On what days of the Nativity fast is fish eaten? What can you eat during the Nativity fast? with tomato sauce

During the period of fasting, true Christians deny themselves many weaknesses. Orthodox Christians must exclude carnal pleasures and any kind of entertainment, constantly indulge in prayer and repent, purifying themselves spiritually. In addition, believers adhere to a strict menu and do not allow themselves anything extra. In this way, the physical body is cleansed, addictions are overcome and church requirements are observed. This has been happening since time immemorial.

The diet is mainly dominated by lean and simple food, consisting of vegetables, legumes, pasta, and herbs. But on certain days, fish is allowed during fasting. Few people know about this. Let's figure out what days you can pamper your stomach with this product.

When can you eat fish during Lent?

It should be noted that even during Lent, certain days are established that allow the inclusion of fish products in the menu. These include Palm Sunday, and on Lazarus Saturday the consumption of caviar is allowed. During the Assumption Fast, it is allowed to eat fish on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, during the Nativity and Peter's Fasts - on Saturday and Sunday. Such relaxation (or even refusal to fast) is also permissible for persons engaged in active physical and mental activity, as well as for pregnant and lactating women, small children, the elderly and patients with gastrointestinal disorders.

Abstaining from drinking and certain foods expresses the complete repentance and humility of the laity. The most stringent and lengthy is considered Lent. Within 48 days, the believer strengthens willpower, character and religious feeling.

Over the centuries-old history of human existence, many tasty, healthy and varied dishes have been invented. During Lent, fish can completely replace deli meats. If you show a little imagination and approach the cooking process creatively, you will see that you can easily abandon culinary stereotypes and eat according to religious canons without compromising your health.

It is advisable to use low-fat varieties of aquatic inhabitants. Pike perch, pollock, hake, flounder, capelin, and crucian carp are perfect for these purposes. Undoubtedly, it is also very useful for the body and brain activity, but not everyone can afford to buy salmon or trout. This is not a reason to refuse a tasty dish. Natural canned fish - pink salmon, sockeye salmon, salmon - are quite suitable. This delicacy makes amazing soups and salads. If your mouth is already watering, then we suggest moving on to interesting cooking options.

Nutritious and tasty fish recipes

You need to eat right not only Religious holidays, but throughout all conscious life. By replacing red meat with seafood and vertebrate animals that live in rivers, lakes or oceans, you will become much healthier. The Lenten fish dishes presented in today's article will delight the whole family at a modest evening meal.

Cod in marinade

We will use fillets of low-calorie and low-fat fish - cod. If you wish, you can replace it with any other species, such as hake or blue whiting. The taste will remain the same high level. So, what will be useful to us:

One kilogram fish carcass;

Parsley root;

A bunch of dill;

Head onions;

Large carrots;

Two medium tomatoes (fresh);

A pinch of salt and sugar.

In our case, both frozen and fresh carcass are suitable. Rinse, gut, separate from bones and skin. Cut the pulp into small pieces, place it on the bottom of the pan and pour cold water. For added spice, we'll also add peppercorns.

Install strong fire, wait for it to boil and boil for 15 minutes. Place the finished fillet on a plate with a slotted spoon, and prepare a delicious marinade from the broth. Chop the onion into half rings, grate the parsley root and carrots. Lightly fry all the vegetables in vegetable oil.

After a couple of minutes, pour in the broth, add chopped tomatoes (separated from the skin), chopped dill and desired spices. Simmer the mixture for about 5-10 minutes. Pour the aromatic marinade over the cod, cool and enjoy! But remember: only on strictly established dates can you eat fish during Lent.

Baked pink salmon with vegetables

We will introduce you to a festive, beautiful and extremely tasty dish that is perfect even for a special event. In a recipe, the proportions of the products are not so important as their quality. Cook for the required number of family members or guests. Required components:

Frozen pink salmon;

Onions, carrots;

Fresh tomatoes;

Sunflower oil;

Greens to your taste.

To prevent the fillet from becoming dry, we advise you not to completely defrost the carcass. Remove the head, fins, large bones, entrails (if any) and cut into portions, without removing the skin. Place pink salmon skin side down on a baking sheet lined with foil. It is advisable to add a little salt and pepper. Let’s leave her to “rest” for a while.

Chop the onion into half rings and sauté. Grate the carrots, remove the peel from the tomato and chop into cubes. Then fry separately. We move on to the final stage: place an onion on each piece of fish fillet, and carrots and tomatoes on top of it. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Wrap the edges of the foil and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. A minute before turning off the oven, open the foil slightly to allow the vegetables to brown.

During Lent, this is an excellent dish that is highly nutritious and healthy. Serve hot with rice or mashed potatoes. Be sure to place it on the table and fresh vegetables.

with tomato sauce

A light, low-calorie and, most importantly, lean dish, which can be quickly prepared from inexpensive ingredients, which is also important. During fasting, fish is allowed without the use of dairy products such as cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise. Set of components:

A kilogram of pollock (frozen);

20 g flour;

Spices: black pepper, garlic salt, dry dill.

Ingredients for tomato sauce: ½ cup tomato paste (choose one without preservatives), two onions, a clove of garlic, 200 ml filtered water, flour (15 g), pepper, salt.

First, let's make a homemade marinade: finely chop the onion, throw it into hot oil, and sauté until golden brown. Next add tomato paste, chopped garlic, specified seasonings and flour. Pour water into the mixture and stir until thickened, about 10 minutes. Let the sauce cool.

For now, let's take care of the pollock. Cut into small pieces, sprinkle on both sides with salt and pepper, roll in flour or semolina. It needs to be fried or baked. Pour over the prepared fillet tomato sauce, refrigerate for about three hours. Sprinkle with dill.

Fish cutlets (lean)

Hake pulp (kilogram);

Two hundred grams of black bread;

Three cloves of garlic;

Breadcrumbs or semolina for coating;

Seasonings and herbs at your discretion.

Break bread without crusts with your hands and add warm water to soften. Pass the hake, onion, garlic and bread crumb through a meat grinder or blender (pre-squeeze). Add chopped herbs and seasonings to the minced meat. You can use seasonings that contain coriander, black pepper, tomatoes, and paprika.

If the minced meat turns out to be too liquid, add semolina. Knead the fish mass, form oval cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs and fry. Or cook it in a slow cooker, it will be much healthier. All that remains is to come up with a suitable side dish. Absolutely everyone, including small children, will like this kind of fish for Lent.

Quick Meatballs

Don't have too much time, but want to cook something original, savory and light for dinner? Use the following recipe. The whole process will not take you more than half an hour. You will need:

Canned fish (saury or tuna) - arbitrary quantity;

A piece of rye flour bun;

Garlic, onion and dill;


Mash the canned fish thoroughly with a fork and mix with the indicated ingredients. Season with salt and semolina. You can use grated potatoes (raw). Using a tablespoon, strain out the minced meat, place all the meatballs in the pan, and bake for 10 minutes. For juiciness, add tomato sauce to the finished dish.

We hope that you will be pleasantly surprised by the hearty and tasty Lenten menu. The recipes are accessible to everyone and do not require any special culinary talents. Finally, we will describe a no less original option for cooking in the oven.

Fish and vegetable casserole


Potatoes - 3 pcs.;

Lean fish carcass, or rather fillet (kilogram);

Assorted vegetables: zucchini, bell pepper, carrots, broccoli, garlic, cilantro.

Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices, place on a baking sheet (grease with oil). The next layer will be fillet cut into strips. Cover with a vegetable coat. Chop all vegetables into cubes and simmer. Salt each layer. Place in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

You now know what kind of fish you can eat during Lent. Remember one thing: dietary restrictions are no less important than spiritual cleansing and deep faith.

The Nativity Fast begins soon, which is one of the strictest fasts in the world. Orthodox religion. The fast begins after the 27th. This day marks the day of remembrance of the Apostle Philip, which is why the fast is sometimes called the Fast of Philip. Fasting was established so that by Christmas a person would feel refreshed in soul and body, repentant and ready to reverently meet the Son of the Lord.

Meals during the Nativity Fast

The rules of abstinence during the Nativity Fast are as strict as during Peter's post. But is it possible to eat fish during the Nativity Fast? During Lent, fish can only be eaten on Saturday and Sunday, as well as on Holy Days. Orthodox holidays.

During fasting, it is prohibited to eat any animal products, such as meat, butter, eggs, dairy products and cheese. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday it is forbidden to eat boiled food. It is allowed to eat only fresh or pickled vegetables and fruits without vegetable oil.

During the Nativity Fast, fish is prepared both boiled and stewed. Fish dishes can only be consumed in holidays, as well as on Saturday and Sunday. On these days, you can drink grape, apple or berry wine in moderation.

Why can you eat fish during Lent?

Strict fasting does not allow the consumption of fish. However, the Nativity Fast is not very strict, so the church allows Orthodox laity to eat seafood and fish during the Nativity Fast. fish days at the same time, they are strictly stipulated by the church.

True, when eating fish, fasting will no longer be considered strict. So if you want to fully observe the Nativity fast, fish should be excluded from the diet. However, on great Orthodox holidays, believers can use with peace of mind fish dishes and even drink wine in small quantities.

When can you eat fish during the Nativity Fast?

During the Christmas sweat, you can eat fish and seafood on Sundays and Saturdays, as well as on great Orthodox holidays, temple holidays and days of great saints. From January 2 to January 6, you must adhere to the strictest fasting. During this period, it is forbidden to eat fish even on Saturday and Sunday, as well as to eat boiled food and dishes with added vegetable oil.

How to fast correctly

The main meaning of fasting is spiritual cleansing, which is achieved through abstinence from food. However, fasting must be observed correctly. Abstinence from food should not become exhausting for the body, so it is necessary to gradually prepare the body for fasting.

Fasting can be too difficult a feat for an unaccustomed person, so before fasting, consult with your spiritual mentor, as well as a doctor, because in some cases it can be dangerous to health.

Having figured out whether it is possible to fish during the Nativity Fast, it is also worth noting that observing fasting without spiritual humility will not make any sense. After all, fasting is the cleansing of the soul through the body.

The Nativity fast lasts forty days from November 28 to January 6. This is the second big post within a year. Food restrictions are not as strict as during Lent. But it is important to observe not only physical, but also spiritual fasting.

While many believers have heard about spiritual abstinence and understand that it is necessary to go to church and pray, not everyone knows about what to eat. The main question that interests believers is: is it possible to eat fish during the Nativity Fast? To answer this question, you need to look at the nutrition calendar for this time.

Christmas must be celebrated with a pure soul, good thoughts and a prepared body. Fasting is not only abstinence in food, but also in deeds and thoughts. This means that if you simply eat according to the religious calendar, but do not fulfill other requirements, then fasting will simply turn into a diet. During the period of Advent Lent, you cannot lead an intimate life, watch TV, get angry and swear.

Dietary restrictions

During any multi-day fast, eating meat is not allowed, but is it possible to eat fish during fasting? Dietary restrictions during the Nativity Fast are in many ways similar to Peter's Fast. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday you should not eat fish; in general, you should stick to dry eating (if possible). Until January 1, during the Nativity Fast, you can eat fish on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on holidays. From January 1 until the end of the fast, abstinence in food is very strict and you cannot eat fish. Fish is also allowed on holidays - December 4 and December 19, but only if they fall on Tuesday, Thursday or the weekend.

From the second of January, according to the rules, you need to eat only once a day. In principle, such strict restrictions are established for clergy, but lay people can create a more convenient meal schedule for themselves. After all, fasting should not interfere with normal life. active life, to go to work.

They will help to diversify the holiday menu.

To understand exactly when you can eat fish during the Nativity fast, we bring to your attention a detailed list of food products. On Wednesday, Monday and Friday the laity can eat:
Vegetables and fruits;
Hot dishes based on vegetables and cereals, but prepared without vegetable oil;

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as on weekends, until December 19, you can eat fish and drink a little wine. As for the period of fasting after December 19, it is necessary to exclude Tuesday and Thursday from the days when fish is allowed. There are only weekends left, and this lasts until January 1st. From this day on, fish are completely excluded until Christmas - January 7th.

What foods can you eat?

The menu during Lent is never sparse if the housewife prepares in advance by this time and decides on the recipes she will prepare. You can correctly formulate a diet from acceptable foods. For example, vegetables can not only be boiled, but also stewed and salted. Instead of sweets, dried fruits and any nuts are allowed. Mushrooms replace meat (you should not abuse them every day, because it is difficult for the body to absorb this product). It’s worth taking a closer look at the various cereals. Of course, you should cook them only in water and not add butter, but the taste can be varied with honey, nuts, fruits and dried fruits.

Let us separately recall the existence of legumes and soy products. They contain a lot of plant protein, which can compensate for the lack of animal protein. On ordinary days we rarely think about legumes, and the Nativity Fast is a good time to remember these products and find new ones interesting recipes on their preparation. You can eat bread, but it’s not rich. If the days of fasting are not strict, then before Christmas you can eat fish and cook using vegetable oil.

What is forbidden to eat during the Nativity Fast:
Meat, poultry;
Meat products;
Any eggs;
Milk and milk products, including sour cream, butter and fermented milk products;

Very relevant in Lenten menu will be .

Separately, many people wonder whether it is possible to eat fish during the Nativity Fast before communion. This question is often asked to the abbot, therefore, for the purposes of this article, it should be noted that this issue should be discussed with your spiritual mentor. On the Internet, priests do not risk answering this question, because preparation for the sacrament of communion is carried out individually.

It must be remembered that the Nativity Fast is not just a time of food restrictions. Fasting should not be confused with a diet, for it does not only include abstaining from meat and dairy products. It is important to constantly go to church and pray, try not to be angry in your thoughts, and be kind in action. If possible, you should avoid intimate life, watching TV and attending entertainment events.

Priest Mikhail Dudko

Eat everything, just don't eat people. What you need to remember during the Nativity Fast.

What should believers pay attention to first? We asked this question to the head of the Secretariat for Relations between Church and Society of the Department of External Affairs church connections priest Mikhail Dudko.

— The first week of the Nativity Fast is coming to an end. Obviously, food restrictions are just part of the soul effort required these days?

- The Nativity fast is one of the multi-day fasts: it lasts forty days - from November 28 to January 7. The duration is comparable to Lent, but not as strict.

However, during fasting of any severity, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, cottage cheese are prohibited foods. The situation is somewhat easier with fish: you can eat it, although not always. But fasting is not a diet. Without joining the church traditions that have developed over centuries, without prayer, abstinence is difficult, and, perhaps, pointless. After all, it happens that, depriving himself of modest food, a person becomes irritable and begins to hate his neighbor - so great is the power of the habit of earthly food over him if he does not receive spiritual food in return. One ascetic advised such “fasters”: “Eat everything, just don’t eat people.”

Church prayer is especially important. Although Russia is large - in some places you can’t even get to a church in 24 hours - but if you have even the slightest opportunity, go to church services on Sundays, this will greatly facilitate the work of your soul. Pray at home, lighting a lamp or candle in front of the face of the Savior or Mother of God, and on Sundays - to church. And your soul will not be filled with fatigue and irritation, but with love - for your neighbor, for all people and for God.

- I heard that during the Nativity Fast you can only eat fish on Saturdays, Sundays and great holidays, and vegetable oil - on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays?

— The charter adopted today in the church is monastic in origin. For the laity, especially those who work a lot and hard, confessors usually make concessions. Living conditions today have changed a lot.

Wine, for example, is considered by the charter to be a leaner product than vegetable oil. I would advise not to drink wine at all, but to use vegetable oil. Fish, especially for those who are not yet accustomed to fasting, can be eaten except on Wednesday and Friday. Eat vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, a variety of cereals - the forest, garden, and vegetable garden give us so many tasty and healthy things.

Nowadays, however, some are trying to drown out the longing for fast food with soy products: cutlets, minced meat, meatballs with the taste of meat or poultry. But this clearly shows deceit: the flesh asks for a meaty taste - we indulge it. Cook beans or lentils - no worse.

And don't forget about prayer.

— Father Mikhail, all people are very different – ​​both in health and in lifestyle. Perhaps there is some measure of fasting? Signs by which anyone can feel whether they are going through this ordeal correctly?

- makes significant concessions to the sick, the elderly, infants traveling, nursing mothers and others for whom strict fasting may be inappropriate. The ability to pray and the ability to go to services can be taken as a measure of fasting. A sick or old person will become so weak from immoderate fasting that he will not even make it to the temple. This means that he is not fasting according to reason, he has exceeded his capabilities. Well, what if you’re young? healthy man I lost a few kilograms - what's wrong with that? The universal recipe is this: go to the priest and ask how to fast for you. In case of serious health problems, please consult a doctor. Let His word be your measure.

- What about New Year? Such a temptation! Perhaps there are at least some relaxations for this holiday?

— Yes, the New Year is difficult. According to the old style, Christmas came before this joyful holiday. And now - after, which, of course, greatly disrupts the Lenten mood.

How to combine fasting with New Year celebrations? Almost all confessors allow you to drink a little wine and eat fish when celebrating the New Year. But at the same time they remind us: we must visit the temple, ask the Lord for peace and prosperity in the coming year, and defend the New Year’s prayer service, which has now become a tradition. Some deviation from Lenten strictness should not cross the boundaries that distinguish moderation from excess.

I grew up in a priest's family. And every time there were five minutes left before the New Year, my father and I got up to pray. It was with her, and not with a glass of champagne, that the New Year found us.

— I think many will follow your example. But the majority would still prefer to eat fish and drink wine. It turns out that after this “zigzag” they will have to tighten their belts even tighter?

- It turns out that way. Yes, and according to the charter last days fasting are the strictest. It ends on Christmas Eve, when the food should be juicy - grains of wheat or rice boiled in honey with dried fruits. Do you feel the consonance between “sochivo” and “Christmas Eve”?

Many, perhaps, remember - if not according to the Law of God, then from the famous advertising video - that on this day they do not eat anything until the first star. “Star” is traditionally perceived by the people, although not as in the mentioned video, but also not as in church, but literally – as a star in the sky. In fact, the star is a sign of rebirth. In church it is symbolized by a large candle, which after the morning service on Christmas Eve is taken to the middle of the church. Then you can taste sochi. And breaking the fast is only the next day, on Christmas Day.

This article will answer in detail the question of whether it is possible to eat fish in, as well as how you can prepare this product in order to please your family with delicious and unusual dishes.

As many already know, fasting begins on the twenty-eighth day of November, since this abstinence from food lasts exactly forty days, then fasting ends on the sixth, right before the onset of the holy Christmas holiday. The sixth day of January is also considered fasting, but the seventh will give Christians the opportunity to give up fasting and eat any delicious dishes made from meat or fish, seasoned with vegetable or butter. Church scriptures say that with the help of such abstinence from food, a person must cleanse himself of everything sinful, which is why it is so important to forget about sinful thoughts and actions during the period of fasting; this is the only way to prepare yourself for the great holiday.

Fish days of this post

Since believers often want to know when they can eat fish during a period of abstinence from food, it is worth saying that Saturday and Sundays can be used to prepare delicious fish dishes. Fish can also be present on the table on great holidays that are celebrated by the church; in addition, fish dishes are allowed on the days of great saints and various temple holidays, so it’s worth learning a little more about such days. If we consider a more lenient rule, then fish can be present on the table on almost all days of the week, with the exception of the third and fifth days of the week, during this period only raw food is allowed.

Who and when can eat fish dishes?

IN church calendar There are certain rules that say that people must adhere to a certain strict menu during the fasting period, but for some people there may be a relaxation in limiting foods. For example, if ordinary healthy Orthodox Christians must observe the restrictions more strictly, then children of primary and school age can eat fish almost every day; this relaxation applies to students, people with harmful and severe workplace, fish can also be present on the table of expectant and nursing mothers.

This product contains all the necessary healthy vitamins and fats that children need for development; adults are allowed to prepare dishes from this product during heavy physical work, since a person needs strength to perform his duties. At the same time, relaxation is allowed for infirm and sick people, since it takes a lot of effort to fight the disease; for this, it is important for the body to receive animal proteins contained in fish meat. Therefore, fish must be included in the diet.

The fish is cooked in in various forms, but most often it is recommended to boil, bake and stew this product; in this case, there is no need to use too much vegetable oil, which is prohibited during the Nativity Fast. There are several excellent dishes that can be prepared from fish, listed below best recipes, which are allowed for preparation on days of fasting, and they will help diversify the believer’s menu.

The best fish dishes for fasting

There are several dishes that can become a real decoration for the table, even though the believer has to fast. Such dishes can be decorated with fresh or boiled vegetables, and you can also add just a little vegetable oil to the dish to improve the taste. Still, if possible, it is better to cook fish in pots, a double boiler or an oven; in this case, you can reduce the addition of oil to the dish, and the fish will retain many times more vitamins than with regular frying in a frying pan.

Salmon with potatoes in pots

The dish is quite unusual, but all the ingredients are allowed to be eaten during fasting, but the end result is very tender and incredibly tasty dish, so it’s worth discussing the products themselves to create a dish.


Frozen salmon fillet - as needed;
Potatoes slightly boiled in water;
Regular ginger root (pickled);
A little vegetable oil;
Salt and various spices;
Crushed crackers or bread crumbs.

Cooking process:

It’s not at all difficult to create such a dish, so every housewife can handle it. In order to make the salmon tender and tasty, you need to prepare a fireproof dish in which the fish and garnish will be baked. The dishes are greased with oil and then covered with parchment; if there is none, then foil will do; potatoes cut into slices or rings are laid out on the surface, sprinkled with salt and various spices.

Also, pieces of salmon fillet are rolled in spices and placed on prepared potatoes, pickled ginger is placed on top and everything is sprinkled with bread crumbs. It takes about one hour to prepare in the oven, sometimes it takes a little longer.

Fish salad

Even in fast days you can pamper yourself delicious salad, which will contain mushrooms and different varieties boiled fish, it is worth considering this recipe in more detail in order to prepare the most delicious snack on the table.


Several varieties of fish (perch or pink salmon);
Onion head;
Any mushrooms;
Lenten soy mayonnaise;
Peeled potatoes.

Salad creation process:

This salad should be laid out on a dish in the form of layers, first you need to boil two types of fish, as soon as the product is ready, it is cooled and separated from the bones. The first layer is fish, then fried mushrooms are laid out and the layer is smeared with lean mayonnaise, then the onions are fried in a frying pan and also placed on the mushrooms, everything is covered with boiled grated potatoes on top and again covered with mayonnaise.

The best way to decorate such a snack bar Lenten dish various bright vegetables in fresh, as soon as the dish is ready, it is placed in the refrigerator, where the salad is infused for at least twelve hours.

Herring under a fur coat

Although this appetizer is quite traditional, such a salad will still be wonderful for Lent, but it’s worth saying right away that only lean mayonnaise, which is made on the basis of soy, can be used as a dressing.


A couple of large herring carcasses;
A couple of large boiled carrots;
A little salt if necessary;
A pack of lean mayonnaise;
4 large potatoes;
Boiled beets, one piece;
Large onion;
A couple of small apples.

Cooking process:

To begin with, it’s worth saying that it’s created in layers, so first you should lay out a thick layer of potatoes, then immediately place herring cut into pieces and onions scalded with boiling water on top.

The top layers are covered with lean mayonnaise. Next, they begin to layer the grated apples, carrots and beets again, cover the layers again with mayonnaise, and let the salad soak for a while. If desired, the appetizer can be decorated with various fresh vegetables.

It’s not at all difficult to observe even a strict fast; of course, it’s worth finding new ones for this. delicious recipes dishes to cook something really delicious from ordinary vegetables and fresh fish. Fish contains a lot of useful components, so you should not give up this delicacy during the period of strict fasting.