna is very emotional, she will only go into the arms of those she knows. At school she suffers from sinusitis.

In “Martovskaya”, frequent colds cause complications in the ears, and sinusitis can form. This girl is capricious and wayward. You should take her for long walks in the fresh air, this calms the nervous system. It is useless to raise your voice at her; she reacts inadequately to punishment. Masha must be treated as an equal, otherwise she will become angry, withdrawn and turn away from her parents.

"May" Masha does poorly at school, is inattentive and lazy. Much depends on the middle name she bears. This applies to the reports of Aleksandrovna and Igorevna. But Vladimirovna is very emotional, takes everything to heart, and is prone to stress. At sixteen, her relationship with her parents is very difficult.

The name Masha needs to pay attention to gynecology. Her main ailment is a weak nervous system. With age, “July” Masha suffers from salt deposits, kidney stones, gynecological diseases, and eye diseases. Vegetative-vascular dystonia develops. A woman named Maria often suffers from high blood pressure and strokes.

The fate of Mary in history

What does the name Maria mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Maria is one of the most popular names both in Russia and throughout the world, in fairy tales, in literature, in history.
  2. The Blessed Virgin of Nazareth, mother of Jesus Christ. Theotokos, Mother of God, Madonna - earthly mother of Jesus Christ. The mention of it in the four Gospels is very brief, numerous additions arose in the apocrypha - new gospel tales, not officially recognized by the church. The tragic story of a woman who raised her son, knowing in advance that he would be taken away from her and tortured, could not help but disturb the imagination of people.
  3. Princess Maria N. Volkonskaya (1806–1863) - wife of the Decembrist Prince Sergei Grigorievich Volkonsky, who voluntarily shared exile with him. Daughter of the famous hero of the 12th year, N.N. Raevsky, at the age of 18, at the behest of her father, she married General Volkonsky, who was much older than her. Like the wives of other Decembrists, she learned about the existence of a secret society only when most of the conspirators were already in the fortress. In 1863, Volkonskaya died from heart disease acquired in Siberia. She left behind notes, a remarkable human document in its modesty, sincerity and simplicity. Her father, N.N. Raevsky, who with all the severity of a man of military discipline tried to keep his daughter from going to Siberia, said before his death, pointing to her portrait: “This is the most amazing woman I knew.”
  4. Maria Romanova (1907 - 1951) - from birth bore the title of Most Serene Princess Kirillovskaya; the title of Princess of the Imperial Blood was recognized for her on July 28, 1907, since 1925. - Crown Princess of Leiningen, since 1939 - Princess of Leiningen. The eldest daughter of Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Victoria Feodorovna (nee Princess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Great Britain). She was born in January 1907 and, in accordance with the decree of Nicholas II, was assigned to the Russian Imperial House. In 1924, Princess of Imperial Blood Maria Kirillovna received the title of Grand Duchess from her father, who accepted the title of Emperor of All-Russia Kirill I. In the 1930s, the Russian-Serbian Charitable Society of the Grand Duchess operated in Novi Sad under the patronage of the queen, providing assistance to needy Russian refugees Maria
  5. Maria de' Medici (1575 - 1642) - Queen of France, daughter of Grand Duke Francesco I of Tuscany and Joanna of Austria. Queen Consort of France, wife of Henry IV, mother of Louis XIII.
  6. Marlene Dietrich (1901 - 1992) - née Maria Magdalena Dietrich; German and American actress and singer, who created one of the perfect cinematic female images. Her “sultry woman with a spine of steel” differed both from the “mysterious woman” of Greta Garbo and from the naturalness embodied in the female images of Ingrid Bergman, and did not resemble the intellectual sophistication with which Claudette Colbert shone. Dietrich's cinematic fate was largely determined by Joseph von Sternberg Maria
  7. Maria Ermolova (1853 - 1928) is one of the most talented actresses in the history of the Maly Theater, according to Stanislavsky, the greatest actor he has ever seen. She became famous for her roles as freedom-loving individuals, devoted to their ideals and opposed to the surrounding vulgarity. Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1902). First People's Artist of the Republic (1920). Hero of Labor (1924). Since 1935, the Moscow Drama Theater named after Maria N. Ermolova has been named after her.
  8. Maria Krivopolenova (1843 - 1924) - storyteller, performer of epics and folk songs.
  9. Maria Skłodowska-Curie (1867 - 1934) - née Maria Salome Skłodowska; Polish-French experimental scientist (physicist, chemist), teacher, public figure. Twice Nobel Prize winner: in physics (1903) and in chemistry (1911), the first twice Nobel laureate in history. Founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and Warsaw. Pierre Curie's wife worked with him on radioactivity research. Together with her husband, she discovered the elements radium (from the Latin radi?re “to radiate”) and polonium (from the Latin name for Poland, Pol?nia - a tribute to Maria Sklodowska’s homeland).
  10. Mary Stuart, Mary I (1542 - 1587) - Queen of Scotland from infancy, actually ruled from 1561 until her deposition in 1567, as well as Queen of France in 1559-1560 (as the wife of King Francis II) and pretender to the English throne. Her tragic fate, full of quite “literary” dramatic turns and events, attracted writers of the romantic and subsequent eras.
  11. Maria Bochkareva - (1889 - 1920) nee Frolkova; one of the first Russian female officers (promoted during the 1917 revolution), lieutenant. The first is considered to be the “cavalry maiden” Nadezhda Durova, who participated in the wars with Napoleon in 1806-1814. Bochkareva created the first in the history of the Russian army women's battalion. Knight of the St. George's Cross.
  12. Maria Mironova (1911 - 1997) - Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the USSR (1991))
  13. Maria Biesu ((1935 - 2012) outstanding Moldovan Soviet opera singer, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1970). Hero of Socialist Labor (1990). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1982) and the USSR State Prize (1974).
  14. Maria Skobtsova, Nun, known as Mother Maria (1891 - 1945) - in the world - Elizaveta Skobtsova, maiden name - Pilenko, by her first husband - Kuzmina-Karavaeva; nun of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (Western European Exarchate of the Russian tradition) of Russian origin. Poet, memoirist, member of the French Resistance. Canonized by the Patriarchate of Constantinople as a venerable martyr in 2004.

Maria in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of name to different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language translated as Mary, (Mary), on German- name Marie, on French- Marie, on Italian- Maria.

Maria is one of the most popular female names in the world. It is international and, although it has been used for thousands of years, it is not obsolete.

This is a truly feminine name. It has many meanings and makes its owner a successful, diligent, excellent housewife, wife and mother.

The origin of the name Maria (Masha - abbr.) is very ancient. For the first time, in its original form - Mariam, it is mentioned in Old Testament. Mary was the name of the mother of Jesus Christ, and many prophetesses and saints bore the same name. Later it spread widely among Christian peoples.

It was often used to refer to daughters of noble, royal and imperial families. This is the only female name that can be a component of a male name, an example is Erich Maria Remarque (German writer).


What does Mary mean in Hebrew? According to the most common version, this name comes from the word “bitterness” and is interpreted as “bitter”, “rejected”. Another translation option is “desired”, “serene”, “beloved”.

The meaning of the name Maria from Greek is “sad,” and in Orthodoxy it stands for “lady.” As you can see, there are many interpretations and they are very contradictory.


What is the influence on the fate and meaning of the name Masha for a girl? As a child, she is calm and balanced, but at the same time prone to deep inner experiences. Although outwardly restrained, Masha is not unrequited and weak, in conflict situation she can take care of herself.

She has many friends who value Maria’s responsiveness and ability to support. She gets along well with younger children, loves to babysit them, and willingly helps her mother with household chores.

Health at an early age does not cause any particular complaints. But Masha has an increased risk of allergies, diseases of the digestive organs and respiratory tract. Taking good care of your health and following your doctor’s instructions allows you to control these problems.

There are no difficulties in studying. Masha has a penchant for both the exact sciences and the humanities. Often her hobby is drawing or poetry. Suppressing a girl's talents can lead to the development of neuroses.

The matured Masha is distinguished by her increased work ethic, so she can achieve success in many professions that require diligence, patience and attentiveness. Favorable industries for labor activity– finances, Scientific research, pedagogy, medicine. Thanks to an innate penchant for creativity, success in the field of art, advertising and sales is possible.


Maria is a name for a girl, giving its owner a sociable character. However, her opinion often does not coincide with the point of view of other people. As an adult, she becomes prone to criticism and philosophy.

Masha is a good friend. Someone else's misfortune always makes her want to come to the rescue. But she herself is not inclined to complain about life and shift her problems onto others.

Family is very important to Masha. In marriage, she becomes a faithful, caring and patient wife. She also strives to fulfill her role as a mother and cannot imagine her life without children.

Maria's character is such that she feels comfortable in the role of a housewife and can sacrifice her career for the sake of her family. It is often common for her to “dissolve” in her husband and children. Conflicts with loved ones are difficult for her, which can lead to the development of depression and nervous diseases.

Masha is not a careerist and knows how to be content with even small achievements. If she fails at work, she will not make a tragedy out of it. The ability to live within our means and rationally distribute finances allows Maria not to experience an urgent need for money.

Name day

Name days fall on the following days: January 8, 12 and 31, February 8, 19 and 25, March 2 and 20, April 2, 14 and 15, May 17, 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 and 25 June, July 17, August 4, 18 and 22, September 28, October 11 and 21, December 15. The abundance of dates does not mean that they apply to every Mary.

A person has only one name day. This is the date that coincides with the day of birth, or the first after it.

Name color

Maria is a female name that is usually associated with the color blue. It symbolizes calm and wisdom.

People whose names sound consonant with vibrations of blue color, conservative, devoted to their friends and loved ones. They may be stingy with emotions, too strict and demanding, but this is compensated positive features such as practicality and stability. Sometimes they may exhibit a tendency towards telepathy or the gift of foresight.

Name flower

For Mary, the treasured plant is cornflower. This is a small wildflower, it is unpretentious, simple and hardy. Its bright blue heads always attract attention and cause admiration.

Like the cornflower, Masha is persistent, modest and charming. She is friendly, loyal, sincere, and able to bravely confront difficulties.

Church name, calendar

According to the church, Mary is written and pronounced the same way. Therefore, in Christianity, at baptism, girls are given this name unchanged.

In the calendar, Mary is mentioned more than 20 times. These are the days of remembrance of saints and martyrs who wore given name. The dates correspond to those indicated above in the Name Day section.

Translation of name, in different languages

According to transliteration rules adopted in Russia, this name is written as Mariia in the international passport. In other languages, spelling and pronunciation are also different:

  1. Mary (Mary), Mariah (Mariah) - in English.
  2. Marie (Marie) - in French and German.
  3. Maria (Maria) - in Italian and Finnish.
  4. מירים (Miriam, Miriam) - in Hebrew.
  5. Máire (Moira) - in Irish.
  6. Մարիամ (Mariam) – in Armenian.
  7. Μαρία (Mary) – in Greek.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

It is known that Maria, Masha and Marusya are one name. The first of these addresses is the full form, the other two are diminutive. But, besides these variants that are widespread in Russia, there are other derivatives from the name Maria.

She can be briefly called Marya, Mara, Mari, Manya, Musya. Many people like how Maria is abbreviated in other languages ​​- May, Minnie (English), Mimi, Mia, Riya (German), Ri (Nid.), Miri (Hebrew).

There are also numerous endearing forms of the name Maria. Among them are Mashunya, Mashunka, Mariyka, Maryunya, Maryusha, Manyusha, Manyasha, Marika, Maryushka, Manyusya, Manyuta, Manyatka.

Name compatibility

A girl named Masha has a high chance of a lasting marriage with a man whose names are Andrei, Arkady, Ivan, Zakhar, Roman, Daniil, Ilya, Eduard, Rodion, Gennady, Vadim. The most vibrant romantic relationships are possible with Vladimir, Alexey, Mikhail, Maxim, Savva, Yuri, Miron, Denis, David, Philip.

She should avoid marrying Alexander, Akim, Anton, Arthur, Gleb, Dmitry, Egor, Igor, Oleg, Nikolai, Stanislav, Trofim, Yaroslav, Plato. Such an alliance may turn out to be fragile.

How to incline

How does the name Maria decline? When changing it by case, difficulties and errors may arise due to the ending -i.

Correct declension of the name Maria:

  • Maria – nominative.
  • Maria – genitive.
  • Maria - dative.
  • Maria - accusative.
  • Maria - creative.
  • Mary - prepositional.

Famous people with this name

Women with this name have made significant contributions to history. The most famous of them is the Virgin Mary, who became the mother of Jesus Christ.

Other famous people who bore this name:

  • Mary Stuart (1542-1587). Queen of Scots, mother of James I. Her tragic fate led to her later becoming the heroine of many films, novels, theater plays and songs.
  • Maria de Medici (1575-1642). French queen, mother of Louis XIII.
  • Maria Nikolaevna Romanova (1899-1918). Grand Duchess, daughter of Emperor Nicholas II.
  • Maria Ermolova (1853-1928). Famous Russian dramatic actress. She performed at the Maly Theater (Moscow).
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie (1867-1934). French female scientist of Polish origin. She made a significant contribution to the development of physics and chemistry and became the founder of radiochemistry. Winner of the Nobel Prize in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911).
  • Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Italian teacher and doctor. Author of a well-known and still relevant pedagogical methodology.
  • Maria Sergeenko (1891-1987). Philologist and antiquarian of the Soviet era. Author of more than 100 works, most of which are devoted to the history of Italy and the life of Ancient Rome.
  • Maria Klenova (1898-1976). Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, one of the founders of marine geology in the USSR.
  • Maria Callas (1923-1977). Greek and American opera singer, popular in the 20th century.
  • Maria Arbatova (1957). Russian writer, playwright, television and radio presenter, public figure. Winner of many awards in the field of literature and drama.
  • Maria Gorban (1986). Russian theater and film actress. She starred in domestic TV series and films.
  • Maria Sharapova (1987). Russian tennis player and master of sports. Won a series of Grand Slam tournaments. He is one of the most sought-after athletes in the advertising industry.

The meaning and fate of the name Mary is quite ambiguous, but in Christianity it is given a special meaning. Thanks to this, it was and remains one of the most popular on the planet.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Maria