In an accident you are right but there is no insurance. What to do if you are involved in an accident without insurance?

24.10.2017 Auto/Moto

What to do if you don’t have insurance and you get into an accident? First of all, there is no need to panic. Your situation is unpleasant, but solvable.

The current legislative framework allows both drivers with insurance and drivers who did not take out an insurance policy on time to receive compensation for damage incurred as a result of a car accident.

According to the law, the MTPL insurance policy is included in the list of mandatory documents that every driver driving a vehicle must have.

Traffic police officers have the right to demand that drivers present a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. If the driver does not have insurance or it is expired, then he faces a fine of 800 rubles (in accordance with Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

In addition to imposing a fine, the inspector will remove license plates from the car. The car owner is allowed to independently drive to the office of the insurance company to issue a policy, but only within 24 hours after the license plates are removed. The license plates will be returned once insurance is issued.

OSAGO is liability insurance for a driver who is involved in an accident and causes any damage to other road users and their property. All payments for insured events are borne by the insurance company.

General algorithm of actions in case of an accident

It is very important for all drivers to know how to behave when involved in a traffic accident. In order for the participants in the accident to protect their interests and minimize Negative consequences Road accident, we have proposed a clear algorithm of actions.

This algorithm is called general because it is suitable for both the injured and the guilty party.

There is not always enough for repairs.

It includes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Keep calm. Only in this state can you properly arrange everything Required documents and don't lose sight of anything.
  2. Turn on your hazard lights and put up a warning triangle. This must be done in order to later be able to claim compensation for damage.
  3. Make sure there are no casualties. If there are victims, you first need to help them and call an ambulance.
  4. Call the traffic police and call your insurance company to report that your car was involved in an accident.
  5. Do not move the vehicle until the police arrive and do not remove the details of the incident. You should carefully inspect your car and record all damage. It will be better to take photos or record videos on your phone or other gadget.
  6. Exchange contact information with the other party to the accident. You need to know: full name, place of residence, telephone number. It will be easier to photograph his personal documents and car license plates. If your opponent does not want to provide his contacts, then you can contact the traffic police inspector and get them from him.
  7. Look for witnesses to the accident who will agree to confirm their testimony in court. It is important to do this quickly. After all, people don’t watch a collision on the road for long, but rush about their business.
  8. Wait for the traffic police officers, who will register the incident and issue the relevant documents: a copy of the protocol, a certificate of the incident and a resolution on the violation.
  9. Take an active part in the work of the traffic police inspector.

Be sure to adhere to the outlined algorithm of actions. So, you will provide yourself with well-executed documents for applying to the insurance company or court.

Compensation for damage in case of an accident

Participants in a road accident can do without going to court if the damage caused to them was minor (less than 50 thousand rubles). But one should always take into account the parties’ willingness to negotiate.

In cases where the participants are ready to reach an amicable agreement, you can do without calling the police. When the culprit of the accident does not admit his guilt or you cannot agree on the amount of compensation for damage, you must call the traffic police. After all, you will have to go to court, and for this you need to document the accident.

If you estimate the damage caused to be more than 50 thousand rubles, be sure to call the police. Timely informing the traffic police about the accident is a mandatory condition for receiving insurance payments.

It should be remembered that when you have settled on the option of paying compensation as agreed, then after transferring the entire amount of money you need to issue a receipt.

The receipt should indicate:

  • that the victim received from you a specific amount of money (indicate in words) for car repairs;
  • that he has no claims against you, and will not have any claims even if hidden damage is discovered.

A receipt drawn up in this way will guarantee that he will not be able to repeatedly demand money from you in court.

Cause of accident without insurance

If the culprit of the incident does not have compulsory motor liability insurance, be sure to contact the police. It is very important that both parties to the accident wait for the traffic police.

Unfortunately, you cannot know what the person at fault on the road is planning to do. Therefore, without delay, take photographs and videos of the accident scene, in which you try to ensure that the culprit is included in the frame.

It is also necessary to capture his car with license plates from different angles. After this, urgently search for witnesses who are ready to testify to traffic police officers and confirm them in court.

If the guilty party flees the scene of the accident, then do not give in to panic and emotions, the law is on your side. You already have photo and video evidence of the accident, as well as witnesses. Wait for the police inspectors and focus your attention on drawing up a report.

According to Part 1 of Art. 14 of Federal Law No. 40-F3 of April 25, 202, the insurance company of the guilty party who fled the scene of the accident must pay insurance compensation to the injured party. In the future, insurers have the right to go to court to recover the amount of money spent from the guilty party.

In the case where the guilty party waited for the traffic police inspector and confirmed the fact that there was no insurance. The inspector must record in the protocol that the culprit of the accident does not have MTPL insurance and issue him a fine.

If you are faced with a situation where the inspector refuses to record the absence of compulsory motor liability insurance for the person responsible for the accident, then you need to immediately call your insurance company.

The insurance company promptly sends a representative to the scene of the accident. The representative will record that the person responsible for the incident does not have an insurance policy, and the policeman did not record this fact in the protocol.

In all other cases, there is no point in the victim contacting his insurance company. After all, when there is no insurance, there will be no direct compensation for damage. The culprit will compensate for the damage from his own pocket.

The victim needs to very carefully monitor the preparation of the protocol by the traffic police inspector. All damage must not only be carefully recorded, but also described in detail. If during the investigation it turns out that the culprit of the accident is not included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, then this is equivalent to his lack of insurance.

Victim of an accident without insurance

Call the police and record the fact that the injured party has no insurance. A fine will be imposed on the victim for not having an insurance policy, but this amount is not commensurate with the possible damage.

Remember that the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a victim in an accident cannot be a reason for refusal of insurance payments.

The victim should make sure that the person at fault for the accident is included in the compulsory motor liability insurance policy.

If the insurance belongs to the person responsible for the accident, then the following data must be rewritten:

  • policy number;
  • date of issue;
  • insurance company contacts.

You can take a photo of the insurance policy.

A notification of an accident is attached to the MTPL policy. It must be filled out in duplicate. If you have never done this before, please read the filling instructions on the reverse side. One copy of the notice remains with the culprit, and the other with the victim in the accident.

Having collected all the documentation, the injured party submits a claim for damages to the insurance company of the person responsible for the road accident.

A difficult situation.

The insurance company determines the amount of insurance payments based on the results of the examination. If the amount of compensation does not cover the damage caused, the victim can conduct an independent examination.

The guilty party and its insurance company must be notified of the fact, place and time of the independent examination by registered telegram with delivery confirmation. Only in this case, the opponent will not be able to challenge the results of the examination in court, even if he is not present at it.

In cases where the results of the examinations differ from each other, you can go to court. Indicate in the claim that you are asking to recover the cost of the independent examination from the guilty party.

All participants in the accident without insurance

In such cases, the issue of recovery of damages is resolved only in court.

You should definitely call the traffic police. The inspector will record in the protocol the lack of MTPL insurance on both sides of the incident and issue them fines.

Don't be persuaded by the other party not to call the police. The amount of the fine is not commensurate with the possible damage and problems with its compensation. You need to collect all the documents to go to court, namely: a protocol and a certificate of the accident.

The traffic police inspector will not only record all the damage in the protocol, but will also describe it in detail. The accident report will also indicate all damage.


Innocent drivers without insurance have every chance of compensation for the damage caused to them.

Many amateurs do not have important information and do not know at all what to do if they get into an emergency on the road without an insurance policy and are not at fault for the accident. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations of a specialist and, first of all, the motorist should not get lost and should take actions that will make it possible to conduct an objective investigation.

What are the primary actions of a citizen who finds himself in an emergency situation on the roadway, but is not at all to blame for what happened?

You didn’t have insurance, you got into an accident, and you should perform a number of actions that are described below and, in doing so, follow the traffic rules:

  • The car must be stopped immediately after an emergency has occurred. The fixation procedure is taking place, you just need to slow down;
  • The hazard warning lights are turned on and a special sign is placed next to the vehicle.

The driver may state that he does not know at what distance the warning sign should be placed. This should be at least 15 meters away from cars that are approaching while driving, as well as towards cars that are approaching when driving in a populated area and thirty meters outside the city. It is possible to prove the fact of innocence only if the participants in the incident do not remove all the numerous traces and elements that are related to the accident.

Have you had an accident without insurance, you are not at fault and don’t know what to do next?

Any further action must be determined based on what happened and a number of circumstances.

People may be injured or killed during an accident, you should perform the following important manipulations:

  • take a number of measures aimed at providing first aid to the remaining drivers and passengers who were injured in the accident;
  • the police and ambulance should be called;
  • injured participants in the accident should be taken by their own transport or by passing vehicle to the hospital;
  • if the driver does not have insurance, he was involved in an accident and is not to blame for what happened - then the victims can be sent to the hospital and before that they should provide his car registration number to the police and return to the scene of the accident.

Attention! The law establishes criminal liability for leaving citizens in danger.

If it is not possible to take action to clear the roadway, it is imperative to record obstacles using photos and videos. A citizen who has been involved in an accident and is not to blame for what happened must leave his passport information, as well as the information of witnesses, clarify other communication channels and wait for the police to arrive.

When the car was damaged during an emergency

In cases where the car is damaged, and the participants cannot reach agreement, they must perform the following important actions:

  • the driver had an accident without insurance and is not to blame for what happened. He will have to clear the roadway, install emergency signs and, if possible, draw up a detailed description of what happened with photographs and video materials;
  • the statements of witnesses must be recorded and thanks to this information, police officers will be able to understand everything that happened;
  • If you get into an accident without insurance and are not to blame for what happened, the policeman will still draw up documents at the nearest accident post.

If the driver is involved in an accident without insurance and is not at fault, there is no disagreement between the other participants, and only the cars are damaged, the following should be done:

  • carry out the procedure for certifying the fact of an accident;
  • If the driver has an accident and does not have insurance, then there is absolutely no need to contact the police for help.

Drivers can make the following decisions:

  • carry out the procedure for registering an accident at the nearest police station, as well as at the traffic police post;
  • carry out the procedure for filling out the notification form, in accordance with the previously established MTPL standards, if the driver does not have an insurance policy. In such a case, it is not necessary for law enforcement to be involved in the operation;
  • emergency insurance may be expired, but the driver is not to blame for what happened on the road, there are no casualties or damage to cars, and even more so, no demands are made against each other. In such a situation, there is absolutely no need to carry out the paperwork procedure.

Some drivers believe that not having insurance will help them avoid paying for the damage that was caused. In fact, this is far from the case. If you have been injured in an accident, there is no need to be afraid, speak openly about it, even if you do not have an insurance policy.

You will still have to compensate for the damage, the most important thing is that the culprit has insurance:

  • If the victim, as well as the culprit of the accident, were not insured, then the procedure for compensation for damage will be considered in court;
  • The culprit may have an MTPL policy; in such situations, the details of his policy should be rewritten, this also applies to the date and number of issue of the document;
  • All paperwork related to the accident must be completed. They are usually attached to the main notice in the MTPL and it is important to read the recommendations for filling them out. A copy must be given to the person responsible for the accident, and the other one remains with you by law. The originals will be submitted to the insurance company of the person responsible for the accident for review;
  • It is imperative to pay a visit to the insurance company of the at-fault participant in the accident. You should study the procedure for receiving material damage from the inside so that absolutely no additional questions arise later.

The culprit could apply for CASCO insurance and then the procedure would be similar. The most important thing is to try to do all this as quickly as possible and with maximum benefit for yourself. If you are not to blame for the situation, you should not spend extra money and go to court. In any case, he will take your side and then the damage caused will be compensated.

Fine for lack of insurance in case of an accident

The occurrence of an emergency situation involves a procedure for imposing administrative liability in the form of a fine. The value will largely depend on which rules were violated, as well as what caused the emergency.

One more important nuance should be taken into account: operating a car without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is prohibited. This fact can be established against each of the participants in the accident, and then a fine is imposed.

In such a situation, it does not matter who exactly was right and who was to blame; this is an actual violation - the lack of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. This issue can be resolved by paying a fine of 500 rubles, this is the established amount of the fine. The procedure for collecting funds for damage, in the absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance or CASCO policy, is a complex mission.

If possible, it will be possible to try to resolve the issue peacefully. A citizen could get into an accident without insurance, find himself not at fault, and at the same time, deliberately leave the scene of the accident. Sanctions in the form of deprivation of rights or freedom for a period of 15 days should be applied to him. Also, you can return your license after 6 months.

When the culprit of an accident is not liable for the damage caused

The owner of the car will be released from liability that was caused by his car in the form of damage or harm if there were circumstances of force majeure in the case.

What does the concept of “force majeure” include? This is a kind of element, then if the circumstances under which a person had absolutely no opportunity to foresee further actions.

For example, a hurricane could pick up a car and push it into a neighboring car. In such a situation, none of the drivers is to blame, and this case can be classified as an accident.

The vehicle may be taken illegally

Another citizen can use your transport without consent, on a temporary or permanent basis. For example, an attacker could steal your vehicle and then hit a person with it.

He will bear responsibility for his actions in such a situation unless complicity is proven. Therefore, you should be extremely careful in such situations and not abandon the car with open doors and especially do not leave the key in the ignition.

Procedure for assisting a victim in the event of damage caused

The fact that the damage to the car was caused deliberately, that is, with the active assistance of the victim, can be proven. A citizen may be partially or completely absolved of guilt. For example, a suicide could choose your car and you in particular to deliberately throw himself under the wheels of the car.

You will be punished for inattention on the road to obstacles that suddenly appeared. And also for a careless collision, this largely excludes a criminal charge, even if the victim dies.

Production-hire relations

Your car can act as a tool of hired labor, and you were driving at that moment (were a hired employee, for example, a taxi driver), then in case of damage to the car, it should be covered by the owner’s corporate funds.

On the one hand, this is a completely fair provision, according to which the hired driver must pay a fine for an MTPL policy that the employer did not renew. However, this rule will apply only to cases of material damage and if any harm to health was caused, then this responsibility will further fall on the shoulders of the driver and it will not depend on which category the vehicle belongs to.

Some useful tips:

  • you cannot be rude to the victim, he can use it against you and achieve additional payments;
  • if the emergency does not have any serious consequences, then you cannot park the car on a busy highway area and, according to the new rules, this is punishable by a fine. Thanks to photo and video equipment, it is possible to record two cars that have collided and move them to the side of the road;
  • photo and video materials will help record the position of the cars that collided and you can move them to the side of the road until the traffic police arrives;
  • You should not carry out the procedure for issuing a policy for bribes retroactively after an emergency has occurred; it is better not to deceive, for this you are also subject to criminal liability and you can end up in prison.

OSAGO — compulsory insurance civil liability of vehicle owners. Every car owner must have an MTPL policy. But there are times when the policy is lost or expired, and it is absolutely necessary to use the car.

If you own a car and do not have insurance, you are not allowed to drive the car. In this case, you can transfer control of the car to another driver, making him the owner. Do not confuse the concepts of “owner” and “owner”. Owner - the person indicated in the registration certificate vehicle. The owner is the person who disposes of the car. In order to make a third party the owner of the car, you need to provide him with a power of attorney. Take a sheet of paper and draw up a power of attorney in any form on today’s date, indicating the details of the person you have chosen. According to the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance (Article 4, paragraph 2), the new owner of the car has the right to drive without insurance for 5 days with a power of attorney from the owner of the car. New owner

the car can also issue a power of attorney to a third party. But for this it is necessary to notarize such a document.

If the owner of the car has not issued a power of attorney to a third party, but is in the passenger seat in the car, then we can assume that he has verbally entrusted the car to the new driver. If you are stopped by a traffic police inspector, then in the protocol you can indicate your disagreement and justify it by the fact that you have an oral power of attorney or write out a power of attorney on the spot.

If you don't have an insurance policy, put aside all the important things and get one as quickly as possible. Driving a car without insurance is against the law. According to Article 12.37 Part 2, for an expired insurance policy, a fine of 800 rubles and withdrawal of state insurance. registration plates. If you forgot your home insurance, then, according to Art. 12.3 part 2, the fine will be 500 rubles, the numbers will not be removed. Therefore, if you do not have insurance, try to convince the inspector that you forgot it at home.

Even though there are various ways To overcome situations in the absence of an insurance policy, car insurance is necessary for every driver. An insurance policy will help protect you in case of an accident from paying the amount of damage if you are the culprit of the accident, and compensate for your damage if you are the victim.