Sale of alcohol after 18 years of age. At what age can you buy alcohol in different countries?

18.06.2019 Society and culture

Many young people are faced with the problem of purchasing alcohol in stores and cafes. Moreover, sellers often name completely different ages of “alcoholic legal age,” which ranges from 18 to 21 years. It's time to find out at what age you can buy alcohol and, accordingly, drink it. Knowing the laws will help you protect your rights regarding alcoholic beverages.

The legal age to purchase alcohol depends on your country of residence. In Russia you can buy alcohol from the age of 18. The “Rules for the Sale of Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Beer” prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages only to minors, and those of age Russian Federation begins at the age of 18. So if you have a passport with you in the store confirming your majority, ask the sellers to sell you vodka, cognac, beer, wine or any other alcohol.

If they still do not agree, then I advise you to show them Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Public contract. Where in the third paragraph it is clearly written: “the refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract if there is an opportunity to provide the consumer with the corresponding goods, services, or perform the corresponding work for him is not allowed.” This is a public offer rule, and you will have to pay a fine for violating it.

True, legislative initiatives by Roszdravnadzor have recently appeared, which propose to ban the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age. It is also planned to reduce the maximum alcohol content in low-alcohol drinks to 7% (currently 9%) and bottle them in packages of no more than 300 ml. But these are only proposals for now; they have not been confirmed by real laws, and it is unlikely that such laws will appear. So in Russia, like Ukraine, you can freely buy alcohol from the age of 18.

The age at which you can drink alcohol in other countries is shown in the following table.

A country Age of consumption at point of sale (cafes, bars, etc.) Age of consumption outside the point of sale (in-store purchase)
Australia18 18
Austria16/18 16/18
Azerbaijan18 18
Albaniais not limitedis not limited
Algeria18 18
Argentina18 18
Bahamas18 18
Belarus18 18
Belize18 18
Belgium16 (beer, wine) 18 (strong alcohol)unlimited (beer, wine)18 (strong alcohol)
Bulgaria18 18
Bolivia18 18
Botswana18 18
Brazil18 18
Bruneialcohol is prohibitedalcohol is prohibited
Burundi18 18
Hungary18 18
Great Britain18 18
Venezuela18 18
Gabonis not limitedis not limited
Guyana18 18
Gambiaalcohol is prohibitedalcohol is prohibited
Ghanais not limitedis not limited
Guatemala18 18
Guinea-Bissauis not limitedis not limited
Germany16 (beer and wine)18 (strong alcohol)
Greece18 is not limited
Georgia16 16
Denmark18 16
Dominican Republic18 18
Egypt18 (beer)21 (wine and stronger)18 (beer)21 (wine and stronger)
Zambia18 18
Zimbabwe18 18
Indiafrom 18 to 25 (depending on state)
Israel18 18
Indonesia21 21
Ireland18 18
Iceland20 20
Spain18 18
Italy16 16
Cape Verde18 18
Kazakhstan21 21
Cambodiais not limitedis not limited
Cameroon18 21
Canada18/19 18/19
Kenya18 18
Cyprus17 17
China18 18
Colombia18 18
Comorosis not limitedis not limited
Congo (Republic of)18 18
Costa Rica18 18
Kyrgyzstanis not limitedis not limited
Latvia18 18
Lesotho18 18
Libyaalcohol is prohibitedalcohol is prohibited
Lithuania18 18
Luxembourg16 is not limited
Mauritius18 18
Malawi18 18
Malta16 16
Moroccois not limited16
Mexico18 18
Micronesia21 21
Mozambique18 18
Namibia18 18
Niger18 18
Nigeria18 18
Netherlands16 (up to 15% vol. alcohol) 18 (15% vol. or more)
Nicaragua19 19
New Zealand18 18
Norway18 (up to 22% vol. alcohol) 20 (22% vol. or more)
Pakistanalcohol is prohibited (Muslims)21 (non-Muslims)
Panama18 18
Papua New Guinea18 18
Paraguay20 20
Peru18 18
Portugal16 16
Russia18 18
Salvador18 18
Samoa18 18
Swazilandis not limited18
Seychelles18 18
Singapore18 18
Slovenia18 18
Solomon islands21 is not limited
Thailand18 18
Togois not limitedis not limited
Tonga18 is not limited
Trinidad and Tobago18 18
Turkmenistan18 18
Türkiye18 18
USA21 21
Uganda18 18
Ukraine18 18
Fiji21 21
Philippines18 18
Finland18 (up to 22% vol. alcohol)
20 (stronger)
18 (up to 22% vol. alcohol)
20 (stronger)
France18 18
Croatia18 18
CAR18 18
Chile18 18
Sweden18 18 (for beer with a strength of 3.5% vol. or less) 20 (for
everything else)
Switzerland16/18, depends on the canton 18 (strong alcohol)
Sri Lanka18 18
Ecuador18 18
Equatorial Guineais not limitedis not limited
Eritrea18 18
Estonia18 18
Ethiopia18 18
South Africa18 18
South Korea19 19
Jamaicais not limited16
Japan20 20

In most countries, drinking alcohol is legal from the age of 18. In some states it cannot be used at all or there are no age restrictions. This information will be useful for tourists traveling to different countries.

One of the most resonant bills submitted to the State Duma left almost no one indifferent in Russia - the so-called “alcohol from 21” law. According to it, it will be possible to buy alcoholic beverages only after reaching this age (currently allowed from 18 years of age). Although talk about the need to raise the age has been discussed for several years, it has not yet been raised. This will probably not happen soon, since neither society nor experts have still reached unanimous approval. So why is the proposed law controversial, and what will the consequences be if Bill 21 passes?

State of the world

IN different countries There are rules for the sale of alcoholic beverages to young people. Most of them only allow people over 18 to sell alcohol. But there are also differences: in some (Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Comoros) there are no restrictions at all. In others, prohibition is officially enshrined (Gambia, Libya, Brunei), while in others they act selectively, setting one age for purchasing alcohol in a store, and an older age when visiting a restaurant or bar.

There are several principles for determining restrictions:

  • By age and place of purchase. For example, in Greece, Georgia, Portugal and Jamaica, you can buy alcohol from the age of 16 both in a store and in a bar. But already in Denmark, you have to wait until you are 18 to drink a cocktail in a restaurant.
  • By strength of drinks. In Germany and Belgium, at the same age you can buy weak drinks, strong drinks - only from 18.

Strict laws regarding consumption and sale alcoholic drinks exist in Pakistan. As a country with a predominantly Muslim population, it is prohibited under Sharia law, and non-Muslims are allowed to purchase and drink alcohol from the age of 21. Stricter laws are established in some states of India: there, from the age of 18, you can only buy low-alcohol drinks, and strong ones - from the age of 25.

The permission to sell from the age of 21, which Russian legislators refer to, exists not only in the United States - this is the most famous example. But the same rules exist in Micronesia, Indonesia, Fiji.

Reasons for the need and essence of the bill

According to experts, in Russia almost all young people over 15 years of age (99%) are already familiar with alcohol, of which more than a third are over 13. Also, one of the reasons that prompted the development of more stringent rules was the increased consumption of pure ethyl alcohol - up to 16 liters per person (compared to 10 liters in the 90s). And according to WHO, the permissible human consumption rate is 8 liters per year.

Proposals to increase the drinking age have been raised repeatedly since 2012. Despite the support of many deputies and members of the government, each time it was sent for revision. In September 2015, a law banning the sale of alcoholic beverages to young people under 21 was again submitted to the State Duma for consideration.

In addition to this point, the document proposed toughening punishment not only for those who violate the law, but also for persons who introduce minors to drinking alcohol. For example, the fine for repeated violations will reach up to 80,000 rubles.

The initiator of the bill, Anton Belyakov, motivates his proposal by the fact that, according to medical arguments, final formation and biological maturity ends not by the age of 18, but much later. Increased interest in alcohol most often arises in adolescence and young adulthood as a way of self-affirmation. Inclusion also occurs due to the inability of young people to resist the authority of elders or peer pressure. In most cases, the first drink happens “for company” or because of the desire to prove one’s maturity. Therefore, the draft law is designed to protect young people from unnecessary temptation.

Due to the fact that the first initiation occurs in the company of adults, the bill proposes to fine those who condone this:

  • Well-wishers offering beer and low-alcohol drinks to young people will be fined from 500 to 1000 rubles (which is many times more than the current 100-300).
  • Strong alcohol, as well as other intoxicants – 1000-2000 rubles.
  • Parents will also be punished if they are caught drinking with their own children - 2000-3000 rubles.

Although the high-profile document has not yet been adopted, it has been repeatedly submitted for consideration and then adjusted to take into account wishes not for the first time, the author is confident that the understanding of its necessity is growing in society. Frequent revisions are useful, as all comments can be taken into account, which will make the law universal, covering all controversial nuances.

One of the important arguments for the need for the law is the rapid decline in the age of those who start drinking alcohol. According to statistics, 11-13 year old teenagers already have experience with drinking. But early alcoholism contributes to the defective development of the child’s body, which will subsequently affect the life expectancy of young drunkards, as well as the health of new generations. Therefore, the law is intended primarily to protect the future of the country.

Today in Russia the sale of alcoholic beverages to people over 18 years of age is legally permitted. For violation of the law, individuals, officials and legal entities are subject to not only administrative, but also criminal liability. But, according to the author, all these are half-measures that only affect the investigation, and these fines will still pay off later. Tough measures are needed to correct the situation. One of them is deprivation of a license. Shops, bars and restaurants that violate the rule will no longer face a series of fines. They will lose the right to trade, which means they will suffer serious losses.

The author has no doubt that the law will take root in Russia. He refers to the experience of the United States, where similar rules apply, as well as a number of European countries in which it is legal to buy weak alcohol from the age of 18, and strong alcohol from the age of 21.

The chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health, E. Brun, is also optimistic about the future. According to him, if the document is finally adopted, the number of young people drinking will sharply decrease. After all, among them there are many who have not yet received communion, and therefore the law will simply protect them from consumption. If they don’t feel the need to drink, they are unlikely to look for workarounds and complicate their lives. It’s easier for them to give up the idea. But there are also those who will not stop in their desires: they will ask their elders, friends or acquaintances to buy a bottle. Therefore, we will have to think through and then include in the bill how to prevent such situations.

And indeed, the idea of ​​the bill found its supporters. The author of the document is supported by V. Matvienko, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as D. Medvedev, who noted that the priority in the law should be a provision on strict and mandatory punishment for people who sell and offer alcohol to minors.

Arguments against

The draft law is controversial in society and among regional leaders. According to sociological surveys, 2/3 of young people supported increasing the age from 18 to 21 years old from which one can buy alcoholic beverages. In the fall of 2015, its necessity was not in doubt in 16 regions of the country, and another 6 were ready to approve if adopted at the federal level. By the beginning of spring 2016, the initiative of the author of the document was already supported by 22 regions.

Despite this, there are other points of view. The main stumbling block is respect for civil rights. After all, according to the provisions of the country’s Constitution, a person is considered an adult starting from the age of 18. From this age he is fully responsible for his actions and bears criminal liability. There is also confusion about the fact that a person is considered an adult to serve in the army or get married, but not to drink alcohol.

Therefore, the government rejected the proposed bill to raise the minimum age from 18 to 21 for the purchase of alcoholic beverages, explaining that the proposed initiative leads to a fundamental revision of most existing laws. And these are the Civil, Civil-Administrative, Family, Criminal Codes. In fact, a revision of all fundamental provisions will be required.

The main argument is that, according to current laws, a person at the age of 18 is considered capable of taking conscious actions, understanding the legality and illegality of his actions, and also taking responsibility for himself.

Supporters of the bill continue to insist on their position and argue that it is necessary by the fact that full physical development occurs by the age of 21 and therefore early consumption of drinks causes irreparable harm to the health of young people.

The chairman of the public organization D. Khalturina notes that, despite the relevance of the document, in the government the economic bloc took precedence over the social one. Banning the sale of alcohol to people under 21 reduces profits and taxes. She also noted that even the adoption of the law does not guarantee its 100% implementation. Anyone who wants to drink will always find a loophole to get around the rules.

Skeptics who criticize “Law 21” remind us of what the next anti-alcohol campaign in Russia could turn out to be. A similar reform carried out by M. Gorbachev practically destroyed winemaking in the country and created huge queues for alcohol. In addition, moonshine and underground production flourished. As a result, there was no quality control, which resulted in numerous cases of poisoning with low-quality alcohol, often fatal.

In recent years, in Russia, as well as throughout the world, a course has been taken towards a gradual abandonment of bad habits: restrictions for smokers, tightening of responsibility for the distribution and use of drugs and alcoholic beverages. The proposal of “Law 21” also became logical. But obviously, it will not be accepted soon. It causes too mixed reactions in society and government. Moreover, all the nuances of execution and control have not yet been fully worked out, and the consequences of redrawing the entire legislation that this law will entail are not yet clear.

Who among us has not heard about the ban on the sale of strong drinks to persons under 18 years of age, as well as about the temporary barrier?! We think many people know about this document, but not everyone supports it. At the same time, it is worth recognizing that the decree only has a positive impact on society. Selling alcohol from 21 years of age: myth or reality? Let's discuss the future bill in more detail.

Proposal to introduce a new bill

Last fall, Deputy Drozdenko proposed to the Cabinet of Ministers to draw up a new bill that would prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 21 years of age. The decree caused a flurry of a wide variety of emotions in society. Some say: such a ban will not bring any benefit. Others argue that selling alcohol from the age of 21 is a completely reasonable decision, because the human brain is formed before the age of 25.

Prohibition of alcohol in other countries

Each country has a completely different attitude towards alcohol. Today in Russia there is a decree that prohibits the sale of alcohol to persons under the age of majority. This year the government plans to introduce a bill requiring the age of 21 to sell alcohol. While the decree is only being discussed, let's analyze alcohol bans in other countries. For example, in Morocco, Portugal, Italy, Georgia and Austria, the government allows the sale of alcoholic liquids from the age of sixteen. Most strictly with strong drinks in India. There, depending on the state, alcohol is sold to persons aged 18 and 25 years. In all other countries, alcoholic beverages are freely sold to adults. There is no bill at all that would restrict the sale of strong drinks.

The absence of restrictions on alcohol, as, for example, in Equatorial Guinea, is a very bad indicator. Typically, such countries have the highest percentage of alcohol consumption among young people. An interesting fact is that in some countries alcohol is completely prohibited. These include Libya, Gambia and Brunei.

Europe and America

It is no secret that not only Russia, but also Europe and America suffers from alcohol addiction. The bill on the sale of alcohol from the age of 21, according to the US government, is an excellent option to significantly reduce the percentage of people addicted to alcoholic beverages. It's no secret that people who are intoxicated often become participants in road accidents, fires and many other life-threatening events.

In the United States, for selling alcohol to a person under 21 years of age, the seller can receive a fairly long sentence in a colony. The minor buyer himself may lose driver's license, pay a fine, be sent to community service, or go to jail for several months. Israel, Switzerland and Estonia are no less strict about alcohol. There, sellers who sell alcohol to minors can go to prison for six months, a year or six years. A considerable fine is issued for a minor buyer, which in most cases is paid by the parents.

Negative aspects of the bill

The sale of alcohol from the age of 21 in Russia, as the State Duma suggests, should reduce the percentage of alcohol consumption among teenagers. However, many are already arguing that this will not save the situation in the country. Let us remember that every year the percentage of young men who drink alcohol is only increasing. Today, the average age of minors who buy strong drinks is 14 years old!

Many people in the Federation do not support the bill. They say that the sale of alcohol from the age of 21 in Russia may provoke an increase in the sale of surrogate alcohol. The best solution, according to those who do not support the bill, is the proper upbringing of a child who will value a healthy lifestyle rather than alcohol.

Decree banning the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age in Crimea

The new bill caused a lot of emotions in society. In Crimea, a possible ban on the sale of alcohol to people under 21 is also being actively discussed. The authorities of the peninsula conducted a massive sociological survey to find out how people feel about the bill. Residents of the peninsula aged from 21 to 40 were surveyed. 79% of citizens voted for raising the age limit.

It is worth noting that some did not support the document and considered it meaningless. They argue that raising the age barrier is stupid, since an adult is allowed to marry, drive a car, join the army, and also work. In their opinion, allowing a person everything except alcohol is at least strange.


Until the age of 21, he caused a lot of controversy not only in society, but also among deputies. Sergei Yurievich Belyakov made a report in support of the bill. For clarity, he compiled statistics. It talks about the fact that in America in 1970, the age limit for the sale of alcohol was lowered from 21 to 18. This led to an increase in the number of accidents involving persons under the influence of alcohol. As a result, 18 years later the age limit was raised again.

American research has proven that banning the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 has reduced the number of victims from road accidents involving drunk people by 900 people per year.

Rospotrebnadzor and the law

Rospotrebnadzor also supported the bill. This department believes that the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age significantly increases the mortality rate. According to their calculations, about 500 thousand Russian residents die every year from excessive drinking. They also emphasized that 30 percent of the male population and 20% of the female population suffer from alcohol addiction.

The head of the Family Affairs Committee, Elena Mizulina, also spoke in favor of the project. In her opinion, selling alcohol to persons under 21 years of age is wrong. She emphasizes that only a person older than this age can make informed decisions and consider the consequences of their actions.

Anatoly Aksakov

The head of the economic policy department, Anatoly Aksakov, also expressed his opinion regarding the sale of alcohol under 21 years of age. Unlike previous officials, he does not support the bill. In his opinion, such a law would contradict others. Anatoly believes that if the bill finally comes into force, it will be difficult to figure out what kind of person can be called a minor. He argues that, on the one hand, a citizen at the age of 18 can already get married and be liable for military service, on the other hand, he, being the head of the family and, possibly, a young father, does not have the right to purchase alcohol.

Criticism towards Belyakov

The head of the Center for Research on Alcohol Markets, Vadim Drobiz, criticized Belyakov’s report. He believes this is a myth. Selling alcohol from the age of 21 will not improve the situation, but will only lead to falsification of documents by minors and provoke a surge in underground trade. In his opinion, this is a more realistic picture of the future bill. Drobiz believes that eighteen years is the peak age among young people who try alcohol. He claims that by the age of 21, young people will try plenty of alcohol and settle down, noticing how it affects the body.

Vadim Drobiz also proposes for consideration a bill that directly prohibits drinking alcohol from 10 to 18 years of age. For violations, in the form of a fine, he proposes to assign community service to teenagers, and with each repeated presentation to the police for drinking alcohol, increase their number. Vadim believes that such a bill will not only benefit young men, but also the benefit of the country, since the fine that is issued to young people is diligently paid by their parents. Instead, juvenile offenders do not draw any conclusions for themselves.

Narcologist's opinion

The former chief narcologist of Russia, Alexey Nadezhdin, also expressed his opinion about the bill, which is under consideration. Limiting the sale of alcohol to people over 21 years of age is, in his opinion, a pretty good idea. He suggests that the government research everything in advance and understand whether such a law will be beneficial? As a plus of the bill, he cites statistics in which the age of alcoholics begins at 17 years old.

Ministry of Health about the bill

The Ministry of Health also expressed its point of view. The agency supports the bill and reports that the threshold for adulthood changes annually. A hundred years ago, an eighteen-year-old citizen had long had a family and was completely independent of his parents. Today, such a young man is still a child who cannot make informed decisions. Scientists have proven that at the age of 21, not only a person’s height, but also his brain is not fully formed, so raising the age for selling alcohol is a completely deliberate step.

Fine amount

Today there is a law in force in the Russian Federation. It prohibits the sale of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. Last year the amount of fines was increased tenfold. Today, a seller who sold alcohol to a minor will be fined 150-200 thousand rubles, and the minor buyer himself will be fined 30-50 thousand. If a teenager was caught drinking alcohol in public place, then his parents will be required to pay a fine in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. This also applies to the appearance of a teenager in a drunken state in society. The new bill implies an increase in the amount of fines. Selling alcohol to persons under 21 years of age will be punishable not only by monetary penalties, but also by imprisonment from two to six years.

Purpose of implementation

The bill that is under consideration should have a positive impact not only on young people, but also on society as a whole. According to the government, selling alcohol from the age of 21 will help reduce the number of alcoholics among teenagers, and will also protect them from rash actions and life-threatening incidents.

Statistics show that the majority of unplanned pregnancies among teenage girls are caused by alcohol intoxication. Scientists have proven that babies born from one drunk parent are born with pathologies and diseases in sixty out of a hundred cases. If both parents were intoxicated, then the ratio rises to eighty cases out of a hundred. Raising the drinking age to 21 will reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies among teenage girls.

Bottom line

The bill, which is under consideration and implies a ban on the sale of alcohol to persons under 21 years of age, has many positive aspects. However, for the government to achieve all its goals, a lot of research will be required. Let's hope that such a law will have a positive impact on society. Don't abuse alcohol and be healthy!

to my younger brother 20 years. He is a student and, of course, sometimes visits bars and cafes with his friends and classmates. Sometimes they are denied in bars the sale of alcoholic drinks stronger than wine (probably this is not bad). This is explained by the fact that they have not yet reached 21 years of age. But other establishments sell strong drinks to visitors over 18 years of age. And stores sell them too. So who's in in this case right and who is wrong?

Question: My younger brother is 20 years old. He is a student and, of course, sometimes visits bars and cafes with his friends and classmates. Sometimes they are denied in bars the sale of alcoholic drinks stronger than wine (probably this is not bad). This is explained by the fact that they have not yet reached 21 years of age. But other establishments sell strong drinks to visitors over 18 years of age. And stores sell them too. So who is right and who is wrong in this case?

: It can be said unequivocally that the actions of persons who refuse adult citizens the purchase of strong alcoholic beverages are unlawful. The fact is that the conditions for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages are established by Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 2005 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” (hereinafter referred to as the Law). According to paragraph 2 of Art. 16 of the Law is not allowed retail alcoholic beverages to minors. In the Russian Federation, minors are persons under the age of 18. Alcoholic products include food products that are produced using ethyl alcohol produced from food raw materials and (or) alcohol-containing food products with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 1.5 percent of the volume of the finished product.

In case of doubt whether a person has reached the age of majority, the seller has the right to demand from this buyer an identification document that allows him to establish his age. If the document is not provided, you may be denied the sale of any alcoholic products. In addition, the Law allows for the introduction of additional restrictions on the sale of alcohol at night, up to and including a complete ban. However, the restriction does not apply to establishments providing catering services. Federal legislation does not contain any other restrictions related to the age of the buyer.

Subjects of the Russian Federation are also not empowered to increase the age at which the sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted. As for individual establishments providing public catering services (restaurants, bars, cafes), these establishments, carrying out retail sales of alcoholic beverages, in accordance with Art. 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are required to conclude an agreement with each applicant on equal terms (public agreement).

Thus, the refusal of a commercial organization to conclude a public contract when it is possible to provide the consumer with the corresponding goods is not allowed and is in itself illegal. Please note that additional conditions sales of products can be established by public catering establishments independently, however, they cannot contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 5 of the Rules for the provision of public catering services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036). The ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 12 degrees for persons under the age of 21 contradicts paragraph 2 of Article 16 of the Law.

Therefore, upon presentation of an identity document and proof of age (over 18 years of age), refusal to sell alcoholic beverages (regardless of its strength) will be illegal.

Drunkenness in Russia is becoming a national problem. The health of future generations, the working capacity of the population, and the existence of the nation itself depend on its solution. Due to drunkenness, many families break up; alcoholics give birth to mentally and physically retarded children. Most crimes are committed while drunk. Thousands of people die in traffic accidents caused by drunk drivers. Industrial accidents caused by drunken workers are not uncommon. Due to drunkenness, the intellectual potential of the nation decreases. A person reaching for a bottle loses memory, ability and desire to learn.

The anti-alcohol law of the Russian Federation limits the possibilities for purchasing alcoholic beverages, introduces age restrictions for the purchase of vodka, beer and other alcoholic products, establishes the amount of the fine for violating the procedure for its sale.

Reasons for the worsening situation with drunkenness in Russia

The scale of the problem of drunkenness in Russia especially increased after the collapse of the USSR. The reasons for this were the following factors:

  • The fall of the state ideology that united the people in the USSR. For all its shortcomings, it was aimed at “raising a Man of the communist future.” The focus on sobriety played an important role. “Fight drunkenness!”, “Sobriety is the norm!” - these are the slogans of that era. After the fall of the USSR, TV screens were filled with superheroes with a bottle, the propaganda of violence and drunkenness ceased to surprise people;
  • A sharp drop in the standard of living of the majority of the population after the collapse of the USSR. Moonshine and beer helped people of any age survive stress and hopelessness;
  • Affordable organization of alcohol business. It was allowed without restrictions. Those who had material resources invested them in the profitable production of alcoholic beverages. Great demand for alcoholic goods and quick return on investment stimulated the expansion of, as a rule, illegal alcohol production;
  • Possibility of widespread advertising of alcoholic products. In commercials, champagne and beer took up a lot of space.

Legislative measures to restrict the sale of alcohol

The State Duma of the Russian Federation constantly considers issues of limiting the sale of alcohol at certain times. Law 171 (on illegal entrepreneurial activity, unregistered business) of the Code of Administrative Violations (CAO) was developed to stop the production of illegal low-quality products. Measures are in place against the sale of alcohol to people under the age of majority.

Limiting the sale of alcohol to minors

The law on the sale of alcohol clearly regulates what types of drinks can be sold to persons under 18 years of age. Drinks such as beer and strong alcohol are prohibited before reaching the age of 18. For the sale of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age, as stated in the Federal Law, a fine is charged, the amount of which is quite large.

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18 years is the age of majority at which a person is already obliged to be responsible for his behavior. There are exceptions to general rule. If a person got married before the age of 18 or has his own business, then the law does not prohibit him from drinking alcohol. However, in practice, the possibility of paying a large fine deters many sellers from selling alcohol to young people. In addition, if they are repeatedly caught selling alcohol to persons under 18 years of age (no matter what strength the alcohol is: champagne, wine or beer), then they may be punished, since the sale of alcoholic beverages to minors is strictly prohibited. An act will be drawn up banning the issuance of a license; you could lose your business.

The government is constantly improving the Federal Law to combat drunkenness. It is proposed to make alcohol available to people not from 18, but from 21 years of age. At the same time, legislators refer to the European and American experience to curb drunkenness among teenagers. There, for the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons not only over the age of 18, but even 21, a prison sentence is provided, which cannot be avoided under any circumstances. The difference is that in the West no one will buy and produce homemade alcoholic drinks of dubious quality, the law works. In Russia, the production of alcohol surrogates is a common thing. The fine for selling alcohol is not so great that it would scare individual lawbreakers. Therefore, any “prohibition” rests on the need to combat the underground alcohol business.

On what days does the Federal Law prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages?

The Code of Administrative Offenses states that you can earn a fine for selling alcohol throughout the Russian Federation on days associated with national school and youth events, such as:

  • Knowledge Day (September 1), when school starts after the summer holidays;
  • Last call (May 25) - the day classes end and preparation for final exams begins for students last year training;
  • Graduation party on the occasion of graduation;
  • Youth Day (June 27).

In addition, the sale of alcohol is prohibited on Sundays, as well as during such holidays as Russia Day (June 12) and Family Day (September 12).

Acceptable time for selling alcohol

Federal Law (number 171) says that you can sell alcohol of any type only at specified times. How much do they sell alcohol for? You can purchase it in the Moscow store from 8:00 to 23:00. Trade at night is allowed only in cafes and restaurants. Moreover, take-away trade is strictly prohibited. The owner of a public retail outlet may, in case of violation, be punished and lose his liquor license. The authorities of specific regions (according to a tradition that has existed since the times of the USSR) have the right to adjust the period of limited sale of alcoholic beverages. For example, in the Moscow region it is allowed to sell alcoholic beverages from 11.00 to 21.00. In St. Petersburg - from 11.00 to 22.00, in Mordovia - from 11.00 to 22.00, in Tula region- from 14.00 to 22.00. The restriction was adopted in order to eliminate the possibility of illegal sale of low-quality alcohol. The law provides for the payment of a large fine for selling alcohol at the wrong time.

Where is it prohibited to sell alcohol?

  • Children's, educational, medical, sports institutions and areas located nearby;
  • Public transport (planes, trains, sightseeing buses, city transport);
  • Venues for mass performances, cultural centers;
  • Places of constant mass presence of people (train stations, airports, markets);
  • Public areas around houses: courtyards, entrances, sports and children's playgrounds, stairs, elevators;
  • Squares, parks, city ponds, lakes, beaches, tourist centers;
  • Facilities related to the nuclear industry, production of hazardous chemicals;
  • Military facilities.

How is the retail sale of alcohol carried out?

As stated in the Federal Law (number 171), private individuals do not have the right to sell alcoholic beverages. The law allows them to be sold only in shops, restaurants or cafes that are required to have a special license and have certificates of the quality of the drinks they sell. The purchase of uncertified goods is prohibited. The bottles must indicate the production and expiration date of the drinks, strength, and the presence of additives (preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.). The seller, as the law indicates, is obliged to provide the inspection persons with accompanying documentation for the alcoholic product: wine, beer.

All payments to customers when selling alcohol must be made only using cash registers.

Where can you sell alcohol, who can sell alcohol?

The Federal Law states: in order to sell any alcoholic drink, you must obtain a special permit (license), otherwise you will have to pay a fine. Its size is 200-300 thousand rubles. Moreover, the license holder is responsible for the sale of alcohol in accordance with established rules, while he does not have the right to store stocks of alcoholic products. You will also have to pay a fine for illegal storage. Its size does not depend on the volume of the alcohol batch. To obtain a license, as stated in the Administrative Code, you must pay state fee. The fee is not refundable, even if the entrepreneur who applied for the license changes his mind about buying it. The fee is 65 thousand rubles per year. The same happens if a person or organization is denied a license. A license may be refused for the following reasons:

  • An entrepreneur who wants to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages has debts on bank loans and has not paid fines;
  • Incorrectly completed license documents;
  • The premises do not meet sanitary standards.

Social events dedicated to the fight for sobriety

Since 2005, Russia has celebrated Sobriety Day. This holiday has a long, pre-revolutionary history, although it was not celebrated in the USSR. September 11 is a day when demonstration events are held in cities promoting a sober and healthy lifestyle. Non-alcoholic weddings and corporate evenings, sports competitions, and family excursions are held. Films dedicated to a healthy lifestyle are shown on TV. Meetings of the population with medical workers are held, who in a popular form introduce people to such issues as: the causes and consequences of alcoholism for humans, alcoholism and children, features of female alcoholism, how not to become an alcoholic, treatment of alcoholism. They explain why pregnant women should not drink alcohol and how alcohol affects the brain.

IN different regions In Russia, following the example of other former republics of the USSR (for example, Kazakhstan), temperance societies are being created (“Sober Moscow”, “Sober Peter”, “Sober Novosibirsk”), whose members conduct seminars and popular lectures on the dangers of alcoholism. Every year the “International Temperance Rally of Russia and the Former Soviet Republics” is held.

Examples of the struggle for sobriety in some regions of the Russian Federation

In some regions of the Russian Federation the law is even stricter. Thus, in the Ulyanovsk region, the Code of Administrative Offenses (Article 16) of the Federal Law introduces restrictions that prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 15°.

Indicative are the measures to overcome drunkenness in Mordovia.

An operation called "Alcohol" was carried out here. Its task was to detect offenders involved in the production and illegal sale of alcohol. Article 16 of the Federal Law (number 171). Facts of the production of moonshine and drinks were revealed in violation of technology, without relevant documents confirming that the activities of such manufacturers were permitted. In accordance with the norms of the Administrative Code, sellers of such illegal products were punished, as well as persons who sold alcohol (wine, moonshine, beer) to citizens under 18 years of age.

What changes are planned to be made to the law on the sale of alcohol to strengthen the fight against drunkenness?

IN State Duma the possibilities of tightening the requirements for the quality of alcoholic beverages, as well as the procedure for their sale, and introducing appropriate changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses are being considered.

For example, an amendment is being introduced to allow the sale of alcohol to people not from 18 years of age, but from 21 years of age. It is known that the growth and development of the body ends at 25 years of age. Thus, early initiation into alcohol consumption can cause significant harm to the body, which is at the peak of development.

The Federal Law (number 171) proposes to significantly increase the fine (from 30 thousand to 80 thousand rubles) for repeated sales of alcohol to minors.

As a rule, teenagers begin to drink alcohol if the family is lenient about constant drinking. Sometimes the example of parents leads to drunkenness.

Often young people fall under the influence of “bad company”, where they are introduced to drinking by older friends or acquaintances.

The Federal Law provides for increased liability for involving young people in drunkenness. For example, if evidence is found that a teenager drank beer or wine under the pressure of an adult, the perpetrator faces a fine. Its size will be 1000 rubles, and strong drinks - up to 2000 rubles (this is 2-3 times more than before).

Opponents of tougher penalties for drunkenness are not sure that the changes provided for in the Code of Administrative Offenses will be able to deter drunkards from drinking alcohol. They just need to be smart and buy alcohol in reserve for Sundays or holidays. Employees of retail outlets are not always afraid of a fine, since they can quickly recoup expenses from the same young customers. However, tougher penalties provided for in the law on the sale of alcohol will save many people from drunkenness.