Cellulite stars. Stars with cellulite: how to get rid of the “orange peel”

14.07.2020 State

Orange peel spares no one. Even on the starry legs of rich and famous beauties, she feels quite at ease. And annoying reporters, whose cameras try to catch every little detail, regularly present us with new surprise photos in which the cellulite of the stars is clearly visible. Photos help ordinary girls striving for the ideal to look at this problem more easily. Yes, it is possible and necessary to fight it, but without excessive fanaticism.

Celebrities have cellulite - no one is immune from the appearance of orange peel

Fame is a bad cure for cellulite

Seeing another celebrity in the photo who did not have time to hide her small flaw from the lens, many fans and girls simply familiar with her work are perplexed: she has so much money and opportunities, she can afford the latest and most expensive methods of combating cellulite. The conclusion immediately suggests itself that it is useless to fight it; if it is not given to the stars, then what can we do, mere mortals. And completely in vain!

These “ideal” people, unattainable for us, are actually the same as everyone else. They undergo the same metabolic processes in their bodies, some faster, others slower. Stars with cellulite are by no means uncommon, and orange peel appears on them for the same reasons as on all other lesser-known and famous representatives of humanity.

In addition, it is quite possible that this celebrity is the most common lazy person, that she is not alien to human weaknesses, she cannot give up bad habits and she often has to replenish her energy reserves on the go, with a huge amount carbohydrates.

Without proper care of their skin, even celebrities who have a lot of money will not prevent them from developing orange peel.

If you take all this into account and think carefully, it becomes clear that having the time and money to take good care of your skin and using these opportunities are far from the same thing. And simple, non-star girls sometimes have much more willpower and skill to keep their skin in perfect condition.

Cellulite in foreign stars

Let's look under the skirts of some foreign celebrities and evaluate the scale of this, as it turns out, universal problem of cellulite among stars and ordinary women. Many celebrities have managed to show off their cosmetic flaw to almost the entire world. Among them there are Russian stars and luminaries of the world sky.

Britney Spears

This star "cellulite" is perhaps the most striking example of how problems in personal life and career, the abuse of bad habits and the tendency to “seize” another failure can lead to the formation of an orange peel on the thighs of anyone, even the most ordinary person.

She also claims to be the most striking example of how to get rid of this problem in a matter of time. Having gathered her strength and spirit, involved a team of nutritionists and trainers, and given up bad habits, a year later she proudly presented her renewed figure and perfect skin to the public.

Jennifer Lopez

Age, the birth of twins and genetics stubbornly do their job. In addition, the singer, without being too modest, openly declares that she does not disdain fast food from time to time.

Ksenia Sobchak

Without hesitation, she says that nothing human is alien to her. She openly struggles with cellulite and takes it easy. After all, we need to get a haircut from time to time, visit the dentist’s office, even for preventative purposes. Same with cellulite. It is a natural component of our life, and it simply needs to be shaken occasionally with a special massage and

Ordinary women sometimes think that cellulite and celebrities are incompatible and they simply do not know about such problems. However, this is not quite true. Stars with cellulite are forced to constantly struggle, because, unlike “mere mortals,” they are constantly under the close attention of the paparazzi and their fans, who immediately discover suddenly appearing flaws in the figure of their favorite.

Some celebrities have a complex about this and try to hide problem areas in any way, without disdaining to resort to the help of Photoshop, thanks to which all the covers are full of simply perfect figures without flaws.

Cellulite among Russian stars

More and more famous beauties and Russian stars fight cellulite in longer but more effective ways, including massages, body wraps, cosmetics and anti-cellulite treatments.

Alena Vodonaeva: the best “treatment” is prevention!

Alena Vodonaeva began her struggle with cellulite when she was still a 16-year-old teenager, at an age when most girls do not even think about this problem. However, the TV presenter has her own tactics. She believes that there is no need to wait for the “orange peel” to appear, because it is easier to prevent a problem than to take a long time to eliminate its consequences.

Alena Vodonaeva

The girl regularly visits beauty salons, where she does everything possible. Of course, this pleasure is not cheap, but you can easily afford it. That’s why today Alena can proudly claim that her figure is perfect! She advises girls not to eat after 18.00, and to limit flour and sweets.

Masha Malinovskaya and Ksenia Sobchak: the main enemy of cellulite is massage

Ksenia Sobchak and Masha Malinovskaya are such media-favored persons that any reminders of their “human” essence do not bother the ladies at all. Therefore, telling them how stars struggle with cellulite is as easy as shelling pears, because for them this is an absolutely natural side of life.

Star cellulite in Ksenia Sobchak

Both TV personalities consider the most effective way fight against cellulite in combination with regular use of a variety of... “Body masks and wraps on their own are not very effective, but when combined with a massage, they can work real miracles on a woman’s body,” this is exactly what both Ksenia and Masha say.

Tatyana Bulanova: the rule of three “never”s

The famous and beloved singer Tatyana Bulanova chose slightly different methods of “exterminating” cellulite. It's simple, she constantly adheres to the rule of three "never":

  1. Never eats after 18.00.
  2. Never drinks sweet carbonated drinks.
  3. Fatty dishes never appear on her menu.

In order not to break down and try to remain faithful to your ideals, Tatyana advises to constantly remember the desired image of yourself, your beloved. Naturally, imagination alone is unlikely to help; endurance and willpower are also very necessary here. That is why it is simply impossible to find a photo of Tatyana Bulanova among stars with cellulite.

In addition to following these rules, the singer also recommends walking, drinking or clean water, or freshly squeezed juices. Juices in red and orange shades especially help fight cellulite. Carrot, orange and grapefruit are great.

Important! You cannot store freshly squeezed juice in the refrigerator! So it loses the bulk of vitamins, and therefore all its beneficial properties.

Irina Chashchina: body wraps and proper nutrition are the secret to a seductive figure

Irina claims that you can say goodbye to the “orange peel” forever, for this a variety of wraps and.

Irina Chashchina

Irina recommends eating more steamed dishes, especially vegetables. For drinks, the girl advises drinking more home-made fruit drinks and completely eliminating sweet carbonated drinks and lemonades.

Maxim and Oksana Fedorova: the “correct” attitude towards cellulite

Maxim and Oksana Fedorova are among the Russian stars with cellulite who demonstrate a completely correct attitude towards it. Having realized the reasons for the appearance of “orange peel”, girls lead an active healthy lifestyle, devoting a lot of time to physical activity: strength and aerobic training in a ratio of 1:3. However, they also in no way neglect anti-cellulite care.

Star girls prefer. After all, this is a great opportunity to restore firmness and elasticity to the skin, remove all toxins from the body, and “at the same time” get rid of cellulite.

TV personality Oksana Fedorova admitted that she often resorts to LPG massage before especially important events, where in addition to the bright spotlights there are also restless paparazzi. This popular, but very expensive procedure quickly returns to its former shape, but is contraindicated for varicose veins, rosacea and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Lolita: cellulite is not a problem, but a fiction

One of the most prominent figures in Russian show business is Lolita. Bold and revealing outfits and statements are the calling card of the singer, who has never had a complex about her stellar cellulite and appearance, but this has not made her any less popular or beloved by her fans.

What is the reason for excess weight and deterioration of skin quality in Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and why can very thin girls have cellulite? Nutritionist Elena Golubnichaya- about the importance of an integrated approach in the fight against cellulite.

Cellulite is a local proliferation of fat cells and the manifestation of structural abnormalities in the subcutaneous tissue. Healthy cells simply refuse to be freed from the products of their vital activity - instead, fatty deposits accumulate in them. Moreover, the cells begin to absorb other substances, in particular, toxins, liquids, and all kinds of waste. Thus, in problem areas of the body there is a rapid growth of connective tissue, which begins to “stick out” from the subcutaneous layer in the form of specific tubercles. It is noteworthy that such external manifestations of cellulite can occur even with a minimal amount of fat deposits. Although if you are overweight, the “orange peel” is much more pronounced.

Britney Spears

Over the past few years, Britney's weight has fluctuated between +/- 15 kg. Now the singer’s body looks as fit as possible thanks to regular training and concerts - this is how we knew her in the early 2000s!

Elena Golubnichaya:

“Cellulite develops due to lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle. With insufficient loads, the outflow of lymph from body tissues slows down, and organs begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen and nutrients. The result: excess weight and more pronounced cellulite. An additional factor is stress. Nervous irritability causes active release of adrenaline and norepinephrine into the blood. If there are a lot of such hormones, spasm of blood vessels and stagnation in tissues occurs.”

Christina Aguilera

Christina gained about 38 kg after two pregnancies, which is really a lot for the once petite singer. After the birth of her second daughter, Summer Rain, she began to actively lose weight and lost the excess weight within a year. The girl came to the American Music Awards in 2014 noticeably slimmer.

“One of the reasons for cellulite is not proper nutrition. A lack of fiber leads to poor blood flow in the buttocks and thighs. Tissues slowly get rid of waste substances if there is a lack of fluid in the body. That's why it's so important to reconsider your diet. It should contain a sufficient amount of protein (including animal origin).

Be sure to include physical activity. The muscles must be fed with oxygen, this will help get rid of congestion (see the best exercises for the buttocks). Also, drink water! Otherwise, swelling will also be added to cellulite: than less water enters the body, the more cells retain it in order to survive.”

Bella Hadid

In 2017, Bella Hadid's figure was criticized after the Victoria's Secret show. Eagle-eyed observers saw irregularities on the model's hips during the show. However, Bella, like her sister Gigi, always reacts correctly to criticism and does not succumb to provocations.

Elena Golubnichaya:

“Massage and wraps help a lot in the fight against unevenness. Nourish, moisturize the skin, fill it with useful elements, promote the production of collagen and elastin. Cold wraps also help with sagging skin.”

There are several universal truths in this world. One of them is that women don't like cellulite. Another thing is that almost every woman on this planet has cellulite.

Cellulite is a common occurrence among people, and we tend to think of it as a skin disease, even though it is not. There are many reasons for the existence of cellulite, and here are some of them: diet, genetics and lack of exercise.

Even though celebrities cover it up with some good old fashioned Photoshop editing, they still can't get rid of it in their regular photos.

So that you don't feel embarrassed about your body, we've compiled this list of 16 celebrities who have been struggling with cellulite for years and are no longer ashamed of it!

1. Lady Gaga

Pop queen Lady Gaga puts a lot of effort into her stage shows. However, she still suffers from unsightly cellulite on her thin legs.

Lady Gaga is pictured. Without Photoshop, cellulite is noticeable

Britney Spears had us believe that years of dancing won't tame cellulite. Maybe it's time to ditch the sugary coffee drinks from Starbucks.

Britney Spears is fighting cellulite, but so far she's losing

Britney Spears with cellulite, without Photoshop treatment

3. Anna Vyalitsyna

Supermodels have cellulite too! Ann Vyalitsyna was noticed several times with cellulite. Even though she is gorgeous and fit, she still has her flaws.

Reese may be America's sweetheart, but that doesn't mean she'll be left out of the battle we're all fighting. This photo in a swimsuit makes it clear that the actress is losing her battle with cellulite. But, we still love you, Reese!

Reese Witherspoon with clearly visible cellulite on her legs

Grammy Award winner Queen Bey is no exception to cellulite fever.

Even the body of the stunning dancer Jennifer Lopez is not without cellulite.

In the photo, Jennifer Lopez without Photoshop does not look as amazing as we are used to

7. Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton shows us that she too struggles with cellulite in short denim shorts. In an attempt to hide the glimpses of cellulite, sunlight seems to be the enemy.

Halle Berry is a sexy mommy, slim and fit. However, this does not prevent cellulite from forming on the back of her thighs.

Halle Berry with orange peel on her thighs

Anna Faris always looks great! We have seen her in many comedies and start laughing as soon as we see her face. However, she is another woman who has not escaped cellulite.

Hilary Swank has won the Academy Award for Best Actress twice. Even this stunning star can't keep her cellulite a secret. It is not necessarily entirely related to the American diet.

Celebrities with cellulite are not an American curse. Now you see Princess Kate's sister, Pippa Middleton. We also noticed these unsightly dimples on her thighs.

12. Rihanna

The singer and dancer has a strict regime. However, it does not seem to control cellulite on the thighs.

13. Scarlett Johansson

This gorgeous blonde has special agent training and developed procedures. Which doesn't seem to help reduce the cellulite on her thighs. Scarlett has spoken openly about cellulite as part of what it means to be a woman. We completely agree with her!

In fact, this is the curse of “Victoria's Secret Angel” Alessandro Ambrosio. Even the sun has spots!

15. Jennifer Aniston

Another lover of short shorts is Jennifer Aniston. Yes, she has cellulite too, but so what?

16. Kim Kardashian

Kimberly Kardashian without photoshop on the sirloin

Britney Spears' appearance is constantly discussed on the Internet. The pop idol of all the girls who grew up in the 2000s is either gaining extra pounds or rapidly losing weight. The weight fluctuations noticeably affected the singer’s figure: the skin sagged, and instead of tone, pronounced dimples appeared on the hips.

Britney came to her senses, giving up fast food and bad habits, and signed up for a gym and a plastic surgeon.

These methods saved Britney from advanced cellulite, but as soon as she neglects herself, the dimples on her thighs treacherously come out again.

Scarlett Johansson

“The Girl with a Pearl Earring” Johansson has always been curvy, but she didn’t feel embarrassed about being overweight. Of course, as a leading Hollywood actress, Scarlett has to “call cellulite into the ring” and hide her orange peel.

True, paparazzi often take compromising photographs of Johansson in a swimsuit, in which the dimples on her hips are clearly visible.

Eva Longoria

Petite brunette Eva Longoria is proud of her figure and does not miss the chance to appear in public in a dress with a revealing neckline. The actress emphasizes that the body is the result of hard work, and not the work of plastic surgeons.

On the red carpet, the “desperate housewife” is always impeccable, as she skillfully selects outfits that emphasize her assets.

Unfortunately, it's hard not to notice the orange peel in Eva Longoria's bikini photo.

Blake Lovely

Ryan Reynolds' wife, who had rhinoplasty, often appears in the frame in short dresses and a swimsuit.

After having her children, Blake quickly got into shape and didn't seem to have to put much effort into it. But pictures of Blake in everyday life showed that the star, like most women, suffered from cellulite.

Jennifes Lopez

The hot singer regularly shares sexy bikini pictures with her fans and receives numerous likes. J.Lo emphasizes her appetizing curves with revealing outfits and is not even shy about her imperfect skin condition.

From time to time, the singer has noticeable orange peel on her thighs, but Jennifer copes with the imperfections either with shapewear or cosmetology.


Excess weight Even celebrities are not spared, and the Barbadian beauty is no exception.

Behind Last year Rihanna gained 10 kilograms and lost her athletic shape: dimples and irregularities appeared on the singer’s once toned legs and hips.

The performer herself is quite happy with this state of affairs: she boldly flaunts herself in short dresses and shorts, wears oversized outfits and sharply responds to angry comments from fans. Riri plays up her acquired curves and doesn’t think about fighting cellulite.

Loving your own body with all its flaws is difficult. To ensure that a woman’s reflection in the mirror corresponds to the desired ideals, they offer a lot of ways to correct the figure - from minimally invasive procedures to radical surgeries.