When does the Easter night service begin? What time does the Easter service start?

08.08.2019 Career and Work

If Catholics celebrate Christmas on a grand scale, then for our believing compatriots the main holiday of the year is Easter. On this day, good defeated evil, and life was able to prevail over death. Rituals performed on the night of Easter have enormous power, because... many call it almost magical.

Rituals on Easter night

Ancient customs associated with Easter night

Our ancestors loved and revered this holiday very much. On Easter night one could witness a real miracle. Let us remember the signs and rituals that were once common:

  1. Meeting the sun Many people know that on Easter the sun can play. In the old days, people did not sleep on Easter night, but greeted the sun at dawn. If it appeared in a clear sky and began to flutter, it was considered good sign. Then the year should have been fruitful, joyful, with a huge amount weddings If the sun is covered by clouds or does not want to “play”, then many will be haunted by failures, and there is no need to expect a rich harvest.
  2. Washing and combing at dawn Just like now, before women wanted to be young and beautiful. Therefore, as soon as the Easter night ended, women washed themselves with special water. They said that these rituals help to become wealthy and young. While the old men combed their hair, repeating:

    “As many hairs as there are in your head, there will be as many grandchildren.”

  3. Professional rituals On the Bright Night, fishermen could ensure a good catch. To do this, when the priest repeats the words “Christ is Risen!”, one had to quietly say:

    “And I have fish!”

  4. Meeting with the souls of the dead It was believed that on Christ's Resurrection the heavens open, so anyone who died on Easter immediately goes to heaven. Also on Easter night, the souls of the dead descend to earth. There was an interesting belief. When everyone leaves the church during the religious procession, dead Christians gather in it. If at this time you take a passionate candle and hide behind the altar, you can see how they pray and begin to make Christ among themselves.
  5. Evil spirits Evil spirits lost their power on Easter night. The devils found themselves walled up in the walls and tried to escape from there. The peasants were sure that on Easter night they could easily be heard. And if you take with you the candle with which you celebrated the Easter service, you will see it.
  6. How to recognize a sorcerer Nowadays, hereditary witches and sorcerers are trying to tell everyone about their unusual abilities. Previously, they carefully hid their activities. However, it was on Easter night that rituals could be performed that would help bring sorcerers and witches to light. You can go to church wearing only new clothes. During Matins you need to turn back. Then all those who are interested in witchcraft will stand with their backs to the icons. If at Matins someone’s candles do not want to burn and go out all the time, this is a sign of the person’s involvement in magic. You need to take the egg that the young chicken laid for the first time. We need to cover it with red paint. Together with the others, it is worth going through the religious procession and, having heard “Christ is Risen” from the priest for the first time, you need to look through him at the people. Then it will immediately be clear who the sorcerer is by the horns that appear or by the way they stand (with their backs to the icons).

Rituals and conspiracies that can be performed on Easter night

Special rituals performed on Easter night can give health, wealth, bewitch a loved one, and make the boss at work more lenient. Not all rituals are carried out at night, but the necessary attributes for them are prepared at this time. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with the conspiracies in advance so that everything is at hand by the appointed day.

Rituals for health

There is nothing more important than health, which is why so often rituals are performed precisely to bring it back.

On Easter night you need to visit the church and bless the candles. On Sunday, as soon as the first bell rings, you need to raise the candle, already lit, and say the words of the conspiracy. If you want to help a sick person living in your house, you need to say his name instead of the word “I”.

“Christ has risen, so may I also become healthy, freed from all illnesses.”

Sometimes it seems to us that rituals can only help more or less healthy people who were suddenly knocked down by a severe illness. However, this conspiracy can help restore health to an elderly person; it can put him back on his feet.

For it you need thin, parchment-like birch bark. It needs to be dialed, precisely on Easter night, at three o’clock, brewed, chanting the miraculous words:

"How in Bright Sunday, on Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is given deliverance and healing. Amen".

After this, the infusion should be given to the patient. Before he drinks a few sips, you need to throw three pinches of salt, three pinches of wood salt and three pinches of eggshells (take crushed ones from eggs boiled on Easter) into the cup. Add all this every time you give a healing infusion to a patient.

Ritual against drunkenness and drug addiction

Many families have to deal with problems such as alcoholism or drug addiction. It is very difficult to cure these diseases, but rituals can be performed that will help get rid of addiction. Let's talk about one of them.

You need to take the Easter cake and bless it on Easter night. Then choose one of the days of the week and, cutting the Easter cake into 12 pieces, go with them to the cemetery. There you need to find 12 graves in which people with the same name as the person suffering from addiction are buried. You need to put a piece of Easter cake on each of the graves, saying the words of the spell:

“You don’t drink, and don’t let him (say the person’s name) either.”

It is impossible to talk about the fact that you performed such rituals.

Wealth plot

Wealth rituals have always been popular, because living in abundance is the dream of many. Similar rituals can be performed on Easter night. To do this, they cast a spell on water, which they then use to wash themselves for the entire week after Easter. These rituals will bring wealth and prosperity, there will be a lot of money until the next holiday.

Before Easter, you need to pour water into a container with a large neck. A salad bowl made of glass or crystal is suitable. We must take it to the icons and keep it there all night.

After this you can go to church. There you need to purchase the largest candle and attend the procession with it. It is not recommended to throw away the candle stub; you need to take it home.

When you come to your place, you can’t talk to anyone, and you can’t eat. You need to immediately go to the water and say (you can sing these words if you wish):

“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death! And giving life to those in the tombs! Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death! And giving life to those in the tombs! Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death! And giving life to those in the tombs! O Most Sacred and Greatest Light Christ, Who shone forth more than the sun throughout the whole world in Your Resurrection! On this bright and glorious and saving day of Holy Pascha, all the angels in heaven rejoice and every creature rejoices and rejoices on earth and every breath glorifies Thee, its Creator. Today the gates of heaven have been opened, and the dead have been freed into hell by Your descent. Now everything is filled with light, the heavens are the earth and the underworld. May Your light come into our dark souls and hearts and may it enlighten our present night of sin, and may we also shine with the light of truth and purity in the bright days of Your Resurrection, like a new creation about You. And thus, enlightened by You, we will go forth in luminosity at the meeting of You, who comes to You from the tomb, like the Bridegroom. And as Thou didst rejoice on this bright day by Thy appearance of the holy virgins who came from the world to Thy grave in the morning, so now enlighten the deep night of our passions and dawn upon us the morning of passionlessness and purity, so that we may see Thee with our hearts, redder than the sun of our Bridegroom, and may we hear once again Your longed-for voice: Rejoice! And having thus tasted the Divine joys of the Holy Pascha while still here on earth, may we be partakers of Your eternal and great Pascha in heaven in the unevening days of Your Kingdom, where there will be unspeakable joy and those celebrating the unceasing voice and ineffable sweetness of those who behold Your ineffable kindness. For You are the True Light, enlightening and illuminating all things, Christ our God, and glory befits You forever and ever. Amen".

After this, the words of the conspiracy are read:

“On the bright Sunday of Christ, victory of death, triumph of life, I conjure you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother, and all saints. Amen. Mother water, God's helper, forgive us, help us. There is no number of your drops, waves, there are many of you in the sea and in the river, in the stream, in the ocean, in the well, in the spring. You flow without knowing rest, without interruption, without respite, without edge or end, outside of time and outside of the day. You flow day and night, and on Monday, and Tuesday, and Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday, and on the bright Sunday of Christ. On the bright Sunday of Christ I bow, Easter I will pray: On this bright and glorious and saving day of Holy Pascha, all the angels in heaven rejoice and every creature rejoices and rejoices on earth and every breath glorifies Thee, its Creator. Today the gates of heaven have been opened, and the dead have been freed into hell by Your descent. Now everything is filled with light, the heavens are the earth and the underworld. May Your light come into our dark souls and hearts and may it enlighten our present night of sin, and may we also shine with the light of truth and purity in the bright days of Your Resurrection, like a new creation about You. And thus, enlightened by You, we will go forth in luminosity at the meeting of You, who comes to You from the tomb, like the Bridegroom. Like a river flows, so money would flow to me, without knowing a break, without a break, without respite, without edge or end, outside of time and outside of the day, it would flow to me day and night, and on Monday, and Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday, and on the bright Sunday of Christ. I close with an amen, I wrap with an amen, I secure with an amen. Amen. Amen. Amen".

How to get silent water

It is on the night before Easter that special “silent” water can be obtained for the family. To do this, you need to go to the nearest spring on Easter night and, having collected water, bring it home without uttering a single word. It was believed that it would bring prosperity to the house if it was sprinkled on a barn or house. Silent water also helped restore health. For this purpose they washed her face.

Conspiracy of Invulnerability

Sometimes a person's profession can be life-threatening. We know that firefighters, police officers, and electricians take risks every day. But there are rituals that can prevent danger, rituals of invulnerability. It is on the night before Easter that they have the greatest power. After reading it, you don’t have to worry for a year, because all troubles and problems will pass by, and you shouldn’t be afraid of injuries and wounds.

“Bless me, my guardian angel, my deeds, my words, my body. My Mother of God (name) blesses me, A Guardian angel Protects me from troubles and misfortunes, covers me with his wing. Mind you, wounds are not for the body, mind you, danger is not for my deeds, blood is not for the flesh, tears are not for my eyes. The belt of the Virgin Mary is on me (name), the Blessing of Jesus Christ is on me (name). Guardian angel behind me. My words be strong, my deeds be sculpted. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Love spell

Not only money and health, but also love is needed for complete happiness. To rekindle the feelings of a loved one or return to existing relationships passion, on the night of Easter you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy. Should be in your hands church candle. You need to light it and say, looking at the flame:

“Fire of the sacred candle, light and disintegrate the Heart, body, soul and blood of the Servant of God (name) into eternal love for me, God's servant(Name). Turn him around, drive him from his place to me, God’s servant (name), send him. So that he could have no peace either day or night. I repeated my name in my mind, I always kept my image in my head. I didn’t know any other joy in life. He drank without me and didn’t sing, He ate and didn’t get enough. He suffered without me, suffered, and called me his desired wife. I'm food for him. I give him water. I am the air. I am the sun. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A conspiracy to appease the authorities

When choosing a job, we care not only about salary, but also pay attention to the team and management. No amount of money is worth the stress that you will have to endure if the relationship does not work out. However, before looking for a new place, you can try to read the plot so that your bosses are not angry with you. The night before Easter you need to cook jellied meat. In the morning you need to put it on your plate and say the words of the conspiracy:

“How this jellied meat shakes, So that the servant of God (name) would shake and flutter, Would not eat at me, the servant of God (name), Would look affectionately, Care about my benefit Now and forever and endlessly. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Black magic conspiracy to kill a person

Using black magic is great sin, but that doesn’t stop everyone. If you want to destroy your enemy, you can perform this ritual. It is important to do this on Easter, that is, on the night from Saturday to Sunday or on the magical Sunday itself. But during the day it will be difficult to do this, because there will be many people who will watch you. At night it's a different matter. When everyone goes to the procession, the whole church is at your disposal. It is important to do this on Easter; the ritual cannot be performed at any other time.

Thanks to this ritual, the victim will not only die, but will suffer. It is necessary to take the thinnest candle in church and break it 13 times. When doing this, you need to say quietly, but not whisper:

“Wither, wither, die.”

After this, the candle needs to be lit on both sides and rolled into a ring. At this point the wicks will go out. You must say:

“I close the life of slave (name).”

Then this candle needs to be thrown away under the funeral table. When leaving, you can't look back. As a payoff, put vodka and coins at the intersection.

“You should not give treats to pets from the Easter table”

On Sunday, April 8, Orthodox Christians celebrate the holiday of Easter Sunday. Easter on the night from Saturday to Sunday is celebrated in different ways: some go to church, while others simply cover festive table Houses. Even children know that on this day they should congratulate loved ones with the words “Christ is Risen!” However, behind the external paraphernalia, many forget the true meaning of the holiday. Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin told how to celebrate Easter correctly.

– After the end of the Soviet era, Easter is perceived by many as a secular holiday: colored eggs are considered the same symbols as tangerines on New Year. But if a person did not comply Lent, is it even possible for him to celebrate Christ’s Resurrection?

He needs to try to understand the meaning of the holiday. Even if someone did not fast, he can celebrate on Easter, but the main thing in the celebration is participation in worship, meeting with Christ. This holiday reminds us that you can enter the Kingdom of God only if you believe in Christ. The other paths do not lead out of hell; a person is doomed for eternity if he is not a Christian - as it were a good man neither was he.

This is the point: Easter is completely not tolerant, not politically correct and not inclusive - after all, Christ was resurrected in order to give people the only way to eternal life. This is the main thing, not tables and not visiting people, especially not drunkenness and not entertainment. If you don’t have the strength to come to the service at night, you can come in the morning, but without the service the holiday loses its meaning.

For most people, Easter ends with dinner on the night from Saturday to Sunday or with Sunday breakfast - the Easter cake is eaten, the egg is broken, and you can return to normal life. How does the church recommend spending Easter?

On this day, after the service, people either relax or go to visit. Many come to the temple in the evening of the first Easter day, when the solemn vespers are celebrated. This day is well suited to ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, or from those who have offended you. It would be good to renew relationships with people with whom they were senselessly lost. You can visit sick, lonely people, for example, in a nursing home or orphans. All 40 days during which Easter is celebrated are good for good deeds.

It is necessary to find agreement around Christ - an unbeliever husband must be sanctified by a believing wife, she leads him and strives to lead her entire family to Christ.

– After the Easter Liturgy, are all the restrictions of Lent lifted? Are intimate relationships between spouses allowed again?

Yes, after returning from the temple you can eat meat and dairy. This applies to all norms - the fast is over, which means you can return to marital relations.

– A topical question about wine for Russian people: we know that Cahors should be at the Easter meal. Does it need to be consecrated?

People often bless wine; this is allowed, but not required. It can be used - for the glory of God. But it is important not to overdo it when celebrating the end of Lent: an extreme degree of intoxication never, including on Easter, does not make a person beautiful.

– Sometimes pet owners ask: is it possible to treat a cat with an Easter egg, and a dog with a piece of ham? Wouldn't this be sedition?

This should not be done. Blessed Easter eggs are sacred; Even the shells from them are not thrown into the trash by pious people, but are saved to be burned later, and the ashes are poured, for example, under a tree. Therefore, animals should not be given Easter food.

How are church services going on Easter?

In the morning at Holy Saturday, which this year falls on April 7, services begin in churches. After it, from noon to one o'clock in the afternoon until six to eight o'clock in the evening (the schedule can be checked in a particular temple), believers bring Easter cakes, Easter cakes, colored eggs and other food for the Easter table to be blessed.

At half past eleven in the evening the Easter Midnight Office begins - the priests take the Shroud (the canvas depicting the position of the body of Christ in the tomb) to the altar and place it on the throne. There she will remain for 40 days - until the Ascension of the Lord.

Before midnight, the bells solemnly ring, and at midnight the royal gates open and the procession of the Cross begins. At its end, the priests sing the troparion: “Christ is risen from the dead!”

This is followed by Easter Matins, after which everyone celebrates Christ - kisses three times, gives each other colored eggs and says: “Christ is Risen!” - “Truly he is risen!” Starting from three in the morning on Sunday, you can also consecrate Easter food; the consecration will continue during the day - from 11-12 to five-six o'clock in the evening, as well as on Monday and Tuesday.

When can you start breaking your fast? After the end of the Divine Liturgy, which ends around three in the morning - four in the morning.

Folk customs

Despite the fact that Easter is a religious holiday, and the church does not approve of superstition, many Orthodox Christians continue to believe in the secrets of their ancestors. For example:

If a girl wants to get married this year, during the church service she must say to herself “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom!”

A baby born on Easter is predicted to have fame and a great future.

A person who dies on Easter is considered to be marked by God - he immediately goes to heaven. They bury him with red paint in his right hand.

A piece of Easter cake can be crumbled to the birds - they will bring good luck and wealth to the house.

There are many stars in the sky on Easter night - a sign of frost.

The shells from colored eggs can be put in an amulet and worn together with a cross - as a talisman.

Dear reader, first I want to congratulate you on the upcoming Easter! Christ is Risen! Happy Easter, most importantly Orthodox holiday, many signs have long been associated. Another week before the holiday, in Palm Sunday Having brought the blessed willow branches from the temple, it was necessary to pat the cattle and all family members with them, saying at the same time: “The vine beats, not I beat, a week before Easter.”

This was done so that other people’s evil people, illnesses, death would not “beat” them... From that time on, intensive preparations for the Easter holiday began: They painted and painted eggs, they began to prepare sausages. IN Maundy Thursday I had to clean the house and remember to prepare Thursday salt, which they began to use on Easter, and then throughout the year.


Also on Holy Thursday, a lit “passionate” candle was brought from church. It was used to burn crosses on the ceiling and doors. They even tried to treat fever with the help of this candle and gave it to the dying, which eased the death throes. Likewise, according to folk beliefs, a candle burning in bad weather could get rid of a thunderstorm and a fire caused by lightning.

On Easter night, the Orthodox tried to be more careful (after all, according to legend, it is at this time that all the devils become unusually evil). Therefore, many were even afraid to go out into the yard after sunset: the devil could pretend to be a pet in order to lure an unlucky person to him.

And closer to the morning, you had to carefully watch your dog. If she barks to the east during Easter Matins, it means there will be a fire, and if she barks to the west, there will be misfortune.

But there were also such brave souls who didn’t care about anything. After all, only on Easter night can a witch be identified! To do this, you just need to kiss the castle near the church, and then you will see some of your neighbors in her real guise!

What if you go out to an intersection and drive along the road? Easter Egg, then the devils will certainly jump out and for the fact that you remove the egg, they will fulfill your every wish.

Climbing up the bell tower or into the attic on Easter night with a candle that has been burning since Matins, you can see a brownie. According to legends, the dead appear on the earth on Easter night. And if you hide in the church during the religious procession, you can watch how the dead pray and offer Christ to each other. However, the person who betrayed his presence could pay for it with his life...

On Easter, old people combed their hair and wished that they would have as many grandchildren as there were hairs on their heads. And during the Easter service, young girls had to quietly whisper: “God grant a good groom, in boots and galoshes, not on a cow but on a horse!” or “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, in stockings and brocades!” And the wish will certainly come true.

The whole Easter day they also followed the signs: if a girl hurts her elbow, it means that her boyfriend remembered her; if a fly or cockroach gets into her food, it’s a date; an itchy lip means kissing; an itchy eyebrow means you’re flirting with a handsome stranger!

The hunters went to the Easter service with guns, and at that moment, as soon as they sang “ Christ is Risen"for the first time, they ran out of the church and shot in the air, hoping to kill the devil and ensure a successful hunt for themselves during the year. At this time the fishermen said: “I have fish!”

Thieves and robbers tried to steal some thing from those praying in the temple, hoping that if the trick was successful, then whole year no one will catch them by the hand.

You can’t sleep at all on the night of Easter - otherwise you’ll sleep through everything in the world. But if someone still overslept the holiday, they should be doused with water.

At the end of Matins, it was necessary to return home as quickly as possible in order to be ahead of everyone else in all matters during the year.

And they began to break their fast with Easter. whatever is on the table. But before that, the girls had to wash themselves with some water containing an Easter egg in order to be as beautiful.

It was generally not customary to invite guests on the first day of Easter. Easter breakfast took place in a narrow family circle.

After Easter they ate an egg, dividing it among themselves according to the number of household members. After breaking the fast, all crumbs, egg shells, bones, etc. were carefully collected from the table. Under no circumstances should any of this be thrown away. This “holy trash”, buried at the edge of the arable land, was believed to be able to save the crops from hail.

The top of the Easter cake was also kept the same way throughout the year - like a talisman that brings happiness.

And the Easter egg, kept behind the icon, could stop the fire if one threw it into the fire, having previously run around the conflagration three times with it in one’s hands.

The one who dies on Easter was considered lucky, because the gates of heaven are open on this day, and the soul gets there without judgment.

And on Easter night all earthly treasures are revealed. On the ground they glow with multi-colored lights, but only youngest child in the family, and only if his thoughts are pure...

One can have different attitudes towards the signs and beliefs by which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived. Nowadays, many of them sound rather naive. However, this is exactly how they treated the celebration of Easter in the old days. And much of what is written in this article is our history, history Happy Holidays Easter, the history of Christianity. Happy holiday to everyone, Christ is Risen!

Priest Maxim Malyuta, head of the department of religious education and catechesis of the Orsk diocese and dean of the Mednogorsk district, told an AiF Orenburg correspondent about why it is important not to oversleep Easter night.

Out of time

In the temple, in the absolute darkness of the night, the quiet singing of the priest can be heard, which becomes louder and louder each time. It’s as if a light shining somewhere far away is approaching closer and closer, illuminating everything around with its light. And finally, the Royal Doors open and the priesthood, along with all those praying, who carry a lantern, a cross, icons, banners and lit candles in front, go out into the street procession around the temple.

Just as each person goes through his own path in life, so on Easter night everyone makes a procession that ends at closed doors temple. But Christ is Risen, conquered death and crushed the gates of hell. All who wanted to leave darkness and enter the Kingdom of light and eternal joy followed the Savior. And we, believing in this, singing the Easter hymn “Christ is Risen from the Dead...” we enter the opened doors of the already bright and festively decorated church. The Risen Christ welcomes everyone into his arms! Everyone who does not sleep this night!

Many may object here: “Excuse me! What does this have to do with sleep? What does night have to do with it? Do God’s mercy and love really only work at night and on one specific day?”


Of course, God's love is limitless. It cannot fit into any time intervals or frames, but it acts and concerns only those who meet it, who need it, sincerely seek and long for it. Will a person wait until the morning, having learned that that night the one whom he had been waiting for, searching for and loving for so long was found or resurrected? Most likely, he simply will not be able to sleep. He will not find a place for himself and, without waiting for dawn, he will run to meet his beloved and dear person. Likewise, a Christian cannot sleep peacefully on Easter night. Because the one who suffered a terrible and painful death on the cross for our sins and atrocities has risen and come to us. He didn't die because of our crimes. He has risen and is waiting for us, sitting by open coffin. And we are sleeping!

We don’t just sleep on this particular night, gaining strength and giving our body a rest before a new day. Our soul sleeps. Our conscience is sleeping. Our love is sleeping.

This dream is very sweet and pleasant. There is no human suffering in it, there are no those who disagree with our opinions, and most importantly, there is no death in it. In this beautiful dream, we are immortal, eternal people who can recover from any disease, defeat the aging process with the help of cosmetics and plastic surgery, and you can make plans for the future hundreds of years in advance. However, the process of awakening inevitably begins. Sooner or later, something destroys our sweet dream. An incurable illness, the death of a loved one, or the collapse of former material well-being with a powerful jolt brings us out of a sleepy state, and we awaken. When we wake up, we realize that we overslept. While basking in sweet dreams, we missed the most important meeting. I will meet the Risen Christ.

This meeting was supposed to change us. She was supposed to make us not cheerful, but happy, not rich, but free, not healthy, but immortal. After all, falling asleep, we said to ourselves: “Later, later, the time has not yet come.” But we forgot that the time does not come. It's just going away. And having awakened from a long sleep, we realize this with bitterness and regret.

Easter faith

However, Christ is still waiting. He has no visiting days, days off or vacation. He is ready to greet those who are late, because time is running out for us, not for him.

The Resurrection of Christ is not an event of one, even a great and joyful day. The uniqueness of this holiday is that it simultaneously occurs in the past, present and future. Christians, celebrating Easter, remember the past. About what happened more than two thousand years ago in Jerusalem “under Pontius Pilate.” However, at the same time they say “Christ is Risen”, as if it happened today. And this is not just an illusion or a beautiful symbol. Christ rises in man, destroying sin and death in him. In this case, the person no longer celebrates or celebrates Easter. He lives it. The Resurrection of Christ ceases to be just a red date on the calendar, but becomes a way of life and thinking. Orthodox faith not the faith of sorrow and sorrow. This is the Easter faith.

And this faith does not fall within the framework of not only one day, but also one life. The resurrected Christ did not remain to live forever on earth, creating an earthly happy kingdom. He “ascended to His Father,” transferring Easter from earth to heaven, from time to eternity. Therefore, celebrating the Resurrection of the Lord, a Christian not only remembers the past, transferring it into his present life, he rejoices in the future, since, despite its vagueness, there is also Easter. This means that the joy and warmth that he has in his heart today will remain with him even when this heart stops beating.

Thus, the Resurrection of Christ occurs not only in the past, but always. And now - in the present, and later - in the future.

The main thing is not to oversleep this amazing meeting of God and man, starting it with the words: “Christ is Risen!”, “Truly Risen!”

Easter sermon

Christ is Risen!

Out of an abundance of unearthly joy, I greet you, scorching with the power of the Divine words: “Christ is risen!” The Holy Fire of this saving message, again flaring up with a bright flame over the Holy Sepulcher, flowed throughout the world.

And the Church of God, filled with the light of this fire, gives it to us: “Christ is risen!”

Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! You, of course, have noticed yourself that among many of our great and joyful Christian holidays, the holiday of the Holy Day stands out with special solemnity and special joy. Christ's Resurrection- holidays, celebration and celebration of celebrations!

Not in ours Orthodox Church a service more majestic, more heartfelt than Easter Matins. And that is why all believers strive to go to the temple of God on Easter night.

The Easter service is truly like a most magnificent feast that the Lord has prepared for all those who come under the gracious canopy of His House.

Think about the content of the “Catechetical Word” of St. John Chrysostom! With fatherly affection and cordiality, the Lord receives those who love Him with all their being. “Blessed is he who has labored from the first hour”—these are those who, from their youth, have strictly followed in His Divine footsteps.

But he does not reject those who, having overcome doubts in their souls, approached God only in adulthood and even old age. “Let them not be afraid of their slowdown; the Lord lovingly accepts the latter, just as he did the former—he accepts deeds and kisses intentions.”

Undoubtedly, all of you who were in the temple on Easter night experienced extraordinary delight... Our souls rejoiced, filled with a feeling of gratitude to our Lord Savior for the eternal life He had given us all.

After all, the Risen Christ raised the human race from earth to Heaven and gave a sublime and noble meaning to human existence.

The human soul longs for eternal happy life. He is looking for her... And that is why people are so eager for the bright matins in the temple of God. And not only believers, but also those who are far from the Christian religion in their consciousness.

They come here not just to see the solemnity of the Christian service. Their soul given by God every person at his birth, reaches out to the light of the never-setting Sun of Truth, strives for truth.

And believers on this holy night feel with special strength the abundantly poured out bright joy of the Resurrection of Christ.

And no wonder. The Resurrection of Christ is the basis of our faith, it is an indestructible support in our earthly life.

By His Resurrection, Christ allowed people to comprehend the truth of His Divinity, the truth of His lofty teaching, and the salvific nature of His death. The Resurrection of Christ is the completion of His life's work. There could be no other end, for this is a direct consequence of the moral meaning of Christ’s life.

If Christ had not been resurrected, says the Apostle Paul, then our preaching would be in vain, and our faith would be in vain. But Christ rose again and resurrected all humanity with Himself!

The Savior brought perfect joy to people on earth. And therefore, on Easter night we hear hymns in church and we ourselves take part in this singing: “Thy Resurrection, O Christ the Savior, the angels sing in heaven, and grant us on earth with a pure heart to glorify Thee.”

He asked His Heavenly Father to grant people this great joy in prayer before the sufferings of the cross: “Sanctify them with Your truth... so that they may have My complete joy in themselves” (John 17, 17.13).

And with the Resurrection of Christ, it was revealed to man new world holiness, truth of bliss.

During His earthly life, the Savior repeatedly uttered words precious to the believing soul: “...I live, and you will live” (John 14:19), “My peace I give to you” (John 14:27), “These things I said I am for you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

A new life has opened up for man. He was given the opportunity to die to sin in order to be resurrected with Christ and live with Him.

The Apostle Paul in his Epistle to the Romans says: “If we are united to Him in the likeness of His death, we must also be united in the likeness of His resurrection... If we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.”

“Easter, which opens the doors of heaven to us,” we sing in the Easter canon.

There is no joy, my dears, brighter than our Easter joy. For we rejoice that in the Resurrection our eternal life was revealed.

Our Easter joy is the joy of the transformation (change) of our entire life into imperishable life, in our striving for undying goodness, for imperishable beauty.

We now celebrate the fulfillment of the greatest sacrament - the Resurrection of Christ, the victory of the Life-Giver over death! Our Savior triumphed over evil and darkness, and that is why the Easter service of our Orthodox Church is so jubilant and joyful.

The believers awaited this solemn service, preparing themselves for it during the long weeks of the Holy Pentecost. And it is natural that now their hearts are filled with inexplicable joy.

The deepest meaning of the Resurrection of Christ in eternal life which He bestowed upon all His followers. And for almost 2000 years, His followers have unshakably believed not only that Christ was resurrected, but also in their future resurrection for eternal life.

During His earthly life, Christ the Savior spoke many times about Himself as the bearer of life and resurrection. But then these words of the Divine Teacher were incomprehensible not only to the people who listened to Him, but also to His disciples and apostles.

The meaning of these words became clear only after the Resurrection of Christ. Only then did both the apostles and His disciples understand that He was truly the Lord of life and the Conqueror of death. And they went preaching all over the world.

We, beloved ones, joyfully greet each other these days, saying: “Christ is risen!” - and we will greet you like this for 40 days, until the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

Just two words! But these are wonderful words, expressing unshakable faith in the most gratifying truth for the human heart about our immortality.

Christ is Life!

He spoke many times about Himself precisely as the bearer of life and resurrection, as the source of eternal life, endless for those who believe in Him.

Christ is risen! - and may our soul rejoice in the Lord.

Christ is risen! - and the fear of death disappears.

Christ is risen! - and our hearts are filled with joyful faith that after Him we too will be resurrected.

Celebrating Easter means knowing with all your heart the power and greatness of the Resurrection of Christ.

Celebrating Easter means becoming a new person.

To celebrate Easter means to thank and glorify God with all your heart and mind for His ineffable gift - the gift of resurrection and love.

And you and I these days rejoice and joyfully celebrate, praising and glorifying the feat of victory of Divine love.

Christ is risen!!!

Let us open our hearts to meet him who suffered and died and rose again for our sake. And He will enter and fill our lives with Himself and His Light, transforming our souls. And we, in response to this, will lovingly follow Him along our way of the cross, for at the end of it, undoubtedly, our resurrection into eternal life also shines.