Decoding SRO. What is SRO? Additional services related to SRO. Admission to work in SRO in the construction industry

10.08.2019 Business

Currently, construction, survey and design organizations cannot conduct their activities if they do not have permission to work. If an organization operates without such permission, it violates the legislation of the Russian Federation.

What is SRO?

It would seem, what could such a mysterious abbreviation mean? In fact, there is nothing mysterious about it. The meaning of SRO has long been known - a self-regulatory organization (non-profit type). It includes business entities and professional activity, which are united in a certain industry segment (for example, provision of services, performance of work).

In our country, Law No. 315-FZ, called “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, regulates:

  • the order of their formation;
  • their activities;
  • the main goals and objectives of such organizations.

All of the above is regulated by federal laws for each specific type of activity.

On November 24, 2014, Law No. 359-FZ was adopted, entitled “On Amendments to the Russian Federation and Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”. Through this bill, the task is set to put in order the activities of self-governing organizations, since many commercial ones are opening against the backdrop of government structures. It is the latter that hinder the development of the country’s economy by issuing work permits to unqualified market participants. Therefore, self-regulation must find a way out of this situation within a year. If a solution is not found, the work licensing system will return.

The main idea of ​​SRO

The main idea of ​​the SRO, the deciphering of the abbreviation of which is clear to every member of such an organization, is to remove certain functions from the state. In particular, the functions of supervision and control over the actions of certain entities are removed from the state. These responsibilities are shifted to those who are market participants.

This redistribution of responsibilities removes unnecessary functions from the state. This allows you to reduce budget expenses. Moreover, it becomes possible not to waste time and effort monitoring activities. Now you can focus on monitoring the results of their activities.

The system on the basis of which self-regulatory organizations operate is a clear alternative to licensing. Now, instead of it, to carry out professional activities you need to obtain permission to work. It is he who confirms the professionalism of the market participant.

If one of the participants fails to comply with the norms and rules established by law and the organization itself, responsibility for the violation is distributed between the culprit and all other participants of the SRO. Therefore, the organization has an interest in performing work and providing services of exceptionally good quality.

Signs of SRO

The main features of a self-regulatory organization:

  • lack of a commercial component (legally, SRO means a self-regulatory organization of a non-profit type);
  • the organization’s activities comply with the goals set out in federal legislation;
  • the organization has a precise composition of its participants, the membership of each of which is secured by relevant internal documents;
  • All members of the SRO are united by professional or entrepreneurial activity in one specific industry.

Thanks to the SRO, the market has the opportunity to regulate itself independently using special mechanisms. At the same time, having refused licensing, the state invited market participants to work on the principle of “one for all, and all for one.” But against the backdrop of conscientious organizations, commercial SROs began to appear, nullifying the idea for which self-regulation was created: safety control in a certain field of activity. Therefore, you need to clearly understand the characteristics of a state self-regulatory organization. This will allow you to avoid joining commercial SROs, which do nothing but spoil the general image of the industry by issuing permits to fly-by-night companies and unqualified employees solely for the sake of profit.

Functions of SRO

Those who decide to join the SRO will not be confused by deciphering this abbreviation. But the meaning of this concept is often not understood by many. It has already been said above why self-governing organizations are needed. About how, based on certain signs, to identify a state, and not a commercial, structure, which should not be trusted.

But deciphering SROs becomes available only when the functional responsibilities of such organizations are clearly defined. Let us pay attention to the main functions of the SRO:

  • development and establishment of conditions for membership in the organization;
  • application of disciplinary measures against members of the organization;
  • formation of arbitration courts to resolve disputes;
  • analysis of reports submitted by SRO participants;
  • representing the interests of organization participants when issues arise with government authorities;
  • organizing training for SRO participants;
  • certification of the organization's employees;
  • certification of services and goods offered to consumers by members of the organization;
  • monitoring the activities of SRO participants;
  • analysis of complaints received against members of the organization;
  • resolving issues when members of the organization violate the requirements of standards and rules of the SRO.

Currently, in our country, self-regulatory organizations are involved in 20 industries. And if previously the decoding of SRO was not completely clear to many people, now this abbreviation is clear even to a schoolchild.

SRO rights

The legal aspects of self-regulatory organizations are fully spelled out in Article 6 of Federal Law No. 315-FZ “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”, which was issued on December 1, 2007.

Basic rights of companies with a self-regulatory management system:

  • in the manner prescribed by law, challenge on your own behalf decisions, actions or inactions of structures related to local or state authorities, if the interests and rights of both the organization itself and its participants, as provided for by law, are violated;
  • be a participant in the discussion of draft laws created at the federal level;
  • take part in government political issues related to the formation and implementation of the self-regulatory process;
  • make requests to government authorities in order to obtain information if it relates to issues of performing the functions assigned to the organization.

A distinctive feature of such organizations is that they have the right, through constituent documents, to independently prescribe certain functions in the form of rights that are necessary and consistent with the activities of the SRO. The decoding of the abbreviation itself is clear proof of this.

Prohibitions for SROs

Along with the actions to which the SRO has the right, Federal Law No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 also states what a self-regulatory organization does not have the right to do. In particular, SRO is prohibited from:

  • engage in activities that entail the emergence of a conflict situation in relation not only to the interests of the organization itself, but also to its members;
  • engage in activities that are entrepreneurial;
  • become the founder of a commercial SRO;
  • be a member of a commercial SRO;
  • pledge property belonging to the organization in order to ensure the fulfillment of those obligations that arise with third parties;
  • vouch for a person who is not a member of the organization.

Joining an SRO is difficult. But you can contact specialized law firms, which greatly simplify this process. They provide services for preparing documents for joining a self-regulatory organization.

SRO approval

From January 1, 2010, it is impossible to carry out activities in the construction sector without access to certain types of work. And if the decoding of the abbreviation SRO is clear to everyone, then every third person may have questions: “What is SRO approval? What is the definition of this concept?”

For legal and continuous construction activities, you need to be a member of a self-regulatory organization. Members of such an organization are issued an SRO certificate. Explanation of such a document: permission to carry out activities, i.e. a participant in a self-regulatory organization is given access to certain types of work. It is he who confirms the qualifications of a subject in the construction market.

Order No. 624

It is Order No. 624 of December 30, 2009 that today guides all SROs issuing permits. The description of the types of work and their list in this order are given in full. Some time after the release of Order No. 624, some inaccuracies were discovered in it, which led to the Government deciding to revise the document. In 2011, it was published in a new edition.

Order No. 624 provides an exhaustive list of those works for which it is mandatory to obtain an SRO permit. The interpretation of this document in the construction will become much clearer if you thoroughly study the information contained in the order. Despite the fact that the list of works in it is extensive, builders often settle on three main permitting options:

  • type approval;
  • permission to engage in activities classified as hazardous;
  • general contracting permit.

The legislation does not prohibit issuing one permit for all those provided for by Order No. 624. However, small businesses are not interested in this. This opportunity is used exclusively by large companies that occupy leading positions in the construction market.

How to choose an SRO?

There are currently approximately 500 self-regulatory organizations operating in our country. Before joining one of them, you need to clearly know what the goals are for the company - a future member of the SRO.

There are self-regulatory organizations that impose minor requirements on their members. They may also offer minimum membership fees. Such offers will be of interest to those who prefer high speed in processing documents coupled with minimal cost.

The disadvantages of such self-regulatory organizations are obvious. Considering the attractiveness of the offer, many people want to get into them. But among the numerous participants, there will definitely be those whose activities will not be of high quality. As a result, the damage will fall on the shoulders of not only the culprit himself, but also all other participants in the organization.

The disadvantages include the fact that in such SROs it is difficult to obtain a serious tender due to the lack of reputation. The main goal of these SROs is to collect the maximum possible amount of money. The main participants in such organizations are mostly shell companies.

If a company is serious about successful long-term operation and wants to build a stable business, you need to pay attention to an SRO with a good reputation. They are the ones who are aimed at stability and are focused on medium and small businesses.

Self-regulatory organization in the field of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects is a non-profit organization based on a professional basis on the membership of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and foreign organizations engaged in business activities in the field of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects.

General characteristics of self-regulation in Russia

The Institute of Self-Regulation in Construction was introduced in Russia on January 1, 2009. Self-regulation replaces state licensing in construction, a private mechanism for regulating construction activities, the emergence of self-regulatory organizations based on the membership of professional participants in the field of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects (many also call SRO in the field of construction and installation works, SRO in the field of capital construction , (SRO SMR), SROS).

A self-regulatory organization in construction issues to its members a certificate of admission to work that replaces a construction license (admission to work by SRO).

Since January 1, 2009 the Ministry regional development(Ministry of Regional Development) and its territorial divisions - Federal Licensing Centers (FLC) no longer issue licenses, and previously issued licenses are valid until January 1, 2010, after this period previously issued licenses cease to be valid and in order to carry out construction activities, construction organizations must enter in SRO in construction.

Legal regulation of self-regulation in construction:
A complete list of regulatory legal acts can be found on the website in the section -.

List of types of construction activities (SRO classifier):
approved by Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 30, 2009 No. 624 (as amended by Order No. 294 dated June 23, 2010, Order No. 238 dated May 26, 2011, Order No. 536 dated November 14, 2011)

We work with the following SROs:

  • St. Petersburg, SRO NP "Center for Construction Development" (NP "CDC")
  • SRO NP "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations" (NP "MOSO")
  • Moscow, SRO NP "MOSO "OboronStroy"
  • St. Petersburg, SRO NP "Baltic Construction Complex" (SRO NP "BSK")
  • Moscow, SRO NP "Interregional Association of Special Construction Organizations" (NP "MOOSS")
  • St. Petersburg, SRO NP "Center for the Association of Builders "Sfera-A" (NP SRO "CSO "Sfera-A")
  • Krasnodar, NP SRO "Krasnodar Builders"
  • Moscow, SRO "Association of construction organizations "ExpertStroy"
  • Moscow, SRO "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations "Solidarity"
  • Moscow, SRO NP Voluntary Construction Partnership "Center for Special Construction and Repair" (NP "DST CSSR")

Cost of joining a construction SRO:

Cost of joining an SRO in construction varies significantly depending on the self-regulatory organization. We are ready to offer membership in various SRO in construction significantly different in the cost of entry, in the size of membership fees, as well as requirements for companies and individual entrepreneurs - candidates for membership in the SRO, for the qualifications, as well as the property support of the company (the presence or absence of certain equipment, owned or leased on the balance sheet) .

The cost of joining an SRO in construction (the cost of joining an SRO with minimum tariffs is given):

  1. Contributions to compensation funds (one-time contribution):
    - compensation fund for damages - from 100 thousand₽ (general contract up to 60 million ₽);
    - compensation fund for contractual obligations - not applicable until July 1, 2017;
  2. Entry fee (one-time fee) - 5 thousand ₽;
  3. Preparation of a set of documents by SRO specialists (legal support when joining an SRO in construction) (one-time payment) - from 0 thousand₽ (cost of obtaining SRO admission to especially dangerous, technically complex and unique work depends on the number of types of work and their complexity);
  4. Membership fee (monthly) - 5 thousand₽ per month;
  5. Civil liability insurance - 5 thousand₽ (the contract is concluded for 1 year, the amount of insurance coverage is 60 million rubles) (the minimum cost of the insurance policy is indicated, depending on the insurance company, the cost of this insurance policy may increase (we offer an insurance company to choose from the list)). To obtain certificates of admission to certain types of work (general contracting, construction control (functions of the customer-developer), some SROs impose additional requirements for liability insurance (additional insurance) - check the cost with our specialists;
  6. Acceleration upon entry (several hours from the moment of payment of fees) - 0 thousand₽ (previously this service paid)

    Total: from 115 thousand ₽(this price includes all expenses, including the first month’s membership, entrance fee, insurance for 1 year, acceleration, turnkey preparation of the case).

All of the above fees and payments are official payments and are transferred under agreements to the settlement accounts of a self-regulatory organization, an insurance company, as well as to the settlement account of the Financial and Legal Company OJSC "RINFIN" - the official representative of the SRO (for legal services, upon joining the SRO with special hazardous work);

Commercial proposal for joining an SRO in construction

The commercial proposal for joining the SRO indicates detailed information on the cost of entry, the procedure and timing for joining an SRO in construction, the list of documents required for entry, the timing and procedure for entry, information about specific construction SROs, as well as other information necessary for making a decision. Write or call us and we will send you a detailed commercial offer.

Joining an SRO on credit
possible subject to a number of conditions: payment of the full amount of the contribution to the compendium (in parts is prohibited), from the current account of an organization or individual entrepreneur (transfer of contributions to the compund from third parties is prohibited) to the current account (special account) of the construction SRO.
Many construction SROs previously offered to obtain SRO admission to construction in installments, which was a direct violation of the norms of the Town Planning Code. In fact, organizations and entrepreneurs that joined the SRO in this way were not included in the unified register of SRO members (this register is maintained by Rostechnadzor and the relevant National Association), which legally equates to performing work without a certificate of admission to work and liability, even criminal. There were completely unique (specific) options: “seasonal admission” or admission for 1-3 months, but in fact the payment for beautiful pieces of paper was legally non-existent; subsequent relevant court proceedings confirmed this.

List of documents required to obtain a construction SRO:
To obtain an SRO construction certificate, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs must submit documents in accordance with.

When joining other SROs, additional financial requirements are imposed:

  • To obtain certificates of admission to certain types of work (general contracting, construction control (functions of the customer-developer), some SROs impose additional requirements for liability insurance (additional insurance);
  • Collective liability insurance within the framework of SROs - some SROs, by internal documents, have provided for mandatory collective liability insurance, in addition to civil liability insurance;
  • Obtaining permits for general contracting, for the functions of a customer-developer (construction control) (from the list of types of work, types 36, 37, 38) in some SROs are paid additionally.

Deadlines for joining the construction SRO:

  • The general period for joining an SRO is 1 working day (from the date of receipt of mandatory payments), when registering especially hazardous work - from 3 to 7 working days.

After submitting the list of documents required for joining the SRO, our specialists prepare a case, an agreement with the insurance company, with the official representative of the SRO. After signing the prepared case, contracts and paying the above fees, a decision is made on admission to SRO membership. SRO issues invoices for payment. From the moment the SRO bills are paid and the decision is made to admit builders as SRO members, a Certificate of Admission to Construction Work is issued within one to two days.

  • Accelerated period for joining an SRO - from 2 to 6 hours (no additional payment required).

Ready-made company with permission from SRO in construction:

You can also purchase a ready-made company with SRO approval in construction. The advantage of purchasing a ready-made company is the availability of a current account, the history of the company’s existence (both with and without activity). It is possible to purchase a ready-made company with approval from SROS and other approvals or licenses.


Certificate of admission to work from a self-regulatory organization in construction:

Certificate of admission to construction work - also called by many SRO admission to work, admission to work, certificate to work, is an official document confirming, in accordance with the legislation on self-regulation, the right of a construction organization to carry out self-regulatory activities in accordance with those listed in the certificate of admission to work of SRO types of activity.
A certificate of admission to construction work is a document replacing a construction license. From the moment of receipt of this certificate, the construction company can carry out construction activities listed in the certificate.

Validity period for a certificate of admission to work from a self-regulatory organization:

The certificate of admission to work of the SRO is timeless, i.e. are valid throughout the entire period of membership in the SRO.
The certificate of admission to work ceases to be valid in cases specified in the legislation, in particular in the case of a construction organization leaving the SRO in construction, in the event of the construction company being excluded from membership in the SRO (the grounds for exclusion are determined by law).

Additional services related to SRO:

  • Help in finding a specialist to join the SRO:

Our company provides assistance in finding specialists with the qualifications and experience necessary to join a self-regulatory organization in the field of surveys.
Additional information in the section -

  • Assistance during advanced training:

Every construction specialist is required to undergo advanced training every five years. The SRO requires that specialists of a company that is a member of the SRO comply with these requirements. Our company is ready to provide assistance with advanced training, determine the necessary improvement program, organize promotion in educational institution meeting the requirements.
Additional information in the section -

  • Assistance in passing inspections carried out by SRO:

Self-regulatory organizations annually inspect SRO members for compliance with the requirements of the law and the rules and standards approved by the SRO. Our company will provide legal and consulting services for successfully passing inspections in various SROs.
Additional information in the section -

Financial and legal company OJSC provides advice on joining various self-regulatory organizations in the field of construction that have received the status of SRO (included by Rostekhnadzor in the SRO register) (more than 30 self-regulatory organizations in different regions countries). The most popular construction SROs: SRO NP "Construction Development Center" (NP "CDC"), St. Petersburg, SRO NP "Interregional Association of Construction Organizations", SRO NP "MOSO "OboronStroy" Moscow, SRO NP "Baltic Construction Complex" "(SRO NP "BSK"), St. Petersburg, SRO NP "Interregional Association of Special Construction Organizations" (NP "MOOSS"), Moscow, SRO NP "Center for the Association of Builders "Sfera-A" (NP SRO "TsOS " Sphere-A"), St. Petersburg, NP SRO "Krasnodar Builders" - Krasnodar region, Krasnodar and other self-regulatory organizations of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Voronezh, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and others.

  • Advanced training of specialists
  • SRO (self-regulatory organization) is a non-profit association whose goal is self-regulation. Members of such associations may be business entities of any industry or professional activity of a certain type.

    In this article we will look at what SRO approval is in construction.

    In 2010, significant changes occurred in the state licensing system for certain areas of activity (facility safety, health, life and ecology). From this moment on, control functions over construction and other companies were transferred to self-regulatory organizations, and instead of a state license, a document such as SRO approval appeared.

    SRO approval - what is it? This document indicates that the company is authorized to carry out construction and design work. It must comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the self-regulatory organization.

    Construction and design permits are issued after special committees have examined all the facts regarding the company's capabilities and business reputation. This is necessary because the charter of any non-profit partnership establishes the joint responsibility of all its members for each of the participants.

    Main types of tolerances in construction

    Permits are issued taking into account the basic requirements for issuing such certificates. They must be approved by the supreme bodies of a particular association.

    The certificates that members of self-regulatory organizations receive can be divided into two main types:

    • Certificate confirming the right to carry out standard work related to safety;
    • A certificate on the basis of which it is permitted to carry out work at hazardous facilities or difficult areas.

    The main construction permits that are issued to self-regulatory associations and correspond to a specific type of activity include:

    • Development of design documentation;
    • Engineering works;
    • Construction work, major renovation and reconstruction at facilities for various purposes.

    For any field of activity, there are many rules and regulations that must be strictly observed by contractors. In addition, the documentation confirming the right to carry out a certain type of activity must also indicate the main points contained in the instructions and requirements.

    In addition to the above, the certificate must contain the basic requirements for the level of education of workers in a certain specialized specialty, their qualifications and certification.

    Seasonal permit

    Seasonal SRO permit - what is it? This is the name of a document that gives the right to carry out a particular activity for a certain period, most often several months, in other words, it has a limited validity period. This option is suitable not only for businesses that need a permit for a short time, but also for those companies that have just started their activities and are new to the construction industry. A permit for the season will cost much less and this will significantly save money. In addition, when receiving a seasonal certificate, there is no need to contribute funds to pay for the compensation fund.

    A seasonal permit, which gives the right to carry out construction, design or survey activities, can be extended. To do this, you must pay all necessary fees.

    Why do you need SRO approval?

    The presence of a document such as an SRO permit at a construction company is confirmation that the company has all the necessary technical and financial resources, as well as staff with high level qualifications, which will allow you to perform certain work efficiently. The certificate allows:

    1. Improve the quality of services provided by a certain company.
    2. Unite highly qualified employees in one company.
    3. It makes it possible to protect the rights and interests of all companies that are part of a self-regulatory association and allows them to actively cooperate with each other.

    A document giving the right to carry out a certain type of construction or other work is issued by a self-regulatory organization, while observing all current norms, requirements and standards. Moreover, the relevant authorities constantly monitor all processes.

    What are the benefits of SRO approval?

    Permits for construction firms have a number of advantages compared to state licenses that were issued before 2010. The main advantages of this type of documentation include the following:

    • To receive them, you must present a minimum package of documentation, which is provided without notarization;
    • Registration takes place in a short time;
    • In order to obtain a certificate again, expedited procedures are provided;
    • All bureaucratic procedures for issuing such certificates take much less time than issuing state licenses;
    • The professional responsibility of enterprises is increasing.

    Most of the documentation that is necessary to obtain such a certificate are applications and questionnaires, which do not take much time to fill out and do not cause any difficulties for the applicant.

    When applying for a certificate, you must provide information such as the types of work performed by the company, the level of qualifications of employees, the availability of insurance policies and other important information about the company.

    What is needed to obtain admission to the SRO?

    In order to obtain a document authorizing work, you must provide all the necessary information in accordance with the requirements of the self-regulatory organization. The list of required documents may vary, but basically you need to present:

    • Documentary evidence that the company has a sufficient amount of necessary equipment;
    • Documents on civil liability insurance;
    • Availability of certificates, diplomas and other certificates that confirm the necessary qualifications of specialists;
    • Other documentation that is necessary to carry out the selected type of activity.

    The law establishes only general rules and standards for joining self-regulatory organizations. Self-regulatory associations themselves have the right to establish additional requirements in order for a particular company to obtain the right to carry out construction work.

    In what cases is the SRO permit terminated?

    According to the law, a permit issued by a self-regulatory organization has no restrictions on validity periods and territories. The certificate will cease to be valid due to the following circumstances:

    • If the company voluntarily left the self-regulatory organization;
    • When an enterprise has a certificate allowing it to carry out a certain type of activity, which was issued by another self-regulatory organization;
    • In cases where the company has not taken measures to eliminate violations identified during the inspection process;
    • When a company is subject to disciplinary action;
    • In accordance with the court decision.

    Responsibility for activities without appropriate permits

    In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, enterprises operating in the field of construction, design and engineering surveys must receive a certificate. Its presence is a prerequisite, since the quality of work and the safety of the objects being built directly depend on the correct performance of work by specialists from construction or other companies.

    If the construction company does not have the appropriate document and is not a member of the SRO, then the company’s management may be involved:

    1. Administrative liability in the form of a fine in cases where the quality of the work performed may affect the safety of the facility.
    2. Criminal liability if there was an emergency that resulted in harm to the life and health of citizens.
    3. The company may be liquidated in judicial procedure, if the rules and regulations for carrying out activities were repeatedly violated, and the lack of permission from the SRO was revealed.

    For this reason, before starting construction work, you should take care of all necessary documents, giving the right to conduct them.

    Thousands of organizations operate in various industries. Effective centralized control of their activities is a difficult task. Organizations called self-regulatory ones, which unite a small number of members, cope with it more effectively. To carry out activities, they are included in the register-list. What is the SRO register, we will consider below.

    New company form

    You can often see such an abbreviated form of the name of the enterprise as SRO. We learn what this term means from the definition. So, SROs are non-profit organizations that include business entities operating in a specific area of ​​production or consolidating entities professional types activities of the same type. They monitor compliance with quality standards, regulate market relations and provide mutual assistance to all members of the organization. In order to new company could successfully work and compete in the market, she must become a member of the relevant association and have access from it. Such stringent requirements apply especially to the construction industry. Let’s look further at what SRO is in construction.


    The activities of the SRO include the performance of the following functions:

    1. Development and establishment of rules for membership.
    2. Application of disciplinary measures to its participants in case of violation of requirements.
    3. Formation of an arbitration court to resolve conflicts arising between members of the organization.
    4. Monitoring and analyzing the work of its participants based on the reports they submit.
    5. SROs represent the interests of members in relations with local or state authorities.
    6. Conducting certification of workers and their professional training or certification of products or work.
    7. Ensuring open information about the activities of its members.

    Financing of activities

    Any organization needs funds to operate. Self-regulatory organizations are no exception in this matter. What are the sources of funds and what are they? SRO receives the following types of funds to carry out activities:

    1. Contributions of its members are regular and one-time.
    2. Voluntary property donations and contributions.
    3. Income from the provision of information services.
    4. Income from the provision of general educational services of a commercial nature, as well as those related to the entrepreneurial or professional interests of the association.
    5. Funds from the sale of information materials.
    6. Income received from investing funds on deposits.
    7. Funds from other sources not prohibited by law.

    Types of organizations

    The activities of SROs are regulated by relevant laws and regulations. Since they are non-profit organizations involved in the activities of many spheres of economic life of society, the following types are distinguished:

    • arbitration managers;
    • design;
    • exploration;
    • fire safety;
    • SRO in the energy sector;
    • construction;
    • appraisers;
    • actuaries;
    • in the field of advertising;
    • professional securities market participants;
    • management companies;
    • carrier organizations;
    • auditors;
    • credit cooperatives;
    • collectors;
    • in medecine;
    • food and processing industry;
    • industrial safety;
    • SRO patent attorneys;
    • credit cooperatives;
    • cadastral engineers.


    In order for a self-regulatory association to carry out its activities, it must be included in the SRO register. What is this registry? This is a list of non-profit partners that have received the appropriate status. Such partners must also be present in the State Register of SROs. The maintenance of these state registers is entrusted to authorized executive bodies state power in all areas where the self-regulation mechanism is applied. Such a list allows you to quickly find the necessary self-regulatory association, verify its status and authority to issue certificates giving the right to carry out professional activities of SRO members.


    To carry out their activities, companies receive SRO approval. What is admission to SRO? This is a certificate of permission, which is issued by the self-regulatory organization itself, included in the unified state register of technical supervision. The company is required to have this permit if it plans to carry out activities that affect the safety of capital construction projects. What is SRO approval in construction? The list of activities for which this document is required is considered closed and is not subject to wide disclosure. Having received approval, the company can take part in tenders and begin carrying out relevant construction work, prepare design documentation and conduct engineering surveys, as well as other operations within the scope of the list specified in the approval. Construction SROs issue their participants with certificates of admission to a specific type or types of activities, which replace a construction license.

    What is it for

    It should be said about SROs that such an association has some advantages of self-regulation compared to state regulation. Self-regulation norms are more flexible than state norms and are easier to adapt to changes in circumstances. In addition, dispute resolution is faster and less costly for the parties. In developed countries, where this form has existed for many years, the mechanisms of self-regulation and state regulation are competitors who, through joint efforts, ensure stability and order. Thus, the state exercises control over the SRO as a whole, and not over each specific market participant. And the organization, in turn, ensures that its participants comply with market rules.


    ISO certificates are international standards, the purpose of which is to ensure stability, correctness and efficiency of registration by documenting the quality management system of goods. These documents enable companies to make their control system more effective and bring it into compliance with international standards by implementing internal audits and other necessary activities. ISO 9000 certification enhances the image of companies. An ISO certificate is an indispensable condition for those enterprises that take part in tenders for government orders. This document is also required by those enterprises whose plans include expanding their activities and establishing international cooperation.

    SRO certificate - what is it? This is a kind of license that is issued to perform a specific type of work. Those associations of designers, surveyors and builders that use current system issuing certificates oblige their members to undergo a procedure that results in the receipt of the following documentation:

    • Certificates ISO 14001:2004 - environmental management system documents. They are an analogue of GOST R ISO14001-2004.
    • Certificates ICO 9001:2008 - QMS documents. They fully comply with GOST R ISO 9001-2008.
    • Certificates OHSAS 18001:2007 - QMS documents for safe and healthy working conditions in production. They are similar to GOST R 12.0.006-2002.

    Conditions for issuing ISO certificates

    What is SRO in construction? After the cancellation of licenses for construction activities, enterprises operating in this area must obtain permission. It indicates all types of work performed by the company. But in order to receive this document, a candidate for membership in a self-regulatory organization must have an ISO 9000 certificate for SRO. One of the main criteria for issuing it is the candidate’s implementation of a quality management system (QMS) in the company. For this purpose, many applicants re-establish and rebuild production processes so that they come into compliance with international standards, which is determined by specific conditions.

    In order to receive this certificate, the candidate must:

    • give a clear description of the goals and objectives of the QMS, determine ways to achieve them and document everything correctly;
    • establish interconnected processes in production, which should significantly improve the QMS of products;
    • prepare a package of documents that regulate production processes according to the QMS;
    • recruit employees of appropriate qualifications and experience to the company's staff.

    Only after the program has been developed do they begin to implement the QMS in a particular company. These actions can be carried out independently, but it would be better to involve special legal organizations to guarantee the quality of the result.

    3 June 2012, 13:16 |

    After the abolition of compulsory licensing, companies operating in certain industries were required to join an SRO. The need for this is obvious, but not everyone understands the essence of this innovation. Now, in order to continue working in the field of construction, energy or design, you must obtain an SRO permit, which allows you to perform certain types of work.

    The SRO permit is issued by a self-regulatory organization, information about which is entered into the unified state register of Rostechnadzor. A company needs SRO approval if it intends to carry out work that affects the safety of capital construction projects. The list of types of activities for which SRO approval is required is closed and is not subject to broad interpretation.

    To join such an organization, you need to collect a fairly impressive package of all kinds of documents. It is difficult to collect the necessary papers on your own, because some of them are quite specific. For example, construction SROs require a description of completed projects and provide feedback from existing customers.

    Existing self-regulatory organizations impose quite serious requirements on their participants. Many people think that this is their personal whim and are trying to find a “more loyal” organization. In fact, the requirements are defined by law, and they cannot be avoided. Very serious requirements are imposed on the company's employees: SRO specialists must have appropriate qualifications, which are checked very strictly. This is due to the great responsibility that the company’s activities impose on them. In addition, the participants in a non-profit partnership bear joint responsibility for each other's activities. Therefore, it is better to entrust the registration of SRO admission to lawyers.

    If an organization that has undertaken to fulfill an order does not do it well, then it may be forcibly expelled from society and deprived of access. An enterprise that has lost access cannot continue its activities and most likely this organization will not be able to join another company. In this case, there is no future in such an organization. Regardless of how many organizations there are, one or ten, all will be subject to administrative liability and, in the future, liquidation of the companies. But all this happens only if the company does its job poorly.

    SROs in construction, according to the state’s plan, should become a barrier to non-professional participants in the construction business, thereby increasing the quality of capital construction projects being built.

    Mechanisms have been developed to allow companies to join SROs and obtain permission to carry out their work, and for self-regulatory organizations to ensure control over the work of companies and bear responsibility for their work. Legislative acts establish the requirements and conditions under which companies can obtain the right to their work. These requirements are very strict, but fair.

    The market will be able to get rid of fly-by-night companies, semi-professional firms that will not be able to obtain admission to the SRO due to their incompetence, and will give real professionals the opportunity to gain a foothold in it.

    Self-regulatory construction organizations also have every right to conduct certification for their members and check their qualifications in accordance with the requirements. Make complaints and demand improvements where it is really needed. The society gives companies confidence and legal protection in all directions.

    Joining an SRO and obtaining SRO admission is possible subject to the fulfillment of the condition that the company makes a contribution to the general compensation fund intended to compensate for possible damages from the unskilled work of any of the SRO members.

    The contribution to the compensation fund is legally established at 500,000 rubles for surveyors and designers.
    But if an organization has an agreement with an insurance company to insure its civil liability, then the premium amount is reduced to 150,000 rubles.
    For builders, this amount is determined at 1 million rubles, and if there is a civil defense agreement - 300,000 rubles. It is clear that the SRO will pay close attention to the work of companies, since no one has the desire to pay for someone else’s mistakes.

    If a violation is discovered accepted standards and standards, as well as gross disregard for the quality of work, the company may lose membership in the SRO, and therefore access to work. All companies that have been issued an SRO permit to carry out work must be included in the register of construction companies.

    It is necessary to obtain SRO approval only for those types of work that are listed in the legislative documents of the Ministry of Regional Development.

    The SRO permit does not expire as long as the company is part of this SRO, and can be used in work on any territory of Russia.

    Both organizations and individual entrepreneurs receive SRO approval for engineering surveys if their work may affect the safety of future construction projects. The SRO permit indicates exactly what work a person with this permit has the right to perform.

    To obtain SRO approval, survey engineers must have specialized education, relevant work experience, a certificate of advanced training in one of the programs recommended for SROs, and have qualification certificates confirming their professional level.

    SRO admission to design work confirms the required level and qualifications of employees involved in the creation of architectural and construction projects that affect the safety of capital construction projects, and the ability to carry out design orders in accordance with customer requirements and accepted norms and standards. The certificate of admission of the design organization indicates exactly what types of work it has the right to carry out.

    SRO approval for construction works issued to companies when working on capital construction projects and especially hazardous facilities. Construction companies who have SRO approval have the right to participate in competitions and tenders for government orders.