Find out what God whispered in the ear of every zodiac sign! Everyone has a purpose. Real predictions by zodiac signs

10.07.2019 Auto/Moto

Find out your future with our horoscopes. Astrological and numerological forecasts will enhance your ability to attract into life those events that you have always been waiting for, live the way you want and move in the desired direction. Do you know what your true Purpose in Life is? Do you know all the aspects of your personality that make you unique? Why do you act a certain way and how to take advantage of your strengths?

Astrological forecast, answering these and many other questions, will be created especially for you. The stars know everything! The placement of planets and other points in your horoscope is powerful information with which we will give you predictions. You should definitely take advantage of this information. Knowing what your strengths and weak sides can only lead you to greater success. This is why this horoscope is so important. Not knowing these details can mean lost opportunities for romance, career, financial success, and even prevent you from achieving your life goals. If you are curious about what might happen in the future, or want to know if there is a chance of finding love today or tomorrow, then an astrological forecast is what you need. You will learn what will help you achieve your cherished goal - financial, romantic or career.

Astrological forecast for the year

Are you ready to find out the main events that will happen to you in the next year? Forecasting the main events of the year will be your stepping stone towards good luck and a happy future. Messages from the stars are an amazing gift from the heavens and you will be amazed at their accuracy and detail. The forecast examines your personal astrological transits and progressions that affect you, as well as the aspects that develop throughout the year. The future will be presented to you in detail. This forecast holds the keys to life's events to truly empower you to enhance their positive impact. You'll learn who your potential partner might be, what changes await you in your career, or even who might be romantically interested in you.

The volume of the horoscope is 20-25 pages.

Astrological forecast for 10 years

Are you ready to hear the stars talk and find out when your loves, talents and career will peak? You will learn all this and much more from the astrological forecast, which is compiled for a period of 10 years and is created based on your personal transits. You will know when important events may occur, you will see when they will better times in order to do something. With this forecast you will get an idea of ​​the strength of your personal qualities in a given year. The forecast will contain information about love, finances, career and when to expect the most significant changes.

The volume of the horoscope is 20-25 pages.

Horoscope "Solar Return"

Do you know what could happen to you in the coming year? The solar return is known in astrology as one of the best methods for truly understanding where your life is going. Horoscope is performed based on your personal information about birth. The solar return occurs on your birthday. This day is different from others because it is filled with energy that is in tune with your own. It offers empowerment and if you take advantage of the opportunities created on this day, the next year can be life changing. The solar horoscope is a detailed forecast of your next year from your birthday to your next birthday. It covers all topics and gives knowledge about what may happen this year - in love, finance, career and in all other areas. In addition, the horoscope includes possible cities that you can visit for your birthday to enhance the solar energies and the best astrological influences. This horoscope shows where your capabilities can be expanded and provides reliable information that you will use throughout the year.

The volume of the horoscope is 20-25 pages.

Lunar progressions for the year

With the help of lunar progressions, you will discover what the next year has in store and how you can take advantage of upcoming events. You will discover what opportunities in love, career and financial affairs are open to you. A forecast based on lunar progressions will give you direction in finding the opportunities that lie ahead. With the help of the forecast, you will learn what to do and how to reach your highest potential to fulfill your desires.

The volume of the horoscope is 20-25 pages.

Numerological forecast for the year

Have you ever thought about what will happen in your life next month or in six months? Numerology forecast for the year is performed based on your personal numbers extracted from your date of birth. You'll gain a deep understanding of what's in store for you in the year ahead, what works best for you when love relationship may come to you about what to expect in your career plan, what your financial circumstances will be. You will receive a description of what personal cycles occur during this period and what to expect from the future.

Forecast volume – 10-15 pages.

Every person on Earth, no matter how skeptic he is, dreams of finding out what awaits him in the future. And this is not just curiosity, this is the right strategy. After all, if you knew what failures await each of us in the future, they could easily be avoided. But to find out about such ups and downs in the future, you don’t have to go to a fortune teller. To do this, you just need to turn to your horoscope.

And no matter what they say, by listening to the advice of astrologers, you can avoid many problems and conflicts. The main thing is to strictly follow all the rules. And given the fact that the owner of 2018 will be the Yellow Earth Dog, it will not be so difficult to listen to the rules. After all, this is a very friendly and loyal animal. These are the emotions it will bring with it. But to whom it will bring good luck, let’s try to figure it out now.

Who will the yellow dog of 2018 bring good luck to: fire zodiac signs

Aries. According to astrologers, Aries will experience a new life stage in 2018, which will be very successful. But for all this to come true, Aries must not only show all their flexibility, but also submit to the changes that are happening around them. Undoubtedly, the most favorable period for them will be February and March.

A lion. But the Yellow Earth Dog will give Leos Special attention. That is why representatives of this zodiac sign will have good luck in all areas. Moreover, great offers await them that they simply cannot refuse. Also, according to astrologers, Leo will have a desire to open their own business during this period. But this will depend on their creative potential.

Sagittarius. In 2018, Sagittarius will become simply hyperactive and will be able to do several things at the same time. This will be due to their large number of ideas that they will want to turn into reality. But, astrologers advise not to waste your energy left and right, because they will need it at the end of the year.

To whom will the yellow dog of 2018 bring good luck: earthly zodiac signs

Calf. For Taurus, the period of 2018 will be simply blessed. And although this period will be very calm for them, things will still go measuredly and smoothly, reaching their logical conclusion. And in order to maintain health and good spirits, you should actively engage in physical exercise.

Virgo. Predictions for Virgos for 2018 will be very mixed. So, according to astrologers, luck will still await the representatives of this beautiful zodiac sign, but still, for this they must fulfill certain conditions. This condition will be restraint. After all, excessive expression of emotions can lead to problems, both in family matters and at work.

Capricorn. Astrologers call 2018 an excellent time for Capricorns to bring all their ideas to life. After all, it is during this period that they will experience a special surge of strength and energy. The main thing is that Capricorns should have prudence, which would help them direct their forces in the right direction.

To whom will the yellow dog of 2018 bring good luck: air zodiac signs

Twins. But for Gemini, 2018 will not be the best year. After all, the activity inherent in this zodiac sign is not entirely to the liking of the mistress of the next year. Therefore, their excessive activity can only harm themselves. Astrologers also advise Geminis to be careful, because deception and fraud may await them in 2018.

Scales. For Libra in 2018 it will be absolutely new period, which will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This is the period when it is finally worth implementing all previously conceived plans. And only well-planned affairs will be the key to their success in the future.

Aquarius. This zodiac sign is famous for the fact that it rarely finishes things it starts. But 2018 will be an exception for them. The stars promise Aquarius success in all endeavors. Moreover, this will be the most successful period in recent years.

To whom will the yellow dog of 2018 bring good luck: water signs of the zodiac

Cancer. Without any doubt, this period will be very prosperous for Cancers too. 2018 will be a very busy and active year for them. New acquaintances, adventures and projects await them. This means that this year's hostess has given them the chance to make their dreams come true.

Scorpion. But Scorpios will face a very difficult period in 2018. Many problems and conflicts will appear in their lives, the causes of which will be incontinence and jealousy. All these factors, in turn, can negatively affect their health. Therefore, astrologers advise meditating to achieve harmony and balance.

Fish. The proverb: “To feel like a fish in water” will clearly characterize the representatives of this zodiac sign. Even if Pisces swims against the current, fate will still guide them in the right direction. But if Pisces suffers even the slightest defeat, this can lead to frustration and depression. Therefore, such situations should be avoided.

We are all accustomed to turning to the advice of astrologers, who tell us what the stars promise for a certain zodiac sign. But have you ever thought that horoscopes have a much deeper meaning? After all, God created us, nature, the stars and the entire universe in general.

There is one legend that one day at dawn God gathered 12 children and whispered their destiny in each ear. Each child received their special gift. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you what the secret of life is for each of the zodiac signs. Perhaps this information will help you not to go astray in life.

Predictions by zodiac signs


“I entrust you, Aries, to be the head. Lead others and light a fire in their hearts! Realize your dream to inspire others! Many ignorant people will scold your stubbornness and lecture you. But remember that without stubbornness you will never achieve your goal!”

You see, everyone advises Aries to be more compliant and soft. But their persistence and perseverance are their main assistant in life. So don't lose your essence to be happy man and give joy to loved ones.


“I am giving a very unusual gift. You can easily increase material wealth in your life if the fire of love burns in your heart. The main thing is not to confuse the spiritual with the material. Love should come first for you, then you will get the second, and the third, and the tenth.”

You are one of those people for whom a bright feeling of love serves as an incentive to achieve a goal. Perhaps all your troubles in life are due to the fact that you relegate this feeling to the background.


“I give you, Gemini, a special gift: you will help people understand each other. But for this you need to pass a difficult test - to find harmony with yourself and the world around you. If you manage to do this, then the world will receive another wonderful diplomat, a politician who can organize this society.”

You need to understand yourself as a person. Your inner world and outer shell should get along like two sisters. In this case, you can not only easily achieve personal goals, but also serve for the good of society.

“I give you extraordinary sensuality, sensitivity and the wisdom that comes from them. But please don’t become a hermit sage, because the world around you needs your knowledge so much!”

Yes, Cancer is very modest and shy. But have you ever seen verbose sages who just wanted to show off in public? Your ability to empathize is exactly what most people need.

“I give you the ability to lead people. You will always know how to behave in difficult times. You will be scolded for your pride. If it were not for your ego, you would not be able to achieve prosperity. In addition, I endow you with a broad soul so that you can help everyone who needs your wise advice.”

Your strength of character and determination are able to find a way out of a difficult situation, even when chaos reigns around you. The main thing is to be responsive. This is the only way your self-esteem will have meaning.


“I charge you to follow your interests. Be true to yourself, pay attention to detail and spread knowledge around you. If you follow this destiny, then peace and tranquility will reign in you, which you can give to others.”

Your meticulousness and love of order in everything is not a flaw at all. Don't lose these qualities and you will be happy. Fill yourself with knowledge and follow your dreams.


“I give the gift of seeing beauty in the most ordinary things. Admire and praise everything that surrounds you. You can sing, write, draw or anything else you can think of, you have enough talent to express beauty!”

Think about it, maybe you have hidden talents. And you, for example, have been counting numbers all your life. You must share your ability to see beauty with the whole world.


“I give you a gift that can scare you. But please don't be offended by me. From the very early years you will be able to see the souls of others. This will bring you a lot of grief, but you will have to accept that the animal nature resides in man. But if you learn to manage this skill, you will get everything you want from this world.”

Yes, disappointment in people is an inevitable part of your life. Don't get upset and don't lose faith in people. After all, only by weeding out the unnecessary ones can you surround yourself with truly friendly, loyal and useful people.


“I give you the ability to bring joy to people and light a fire in their hearts. Whoever you meet on your way will definitely feel something beautiful and amazing. Next to you, people will be able to heal their souls.”

So don't be afraid to make new acquaintances. Perhaps it is you who can restore a person’s faith in himself and the desire to live.


“I reward you with hard work. You can achieve great heights in life if you work hard. People around you will be filled with energy that will help them achieve their goals.”

As you know, patience and work will grind everything down. Develop, don’t be lazy, live your purpose, and everything in your life will work out in the best possible way.


“I give you the right to be happy and free in every moment of your life. Through you I can remind people of myself. Don’t forget to please yourself so that you can fill others.”

Many may say that you are too fickle and have a frivolous attitude towards life. But you are simply able to feel like a free person. And this is not given to everyone.


“I give you a heavy burden. You will be able to see everything in people - both good and bad. You will take all events too personally and worry a lot. But don’t be afraid, I will always come to the rescue.”

Yes, seeing through people is not the best reward. But such an ability will save you from many misfortunes. After all, it is better to know what kind of person a person really is than to suffer from his deception later.

You see, every person has a special gift that he is endowed with. Listen to your inner voice, develop your skills. Even if some difficulties are destined for you, remember that He will always come at the right moment.

She loves painting and is ready to admire paintings all the time! Oksana knows a lot about perfumery and is well versed in fashion trends and will give a head start to many famous beauty bloggers. Her love for sports is reinforced by her swimming qualifications! The charming girl’s favorite book is “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs: love, career, work and business, family relationships. A true astrological forecast will tell you what to expect in the near future. Find out what animal year 2018 is according to the horoscope, and how to celebrate it.

Already getting close New Year, and the Kremlin chimes are getting ready to strike midnight. This means more and more people are eager to find out what 2018 will bring. Will it be plentiful or will we have to “tighten our belts”? Will single people be able to get married? romantic relationship and find your soulmate?

By the way, if you don’t yet know what animal year 2018 is according to the horoscope, then you should get acquainted with its symbol and owner, withYellow Earth Dog. This is a noble and faithful animal that does not refuse protection to everyone. honest people. But who the Dog really can’t stand is scammers and scoundrels, as well as those who do not fulfill their obligations and promises.

The horoscope compiled for the year of the Dog 2018 for all signs of the Zodiac will allow you to get an accurate prediction of the near future. An astrological forecast will satisfy the curiosity of every person who wants to find out what awaits him in 2018! Find out what surprises await you and your loved ones.

Horoscope for 2018 according to zodiac signs

Zodiac sign Aries. As the horoscope shows, the next 12 months will be very eventful and full of changes for your zodiac sign. But the nature of the upcoming changes depends entirely on you! Try to carefully plan every important step and avoid mistakes. The first months of the year will not be the most stable financially. Read .

Zodiac sign Taurus. It's time to put your plans into action - the horoscope promises you success and stability! But remember that the key to future victories is careful analysis and planning. If you expect changes on the personal front, then you cannot rely on fate. Take the situation into your own hands and you will succeed! Read .

Gemini. For energetic Geminis, the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will bring many fresh, innovative ideas. But, since the powers of any person are not limitless, you will have to independently choose the vector of your development. Maybe we should focus on searching suitable partner for marriage? Read .

Zodiac sign Cancer. “Cancer is moving backwards,” says I.A.’s fable. Krylova. However, the horoscope for 2018 for the zodiac sign Cancer is ready to argue with this! In the next twelve months, you certainly won’t have to “back away” or mark time. The opportune time is coming to bring long-planned plans to life! Which ones? Read .

Zodiac sign Leo. The year of the Yellow Earth Dog will not leave fearless and proud Leos without pleasant surprises! In the winter months, your financial sphere will “go uphill”, and with the onset of spring and the awakening of nature, many opportunities for flirting and love affairs await you. Read .

Zodiac sign Virgo. Your hardworking nature in 2018 will be a good help in resolving work issues. The horoscope for the Virgo zodiac sign says that the stars will align well, and you will have good chances for career growth! There is no need to be modest - do not hide your talents, and they will be appreciated. Read .

Libra. The stars predict that in 2018 Libra will have to weigh the decisions they make most carefully - after all, your future for several years ahead depends on it! You have to decide in which direction to act: to achieve a promotion or to establish personal life. Read .

Zodiac sign Scorpio. The winter months of 2018 will be quite intense - you will be looking for opportunities for development and striving to bring your plans to life. But very soon the efforts spent will bear fruit! In the first half of June you will have a favorable opportunity to make acquaintances with useful people. Read .

Zodiac sign Sagittarius. Undoubtedly, people born under this zodiac sign have happy energy. Their cheerful, easy-going nature and ability to adapt to any situation attract positivity, which contributes to success and luck in all areas of life. In 2018, the horoscope for Sagittarius promises many pleasant events, acquaintances with interesting people and exciting adventures. Read .

Zodiac sign Capricorn. With the onset of 2018, Capricorns will experience changes on various fronts. They will be drawn to develop spiritually - the time of dominance of the Yellow Earth Dog is well suited for comprehending new things. After the January holidays, Capricorns will feel the need for personal growth. To grow intellectually, they are recommended to read more scientific literature. You can take up studying a foreign language or enroll in courses and get an additional specialty. Read .

Zodiac sign Aquarius. The beginning of the year will be quite busy; Aquarius will have to work hard to “fill the bins” for the current year. Then, with the arrival of spring, you can relax and retire. Two to three weeks of recuperation will be enough for Aquarius to come to their senses and restore their energy resource. Read .

How and what to celebrate the New Year

First of all, you need to take care of your holiday costume - it is advisable to choose an outfit that will include solar, yellow shades. The Earth Dog also favors beige, brown and orange tones. If you want to make the outfit more contrasting, you can add a little black, but just don’t overdo it. In addition, clothing should not be flashy or flashy.

In terms of choosing fabrics for clothes, the housewife of 2018 also has her own preferences. Forget about synthetic fabrics for a while - you should wear “natural” clothes made of velvet, silk or wool. Ruffles, fringes and all sorts of tinsel are unlikely to please the Yellow Earth Dog. But you can complement your look with any jewelry, both gold and costume jewelry.

How to decorate your home for the holiday? Of course, dress up in the colors patronized by the hostess of the year! Also, don't forget to buy a plush puppy or dog made from a different material. You can show your imagination and dress up your dog in a dress or a New Year's hat, tie him a bow or put on a beautiful collar.

Love horoscope and family forecast

For people who are actively searching for their soulmate, the year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog opens up promising opportunities. It will be much easier to start a relationship if you do not restrain yourself and are not embarrassed to demonstrate your feelings. Perhaps you should take a closer look at your surroundings - what if a worthy gentleman or a pretty girl “lives” very close to you?

Appear “in public” more often, attend public holidays, exhibitions, sales, sports and other public events. However, you shouldn’t rush headlong to where there are more people. Think in advance about how you would like to see your future chosen one or chosen one. For example, it is easier to meet a creative person at an exhibition, in a museum or at a concert than at a football stadium. And wealthy people prefer reputable restaurants to dubious drinking establishments.

Married couples will have the opportunity to refresh their relationship. The optimal time for this will be your next vacation, during which you can go on a romantic trip. If a trip to Turkey or Egypt seems too trivial for you, then go to Niagara Falls - this is a magnificent sight that will remain in your memory for a long time!

In the second half of the year, some complications in relations with relatives are possible. Try not to let yourself be drawn into conflict, you will only benefit from it. The problem will be resolved over time without your participation, and you will save your nerves and save your strength.

Financial horoscope - work, business, career

At the beginning of the year, a slight stagnation is possible. Now is not the time to start grandiose projects or radically change anything in your life. It is better to wait until spring and then make responsible decisions. However, winter time can also be used wisely - to analyze past mistakes and prepare plans for the future.

In March-April 2018, the situation will change dramatically, you will feel a powerful potential for development. Do you want to change your boring job to a more promising position? Are you thinking about opening another branch of your company? Or perhaps you are counting on career? Take action - and the Yellow Earth Dog will provide you with full support!

Those who don’t miss out on the generous opportunities of 2018 will be able to accumulate substantial capital by the fall. Accordingly, you will have to think about how to preserve and increase it. Entrepreneurs will not have any particular difficulties with this, because the freed-up resources can be spent on developing their business. But hired workers will need to look for a reliable bank or other opportunity for a successful investment.

Health and Wellness

Try to make the New Year's feast not only plentiful, but also as healthy as possible. Buy more fruits and vegetables, especially those that have yellow- the mistress of the year especially favors this shade. Replace pork and fatty smoked sausages with beef and chicken, this will help you maintain normal cholesterol levels. And, of course, try not to overuse alcoholic drinks and don't mix different types alcohol.

The horoscope for 2018 according to the zodiac signs suggests that with the onset of the spring months, the likelihood of viral diseases increases many times over. To effectively counter this scourge, strengthen your immune system. Add lungs to your daily routine physical exercise- walking or jogging in the fresh air, aerobics and fitness classes. It is better to avoid serious power loads, of course, if you are not involved in professional sports.

Take care of your psyche and nervous system. The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog prepares a lot of favorable opportunities and prospects for you, but you will have to work hard to achieve your goals. Accordingly, nervous tension will be quite high, do not increase it unnecessarily. Avoid stress and conflicts, ensure yourself healthy and restful sleep. Take every opportunity to take a break from work responsibilities and spend time with loved ones.

The stars predict that next year will be turbulent, but very profitable

What awaits Russia and the world in the coming year, which of the zodiac signs will be lucky - astrologer, clairvoyant and fortune teller Galina Yanko answered these and other questions to "Morning".

This year, Aries will be on the path to financial success. Of course, obstacles await you in the form of losses and debts, but you can easily cope with them. You will be helped by optimism and self-confidence, as well as the support of loved ones and new acquaintances. Take action and set your budget to fit your wallet. At the end of the year, your holes in the budget will disappear without a trace. Consider various ways earnings to achieve a stable financial situation. From November you will find interesting offers and new ideas that can bring you profit.

During 2018, Taurus' financial expenses will increase. A constant influx of money is expected, but due to constant spending it will become quite difficult to save it. Some unavoidable expenses will require you to violate your budget plans, you will have to deny yourself something and make a choice. Make sure that you do not succumb to external pressure and manage your own finances; other people's advice will not always be correct. Then plan your budget and get rid of all debts and loans, they will be a big hindrance this year.


Gemini's financial situation will be difficult this year. Although most of your desires will be satisfied, long-term projects that you had in plans may not be realized. Your pockets will be full from time to time, but you will not always be able to manage your money wisely and simply get satisfaction from spending money. Try to save more and think carefully about your spending, do not squander your own money and do not lend large sums.

The first half of the year can lead to unwanted expenses. While this may cause temporary irritation, it will help you plan your budget wisely for the year. The first part of the year will also bring a good influx in the form of real estate transactions and income through inheritance. The middle of the year will bring more pleasant expenses related to your home, image, vacation, and so on. Don’t listen to other people’s advice, don’t try to help everyone around you, and don’t rush to invest in other people’s projects or lend money. Try to make small savings towards the end of the year.

The financial situation of Lviv may improve this year. Although it is unlikely to be easy, you can achieve your desires. The year calls for finding a way to use your savings, for cashing out investments, money should work, and not just be stored. Don't make hasty decisions, but act calmly. Be prepared for unexpected expenses that may arise throughout this year. Make wise decisions and try to separate yourself from unwanted financial expenses.

The year will bring significant changes in the financial situation of Virgo. During the year, friends and relatives will be a good source of support and example for you, thanks to this you will be able to earn more money. Real estate transactions will allow you to make a good profit. However, it is unclear what expenses will have to be incurred for the sake of your family. Have a contingency plan to overcome this. You will be inclined to spend a lot of money for fleeting entertainment and meaningless purchases, control yourself.

You need to learn how to spend money wisely in order to achieve financial stability in 2018, although saving will still be difficult. Nevertheless, you will be able to spend wisely and successfully invest everything you have already accumulated and earned during the year. At the end of the year, you can afford to pamper yourself, without necessarily counting every penny. This is a good time for a vacation, a new hobby, a change of image, buying a car or a new home.


At the beginning of the year, you will have to tighten your belt, work hard, save and save wisely, this will help you avoid financial problems later. Refrain from impulsive spending and fulfilling momentary desires, believe me: a little later you will be able to afford it. The middle of the year may require huge financial expenses, be prepared for them. However, after this you will find a huge influx of money, which you can use as you wish.

Despite all your efforts to save and limit expenses, they lead nowhere. Do not make hasty decisions during periods of financial crisis. Avoid loans, loans, selling property and investing in dubious projects. Instead, focus your attention on finding additional ways to earn money or winning a promotion. To avoid legal disputes, comply with all your financial obligations, even if it is difficult, otherwise you will lose double.

At the beginning of the year, you will have to give up some excesses for the sake of a decent financial condition in the future. The middle of the year, in particular, brings with it some expenses related to loved ones that will be difficult to ignore. Investments in real estate or some business projects this year will be very profitable and successful. If you do everything right, then at the end of the year you will be able to afford to spend on relaxation and entertainment, but don’t forget about work, think about the future.