The charger does not charge the Samsung. Samsung phone won't charge

25.08.2019 Technique

Samsung Galaxy smartphone won't charge

In the current situation, when the Samsung Galaxy smartphone is not charging, first of all you need to determine the complexity of the current problem. After that, we will select suitable ways to solve this problem.

  • cable problem charger;
  • problem with the charger power supply;
  • problem with the phone's memory connector;
  • battery problem;
  • failure of the power controller;
  • service center recommendations

Charger cable problem

The reason that your Samsung Galaxy smartphone is not charging may be a problem with a breakdown or internal break in the charger cable of your smartphone. Due to the fact that the thin wires of the cable are constantly bent, the electrical contact is broken during connection.

Charger power supply problem

If, after replacing the charger cable with a new Samsung Galaxy A 5 smartphone, it still does not charge, possible reason Perhaps it is the charger unit itself.

Problem with the phone's memory connector

The problem of a damaged connector can also be a cause in this situation. Damage to the connector can be caused by a sudden drop or movement of the smartphone during the charging process. It is impossible to find out whether the charger connector is the cause of the breakdown at home. It is recommended to contact the service center.

Battery problem

After checking the previous causes of the current problem, it is assumed that the mystery lies in a faulty battery. Again, checking this at home is very problematic. In this regard, we advise you to contact the service center specialists.

Power controller failure

The power controller plays an important role in the charging process of the Galaxy A 5 smartphone. This part, which is a microcircuit located directly in the mobile device, is responsible for powering the smartphone. If, after a thorough check of the above-mentioned versions, the cause of the problem was not identified, then most likely the power controller of the Galaxy A 5 smartphone is to blame. To fix this ominous problem, we recommend that you contact a service center whose employees specialize in smartphones of your brand.

Only after a carefully analyzed diagnostic process mobile device, the Galaxy smartphone is subject to further staff service center as soon as possible.