Tomato sauce at home for the winter according to simple and understandable recipes. Tomato sauce for the winter

20.10.2019 Jurisprudence

Very popular all over the world: not a single hamburger or kebab is complete without this aromatic additive.

Unfortunately, store-bought ketchup negatively affects your health and figure, and you definitely shouldn’t give it to children.

“What should I do, since my child loves ketchup so much?” - you ask. The answer is simple - make your own tomato sauce. After all, the product that you personally made will definitely not contain any harmful additives, dyes or preservatives.

You can make this addition to the main dish not only for once, but also prepare tomato sauce for the winter.

What products will you need?

Before we present you with tomato sauce recipes, let's talk about what products and jars you should choose for twists.

  • The most important ingredient in this recipe is tomatoes. It is advisable to choose large, fleshy fruits, but if there are none, then any other will do. The main advantage of the seasoning is that you can use not only whole and even tomatoes, but you can buy them for more low price bruised, cracked, or irregularly shaped (you don't want to puree them anyway). The only important thing is that they are fresh.
  • If you are making tomato dressing for borscht, then it is not necessary to remove the seeds from the tomatoes, but in other cases, make sure that the seeds do not get into the sauce.
  • Spices in all the recipes below are an optional ingredient. Add them to your taste: if you like it spicy - more pepper, fragrant - more herbs, etc.
  • If you are closing homemade tomato sauce for the winter, then thoroughly sterilize the jars and boil the lids. You can also roll the product into glass bottles with a screw cap, but in this case, store them in a cool place.

Sauce "Classic"

This tomato sauce is neutral, although very tasty. A lot of people like him.


  • Tomatoes - 1 kg.
  • Large onions - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 150 g.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Unscented vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method

If you took “substandard” tomatoes, then cut out all the spoiled and rotten places (note that “substandard” ones need to be taken 1.5 times more than whole tomatoes without defects).

Cut the tomatoes into large pieces. We rub them through a sieve, discard the skins and seeds.

Cut the onion into small cubes. Fry it in a fairly large amount of oil until golden brown. Add tomato puree, salt and sugar to the fried onions. Fry the tomatoes until they boil thoroughly and excess liquid has evaporated.

Beat the mixture with a blender. Let it boil again. We pack the hot one into pre-sterilized half-liter jars and roll it up. We place the jars on the floor, covered with a towel, with the lids down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them like that overnight. In the morning we put the jars in a dark place.

Tomato sauce recipe for those who like it spicy

This seasoning is suitable for passionate and hot-tempered people - thrill-seekers. By the way, there is an opinion that moderately spicy food is good for the stomach and blood circulation. Serve this sauce with meat or pasta.


  • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • Garlic - 2 large heads or 3 medium ones.
  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Coarsely ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide.
  • Allspice - 10 peas.
  • Carnation - 10 inflorescences.
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Hot pepper - 2 pods.
  • Paprika - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make hot sauce

Wash the tomatoes, remove all rotten and bruised areas. Cut them into large pieces. Place in a deep saucepan and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat under the pan and simmer the future tomato sauce for half an hour.

Cut the pepper into rings and send it to the tomatoes. Simmer the tomatoes and hot peppers for another 30 minutes. Add all the specified spices and cook the sauce for another 15 minutes.

While the sauce is cooking, peel and pass all the garlic through a garlic press. Add it to the tomato mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes. Remove the sauce from the heat and rub it through a sieve. Return the mixture to the pan and bring to a boil. Add vinegar and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Pour the sauce into pre-sterilized jars and seal them. Place the jars on the floor covered with a towel, lids down, and cover them with a warm blanket. Leave them like this for 12 hours. Afterwards we put the jars in a cool, dark place.

From the given amount of ingredients you should get about three half-liter jars of ketchup. If you want to cook this homemade tomato sauce in larger quantities, then take 2-3 times more of all the ingredients.

Sweet and sour sauce

You can prepare an unusual tomato sauce for the winter. The recipe for this seasoning is given below.


  • Tomatoes - 5 kg.
  • Sour large apples(for example, Antonovka) - 2 pcs.
  • Coarsely ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of the knife.
  • Nutmeg - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Honey - 1 tsp.
  • Hot red pepper - 1 tsp. no slide.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

Making an excellent seasoning

Let's prepare the tomatoes - wash them and clean them from spoiled areas. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Remove the core and seeds from the apples and also cut them into cubes. Mix apples and tomatoes in a saucepan. Place them on medium heat for 30 minutes (until the apples and tomatoes soften).

Grind the resulting mixture through a sieve and return it to the pan. Boil the tomato sauce for another 10 minutes. Add salt, black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and hot red pepper to the brew. Mix thoroughly and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Then add honey, vinegar and garlic and boil for another 5 minutes.

Distribute the sauce into pre-sterilized jars. Let's roll them up. Place the jars, lids down, on the floor, covered with a towel, and cover everything on top with a blanket. Let's leave them like that overnight. In the morning we will put it in the pantry or cellar.

Barbecue sauce

The last tomato sauce, the recipe for which we will describe in this article, is everyone’s favorite

This world-famous masterpiece was invented in North America, and its recipe spread throughout the world. Not a single outdoor picnic in the United States is complete without his participation.

Tomato barbecue sauce is popular not only because of its unusual and bright taste, but also because of its versatility: it can be used as an additive to the main dish and as a marinade for meat, poultry, fish or even vegetables.

Here is classic recipe of this sauce, but you can change it depending on your own taste and the ingredients you have on hand.


  • Fresh tomato puree - 1 kg.
  • Tomato paste - 200 g.
  • Large onion - 2 pcs.
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 0.3 cups.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Grain mustard - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Granulated garlic - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Ground chili pepper - 1 tsp. with a slide.
  • Worcestershire sauce - 30 ml.
  • Apple vinegar - 100 g.
  • and salt - to taste.

Cooking process

Boil the tomato puree (without seeds or skins) so that all excess moisture evaporates. Cut the onions into small cubes and fry them in vegetable oil in a deep pan until transparent. Crush in a mortar. Add pepper, sugar and chili to the onion. Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Add honey to the pan and tomato paste. Mix thoroughly again and simmer for 5 minutes. Add evaporated tomato puree to the mixture and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Add vinegar and salt. Puree the mixture using a blender. Boil the sauce for another 20 minutes. Spill finished product into sterilized jars and close them. Leave to cool on the floor under a blanket, upside down. After a day, put the jars in the cellar (if it is a cold season) or in the refrigerator.

World cooking knows thousands of sauce recipes. However, number one is still tomato. It’s hard to imagine a pasta or meat dish that you wouldn’t want to flavor with juicy tomato sauce, and you simply can’t make pizza without it. Of course, ketchup from store shelves should not be compared with its counterpart prepared at home. It is better to prepare delicious tomato sauce for future use, as it will come in handy in the kitchen more than once. Even people indifferent to cooking know that it is the healthiest and in the process of preparing it you can create several different tastes. Try making homemade tomato sauce for the winter according to the recipes we have chosen with photos and on your table all year round There will be delicious homemade ketchup.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Few people appreciate very spicy dishes, but for real lovers, this simple recipe for preparing it in winter will be very useful. It is common to think that spicy food is harmful, but if it is not prohibited by law medical indications, then hot pepper, for example, as part of a dish helps burn calories and normalizes blood circulation in the body, hot seasonings of natural origin can promote the production of endorphins just as well as chocolate.


Tomato sauce for the winter- this is an excellent homemade tomato preparation, which in its own way beneficial properties no worse fresh vegetable. Preparing it according to this recipe is not at all difficult and even very quick. In this way, you can process tomatoes left unneeded into a supplement that is beneficial for the body, which will support the immune system during the cold season.

Plus, why buy a store-bought product full of chemicals and food additives when you can make your own seasoning at home. Store-bought sauce loses all its beneficial qualities because it contains a large number of substances that allow ketchup to have a longer shelf life, and those prepared with your own hands at home can be stored for no more than several years.

The benefit of homemade tomato sauce lies in the content of a large number of vitamins, including A, B, C, E, PP. Tomato sauce contains a substance called serotonin, which helps restore nervous system and bring the body back to normal after stress. The sauce also acts as an antimicrobial agent that helps cleanse the body. This preparation is simply irreplaceable for constipation, flatulence and diarrhea. Thanks to the daily consumption of canned tomato sauce, your body will be constantly replenished with vitamins, and your immunity will become stronger.

Preparing such a wonderful preparation for the winter guarantees good health for you and your entire family. Our guide will help you prepare tomato sauce for the winter. step by step recipe with photo.


  • (3 kg)

  • (1 kg)

  • (500 g)

  • (10 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (2 pinches)

  • (5 pieces.)

  • (3 pcs.)

  • (150 g)

Cooking steps

    Prepare tomatoes, onions and bell peppers.

    After washing the vegetables, cut them into several pieces.

    Using a meat grinder, grind all the vegetables.

    To use hot spices, take a porridge bag instant cooking. We put all the hot spices into a bag and seal it with toothpicks on both sides.

    In the chopped vegetables add 10 tablespoons of sugar, salt to taste, as well as 170 grams of butter, 1.5 tbsp. l. dry mustard, 1.5 teaspoons of hot chili pepper. Place the bag of spices into the vegetables. For those who prefer spicy seasoning, it is better to add more pepper.

    After the sauce has boiled, leave the spice bag for another 20 minutes, then remove it.

    Pour the sauce into pre-sterilized jars and close them with boiled lids. Then we put the jars upside down and cover them with a blanket for several hours.

    Tomato sauce is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers. We continue to prepare different sauces and ketchups from tomatoes for the winter and try different recipes. This time we are preparing a sauce from tomatoes and garlic. This sauce will be a great addition to many dishes. This sauce can be served with meat, pasta, porridge and other dishes. The aromatic and unsurpassed taste of the sauce will appeal to many, I am sure of this, with the exception of those who do not like garlic. This spicy sauce can be prepared not only for once, but also for future use. The recipe for making homemade tomato sauce is very simple. The set of ingredients for the sauce is available, especially in season.

A friend who makes homemade preparations every year shared the sauce recipe with us. They grow tomatoes, so they have a lot of recipes for tomato preparations.

We also tried the tomato sauce and really liked the taste, color and aroma. This year we decided to try new recipes, and before that we cooked most often, the ketchup recipe has been time-tested, but we get tired of the same thing.

This sauce can be made thicker or thinner, everything will depend on the cooking time.

The sauce can be served with various dishes, we have already tried marinating chicken wings in tomato sauce, it turned out very tasty. I am happy to share the recipe with you.

Homemade tomato sauce for the winter. Recipe with photo

A very simple and tasty sauce, but most importantly it is natural, no chemicals. The ingredients for the sauce are very simple and affordable.

  • 2 kg. red ripe tomatoes
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 5 pieces. black allspice
  • 5 pieces. carnations
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar 9%

My volumes are quite small, because I want to prepare sauces according to different recipes. Therefore, I cook, try, and will cook the recipes I liked most again. And in the future, prepare 2-3 servings.

Tomato and garlic sauce

To prepare the sauce, I used red tomatoes. We were recently making tomato juice and had some leftover tomatoes, so they are all different shapes and sizes, but mostly the cream variety.

I also want to note that the redder the tomatoes, the richer and brighter the sauce. Don't make tomato sauces if you have brown tomatoes, let them ripen.

Tomatoes must be washed under running water. Remove the stems from the tomatoes and cut them into pieces. My tomatoes are juicy and I don’t add additional water.

I put the tomatoes on the fire. Simmer the tomatoes over low heat for about 45 minutes. After boiling, the heat must be reduced.

Meanwhile, I prepared the spices. I used the spices specified in the recipe, although you could add any spices you wanted.

I prepared cloves, allspice, salt, sugar, ground black pepper. I add spices to the tomatoes. You can also add cinnamon to this sauce. For this amount of ingredients, half a teaspoon or a cinnamon stick will be enough.

I simmer for another 20 minutes. Meanwhile, while the tomatoes were boiling, I peeled the garlic and crushed it using a press.

I peeled 1 large head of garlic, which consisted of 6 cloves. I continue to simmer the tomatoes over low heat for another 15 minutes.

Then I set the pan aside to let the sauce cool slightly. I will grind the tomatoes through a fine sieve. I put the tomatoes in a sieve in portions and grind them with a whisk, it’s very convenient for them to do this.

After I rubbed the tomatoes through a sieve, all that was left was tomato puree, the tomato skins and spices remained in the sieve.

I pour the finished sauce into a saucepan (it is advisable to use a thick-bottomed container) and put it on the fire; after boiling, reduce the heat to low.

To homemade tomato sauce for the winter I add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar and carcass 15 - 20 minutes. You can replace regular vinegar with apple cider vinegar. If using apple cider vinegar, add a few tablespoons. We have 5% apple, that’s why I say we need more.

I evaporated the water from the sauce quite well, so my sauce was reduced. From this amount of ingredients I got 700 ml. sauce. But it turned out to be thick, of course not as thick as the ketchup turned out to be a very thick puree.

If you want to make more tomato sauce for the winter, you can make it by increasing the amount of ingredients by 3-4 times. Depending on how much sauce you need.

A big advantage of homemade preparations is the naturalness of the products; you are absolutely sure that you are consuming natural products, prepared with your own hands. You know exactly the ingredients included in the sauce or homemade ketchup.

The sauce turned out very tasty, piquant, with an aftertaste of cloves and garlic. The consistency of the sauce is very homogeneous, there are no pieces or spices, with the exception of ground black pepper. If you like the sauce spicier, add 1/3 - 1/2 part hot red pepper or half a teaspoon of ground red pepper.

I did not add any other spices other than those indicated in the recipe, taking into account the fact that children will eat the sauce. By the way, the taste of the sauce was not spicy at all.

But you shouldn’t add more garlic; if you want to make the sauce spicier, it’s better to add red pepper.

Now is the tomato season, tomatoes are ripening en masse, many people are thinking about what to cook with them. I want to try new and original recipes. I suggest you try the tomato and garlic sauce. Cook with pleasure.

And if you have some secret ingredient that you use in making ketchups or tomato sauces, then share it in the comments. We will be very grateful to you.