When can you eat fish during the Nativity Fast? Fish in Lent

30.08.2019 beauty

Is it possible to eat fish during Lent?

The Church Charter clearly states the time of consumption of Lenten food and its quality. There are very strict rules for meals, which are followed in monasteries and by some believers with the blessing of their confessor. For the laity, certain degrees of relaxation of fasting are provided depending on the state of health, age, and type of occupation. When you can eat fish during Lent and what types of fish it is, this is discussed in this article.

You are allowed to eat fish twice - on holidays, and fish caviar - only on Lazarus Saturday of Great Lent.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem on the last Sunday before Happy Easter. On Palm Sunday, a festive All-Night Vigil is held in churches, after which the priests read prayers and sprinkle the willow branches with holy water. Worshipers come to Church with willows, meeting the coming God at the service with bouquets of willows and burning candles.

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a great Christian celebration during Lent, glorifying the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the news of the conception and birth of the infant Christ. The celebration of the Annunciation is not postponed on Easter day, even if the holidays coincide. At the Annunciation, the Church Charter blesses the eating of oil and fish.

When can you eat fish during Lent?

What fish can you eat during Lent?

Not forbidden fish dishes from any types of fish: herring, pike perch, perch, salmon, pink salmon. It is best to eat boiled fish, fish pie or fish roll with vegetables cooked in oil. Fish can be cooked over a fire, baked, fried, boiled. A good option– cook lean with the addition of fish or fish.

Is it possible to eat seafood during Lent?

In Orthodox monasteries in Greece, monks are not prohibited from eating seafood during Lent, although they fast strictly and do not eat fish. The Greek statute equates squid, shrimp and crabs with sea plants and gives permission to eat them on Sunday and Saturday along with butter. In Russia, there is no strict ban on the consumption of seafood during Lent, but the Orthodox Church puts forward a clear criterion: fasting food is plant-based. Taxonomy classifies shrimp, squid and crabs as part of the animal kingdom, so seafood is considered a semi-lenten food. Some priests believe that it is permissible for the laity to diversify the table with “sea reptiles” in church holidays, others believe that seafood should be consumed twice throughout Lent. It is advisable for believers to clarify this issue in a personal conversation with their confessor.

Is it possible to eat fish during Lent?

So, when can you eat fish? Lent? At Annunciation Holy Mother of God(April 7) and Palm Sunday. Fasting is softened for nursing mothers, pregnant women, children, the sick, and the elderly. It is necessary to fast as long as you are healthy, trying to preserve love, mercy, and patience, which are the purpose of physical fasting. The main meaning of fasting is abstinence and maintaining spiritual purity, which is impossible without attending divine services, prayer, confession, repentance, and communion with the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Fish for Lent, video recipe

Is it possible to eat fish
Fish is allowed:

  • November 28 - December 19: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays;
  • December 20 - January 1: Saturdays and Sundays;
  • December 4 (on the feast of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple);
  • December 19 (St. Nicholas Day).

Can I drink wine?
The consumption of this drink is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on the holidays of the Entry of the Virgin Mary into the Temple and St. Nicholas.

How to prepare and smoothly enter the fast

To make dietary restrictions easier for your body to accept and not harm your well-being, you should:

  • prepare for fasting several weeks in advance. Animal products should be eliminated gradually so as not to cause stress in the body due to sudden starvation. The first foods to avoid: lamb, beef, pork. Then the ban should apply to milk and eggs;
  • the day before entering the fast, cleanse the intestines so that the mechanisms of intracellular nutrition are launched. This will also help get rid of the obsessive feeling of hunger. People who neglect bowel cleansing will find it more difficult to suppress their appetite, especially in the first 2-3 days;
  • before the spell, eating fatty, heavy and difficult-to-digest foods is prohibited;
  • enter the fast with weak restrictions that must be gradually tightened;
  • the reduced calorie content of food can be compensated by increasing the serving size at one time;
  • In the first days, you can experiment with your diet and eat more often. When the body finally gets used to the new diet, you can return to your previous daily routine;
  • have frequent fruit and vegetable snacks between meals;
  • drink water instead of other drinks: juice, compote.

Rules of conduct and traditions of the Nativity Fast

The Nativity fast is not only food restrictions, but also a time when you can repent of your thoughts and actions. This means that a person must give up many familiar things:

  • food of animal origin - milk, butter, eggs, cheese, sour cream and partly fish;
  • use alcoholic drinks- they are prohibited according to the Church Charter throughout the entire period of Lent (except for wine);
  • idleness - excessive rest can harm both body and soul;
  • entertainment - visiting entertainment venues, noisy celebrations with friends, celebrating anniversaries, excessive use of the Internet are unacceptable during Lent;
  • watching TV - scenes of cruelty, violence from television series and news will complicate the process of searching for the Divine principle within oneself;
  • travel - trips that are not related to visiting shrines or do not contain a spiritual basis are better postponed to another time;
  • marital relations - carnal restrictions are welcome only with the mutual consent of both spouses.

Changes should also affect the sphere of relationships with people. During the Nativity Fast, you need to become kinder and more tolerant of others, put aside all grievances and stop using obscene language.

On days of fasting, it is advisable to attend churches and services, read the Gospel, pray, read the Psalter, perform godly deeds and give alms, and receive communion.

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit reading akathists during the Nativity Fast. Considering a large number of days of remembrance in Orthodox calendar for December, doing this is not only possible, but also useful from a spiritual point of view.

What you can and cannot do during the Nativity Fast

Fasting is a period of restrictions not only in nutrition, but also in lifestyle. To achieve spiritual cleansing, one must abstain from everyday sins. You cannot remain angry, irritable, entertain bad thoughts, quarrel with loved ones, judge others and gossip. It is prohibited to attend entertainment events and abuse television and Internet resources. Neglecting these rules is considered a violation of fasting.

Is it possible to do handicrafts
During the Nativity Fast, it is allowed to sew, embroider with beads, knit and crochet. Restrictions on handicraft arise only when it replaces saying prayers and going to church.

Is it possible to baptize a child
You can choose any day of the Nativity Fast for christening.

Is it possible to remember the dead?
It is allowed to commemorate the deceased from November 28 to January 5. It is better to do this through prayer - in church or at home. You can also order memorial services and submit notes for the proskomedia. If there is a memorial meal during this period, her diet should be as simple and lean as possible. Relaxation of fasting requirements can only be done with the permission of a priest or personal spiritual mentor.

Is it possible to conceive a child?
According to church traditions, it is undesirable to conceive a child during Lent, although restrictions on intimacy can only be by mutual consent. If conception does happen, you should not torment yourself with prejudices and worry once again. Date of conception by church calendar has nothing to do with the health and development of the unborn child.

Is it possible to get married
The Sacrament of Marriage is not performed during fasting days.

Is it possible to have a wedding?
A modest version of painting in the registry office does not go beyond the postal restrictions. A merry party with an abundance of meat and fish dishes is not welcome during the 40 days of fasting. It is believed that such a wedding promises misfortune and hardship to the newlyweds.

Is it possible to go hunting and fishing?
The Orthodox Church does not support killing animals and fishing for the sake of excitement and an interesting pastime. Therefore, it is better to avoid them during fasting.

Sayings and signs

  • If during the Nativity Fast the weather is extremely cloudy or snowy, then May will be quite stormy.
  • If there are frequent snowstorms, you should expect an early spring.
  • If there are frosts in the first days, then the grain harvest will be good.
  • If relatives quarrel during Lent, then the whole next year will be full of troubles.
  • The loss of something promises losses in the coming year, and any discovery promises new income.
  • If, at the end of the moon, you touch a dry branch with a wart, saying: “Just as during fasting the meat on a platter is empty, so that the wart is thin,” then it will dry out and fall off.

Advent fast for Catholics

Catholics have traditions of the Nativity Fast that are in many ways similar to Orthodox ones. The main difference is the dates. The Catholic Nativity Fast begins on November 15 and ends on December 24. During this period, people take on individual obligations that may relate to various areas Everyday life: limiting visits to entertainment events, charity, reconciliation with others. Catholics do not adhere to any special dietary restrictions.

The strictest days of fasting for Catholics are the four Sundays preceding Christmas, called Advent. These days are dedicated to repentance and prayers. An attribute of Advent is a wreath with four candles, which is placed on the home altar.

People adhere to winter fasting for a special cleansing of the body, which will help the soul to reunite with God. Moses went through this for the first time. He refused food for 40 days and as a reward received a message from the Lord inscribed on stones.

But it’s not just about dietary restrictions. It is much more important to renounce anger and resentment, from sinful thoughts, admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness and repent, forgive your offenders. In addition, you cannot watch entertainment programs or have noisy fun during fasting. Alcohol is allowed on Sunday. But in a minimal quantity and it should be red wine.

After Sunday communion, Cahors is used not for intoxication, but to cleanse the blood.

Recommendations regarding fasting should not be taken as clear requirements. The main rule is do no harm. Therefore, dietary restrictions are allowed only healthy people. In addition, concessions are allowed for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. They are even allowed meat and milk. Everything is individual and preferably not only after a conversation with the spiritual father, but also with a doctor.

Nutrition rules during fasting

The Nativity Fast is not as strict as the Great Fast and the Assumption Fast, but still there are restrictions and quite serious ones.

It lasts exactly forty days. In 2018-19 from November 28 to January 6. During this period, meat, milk, eggs, cheese, sour cream and butter are excluded. Fish is also included in the limited list of foods, but sometimes it is allowed to be eaten.

From November 28 to December 19, on Mondays you can eat boiled and stewed vegetables, fruits, cereals, but without oil or any fats. On Wednesday and Friday there is dry eating. This term denotes a special restriction during fasting. The monks these days refuse to eat at all and only drink clean water. For the laity, the consumption of foods that have not been heat-treated is allowed. These are fresh, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits, bread, nuts, figs, olives, etc.

Orthodox Christians must receive a blessing from the priest for dry eating.

Fish is allowed on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. But it must be prepared according to the rules.

From December 20 to January 1, fish is allowed to be eaten only on weekends. But this is for those who want to endure the fast to the end and prepare the body for the last week. For those who adhere to it for the first time, the same diet as in the first two weeks is suitable.

But from January 2 to January 5, the requirements intensify. On Monday and Wednesday you need to follow a dry diet. On Tuesday and Thursday, hot food is allowed, but without fish and oil. On January 6, before the first star appears in the sky, you must give up food altogether.

Recipes for fish dishes for the Nativity Fast

Lenten can be not only boiled fish. Although the soup is undoubtedly recommended for consumption during fasting. A hot, rich dish will perfectly satisfy your hunger and support your body. But some recipes will be so to your taste that they will remain in the family not only for days of dietary restrictions.

Fish in batter

The batter will be lean, so lay people can cook fish without even thinking about it.


  • fish fillet – 600-700 gr.;
  • flour – 150 gr.;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • lime juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • soda – ½ tsp;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • a little oil for frying.

How to cook

Wash the fillet, dry it, cut into portions. Brush with a mixture of salt and spices, sprinkle with lemon juice, and leave for half an hour. Leave 50 grams of flour for dusting, and dissolve 100 grams of flour in water along with a pinch of salt and soda. First dip each piece of fish in flour, then soak it well in batter and fry in a heated, oiled frying pan until golden brown on both sides.

Fish roll

A chic snack that not only satisfies perfectly, but also looks very attractive.


  • fish fillet – 2 pieces (you can take ready-made ones, or you can buy a carcass of herring, redeye or mackerel and remove the bones yourself);
  • one large carrot;
  • bulb;
  • greenery;
  • gelatin – 25 g;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method

Wash the fish fillet and dry it. Grate the carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into small cubes and simmer in a frying pan until transparent, chop the greens finely. Place cling film on the table. Place the fish on it, overlapping each other, salt and pepper. Place carrots, onions and herbs on top, sprinkle with gelatin. Roll into a roll and secure with thread. Cook for 30 minutes. Then cool and put in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours.

Fish in a bag

An excellent option not only for fasting people, but also for busy housewives. A definite plus - it is very tasty when cooled. Can be used instead of canned food for sandwiches and salads.


  • fish;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cooking method

Any fish will do. For the everyday menu, you can take iwasi herring or herring, for more special occasions - mackerel. Either way it will turn out delicious. You can remove the seeds first, but this is optional.

Clean the carcass, rinse, cut into small pieces, put in a thick plastic bag (or better, two). Send the onion rings there (you can also add the peels, then they will acquire a pleasant golden hue), add salt and pepper to taste. Tie the “bag”, put it in boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then remove, let cool slightly, and serve.

At the beginning of the fast I feel normal and physically tolerate the fast normally, but by the end I can barely stand it. When I fasted for the first time during the Nativity Fast, I got a stomach ache, so I broke the fast. How to eat during fasting if you get sick during fasting?

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko

Yes, if serious health problems arise, then the fast can be weakened (with the blessing of the priest), but there is no need to bring yourself to such a state. After all, judging by your letter, your problems are not because of your health, but because you are too lazy to cook during Lent.

The Lenten table can be varied, tasty, and healthy. By the way, for a sick stomach, oatmeal cooked in water is very useful - what’s wrong with that? On our website there are recipes for lenten dishes, there are even special cookbooks, if you would like to cook!


Is it possible to drink alcohol during fasting?

During multi-day fasts, on some days a more strict fast is prescribed, on others some relaxations are permissible. So alcoholic drinks in moderation are permissible on Shabbat and Sundays, as well as on days of commemoration of the most revered saints. During the Nativity Fast, fish is also allowed on these days. But this general rules, and the measure of fasting for everyone should be determined individually in a personal conversation with the priest. God help you!

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko


I try to observe fasting, but when I come to visit relatives or friends, I am treated to dishes that are not at all lenten. What should I do in this case? And also, is it true that in such cases it is impossible to refuse food and openly say that I am fasting? In such cases, I usually eat a small portion of non-fasting food, and from the next day I continue fasting. Am I doing the right thing?

Priest Antony Skrynnikov

It all depends on the situation. If your relatives know that you are fasting, then by eating a modest meal, you can tempt them. They will decide that your faith and fasting are superficial, which you can easily give up on occasion. The Apostle Paul says that “if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I cause my brother to stumble.”
On the other hand, it happens that a refusal to eat something, especially something prepared for you, may be perceived by the hosts of the table as an insult and will cause offense. In this case, it is better to sacrifice one day of fasting than human relationships.

Sincerely, priest Antony Skrynnikov


Please tell me how to determine the golden mean in fasting - between gluttony (both gluttony and guttural insanity), lust of the flesh and crazy fanatical excess in fasting, that is, how to fast in a normal way.

Priest Dionisy Svechnikov

Everyone must determine their own measure of abstinence, preferably in consultation with a priest. What is madness for one is commonplace for another, and what is lust for one is the norm of life for another. All people are different. And the Church shows us in its charter the ideal of fasting. You can fast according to the rules - God help you! If you can’t, fast as best you can, but don’t accuse someone who can of fanaticism. The main thing is not to give up some food during fasting, but to learn to abstain. Abstinence not only in food, but also in words, in actions, in deeds.

Sincerely, priest Dionisy Svechnikov


I don't have the willpower to fast in relation to food. When I don't eat meat, I become angry and irritable, rude. I know that the main thing in fasting is not only abstinence from food, but a more in-depth look into oneself, trying to correct problems. God's help something in myself, and yet... It’s probably easier for me not to watch a movie or TV again than not to eat meat. Well, what should I do, since I am such a spiritual invalid, I can’t even read the rules regularly, it’s too much... I can’t do anything regularly. Sometimes I even have thoughts that Orthodoxy is not for me, but I cannot live without Christ, without Communion (even if it is infrequent).

First of all, we should not resign ourselves to the fact that we are “spiritually disabled” and recognize this condition as our only possible one until the end of time. The fight against one’s passions and weaknesses is, in fact, the purpose of fasting. And entering such a struggle and winning it is possible only after regular and difficult “training”, and, of course, with the help of God.

You write about irritability. But this applies not only to you, this applies to many people - this is a fairly common reaction. But this irritability does not appear from fasting, but manifests itself thanks to fasting - that is, it is not something that comes only during fasting, but something that is always in us for one reason or another, just thanks to some restrictions this sin is more pronounced manifests itself. Just one of the goals of fasting is to identify certain sins in oneself and fight against them.

It is useless to fight weeds by tearing off only their leaves, but leaving the roots in the ground - the weed will sprout again, and the root will strengthen during this time. You cannot fight irritability by “feeding” it meat - you need to look for its real cause and fight it. Fasting exposes our “weak spots”, allows us to see and feel them more clearly, and therefore the natural reaction should not be the desire to “hide” these ulcers again, but to make efforts to remove them forever.

Of course, this is a long and difficult path, and it is better to start it together with an experienced guide - a priest, who will tell you where exactly you should start this path, discuss with you the results of the first steps, and tell you where and how to move on. Therefore, I advise you to go to church and discuss questions about fasting in a personal conversation with the priest, tell him about your problems and ask for advice on how best to accustom yourself to fasting and overcome irritability and rudeness. God's help to you in this difficult struggle!

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko

According to the church charter, during the period of fasting people exclude any entertainment and carnal pleasures, indulge in prayers and spiritually cleanse themselves. In addition, it is still necessary to abandon animal products and foods without oil in favor of simple and necessarily lean foods: vegetables, pasta, legumes, herbs. But is it possible to eat fish if you are fasting, and if so, on what days is it allowed?

What are posts and what types are they?

Russian Orthodox Church determined the days of fasting back in 1166, and in total there are 200 days a year. All posts are divided into one-day and long-term. There are only four last ones:

  • Petrovsky;
  • Uspensky;
  • Christmas;
  • Great.

As for one-day ones, true Christians observe them on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as on some holidays, for example, on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Petrovsky post

Also called Apostolic, it follows the Holy Trinity, beginning exactly one week after it. These days you can eat fish only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends. In this case, you need to prepare fish dishes correctly: boil, bake, stew and even fry in vegetable oil.


During this fast, you can eat fish only once, namely on the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord - August 19. The fast itself lasts from August 14 to 27, and Christians are prohibited from animal products on these days. The fast does not last long, so there are no particular difficulties in observing it.


It always begins on November 28 and lasts forty days, that is, until January 6 - until the holiday called Christmas Eve. The fast is less strict than the previous two, and the consumption of fish, vegetable oil and wine is allowed on Saturdays and Sundays.


It is the most strict, but on some days it is still allowed to eat fish and even caviar. In 2018, this fast began on February 19 and will continue until April 7. It consists of four periods:

  • The first 40 days, called Lent.
  • Lazarus Saturday (in 2018 it falls on March 31).
  • Palm Sunday- a week before Easter.
  • Holy Week the final 6 days of Lent before Easter.

So, on which of these days do they eat fish and seafood during Lent, is caviar allowed, and how should all these non-lenten foods be prepared?

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Palm Sunday are great holidays, established by the church. These days, fish can be consumed by all Christians during Lent. There are always exactly 9 months between the Annunciation and Christmas, and Palm Sunday falls in the sixth week of Lent. You can eat fish caviar and fish on the Great Day and on another day - on Lazarus Saturday. On all other days, fish in any form is prohibited during the fast before Easter!

Remember on which days fish are eaten during Lent, and adhere to these rules. Remember that this is not just a period of abstinence from food, but a way to cleanse the soul and strengthen faith in the Lord. At the same time, fasting should not harm your health, so if you feel weak and feel unwell, you are allowed to make some concessions these days. Next year you will be better prepared and you will probably be able to withstand fasting according to all church canons.

What fish are allowed during fasting?

We found out that fish during fasting is still allowed on certain days, but it must be chosen and prepared correctly. Avoid expensive types and buy white, low-fat varieties of fish and seafood: pollock, cod, capelin, hake. Even canned fish are allowed, which are suitable for making soups or vegetable salads. For example, you can make a salad with tuna and tomatoes.

It is recommended to avoid frying fish in favor of other cooking methods. Can be boiled or stewed without oil. Also, refrain from ready-made sauces, dressings and seasonings so that the fish during Lent retains its most natural taste.

Seafood during Lent - allowed or not?

How many times you can eat fish during Lent is now clear, but are seafood such as shrimp, mussels or squid allowed? All of them are allowed, like fish caviar, if only the fasting person is forced to use them to replenish balance and vitality. The Church welcomes the initiative of Christians who, for health reasons, replace meat, butter and eggs with seafood. They contain iodine, fatty acids and other beneficial substances that are important for the body.