Budget vacation. How to relax without money (if you have little money)? How to rest to work better

24.09.2019 Home and life

Drink green tea: Herbal tea has an excellent relaxing effect. Green tea is a source of L-theanine, which helps relieve anger. Boil water, brew tea, and take a soothing sip—it only takes a couple of minutes.

Chocolate bar: A few pieces of dark chocolate will help relieve stress and improve your mood. Dark chocolate regulates levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stabilizes metabolism, but keep in mind that it is not advisable to abuse it.

Remember about breathing: Is there an easier way to relax? Slow, deep breathing can help reduce arterial pressure and heart rate. For a change, try pranayama breathing. This yogic technique involves breathing through one nostril and then the other, and is used to reduce anxiety.

Try progressive relaxation: Are you tense? Use progressive relaxation to learn how to relax in any environment. This method consists of step-by-step training in selective tension and relaxation of certain types of muscles.

Count back: Yes, this method is known to everyone, but it really works. Try counting forward and backward several times. Your brain won't have time to worry if it's busy with numbers.

Close your eyes: If you can, then everything is fine. Just isolate yourself from the noise of the office or the chaos of the street behind the protection of tightly closed eyelids. This is an easy way to restore calm and focus.

Body relaxation

Give yourself a hand massage: Of course, you will not be able to use the services of a professional massage therapist at your workplace. But it’s quite possible to do it yourself. This will be especially useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the keyboard. But if you have a little more than five minutes, then it’s quite possible.

Try acupressure: Acupressure is acupressure that owes its origins to ancient Chinese medicine. This method is less painful and completely safe, while being universally applicable and easily accessible to anyone.

Ride a tennis ball: Take off your shoes and roll a regular tennis ball with your foot. This makes for a great impromptu foot massage. This is especially nice if you have to wear high heels.

Get wet cold water wrists: If you feel like this, then go to the toilet and just wet your wrists and the area behind your earlobes with cold water. This will help you quickly calm down and relieve tension.

New environment

Be alone: Not everyone needs a cabin in the woods, but five minutes of solitude will help you gather your thoughts and clear your head.

Create your own Zen zone: Find or create a special place for yourself to relax. This is a place where no one and nothing will disturb you. Perhaps it will be a comfortable chair in the hall or a secluded bench in the yard - the main thing is that you associate it with peace and relaxation.

Look out the window: If you constantly look at the TV screen or monitor, then five minutes of contemplating real life outside the window can greatly clear your mind.

Get organized: The daily clutter around you can be much more strong reason for more irritation than you think. The chaos on your desk is very often a reflection of the chaos in your head. Remove all that is unnecessary, put in order what is necessary, and you will see how beneficial it will be for you.


Stretching: Does this word bring to mind an image of a gym and graceful gymnasts in the splits? This is not at all necessary - you can stretch without even getting up from your workplace. Try to stretch well up and to the sides, various rotations of the body, tilts, or, for example,.

Yoga: Many people think that yoga is very difficult and not entirely suitable for a noisy city. However . Yoga is a great way to take control of not only your body, but also your mind.

In one of the publics in in social networks, one of those who publish philosophical parables for middle managers, I came across a rather plausible story of one person. He voluntarily wandered for 20 years without a cent in his pocket, and at the same time traveled all over the world. Can't believe it? Me too. I don’t know how to travel completely free. But I can tell you how to do it as cheaply and interestingly as possible, without tour operators and vouchers.

There are plenty of ways to save money while traveling. I have distributed them according to the tasks facing each traveler and according to the degree of extremeness. The risk here is inversely proportional to the price: the cheaper it is, the more adventurism will be required from you on the road.

Quest No. 1: get there

Level one, for beginners: traditional low-cost airlines; reserved seat carriages, where at the last moment you are always happy to offer the best place, 38th, on the upper side of the toilet; electric trains in which you can ride like a hare, if you know how; night intercity buses, which also help you save money on overnight stays, and so on. The entire wide range of budget vehicles is at your fingertips. Here you risk nothing but your comfort. Such transport, of course, can save costs, but it will not make a difference if the final goal is almost free travel.

Level two, for advanced. In many countries, especially in Europe, communities of travel companions have been developed - sites like roadsharing.com (even in Yekaterinburg there was a “podozilka” project, which, however, did not take root very well). Here you can find a driver with a car, people who need to get to the same point as you, share the cost of gasoline with them and have a nice chat on the road.

“I used this method to get from Berlin to Prague,” says Dasha, a Russian student from the Czech Republic.

– There were some pennies in my pocket, we were traveling in a car with three Italians and a German. We communicated in “intuitive English”, which I had completely forgotten then, and shared our impressions

Finally, level three, for the brave in spirit: hitchhiking, a method glorified by the beatniks in the 50s of the last century, which for many has become almost the meaning of life. There is an opinion that this is a dangerous way of traveling, suitable only for athletic men. Olya, a 22-year-old student at Moscow State University, debunks stereotypes with her story:

— When I hitched a ride for the first time, I was 15 years old, we went with my seventeen-year-old friend, whom we met at a summer science camp for schoolchildren. We told our parents that we were going to summer school, and we rushed to Altai, watch full solar eclipse. This was, of course, just an excuse to travel. We got to Novosibirsk in three days - it was very hot and we didn’t feel like eating at all, we only bought water. The drivers were not surprised by our age; they treated us very well and fed us. We spent the night in truckers' cabins and in a tent.

We arrived in Novosibirsk at night and set up a tent in some vacant lot in the city center. In the morning it turned out that this was someone's garden.

We lived in a tent in the botanical garden and went to brush our teeth at the local museum, which is free for schoolchildren. And then they went to the mountains. There we lived in a tent for about a week, cooked over a fire and immersed ourselves in nature. When it was raining, I read Remarque aloud, and my friend braided my hair. Braided 64 pieces. Then it turned out that we had about a hundred rubles left between us, and we went back. The return journey took about four days. The drivers fed us, although we didn’t tell them anything about the lack of money.

In fact, it’s impossible to describe - how you stand on the highway, wave your hand and sing, how you ride in the high cab of a truck, listening to “Radio Chanson”, the rumbling of truckers’ radios and their bikes, how you understand that money is not needed at all, because the world is good

— Since then I have not been afraid of hitchhiking. I have traveled this way in more than 15 countries. I’ve never been in a dangerous situation, but I always carry pepper spray with me just in case. More likely from suspiciousness. Going alone is also not bad - it usually turns out faster, and the drivers treat you more kindly.

Quest No. 2: get some sleep

Level one, low-budget: hostels. This is the way that even your parents will agree to. A bed in a common room and a shower on the floor will cost several times less than a hotel room, and if the hostel is good, then in addition you will get free Internet, hosts who know the city very well, a stand with maps and a kitchen where you can cook your own food instead of spending money in cafes. If you're lucky, you'll find interesting neighbors. Although once I lived in a room with an 80-year-old grandmother who came to Kyiv for treatment, went to bed at 9 pm and filled all the shelves with pills. Also interesting, of course, but a little not what I expected.

Level two, free: couchsurfing. A community of people all over the world who are ready to receive guests “for nothing” because it’s interesting and they want live communication. Great way make new friends and get better acquainted with the place where you have arrived. Ekb Room tried this method on myself - you can read about the pros, cons and pitfalls here: http://site/v-poiskah-divana/

Level three, extreme: the house is on your shoulders. If couchsurfing doesn’t work out for you, you can always drive away from the city, pitch a tent and spend the night wrapped in a warm, cozy sleeping bag. There are, of course, some subtleties here. In Russia this will not always be possible due to climatic conditions. What kind of tent is it if it’s winter in the Urals for seven months - your own unfrostbitten feet are still more expensive than a night in a hostel. In Europe, in most cases you will have to pay to set up a tent on a neatly trimmed lawn with an equipped toilet and shower, and you may be fined for parking in the wrong place. In Asian countries, on the contrary, according to stories, you can even pitch your tarpaulin house in a park in the middle of the city - no one will say a word to you.

One traveler I know told me how in Africa they slept in a tent almost next to the road, and when they opened their eyes in the morning, they were met by a crowd of armed aborigines, whose appearance somehow did not encourage pleasant conversations. So it’s better to find out from the locals in advance how things are with camping in a particular country. Or buy a trailer-house on wheels, but this is no longer about free travel.

Quest No. 3: eat and have fun

If you ask the locals, google it thoroughly, or be a little smart, you can do anything for free. Even in large tourist cities aimed at extracting money from visitors.

Paying for excursions, for example, (and even more so, buying excursion tours) is the last thing, in my opinion. What could be worse than, for a decent amount of money, finding yourself in a crowd of Russian tourists, led by a boring tour guide running past postcard attractions, interspersing all this with boring facts from Wikipedia? It is much more convenient to take a good guide map or wander around the city at random. Even better is to ask one of the locals to show the city “from their point of view.”

You can get into numerous museums much cheaper with various benefits, and if they don’t exist, you can convincingly portray them. For example, we tell Russian museum grandmothers with honest eyes that we are students in the Czech Republic, but they don’t issue student cards there. Also in many cities there is something like a day once a week or month open doors when admission is free for everyone. Even the above-mentioned excursions can be listened to for free, simply by quietly following the tour group, which honestly paid for it.

It's easy to save a decent amount on moving around the city. In large cities of Western countries, there is so-called bike sharing: you can rent a bike for a small amount, with a deposit for documents, or even for free if you return it vehicle in safe. It’s also a good idea to immediately find out from the locals how safe it is to ride as a hare on public transport, how high the fines are and how to avoid them: crawl under the turnstiles or pretend to be a law-abiding girl from the Institute of Noble Maidens.

Free food is often included with your overnight stay: good-natured and hospitable hosts, even if they don’t show you the wonders of national cuisine, will definitely not refuse you a cup of tea and a sandwich. Another thing is that you often don’t want to abuse hospitality, and it’s easier to buy a pack of pasta at the local supermarket or bake potatoes in the fire - depending on where you are staying. Particularly resourceful people look for freebies in big cities: tastings in stores, free snacks for beer in bars, drinking fountains with water and even free tea and coffee machines can be found here and there. In general, you won’t die of hunger.

The most useful thing about traveling is learning to trust people and making casual acquaintances. This is a lifesaver that helps everywhere. Once, for example, during the seven minutes we spent on the ferry on the way to the Baltic Spit, we met a wonderful woman photographer who completely disinterestedly gave us tea and gave us a jar of jam to take with us, showed us all the most interesting things in the area, and offered her own bikes for a ride and spent a long time trying to persuade us to stay overnight with her.

Bonus for the determined: turtle teams and strawberries

There are dozens of programs according to which, with only a foreign passport and a fair amount of adventurism, you can travel the whole world, starting with the well-known “Work and Travel” and ending with volunteering from the UN in some Sudan. In England, there are free weekend trips - people of similar interests unite using a website, choose a route and go on a hike. You can visit the coasts for free Pacific Ocean In exchange for the simple work of preserving turtle populations, the site seaturtles.org recruits volunteers.

There is, for example, the WWOOF project - “Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms”. Under this program, volunteers work for a farmer for no more than six hours a day, and in return they are provided with housing and food. The organization exists in 53 countries around the world.

“I went to Finland five times to pick raspberries, strawberries and all sorts of different berries on farms,” Lena from Petrozavodsk told me. - I really liked it. Not only did the owners provide us with housing, it was also a good source of income. The job, of course, is not for everyone, but it is interesting. Many Russians go there every summer. There are also those who make a career out of it. Professional strawberry makers, so to speak.

How do you feel about the prospect of going to work in vineyards in Italy? Or to Hawaii to collect... I don’t even know what they collect there. Coconuts?

Photos taken from the Internet

WONDERZINE launches a new section on how to properly relax over the weekend in different life circumstances. Simply put, we give advice for all cases - what to do so that by Monday morning you don’t feel overwhelmed and ashamed of a pointlessly wasted weekend.

What to do on the weekend if you are alone? Not lonely, but alone and with a great desire to restore the strength spent during the week. There are a lot of plans, but every time the everyday stagnation spills over into the weekend and repeats Groundhog Day. One day it's worth trying to act according to plan. For example, like this:

Change your appearance for a short time
and social circle

When you live according to the same algorithm for years, the picture of the world becomes blurred, and the joy from every day you live goes away. Wait with the accusations of banality: psychologists have found that even clothes can completely change our mood and behavior. For example, if you ask a person to put on a white coat, he will automatically perform the assigned work more carefully. A timid girl dressed in tomboy style straightens her shoulders and feels more confident.

Dramatic reforms can be made not only in clothing, but also in behavior and social circles. If among your friends and acquaintances there is a person whom you openly or secretly admire and would like to learn something from him (for example, making connections and easily communicating with people, running a household or business) - become his partner for a day. Observe, learn and help.

Digital detox

A typical weekend scenario: as soon as we open our eyes, we go online and spend the entire day on it. Researchers talk about real addiction - every new photo, text, status update stimulates the release of the pleasure hormone dopamine, and it encourages you to log into the social network again and again. As a result, the brain feels crowded and chaotic, memory suffers, the ability to create and plan, communicate live with loved ones, friends, make new acquaintances - we become autistic, withdraw into ourselves. Mood swings, fears, phobias, depression are also the price to pay for the habit of being “stupid on Facebook.”

Digital detox (temporarily eliminating all electronic devices from life) is a proven way to protect the brain from information intoxication. The rules are the same as with food detox. Start early - reduce your time online by 15 minutes every day of the week. Don't take your phone with you when you go to lunch, and don't put it next to your bed - buy a regular alarm clock. It is better to schedule a digital detox on a day free from work, when you belong to yourself and can relax. Pick the sites or apps you spend the most time on and ask yourself: what is it about them that draws you to them? Try to find a replacement for them in real life. If you're inspired by artistic photos on Instagram, go to an art gallery. If you spend hours on fitness blogs, go jogging or skiing.

In the evening, when you turn on your phone again and are flooded with filtered photos from your friends' fun weekends on Facebook, remind yourself that social networks reflect only the most beautiful moments in the lives of others. Most of them are not so shiny and remain behind the scenes.


Most of us view exercise as a bitter medicine: hard physical labor in exchange for health and a slim figure. Few people realize that the body is initially programmed to enjoy movement (hence the expression “muscle joy”). After 40–50 minutes of intense exercise, the brain begins to produce cannabinoids, substances similar to those found in marijuana. They relieve anxiety, pain and create the so-called runner's euphoria (“runner's high”). Athletes describe it as a feeling of complete relaxation, pure delight, harmony with oneself and nature, “as if you are rocking on the waves of happiness.” Women aged from 18 to 63 years old can experience orgasm during physical training. Here is a ranking of fitness types in increasing pleasure: race walking, running, cycling, yoga, strength training, abdominal exercises.

This coming weekend, try doing your workout as if it were a reward in itself. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations while doing the exercises. Finally, one more inspiring argument from Jane Fonda in favor of sports: “Perhaps the fastest way to clear your mind is to get your body in order. Get your thoughts out of your head and take care of your body.”

Creative date

If the words “going to an exhibition” or “excursion to the theater” make your cheekbones ache, try creative dates. The author of the term, American director and screenwriter Julia Cameron, wrote a bestseller on this topic - “The Artist's Way” (by the way, a great idea for weekend reading). Choose one of your favorite activities (a visit to an art supply store, a spa, an Italian lesson, an outing, a regular walk in the park) and go on a date with him. It is important not to take anyone with you for company and not to force yourself out of control. Instead, a creative date should be about spontaneity and time for yourself and what you truly love. You don’t need to look up to anyone or look back; the more you behave like a child, the more ideas and insights come to your mind.

Do some spring cleaning

Cold, darkness, dirt and chaos in the house, lack of sleep provoke bouts of gluttony - proven scientific research. Moreover, on weekends, as a rule, overeating reaches its peak. Start your weight loss program not with a diet, but with spring cleaning. Give away or throw away unnecessary items. Buy beautiful bedding and try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. If you are cold, wear more soft clothes.

Listen to the music

Ten minutes of good music can play the role of the most effective meditation and, in addition, acts on the brain as cardio training: it strengthens blood vessels, improves the functioning of memory and imagination. Develop a sense of music - there is melody in all the sounds around us, we are just used to thinking of them as noise.

Cosmetic procedures

A day off is the ideal time for spa treatments. If the budget is very small, you can limit yourself to a massage. In a good salon, along with a massage, they offer free access to the hammam and swimming pool. You can carry out a full cycle of cleansing and nourishing the skin, relax muscles, relieve stress, reduce cellulite and swelling. To enhance the effect, on the day of visiting the salon, eat minimally (give preference to light dairy products, vegetables and fruits) and drink more water. After the massage, spend the rest of the day in relaxation and tranquility - no urgent meetings or parties.

Illustrations: Masha Shishova

An extensive selection of where you can go on an inexpensive vacation at sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices for tours and air tickets. Budget - up to 35,000 rubles per person.

Prices in the article are indicated in rubles for tours for two people for 7-14 nights with departure from Moscow(for tickets - for a round-trip flight departing from Moscow, taking into account all fees) and are current at the time of publication.

Summer holidays by your own sea. Tours and tickets

Cheap seaside tours in summer 2019

You can go to the Black Sea very inexpensively in the summer: in June 2019, tours to the resorts of the Russian south cost only 25 thousand rubles for two for 7 nights, from 28 thousand for 11 nights and from 30 thousand for 14 nights. In July, the cost of vouchers increases by 5-7 thousand rubles, in August - by 3-4 thousand. The choice of resorts is huge: this includes Crimea (Balaclava, Yalta, Olenevka, Saki, Kerch, Alushta) and cities Krasnodar region(Anapa, Adler, Loo, etc.).

Cheap sea tickets

Fly to Russian Black Sea resorts in the summer season (depending on the situation on this moment) somewhat cheaper than to Europe. The picture will change closer to summer - last-minute cheap charters will appear for a number of European resorts. Well, for now...

Cheapest tickets in Crimea in summer can be found in June 2019 - from 7,500 rubles. Regarding tickets to Adler (Sochi) for the summer of 2019, then prices start from 6,500 rubles for flights in June, from 7,300 rubles for flights in July and from 6,000 in August.

Flights to Anapa And Krasnodar in summer they cost from 7,000 rubles. From Krasnodar it is easy to get to any resort on the Black Sea coast by bus or train.

Lazarevskoye has a rocky bottom, so the water on calm days is clear to great depths (Photo © booking.com / Apartments on Odoevskogo, 87)

Where is the cheapest place to fly to the seaside in summer?

Below we provide a list of destinations where you can go inexpensively in the summer of 2019 to the sea - within 35,000 rubles per person. We indicate the cost of tours for two people when departing from Moscow (tour packages from other cities are usually more expensive).

Abkhazia: from 10,500 rubles/person.

Swimming pool at the hotel, Gudauta (Photo © booking.com / Hotel "Papa")

Bulgaria: from 17,000 rub./person.

Girl on the beach in Albena, Bulgaria. (Photo © Balcon del Mundo / flickr.com)

Türkiye: from 18,500 rub./person.

Cirali beach in Kemer, Türkiye (Photo © s_wh / flickr.com)

Greece: from 20,500 rub./person.

Beach in Nea Moudania, Chalkidiki (Photo © booking.com / Ikos Oceania)

Montenegro: from 23,000 rub./person.

Beach in Herceg Novi, Montenegro (Photo © travelata.ru / Riviera Resort Hotel)

Italy: from 25,000 rub./person.

Sardinia, Italy (Photo © emmequadro61 / flickr.com)

Cyprus: from 22,000 rub./person.

Cyprus is a great place to go on a seaside holiday in the summer: flights are quite cheap, accommodation, food and entertainment are not too expensive either, the visa issue can be resolved very simply online. Read.

Peyia is a small resort town in Cyprus (Photo © Tobiasvde / flickr.com)

Tunisia: from 24,000 rub./person.

Beach in Aryan, Tunisia (Photo © Mashhour Halawani / flickr.com)

Spain: from RUB 25,500/person.

Mallorca, Spain (Photo © gnomusy / flickr.com)

Thailand: from RUB 32,000/person.

Summer is not the season in Thailand, but a seaside holiday there can be very pleasant and interesting. Judge for yourself: there are almost no tourists, the beaches are free, prices for housing, food and entertainment are falling by almost half, and on top of everything else - an abundance of cheap fresh fruit! Yes, it will rain from time to time, but not continuously - sunny days and the hours are usually enough to have time to relax on the beach and sunbathe.

Take note: The rainy season in Thailand is not so pronounced in the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Pattaya, Koh Chang, Koh Samui, Hua Hin) - it rains less often there than on the Andaman coast.

Thailand, Koh Kradan (Photo © majax1 / flickr.com)

7 cheap countries for holidays

Cheap tickets. Where to fly to the sea in summer?

Here we will tell you where you can inexpensively travel abroad to the sea in the summer of 2019 thanks to low prices on air tickets. The price is for round-trip tickets per person departing from Moscow

Anna basis

Today's rhythm of life implies maximum use of human reserves. People strive to do as much as possible in less time: work, chat with friends, go to training, help parents, do homework with children, etc. It is not surprising that at this rate, a common diagnosis is syndrome.

Moreover, it happens that after a weekend or a vacation, a person does not feel fully rested, “rebooted,” and therefore is unable to properly perform his duties. To work productively and get rid of apathy, you need to know how to relax properly. This will help maintain high performance and health.

Rules for rest after work

People are so immersed in everyday worries and affairs that after work or on the weekend they do not devote enough time to rest. At the same time, fatigue accumulates every day and it becomes more and more difficult to get rid of it. Following the rules of rest after work will help you avoid turning into a “tortured” person:

Engaging in vigorous activity (implying exercise stress). This applies more to office workers who, upon returning home, lie down on the sofa and relax. Since their work is associated exclusively with mental labor, passive idleness only worsens their well-being. After all, apparent physical fatigue is an illusion. A suitable pastime would be jogging or walking in the fresh air, visiting the pool (water is a great stress reliever), cycling, and so on. Thanks to such actions, the blood accelerates and the person feels a surge of energy.
Going to the bathhouse or sauna - the right way relieve accumulated fatigue. and herbal tea will help you forget pressing problems and worries, refresh your head and prepare for bed. If you add massage to this method, then the next morning the person will feel reborn.

Reading an exciting book. Here the genre depends on the preferences of the individual. Quiet reading promotes relaxation nervous system and getting rid of anxious thoughts. Even a couple of pages of an exciting work read can distract a person and provide a good night's sleep.
Pleasant household chores - why not relax after a hard day? You can devote the evening to preparing an exotic dish or a new cake, taking care of flowers, trying on your favorite wardrobe items, and so on.
Interesting hobbies help to distract and relax: knitting, bead embroidery, origami, drawing and modeling. Such hobbies allow you to relieve accumulated stress and enjoy the results of your work.

How to relax on the weekend

Rest is an important condition for a person’s psychological and physical health. It’s not for nothing that after the working week a couple of days are provided for “breathing”. To completely switch over and forget about everyday hassles, you need to figure out how to properly relax on the weekend. It’s a pity to waste your free time on routine cooking and cleaning. Therefore, it is better to organize yourself in such a way as to free up these days for doing your favorite and interesting things, such as:

A trip to the sea and to other cities. This option is not available to everyone, but if possible, why not spend a couple of days sunbathing under the soothing sounds of the sea waves? A change of scenery is the best way to relax, and getting to know local attractions will provide... After the “reboot”, annoying problems and worries will seem insignificant.
A trip out of town. For example, relaxing at a camp site surrounded by picturesque mountains, horseback riding, roller skating, a picnic in the forest, etc.
Self-care activities. You can organize a bachelorette party at the spa, get a massage, manicure, pedicure, visit a cosmetologist and hairdresser. There are many options, depending on what a person can afford.
Shopping. For women, this activity is ideal as a relaxation activity. It’s worth going through your favorite departments, buying new wardrobe items, chatting with friends over a cup of tea.

Go on a trip. Yes, yes, exactly on a hike: with savages and with tents. Or go on a bike tour around beautiful places. Being in nature generally relaxes, relieves fatigue and fills a person with energy. If we add to this communication with strangers and unusual conditions, you will get a rich, bright vacation.
Visit cities: parks, theaters, philharmonic societies. Go to a concert of your favorite performer or an interesting performance.
Meet old friends and enjoy fun memories in a cozy restaurant. As an option, sing karaoke or perform a fiery dance in a club.

There are many more ways to have a great rest and forget about “everything in the world” on the weekend. However, to achieve your plans, constant planning is indispensable.

How to properly rest during working hours

It has been proven that if you devote at least ten minutes to rest and distraction during the working day, this will increase your ability to work and reduce the level of fatigue. Recommendations on how to properly relax in work time, will help you organize this process competently:

People in developed companies have the opportunity to take a half-hour nap after lunch. However, there are few such lucky people, so an alternative option is to go outside, take a walk or sit on a bench without thinking about anything.
When working at a computer, it is recommended to take a break of 10-15 minutes every hour. This is good for vision and overall health.
Washing or wiping your face with cold water will help to freshen up.
Ventilation of office space. It is better to do this 3-5 times a day, as the feeling of stuffiness appears.

Vacation rules

It’s a shame when, after a long-awaited vacation, a person does not feel a surge of strength and a lift in mood. To avoid such a scenario, it is better to familiarize yourself with the holiday rules in advance. The best option is a change of activity. This does not mean that you need to do renovations or a summer house. It is better to devote this short precious time to receiving new positive emotions and impressions. These could be trips to distant places exotic countries, mastering an unusual craft, such as modeling or drawing, or participating in sports events.

May your days be filled with interesting communication with pleasant people and positive events. The main thing is activity and dynamism. You shouldn’t sit still and do your usual things, otherwise your vacation risks turning into everyday life and routine. Here, too, you can’t do without detailed planning; it will help you not waste time and get the most out of your vacation days.

Adequate rest while on vacation is the key to excellent performance for the next few months.

March 17, 2014