Poker rules. Poker game rules for beginners

One of the most entertaining and famous card games in the whole world is poker. Every year there are more and more fans of this entertaining card game in all corners of the planet. And with the spread of poker on the Internet, it has become even easier to play. The most popular variation of this exciting game is Texas Hold'em. More and more people are interested in how to play poker. The rules of the game can be learned in short term, and their development will not cause serious difficulties. To better understand the psychology of poker, it is advisable to study its history.

History of the game

There is no consensus among poker theorists regarding the origins of this card game. There is also no reliable information about what game was the predecessor of poker. Researchers agree that it is a symbiosis of several card games at once.

Some people believe that poker, like most ancient games of chance, originated in China in the 10th century AD. Instead of cards, the Chinese used dominoes with a special design. Also, the predecessor of poker may be the German game “Pochspiel” or the Indian 96-card game “Ganjifa”. The gameplay and rules of poker have some similarities with these ancient variants.

Most likely, the ancestor of poker in its modern form was a 15th century French game called “Pogue”. The gameplay used 52 cards (the same as modern ones) and four jokers. The game included betting and the possibility of bluffing. It was in this form that it was brought by French travelers to Canada, and then to the USA.

The military was also fond of it during the times civil war. However, the progenitor of the modern version of poker, who gave the game its name, is considered to be Jonathan Green, who learned how to play poker in prison. He studied the rules thoroughly, because he was a real fan of this gambling pastime.

Texas Hold'em: History and Modernity

It is believed that Texas Hold'em was first played in the town of Robstown, which is, of course, in Texas, in 1900. A lot of time has passed since then, and poker has gained a lot of fans - largely thanks to the World Series of Poker. This festival of excitement was first held in Las Vegas (at the Horseshoe Casino) and still attracts large audiences around the world.

The desire of more and more people to play poker, as well as the development of Internet technologies, has made it possible to hold tournaments on card games in online mode. Many websites have been providing online poker tournaments and cash games since the 1990s.

How to play poker? Rulesvarieties of poker

There are several modern varieties of the game:

1. Texas Hold'Em ( Texas Hold'em). The rules of Texas poker are the simplest, which is why the number of fans of this variety is the largest. The player is given two cards in his hand. You need to collect the strongest combination of five cards, that is, choose from your two, which are dealt face-down, and five community cards, which are laid out on the table.

2. The principle of the game is the same as hold’em, but four cards are dealt to each hand, two of which must necessarily be involved in making a combination. A variation of Omaha is Omaha Hi/Lo, the peculiarity of which is that at the end of the auction the winning pot is shared by the players with the strongest and weakest combination.

3. 5 Card Draw (five-card draw poker) - this is the traditional and oldest five cards are dealt face down, and opponents do not have the opportunity to look at the community cards, which makes it difficult to guess the desired combination.

4. Seven Card Stud (seven card stud poker). The rules of the game of poker provide for the distribution of seven cards to each player. In this case, three are dealt closed, and four are given the light. After this, the player also makes a combination of five cards.

There are also other types of poker, but they are not so popular.

Types of Hold'em

Depending on the possibility of increasing bets and the method of forming a bank, the rules of the game of poker provide for the following varieties of hold'em:

1. Fix limit - the bet size is limited for each round; this is a predetermined value.

2. Pot limit - the player’s bet size should not exceed the total size of the bank.

3. No limit - the player’s bet is not limited by anything.

4. Mixed - the type of bet limit alternates from unlimited to fixed and vice versa.

Seniority and types of combinations

Whatever poker is chosen, the rules for the combination of cards and their rank remain the same. So, the hierarchy of card combinations has the following form.

Possible player actions

The following actions of players during the bidding are provided:

1. Bet (bet) - the player’s attacking bet in the absence of bets before it.

2. Call - equalizing the bets of previous players.

3. Raise, re-raise (raise, re-raise) - increasing the bet of previous players.

4. Fold (pass) - an action that means discarding cards and refusing to continue the game until the next deal.

5. Check (check) - a zero bet, transferring the right to move to the next player. A check from all players allows you to see the next card for free.

6. All-in (all-in) - a bet equal to all the player’s chips. Placed as confirmation of the strength of one's own hand, or if the player's number of chips is less than the opponent's previous bet.

Dealing cards - start of the game

At the beginning of each game, the player is dealt two “pocket” (hole) cards, which largely determine the prospects of the future distribution. Analysis of the cards dealt, as well as the player’s position at the table, leads to a conclusion about the strength of the hand and the need to continue the game or fold the cards. Identical cards in different positions can have completely different strengths.

Why post blinds?

The defining feature of poker is the need to make mandatory bets in every hand. This increases the excitement and dynamics of the game as a whole. The following is extremely important information for those who want to learn how to play poker. The rules of this game provide for the position of the dealer, which is symbolically indicated by a large chip (button) and moves clockwise throughout the game. The dealer's position is the most promising and profitable, since it leaves the player with the right to make the last move.

The two players behind the button are in the worst position because they must make mandatory bets regardless of the strength of the hands they are dealt. Their contributions, called blinds, form the initial pot.

Thus, the first player making a mandatory bet is to the left of the dealer and is called the small blind. Next comes the big blind - a player whose mandatory bet is twice as large as the small blind. After placing mandatory bets, these two players are given complete freedom of action.


The first round of betting, in which bets are made depending on the strength of the hands dealt and the position relative to the button. If the cards are too weak, or the position is unfavorable, it is advisable to fold the cards. In other cases, you can call, raise, or bet all your chips. After this round of bidding, a primary bank is formed.


On the flop, three community cards are dealt and laid out on the table, which are primary in the formation of combinations and prospects (draws) for combinations. Seeing this, players make decisions about the strength of their cards (existing and possible) and conduct a second round of betting.


The next stage, which not all players reach, is the turn. The next community card (already the fourth) is placed on the table. All players who have not folded make bets in the same order, using the options discussed earlier.


At the final stage of bidding, the fifth card, called the river, is laid out on the table. Now all players have fully formed combinations. The last round of bidding is held, which makes it clear about the winner of the distribution.

Showdown and winner determination

After the last round of bidding is completed, a winner is determined who will take the pot. Poker rules for beginners state that when composing a player’s best combination, both 2 pocket cards and common ones lying on the gaming table can be used. The winner is the player who has collected the best combination of five cards. Players can also divide banks if the combinations are equal both between two and between several players (split-bank).

Learning the rules of poker will allow you to plunge headlong into the world of excitement with a cycle of bets, combinations and beautiful hands.

Poker in its modern form was formed in the USA, somewhere in early XIX century. To date, many variants of this game have appeared - on five, seven cards, with one or more open cards (“Stud Poker”, “Oasis”, “Caribbean”, “Restovy”, “Blind”, “Spit in the Ocean” , “Cincinnati”, “Criss-Cross”, “Butcher”, “Shotgun”, “Red and Black”, “Anaconda”, “Seven-Fingered Pete”, “Baseball”, “Football”, etc., etc. .) In Russian clubs, sports poker is played Texas Hold'em(Texas Holdem, also known as hold'em poker, tournament hold'em) and Omaha (Omaha, Omaha poker).
There are many varieties of poker, it is not even possible to count them, but Without exception, all types of poker are united by:


It starts with the rules poker for beginners, both amateurs and professionals remember the rules. When playing poker, a 52-sheet deck is usually used (a 36-sheet deck is very rare). The game involves from 2 to 10 people, and depending on the number of players, one or two decks are used. The highest card is an ace and then in descending order to the smallest - twos. When some poker combinations An ace can be either the highest or lowest card.

The first dealer is determined by lot (if the game is played without a dealer, of course). Cards are dealt clockwise, one each for a total of five cards per player. The remaining deck is placed on the table and used for buying.

All players bet an agreed number of chips. Each player has the right to pass or bet up to a set amount. A player cannot place a bet less than what the previous player made. All players can place bets in three rounds.

After three circles, players who have not thrown their cards (those who have not said a pass and are participating in the game) have the right to discard any number of cards and receive new ones in return.

After changing cards, bets are made again in three circles. If no one raises the bet during one round, the cards are revealed.

If the bets have been raised, the cards are revealed after three rounds, and the last bet must be no less than the previous one.

The player with the best combination of cards in his hand takes the stake.

In all variants of poker, the following combinations are considered winning:
(In descending order).

Royal Flush(Flush Royal) - five highest cards of the same suit, in order, starting with ten.

Straight Flush(Street Flush) - five cards of the same suit in order. If there are equal combinations on several hands, the one whose cards are higher wins. An Ace can be a low card (for example, T-2-3-4-5); it is not considered a high card when compared.

Kare(Four of Kind) - four cards of the same value. If there are equal combinations on several hands, the one whose cards are higher wins. For example, 10-10-10-10 is older than 9-9-9-9.

Full house(Full House) - a combination of Three of Kind and Pair, i.e. threes and pairs of cards. If there are several Full House hands, the winner is determined by the value of the Three of Kind cards - for example, three Kings are greater than three Queens. If the denomination of Three of Kind is the same, Pair is compared.

Flash(Flush) - five cards of the same suit, regardless of their value. If Flush is on several hands, the winner is determined by the highest card.

Straight(Street) - five cards in a row in ascending order, regardless of their suit. If both hands are Street, the winner is determined by seniority. If the seniority is equal, then a draw is declared in the casino, and in club poker (without a dealer) the bank is divided in half.

Troika(Three of Kind) - three cards of the same value. If Three of Kind is on two or more hands, the winner is determined by the seniority of the cards - Kings are higher than Queens, Queens are higher than Jacks, etc.

Two pairs(Two Pair, Twisted Pair) - two pairs of cards of the same value. If Two Pairs appear on more than one hand, the highest pair wins.

Pair(Pair) - two cards of the same value. Two threes, two aces, etc. When opening Pair on several hands, the highest cards win.

Ace-King(Ace & King) - Or simply "High Card". When players do not have any of the above combinations, the player with the highest card wins.

In sports poker, competitions are held in the following types: Texas Holdem, Omaha and 7-card Stud Poker. In the clubs, where it basically begins poker for beginners, offer a more or less representative selection of several types of poker, including the above. The most common are: Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Seven Card Stud, Six Card Poker, Three Card Poker, Pai Gow Poker. And in online poker rooms you can find Red Dog poker, poker with jokers, and poker with all cards exchanged for an ante... Etc., etc.

Varieties of Poker
As well as rules and recommendations for playing strategies in each of the varieties.

Rules of Texas Poker (Texas Hold'em)
Among all the varieties of poker, Texas Hold'em is by far the most popular...

How to play poker?

Poker is an incredibly exciting game that captivates all participants. After all, when playing poker, you not only think through your moves, but also become a real psychologist who must catch and read the slightest gestures and facial expressions of your opponents. How to learn to play poker? Read the rules and strategy of the game, and then hold your own tournaments!

How to play poker. Rules

We will look at the rules of the most common type of poker - how to play Texas Hold'em. It is he who is popular among millions of people around the world. Even if you are going to play online poker on your computer (by the way, this is the best place for a beginner to start), then this is exactly the type of poker you will need.

As a rule, 6-9 players sit at the table. Determine the value of the chips different colors. For example, white - 10, blue - 20, red - 30 and so on. So, the game begins with the blinds. A blind is a mandatory bet that is made before cards are dealt. The dealer is the one who deals the cards. The player sitting to the left of the dealer makes half the bet. For example, a mandatory bet of 20 means that the player bets 10, this is called the small blind. The player sitting even further to the left places the big blind (full bet - 20).

The blinds have been posted. Now the dealer deals 2 cards face down to everyone, starting the hand from the small blind. Everyone looks at their cards. The game is played strictly clockwise. Since the first 2 players from the dealer have already made mandatory bets, the third player continues the game. What options does he have:

  • Fold. By saying this, the player discards the cards, that is, leaves the game without losing his chips.
  • Coll. By making this decision, you respond to the bet, that is, you continue the game by making a mandatory bet (in our example, 20).
  • Raise. This means a rate increase. Usually done when the player receives good map or bluffing. This often reduces the number of players.

If someone in the first round raises the bet, then betting continues until the bets of all remaining players are equal. Now the dealer deals three face-up cards from the deck to the middle of the table. Players begin a new round of betting, starting with the player behind the dealer. In addition to the three actions that we talked about, they can also make a Check, that is, not add a bet if their opponents did not make one. Then the dealer deals the fourth face-up card, followed by another round of betting. And then the fifth card is the final one, and behind it is the last round of betting. At the very end, all remaining players have their cards revealed. Judging by the seniority of card combinations, the winner is determined. The winning player takes the pot. Combine your two cards with the five face up cards on the table.

How to go all-in

Players have the right to go all-in (by declaring "all in") at will or when they do not have enough chips to call the bet (returning with what they have). In the latter case, the player claims only that part of the bank that he equalized with his opponents. It turns out that the all-in rule provides the opportunity to participate in the game for those players who have very few chips.

How to play poker. Card combinations

Let's start with the smallest:

  1. If none of the players has a combination, then the one with the higher card takes the pot.
  2. Pair - two cards with the same value. For example, two ladies.
  3. Two pairs - two cards of the same value and two cards of a different value of the same value. For example, two queens and two kings.
  4. Three - three cards of the same rank. For example, three nines.
  5. Straight - any five cards in a row in order of seniority. For example, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
  6. Flush - any five cards of the same suit.
  7. Full House - a couple and a threesome together. For example, two queens and three tens.
  8. Four of a kind - four cards with the same value. For example, four kings.
  9. Straight Flush - five cards of the same suit, consecutive in order of seniority.
  10. Royal Flush - the five highest cards of the same suit, that is, Ace, King, Queen, Jack, Ten.

Good luck in the game and high winnings!

It's no secret that the rules of playing poker for beginners may seem like an impenetrable "wild" at first. Since there are a lot of terms and a lot of slang words that are very difficult to remember right away. But you shouldn’t try to cover all aspects and nuances; it’s enough to first know a few elements:

  • combinations;
  • beginning of the game;
  • possible actions of players in trading circles;
  • trading circles;
  • types of table limits.

Knowing these poker rules, it will be easy for beginners to take their first steps and learn to play competently.

Yes, at first the process will be purely mechanical, and there will be losses, but this is a temporary phenomenon; over time, each poker player develops his own style and begins to apply a certain strategy.

Then you can safely count on your first successes.

Winning combinations in poker

There are exactly ten combinations in poker, which at first glance is a lot, but they are very simple, and learning them is not difficult. In the rules of the game of poker for beginners, it is customary to arrange combinations from weak to strong, so it is easier to remember.

  1. High card. The most common set of cards that does not have any power. These are just five elements of the deck, no way related friend with a friend ( Ace of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, 8 of Hearts, 2 of Spades, Queen of Diamonds).
  2. Pair. Two cards with the same value are, in fact, the first combination that has real strength and regularity in its composition. The combination consists of two elements, three more will be in the role kicker– additional cards that are needed to determine the winner in controversial situations, only their face value is taken into account ( king of spades, king of clubs + 6 spades, 8 diamonds, 10 hearts).
  3. Two pairs. This is a set of two pairs, that is, two pairs of cards of equal value, and one element as a kicker ( 6 diamonds, 6 clubs, 9 spades, 9 hearts +jack of diamonds, ace of spades).
  4. Set. Another name is Troika, Triplet. A set of three cards of the same value and two more kickers ( Queen of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds, Queen of Hearts + 5 clubs, 10 clubs).
  5. Straight. The combination looks quite impressive, but is not located so high. These are five cards collected in strict sequence in nominal order. Important clarification: the cards must be of different suits ( 6 spades, 7 hearts, 8 diamonds, 9 clubs, 10 clubs).
  6. Flash. Five suited cards of any value. The strength of the combination is determined by the rank of the cards; the suits are completely equivalent and do not provide advantages ( king of hearts, 5 of hearts, 2 of hearts, 7 of hearts, 9 of hearts).
  7. Full house. Quite a strong combination, despite the fact that it consists of two elementary combinations - Pair and Set. The strength of the combination is determined by the value of the cards from the Three, if they are equal, then by the Pair ( 6 spades, 6 clubs, 9 diamonds, 9 clubs, 9 spades).
  8. Kare. Opens three “mastodons” among combinations; they are strong, but appear extremely rarely. A hand consists of four cards of the same value plus one kicker ( ace of diamonds, ace of spades, ace of hearts, ace of clubs + 10 spades).
  9. Straight Flush. Combines two combinations. A set of five cards, in rank order and of the same suit ( 9 diamonds, 10 diamonds, jack of diamonds, queen of diamonds, king of diamonds).
  10. Royal Flush. In principle, this is a high Straight Flush, but it is customary to separate it into a separate combination. A royal combination that appears extremely rarely and brings 100% victory. This is a set of the five highest cards of the same suit, ranging from ten to ace ( 10 of clubs, jack of clubs, queen of clubs, king of clubs, ace of clubs).

It is with combinations that one begins to learn the rules of poker for beginners; all the additional subtleties, nuances, and controversial situations cannot be displayed in one article.

Their understanding will come over time, during the game at the table, in addition, online establishments have adopted a system of hints that will help explain certain situations that arise in the round.

Beginning of the game

Poker rules for dummies should be considered using an example Texas Hold'em - the most popular direction, this is where most players start. The bank draw adopted here is used in the vast majority of disciplines; if there are any differences, they are extremely insignificant, and it will be very easy to deal with them.

After all players are seated at the table, the dealer announces the start of the drawing. The two participants to his left must place big and small blinds, these are the special bets that make up the original pot. The fight will be for him. Opponents must do them in turn; to determine the order, a special chip is used, which moves away from one player to another with each round played.

After this, all participants are dealt two cards (four in Omaha, five in draw poker). Players must watch them and decide whether to continue fighting or not, followed by the first round of bidding, called preflop. Everyone can discard received cards and leave the drawing, bet an amount equal to the big blind, raise the money at stake, or equal the bet of the previous opponent. All these actions in the rules of the game of poker for dummies have their own designations, which came from English terms. It is necessary to know them, since they are the only ones used at the table; a detailed explanation is in the next chapter.

What can a player do in betting rounds?

At any stage of trading, the player has the right to make several actions; they are designated by the following terms:

  • Fold. It means leaving the fight with the cards completely thrown away; in this case, the player loses only the amount that he has already managed to bet. If he didn’t bet anything, then the participant remains with his own, provided that it was not his turn for the small or big blinds.
  • Beth. Literally “put”. When a participant is ready to continue to claim the pot, the poker rules for beginners state that he can bet any amount of money. The only condition is not to go beyond the established limits, more about which a little later.
  • Raise. Increasing the current rate. For example, the previous participant bet $10, the player can raise it to $20. All active opponents at the table must either equalize the bet (call) or raise it further (reraise).
  • Call. Means that the player has called the opponent's previous bet. If there are not enough chips for this action, then all available chips go to the stake, and the participant will no longer be able to make any moves. He will have to wait for the end of the drawing.
  • Check. The player has the right to skip a move and not put anything into the pot if all participants before him did the same. In this case, the next round begins without changes.
  • All-in. That is, all-in. A player, when he is one hundred percent confident in his abilities, puts all his chips on the line. The rest must call the bet or fold. Sometimes a participant simply bluffs, forcing his opponents to quit the fight.

These are the actions described in the rules of the game. classic poker for beginners. These terms refer to most of the functional buttons in online rooms, so it is better to learn them by heart so as not to accidentally lose a large amount of money.

Poker trading circles

Trading circles in poker are the stages of the game when participants take various actions to increase the bank and get the maximum win. There are 4 rounds in total. About the first of them - preflop– described above, players trade immediately after receiving two cards in their hands. The following steps follow.


The round is immediately preflop. Three community cards are laid out on the table, players can now make combinations from them and from two pocket elements. Each participant can take the actions described above.


In this round, one more card is added to the three cards on the table. The actions of the players are the same, you can equalize, bet, raise the bet or skip a move.


Final stage. The last fifth community card is laid out on the table. Players have one last chance to have their say. If there are several active participants left in the game, then they move on to the final touch of the drawing.


Means the reveal of the cards remaining in the game of the participants. The principle of determining the winner is simple: whoever has the strongest combination celebrates the victory. In order not to confuse anything, it is recommended that you print out the rules of the game of poker for beginners with pictures and keep them next to you at first.

After these rounds are completed, a new hand begins and new circle trade.

Table limits

It is customary to play Texas Hold'em and Omaha and other types of poker in several versions of the table limit.

  1. Limit. The best option for newbies. In such tables a certain limit is set, beyond which no one has the right. For example, a limit of $10 means that you can bet a maximum of this amount in any betting round. Thanks to this rule, novice players will not immediately lose their bankroll.
  2. Unlimited. The toughest option, suitable only for professionals. In this case, players are not limited in their bets in any way, everyone can bet any amount in the betting circles, the rest are obliged to support him or fold their cards. At first, it is not recommended to sit at such tables, so as not to become easy prey for experienced players and lose your entire deposit.
  3. Pot-limit. A balanced option in which the betting limit depends on the current bank. If $50 is at stake, then the bet size cannot exceed this value. It is obvious that with each round of trading the bank grows, and the limit grows accordingly. Such tables can no longer be recommended to beginners, but not yet to professionals.

Each type of limits is widely represented in all online rooms. You should choose a type of table where you are sure not to lose large sums. You should be especially careful with unlimited options.

Final word

It is impossible to cover all the nuances in one article; theoretical lessons must certainly be accompanied by practical exercises at the poker table. First, you can play on free simulators that do not require a deposit. And only then move on to commercial projects and try your hand at real money.

7 Card Stud
7 Card Stud Hi-Lo
5 cards with exchange (5 card draw)

General rules for all types of poker. Basic moments

Poker has a huge variety of options. They all have something in common. Poker is usually played with five or seven cards. But there are also options where you are given one card, and others are given twelve.

One quality every type of poker has is the ranks of hands or combinations of cards that you can look at. At the end of the game, the player with the highest hand wins the game. There are also variations where the player with the lowest hand wins the game.

In almost all poker variants, players fight for bank. Players put money into the pot and the player with the highest hand takes all the money. A player can also win the pot if all other players have folded. Poker is not always played for money. You can even play with matches.

Most popular types of poker are played with community cards. These are cards that are dealt face up to the table and all players can use them to make a hand along with the cards they were dealt. The two most popular community card games are Texas Hold'em and Omaha. In others popular games Cards that belong to only one player are also dealt openly. They can be seen by other players, but can only be used by the player to whom they are dealt. Among such games are Seven Card Stud and Five Card Stud poker.

Poker can have one or many betting rounds, depending on the game variant. In each round, players have the option to stay in the game and not place a bet (check) or put a certain amount of money into the pot (bet). A bet is made when they have a good or better combination of cards in their hands, or when they do not have one, but assume that other players will fold their cards (bluff). Once a bet is made by one player, other players can call it (accept the bet) to stay in the game, or raise the bet to force other players to put in more money so they can stay in the game.

Some poker variants are played with wild cards. A wild card can be used as a card of any value or suit to improve a player's hand. Often these cards are jokers. As a rule, poker variants with jokers are played at home, and can be found quite rarely in casinos.

Today Poker has become international game, played by millions of people around the world. You can play poker at home with your friends, in a casino or online. Development of the Internet, in last years, has significantly increased the number of poker players. If earlier, in order to become a good poker player, you had to go to poker clubs and “disappear” there for days (which could significantly hit your pocket), today, having even a weak computer with Internet access (even low-speed modems will do) , you can practice playing poker for as long as you want without leaving your home. In this case, your opponents will be real players from different countries world, with different gaming experience and skills. Moreover, almost all modern poker rooms (online poker clubs) allow you to play with “candy wrappers,” which means you won’t need to spend your money.

Once you have gained some experience and confidence, you can try playing for real money. It is worth noting that more experienced players will already be playing here and you should be much more careful than at the free tables. Most professional poker players agree that beginners should not stay too long at the free tables, as the game there is boring and has little to teach you.

If you still want to practice some more, but don't want to spend a lot of money, then you can always find tables with low bet limits. These are tables with real money, but the maximum possible bets on them are limited, for example 50 cents. Such tables look much more attractive to beginners than tables with, say, no-limit poker, where the stakes can be several thousand dollars. To become good player It may take you several months to several years of hard training, but the results are worth it!