Hitting your left knee is a sign. If you hit your elbow - what does the sign mean, what is it for?

25.08.2019 Home and life

According to folk superstitions If a girl or woman hits her right elbow, she should expect positive changes in her life. These could be various changes: unexpected profit, meeting a pleasant person, meeting a loved one, etc. If a girl hits her left elbow, then negative events are expected in her life. These may include illness, difficulties at work, evil eyes, slander and envy from friends. But the meaning of the sign may change depending on some details - for example, the girl’s age or the day of the week on which she happened to fall.

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General value

Hitting with the elbow of any hand due to one’s own negligence most often leads to unfavorable events. If at the same time some object falls from the table, a quick quarrel with a loved one, a big scandal in the family, or even a divorce are possible. If this is a dish that has fallen and broken into pieces, then a serious quarrel will arise between the spouses, which will drag on for a long time. If, upon impact, a plate of food, including bread, fell from the table, then this is a bad omen, warning of problems in relations with relatives.

If a girl hits her elbow on the back or armrest of a chair or sofa, experiencing pain, then in her environment there is a person who envies her and wishes harm.

Also, a bruised elbow for a girl can be associated with thoughts of a loved one or secret admirer about her. If she happened to hit her with her right elbow, then the man worries about her or praises her in conversations with other people, speaking about her with love and tenderness. Moreover, no matter how badly she was hurt and how long her hand hurt, so strong were his feelings for her. If a girl hits herself with her left hand, then the man probably talks about her in a negative way, spreads gossip and denigrates her in the eyes of his acquaintances and friends.

According to ancient beliefs, an unmarried girl who hit her elbow, immediately after the incident, was supposed to shout out the first name of the man that came to mind. This will be the name of her future husband.

If a girl or woman hits both elbows at once, then she will soon have to spend the night in someone else’s house.

Right elbow

Hitting your right elbow means being in the center of attention of your family: they speak well of the girl, praise and admire her. A blow, after which the bruised area itches slightly, speaks of a joyful event in the near future. After this, unmarried girls and women can expect a pleasant surprise or gift, a declaration of love and early marriage are possible.

The meaning of the sign changes depending on who hurt their right elbow:

  • Unmarriedyoung woman. To tears, grief in the family and big problems in life. Hit the table - to betrayal of your lover or cancellation of the wedding.
  • Woman. A favorable sign promising pregnancy and the birth of a boy.
  • Pregnant woman. For an easy birth and the birth of a girl.

If a girl hits her right hand in the evening, then soon she will meet a handsome and wealthy man who will propose to her.

Left elbow

Hitting your left elbow means bad things will happen. If a slight itch occurs after the blow, the woman will soon have a quarrel with loved ones.

For a more correct interpretation of the sign, you need to take into account who hit:

  • Unmarried girl. To a quarrel with a lover or to another unpleasant situation.
  • Young woman. To envy on the part of her best friend or to the emergence of a strong rival who is capable of taking her loved one away.
  • Married woman. To a betrayal of a spouse or a serious illness.

Hitting the table with your left hand means hard work. A severe bruise to the point of bleeding means separation from your lover, who will soon marry someone else.

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The meaning of signs by day of the week

When interpreting the sign, the day of the week on which the girl happened to bump her elbow is also taken into account:

Day of the week Meaning
MondayVery Bad sign, promising the girl and her family numerous misfortunes, perhaps even the death of one of her relatives. If she is in love, this is a harbinger that her loved one is cheating on her with her friend
TuesdayImproving your well-being, getting rid of the evil eye, or making a profit thanks to a profitable deal
WednesdayFor married woman- for the birth of a child, for an unmarried woman - the future spouse will be bad person, drunkard
ThursdayFor good events, good news, construction of a new house or housewarming
FridayTo useful acquisitions or happy events, wedding or other family celebration
SaturdayTo the illness of a close relative or loss
SundayTo surprises, pleasant gifts, new things or meeting a handsome man

Our ancestors believed that all events that happen to a person are not random. They firmly believed that if you hit your elbow (right or left), knee or other part of the body, you should expect changes in life, both good and bad. The interpretation of this sign depends on the location and side of the blow.


  • Our ancestors believed that everything connected with right side- this is a good omen, since there is an angel behind the right shoulder. If a person accidentally hits his elbow, it means that at that moment someone remembers him, admires him and says good words about him. For a girl, a bruise on her right elbow indicates that her beloved remembers her and dreams of a date. For a man, such a blow is a warning and means that he will soon have to sort things out with an enemy or an envious person.
  • Hitting your left elbow means gossip; most likely, people are discussing the person and saying bad things about him.
  • Hitting your elbow and knocking bread off the table or a plate during this means a protracted and serious quarrel in the family.
  • If itching appears after the blow, then this is a good sign that promises the approach of a joyful happy event. For single women, itching after a blow is a harbinger of a declaration of love or receiving an unexpected gift.
  • Hitting your right and left elbows indicates that the person will spend the coming night in someone else’s bed.
  • There is no need to worry if the interpretation of a sign is negative, since it is possible to cancel its effect. It is necessary to rub the impact site well and read the “Our Father” prayer 3 times.


    Hitting your forehead means that in the coming days a person will come across a brilliant idea that will bring profit and joy. This may also be a harbinger of an imminent difficult life situation in which you will have to demonstrate your thinking and analytical abilities.

  • In Rus', it was believed that hitting your head on a Christian cross or icon meant becoming a child’s godfather.
  • In places of deprivation of liberty, a blow to the head is interpreted in two ways: some say that this is a harbinger of a quick release from prison, and the more often bruises occur, the faster the person will be free. Others claim that this is a signal of betrayal by a wife or girlfriend waiting for freedom.
  • Hitting heads means marriage or a big celebration.
  • It is also believed that when a person is bruised on the head, negative energy leaves and his karma is cleared. To prevent important information from slipping out of your head, you need to attach an icon with the image of John the Baptist to the site of the bruise.

By hand

For a girl

  • Hitting with her right hand means that her husband, friend, is thinking and saying nice things about her.
  • According to another superstition, a girl needs to say out loud the first thing that comes to mind immediately after hitting her with a brush. male name- this is what the future husband will be called.
  • Hitting with your left hand is a negative sign, meaning that your lover or husband is spreading unpleasant gossip about her behind the girl’s back and belittling her dignity in conversations with friends.

For a man

  • Hitting with the right hand means that he is considered a good, positive person or someone has tender feelings for him.
  • With his left hand, colleagues or friends are discussing behind the guy’s back, and his superiors are expressing dissatisfaction with his work. However, the secret will soon become apparent, so the man needs to prepare to confront his enemies.
  • According to other signs, hurt left hand- to misunderstanding and distrust in love relationships, which may end in a quarrel or separation.
  • If the blow is not strong, then troubles can come down to a rude word spoken after a stranger on the street.

Signs for the left hand

  • A person who hits his left hand is often suspected of bad deeds.
  • Another interpretation says that one of the relatives is offended by the actions or words of the victim, but hides it behind a smile.
  • Also, such a bruise may mean that one of the friends is dissatisfied with the human qualities of the victim and tells all mutual acquaintances about it.
  • If after the blow your hand still itches in this place, then you need to prepare for a quarrel with friends or colleagues.

Signs for the right hand

  • For one of the spouses, a blow with the right hand predicts an unexpected gift or a pleasant surprise.
  • Injury right hand suggests that the victim has people who will never leave and will always help in difficult times.


  • For unmarried girls knocking your right knee on the door means a long-awaited meeting or acquaintance with your soulmate. If your left knee is bruised, this means separation from your loved one. If a girl hits both knees, then you need to choose which one was hit first. If it’s both at the same time, then you need to prepare for a meeting with a man with whom you will have a short but passionate relationship.
  • For an unmarried guy, a bruise on the right knee promises love. mutual relations, which will most likely end in a wedding, to the left - to betrayal and quarrels.

It is important to consider what the knee hit:

  • About the bed - close relationships with an old acquaintance will be resumed in the near future.
  • With your right knee on the bedside table, your friend will introduce you to your future lover. Left - a close friend (friend) will become a homewrecker. A hit with two knees warns of disappointments in relationships.
  • On a chair or table with your right knee - to increase wages, arrived; to the left - to losses.
  • On the right side of the door - towards good guests in the house; left - to ill-wishers.


    Hitting your right foot means that your whole life is flowing in the right direction and everything that happens in it is correct. Hit your left foot - bad sign, we need to think about the correctness of our position in life and the decisions we have recently made. Perhaps a mistake was made somewhere, which could lead to many unpleasant events.

  • Also, hitting your right foot means a quick meeting with a person who has been planning for a long time, but still can’t come. For girls, hitting the door with their right foot is good sign, meaning that in the near future she will meet the man destined for her by fate. If a girl hits her foot on a closet, chest of drawers or bedside table, then the long-awaited meeting will happen thanks to her friend.
  • Hitting your left foot means troubles that can happen both at work and at home.
  • In ancient times there was a sign that a person who hit his left foot, all the thoughts in his head came together and soon a good idea would arise that would have long-term prospects.

Modern man loves to explain and understand everything around him, but this innate desire sometimes evaporates by itself when we are faced with the simplest everyday incidents.

Signs have firmly taken their place in our skeptical, scientific and logical life. They may seem absurd, illogical and completely mystical, but the fact is that they work. It can't be explained.

Our wise ancestors did not try to explain some things, trusting nature and signs of fate and listening to their hearts. They knew when logic and cold reason were needed, and when it would be useful to find out the future, to use superstition.

Particularly widespread are various beliefs associated with the body and its in different parts. The nose itches, the lip is bitten, the eyelid twitches - all this has its own, albeit unscientific, justifications and mystical meanings.

This is how they communicate with us higher power, hinting at future events, revealing the secrets of life and reality. You can believe, you can laugh - but it would be useful to know what it’s all about and what it means.

Separately, it is worth considering the elbow - hitting it is extremely unpleasant, and it has been believed since ancient times that it has mystical connotations. What all this promises, we will find out below.

Painful, but not scary

Hitting your elbow is very unpleasant, but it’s more likely good omen. It has several interpretations, and it makes sense to believe only in the most favorable ones.

It is known that only the sign that a person believes in with all his soul will come true. Thus, if you believe in such signs, then only in the most good and promising pleasant events.

1. As the ancient saying goes, if you hit your elbow, it means someone is thinking about you right now. Moreover, if the elbow is left, then they say or think something unkind, or even a lie. And if you hit your right elbow, it means that someone is now thinking something good, pleasant and flattering about you.

Also, an elbow strike can be a consequence of aggression - this is a more scientific, mental aspect. Psychologists believe that a person who often hits himself “accidentally” with different parts of the body harbors excessive aggression within himself, which is not brought out.

Often this is aggression and anger at oneself, some kind of dissatisfaction with oneself, guilt unforgiven to oneself, and so on. It is worth considering, especially if bruises and impacts occur frequently.

2. This sign, by the way, works separately for young, unmarried girls. So, according to legend, if a young lady hurts her left elbow, it means that some guy is saying bad things about her, or thinks badly of her. Maybe you offended someone with an unkind word, and the offended young man scolds you?

3. And if an unmarried young lady hits her right elbow, her beloved is thinking about her right now - or the one about whom she secretly sighs. Moreover, you have to believe that this guy thought something good, bright and pleasant about her. Maybe soon his thoughts will turn into pleasant words or actions?

4. And there is a bad belief - if you accidentally throw a vessel, plate or especially bread off the table with your elbow, no matter your left or right, expect quarrels and squabbles in the house.

However, there is a way to avoid this - what has fallen should be picked up from the floor and crossed. But an even more effective way to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings in the home is to be wiser and more tolerant of your family, not to incite quarrels and try to resolve everything peacefully. Then the signs are not scary for you.

5. If your elbow itches, there are beliefs about it. Of course, if not physical reasons, you understand this yourself.

  • If your right elbow itches, you should rejoice. Pleasant, long-awaited or unexpected news, a joyful meeting or events that will bring many pleasant emotions await you.
  • If it is your left elbow that itches, the meaning is the opposite - it promises sadness and disappointment.

Remember - a healthy mind always helps, you shouldn’t lose it, but you shouldn’t confuse it with excessive, impenetrable skepticism either. It is worth understanding, first of all, that itching can appear as a result of allergies or some kind of skin disease, and you can hit yourself due to carelessness or excessive activity.

This is worth thinking about and understanding, but this, of course, does not exclude mysticism and beliefs that sometimes come true, this is a fact that many confirm. You should believe in the best, then, no doubt, your fate will be happy! Author: Vasilina Serova

There are various signs about accidental injuries - hitting with the right, left elbow, or another part of the body. Depending on many subtleties, such an incident may have different meanings.

In the article:

Signs - hit with your right elbow

A blow with the right elbow indicates that someone is remembering you. These could be the thoughts of a friend or a mention in a conversation - good words, praise, approval of actions or views. You inspire admiration among others, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

For a young girl, the sign of hitting her right elbow means that a guy she likes is thinking or talking about her. He has a good opinion of this girl, wants to meet her, and his memories and thoughts are positive. Moreover, the longer and more severely your hand hurts, the more your loved one’s thoughts could please you.

If you have not yet met your soulmate, but really want to, you can follow advice from the past. Immediately after striking with your right elbow, you need to shout the first male name that comes to mind. Previously, girls believed that their future husband would be called that way.

Sign - hit with your left elbow

The sign for those who happen to hit their left elbow has a far less pleasant interpretation.

Such a bruise also means that people are talking or thinking about you. But this is negative. Most likely, someone is dissatisfied with your actions, scolds or is jealous. Maybe you have made enemies.

Perhaps you are suspected of committing an unpleasant act. Someone realizes that you are hiding your sins, and now you will have to take measures related to this.

For a young girl, this superstition means that the guy she likes doesn't have a very good opinion of her. He may have a habit of discussing her in a negative way with his friends. Caution should be exercised and not trusted young man until you get to know him better.

Hitting your elbow - a sign and its general meaning

Not all regions of the country believe that the belief can be divided into two opposite in meaning, based on which hand was injured - the right or left. Sometimes they say that a bruised elbow means trouble. In order to soften this meaning, you should rub your hand while reading any one you know.

For men, the sign has a slightly different meaning, an exclusively negative one. If it is allowed for a girl positive interpretation, then the man expects a showdown with the enemy. You may be set up by an imaginary friend or have to deal with a false accusation of an unpleasant act. In order to avoid at least some of the problems, rub your hand and read a prayer.

If the impact occurred on a table or other furniture, resulting in a plate or other utensils, expect a quarrel with loved ones. Falling food, especially bread, with or without utensils, will have serious consequences.

This sign came to us from those times when every young housewife was scolded for such awkwardness. Then new dishes were a more significant acquisition than today, and food was more expensive and was obtained with hard work throughout the summer.

In the old days they believed that if a young girl hurt herself while sleeping, she would soon get married.

In general, this sign can not only tell you something about your surroundings or upcoming events, but also smooth out pain if you are distracted by figuring out its meaning.

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