Peacock signs. How to use peacock feathers

06.07.2020 Society and culture

The interpretation of the sign associated with the peacock feather is twofold. It can predict both good events and foreshadow trouble. By folk beliefs, peacock feathers in the house foretell bad events in the future. The sign does not recommend keeping them in your own apartment. Based on the teachings of Feng Shui and Asian interpretations, peacock feathers are a sign of goodness and happiness.

It's hard to believe that such an elegant beauty as a peacock feather can bring misfortune

This discrepancy in explanations raises many questions. Therefore, you should understand why the signs associated with peacock feathers arose, whether feathers can be used as gifts, what differences in traditions there are different nations, why you can’t keep such a decoration on your shelf.

The emergence of a belief

The first beliefs about peacock feathers in the house were found in the territories of China. Which is not surprising, since the bird’s homeland is Asian countries. Drawings depicting these birds were present on family symbols of the Ming Dynasty. That is why the eastern people love peacocks very much and consider it a great honor to keep a piece of this beautiful bird in their home.

All world cultures and nationalities have different attitudes towards peacocks. In some countries, people revere this bird and consider it a symbol of wisdom. Also, you can use a peacock feather for them inside the house, because it brings knowledge and science.

Some countries symbolize these noble birds with fearlessness, pride, immortality. Because of the pattern depicted on the feathers in the form of the eye of an unknown animal.

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Peacocks are mentioned important in the traditions of Buddhism. According to their explanations, the feathers of this bird act as an element of compassion and are an attribute of Buddha.

Feng Shui interpretation

The Asian teaching of Feng Shui favors the presence of peacock feathers in the house. It is believed that such an element attracts wealth and prosperity into the house. It is important that the tail feather is large, intact and bright. Also, according to Feng Shui, it would not be superfluous to place a peacock figurine on your desktop. Such an element will act as a talisman for career advancement.

The figurine should be made of either gilded material or porcelain with elements of precious stones. In some cases, it is possible to make a peacock talisman yourself. As a material, using clay. Special attention in this case, you need to devote time to painting the figurine. The palette of colors should be bright and rich; pale colors should not be used. Only then will the talisman work to attract commercial success.

Chinese masters have calculated that there are more than three hundred and fifty shades, colors, and tones on the peacock’s tail. That is why Asian peoples treat such an important, beautiful bird with love and reverence. They consider her strong, smart, independent.

One of the important conditions for marking good events with peacock feathers is their beauty and integrity.

Interpretation of Slavic signs

Domestic signs associated with peacocks do not carry any positive interpretations. This may be due to the fact that these birds are not found in nature in Russia. People have developed some distrust of peacocks, which is why they began to be wary of using feathers in the house. Also, the basis for negative explanations for the peacock feathers at home is the wide spread of Christianity in Russian territories, which denies the worship of any talismans, except for icons of saints and the cross.

The Slavic people believed that the presence of an element from a peacock's tail inside the house as a means of attracting Money leads to family disgrace, discord, swearing, and even serious fatal illnesses. That is why you should not display the tail of this bird as decoration.

In works of fiction there are also reservations that peacock feathers bring misfortune within the family. In the work “Gone with the Wind,” one of the characters said that peacock feathers in the house are a sign of trouble.

Bad omens are associated with the eye depicted on the feather, which can be associated with the eye of the devil.

Additional superstitions

In Muslim folklore, there is a legend that a peacock opened the gates of heaven, through which the devil himself entered. Therefore, Muslims also have a wary attitude towards this bird. Muslims cannot become attached to such a treacherous bird.

In Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece on the contrary, peacock feathers had a sacred character. They were used for religious rituals such an element could only be found on the territory of temples. It was believed that a mere mortal who was not a priest was strictly forbidden to pick up a peacock feather. The punishment for such insolence was the death penalty.

In ancient times, among the British, peacock feathers were not held in high esteem in the house. It was believed that if unmarried girls lived in the house, then because of the pen they would not be able to get married for a long time. Also, parts of the bird's tail were placed inside the witches' house. It was believed that with the help of the bird's voice one could cause torrential rains over the city.

Among the huge number of items that decorate the home interior, a very prominent place is occupied by the feather of a peacock - a bird rightfully considered one of the most beautiful on earth. At the same time, attitudes towards it vary greatly: some believe that peacock feathers in a house bring exclusively positive things to the inhabitants of the house, while others, on the contrary, believe that this item is a source of troubles and troubles. What causes such a striking difference of opinion regarding peacock feathers and what advice should you listen to? More on this below.

Reasons for the controversy

First of all, it should be noted that significant differences in attitude towards peacock feathers are due to the traditional beliefs of one or another people. So, in the countries of Asia - the part of the world that is native to the bird in question - this feather is considered one of best gifts for the owners of any home. In China, peacocks have been revered since time immemorial, as evidenced by numerous pieces of art, in particular those related to the practice of Feng Shui. Some members of the Chinese nobility even placed the image of a peacock on their family coats of arms in the hope of attracting wealth and good fortune to their side.

As for our country, as well as most European countries, here peacock feathers are valued to a much lesser extent. Of course, from the point of view appearance There is not the slightest complaint - each of them will easily decorate any interior. The concerns concern something else: it just so happens that in most European countries, peacock feathers in the house are considered a bad omen. Many do not recommend keeping them in your home, citing their ability to attract misfortunes: both minor and more serious.

Positive interpretation options

To begin with, we should consider the interpretations provided by the traditions that honor the peacock feather. As mentioned above, most of them have their roots in Asia, where these birds are incredibly dear to one and all. Supporters of Eastern beliefs believe that a peacock feather in the house is an exceptionally good sign, guaranteeing the following benefits to its owners:

  • financial well-being;
  • good luck in all your endeavors;
  • peace of mind.

In addition, supporters positive interpretation This sign is believed that peacock feathers help protect the inhabitants of the house from any manifestations of dark forces, so that the latter do not fly into the home and cause a lot of trouble there. In particular, they believe that this colorful object will reliably protect against the evil eye, no matter how strong the latter turns out to be.

It is also worth adding that Feng Shui considers the peacock figurine as one of the most effective talismans. Supporters of this practice especially appreciate gilded figurines of these birds, whose tails are decorated with precious stones. Naturally, not everyone who seeks to gain wealth and peace of mind can afford such items, so many advise making them with their own hands. Special attention is also paid to the fact that the often depicted peacock feather is a key element for such items as:

  • tablecloths;
  • fans;
  • vases;
  • napkins, etc.

Each of them can be designed differently, but they all have one common feature- an impressive palette of colors typical of a peacock’s tail in reality.

Negative interpretations

Now it’s time to interpret the signs about the peacock feather from the negative side. As noted earlier, almost all of them relate to European tradition, which considers peacock feathers to be a highly undesirable item for any home or apartment. Supporters of this point of view believe that it is impossible to keep peacock feathers at home, citing the following reasons:

  • In the culture of most European countries, including Russian, the peacock is considered a very selfish and arrogant bird. For this reason, it was never recommended to keep his pen in the house - in order to avoid the development of the above-mentioned spiritual qualities in the inhabitants of the home. This attitude is confirmed by the phrase “spread his tail like a peacock,” indicating a person’s boastfulness and narcissism.
  • For several centuries in a row, peacock feathers in the house have been considered as a very serious threat to maiden marriage. This belief appeared among European commoners, who believed that peacock feathers symbolize a girl’s excessive pride, which scares off potential suitors. At the same time, the nobles ignored this sign, happily placing peacock feathers on their hats and other items of their wardrobe.
  • According to acting superstitions, peacock feathers thrown onto the stage by accident or on someone’s initiative promised complete failure for the performance. There is a known case when a woman came to the famous theater holding a fan made of peacock feathers. During the performance, she was urgently asked to remove this accessory, and when she decided to give it to a theater worker, he was afraid to even pick it up.
  • Another sign based on which it is not recommended to use peacock feathers in the interior is based on the peculiarities of their appearance. The design on them is quite reminiscent of an eye, which is considered by many to be the eye of the devil himself. This sign owes its appearance not to Europeans, but to Arabs, who believe that it was the peacock who opened the gates of the Garden of Eden to the enemy of the human race. Supporters of this belief believe that it is impossible to keep the feather of the bird in question in the house in order to avoid quarrels and other everyday troubles.

Moreover, representatives of some peoples believe that storing a peacock feather in the house means the possibility of disease development in the inhabitants of the home and even their death. IN in this case it can be assumed that this belief is closely related to the ancient ban on the use of such objects by everyone except a select few - priests and representatives of the highest nobility. Many studies confirm: for those distant times, a peacock feather symbolized a connection with deities, and therefore it is not surprising that for attempting to touch a sacred attribute many were punished, even deprived of life.

When talking about whether it is possible to keep peacock feathers at home, it is worth adding: even its most zealous opponents admit that it can have a positive impact on a person’s life. This applies to cases when a feather flew into the house, thanks to the wind, or fell on the head of its new owner in the middle of the street.

Compromise solution

So is it possible to keep peacock feathers at home? Practice shows that there is no clear answer to the question posed, since each of the two “camps” - supporters of storing these items and its opponents - has a lot of its own arguments. As for the compromise option, fortunately, it is quite possible here: anyone who is afraid of the “look of the devil’s eyes” emblazoned on their feathers can be advised to acquire an elegant peacock miniature. There are two main types of it:

  • With a folded tail shape, which above all means caution. First of all, it makes sense to give such a figurine to people whose activities involve a certain risk, for example, businessmen.

PEACOCK is a symbol of pride, an emblem of beauty and immortality. In many countries, the peacock was considered a royal bird, and Hindus revere it as sacred. In the peacock's homeland, South Asia, it is highly valued for warning of the approach of tigers, snakes and thunderstorms. It is believed that due to the beauty of its plumage, the peacock is able to “process” the venom of the snake it has struck.

In Russia, a completely different attitude towards peacocks developed due to the fact that only rich people could breed them. Therefore, only in the Russian consciousness did the peacock become a symbol of arrogance and arrogance. The expression “spread his tail like a peacock” acquired the meaning not only of courtship, but also of vanity and feigned pride.

According to Greek myth, the peacock was associated with Zeus' wife Hera. When Hermes killed the hundred-eyed Argos by putting him to sleep by playing the flute, Hera revived him by transferring Argos' eyes to the plumage of a peacock. Among the Romans, the peacock became an attribute of Juno, for whom the amoretti, winged babies, collected “eyes” from its tail. On Roman coins, the peacock was depicted as a sign of the divinity of the emperor's daughters.

In early Christianity, the image of a peacock was associated with the symbolism of the sun and began to be perceived as a symbol of immortality, like a turtle in the East, and the beauty of the incorruptible soul. IN Christian tradition The "eyes" of the peacock sometimes symbolize the "all-seeing" Church. Since this bird periodically renews its plumage, it became a symbol of immortality, as well as resurrection, since it was believed that its flesh did not rot, even after lying in the ground for three days. The peacock is also an attribute of the Christian great martyr Barbara (III century) and the allegory of Pride.

Peacock - the solar bird of India, a symbol of many gods, in particular Buddha. At the level of eastern emblems, a fan made from a peacock's tail was considered a symbol of suffering and was an attribute of Avalokiteshvara, one of the main bodhisattvas of the Buddhist tradition. In China, during the Ming Dynasty, such a fan was awarded for high merit in the service of the emperor. In Islam, the "eye" of the peacock is associated with the "eye of the heart" and therefore with inner vision. Indian god love, Kama was often depicted sitting on a peacock, which symbolizes passionate desires.

This idea of ​​passion finds its echo in the world of butterflies, where a male night peacock butterfly can smell a female several kilometers away. The pattern of its wings, reminiscent of numerous eyes, in Indian mythology was perceived as a picture of the starry sky. The symbolism of two peacocks on either side of the cosmic tree came from ancient Persia to the Muslims, and from them to the West, and means the mental duality of a person who draws his strength from the principle of unity.

The peacock's tail, which includes all the colors of the rainbow, was perceived as a universal symbol. For example, in Islam, the tail of a peacock, revealed in all its beauty, meant either the universe, or the full moon or the sun at its zenith. The peacock's tail appears in the 84th emblem of Bosch's Symbolic Art as the idea of ​​the whole and a sign of the union of all colors.

In alchemy, the “peacock’s tail” is the second stage of the “great work,” when the “black of blacks” is covered with all the colors of the rainbow. In the alternation of the time of day, the peacock corresponds to twilight. With a snake in its beak, it symbolizes the victory of light over darkness.

In some countries, the peacock is considered a harbinger of trouble. Its feathers are called the “eyes of the devil” and “warn” of the appearance of a traitor. The most common superstition in England is that peacock feathers should not be kept at home: a disaster may befall the owner or his daughters will not marry. It is believed that the presence of a peacock on stage can lead to the failure of a play. Perhaps all these prejudices are explained by the fact that the ever-open “eye” in a peacock feather is associated with the evil eye and, therefore, with bad luck.

In heraldry, the peacock was depicted with flowing plumage, which in the language of heraldry, "blazon", was called "a peacock in his pride."

Peacock Feather - Purpose of the Talisman

The peacock, with its luxurious tail, protects and attracts honors to the head of the house. This talisman brings joy and happiness, promotes career growth and good luck in your work. To activate the career sector and life path, the talisman is placed in the north, and in the zone of fame and reputation, in the south, the Peacock will help grow your authority at work.

The talisman can also be Peacock feathers, and various bird figurines. Gorgeous Peacock feather can be an excellent decoration for your outfit, although this is not its only purpose. For example, gold figurines inlaid with precious stones are especially valued. At the same time, peacocks sculpted from plasticine with feathers of any bird in the tail are also suitable. You can make a talisman out of paper, the main thing is not to skimp on colors when coloring.

You can enhance the actions of the Peacock with the help of fire, for example, burn a candle next to the talisman or, if there is a fireplace in the house, place it on the mantelpiece 1-2 times a week (if the talisman is made of plasticine or wax, the figurine can be activated by placing it in the room , where the fireplace is lit).

You can activate the Peacock by offering him a “treat”; to do this, you need to place a saucer with cereal, nuts or seeds in front of the figurine once a week. This beautiful bird loves praise and affection. If you often stroke the talisman, talk to it, expressing your admiration for its beauty, in gratitude it will do everything so that you reach the top of your career and are prosperous and happy.

Peacock Feather - Legend Says

In the ancient Chinese legend It is said that at the dawn of time, the Yellow Ancestor met a beautiful bird on the shore of a lake. Her feathers shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. The sage spoke to the bird, but it did not pay any attention to him, for its gaze was riveted on its own reflection in the lake. The Yellow Ancestor became angry at such discourtesy and covered the sun with his mighty palm. As soon as it got dark, the bird turned to the sage.

The Yellow Ancestor began to ask her about everything that was interesting and pleasant to her. The peacock (that was the name of the bird) spoke a lot and proudly about his generosity and desire to do good. But before the Yellow Ancestor had time to admire the fact that the bird turned out to be not only beautiful, but also unusually kind-hearted, the sun came out, and the Peacock, immediately forgetting his pompous words, again began to admire his reflection. The Yellow Ancestor became angry and punished the boastful bird. Now, until the end of time, she must be responsible for her words and do good.

Peacock Feather - A Feng Shui Master's Story

The poetic image of a peacock is based on the individual characteristics of this bird - on the shape and characteristic coloring of its tail and proud gait.

The peacock in many cultures is associated with astral symbolism; it personifies the starry sky, the Sun, and, accordingly, is an emblem of pride, immortality, beauty and fearlessness.

The peacock is considered a symbol of wisdom due to the many “eyes” on its tail.

In Buddhist mythology, a peacock feather fan is a symbol of compassion and an attribute of some Buddhas.

Many people, having acquired the Peacock talisman, received a promotion. But it truly helps only those who exactly follow all the tips for activating and caring for this beautiful bird.

Peacock Feather - Note

From a magical point of view, keep it in the house peacock feathers, as well as the feathers of other birds - Bad sign. Feng Shui and magic do not always agree with each other. From the point of view of magic, it is believed that only a feather accidentally flying into the house, as well as attracting your attention on the road, is a sign of good luck. For reference: reeds, feather grass, and all kinds of bindweed are also carriers of negative energies in the house.

The peacock has always been considered a controversial bird. Some peoples worshiped him as a deity, while others, on the contrary, considered him a harbinger of misfortune. But no matter how people feel about the peacock, its beauty never ceases to amaze. And the desire to have a peacock feather in the house has always been strong. However, before decorating your interior, it is worth considering all the pros and cons of the mysterious feather.

Symbol of prosperity and wealth

Many peoples attribute divine power to the bright and sunny peacock. He is worshiped as a sacred bird. Thanks to its unique coloring, the peacock brings passionate and romantic feelings to fading relationships.

The peacock feather represents beauty and fantasy. In the East, he is credited with such qualities as tenderness, kindness and patience. It attracts wealth, love and immortality into the house. The silhouette of a peacock is often found on thrones and in the coats of arms of kings and nobles.

Peacock feathers help to get rich, and if a person is rich, then they protect his property from ruin, thieves and envious eyes. Feng Shui recommends placing feathers in your home office to attract good luck and wealth. Workers and employees still believe that feathers in the workplace protect against dismissal and the wrath of the boss.

Talisman for love and good luck

Single people can attract love and find a soul mate by placing peacock feathers in their home. And they protect married couples from infidelity, betrayal and misfortune. Thanks to this talisman, goodness, happiness, prosperity and prosperity settle in the family.

In order for all the positive qualities to be effective, the feathers must be from a living bird and have a pattern in the shape of an eye - always with clear contours, bright and shiny. Feathers will bring into the house what the owner cares about most.

There is a sign: in order for the pen to “work” and attract only all the positive and good emotions into the house, you need to “appease” it. The magic feather should say majestic and laudatory words as often as possible, appeasing it. And then it will become a conductor of positive energy in the home and good luck in the affairs of the owner of the talisman.

Symbol of the “evil eye” and bad luck

Many people attribute peacock feathers negative qualities. They supposedly attract failures, misfortunes, misfortunes. Many peoples associate the design on a feather with an evil and envious eye. It is believed that the peacock portends trouble and betrayal.

In England they believe that under no circumstances should feathers from a peacock's tail be kept in a house where there are daughters. They will not marry, and the house will suffer failures and disasters. In some counties, residents believe that a peacock feather brought into a home will lead to death or severe illness for the occupants.

It is strictly forbidden to keep stuffed animals, body parts or the skin of a killed bird in the house. All these attributes carry negative energy, which destroys the positive aura of the house and the health of the residents. Whether to believe in the pros and cons of peacock feathers is up to everyone to decide for themselves. But the fashion for decorating the interior with these rainbow feathers is not going away.

Bride's house and peacock feathers

A very original solution. Feathers can be placed in a vase on the table or placed in a photo frame and hung on the wall. This vintage panel will add sophistication to the bride's room. The feather attached to the curtains looks original.

Decorated with peacock feathers, they look exquisite. A combination of pillows and cushions decorated in the same style will complete the sophisticated ensemble. Well, the newlyweds’ table, covered with a tablecloth made of peacock feathers, will create a sensation. This will be a worthy decoration of the wedding interior.

Peacock feather in the interior of the house

The theme of peacock patterns in the interior of the house remains relevant, as it was many centuries ago. Designers bring the beauty of the royal bird's color scheme into reality. And, I must say, it turns out beautiful and bright. Moreover, the interior style can be both modern and classic.

Peacock feathers are used in the interior in two ways. This can be a color scheme of rich colors: blue, green, purple - inspired by the outfit of a beautiful bird. Or a monochrome “peacock feather” print is used as a basis. But no matter what direction is chosen, it always turns out cheerful, original and original.

The fashion for white ceilings is becoming a thing of the past. Nowadays they are painted in all the colors of the rainbow and decorated with various prints. The exquisite peacock feather covering the entire ceiling looks elegant and unique. Usually such prints are made on stretch ceilings.

Wallpaper with a peacock feather pattern has always been in demand. They bring freshness and brightness to the interior of the house; the color scheme is conducive to a good mood and a pleasant rest. Peacock print wallpaper is suitable for any room. Wallpaper can be discreet and delicate in color or, conversely, bright and colorful, like a peacock's tail.

Trinkets for the soul

Many small things in the interior complement the interior, including a peacock feather. Souvenirs using feathers have always been in demand. All kinds of sachets, boxes, bookmarks, decorative candles create a cozy and romantic atmosphere in the house.

Peacock feathers are used to make exquisite jewelry. These are earrings, hairpins, hoops, brooches, fans. Jewelers also choose peacock feathers for their masterpieces. Gems the products fascinate and amaze with their luxury.

Jewelry in the form of bright feathers is in demand among fashionistas. It is worth saying that both inexpensive jewelry and expensive jewelry always look chic and elegant.

Home comfort

Cute peacock feathers with a pattern will be a great addition to the interior. Bed linen and bedspreads with exotic bird feather prints look very impressive and unique. Carpets with “peacock” colors are suitable as an original addition to the design of a room in the appropriate style.

The main thing is that all interior items are combined with each other according to color scheme, texture and style. Although it’s always worth experimenting and finding something unique and congenial.

Elements of feathers in the decor can be present in any element. These are paintings, table lamps, all kinds of panels, textiles, curtains and much more. It is advisable to place voluminous or narrow vases with an armful of feathers in the most unexpected places. This will help avoid primitiveness in the use of royal plumage. Options for using feathers in the interior a large number of, the main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize.

How and where to get peacock feathers

In past centuries, the owners of exotic feathers were exclusively rich people. The peacock is a cautious and sensitive bird; it is difficult to catch. Hunters for beautiful feathers spent a long time and patiently tracking their prey; feathers were taken only from living birds. Therefore, they were rare and expensive. It would be useful to know that peacock feathers are mostly brown. And the riot of colors is a visual illusion.

At the moment, the question of where to buy a peacock feather is resolved quickly and without problems. Private poultry farms breed peacocks solely for the sake of their wonderful feathers.

You can order them either directly at the farm or online. Peacock feathers will be delivered quickly and efficiently to any corner of the country. The price for them varies from 50 to 500 rubles. It all depends on the quality and length of the pen; good discounts are available for wholesale orders.

Some people like to decorate their interiors with fancy exotic curiosities. What kind of energy does a peacock feather have and how it affects the atmosphere in the house, we will consider in the article.

Meaning in different cultures

The peacock feather has a controversial reputation. This is due to the attitude towards the bird itself in the cultures of different countries.

Her homeland is the east, and there she was treated with honor. Giving a peacock feather as a gift meant showing respect to the recipient.

In Buddhism, a feather is an attribute of Buddha, a symbol of compassion. In China, nobles decorated their relics with the image of this bird in order to evoke happiness and prosperity.

In Europe, the attitude was wary. Appreciating the beauty of these creatures, people considered them carriers of evil. Many people consider keeping peacock feathers at home as a bad sign - supposedly this strange thing attracts misfortune. There is a diametrically opposed opinion about what the fancy peacock feather that decorates the walls in the house means.

Positive interpretation

The greatest respect is given to the bird in Asian countries. Having peacock feathers in the house means:

  • financial stability: the peacock is a luxurious bird, a symbol of wealth, and therefore carries these qualities into the surrounding atmosphere;
  • success in business: a peacock feather charges the home with positive and working energy, they believe in the East;
  • spiritual harmony: peacock feathers in the home interior protect the environment from negativity and neutralize negative energy;
  • protection from the evil eye and dark forces: if people with evil thoughts, envious, energy vampires come to the house, then a feather from the tail of an exotic peacock will protect the house from damage and bad influence

To enhance the positive charge that the feather carries, it is used to make wall decorations and weave it into other things. The practice of depicting birds in paintings and sculpting their figurines is popular. Particularly resourceful people purchase or make tablecloths, napkins, vases, and fans from peacock feathers.

Bright colors (there are about 350 shades in the bird's tail) fill the environment around with light and joy, scaring away evil and negativity and decorate the interior of the apartment according to the Feng Shui system.

Giving feathers to loved ones was considered a symbol of love and respect, a wish for prosperity. Embroidering a peacock and presenting it as a gift speaks of best wishes donor.

There is an Eastern belief that if a particle of a peacock feather flies into the window, long-awaited happiness will come to the family. In floristry, the use of peacock fluff was an exquisite expression of the best emotions and the meaning of happiness.

Negative interpretation

Why peacock feathers should not be kept at home:

  1. The cult of selfishness and arrogance that surrounds the image of the peacock in Western and Russian cultures gives it a negative role. A peacock feather in a house will add to the owner’s character the same traits that a bird is endowed with. It’s not for nothing that we have a saying: spread your tail like a peacock.
  2. Peacock feathers should not be kept in the house unmarried girl- she will become obstinate, which will prevent her from finding a husband.
  3. An actor's superstition says that a peacock feather thrown onto the stage during a performance promises failure of the performance.
  4. Devil's eye. Representatives of some cultures associated a round spot on a peacock's tail with a satanic eye, because it was this bird that opened the door to the Garden of Eden for the unclean, therefore peacock feathers were forbidden to enter the house as a sign in order to avoid troubles and sinful temptations.
  5. Inviolable shrine. In ancient times, only a select few were allowed to deal with exotic birds: high priests and members of the nobility. Mere mortals were punished for contact with a peacock. So it has become a custom that people avoid the feathered creature, fearing punishment from above.

The beauty of feathers sometimes prevailed over superstition. Russian nobles loved to decorate their clothing with inserts of peacock feathers and liked the embroidery of images of these birds on caftans and hats. Women used feathers as hair accessories and woven them into braids with ribbons.