Classic poker rules and combinations. Classic poker - basic concepts and rules for beginners

21.06.2019 Documentation

As you know, the game rules are the starting step for any novice poker player. This is the foundation, the basis, without which a successful poker game is simply impossible. Therefore, our next article will be devoted to such a moment as the rules of classic poker.

In fact, when you hear the phrase classic poker rules, it most often means Texas Hold'em, as the most popular variation of this wonderful game. Today we will look at the basic rules and combinations in classic poker, which will help you become a successful player in the future (with the proper level of patience and proper training).

The rules of classic poker are quite simple and easy to learn. There is nothing supernatural here that could make your brain boil. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of such theoretical materials. In the end, it's all for your own good. By learning to play, you are actually investing in your future. Well, it’s worth starting with game combinations in classic poker.

What combinations are winning in classic poker?

The rules of poker, in its classic form, suggest that the game bank will be taken by the participant in the game who can collect the highest combination of game cards in his hands. According to the rules of classic poker, there can be 10 possible combinations. We will look at them in order of increasing strength of the combination.

  • The most modest combination is "High card" . When none of the participants managed to collect a combination, this 1 highest card is used. Whoever has it higher wins the hand;
  • The combination has a little more power "Pair" . In essence, it consists of two cards of the same value, which differ only in suit;
  • "Two pairs" - this is already a combination of 4 cards. To collect such a combination, you need to form two pairs in your hands at once (each of them contains 2 identical cards);
  • "Set" or “Troika” - a combination in which 3 cards of the same rank are collected at once, but different in suit;
  • "Straight" - a combination in which the player collects 5 cards that go in order (for example, from 8 to Queen. Cards can represent any suit;
  • "Flash" - a combination of 5 cards of the same suit;
  • "Full house" - a very interesting combination, which includes both “Troika” and “Pair”.
  • "Kare" - one of the strongest combinations in classic poker, which is represented by 4 cards of the same rank;
  • "Street Flash" - this combination is identical to a regular flush with the exception of one small but very important nuance. Here the player must collect 5 cards in order and of the same suit;
  • "Royal Straight Flush" - the strongest combination of classic poker, in which the 5 highest cards of the same suit are collected in order.

Classic poker: rules of the game for beginners

It's time to dwell in more detail on the game rules of classic poker. So how many players can participate? Classic poker is played by 2 to 10 participants. Each participant at the gaming table receives 2 cards.

After the cards are dealt, trading begins, which is carried out in several stages. The two players to the left of the dealer need to place their mandatory bets (called blinds). They are done before the start of trading, in order to stimulate participants to play more lively. This is part of the game, which is enshrined in the rules of poker.

In a situation where you are a beginner, taking a later position would be ideal for you. This will give you the opportunity to observe your opponents' decisions. This should not be taken as poker rules, this is closer to game tactical moves.

Following the setting of the blinds (mandatory bets of the first two players), the first stage of trading begins. The game rules assume that the participant will perform certain game actions during the game. Such actions also have their own characteristics and specific names:

  • Bet. In Russian it sounds like “put”. Essentially, this term means that the player is making a bet;
  • Call. In Russian this can be described as “answer”. The idea is that you call by betting the same amount as your opponent;
  • Raise. This is upping the ante. That is, to raise is to raise the bet (hence, to make a larger bet than your opponents);
  • Fold. Fold cards. This decision means that you exit the given hand by discarding your cards;
  • Check. Skip a lap. The player has the opportunity to skip his turn during bidding if he has already made his bet earlier, or his opponents have not made bets.

Thus, the betting round at the gaming table will be completed at the moment when each of the participants at the table does not make a bet or folds their cards.

Following the first round of betting, if there is still more than 1 player in the hand, the game continues. Here, the rules of classic poker provide for the so-called flop - 3 common open cards are laid out on the gaming table, which players will need to use to form their own combinations.

In a situation where after such a round the game continues (more than 1 participant remains in the game), then 1 more community card is added to the gaming table - the so-called turn. As with the flop, after the turn is dealt to the gaming table, another round of betting takes place at the gaming table.

If at this stage there are still 2 or more participants in the hand, then after the turn another community open card is added. This moment is called the river. There is also always a betting round after the river. If here too two or more participants remain in the game, then the cards are shown.

In accordance with the rules of classic poker, game combinations must be formed from two hole cards and 5 community cards. If all bets are made and there are 2 or more participants left in the game, then they take turns opening their cards. Whoever has the stronger combination wins this hand.

2 main ways to get a game bank

  • Collect the strongest combination that your opponents cannot block. Then you will deservedly become the winner of the distribution;
  • Take a risk and make a bet that your opponents will not be able to call and will fold their cards.

Poker rules is the first step for anyone who has just embarked on the path of learning poker.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the classic rules of Texas poker right now.

You can learn the combinations and rules of Texas Hold'em poker with the help of a video from the Poker Academy. The information is described in more detail below.

Winning combinations of classic poker

The owner of the game bank will be the one who has the highest combination of cards in his hands. The rules of the game of poker provide 10 possible combinations.

To understand how to play poker, you need to remember the seniority of these poker combinations:

  1. "Royal Straight Flush"– 5 highest suited cards.
  2. "Street Flash"– 5 cards of the same suit in order.
  3. "Kare"– 4 cards of the same rank.
  4. "Full house"– a combination that includes “Pair” and “Three” at the same time.
  5. "Flash"– 5 suited cards.
  6. "Straight"– 5 cards of any suit collected in order.
  7. "Set" or "Troika"– 3 cards of the same rank.
  8. « Two pairs"– 4 cards, among which 2 of the same rank are collected.
  9. "Pair"– these are 2 identical cards.
  10. Lowest combination "High card"– this is 1 card. The higher her rank, the more likely her victory.

Rules for playing classic poker

The game can be played by 2 to 10 people. Each player in Texas Hold'em is dealt two cards.

After the distribution trading begins which takes place over several rounds.

Two players each left hand The dealer makes mandatory bids, which are collected before the bidding even begins. This is done in order to encourage players to active game. These mandatory rates are called blinds. These are the rules of the game of poker.

  • If you are a beginner player, then know that during the hand it is more advantageous to have a late position in order to track the moves of your opponents. These are not the rules of the game of poker, but rather a kind of tactical move.

After the players have posted the blinds, the first stage of betting begins.

The rules of the game of poker imply the presence of certain actions that the player performs during the trading process:

  • Place bet(English bet) – place a bet
  • Answer, call(English call) - bet the same amount as your opponent bet - call
  • Raise, raise(English raise) – increase the bet – bet more than your opponents
  • Reset cards, fold(English fold) – refuse further participation in the game and discard cards
  • Skip, check(English check) - in situations where a bet has already been made or bets have not been made by opponents - do not add anything to the bank, leave it “as is”

The betting round ends when all players have made equal bets or folded.

After the first round of betting, if there is more than one person left in the hand, then, according to the rules of the game of poker, three common open cards are placed on the table, which are called flop. Community cards must be used to make combinations.

If after this round there is more than one person left in the hand, then another community card is placed, which is called turn. Similar to the flop, after the turn is dealt there is another round of betting.

After the turn, if necessary, the last community card is placed - river.

After the river there is another round of betting, and if after this there are two or more players claiming the pot, then a showdown occurs.

According to poker rules, combinations are made up of five community cards and two face down cards. When the last bet has been made and equalized, all the people remaining in the game take turns opening their cards to their opponents. From these, the final winning combinations are compiled and evaluated.

Texas Hold'em is the most popular form of poker. There are also Omaha, Razz, Badugi, Pai Gow, Chinese poker and others

How can I withdraw the bank? There are 2 fundamentally different ways:

  1. At showdown, show a combination of cards that beats your opponents' poker combinations.
  2. Make a bet that no one will call and everyone will fold.

To win at poker, it is not enough to just know the rules. Practice and advice from a professional trainer are required. And now you have a great opportunity to take a crash course on poker worth $450 at the expense of the poker room. Click the button below and learn for free!

Limits or monetary restrictions on bets in the game

The rules of the game of poker may vary regarding the amount of money for game bets, called limits. Poker is possible divide several game types:

  • Limit poker

Limit poker can have a fixed limit (set in advance by the game settings for each round) and a range one (the bet amount can vary within certain limits). This means that for each round of the game there are established betting limits, above which none of the players has the right to place a bet.

According to the rules, poker combinations are made up of five community cards and two hole cards. When the last bet has been made and equalized, all the people remaining in the game take turns opening their cards to their opponents.

  • Pot-limit poker

Gives players more freedom regarding bet sizes, however, it also has some limitations. It lies in the fact that no player can place a bet that will exceed the total bank of the game.

  • No Limit Poker

Allows any player to play for the maximum allowed amount of money, which will not exceed his stack, i.e. the amount in his hands. This is the most popular type of poker.

To understand how to play poker, it is better to watch than to read. In the video below you can learn the basic rules of poker in an entertaining way.

Got it? Try your hand at playing against the computer right now! However, do not forget that in order to truly learn how to play you need experience playing with real people, no matter online or live.

If you have played poker at least once - with friends or in an online poker room - then you know very well how exciting, gambling and risky this card game can be. It is not for nothing that poker occupies one of the first places in popularity in the world of gambling, and professional poker players earn millions of dollars from their hobby. To get not only pleasure from playing poker, but also real money, you need to learn not only the most basic rules and principles of the game, but also master all the tricks of poker in the fight against opponents. And the easiest way to do this without risking your own funds is to play poker for free and without registration. You can take advantage of this opportunity on our website: all types of poker games are available in Russian without any restrictions, so you can play poker without money, training your skills and testing the most effective strategies of this popular card game.

Before you start practicing, you need to master the theory - this applies not only to poker, but, in fact, to any other gambling game. Regarding poker, the following should be noted: there are many variations of this card game, and some of them are optimal for a beginner, while others should be mastered only after you have mastered at least the basic rules of poker.

Of course, a real classic of the genre is Texas Hold'em, the most popular type of online poker today, which you can get acquainted with on our website for free and even without registration. Like any other types of poker, this game is presented in Russian - so you won’t have any problems with the interface.

In addition, the collection online games On our website there are also much more unusual, fascinating varieties of this card game. For example, you can take advantage of the opportunity to play three-card poker with a computer for free - and this game has completely unique rules. Its advantages also include the fact that three-card poker is much easier for beginners to master than classic Texas Hold'em - fortunately, you will not be competing with other, experienced players, but with a computer - that is, a virtual dealer.

If you are already tired of all the most popular varieties of poker, you can try something new - for example, casino hold'em. This type of card game appeared not so long ago, but has already gained fame and love among gamblers. Casino Hold'em was originally designed specifically for playing in an online casino one-on-one with a live or virtual dealer - other players do not participate in the fight for the bank, which means that even inexperienced players have a very good chance of winning.

Test your knowledge of the rules and intricacies of poker in free game online - use the “Play for free” option - no registration required! Manage virtual chips and play for fun without worrying about your spent bankroll.

Classic poker is one of the most common card games. Refers to the so-called games with " incomplete information"(opponents do not see each other's cards). The goal is to collect the strongest combination and break the bank. From 2 to 10 people can take part in a party. The game uses a standard deck of cards without jokers (52 pieces). The rank of cards is determined depending on the type of poker. The game consists of a certain number of circles, at each of which the participants can continue to fight or give up.

Card combinations in classic poker

Below are the “winning” card combinations in classic poker, in descending order:

  • Royal flush . Consists of a sequence of cards of the same suit: starting with 10 and ending with an Ace.
  • Straight flush . Includes 5 cards of the same suit arranged in ascending order.
  • Kare . 4 cards of the same value.
  • Full house . A combination of 3 cards of one rank and 2 cards of another rank.
  • Flash . 5 cards of the same suit of any value.
  • Straight . Includes 5 cards of any suit in ascending/descending order.
  • Set . 3 identical cards regardless of suit.
  • Two pairs . 2 pairs of cards of the same value.
  • A pair . 1 pair of cards of the same value.
  • Kicker (high card) . It comes to the rescue if players fail to collect any of the poker combinations. Determines the winner from two owners of combinations of equal strength. Whoever has the highest card in his hands wins.

In classic poker, winnings do not always go to the owner of the most “trump” combination. All players have the right to bluff and the opportunity to hit the jackpot thanks to the favor of fortune.

Trading, betting and bluffing in classic poker

All bets made by players are collected in a pot, which then goes to the strongest or luckiest player. The procedure and nature of placing bets is determined by the type of game. According to the rules of classic poker, a certain number of betting rounds are completed in one game.

Each round is completed in the following cases: the highest bet is answered or other participants leave the game. If at the showdown there are two or more players left at the table, the owner of the strongest poker combination is determined. It is he who gets the prize, but sometimes the pot is distributed among several winners.

Available actions during trading:

  • Beth . The first bet is if no one has entered the game before this moment.
  • Call . Calling your opponent's bet.
  • Raise . Raising your opponent's bet.
  • All in . Play with all available chips.
  • Fold . Exit from the hand (pass).
  • Check . Skipping a turn.

When playing classic poker, you should always keep a cool head. And most importantly, you should not forget one simple rule: you can only play with the amount of cash that was taken at the table.
Depending on the size of the bet and limits, there are several varieties of classic poker: limit (bet and the amount of increase are predetermined), pot-limit (you can bet the size of the current bank), no-limit (no restrictions).

Basic strategy for playing classic poker

A strategy for playing classic poker that is suitable for all occasions does not exist and cannot exist. Plus, the possibility of summing up a common denominator significantly complicates the right of each player to bluff.

In order to stay in the black over a long period of time, professionals recommend focusing on the probabilistic approach and the method of mathematical expectation of probability. Calculating the pot odds and then improving your cards in the next hands helps ensure a positive balance.

The essence of the fundamental theorem of poker, formulated by professional players David Sklansky and Mason Malmuth, can be formulated as follows: “in the game, it is necessary to give primary attention to the analysis of possible cards in the hands of opponents and make decisions taking into account the current situation.”

In any situation at the table, it is necessary to maintain the ability to soberly analyze the situation and try not to take rash actions.

Poker is one of the most popular card games. Poker gained its popularity not only because the game is relatively simple rules requires both a creative approach and logic, but also due to the fact that sometimes it brings good income. A large number of online platforms allow you to take part in various tournaments and earn money.

It can be argued that the popularity of poker is only growing. After all, this game is not only a way to earn money, but also entertainment. Besides, this game is for an interesting company.

Texas Hold'em Poker Basics

An interesting variation of poker is “ Texas Hold'em" The game involves having two cards in hand and five community cards used by all players to collect a successful combination. We'll talk about combinations a little later, but for now let's look at the basics of poker that are necessary for beginner players.

Understanding the rules is not that difficult. Be patient and practice playing in online applications with chips using our tips. Card game will open up new opportunities for you to earn money and have a good time.

Process of the game "Texas Hold'em"

We will tell you about the basics of poker: where to start playing, what successful card combinations are, we will tell you about the names of the actions in the game, and also give a couple of tips for beginners.

The process begins with a small bet, for which all participants sitting at the table will fight. It increases player activity.

After this, those sitting behind the dealer contribute blinds to the common pot - these are mandatory bets that are made blindly, without having cards in hand. An interesting point: the first one to place a bet contributes half, and the next one pays the minimum contribution.

Cards are received after preflop. Two cards are dealt in a circle, which will be the betting circle. All participants receive the flop, which is three cards on the table, and betting begins. The button puts down the fourth card - this is called the turn. Players place their bets. The final round of betting and betting ends after the fifth card is dealt on the table. This is called the river.

The player's task is to make the best combination at the table. A combination is five cards out of seven (two in your hands and five on the table). We will talk about which combinations are considered successful very soon.

Available game

The basics of poker are accessible and understandable to everyone. A little practice and you'll get the hang of it. Don't be afraid to sit down at the table.

But before you start the game, you should know that there are several types of Texas Hold'em: limited, no-limit and pot-limit. The first has limits on bets, and the second implies the presence of a maximum bet with the player’s stack. A game with a pot limit cannot exceed the size of the pot with its bets.

Having become familiar with the basics of poker, anyone can try themselves in the tournament, and there is a high probability that they will become the winner. The main difference between Texas Hold'em and other types of poker is the blinds. This responsibility for betting passes each hand from one participant to another in a circle. This is due to the constant change of dealer.

Leave the party

Poker Basics for Beginners should also remind future players that if after a hand you don’t like your cards, they seem unattractive and unpromising, you can always quit the hand. It is your desire to play with the cards you have drawn or not.

But you definitely need to leave the hand if you do not support the minimum bet. The first person to place a bet indicates its minimum; if you are unwilling or unable to support, you must fold the cards and leave the hand. The cards are discarded into the draw.

Any player can raise the bet, but by doing so he obliges others to raise as well. If one of the players cannot support the one who raised the bets, he must leave the game.

The one who put all-in cannot leave the game, and he cannot leave ahead of time. You have to sit for scrap, waiting for the end of the game and hope for a successful jackpot.

Those are the simple basics of poker, but let's talk about the winning hands in this game.


There are different combinations in Texas Holding, let's take a look at them in descending order, starting from the strongest.

Common mistakes

Finally, let’s supplement our poker basics for beginners with a small list typical mistakes.

Remember the rules of the game and avoid beginner mistakes, and then you will certainly succeed. We hope you find the basics of poker for beginners helpful. Good game!