Poker: basics, rules of the game, combination of cards, layout rules and features of poker strategy. Basic rules of playing poker

04.09.2019 Construction

Poker is one of the most popular gambling games in any corner of the world, the earliest mentions of which date back to 16th century. During this era, poker became most widespread in Western Europe and, of course, then it was in many ways a different game. During its existence, the rules of the game of poker have undergone a number of changes. Primarily, they concerned the number of cards used in the deck (in most cases from 32 to 52 cards) and the number of cards used to compose the finished hand. Poker acquired a more or less familiar form for modern gamers in the first half of the 19th century, when a deck with 52 cards began to be actively used for the game.

Despite the rich history, there are basic principles and rules of classic poker that do not change at all times:

  • Poker is a game of incomplete information(you don't know your opponent's pocket cards);
  • The main goal of the game is to collect the strongest combination;
  • Each hand there are several betting rounds.

But there are many other nuances that make them stand out a large number of varieties of poker. Some of them can only be found at home gatherings in the narrowest circles. Other types have become widespread among poker fans and tournaments for them are included in the schedules of the most famous poker series in the world.

The most prestigious and famous poker series is rightfully considered World Series of Poker - WSOP(World Series of Poker), which takes place every year in the gambling capital of Las Vegas. WSOP is a series of 60 tournaments covering all the most common types of poker in the world, and in order to become a full-fledged participant in this event and not be a statistic, it is better to prepare in advance and study the rules of poker.

WSOP, like poker itself, is becoming more and more popular every day thanks to the development of the Internet and the growing interest of players in online poker. Hundreds of rooms around the world are already operating, holding popular series of tournaments with multi-million dollar prize pools. It is obvious that interest in this game will only grow and, if you have not yet joined the ranks of gamers, then you have a chance to start getting acquainted with the basic rules of poker and the game itself by reading this article.

Rules for playing classic poker

As we wrote earlier, the rules simple poker involve playing with a deck containing 52 cards of four suits and denominations from deuce to ace. At the same time, up to 10 people can take part in the distribution at the tables.

After the gamers are seated, first of all, a player is determined who will be conditionally in the dealer’s place (on the button). Before the hand begins, the players to his left must make dark bets, which are called " small blind" And " big blind". Such “blind” bets speed up the dynamics at the table, since you won’t be able to simply sit behind the backs of other players; the blinds will “eat up” your entire stack.

In some tournaments, in addition to the blinds, there are mandatory bets for all players at the table, regardless of location relative to the button. Such bets are called “Ante” and they also make certain adjustments to the gaming strategy, making the whole process more dynamic.

After all players have placed their required bets (blinds or antes, if required), cards are dealt "dark", and their number depends on the type of game you are playing. For example, the rules of Omaha poker imply 4 cards in the starting hand of each player, but in Texas Hold'em only two cards are dealt. Once all participants have become familiar with their starters, the first trading circle.

Poker trading

As you know, poker is a game for money, and many people are attracted to it by the opportunity to win big. And this very jackpot is formed during trading in each hand. There are 4 betting rounds in total: preflop, flop, turn And river. In addition, preflop is somewhat different from other streets in that at this stage there are no community cards yet and all betting begins with the player sitting immediately after the big blind (to his left).

During the trading process, players can choose one of several actions:

  • Fold cards (FOLD), if the player's combination is too weak to call the current bet;
  • Beth (BET). Anyone who believes that he has a strong hand can make a bet by declaring a bet if no one has done so before.
  • Call (CALL). If your hand is strong enough to keep fighting for the pot, but not strong enough to raise the current bet, you can simply call it.
  • Check (CHECK). If no one has made a bet before you, you can say “check”, where you remain in the hand without investing money in the bank. But, if someone after you still made a bet, then you will have to decide on further actions.
  • Raise (RAISE). Raising is the most aggressive action, which allows you to increase the pot if you have a strong hand, and sometimes eliminate your opponent with a stronger hand from the hand.
  • All-in). Some poker rules(for example, in no-limit Hold'em) they allow you not to make raises or bets, but to immediately push all-in, betting your entire stack.

After preflop, the game smoothly moves to postflop, where cards are laid out on the board, which can be used by all participants in the hand to make a ready hand. The first street is the flop and three cards are dealt on it. Here trading takes place exactly according to the same principles as postflop, with only one exception - the player in the small blind opens the trade or, if he folded on the previous street, the first player following him remaining in the hand.

After betting on the flop is completed, the remaining participants move to the turn, where the 4th community card appears. Bidding takes place again and then the next street comes - the river, and the last community card appears on the board. On the river, players have one last opportunity to increase the size of the current pot by betting, after which the players in the hand reveal their pocket cards and the player with the best hand wins.

Poker combinations

Complete poker rules always contain descriptions of combinations, and our article is no exception. As the basic rules of poker tell us, the more difficult it is to make a combination, the stronger that combination is. It is following this principle that ready hands are ranked by strength.

In the most common types of poker, combinations are ranked in order of strength as follows (strongest hand comes first):

  • Royal Flush— suited straight from ten to ace;
  • Straight flush- any straight of the same suit (except for the highest);
  • Kare- four out of five cards of the same value;
  • Full house- the combination consists of triplets and a couple;
  • Flash- a combination of cards of the same suit, not in order;
  • Straight— 5 cards of different suits, in order;
  • Triplets- three out of five cards of the same value;
  • Two pairs— a combination consists of two pairs of different denominations;
  • Pair- two out of five cards of the same value.

More detailed description and examples of combinations can be found. If the information is still difficult to digest, then you can download the poker rules, as well as the table with combinations. If you print out the rules in a convenient format, you can always quickly refresh your memory of the necessary nuances and continue the game without being distracted by searching the Internet.

Varieties of Poker

To prevent you from getting bored playing poker, the rules of the game are constantly changing, which leads to the emergence of new disciplines. First of all, games differ in restrictions on possible bets. In every poker room you will find tables with:

  • Limit poker. Before the flop and on each subsequent street, players' bets are limited by pre-agreed rules. Typically you cannot bet or raise more than 1-2 blinds, depending on the stage of the betting.
  • Pot-limit poker. Here the game is more aggressive because bets as big as the current pot can be made, but the player still cannot push his entire stack in at once. True, situations often arise when on one of the later streets the size of the pot is so significant that players can go all-in without exceeding the limit.
  • No Limit Poker. In no-limit poker, players can bet absolutely any size, which is limited only by their stack and your restraint. At any point in the game, you can either place the minimum bet or immediately go all-in for your entire stack.

But these are far from the only types of poker available to play online. Every year more and more games appear with their own unique rules, and now any user can try his hand at one of the available games. On our website you can find a variety of information about playing poker. Rules and training, combinations, game strategies - all this is available to every player. Including you can find full rules poker games for many disciplines in articles:

  • « » .

Today, without much effort, even the most inexperienced user can find the rules of playing poker. Video training in Russian or articles on thematic resources, no matter in what form you study the rules of the game for poker, this is unlikely to allow you to immediately become a professional player. Only regular practice, tens and hundreds of thousands of hands played will help you really understand and improve your level of play.

It's no secret that the rules of playing poker for beginners may seem like an impenetrable "wild" at first. Since there are a lot of terms and a lot of slang words that are very difficult to remember right away. But you shouldn’t try to cover all aspects and nuances; it’s enough to first know a few elements:

  • combinations;
  • beginning of the game;
  • possible actions of players in trading circles;
  • trading circles;
  • types of table limits.

Knowing these poker rules, it will be easy for beginners to take their first steps and learn to play competently.

Yes, at first the process will be purely mechanical, and there will be losses, but this is a temporary phenomenon; over time, each poker player develops his own style and begins to apply a certain strategy.

Then you can safely count on your first successes.

Winning combinations in poker

There are exactly ten combinations in poker, which at first glance is a lot, but they are very simple, and learning them is not difficult. In the rules of the game of poker for beginners, it is customary to arrange combinations from weak to strong, so it is easier to remember.

  1. High card. The most common set of cards that does not have any power. These are just five elements of the deck, no way related friend with a friend ( Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, 2 of Spades, Queen of Diamonds).
  2. Pair. Two cards with the same value are, in fact, the first combination that has real strength and regularity in its composition. The combination consists of two elements, three more will be in the role kicker– additional cards that are needed to determine the winner in controversial situations, only their face value is taken into account ( king of spades, king of clubs + 6 spades, 8 diamonds, 10 hearts).
  3. Two pairs. This is a set of two pairs, that is, two pairs of cards of equal value, and one element as a kicker ( 6 diamonds, 6 clubs, 9 spades, 9 hearts +jack of diamonds, ace of spades).
  4. Set. Another name is Troika, Triplet. A set of three cards of the same value and two more kickers ( Queen of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts + 5 clubs, 10 clubs).
  5. Straight. The combination looks quite impressive, but is not located so high. These are five cards collected in strict sequence in nominal order. Important clarification: the cards must be of different suits ( 6 spades, 7 hearts, 8 diamonds, 9 clubs, 10 clubs).
  6. Flash. Five suited cards of any value. The strength of the combination is determined by the rank of the cards; the suits are completely equivalent and do not provide advantages ( king of hearts, 5 of hearts, 2 of hearts, 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts).
  7. Full house. Quite a strong combination, despite the fact that it consists of two elementary combinations - Pair and Set. The strength of the combination is determined by the value of the cards from the Three, if they are equal, then by the Pair ( 6 spades, 6 clubs, 9 diamonds, 9 clubs, 9 spades).
  8. Kare. Opens three “mastodons” among combinations; they are strong, but appear extremely rarely. A hand consists of four cards of the same value plus one kicker ( ace of diamonds, ace of spades, ace of hearts, ace of clubs + 10 spades).
  9. Straight Flush. Combines two combinations. A set of five cards, in rank order and of the same suit ( 9 diamonds, 10 diamonds, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, king of diamonds).
  10. Royal Flush. In principle, this is a high Straight Flush, but it is customary to separate it into a separate combination. A royal combination that appears extremely rarely and brings 100% victory. This is a set of the five highest cards of the same suit, ranging from ten to ace ( 10 of clubs, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, king of clubs, ace of clubs).

It is with combinations that one begins to learn the rules of poker for beginners; all the additional subtleties, nuances, and controversial situations cannot be displayed in one article.

Their understanding will come over time, during the game at the table, in addition, online establishments have adopted a system of hints that will help explain certain situations that arise in the round.

Beginning of the game

Poker rules for dummies should be considered using an example Texas Hold'em - the most popular direction, this is where most players start. The bank draw adopted here is used in the vast majority of disciplines; if there are any differences, they are extremely insignificant, and it will be very easy to deal with them.

After all players are seated at the table, the dealer announces the start of the drawing. The two participants to his left must place big and small blinds, these are the special bets that make up the original pot. The fight will be for him. Opponents must do them in turn; to determine the order, a special chip is used, which moves away from one player to another with each round played.

After this, all participants are dealt two cards (four in Omaha, five in draw poker). Players must watch them and decide whether to continue fighting or not, followed by the first round of bidding, called preflop. Everyone can discard received cards and leave the drawing, bet an amount equal to the big blind, raise the money at stake, or equal the bet of the previous opponent. All these actions in the rules of the game of poker for dummies have their own designations, which came from English terms. It is necessary to know them, since they are the only ones used at the table; a detailed explanation is in the next chapter.

What can a player do in betting rounds?

At any stage of trading, the player has the right to make several actions; they are designated by the following terms:

  • Fold. It means leaving the fight with the cards completely thrown away; in this case, the player loses only the amount that he has already managed to bet. If he didn’t bet anything, then the participant remains with his own, provided that it was not his turn for the small or big blinds.
  • Beth. Literally “put”. When a participant is ready to continue to claim the pot, the poker rules for beginners state that he can bet any amount of money. The only condition is not to go beyond the established limits, more about which a little later.
  • Raise. Increasing the current rate. For example, the previous participant bet $10, the player can raise it to $20. All active opponents at the table must either equalize the bet (call) or raise it further (reraise).
  • Call. Means that the player has called the opponent's previous bet. If there are not enough chips for this action, then all available chips go to the stake, and the participant will no longer be able to make any moves. He will have to wait for the end of the drawing.
  • Check. The player has the right to skip a move and not put anything into the pot if all participants before him did the same. In this case, the next round begins without changes.
  • All-in. That is, all-in. A player, when he is one hundred percent confident in his abilities, puts all his chips on the line. The rest must call the bet or fold. Sometimes a participant simply bluffs, forcing his opponents to quit the fight.

These are the actions described in the rules of the game. classic poker for beginners. These terms refer to most of the functional buttons in online rooms, so it is better to learn them by heart so as not to accidentally lose a large amount of money.

Poker trading circles

Trading circles in poker are the stages of the game when participants take various actions to increase the bank and get the maximum win. There are 4 rounds in total. About the first of them - preflop– described above, players trade immediately after receiving two cards in their hands. The following steps follow.


The round is immediately preflop. Three community cards are laid out on the table, players can now make combinations from them and from two pocket elements. Each participant can take the actions described above.


In this round, one more card is added to the three cards on the table. The actions of the players are the same, you can equalize, bet, raise the bet or skip a move.


Final stage. The last fifth community card is laid out on the table. Players have one last chance to have their say. If there are several active participants left in the game, then they move on to the final touch of the drawing.


Means the reveal of the cards remaining in the game of the participants. The principle of determining the winner is simple: whoever has the strongest combination celebrates the victory. In order not to confuse anything, it is recommended that you print out the rules of the game of poker for beginners with pictures and keep them next to you at first.

After these rounds are completed, a new hand begins and new circle trade.

Table limits

It is customary to play Texas Hold'em and Omaha and other types of poker in several versions of the table limit.

  1. Limit. The best option for newbies. In such tables a certain limit is set, beyond which no one has the right. For example, a limit of $10 means that you can bet a maximum of this amount in any betting round. Thanks to this rule, novice players will not immediately lose their bankroll.
  2. Unlimited. The toughest option, suitable only for professionals. In this case, players are not limited in their bets in any way, everyone can bet any amount in the betting circles, the rest are obliged to support him or fold their cards. At first, it is not recommended to sit at such tables, so as not to become easy prey for experienced players and lose your entire deposit.
  3. Pot-limit. A balanced option in which the betting limit depends on the current bank. If $50 is at stake, then the bet size cannot exceed this value. It is obvious that with each round of trading the bank grows, and the limit grows accordingly. Such tables can no longer be recommended to beginners, but not yet to professionals.

Each type of limits is widely represented in all online rooms. You should choose a type of table where you are sure not to lose large sums. You should be especially careful with unlimited options.

Final word

It is impossible to cover all the nuances in one article; theoretical lessons must certainly be accompanied by practical exercises at the poker table. First, you can play on free simulators that do not require a deposit. And only then move on to commercial projects and try your hand at real money.

Forty different game options, dozens of international tournaments, a history of several centuries - poker can rightfully be considered the most popular gambling game in the world. And although the honorary title of “king of casino games” belongs to roulette, it is poker that is played all over the world today.

Poker is one of the few gambling games that has remained consistently popular over the centuries. Poker cannot be called a newcomer to the field of gambling - the “ancestor” of poker is considered to be card games that appeared in European countries back in the sixteenth century. And the history of poker in its modern form goes back more than five hundred centuries. Although poker is considered the most popular in the United States, the birthplace of this card game is Europe: almost simultaneously, poker appeared in such large European countries as France, Italy and Spain, although the rules of European poker centuries ago, of course, differed from the rules to which modern people are accustomed players. The name “poker” itself comes from the name of the French game poque, which is considered one of the “grandfathers” of modern poker - and French word poque, in turn, comes from the German pochen (“to knock”).

However, according to another version, poker appeared much later - and not in Europe, but in the USA (perhaps this explains the fact that to this day poker remains one of the most popular games in American casinos, and at one time was even considered the national American game). According to this version, the birthplace of poker is the southern regions of the United States: already in 1829, poker existed in New Orleans, which was played by four people with a deck of twenty cards. Together with adventurers during the gold rush, poker penetrated the West, and by the beginning of the twentieth century it had formed in the form we are familiar with, with rules that are still relevant today.

Description of the poker game

All the variety of poker variants (and there are more than forty varieties of poker) are united by two basic principles of this card game. First, the goal of the game always remains the same: the player must win the total pot by making the strongest combination of cards or by forcing other players to refuse to continue playing (which is achieved through special betting and bluffing strategies). Secondly, in any variant of poker there is trading. Poker uses a standard playing deck of 52 cards, and up to ten players can take part in the game.

A poker game consists of several rounds, each of which begins with new cards being dealt to the players (five cards are dealt). Immediately after the distribution, the player, having assessed the cards received, makes a bet or leaves the game. There is always only one winner in poker.

Poker betting (trading)

An important difference between poker and others card games— trading in each round. While participating in the game, each player is required to place bets in each round until he wins or leaves the game - the order of bets and their size may vary, their specifics depend on the type of poker. There are the following betting options in poker:

Starting bid, or the so-called ante bet (required only in some varieties of poker, but, of course, not all) - this bet is made by all players, its value is the same for everyone. In some cases, the bet may be placed blindly.

Bet during the game- done after the next distribution. The player has the opportunity to simply place a bet, answer - that is, bet the same amount as the opposing player, and raise, that is, double the bet, for example. In addition, there is the opportunity to pass - refuse further participation in the game and discard your cards - and check in, that is, leave the situation “as is”, not make a bet. The option to check in is only possible in cases where the player has already made a blind bet or his opponents have not placed their bets.

All-in bet— during the next round of betting, the player goes all-in and bets all the remaining money (this option is only possible in varieties of poker without a limit).

It is important to note the fact that in most varieties of online poker, as well as in regular casinos and poker rooms, English terminology is used to refer to actions, combinations and bets in poker:

  • bet, or “bet” - place a bet;
  • call, or “call” - to equalize bets, “to answer”, to make a bet of exactly the same value as the opponent’s;
  • raise, or “raise” - raise, increase the bet;
  • fold, or “fold” - refuse to play;
  • check, or “check” - check in without adding a bet.

When all players have made a bet (or refused to play), the next round of betting in poker ends, and the bets made by the players are added to the total pot. The total pot at the end of the game is taken by the last player left in the game. If there are two players left in the last round, the cards are revealed, and the player whose combination of cards is stronger wins (takes the pot). When playing poker in a casino, some portion of the pot is taken by the casino as a kind of “service fee” for the game.

The most important part of the game in any form of poker is the card combinations: the player with the strongest hand wins. The standard poker combinations are as follows (from high to low):

  1. Straight-flush is a combination consisting of five cards of the same suit, in order (for example, two, three, four, five and six of hearts). If two or more players have a straight flush, the winner is the player whose straight flush has the highest card. In five card poker - 40 possible options straight flush (including 4 variations of royal flush), the probability of getting a straight flush in your hand is approximately 0.0015%. In seven-card types of poker (for example, in one of its most popular varieties, Texas hold'em), the probability is slightly higher - 0.0311%.
  2. Royal flush is one of the varieties of straight flush. The combination consists of ten, jack, queen, king and ace of the same suit. In some types of poker, there is another name for this combination - “royal flush”.
  3. Four of a kind (quads or four of a kind) is a combination consisting of four cards of the same value (for example, four aces - the so-called “ace four of a kind”) and one arbitrary card, the so-called kicker. The winner of the round is determined by the value of the kicker when two players have the same four of a kind in their hand.
  4. Full house (full house, or full boat) is a combination of three cards of the same value and two more cards of a different value: for example, three aces and two tens. If two or more players have a full house, the player with the highest value of three wins. For example, a full house of three tens and two queens beats a full house of three sevens and two aces.
  5. Flush - five cards of the same suit, and the value of the cards can be any (not necessarily in order, as in the case of a straight flush). If two or more players have a flush, the player whose combination has the highest card wins. If the highest card in the flush is the same for both one and the second player, the second highest cards are compared - and so on.
  6. Straight is a combination of five cards in order, while the suits of the cards are different. In a situation where two or more players have a straight, the player with the highest card in their combination wins.
  7. A set (three of a kind or trips) is a combination of three cards of the same value (for example, three deuces) and any two other cards. In Texas Hold'em, a "set" is usually a combination of a pair of hole cards and another card of the same rank. "Trips" in Hold'em is a combination in which a three of a kind is made from one pocket card and two other cards of the same value.
  8. Two pair (two pair) - a combination of two pairs of cards of the same value (for example, two queens, two threes), and an arbitrary fifth card (kicker). If there are two pairs in several hands, the winnings are determined by the highest pair: for example, the combination of two queens, two sevens beats the combination of two jacks, two tens. In extreme cases, when the pairs are the same, the winnings are determined by the value of the fifth card - the kicker.
  9. A pair (one pair) is the lowest combination in poker, which involves the presence of two cards of the same value along with three random cards. The most common combination in poker - the chance of making a pair in your hand is approximately 42%. If two players have equal pairs, the winnings are determined by the kickers; usually, a pair of cards of higher rank beats a pair of cards of lower rank.

Classic poker online, video review of the game:

Poker rules

The rules of the game of poker, by and large, depend on the type of game - in total there are more than forty different variants in poker, and their rules are often radically different. There are, however, several general rules for most poker varieties:

High card rule: the values ​​of cards in poker go in descending order - the highest card is an ace, followed by a king, queen, jack, ten and so on, the lowest card is a two. If on the last hand the two remaining players do not have a single winning combination of cards, the winner is determined by the highest card: the player whose hand has the highest card of higher value wins.

Equal pot rule (or split pot rule): if more than one player wins in poker, the total pot is divided equally among the winners.

Side Bank Rule: Applies in situations where one of the players runs out of money and cannot continue trading (for example, after a player goes all-in). In this case, a side pot is formed, which only the remaining players claim.

The “own money” rule (or the stack rule, from the English stack): a player can place bets based on the amount of money that he put on the table before the game. You can only replenish your stack between two games; you cannot do this between rounds.

The easiest way for beginners to learn how to play poker is to print out the poker rules for beginners and then play poker for free in one of the poker rooms. Once you've played a few hands, the rules will become much clearer to you, and all poker rooms allow you to practice your poker skills at the " play money» as much as you want - you have there is no obligation to play for real money.

In just a few hours of playing this guide, you will immediately move from beginner to experienced player. In addition, on the Internet you can find poker rules for beginners in pictures and videos, which is very convenient for understanding the information for the first time. Also, the rules of playing poker for beginners with pictures can be printed out - this will help you quickly navigate the materials when playing. Some poker rooms even have special tables for beginners, and entire sections of the room's websites are dedicated to learning how to play poker.

Poker combinations for beginners

In this section you will learn which combinations win in poker, in order from highest to lowest.

Royal Flush- T, J, Q, K, A all of the same suit.

Straight Flush- Five cards in a row of the same suit, but without Ace.

Kare— Four cards of the same rank, for example, KKKK.

Full house— Three cards of the same rank plus a pair, for example, KKKAA.

Flash— Five cards of the same suit, but not in a row.

Straight— Five cards in a row, for example, 56789.

Troika— Three cards of the same rank, for example, KKK.

Two pairs- Two pairs, for example, KKAA.

A pair— Any two cards of the same rank, for example, KK.

High card- If none of the players has one of the above combinations, then the highest card wins (Ace is the highest, and then in descending order).

Note: Beginners are sometimes confused as to whether an Ace is considered the lowest card (i.e. as a "1") or a high card (i.e. as an "11"). Ace can be considered as high card, and a low card for straights, but not both at the same time. For example, A2345 and AKQJT are straights, but 23AKQ is not a straight. Beginners also tend to overestimate the strength of one ace - having one ace in your starting hand is not that uncommon, so don't make the common beginner mistake of playing every hand with an ace. Read below for more information on starting hands for new poker players.

Classic poker betting rules for beginners

Most types of poker can be played with limit betting, pot limit betting and no limit betting. In the game with limit bets the amount you can bet at any time is determined in advance, and you cannot bet more or less than this amount. The bet is usually doubled when a certain betting range is reached. For example, in a $1/$2 limit Texas Hold'em game, the amount you can bet when you first see your cards is $1. The amount you can bet after seeing the next three cards (the “flop”) is also $1. But the amount you can (and should) bet after the fourth card (the turn) is $2, and the amount you can (and should) bet after the fifth card (the river) is also $2.

In the game with pot limit the amount you can bet, equal to the amount of money in the bank and thus the pot becomes larger, so the amount you can bet increases. For example, if there is 1 dollar in the bank, then you can bet up to a maximum of 1 dollar, if there is 20 dollars in the bank, then you can bet up to 20 dollars, and so on.

IN unlimited game you can bet so many chips How much do you have, at any stage of distribution.

Poker Options for Beginners

  • Fold: Stop participating in the giveaway and lose all money already deposited into the pot.
  • Check: do not place a bet, but reserve the right to remain in the hand. You can only check if none of your opponents have made a bet yet.
  • Beth: put money in the bank. The amount you can bet depends on the betting rules of the game.
  • Call: Equating a bet made by another player (or players) to remain in the hand.
  • Raise: Put extra money in the pot on top of the amount required to “call”.

Rules for playing Texas Hold'em for beginners

One player is the dealer, and the two players to the dealer's left make forced bets of an agreed upon amount, called " small blind" And " big blind"(the small blind is usually equal to half the amount of the big blind).

Each player two cards are dealt front side down (their name is “ hole cards" or " starting hand") and the betting round begins. Three cards are then dealt face up to the middle of the table (“ flop") and all players can use these three "common" cards with your hole cards to make the best five-card hand. Betting continues and two more community cards are dealt face up (“ turn" And " river") with a betting round after each one.

Last player to make a bet that was not called or the player with the best five card hand the bank wins. Players can use both, one or none of your hole cards, to collect your final hand, and if several players collect the same combinations, then the pot is divided between them.

Starting hands for beginners

Many newbies at first playing too many hands. Get used to it fold all but the best hands, and play with these hands aggressively- A classic mistake newbies make in poker is calling with strong hands rather than raising. Here is a list of the best hands in Texas Hold'em, the most popular version of poker for beginners.

  • Tall couples: AA, KK, QQ, JJ;
  • Two high rank cards: AK (especially strong hand), AQ, AJ, AT (suited best);
  • Middle pairs: TT, 99, 88, 77, 66 - Be prepared to fold this hand if you miss a set on the flop or if there are overcards.
  • Little couples: Pairs below sixes can be played if you can see the flop cheap - if there is a lot of action preflop, then fold these hands.
  • Suited connectors: For example, JT suited should only be played from late position, and only if you can see the flop cheaply. Beginner poker players often overestimate the value of suited cards - this is true good hand, if the right suit comes up, but this does not happen as often as many beginners think. Having a suited Ace is preferable because if you hit a flush, you will have the largest possible flush. Many newbies lose big money by making the second best flush!

Omaha poker rules for dummies

The rules of Omaha are very similar to the rules of Texas Hold'em, except that in Omaha each player is dealt four hole cards(face down) instead of two. Bets are made according to the same scheme, as in Texas Hold'em. One significant difference between these two forms of poker is that in Omaha you must use two and only two of your four hole cards to collect a combination.

Rules for playing poker Seven Card Stud for Dummies

Each player pays the agreed upon ante and gets two cards face down and one card face up(the latter is called " road map"). This is followed by a betting round in which the player with the lowest door card is forced to open " bring-in rate» (agreed amount that is less than the ante). Other players on the left can then top up the bet to the full amount. After the first round is completed, you should three more rounds: All players who are still active are dealt face up cards, then the last card face down. After each card is dealt, a new round of betting follows. In all rounds after the first, the player with the highest face-up card starts betting.

Too difficult? Everything will become clearer if you play several hands - just play poker for free in one of the poker rooms, whom you can trust. Play it out strong starting hands and play them aggressively, and you'll go from newbie to experienced player in no time.

The best poker rooms for beginners

PartyPoker is an ideal choice for beginners as they have created special poker tables for beginners, which can only be played (for real money) by new players. You can play at these tables within 45 days after making your first deposit at PartyPoker - after 45 days you are no longer considered a newbie and therefore will no longer be able to play at the beginner tables (you will have to join the big boys at the main tables). Betting levels at beginner tables fluctuate from $0.02 to $0.50. To play, simply create a real money account at PartyPoker, then in the lobby select the “ tab Real money", then - " Beginners" This will display all the available tables for beginner players - simply click on the table you want to sit at and then click on an empty seat at the table.

Another good choice is Bet365 Poker. This may seem strange, since this poker room is one of the few that does not offer play money tables. However, the reason why this room is a good choice is simple - they have one of the most generous deposit bonuses, which means that while learning to play poker you can play with Bet365 money rather than your own. You can also deposit very small amounts of money to start the game. While the tables at Bet 365 seem too aggressive for a beginner, your opponents may be prone to playing loose and sloppy poker, which is great for those players who are willing to be patient and only play with strong starting hands. Discipline and playing only with strong hands is key factor for training beginners.