Afterlife: How do our dead live? Afterlife - how our dead live

26.04.2019 Psychology

Probably, every person at least once in his life was interested in whether there is an afterlife to live after death or whether the soul dies with the body. Many are afraid of death, and to a greater extent this is due to the unknown that lies ahead. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, the resuscitation of the dead is not uncommon, so it became possible to find out the feelings of people who returned from the other world.

Is there an afterlife?

According to numerous testimonies of people who survived clinical death, it was possible to calculate a certain scenario. First, the soul leaves the body and at this moment the person sees himself from the outside, which causes a state of shock. Many noted that they felt incredible lightness and peace. As for the notorious light at the end of the tunnel, some actually saw it. After its passage, the soul meets with relatives or with an inexplicable light creature that evokes warmth and love. It is worth noting that not many were able to see such a wonderful future afterlife, so some people got into creepy places where they saw disgusting and aggressive creatures.

Many who died after clinical death they were told that they were able to see their whole life, as if a movie. Moreover, every bad deed was emphasized. Any achievements during life are unimportant, and only the moral side of actions is evaluated. There are also individuals who have described strange places that are neither heaven nor hell. It is clear that it has not yet been possible to obtain official evidence of all these words, but scientists are actively working on this issue.

How our dead live in the afterlife in representation different peoples and religions:

  1. IN Ancient Egypt people believed that after death they would be judged by Osiris, where their good and bad deeds would be taken into account. If outweighed by sins, then the monster ate the soul and it disappeared forever, and respectable souls went to the fields of paradise.
  2. IN Ancient Greece it was believed that the soul goes to the kingdom of Hades, where it exists like a shadow without feelings and thoughts. Only those chosen for special merits could be saved from this.
  3. The Slavs, who were pagans, believed in. After death, the soul reincarnates and returns to earth or goes to another dimension.
  4. Adherents of Hinduism are sure that the soul immediately reincarnates after the death of a person, but where it goes depends on the righteousness of life.
  5. Afterlife, according to Orthodoxy, depends on what kind of life a person leads, so the bad ones go to hell, and the good ones go to heaven. The Church denies the possibility of reincarnation of the soul.
  6. Buddhism also uses the theory of the existence of heaven and hell, but the soul is not always in them and can move to other worlds.

Many are interested in the opinion of scientists about whether there is an afterlife, and so science also did not stand aside, and today research is being actively carried out in this area. For example, British doctors began to monitor patients who had experienced clinical death, recording all the changes that occur before death, during cardiac arrest and after the restoration of the rhythm. When near-death survivors came to their senses, scientists asked about their feelings and visions, which led to several important conclusions. People who died felt lightness, comfort and pleasure, with no pain and torment. They see loved ones who have passed away. People assured that they were enveloped in a soft and warm light. In addition, in the future, they changed their perception of life and no longer experienced fear of death.

Most people, having reached a certain age, begin to think about whether there is an afterlife, how our dead live. Most religions preach another world, where a person is freed from all troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it by pious behavior in earthly life. After in recent decades atheism began to lose ground, scientists of non-traditional directions proved that the afterlife exists. What is happening on the other side of visibility and what gave rise to such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seers (Vangelia Gushterovp - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - Novykh, the Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharif) did not doubt the existence of the other world and that each person has his own place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical figures (mainly the Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatima Miracles (1915-1917) and Lourdes Healings . Some scientists who adhere to an atheistic worldview, when asked whether there is an afterlife, the evidence for which in most cases are indirect, answer in the affirmative.

Academic neurophysiologist N.P. ankylosing spondylitis , whose profession itself does not accept any mysticism, in her autobiographical memoirs she tells that the ghost of her late husband repeatedly appeared to her. At the same time, her husband, who also worked in the field of medical physiology, consulted with her about problems unresolved during her life. If initially nightly encounters with a ghost caused concern in a woman, then after his appearance in daytime all fears disappeared. Natalya Petrovna did not doubt the reality of what was happening.

Famous American visionary Edgar Cayce , introducing himself into a somnambulistic state, made about 25 thousand predictions, in one of which he indicated the time of his death with an accuracy of an hour. When diagnosing diseases, E. Casey achieved an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and reappearance into the world in a different way.

Some researchers, based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read as an indisputable fact that scientists have proven that the afterlife exists. However, contact with the other world is possible only with individuals - "guides": individuals who are in a stressful or borderline, or people with psychic abilities.

The latest evidence for the existence of an afterlife can be considered the search for residents of Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina graves of his father, who died during the Great Patriotic War. Maria Lazarevna found his burial place as part of the Search group. At the same time, according to the expedition members, she indicated the resting place with amazing accuracy. In an interview with television, M.L. Babushkina quite convincingly explained to reporters that his voice led the searchers to the grave of the father, and he also indicated, to the nearest meter, the location of the remains of the front-line soldier.

Similar cases have been repeatedly reported by participants in the search expeditions from Novgorod . According to their reports, the souls of properly disturbed front-line soldiers go out to lone search engines and report the coordinates of the burial. The largest number contacts with representatives of the afterlife were noted in one of their tracts Myasnogo Bor (Death Valley), where in 1942 she was surrounded by Nazis 2 shock army, most of the soldiers and officers died while trying to break through the encirclement.

Visions of the underworld

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad during clinical death, being on the operating table, she met with a stranger in a white robe, who said that she had not fulfilled her earthly mission, and to complete it, she had transferred the gift of foresight to the deceased.
  • Yuri Burkov after a cardiac arrest, he did not lose touch with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing he asked his wife was if she had found the lost keys, which the panicked woman did not tell anyone about. A few years later, while with his wife at the bedside of his sick son, who was diagnosed with a fatal diagnosis by doctors, he predicted that his son would not die now and that he would be given a year of life - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. during clinical death, she observed a dazzlingly bright light and a corridor leading to infinity, which the deceased was not allowed to enter after successful resuscitation procedures.

Saints, prophets and martyrs, who with sufficient accuracy predict not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, can be spoken of as real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, how our dead live in it, the inhabitants of the material world remain unknown. This knowledge is beyond human understanding, and reminds of other world only isolated cases.

Contact with the world of the dead

It's hard to believe this, but it's a fact. And the author of these lines was also, rather, a skeptic - until he witnessed this in St. Petersburg.
One important tip. Do not rush to try to go out on your own using modern technology. It must be remembered that the load on the psyche unprepared for such contacts is very large! Perhaps it is enough for you to go to church, light a candle and pray for the repose of friends and relatives who have gone to another world? Comforted by the fact that the soul is immortal. And separation from people dear to you who have passed into another world is only temporary.


The first targeted contact - that is, a connection with a specific person who went to - was the radio bridge, which was established by the Svitnev family of St. Petersburg.
Their son Dmitry died in a car accident, but the parents found a way to hear their dear voice again. Candidate of Technical Sciences Vadim Svitnev and his colleagues from RAITK, using specially designed devices and a computer, established contact with the world of the dead. And it was Mitya who answered the questions of his father and mother! The son buried by them answered from the next world: “We are all alive with the Lord!”.

This incredible two-way contact has been going on for over a year. Parents record all conversations in in electronic format- more than 3,000 files answering their questions. The information coming from the other world is amazing - a lot goes against our traditional ideas.

I asked several questions to Natasha and Vadim Svitnev, Mitya's parents. Here's what they said.

- By what phrases, facts, intonation do you identify the interlocutor from another world?
"Can't you recognize your child's voice from billions of other voices?" In any voice there are intonations, shades peculiar only to him. Our Mitya has a characteristic, recognizable voice - very soft, penetrating to the very heart. When we showed the recording with Mitin's voice to his friends, they became interested in when they were made, being completely sure that this was done even before the tragic events that interrupted Mitin's life.

We communicate with quite a large number people from that world. In conversations, they introduce themselves to us by their first names. Among Mitya's friends there are Fedor, Sergey, Stay, Sasha, Andrey was once mentioned. And Mitya himself is sometimes called by friends from another world by his “nickname” on the Internet, which he has long chosen for himself - Mytya, a mirror image of the name Mitya. Welcomed to the contact Vadim and his colleagues. For example, one of those who moved to another world, Vadim's head of service, got in touch with a congratulation: "Vadyusha, I congratulate you on the Day of the Fleet!" And to the question: “Who am I talking to?” answered: "Yes, I am Gruzdev." Moreover, apart from this person, no one has ever called Vadim “Vadyusha”. And Natasha is sometimes addressed by her maiden name Titlyanova, jokingly calling her Titlyashkina, Titlyandiya.

What does it look like from there on Earth?
- From the other world, this question is answered like this: “Your life is a huge anthill. You hurt yourself all the time. On Earth, you are in a dream."
Is it possible to predict certain events from the world of the dead?
- Events that are removed in time from the present moment, from another world, are seen less clearly than nearby ones. There were many predictive or pre-emptive messages, such as a warning about a gang attack on a neighbor's boy three months before the actual incident.
- What needs do people have in the next world? For example, physiological - breathe, eat, drink, sleep?
“Regarding needs, it’s quite simple: “I am fully alive. Mitya is the former. “We have a busy time, we hardly slept for three months.”

Once Mitya said in a communication session: “Now, mom, listen carefully,” and I heard him sigh. He breathed laboriously loudly so that I could hear his breathing. These were real, ordinary sighs of a living person. They tell us that they have no time to eat - a lot of work.

Family ties

How close are family contacts?
- Mitya often tells me about my mother - her grandmother, that she is there, and my mother, like my father, also attended contacts several times. At the same time, when I began to miss my mother very much, Mitya invited her, and since she is Ukrainian by birth, she spoke to me in pure Ukrainian. Vadim also talked with his mother. Of course, family ties remain.
- How do they live and where do they live - are there cities, villages?
- Mitya told us that he lives in the village and even explained how to find him. And one of our contacts sounded his address when he was called for communication: "Forest street, northern house."
Is the date of departure of all of us predetermined or not?
- There is no talk about the date of departure during our contacts. We are constantly reminded that we are immortal: "You are eternal in our eyes."
- Were there any clues from the world of the dead in everyday things?
- Once Vadim was told at the contact that he had 36 rubles in his pocket. Vadim checked it and was surprised to see that it was exactly 36 rubles.
Egor, our youngest son, was repairing a bicycle and could not determine the malfunction, while Vadim was conducting a communication session at that time. Suddenly Vadim turned to Yegor and said: "Mitya says that your axle is damaged." This has been confirmed.
- Is there in afterlife animals?
- There was such a case: once the guys from the other side brought a dog to a communication session. We heard and recorded her barking.

Believe in yourself

- Why do only a few make contacts with loved ones?
— There are always two parties involved in a contact. You have to believe in yourself and take the first step. Love and faith will surely be rewarded. Absolutely anyone who has shown perseverance will be able to communicate with their loved ones. Recently, we had just a woman who lost her son. We had a session. Everyone was shocked. The woman recognized her son. They talked, very personal messages were received.

I must say that we are researchers in a rather new business for everyone, and contact of this kind, carried out with people completely unfamiliar to us, was the first in our practice. And I also want to say that the walls that surround us exist only for us. On the other hand, they are completely transparent. They see us, hear not only our speeches, but also our thoughts. We are told: "You run in the fog." And they also say: “Give me your hand!”, “Here everyone is forgiven.”

A. Rublev