How to fry cauliflower in a frying pan. How to fry cauliflower in a frying pan.

01.12.2018 Food and drink

Good day to everyone who reads my blog. Do you know delicious but low-calorie foods? After all, many dietary dishes are prepared either by boiling or sautéing. But sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something fried in a frying pan. So I wanted to find a dietary product that, when fried, remains low in calories. But there is such a product - cauliflower. Let's talk today about how to cook cauliflower delicious in a frying pan.

There are many varieties of this wonderful product. But among all this diversity, cauliflower is considered one of the most useful. It is recommended for many diets. With a minimum of calories, it has enormous benefits for the body. Even when frying, it retains all its mineral and vitamin complex.

The calorie content of this product during heat treatment is only 120 calories per 100 g. The protein content is 3 g, fat 10 g, and carbohydrates only 5.7 g.

It contains potassium, magnesium, as well as iron and calcium. It contains fluorine and manganese. These elements are necessary for our body to assimilate. As well as vitamins, which are contained here in large quantities. Boiled vegetables, it seems to me, are not for everyone. But fried will appeal to many. Especially if you cook it correctly.

First, the vegetable needs to be prepared: it is peeled and washed. Then they are divided into inflorescences. Choose the size of the pieces so that it is convenient to fry them and then eat them. If you are going to fry cabbage in batter, do not cut off the stem. It is very convenient to hold a piece by it while dipping it into the batter.

Before frying, cauliflower should be boiled. If you come across a vegetable with large inflorescences, you can cut them in half. The water should be boiled and salted to taste. Place the chopped cabbage pieces into boiling water and cook for literally 5 minutes. This is done so that it softens. It is important not to overcook it, otherwise it will fall apart in the pan. After cooking, place in a colander and let cool slightly.

Fry it over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour. First, do not cover with a lid, then turn the heat to low. Next, cover the frying pan with a lid and cook the product for another 10 minutes. During the frying process, a crust forms on the pieces. It is this that protects this vegetable from loss of beneficial properties. Frozen cabbage does not need to be thawed. It, like fresh, must be boiled in salted water before frying. To do this, just keep it in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

How to fry with garlic and herbs

The easiest way to cook this vegetable is to fry it with fresh herbs and garlic. For this purpose, the inflorescences are separated. It is better that the pieces are small, then boiled.

The smell when cooking cauliflower is quite specific. Therefore, many people cook it less often than they would like.

I’ll share a secret: to get rid of the smell, add a couple of pinches of dry rosemary to the water. And also a piece of lemon zest - ¼ lemon. There will be no unpleasant aromas, and the cabbage will turn out tender and tasty

Then the boiled pieces need to be fried until golden brown in vegetable oil. You can roll them in flour. Don't forget to season the flour with salt, pepper, and other spices to taste. When the cauliflower is almost ready, you can pour the dressing over it.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. olive oil, squeeze in a couple of cloves of garlic. And also add dill or parsley to taste. When the dish is almost ready, pour in the sauce, stir, and let simmer for another couple of minutes.

How to cook cabbage with egg

Frying this product with an egg is prepared quite quickly. This is a delicious dish for every day. You can serve it with sour cream dressing. To prepare we will need:

  • cauliflower – 500 g;
  • chicken egg – 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste.
  • cheese – 100 g

Separate the cabbage forks and boil. When it is ready, use a slotted spoon to strain off the liquid. Dry the boiled vegetables.

Then heat the frying pan and melt the butter. Or you can make part vegetable and the same amount creamy. I love cooking so much more now.

Place the pieces in a frying pan and lightly fry on all sides. A characteristic golden color should appear. While the vegetables are browning, beat the eggs.

Then pour them into the frying pan and mix with the cabbage. Fry the mixture over medium heat. The color of the roast should be light brown. Then you need to sprinkle everything with pre-grated cheese. Cover the contents of the frying pan with a lid and let stand for another couple of minutes. After this, the cabbage with eggs and cheese is laid out on a dish and decorated with herbs. You might be interested in: Frying eggs in a frying pan - the subtleties of cooking 6 delicious and simple dishes

Delicious cabbage in batter

Small juicy pieces in a golden batter crust, what could be tastier? In addition to their amazing taste, they also look beautiful. This dish can be safely served to guests. If it has not yet cooled, the crust will have a pleasant crunch. If the dish is served warm, the batter becomes soft.

For this dish we need forks of cabbage. Eggs – 4-5 pcs, a few tbsp. flour, salt, black pepper to taste. And also 100-150g of vegetable and butter. Only vegetable oil can be used.

As usual, boil the cabbage. For the batter, eggs are beaten, salt and spices are added. Then the flour is gradually beaten in. The consistency of the batter determines whether the layer will be crispy. If it is thinner, the crust will be crispier.

Note to housewives: you can add a piquant taste to the dish by making a batter with cumin. The slightly bitter taste of this seasoning with nutty notes will make a simple dish even tastier.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and chop the boiled inflorescences. Choose the size you like. The inflorescences should be dipped in batter and placed one at a time in a frying pan. They fry for about 3-5 minutes on each side. The dish can be served garnished with sprigs of parsley or dill.

We looked at how to fry cauliflower in a frying pan deliciously. Now let's talk about sauces. With them the dish will be more tasty and aromatic.

Making sauces

These sauces are served chilled with the finished dish. It is better to serve them separately rather than pour over the entire roast. I recommend trying to cook it. It is much tastier than simple mayonnaise.

Sour cream sauce. Take 120 ml of sour cream, a couple of cloves of garlic, parsley and dill. And also salt and pepper to taste. Chop the garlic and herbs, add sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and serve chilled.

Cheese dressing. Mix 5 tbsp. sour cream with 3 tbsp. mayonnaise and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Grind 100 g in a blender. soft cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients well. Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. You can pour the sauce over the fried vegetable, or you can serve it separately.

Yogurt sauce. Mix 150 ml of unsweetened thick yoghurt with 50 ml of olive oil. Squeeze 2 cloves of garlic to them, add 1 tbsp. white vinegar. We also add chopped dill and ½ tsp to the sauce. salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Best served chilled.

Dressing with onions. Mix 150 grams of unsweetened yogurt with 6 tbsp. sour cream. Add 3 tbsp to them. vegetable oil and a dessert spoon of lemon juice. You can also squeeze out one clove of garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chop 3-4 green onions and several sprigs of dill. The same amount of parsley, a little basil, green salad. You can grind everything thoroughly in a blender. Add mint if desired. The fried cabbage should first be sprinkled with a little melted butter, and then with the onion dressing.

Mustard dressing. 1 tbsp. mix mustard with a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture. A little salt and ground black pepper. This sauce is poured over the finished dish.

As you can see, this simple and healthy dish can be served with different sauces. This will make it even tastier. Do you have any interesting recipes? I will be glad to receive your advice. Don't forget to share the news with your friends on in social networks. And . Until we meet again, bye everyone.

First I want to sing an ode to cauliflower, because among my relatives ( various types cabbage) cauliflower is superior to all others in terms of the amount of nutrients, dietary and taste properties. Cauliflower happens different color: orange, green, purple, but the most common color is white. Now cauliflower is grown everywhere, but there was a time when noble nobles ordered cauliflower seeds from abroad for a lot of money.

Cauliflower is a frequent guest on our table and this is very good, as it is considered not only healthy, but also healing. Therefore, if possible, cauliflower should be regularly included in your diet. The use of cauliflower is recommended for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gallbladder and liver diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases; cauliflower is highly recommended for baby food. Eating cauliflower helps strengthen the immune system and also reduces the risk of heart disease.

In the summer-autumn period, cabbage is used in fresh, in winter, a frozen version is used, which is not inferior in nutritional value fresh cabbage. Cauliflower can be eaten fresh; cabbage can be boiled, fried, steamed, in the microwave, or in a slow cooker. At the same time, the most a large number of useful substances, of course in fresh, raw form. The most nutrients are destroyed when cooking cabbage: after 5 minutes - 20-30%, after 10 minutes - 30-40%, after 30 minutes - 75%. Therefore, cabbage is usually cooked for no more than 5 minutes. While other types of heat treatment (steam, frying, microwave) do not destroy beneficial features cauliflower in such quantities. Cabbage can be consumed in its entirety, not just the florets. but also leaves. But still, mostly only cute cabbage inflorescences are used.

What is so beneficial about cabbage? First of all, low calorie content - 25 kcal per 100 g of product, carbohydrates - 5 g, protein - 1.9 g, high content of dietary fiber - 2 g, which help improve digestion, B vitamins, folic acid, vitamin C, K, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese - generally an invaluable product. And the saying “everything that is healthy is not tasty” is not about cauliflower. Cabbage turns out delicious no matter how you prepare it.

I'll just write a couple today simple recipes cooking cabbage, then as I prepare various options myself, I will add recipes, so do not forget to subscribe to site updates.

Again, I’ll start with how it’s prepared in our family. I have already written that my son does not like onions and only eats them fresh; other options are unacceptable. For the same individuals;

How to roast cauliflower:

  1. Take one head of cauliflower, rinse under cold water, peel the leaves, disconnect each inflorescence from the stalk. If the inflorescence is large, divide it into parts, usually by cutting it in half.
  2. Heat the vegetable oil, place the cabbage in a frying pan and cover with a lid. Cabbage quickly absorbs oil and may need to be added. After 5 minutes, stir the cabbage and do not allow it to burn; fry over medium heat.
  3. After 15-20 minutes the cabbage will become softer and then you can add salt to it.
  4. To allow the cabbage to fry 10 minutes before the end, remove the lid. On average, cabbage is fried for 30-35 minutes. You can do less, but then it will be crispy (hard)
  5. This is the simplest option without any extra tricks, but the taste of cabbage is always amazing.

Cauliflower with added vegetables.

  1. Another option for frying cabbage, which my picky person agrees to, is to fry cabbage with vegetables, but without onions. If you have a normal attitude towards onions, then my opinion is that when you add them, it tastes better, because onions have their own colorful taste and smell.
  2. We prepare the cabbage in the same way as in the first option, but additionally take 2 carrots, 2 ripe tomatoes, parsley or dill.
  3. Three carrots on a coarse grater or cut into small strips, cut the tomatoes into cubes, finely chop the greens.
  4. Add the carrots to the cabbage after 10-15 minutes, when we salt the cabbage.
  5. Tomatoes 5-7 minutes before the end.
  6. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.
  7. Cabbage can be used as an independent dish, or as a side dish for meat dishes.

Next time I have battered cauliflower and semolina cauliflower planned.

P.S. As I promised, I cooked it today, fried it in a deep fryer, the cabbage turned out to be practically dietary without any fat, despite the fact that the cabbage was fried in oil. This won't work in a frying pan.

Cauliflower is a unique vegetable that resembles a curly flower. Its juicy and tasty shoots are transformed into budding flower stalks, which can be boiled, fried, stewed and even canned. They contain vitamins, nutrients and easily digestible fiber, so they are useful for adults and children. Various cauliflower dishes are especially popular in late summer or early autumn, when it ripens in open ground our climate zone.

“Blooming vegetable” can be consumed as a side dish, an ingredient for soup, or as a separate dish. But the most delicious dishes made from roasted cauliflower. Therefore, every housewife has her own recipes and secrets on how to cook cauliflower.

The main stages of frying are practically the same:

  • Rinse the cauliflower head completely with cold water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Divide the vegetable into florets without cutting the head into very small pieces. They disintegrate during frying. Naturally, such a dish will look not only aesthetically pleasing on the plate, but also unappetizing.
  • Boil the inflorescences until half cooked in boiling water.
  • How long to fry cauliflower depends on the pre-cooking time. Usually, no more than 5 minutes on low heat.

Cauliflower recipes

Crispy Cauliflower

The recipe is quite simple and quick. Required Products:

  • cauliflower - 750 g;
  • eggs - 2-3 pieces;
  • breadcrumbs - 100g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt and pepper.

Preparation: dip boiled cabbage inflorescences in salted and peppered egg wash, breaded in breadcrumbs and fry in a preheated frying pan until golden brown. Fried slices are eaten with sour cream or mushroom sauce. They go well with meat and fish dishes.

Spicy cauliflower in batter

For one serving the cook will need:

  • cauliflower - 245 g;
  • one egg;
  • wheat flour - 20g;
  • butter - 20g;
  • parsley - 3 g;
  • mayonnaise sauce - 35 g.

Preparation: cool the vegetable boiled until half cooked, roll in flour, dip in egg wash and fry the cauliflower in batter for ten to twenty minutes. butter. The hot dish is poured with mayonnaise sauce and decorated with a sprig of parsley. An example of serving fried cauliflower, photo.

Cauliflower fried in dough

This recipe combines the previous two, so the cabbage is not just crispy, but also very satisfying. Required ingredients:

  • cauliflower - half a kilogram;
  • butter - 50g;
  • flour - 30g;
  • two eggs;
  • ground crackers - 60g;
  • salt to taste.

Preparation: cool the cabbage cooked in salted water, roll it in flour, dip it in egg wash and roll it in ground breadcrumbs. Fry until golden brown. Before serving, pour the remaining butter over the dish.

Cauliflower with cheese

Required ingredients:

  • cauliflower - 1kg;
  • grated hard cheese - 200g;
  • butter - 50g;
  • breadcrumbs - 50g;

How to cook cauliflower with cheese: place lightly boiled cabbage in a preheated frying pan, sprinkle with croutons and grated cheese, close tightly with a lid and fry over low heat for 20-30 minutes, until golden brown.


Cauliflower rightfully takes a leading place among others dietary products, since it is simply a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. It is not only possible, but also necessary for adults and children, healthy and sick. If you care about your health and the health of your loved ones, you simply need to include cauliflower dishes in your main diet and cook it as often as possible. This will help improve the functioning of the digestive system, the body’s metabolic processes will also return to normal, as a result of which immunity will increase, and life will sparkle with bright colors. Recipes for cooking cauliflower are varied.

Frozen cauliflower retains all its nutrients, so it should be on the table all year round.

When choosing this magical vegetable in a store or market, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The cabbage leaves that hug the head should be fresh and bright green. The inflorescences should be white, fit tightly to each other and be elastic to the touch.

Many people are annoyed by the small black bugs present in cabbage. This problem can be easily dealt with by soaking the head of cabbage in salt water for a while. Most of insects will float to the surface. The rest are washed out during further processing.

The tartronic acid found in cauliflower prevents the formation of fatty deposits and is therefore essential for people trying to lose weight.

If you want to improve your skin and hair, you must eat this wonderful vegetable as it contains a large amount of vitamin H.

Recipe for fried cauliflower in cheese batter

The following ingredients are needed: 500 g (medium head) of cauliflower, 50-60 g of hard cheese, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons, 3 chicken eggs, spices (basil, Italian herbs), salt to taste.

The cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences and immersed in salted boiling water for 5 minutes, after which it is tipped into a colander.

Then you should beat the eggs and pour cheese grated on them on a medium grater. Add salt and spices (to taste) to this mixture.

The inflorescences must first be rolled in flour, then in cheese batter. Next, you need to fry in a preheated frying pan until a golden crust appears.

Serve to the table decorated with greenery and fresh vegetables(cucumbers, tomatoes).

Cauliflower in wine batter

By changing the composition of the batter, you can vary the tastes of fried cauliflower. For wine batter you will need the following products: 3 chicken eggs, half a glass of water, half a glass of white wine, flour - 150 g, salt to taste and a pinch of grated nutmeg.

Separate the yolks from the whites and knead the dough using the yolks, adding water, wine, flour, salt, spices and grated nutmeg. Afterwards, the whipped whites are immersed in the resulting homogeneous mass. Mix everything thoroughly and get ready for the frying process. You need to heat a frying pan with oil and, dipping each inflorescence in the batter, fry until golden brown.

The easiest way to roast cauliflower

Even a child or a person who does not know how to cook can cook fried cauliflower using this method.

The head of cabbage is disassembled into inflorescences and boiled in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes. Then it is placed in a colander or removed using a regular slotted spoon.

Then you need to put the boiled inflorescences in a wide bowl, add salt, pepper and sprinkle with two tbsp. spoons of flour. It is better not to mix the contents of the bowl with a spoon or fork, it is better to do this by shaking, so initially it is important to take the widest bowl possible.

You need to heat the frying pan well sunflower oil(there should be about three-quarters of a glass of oil) and place cabbage inflorescences on it in parts. Fry until golden brown appears.

Cauliflower cutlets recipe

We begin preparing the cutlets from the main stage: rinse the cabbage forks, disassemble them into branches and place them in boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

You need to prepare the ingredients: chicken eggs - 2 pcs, 6 tbsp. spoons of flour, hard cheese - 50 g, salt and spices - to taste.

After cooking, the inflorescences should be tipped into a colander, then, as the water has drained, they should be cut into small pieces; add salt, pepper and other spices to taste. Grate the cheese into the resulting mass on a fine grater, beat the eggs, mix, gradually adding flour.

You can add greens to the fried cutlets laid out on a dish.

There are 2 methods in the following recipe.

Cooking cauliflower in the oven

Method one.

For this recipe you will need: cauliflower - 1 kg, approximately 150 g of any hard cheese, breadcrumbs - 3 tbsp. spoons, 1 large head onions, garlic - 3 cloves, flour - 2 tbsp. spoons, half a liter of milk, parsley, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

After the inflorescences are washed and boiled, the cabbage is placed in a heated frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until light golden brown. At the end of frying you need to add salt, pepper and spices.

Separately, fry finely chopped onion and garlic, then carefully add flour, carefully eliminating lumps, then add milk, stirring continuously. The mass should thicken before your eyes after 2-3 minutes. boiling must be removed from the heat. When the mass has cooled, it should be passed through a sieve.

Fried cabbage is “covered” on top with the resulting thick sauce. Grated cheese is mixed with breadcrumbs and chopped herbs, and then fried cabbage and sauce are sprinkled with the resulting mixture.

The frying pan is placed in an oven preheated to 170 °C for 30 minutes. Then the cabbage is cut into portions and served to the table.

Method two.

Thanks to this recipe, the dish turns out airy, aromatic, and is prepared very simply and quickly.

List of ingredients: 2 small cabbage forks, 4-5 chicken eggs, 200 ml of milk or cream, 50-70 g of any hard cheese, herbs and salt to taste.

Everything is reproduced in the same sequence: the forks are washed, disassembled, boiled, and thrown into a colander. The form in which the cabbage will be prepared is greased with vegetable oil, then a layer of inflorescences is placed there. Eggs are beaten with milk, salt and spices are added to taste, then the resulting mass is poured into a mold with cabbage. Next, the cheese is grated on a fine grater, and the dish is sprinkled with only one quarter of the entire cheese mass. After this, the baking dish is sent to a preheated oven for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 170 °C.

After 30 min. The mold is removed and the contents are sprinkled with the remaining cheese. Then you need to put it back in the oven and wait for the formation of a golden brown crust.

In this material, we will talk about how to cook cauliflower deliciously in a frying pan. Cooking this vegetable in a frying pan is perhaps the simplest cooking option. Although, the recipes will be very different and will definitely appeal to even gourmet gourmets.

Regular consumption of cauliflower improves all metabolic processes, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Therefore, the housewife should always have several standard recipes that can be prepared from this vegetable at hand.

How to cook cauliflower deliciously in a frying pan: recipes

With egg

What do you need:
• Half a cauliflower;
• Two chicken eggs;
• Wheat flour in the amount of two tablespoons;
• A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
• A pinch of salt;

This is the simplest recipe possible and cooking cauliflower takes minimal time. You will need to disassemble the vegetable into inflorescences and rinse, then dry. Cook in water, bringing to a boil, and then cook for another seven minutes with a pinch of salt. Rinse under running water and set aside to dry.

Separately, mix eggs with salt, you can add any spices you want, flour. Whisk everything together and pour vegetable oil into the frying pan to heat it up. Dip each piece of cabbage into the egg mixture and then fry in a frying pan for a few minutes until each side is crispy. This is the easiest, fastest and most understandable way to cook delicious cauliflower in a frying pan with an egg. Another great recipe.

In breadcrumbs

Another option for cooking breaded bread in a frying pan is with the addition of crackers. The dish turns out rosy, tasty and crispy. Again, minimal ingredients are needed, and the taste will be delicious.

What do you need:
• 0.8 kg cauliflower;
• 0.2 kg breadcrumbs;
• Two chicken eggs;
• Vegetable oil, salt and seasonings to taste;

Wash the cabbage and divide into inflorescences. Boil in water with salt: bring to a boil and cook for another ten minutes. Let cool slightly. Separately, beat eggs with salt and any spices. Place breadcrumbs on a dry plate. Now heat the oil in a frying pan, and dip each piece of cabbage, first, into the egg mixture, and then roll it on all sides in breadcrumbs. Fry until golden brown. It's simple and clear recipe How to cook delicious cauliflower in a frying pan in breadcrumbs. How is it prepared?

With cheese

What do you need:
• Cauliflower fork;
• 200 grams of hard cheese;
• Spices, salt;

Boil the cauliflower until boiling with the addition of salt. If there are black spots on the inflorescences, they must be cut off. You can boil the cabbage whole, and then, when it is cooked, you can disassemble it into inflorescences. Transfer to a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Then sprinkle with grated cheese. Turn off the heat, cover the cabbage and cheese with a lid and let stand for a quarter of an hour so that the cheese has time to melt. This dish should be served hot.

Date of: 11.09.2015 / 15:15