Recipes for delicious cauliflower in a frying pan.

19.08.2019 Food and drink

Cauliflower of all its relatives, it has the most delicate taste and contains the least coarse fiber, therefore it is excellent for baby food, for the menu of those losing weight and for those people who suffer from digestive problems and cannot normally digest ordinary white cabbage and related species.

The advantage of this type of cabbage is that it can be successfully prepared by the most different ways. It is used in fresh, and you can also cook frozen cauliflower, and it practically does not lose its useful properties.

Rules and times for cooking cauliflower in a frying pan

The most important condition in preparing this type of cabbage is not to overcook or overcook this healthy vegetable. If you keep cabbage in boiling water, it will become watery and tasteless, and the overcooked product will be dry and even slightly bitter. In order for the vegetable to be properly cooked, it only needs to be kept on the fire for a few minutes.

The question of how many minutes to fry cauliflower can be answered this way: according to the rules, it is recommended to fry the inflorescences over high heat to obtain a golden brown crust for a quarter of an hour, and then keep the dish on low heat for another 10 minutes.

If the dish must be prepared quickly, such as cauliflower in batter, then it must first be boiled. It is not cooked until fully cooked - when pierced, the inflorescence should not be crispy, but not completely soft, otherwise finished product will lose taste and shape. Salt the cabbage at the very end of frying so that it does not lose its liquid and become dry and tasteless.

To prepare fried foods, it is better to use a frying pan with fairly high sides, since the cabbage buds are quite voluminous, and cooking requires regular stirring of the product. In a flat frying pan, it is also impossible to add a liquid component - eggs or sour cream with cream.

To prevent the cabbage from burning, you should use products with a special coating and stir with a flat wooden spatula.

Important! Cook cauliflower by dipping the inflorescences in salted boiling water, otherwise it may darken and lose its attractive light shade.

Calorie content and product composition

Like all cabbage vegetables, cauliflower is a low-calorie product, which makes it indispensable for dietary nutrition. It is well absorbed due to its balanced composition and minimal amount of coarse dietary fiber. The product has a delicate soft taste and a unique ability to give excellent results using different cooking methods.

100 grams of the product contains only 30 kilocalories, and the composition is distributed as follows:

  • Fats - 0.3 grams.
  • Proteins - 2.5 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 5.4 grams.

The vegetable contains many useful and vital microelements and vitamins for the nutrition of people of all ages:

  • Calcium.
  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Fluorine.
  • Copper.
  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, H and K.
  • Biotin.
  • Starch.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Such a rich composition and easy digestibility make cauliflower suitable for feeding children, including complementary foods for the youngest. Even people with a less than healthy digestive system digest this tasty and healthy vegetable perfectly. For those whose gastrointestinal tract is too sensitive, you can make pureed food, which includes a little cooked cauliflower.

Due to its low calorie content, the vegetable is actively used as part of a diet for those who want to lose weight. excess weight, but in this case it is best to use it boiled or baked, since frying, especially with breadcrumbs, significantly adds calories to the food.

The most popular dishes: recipes

Among the features of cauliflower is the wealth of its uses. You can simply boil it and serve it as a side dish, season it with sauces, sprinkle it with cheese and bake it in the oven, mix it with various types meat and poultry, stew in sour cream, cream, with the addition of other vegetables, fry with mushrooms, eggs and cheese, breaded in breadcrumbs and flour, fry in vegetable or butter.

Cauliflower makes not only excellent side dishes and complete main courses, but also a variety of snacks. It is used to make delicious marinades and fermentations, both separately and as part of vegetable mixtures. It is great for creating soups - clear with broth or pureed with the addition of cream. The latter are especially suitable for young children and people with sensitive digestive systems.

The vegetable freezes well and can be stored all winter, supplying the human body with a whole range of healing substances and vitamins. But this cabbage is especially good fried, cooked in a frying pan.

Cauliflower in batter

Since the dish is prepared quickly, the head of cauliflower is first disassembled into separate segments, quickly washed and boiled until almost done in boiling salted water. Catch it with a spoon and place it on a sieve or in a colander so that the excess liquid drains well. If this is not done, the batter will not “stick” to the cabbage, and the dish itself will become watery and will not retain its shape.

We prepare the batter in several ways according to taste:

  1. Mix beaten egg, mayonnaise, grated cheese and flour in a bowl. Don't forget to add salt and pepper. The consistency of the batter should be quite thick, otherwise it will simply slide off the cabbage when frying.
  2. Add a little cream or good milk to the beaten egg, flour and spices to taste; you can use ready-made products, for example, mushroom seasoning or curry powder.
  3. A simple batter is made from eggs and flour, salt and pepper. To make the finished dish especially tasty, you can sprinkle it with grated cheese, preferably spicy and aromatic. Those who like to experiment can try using blue cheeses (with mold). They give a specific taste and pungency.

You can also fry raw cabbage in batter, you just have to make small pieces, dip them in the chosen version of batter, quickly fry over high heat in hot oil, then reduce the heat and bring the dish to readiness.

Important! Do not keep boiled or raw cabbage in water for too long - it will become watery and will not fry well, and may also darken and become unsightly.

Cabbage fried with egg

This is one of the most common and popular dishes made from this vegetable. Probably every family has its own recipe for cauliflower with egg in a frying pan.

To prepare the dish you will need a fairly deep frying pan, a medium fork of cauliflower, 2 - 4 eggs, a little grated cheese, vegetable oil and seasonings to taste.

Green leaves and rough parts of the base are removed from the fork, divided into separate stalks, washed and left to drain. Heat vegetable oil in a deep non-stick or ceramic frying pan (some people prefer to use butter, but it “burns” quickly and requires constant supervision).

Beat the eggs, salt, pepper and season as desired. The drained cabbage is quickly fried in hot fat, poured with prepared eggs, sprinkled with grated cheese and brought to readiness. The product can be stirred, or tightly closed with a lid and simmered, or baked in the oven, if the type of frying pan allows it.

Cabbage with meat

This dish uses finely chopped meat, which is best cooked before frying, or minced meat, fried together with cabbage. This dish can be prepared in various ways:

  1. The prepared cabbage is fried in vegetable oil with onions and a clove of garlic, boiled chopped meat is added and everything is fried together. Lastly, add a scalded skinless tomato, finely chopped, or a little ketchup in winter. The dish is brought to readiness, sprinkled with chopped herbs and served.
  2. Minced meat is added to lightly fried cabbage, fried and the dish is topped with sour cream sauce (cream, mayonnaise, bechamel sauce - there are many options).

Based on this recipe, you can prepare a very tasty casserole by laying out lightly fried cabbage and meat in layers. You can pour beaten eggs with cheese and cream - the product will have a delicate, delicious taste.

Important! If you want to get a golden crust on the surface of the dish, sprinkle it with grated cheese and place in a hot oven for 2-3 minutes until browned.

Cauliflower with chicken

This dish is prepared in almost the same way as cauliflower with cheese and eggs. For it, you can use boiled or fried chicken, or prepare raw chicken. It is pre-boiled or fried, placed in a deep frying pan with heated oil, cabbage is added and cooked over high heat.

You can simply sprinkle the dish with cheese, or use a variety of sauces. Chicken and cauliflower go well with curry, so the sauce can be made using this spice powder or paste. The result will be a fairly spicy and aromatic dish.

To get a more pronounced taste, you can add other vegetables to the dish, for example, some broccoli, sweet peppers and tomatoes. In this combination, the food will acquire a light Mediterranean character and become even more healthy. To emphasize the aroma, at the end of cooking you should sprinkle it with finely chopped fresh garlic or special dried garlic powder, but you should not overuse the seasoning so as not to make the dish too spicy.

Cauliflower with mushrooms

This tasty and healthy vegetable goes well with any mushrooms. You can simply fry fresh mushrooms with cauliflower in butter, add salt and pepper - it will be very tasty. But for connoisseurs of more refined dishes, it’s worth complicating it a little and getting an excellent, balanced taste.

To create this dish, you can use both fresh and frozen cauliflower, as well as fresh or dried mushrooms. The latter are soaked in water for several hours or overnight, the liquid is drained, and the mushrooms are cooked until tender. Cabbage is prepared as for other recipes and fried with mushrooms until tender.

Add mushroom seasoning, a piece of butter and a couple of tablespoons of heavy cream to the dish. For a particularly piquant taste, grated spicy cheese- it is mixed with cream or sprinkled on a ready-made dish.

Cabbage with vegetables

Cauliflower goes perfectly with any vegetables. In summer and autumn, with abundance fresh vegetables, you can take a small head of cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, zucchini or zucchini, sweet white onions and a little garlic, herbs to taste. In winter, for the same purpose, you can use ready-made frozen mixtures, which often include healthy green beans and green peas.

Fresh or frozen vegetables cut into small pieces are placed in vegetable oil hot in a frying pan, quickly fried and brought to readiness under a lid over low heat.

Such vegetables in sour cream sauce turn out very tasty. Products prepared using the first method are simply poured with good sour cream and simmered for literally 5 minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with finely chopped dill and parsley to add flavor.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs

Another beloved and very popular dish is cauliflower fried in breadcrumbs. It combines a crispy crust and a tender, juicy interior. Even those people who, in principle, do not like any cabbage, eat this kind of cauliflower with pleasure. It always turns out very tasty, and it takes very little time to prepare.

If there are no breadcrumbs in the house, but self-cooking If you don’t have the energy, time, or desire to make bread, then cauliflower in flour will do just fine, but it’s still much tastier with breading. There is another way to replace breadcrumbs - bread the cabbage in ordinary semolina. It will turn out even tastier and more unusual than with breadcrumbs.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • Forks of cauliflower.
  • Packaging of breadcrumbs (flour or semolina).
  • Vegetable oil - about 3 tablespoons.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 - 3 pieces.
  • A pinch of salt and pepper, to the cook's taste.

Wash the cabbage, cut off the hard parts and leaves, divide into small inflorescences, and let the water drain. Beat the eggs, add salt and pepper. Dip the dried cabbage inflorescences one by one into the egg, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in hot vegetable oil.

Place the finished pieces on a wire rack or sieve so that they do not “sweat” and the crust ceases to be crispy. This cauliflower can be used as an independent dish or as a side dish for meat and poultry. Pairs well with other vegetables, such as tomatoes. Their piquant sourness harmonizes the somewhat bland taste of cabbage.

Important! If the breading layer is not thick enough, dip a piece of cabbage again into the egg and roll it in breadcrumbs again.

Fried cauliflower is an easy dish to prepare, but requires a few simple rules:

Wash and cut the cabbage immediately before cooking, otherwise it may darken.

By nature, not all cauliflower has snow-white inflorescences. There are white, cream, greenish and purple varieties that are great for frying. In addition to regular cauliflower, there is an even rarer version called “Romanesco” or Roman cauliflower. This is a very tasty vegetable with an unusual appearance. Romanesco can be fried, but it is best stewed, just like broccoli. It is not recommended to overcook the product - it will lose its nutritional properties and soft creamy taste.

When cooking cauliflower in eggs, you should not skimp on them - if there are few eggs, the dish will be dry and not very tasty.

An excellent companion for cabbage is cheese, preferably sharp grated cheese, but it is quite acceptable to use fairly spicy and pungent varieties of cheese, mainly goat and sheep.

Cauliflower dishes respond well to oriental and Asian spices. It is only important to maintain the proportions so that the bright flavors of the seasonings do not “clog” the subtle and rather delicate taste of the vegetable.

In order to get a successful dish, you need to not be afraid to experiment. There are many different side dishes, main courses, appetizers and cauliflower soups, but perhaps you are the one who has to invent something new.

Recipes and cooking cauliflower with egg in a frying pan
The only people who don't like cauliflower are those who don't know how to cook it. The product has a high taste and goes well with many ingredients, but is especially good with eggs. Shall we try?

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan - general cooking principles

Before frying in a frying pan, cabbage inflorescences are boiled until moderately cooked. The vegetable should not turn out too soft and fall apart. It is also important to drain the water in time so that it does not take away the flavor from the inflorescences.

Eggs can be used in a dish in two ways: to moisten the inflorescences before frying and breading, or as a filling for a dish (omelet). Both eggs and cabbage love all kinds of seasonings and spices. They go well with cheese, meat dishes, herbs, onions, and tomatoes. Therefore, there are a lot of options for dishes from basic products. It's time to try!

Plain fried cauliflower with egg in a frying pan

Easy pan fried cauliflower and egg recipe. This dish requires a minimum set of ingredients. Spices can be selected at your discretion.


• 350 g cabbage;

• 40 g butter;

• spices.


1. Place a saucepan with water. While it is boiling, wash the cabbage and cut into inflorescences. Place in boiling water and cook until soft, about ten minutes.

2. Place the inflorescences in a colander and let the water drain.

3. Place a frying pan on the stove, add butter, it’s better to take a creamy product. Warming up.

4. Place the previously prepared cabbage in one layer into the hot oil. Fry the inflorescences first on one side, then on the other.

5. Beat eggs with salt, add other spices. We select seasonings to suit your taste. Can add different types pepper, pour in a little soy sauce and even put a spoonful of ketchup. Beat until smooth.

6. As soon as the cabbage is browned on the second side, pour the eggs evenly over it.

7. Now is the time to cover the pan.

8. Reduce heat, simmer the dish under the lid for about three minutes until the omelette is ready.

9. Transfer to plates, decorate the dish with fresh herbs, and serve with vegetables.

Cauliflower with egg and tomatoes in a frying pan

In addition to cabbage, this dish will also require ripe tomatoes. It is advisable not to use sour or watery vegetables, as this will affect the taste.


• 400 g cabbage;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 40 ml oil;

• 1 spoon of crackers;

• spices.


1. Place the cabbage in boiling water, first disassembling it into inflorescences. Boil for 7-8 minutes. Remove and cool.

2. Heat the vegetable oil.

3. Cut the tomatoes into slices, fry in oil until soft.

4. Add the inflorescences of the previously boiled vegetable, fry the tomatoes along with the cabbage for a couple of minutes.

5. This time is enough to beat the eggs with spices.

6. Add a spoonful of croutons to the cabbage and tomatoes, just sprinkle.

7. After a few seconds, pour in the eggs beaten with spices, don’t forget to add salt.

8. As soon as the omelette begins to set, take a spatula and begin to gently stir it. You can immediately turn the entire dish over to the other side or do it in parts.

9. Serve the omelette with cabbage and tomatoes immediately; the dish cannot be stored.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan (with cheese)

For this dish, it is better to use hard cheese that melts well. Then the cabbage will be covered with an amazingly beautiful, aromatic and enveloping crust.


• 80 g cheese;

• 300 g cabbage;

• 1 bell pepper;

• spices.


1. Steam the cabbage until soft or in regular boiling water.

2. Pour a little oil into the frying pan.

3. Now cut the bell pepper pod in half, remove the seeds from it, and chop into strips.

4. Place the pepper in the oil, fry a little, just a couple of minutes.

5. Add cauliflower to the fried peppers. Let's fry together on high fire.

6. While the florets are cooking, beat the eggs. Immediately add spices and salt.

7. Finely grate a piece of cheese, add it to the eggs, and stir.

8. As soon as the cabbage is fried to the desired state, pour over the cheese mixture with eggs. Turn on maximum heat.

9. Fry the dish until golden brown, stir the cabbage with a spatula, but not very often.

10. Remove to a plate, serve with herbs and immediately place on the table.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan with sour cream and onions

An interesting version of an omelet with cauliflower and eggs, which also requires sour cream. You can take milk product with any fat content, it doesn’t matter.


• 0.3 kg cabbage;

• 70 g sour cream;

• 1 onion;

• 1-2 tablespoons of flour;

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. Cook the cabbage until done. Cool the inflorescences.

2. Take one piece of cabbage, roll it in flour, put it in hot oil, fry on both sides. Transfer the breaded florets to a bowl.

3. Cut the onion into half rings, place in a frying pan, and fry until golden brown.

4. Chop the garlic clove very finely and add it to the onion.

5. Now return the fried inflorescences.

6. Beat eggs with sour cream. Immediately add salt, add pepper and other seasonings, stir thoroughly.

7. Pour the prepared omelet over the fried cabbage.

8. Cover the frying pan, bring the aromatic dish to readiness, but do not overcook it. As soon as the omelette sets, immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan (with sausage)

The recipe is not entirely dietary and healthy, but it is a very tasty and satisfying dish. You can use any boiled or smoked sausage for it. The dish turns out delicious even with sausages and sausages.


• 150 g sausage;

• 200 g of boiled cabbage;

• 1 onion;

• spices.


1. Boil cabbage in boiling water until soft. Leave for a while to drain all excess liquid.

2. Cut the onion, put it in a frying pan, fry until transparent.

3. Cut the sausage into strips. If you use sausages, you can use them in circles. Transfer the sausages to the onions and fry further.

4. After a minute, add boiled cabbage. Let's fry a little more. All excess moisture should evaporate. Sprinkle everything in the frying pan with spices and salt.

5. Eggs can be broken directly into the pan, but it is better to whisk until smooth in a bowl. Pour cabbage over top.

6. Fry the dish until cooked, serve immediately before it cools down.

Cauliflower with egg and breadcrumbs in a frying pan

A recipe for amazing cauliflower in an egg in a frying pan with a crispy crust of breadcrumbs. Ordinary breadcrumbs are used; you can use store-bought or homemade ones. In this dish great importance have seasonings that give the breading a special taste.


• head of cabbage;

• 150 g crackers;

• 3-4 eggs;

• a couple of lemon slices;

• spices: salt, pepper, thyme, nutmeg, etc.


1. We disassemble the head of cabbage into inflorescences and wash them thoroughly. Boil water, throw in a couple of lemon slices, salt and cabbage. Cook for ten minutes until done. Pour into a large colander and strain out all the water.

2. Beat the eggs with a fork; you don’t need to add anything to them.

3. Mix crackers, spices, and a small pinch of salt in a dry bowl.

4. Pour any oil into a frying pan; it is best to fry it using a mixture of creamy and vegetable product.

5. Dip the inflorescence in the egg, roll in breadcrumbs and place in hot oil. We do the same with the other cabbage, filling the frying pan in one layer. We do everything quickly.

6. Fry the pieces until crispy on both sides. There is no need to keep the heat low, otherwise the breading will begin to absorb the oil.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan (with chicken)

The recipe is a delicious and satisfying dish that is ideal for a family dinner. In addition to chicken, you will also need canned peas for cauliflower with egg in a frying pan. If necessary, it can not be used.


• 250 g chicken fillet;

• 250 g cauliflower;

• 70 ml cream;

• 1 spoon of soy sauce;

• 50 g canned peas;

• spices, oil;

• green onions, parsley;

• 3-4 tablespoons of grated hard cheese.


1. Cut the chicken into strips and mix with soy sauce. Let it sit for ten minutes, but it can be longer. We simply boil the cabbage until tender; we do not make the inflorescences large.

2. Heat the oil, add the chicken and fry until almost done.

3. Add the cabbage, turn the heat up to high, and continue frying.

4. As soon as the inflorescences are slightly browned, add the peas. It's time to sprinkle the dish with spices and add salt. Continue to fry, the heat is moderate.

5. Beat the eggs with cream until light foam; add a little salt to the omelet too.

6. Grate the cheese, add it to the eggs, and stir.

7. Pour the egg mixture over the cabbage and chicken. We try to do this evenly.

8. Cover the frying pan and turn the heat to minimum. Let the omelette sit for about five minutes. Then open the frying pan. If desired, you can turn up the heat to fry the bottom until golden brown.

9. Chop the herbs and sprinkle on the unusual dish before serving.

• The healthiest cabbage comes from steaming. Fortunately, there are now many different devices. You can use a tray placed on a saucepan or cook the vegetable in a slow cooker.

• To prevent the cabbage from turning gray and to remain beautiful and snow-white, when cooking, pour a few drops of vinegar into the pan or add a little citric acid.

• Cauliflower will be much tastier and more aromatic if you add a bay leaf, a slice of lemon or a little zest to the pan when cooking.

If you are interested in how to deliciously cook cauliflower in a frying pan, the material below is especially for you. After studying the recipes, you will learn the basic rules for decorating a valuable dish and enrich your culinary record with its many worthy variations.

How to fry cauliflower?

Even such a simple dish as fried cauliflower has its own secrets and subtleties of preparation, without which it will not be able to please you with the desired result.

  1. Cauliflower, recipes for cooking it in a frying pan will be outlined in the following paragraphs, must first be properly prepared: rinse the fork, cut into inflorescences and boil until half cooked (5-7 minutes).
  2. After cooking, lower the inflorescences for a minute in cold water, after which they put it on a sieve, let it drain well and dry.
  3. After this, cabbage is used to implement one of the recipes: the vegetable can simply be fried in oil or a more refined and original dish can be created from it.

Broccoli and cauliflower cutlets

Cauliflower cutlets are one of the most popular dishes made from this vegetable. Often, classic inflorescences are supplemented with broccoli, which not only has a positive effect on the taste characteristics of the dish, but makes it much healthier and more valuable. Thanks to this composition, any dietary menu becomes more balanced and lighter.


  • cauliflower and broccoli – 450 g each;
  • semolina and flour - 4-5 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;


  1. Cauliflower inflorescences boiled for 7 minutes are twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender.
  2. Add eggs, semolina and flour, add some salt, pepper, mix, and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. With moistened hands, shape the cutlets and fry them in vegetable oil over moderate heat, browning on both sides.

Cauliflower in batter - recipe

Another valuable delicacy made from inflorescences is cauliflower fried in a frying pan in batter. The dish will be especially tasty if you use a mixture of refined vegetable oil and butter for frying, and also season the batter with aromatic dry Provencal or Italian herbs, ground nutmeg or other seasonings.


  • cauliflower – 600 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil and butter – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Boil the prepared cabbage inflorescences for 5 minutes, allow to drain and dry.
  2. Beat the egg with salt and pepper, stir in the flour.
  3. Dip the inflorescences in batter, place them in a heated mixture of two types of oils and brown them on all sides.
  4. This fried cauliflower in batter is good both cold and hot.

Cauliflower in breadcrumbs

Next is how to deliciously cook cauliflower in a frying pan in breadcrumbs. If desired, the appetizer can be made without eggs. To do this, the crackers are first browned in melted butter, after which boiled cabbage inflorescences are added to the frying pan and fried with frequent stirring along with the crackers for three minutes.


  • cauliflower – 600 g;
  • breadcrumbs - ½ cup;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Boil the inflorescences for 5 minutes, let them drain and dry.
  2. Beat the egg, add some salt and pepper.
  3. Dip the inflorescences in the egg mixture, and then in breadcrumbs, after which they are spread in melted butter.
  4. As soon as the cauliflower in breadcrumbs is browned on both sides, remove it to a plate and serve.

Cauliflower fritters

Cauliflower in a frying pan can be fried not only in florets. By twisting the vegetable in a meat grinder, using a blender or food processor and adding grated cheese to the resulting mass, and then preparing it in the form of pancakes, you will take a fresh look at the taste of a seemingly long-familiar vegetable and appreciate all its best aspects.


  • cauliflower – 650 g;
  • hard cheese – 60 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • carrots – 0.5 pcs.;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil – 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. The boiled cabbage is chopped, mixed with finely grated carrots, cheese, eggs and flour, seasoning to taste.
  2. Spoon the resulting base into heated vegetable oil in portions and brown the pancakes on both sides.

Cauliflower with egg in a frying pan

Next, you will learn how to deliciously cook cauliflower in a frying pan with an egg. In fact, the dish is reminiscent of, which refresh the banal egg taste, making the dish juicier, more aromatic and more original. If desired, the composition of the dish can be supplemented with fried ham, sausage or bacon.


  • cauliflower – 450 g;
  • eggs – 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, Italian herbs, herbs.


  1. Boil the cabbage inflorescences until half cooked, dry them, and place them in melted butter in a frying pan.
  2. Beat eggs with salt, pepper and herbs and pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage, distributing evenly.
  3. Cover the pan with a lid and leave the contents to fry over moderate heat.
  4. Before serving, fried cauliflower with egg is seasoned with chopped fresh herbs.

Vegetable stew with cauliflower

Pre-boiling the vegetable is not required if cooking. Raw inflorescences are placed in a deep frying pan with other vegetable ingredients according to the recipe technology and stewed until tender with the addition of spices, seasonings and fresh herbs. The process of preparing 4 servings will take no more than an hour.


  • cauliflower – 500 g;
  • bell pepper – 350 g;
  • medium-sized zucchini – 1 pc.;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • fresh tomatoes – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, spices, herbs.


  1. Onions and carrots are fried in vegetable oil.
  2. Add cabbage cut into florets, cubes of zucchini, bell peppers and tomatoes.
  3. Simmer the vegetables over moderate heat under a lid until soft, then season to taste, flavor with garlic and herbs, mix gently and let it brew.

Cauliflower in creamy sauce

The following recipe is about how to deliciously cook cauliflower with cream in a frying pan. The basic variation proposed below can be supplemented with fried mushrooms, tomatoes or other appropriate products. If you have time or opportunity, the inflorescences can be additionally baked under cream sauce in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.


  • cauliflower – 600 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cream – 400 ml;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


  1. Fry the flour until creamy, add butter, then cream, seasonings and heat to a boil.
  2. Place pre-boiled cabbage inflorescences, sprinkle cheese on top, cover with a lid, and reduce heat.
  3. After simmering for ten minutes, the cauliflower in cream will be ready.

Cauliflower with mushrooms

Any cauliflower side dish would be appropriate for serving with hearty meat dishes, fish or poultry. However, in some cases, culinary compositions involving vegetables can be a self-sufficient and independent snack for serving for dinner or lunch. One of these will be made according to this recipe.


  • cauliflower – 400 g;
  • mushrooms – 200 g;
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • paprika, coriander, chili - a pinch;
  • salt, pepper, refined vegetable oil.


  1. Sauté onions and carrots in oil, add mushrooms, and fry until the juices evaporate.
  2. Season the roast to taste, add pre-boiled cabbage inflorescences, sour cream, and heat for a couple of minutes.

Cauliflower with meat

Treats that combine meat and cauliflower are incredibly delicious. It is most convenient to use for this purpose chicken fillet in mind of him instant cooking. However, any other meat will be fine, but will require additional simmering under the lid until soft before adding vegetables.

Cauliflower is one of the most healthy products nutrition. With a low calorie content, it contains a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for the body, most of which are preserved even during heat treatment. This vegetable can be prepared in different ways. One of the simplest is to fry. However, to do this you need to know how to fry cauliflower in a frying pan so that it turns out tasty and retains its beneficial properties.

Cooking features

Knowing a few secrets will allow you to cook many nutritious dishes in a cauliflower frying pan.

  • Not only fresh cauliflower, but also frozen cauliflower is suitable for frying in a pan. There is no need to defrost it - just boil it for 2-3 minutes in salted water, then remove it with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. After this, you need to cook it in the same way as fresh, following the instructions in the recipe.
  • When choosing fresh cauliflower for frying, it is better to give preference to recently harvested ones. Its leaves are fresh and green. Withered leaves are evidence that the cabbage has been lying around for a long time and is also no longer fresh enough. Also, you should not take heads of cabbage whose inflorescences are covered with dark spots - this is rot that quickly spreads, making the cabbage unfit for consumption. But the milky tint of the inflorescences does not indicate the quality of the cabbage: it depends on the type of vegetable and the conditions of its cultivation (in the sun or in the shade).
  • Before cooking, you need to wash the cabbage and separate it into inflorescences, then put them in salted water. You need to take a heaped teaspoon of salt per liter of water. After 10 minutes, you will need to collect insects and caterpillars from the surface of the water, which will certainly emerge, and rinse the inflorescences again and wait for the water to drain from them.
  • Most pan-fried cauliflower recipes call for boiling the cauliflower first, but this is not necessary if you prefer your cabbage crispy. You don’t have to boil it, but fry it right away. But keep in mind that pre-boiling the cabbage reduces the time it takes to cook in a frying pan, so it absorbs less oil and remains low in calories. Brief boiling (up to 5 minutes) will not harm.
  • If you choose a recipe for preparing cabbage in batter or breading, it is better not to cut off the stems of the inflorescences when cold processing the cabbage - it is convenient to hold it by them, dipping it into the dough. However, you can do without the stems by dipping the inflorescences with a fork.
  • First, the cabbage is fried over medium or even high heat so that it becomes covered with a crust, which will protect it from loss of nutrients. Then turn the heat down to low, cover the pan with a lid and fry the cabbage until tender. If you use batter, then you need to fry all the time over medium heat in a sufficient amount of oil.

The rest of the preparation depends on the recipe you choose.

How to quickly fry cauliflower

  • cauliflower – 0.5 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed for frying;
  • garlic (optional) – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the prepared cauliflower (washed, disassembled into small inflorescences) in water salted to taste for 4–5 minutes after it boils.
  • Cut the garlic into slices and fry in large quantities oil until the plates darken. Fish them out of the oil and throw them away - they have already done their job, imparting aroma to the oil.
  • Remove the cabbage with a slotted spoon or drain it in a colander. When the water has drained, place in a frying pan with boiling oil.
  • Fry over medium heat without a lid until the cabbage acquires an appetizing color and begins to become lightly crusted.

You can serve this cabbage as a side dish or main dish. In the latter case, garlic sauce will suit it.

How to fry breaded cauliflower

  • cauliflower – 0.5–0.6 kg;
  • breadcrumbs – 100 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • greens (optional) – 50 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed for frying.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage, separate into inflorescences, not too small. Boil in salted water to taste for 3-5 minutes. Place in a colander to drain.
  • Finely chop the greens and mix them with breadcrumbs.
  • Beat the eggs with a fork.
  • Dip each inflorescence in the egg, roll in breadcrumbs and place in a frying pan with boiling oil.
  • Fry over medium heat until cooked through, remembering to turn occasionally so that a delicious crust forms on all sides.

Breaded fried cabbage is a dish in its own right. You can serve it with sour cream.

Cauliflower in batter

  • cauliflower – 0.5–0.6 kg;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 100–120 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • flour – 80–100 g;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed for frying.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cauliflower. When disassembling it into inflorescences, make sure that they are of medium size: cut those that are too large in half.
  • Place the cabbage in salted water and cook for a couple of minutes. If you want the cabbage to remain crispy, you can fry it in a pan without cooking.
  • Beat the eggs.
  • Sift the flour, mix with salt and ground black pepper, adding them to taste.
  • Add flour to the eggs little by little, stirring well each time so that there are no lumps.
  • Dilute the dough with milk until it has the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan.
  • Dip each inflorescence into the batter, place in a frying pan and fry on all sides until golden brown.

Cauliflower in batter is a tasty and satisfying dish that cooks very quickly. You can serve it with cheese sauce.

Cauliflower in cheese batter

  • cauliflower – 0.6–0.7 kg;
  • beer – 100–125 ml;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 80–100 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasonings - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Separate the cabbage into medium-sized florets, wash them and steam for 2-3 minutes.
  • Finely grate the cheese.
  • Beat the eggs, mix them with flour, salt and pepper, grated cheese.
  • Dilute with beer until you get a dough with a consistency similar to liquid sour cream.
  • Dipping cabbage florets into the dough, fry them until golden brown on all sides in a frying pan with heated oil.
  • Place in a colander to drain excess oil.

This cabbage is an excellent appetizer for beer or wine, but, of course, you can eat it without them. Cheese lovers will love this dish.

Original recipe for fried cauliflower

  • cauliflower – 0.6–0.7 kg;
  • milk – 125 ml;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • semolina – 50 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Disassemble the cauliflower into small inflorescences, cut medium and small ones into several parts. Rinse well and place in a deep frying pan. If the cabbage is frozen, just pour it into the pan.
  • Pour half a glass of water into the frying pan, add salt to taste, add spices and place over medium heat, covering the frying pan with a lid.
  • When the water has boiled, pour oil into the cabbage, stir and start frying.
  • Whisk together the milk, semolina and egg, lightly salt this mixture.
  • Pour the mixture over the frying cabbage, stir quickly and cook for another 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally. There is no need to stir constantly, otherwise the cabbage will not acquire an appetizing shade.

The dish turns out very tasty. It will be even tastier if you top it with cheese sauce.

Cauliflower fried with sausages

  • cauliflower – 0.4–0.5 kg;
  • hunting sausages – 0.3 kg;
  • eggplant – 0.2 kg;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • carrots – 100 g;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - as much as needed.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare the cabbage by breaking it into small florets, rinsing and soaking in salted water to remove insects.
  • Cut the eggplants into cubes, soak them in salt water for half an hour, rinse and dry.
  • Peel the onion and chop finely.
  • Coarsely grate the carrots.
  • Cut the sausages into circles.
  • Fry onions and carrots in a deep frying pan.
  • After 5 minutes, add the eggplants and fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Add the sausages and fry them along with the eggplants for 5 minutes.
  • Place the cauliflower in the same pan and fry the vegetables for another 5 minutes.
  • Salt, pepper, add dill and add a small amount of water (half a glass is enough).
  • Cover with a lid and simmer until the water has almost completely evaporated.

This unusual cauliflower dish will captivate you from the first spoon.

Frying cauliflower in a frying pan is easy. The process of preparing delicious dishes does not take much time. Meanwhile, the dishes turn out appetizing, tasty, and satisfying.

Good day to everyone who reads my blog. Do you know delicious but low-calorie foods? After all, many dietary dishes are prepared either by boiling or sautéing. But sometimes you really want to treat yourself to something fried in a frying pan. So I wanted to find dietary product, which remains low in calories when fried. But there is such a product - cauliflower. Let's talk today about how to cook cauliflower in a frying pan deliciously.

There are many varieties of this wonderful product. But among all this diversity, cauliflower is considered one of the most useful. It is recommended for many diets. With a minimum of calories, it has enormous benefits for the body. Even when frying, it retains all its mineral and vitamin complex.

The calorie content of this product during heat treatment is only 120 calories per 100 g. The protein content is 3 g, fat 10 g, and carbohydrates only 5.7 g.

It contains potassium, magnesium, as well as iron and calcium. It contains fluorine and manganese. These elements are necessary for our body to assimilate. As well as vitamins, which are contained here in large quantities. Boiled vegetables, it seems to me, are not for everyone. But fried will appeal to many. Especially if you cook it correctly.

First, the vegetable needs to be prepared: it is peeled and washed. Then they are divided into inflorescences. Choose the size of the pieces so that it is convenient to fry them and then eat them. If you are going to fry cabbage in batter, do not cut off the stem. It is very convenient to hold a piece by it while dipping it into the batter.

Before frying, cauliflower should be boiled. If you come across a vegetable with large inflorescences, you can cut them in half. The water should be boiled and salted to taste. Place the chopped cabbage pieces in boiling water and cook for literally 5 minutes. This is done so that it softens. It is important not to overcook it, otherwise it will fall apart in the pan. After cooking, place in a colander and let cool slightly.

Fry it over medium heat for about a quarter of an hour. First, do not cover with a lid, then turn the heat to low. Next, cover the frying pan with a lid and cook the product for another 10 minutes. During the frying process, a crust forms on the pieces. It is this that protects this vegetable from loss of beneficial properties. Frozen cabbage does not need to be thawed. It, like fresh, must be boiled in salted water before frying. To do this, just keep it in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

How to fry with garlic and herbs

The easiest way to cook this vegetable is to fry it with fresh herbs and garlic. For this purpose, the inflorescences are separated. It is better that the pieces are small, then boiled.

The smell when cooking cauliflower is quite specific. Therefore, many people cook it less often than they would like.

I’ll share a secret: to get rid of the smell, add a couple of pinches of dry rosemary to the water. And also a piece of lemon zest - ¼ lemon. There will be no unpleasant aromas, and the cabbage will turn out tender and tasty

Then the boiled pieces need to be fried until golden brown in vegetable oil. You can roll them in flour. Don't forget to season the flour with salt, pepper, and other spices to taste. When the cauliflower is almost ready, you can pour the dressing over it.

To do this, take 1 tbsp. olive oil, squeeze in a couple of cloves of garlic. And also add dill or parsley to taste. When the dish is almost ready, pour in the sauce, stir, and let simmer for another couple of minutes.

How to cook cabbage with egg

Frying this product with an egg is prepared quite quickly. This tasty dish on every day. You can serve it with sour cream dressing. To prepare we will need:

  • cauliflower – 500 g;
  • chicken egg – 3-4 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • spices, salt - to taste.
  • cheese – 100 g

Separate the cabbage forks and boil. When it is ready, use a slotted spoon to strain off the liquid. Dry the boiled vegetables.

Then heat the frying pan and melt the butter. Or you can make part vegetable and the same amount creamy. I love cooking so much more now.

Place the pieces in a frying pan and lightly fry on all sides. A characteristic golden color should appear. While the vegetables are browning, beat the eggs.

Then pour them into the frying pan and mix with the cabbage. Fry the mixture over medium heat. The color of the roast should be light brown. Then you need to sprinkle everything with pre-grated cheese. Cover the contents of the frying pan with a lid and let stand for another couple of minutes. After this, the cabbage with eggs and cheese is laid out on a dish and decorated with herbs. You might be interested in: Frying eggs in a frying pan - the subtleties of cooking 6 delicious and simple dishes

Delicious cabbage in batter

Small juicy pieces in a golden batter crust, what could be tastier? In addition to their amazing taste, they also look beautiful. This dish can be safely served to guests. If it has not yet cooled, the crust will have a pleasant crunch. If the dish is served warm, the batter becomes soft.

For this dish we need forks of cabbage. Eggs – 4-5 pcs, a few tbsp. flour, salt, black pepper to taste. And also 100-150g of vegetable and butter. Only vegetable oil can be used.

As usual, boil the cabbage. For the batter, eggs are beaten, salt and spices are added. Then the flour is gradually beaten in. The consistency of the batter determines whether the layer will be crispy. If it is thinner, the crust will be crispier.

Note to housewives: you can add a piquant taste to the dish by making a batter with cumin. The slightly bitter taste of this seasoning with nutty notes will make a simple dish even tastier.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and chop the boiled inflorescences. Choose the size you like. The inflorescences should be dipped in batter and placed one at a time in a frying pan. They fry for about 3-5 minutes on each side. The dish can be served garnished with sprigs of parsley or dill.

We looked at how to fry cauliflower in a frying pan deliciously. Now let's talk about sauces. With them the dish will be more tasty and aromatic.

Making sauces

These sauces are served chilled with the finished dish. It is better to serve them separately rather than pour over the entire roast. I recommend trying to cook it. It is much tastier than simple mayonnaise.

Sour cream sauce. Take 120 ml of sour cream, a couple of cloves of garlic, parsley and dill. And also salt and pepper to taste. Chop the garlic and herbs, add sour cream. Mix everything thoroughly and serve chilled.

Cheese dressing. Mix 5 tbsp. sour cream with 3 tbsp. mayonnaise and 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar. Grind 100 g in a blender. soft cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix all ingredients well. Chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. You can pour the sauce over the fried vegetable, or you can serve it separately.

Yogurt sauce. Mix 150 ml of unsweetened thick yoghurt with 50 ml of olive oil. Squeeze 2 cloves of garlic to them, add 1 tbsp. white vinegar. We also add chopped dill and ½ tsp to the sauce. salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Best served chilled.

Dressing with onions. Mix 150 grams of unsweetened yogurt with 6 tbsp. sour cream. Add 3 tbsp to them. vegetable oil and a dessert spoon of lemon juice. You can also squeeze out one clove of garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Finely chop 3-4 green onions and several sprigs of dill. The same amount of parsley, a little basil, green salad. You can grind everything thoroughly in a blender. Add mint if desired. The fried cabbage should first be poured a little with melted butter, and then dressing with onions.

Mustard dressing. 1 tbsp. mix mustard with a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the mixture. A little salt and ground black pepper. This sauce is poured over the finished dish.

As you can see, this simple and healthy dish can be served with different sauces. This will make it even tastier. Do you have any interesting recipes? I will be glad to receive your advice. Don't forget to share the news with your friends on in social networks. And . Until we meet again, bye everyone.