In dominoes, when the fish are fish, points are counted. International rules for playing sports dominoes. Dominoes in different countries.

We talked about how to introduce your child to the game of dominoes. But playing by the same rules all the time is quite boring. Even if the pictures are different. But don’t rush to put the dominoes away. Let's see how we can diversify domino game, and what other types of domino games exist.

Traditional domino

To begin with, just in case, let us recall the rules of traditional dominoes. If two people play, they take 7 chips, three or four – 5, five – 4. The rest are put into the buy-in (sometimes also called “bazaar”), face down. Players do not show each other their cards.

Also: 7 ways to raise a happy child

Not painted stones, so-called. "Claw". The beginning of the game is laid out with any stone, and the rest are lined with stones in turn, in accordance with the established rules. Cook and eat, put down the dominoes. Usually the stones are installed so that the number of cells that touch the stones is the same. Stones can only be made at the ends of the hose, never in the middle. If the player does not have a matching stone, he draws new stone from the claw. When luck is not good and still does not have the correct stone, the turn passes and the stones are added to the next player.

The game starts with a double or any card. If several players have doubles or no one has doubles, who goes first can be determined by lot or counting.

The first player places his chip face up. The second one places his chip on the first chip so that the patterns on the adjacent halves of the chips are the same (but they can be upside down). Chips can be placed at either end of the chain. If a player does not have a suitable card, or has run out of cards, he takes chips from the draw until he can make a move or the chips in the draw run out.

Some people use the principle that stones are drawn until they hit the right, or the claw is exhausted. The first one will get rid of all the stones. If you're planning multiple lots, it's worth saving points. The player who wins as many points as the sum of meshes on stones not lined up by other players.

Dominoes rules can vary by region and even by family. Some only play two people. Others, in turn, view doubles as a privileged stone that can always be added, regardless of the number of cells on the laid stones.

The game ends when one of the participants places the last chip and the buy is empty, or early when none of the players can make a move (this situation is called “fish”). The winner is the one who places the last chip.

By making small changes to the rules, we will get other, more dynamic and exciting games.

New games for dominoes

These games are suitable for both picture dominoes and dotted dominoes.


This game actually goes by very quickly in most cases. Before the start of the game, the chips are divided equally between the players, the rest are removed. The one who makes the first move is determined by lot or counting. If the child not only knows how to count, but is also familiar with addition and subtraction, the right of first move can be determined as follows: each player takes any chip from his face-down chips. Whoever has the larger sum of points (or the smaller difference of points) goes first. Each participant can place any number of chips on his turn, if it is possible to continue the chain. The first player to use all his chips wins.


The game got its name because of the shape of the chain that results. Before the start of the game, the chips are divided equally between the players, the rest are removed.

The game starts with a double. If several players have a double, the order can be determined by counting or drawing lots. If you are playing dominoes with dots and the child not only knows how to count, but is also familiar with addition and subtraction, you can determine the right of first move as follows: each player takes any piece from his face down pieces. Whoever has the larger sum of points (or the smaller difference of points) goes first. Then the right of movement is transferred in a (counter) clockwise direction.

Each participant can place any number of chips on his turn, if it is possible to continue the chain. The first player to use all his chips wins.

In the dark

If two people play, they take 7 chips, three or four – 5, five – 4. The chips are placed face down in the stacks or laid out in a row. Players should not open them and look. The turn order is determined by counting, drawing lots or by the number of dots on the top (right) card.

The first player takes the top (right) card from the pile and places it in the center. Participants take turns opening the top chip in their pile and placing it on the field, continuing the chain or cross (at your discretion). If there is nowhere to place a chip, the participant places it at the bottom of the pile (to the left) of the row, takes a card from the draw and, without looking, places it on top, the turn goes to the next player.

When the player has 3 cards left, he turns them over and then begins to play face up. On his next turn, he can play one, two or three cards in a row, if the layout allows it.

The winner is the player who uses his cards first or the player who makes the fish.


This game differs from traditional dominoes and the above games in the way of counting points, like most games with scoring, it trains mental counting well. Chips are distributed and laid out according to the rules of traditional dominoes. One point is awarded to the player who posted a double. If, after laying out a chip, the pictures on both ends of the chain match, the player also receives one point. If the chain ends with a double at one end and a chip with the same picture at the other, the player immediately receives 2 points.

The first participant to place his chips receives 2 points. The participant who has no doubles left in his hands receives one point. The winner is the player who scores greatest number points.

Domino games with dots


In the above games “Blitz”, “Cross”, “Dark”, “Double” you can play both with dominoes with pictures and with dotted dominoes. The game "Six" must be played with dotted dominoes. She is great at teaching mental counting within 10.

As in traditional dominoes, at the beginning of the game, if there are two players, they take 7 chips each, three or four – 5 each, five – 4 each. The chips are laid out so that the sum of the dots on two halves of adjacent chips is equal to 6. Chips can be lay out in a chain or cross. The rule of six can be added to other games.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

If you start playing classic dominoes with dots and see that it is still difficult for your baby to navigate the tiles, start with dummies and dots from 1 to 3 and gradually add the rest of the tiles. rest.

Threes and fives

For this game you will also need a dotted domino. The rules of the game are similar to the rules of the game "Six", but the chips are laid out so that the sum of the points at all ends of the chain is divided by 3 or 5. The doubles are placed perpendicularly and all points are counted on them. For each move, players receive points: a player is assigned as many points as he needs to multiply 3 or 5 to get total number points at all ends of the chain. For example, if at the end of the chain the total number of dots is 9, the player receives 9: 3 = 3 points; if the total sum of dots at all ends of the chain is 10, the player receives 10: 5 = 2 points; if the total sum of dots at all ends of the chain is 15, the player receives 15: 5 + 15: 3 = 3 + 5 = 8 points.

How to invent a domino game yourself

There are a lot of domino games. IN different countries There are different versions of not only games, but also domino chips. You can come up with your own options by changing in traditional game or any other one or more conditions:

  1. how many chips players receive at the beginning;
  2. if there is a “buy-in”, and how many cards can be taken from it at a time;
  3. in which direction the chains can be laid out;
  4. how many chips can be laid out at a time;
  5. How points are awarded (for each move, only for a successful move, or only at the end of the game).


Typically, in a domino game, the winner is the player who plays his cards first. If you are playing a series of games, then the winner should be determined based on the results of the entire series of games. There may be several options here. The simplest option: whoever wins the most times wins the series.

You can count points. For example, for each chip remaining in your hands, give one point, if it is a double, then two. After the end of each game of the series, points are calculated using the remaining chips. At the end of the series, the winner is the one with the fewest points.

In each game of the series, points can be recorded only for the winner: he receives the difference between the sum of the points of all other players and his points. Then at the end of the series the winner will have the most points.

You can introduce a system of bonus points (they are awarded to players during the game after each move). For example, for each double laid out, the player receives one point or as many points as on one half of the chip (this is an option for dot dominoes). If the chain ends with the same pictures (the same number of chips), you can also give one or more prize points.

For children who are already good at counting, you can introduce bonus points into the game for a certain amount of points at all ends of the chain or for fulfilling some more complex condition. For example, if the sum of the dots at all ends of the chain is divisible by three, the player receives 3 points, and if by five, 5 points. You can give a bonus point if the sum of all the points at the ends of the chain is odd or, conversely, even. There can be many options. If you entrust the players themselves with reminding them about bonus points, playing with such conditions will be good for developing attention.

Dominoes in different countries

English domino

English dominoes are played with the usual set of chips, but they count points in a special way. If two people play, then they take 7 chips, three or four - 5 each. The first player is determined by lot or counting. You can start the game with any chip. The first double that appears in the layout opens a four-way chain. Now chips can be placed not only to the left and right, but also above and below this double.

Points in this game are awarded when the total sum at all ends of the layout is a multiple of five: the player receives as many points as the total sum at all ends of the chain. Doubles, except the first, can be placed lengthwise or crosswise, as is beneficial to the player.

The first player to place his chips receives 10 points. If neither player can make a move, the player with the least amount of remaining chips wins. He receives as many points as the difference between the sum of the other players' points and his points, rounded to five. Usually they play up to 200 points.

If you decide to play English dominoes with pictures, start a four-way chain after the first take. Lay out the rest of the takes as you wish: lengthwise or crosswise. Points (2, 3 or 4) can be awarded if the pictures at 2, 3, or 4 ends of the chain match, at your discretion.

Chinese domino

The Chinese domino set is different from the European one. It has 32 chips, there are no empty chips, but some chips are duplicated. All chips in Chinese dominoes are divided into civilian (duplicates) and military (all others). There are 47 different domino games in the East. They have poetic names (“enter the pagoda”, “gazelle jump”, “little snakes”, “playing the carrie seller”, “plum garden”, “carnations in the fog”) and quite complex rules. Unlike European dominoes, Chinese domino requires players not only to have good counting skills, but also to think strategically. It is better to master Chinese dominoes at school age.

Trimino, quadromino and other unusual types of dominoes

Starting from the age of 5, you can play unusual dominoes with your child: triminoes, quadrominoes and other types of dominoes, in which not one sign, but two or three must match in order to place a chip.

An excellent option for families board game may become "Trimino". In this game, the chips have an unusual triangular shape. In each corner of the chip there is one number (or a set of dots) in the range from 0 to 5. When placing the next chip, players need to make sure that the two numbers match.

Another interesting game— “The Domino Principle” from Bondibon:

Cubes made of high-quality plastic with multi-colored chips and several game levels will allow you to spend time with your child not only fun, but also useful.

Rules of the game of dominoes: Goat

Dice with the same value on both halves (0-0, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 and 6-6) are called doubles.

The game involves two to four people.

The game of "Goat" is divided into rounds.

At the beginning of each round, players pick up seven dice blindly.

If a player has five or more doubles or six or more dice with a repeating value, the dice are mulliganed.

If less than four people take part in the game, then the extra ones remaining after the dice are dealt face down are moved to the edge of the table.

These bones are called "bazaar".

The first move in the first round belongs to the player who has a 1-1 double. It is from this take that the participant must enter. If no one has such a double in their hands, then the one of the participants who has a 2-2 double in their hands goes. And so on until bone 6-6.

If none of the participants has a dice 6-6, then the first move from a double is 0-0. If there are no duplicates at all, then the move from the dice is 5-6, and so on in descending order of the dice values.

The stroke is transmitted clockwise. Each subsequent player must place a die whose value is equal to the value of the die already placed on the table on the side of contact.

If the player does not have suitable dice, then he “goes to the market,” that is, he blindly draws one of the extra dice placed on the edge of the table. This continues until the player finds a die with the required value.

If there is no “bazaar” or it has ended, and not a single dice has come up, the player “knocks”, that is, he misses a move. All the bones taken at the “bazaar” remain in his hands.

A player does not have the right to skip a move if he has a die in his hands that can be played.

A player can only place one die per turn.

The round ends when one of the players has no dice left in their hands, that is, the player is “out”, or when a player places a “fish”. The first move in the next round is made by the “out” player, or “fisherman”, that is, the one who placed the “fish”. He can walk with any bone.

"Fish" refers to a situation in which all players have bones in their hands, but are unable to walk. A similar situation is possible when all six (not counting the double) dominoes with the same value are laid out on the table and both ends of the chain are closed by tiles with the same value.

For example, the dice 1-2, 2-6, 0-2, 2-3 are already laid out on the table. The chain ends on one side with a 2-4 die, and on the other with a 5-2 die. This is a fish".

If the 2-2 double were not played as shown in the picture, but were in the “bazaar” or in the hands of one of the players, it would still be a “fish”.

If the round ends not with a fish, but simply with one of the participants “exiting”, getting rid of all his dice, then the remaining players reveal their dice and count the sum of the points of these dice.


If a player has only one 0-0 dice left in his hands at the end of the round, then it counts as 10 points. All other dice are counted at face value.

If the player’s dice total does not exceed 12 points, then this number is “remembered” for the next round for the player. If in the next round the player again scores 12 points or less, then the new amount is added to the old “memorized” amount and goes into the “remembered” amount for the next round. If a player “quits”, then all his “remembered” points are reset to zero.

If a player scores more than 12 points in a round, then he has opened his account in the game. If the player had “remembered” points at the time of opening the account, then they are added to the accumulated amount. From the moment the account is opened, the points are not “remembered” and any, even the smallest, number of points scored in the round will immediately be added to the player’s account.

All points scored or “remembered” by players are displayed on the screen next to the login. "Memorized" points are displayed yellow. There is a “+” sign in front of the point total.

The open account is displayed in red, without the “+” sign

Let's look at the scoring system using the example of when one of the players “left”

The top number in the table is the points scored in previous rounds. The number in the middle (above the line) is the amount scored in the current round. The number below the line is the total score.

In the example we are considering, the player Masha “quit” because she scored 0 points. Before this round, she had 19 “memorized” points. Since the player “left”, his remembered points were reset to zero and the total amount was zero.

Player Alex did not have any points at the beginning of the round, but in the current round he scored 3 points. Since 3 points are less than 12 and the player did not open the score, he received +3 “remembered” points as a result.

Player Olya had +7 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. In the current round, she scored 13 points and thus opened the scoring. As a result, she received 13 + 7 = 20 points.

Player Serg had +4 “remembered” points at the beginning of the round. He scored 5 points in the round. Thus, he did not open the account, but the “remembered” points were summed up.

Now he has +9 “remembered” points.

If the round ends with a “fish”, then there are several variants of the rules by which points are calculated. When creating a request for a game, you can specify one of these options by changing the corresponding parameter. Now let's look at each of them with an example.

Let's call the first version of the rules “fish for everyone”. In this version, scoring is no different from the usual scoring mechanism. The only difference is that each player in this round has scored points, since there is no player "out".

Let's pay attention to the table. In the middle line of the table there are fish icons. They tell us that the round ended with a fish.

Let's call the second option “fish for one”. In this variant, not only the points of each player are calculated, but also the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players' hands. The result of the scoring is the player who scored the most points in that round.

It is to him that the sum of the points of all the dice remaining in the players’ hands is added. Let's look at an example:

In this round, the player with the nickname Masha scored 2 points, Alex - 3 points, Olya - 13 points and Serg - 5 points. This means the total amount of points scored by the players is 23.

Olya scored the most points in the round, she has 13. This means that she receives the total amount of points scored by all players. That's 23 points. In addition, she had 7 points “remembered”, which are added to the amount when opening an account. As a result, Olya gets 30 points.

Please note that the memorized points of other players have been reset to zero.

Another situation is possible when several players score the same maximum amount points. For example:

Players Alex and Olya scored the most points. Each player has a bottom of 14. In this case, the round is considered a draw.

The entire amount of fish (35 points) goes to the next round.

This situation is also displayed on the screen. In this case, a fish icon appears under the timer. It displays the number +35, that is, the amount transferred to the fish from the last round.

In this case, in the next round, regardless of its outcome (it doesn’t matter whether it ends with a regular exit or a “fish”), the player who scores the maximum number of points will receive, in addition to his score, the entire amount transferred from the previous round.

If the round ends with a “fish” again and the situation with the same maximum number of points repeats, then the results of the new round will be added to the memorized amount and the total memorized amount for the two rounds will go to the next one.

This will continue until there is one player who has scored the maximum number of points.

Game results

The game is over as soon as one player reaches 101 or more points. A player who scores a total of 101 or more points based on the results of the rounds is considered a loser, that is, he becomes a “goat”.

(100 − [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10, rounded according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example: Masha scored 25 points. We substitute the value into the formula and calculate: (100 − 25) / 10 = 7.5. Round up = 8. Thus, the Masha player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 8 points.

If the game is interrupted by a timeout, then the player who left the game due to the timeout does not receive rating points.

All other players in this case receive points towards their rating. The rating is calculated using the following formula:

([points of the player eliminated by timeout] - [sum of points scored by the player]) / 10 with rounding according to the rules of mathematics, but with the condition that the result cannot be less than 1 point.

For example: Alex scored 32 points and was eliminated due to timeout. He receives no rating points.

Masha scored 30 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault. We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 30) / 10 = 0.2 Round off = 0. But we remember that the result cannot be less than 1 point. Thus, Masha’s player rating will increase by one.

Olya scored 13 points, despite the fact that the game was interrupted due to a timeout, but not through her fault. We substitute the value into the formula, count: (32 − 13) / 10 = 1.9 Round up = 2 points. Thus, the Olya player’s rating based on the results of the game will increase by 2 points.