Fallout 4 perks local leader.

29.07.2019 Jurisprudence

The Charisma stat reflects your ability to charm and persuade others. It affects the effectiveness of individual lines in dialogues and the price that sellers charge you for their goods. Increase your charisma to be able to win in dialogues with yellow, orange and red difficulty levels.

Level 1: Cap Collector- you have perfectly mastered the skill of conducting transactions. This perk will allow you to establish trade in settlements and make it possible to create: - a trading shop (rank 2 and the Local Leader of the second rank perk), an armor shop (rank 2 and the Local Leader of the second rank perk), a weapons shop (rank 2 and the Local Leader of the second rank perk ), a restaurant (rank 2 and the Local Leader perk of the second rank) and a clothing store (rank 2 and the Local Leader perk of the second rank). Choose this perk if you love trade and have attracted various merchants to your settlements.

  1. CHR 1 - improves buying and selling prices from sellers.
  2. Level 20, CHR 1 - Significantly improves buying and selling prices from sellers.
  3. Level 41, CHR1 - you can invest up to 500 caps in your business to increase its purchasing power.

Level 2: Black Widow/Misogynist- you know how to charm... and you are very dangerous for people of the opposite sex. If you add the Persuader perk to this perk, you will be able to cope with almost any situation with or without the use of violence.

  1. CHR 2, Female/Male - persons of the opposite sex will receive 5% more damage from your attacks, and it will also be easier to persuade them in dialogues.
  2. Level 7, CHR 2 - persons of the opposite sex will receive 10% more damage and are easier to persuade in dialogues. It will be even easier to deal with them if paired with the Persuader perk.
  3. Level 22, CHR 2 - persons of the opposite sex will receive 15% more damage and will be easier to convince in dialogues.

Level 3: Lone Wanderer- who needs these friends anyway? If you prefer to explore the wasteland alone, you will find some abilities that give you stamina and strength stats useful. However, without having to level up each of them separately, you can simply use this perk.

  1. CHR3 - When you go on an adventure alone, you take 15% less damage and your carrying capacity increases by 50 units.
  2. Level 17, CHR3 - When you go on an adventure alone, you take 30% less damage and your carrying capacity increases by 100 units.
  3. CHR3 - When you go on an adventure alone, you deal 25% more damage.

Level 4: Dog Walker- if you decide to explore the wasteland with four-legged friend, this perk will improve your pet's parameters.

  1. CHR 4 - your loyal friend can hold the enemy, making it easier for you to score a critical hit in VATS mode.
  2. Level 9, CHR 4 - When your dog holds an enemy, there is an increased chance that he will damage the limb he bites.
  3. Level 25, CHR4 - When your dog is holding an enemy, there is an increased chance that his bite will cause the enemy to bleed.

Level 5: Animal Friend- communicate with the creatures of God. Displays the chance to calm a particular animal when you aim at it. For more high levels you will be able to control monsters, setting them on enemies. On maximum level the beast literally turns into your pet, to which you can give various commands. This way you can, for example, distract enemies.

  1. CHR 5 - aim at the beast and if its level is lower than yours, it will calm down.
  2. Level 12, CHR 5 - after you calm the beast, it can be set on the enemy.
  3. Level 28, CHR 5 - after you calm the beast, you can give it various commands.

Level 6: Local Leader- this perk will make it possible to improve your settlements, allowing you to create the following elements: a trading desk, a shop, a weapons shop, an armor shop, a bar, a restaurant, a first aid station, a clinic, a surgery center, workbenches for armor and weapons, a chemical laboratory of two types, cooking two types, a plate and a workshop for power armor.

  1. CHR 6 - you can arrange supplies between your settlements.
  2. Level 14, CHR 6 - you can build improved shops and workshops.

Level 7: Party People- There is no one who could have more fun than you. Explore all the benefits of alcohol and enjoy them without negative consequences intoxication. Considering the increase in luck level at the third rank of this perk, fighting while intoxicated will become even easier for you.

  1. CHR 7 - you will not be able to become addicted to alcohol.
  2. Level 15, CHR 7 - the positive effect of alcohol doubles.
  3. Level 37, CHR 7 - Your Luck increases by 3 points while you are under the influence of alcohol.

Level 8: Mastermind- thanks to your ability to influence people, your companions receive certain bonuses.

  1. CHR 8 - your companion deals more damage in battle and will not be able to harm you.
  2. Level 19, CHR 8 - your companion gains increased resistance to damage in battle and is not affected by your attacks.
  3. Level 43, CHR 8 - Your companion can carry more items.

Level 9: Whispers of the Wasteland- use the consequences of a nuclear disaster for your own purposes. You can calm and give commands to the wild creatures roaming the wasteland.

  1. CHR 9 - point your weapon at the creature, and if its level is lower, you will calm it down.
  2. Level 21, CHR 9 - after you calm the creature, you can give it the command to attack.
  3. Level 49, CHR 9 - after you calm the creature, you can give it various commands.

Level 10: Enforcer- After you calm someone down, you can give your victim various commands. This perk acts in a similar way to the perks Whisper of the Wasteland and Friend of Beasts, but in relation to people. This way you can set robbers against each other.

  1. CHR 10 - it's time to show everyone who's boss! Calm down an enemy below your level.
  2. Level 23, CHR 10 - give the order to attack after calming someone down.
  3. Level 50, CHR 10

Once settlements are built, they must be provided with the necessary resources and protection. And if a good turret can handle the latter, then supplying food and water is not an easy task. Not every town is able to feed itself. Therefore, in Fallout 4, settlements can be connected by supply lines. They will help send the missing resource to the right location.

Settlement locations

The location can be found randomly while traveling through the wasteland and coming across Workshops. The very first one can be found almost immediately after leaving the Vault: this is the hometown of the Survivor, Sanctuary Hills.

But to search for all settlements by location in Fallout 4, it is better to use the map that was compiled by users for those who like to build and develop their own small towns. This will allow you not to spend a lot of time searching, but simply go and find the necessary Workshops and start construction.

The sooner you find and develop towns in Fallout 4, the faster you will have large settlements with developed infrastructure and a full-fledged economy. You can build whatever your heart desires in them. And trade routes will unite the towns into a whole network, covering the entire wasteland of Fallout 4.

Remember that some settlement locations may be too dangerous for a character below a certain level. Therefore, you should be careful when traveling. For example, you shouldn’t go to Spectacle Island until the last third of the game - very strong swamp creatures live there in large numbers, capable of destroying a low-level Survivor with a few hits.

Supply line between settlements

After settlements have been found and subjugated, it is worth thinking about supplying them. Unfortunately, it is rare that any location is able to provide for itself. Somewhere is missing clean water, in some places there is very little trash, and in others there is simply no way to grow food. But in Fallout 4, supplying settlements is very simple. This problem can be solved by establishing trade routes between settlements.

Supply lines, or trade routes, are created to send food, food, resources, and other junk from one population center to another. Logically, caravans should constantly travel along these routes. But in fact, in Fallout 4, creating them simply activates a shared inventory between connected settlements. That is, even if the towns are located at different ends of the wasteland, you can instantly move a resource from one to another.

To create a supply line between two settlements in Fallout 4, you must have the Local Leader ability at level 1. To obtain it you need Charisma (6 points). After discovering the ability, you can safely arm a settler and send him with a trade caravan from one settlement to another. Once it reaches its destination, the supply line is created. Remember that the settler can only walk in splendid isolation. Therefore, do not forget to properly dress and arm him.

In order to send a villager with a caravan to the wasteland of Fallout 4, you must:

  1. Go to Workshop mode.
  2. Approach the desired resident.
  3. Select the “Create route” function (default – Q button).
  4. From the new menu, select where to send the new caravan driver.

After which the resident you have chosen will go to the desired settlement. If he arrives alive, it means everything worked out and the trade route was created.

Helpful advice for novice caravanners in Fallout 4: first of all, connect the settlements that are closest to each other into a trading network. This will ensure maximum efficiency of caravan movements. If you send a settler to a distant location, there is a high probability that he will not be able to reach it and will die a terrible death.

In addition to searching for his son, the main character in the vast world of Fallout 4 will have to build and take care of settlements. And for their active development it is necessary to create trade routes.

Perk Local Leader in Fallout 4

The Local Leader perk in Fallout 4 is great way slightly improve your influence on people and force them to work with you for the benefit of a particular property. In Fallout 4, Local Leader is an optional ability, as it is purely a side activity that is not relevant to the storyline. Then the question arises, how to get Local Leader in Fallout 4? This is not so difficult to do, you just need to pump up your charisma to value 6 and after that you will be able to get this skill. Is there a Local Leader level 2 in Fallout 4? Yes, to do this you just need to pump up your charisma by one more value (it turns out to the seventh) and you will receive the second value of development. Therefore, you shouldn’t think about how to get Local Leader 2 in Fallout 4, as it’s simple. All that remains is to figure out how to use it.

Using this skill

So we figured out what the Local Leader perk gives in Fallout 4, all that remains is to understand how the Local Leader works in Fallout 4. As it turns out, using the Local Leader perk in Fallout 4 is not so difficult; in crafting mode in your settlement, approach any free person and a choice will appear that allows you to send him on a trade route and transfer resources. The Local Leader perk in Fallout 4 will allow you to control all your possessions and supply them with the necessary resources, which will be used for development and will allow your possessions to become more reliable and powerful. Now you know how to answer the question: Local leader in Fallout 4, what is it? And if you want to quickly get this ability, you need to use the Local Leader codes for Fallout 4, which look like this: level 1 - 0004d88d, level 2 - 001d2468.

Is this ability really useful?

All that remains is to think about whether this ability is really necessary? If you are engaged in a complex passage of the game and you are interested in the topic of construction and development of the Commonwealth, then this skill will be very useful to you. You just need to use it correctly, supply all your settlements and remember that people believe in you and will expect protection, prosperity and serious treatment from you. Try to create the best Commonwealth that can restore its lands after a nuclear war and can return to its normal way of life. We wish you good luck! Pay attention to this area, and you will definitely be able to achieve success.

Do you want to become the ruler of the Wasteland and create your own state with many small towns and settlements connected by trade routes? Then we advise you to read this manual carefully. It will indicate the location of all settlements in Fallout 4 and discuss the establishment of trade routes between them.

IN game world you can create 30 full-fledged settlements. Some of them can be erected in the right place without any problems, while others require the fulfillment of certain conditions and simple tasks. Each settlement has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will describe below. The location of all places for the construction of settlements is indicated on the map.

Descriptions of settlements


The very first settlement, which is available for creation already at the initial stages of the game. It can be considered the hometown of the main character. There is a river nearby, so there will be no problems with water. There is a lot of trash lying around that can be recycled and yield many useful resources. Plus there are ready-made structures here.

Truck stop "Red Rocket"

Creation conditions: none.

You can find this place to settle south of Sanctuary. There are several workbenches here. By the way, this is where you can find your faithful dog Dogmita. Unfortunately, there is not much trash here, so you will have to look for materials elsewhere.

Tenpines Bluff

Creation conditions: complete a simple task right on the spot.

The creation of this settlement is part of the quest to restore the Minutemen. A farm has already been built here.

Abernethy Farm

Creation conditions: you need to complete the task called “Returning the Favor”.

A large number of free plots of land for creating beds. An excellent settlement for the development of farming. Excess food can be exported to other settlements. Raiders rarely attack this farm, so three or four turrets will be enough to protect it.

Restaurant "Starlight"

There are already several ready-made buildings. There is little free land, so it will not be possible to build many new buildings.

Outpost "Zimonja"

Creation Conditions: Kill all enemies in the area.

A small plot of land on which there are generators. In this settlement you can also find a magazine that allows the main character to quickly learn one of the perks. The windows of local buildings offer excellent views of the local lake. True, you won’t be able to swim in it, since it is radioactive.

Commune "Solar Tides"

Creation Conditions: Kill all enemies in the area.

On the territory of the commune there are ready-made houses with beds. There is even a building that is specially built for the robot Handy.


Ghouls live in this place, so if you restore this settlement, you will improve your relationship with Hancock. There are many farms in the area.

Greentop Greenhouse

Creation conditions: you need to complete a task issued on the spot.

Several farms have already been built here, so this settlement can be used to create large quantities of food and transport it to other settlements.

Tuffington Boat House

Creation Conditions: Kill all enemies in the area.

Average place to live. It differs from the others only in the large amount of water.

Finch Farm

Creation conditions: you need to complete the task called “Out of the Fire”.

A typical place for a populated area. Several buildings and farms can be created to provide people with housing and food.


Creation conditions: you need to complete a task called “Human Error”, and then choose the fate of the town’s inhabitants (invaders).

To control the settlement, you will need to clear the area, and thoroughly. If you choose another option, you will have access to merchants with good goods.

Oberland station

Creation conditions: help local residents.

There are already farmlands and houses in this place, so the settlement can be built up extremely quickly.


Creation conditions: you need to complete the task called “Troubled Waters”.

An interesting place where robots live. They grow food here, which can then be sent to other settlements. This settlement is very easy to manage, since the robots do not need water or food. However Special attention should be given to the system of protection of the populated area.

Kingsport Lighthouse

There are various infrastructure facilities on the territory. In addition, the settlers will have access to a large source of water.

Cottage on the beach

Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

An unremarkable piece of land. Unless you can get access to a large volume of water.

Mansion of the Krupov family

Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

In this place there is a three-story house in which you can easily settle down. main character. However, the rest of the land is empty, so you will have to start building new structures.

Nordhagen Beach

A real dump with access to a large water source.

Somerville Place

Creation conditions: you need to complete a task given right on the spot.

Boasts the presence of a large number of ready-made farms.

Boston airport

Creation conditions: you must complete the quest called “Shadow of Steel”.

It will not be possible to build farms or additional residential buildings on this plot of land, but there is a large amount of scrap. We advise you to think in advance where you will send food to this settlement from.

Pier "Egret Tours"

Creation conditions: you must either kill or become a friend of Phyllis Daly.

This location has access to a large number water and a lot of ready-made buildings. However, you will first have to disarm many traps.

Construction site in Murkwater

Creation conditions: unknown yet.

No data available.

Jamaica Plain

Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

There are many large structures and parking in this area. The local settlers are already happy.

Spectacle Island

Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

High-level opponents live in this location, so we recommend coming here with an already well-leveled main character. This land plot boasts the presence of a large volume of water, many generators and free areas for development.

Gallows Lane

Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

The territory of the settlement is fenced with high walls. There are no more features.

Bunker Hill

Creation conditions: you need to complete the task called “The Battle of Bunker Hill”.

We recommend setting up a command center here, since this settlement boasts a developed infrastructure and a considerable number of merchants. From here it is convenient to supply the settlers with everything necessary for a good life.


Creation conditions: you need to kill all enemies in the area.

Various missions from the Minutemen are associated with this place. There is a lot of equipment on its territory.

Warwick Farm

Creation conditions: you need to complete a task issued on the spot.

Excellent for food production, since the settlement already has ready-made farms with grown plants.

Country Crossing

Creation conditions: you need to complete a quest given on the spot.

A typical settlement with the ability to build several buildings and farms.

Establishing trade routes between settlements

First, let's define what exactly a trade route is in Fallout 4. Essentially, supply routes allow the player to create a common inventory for all connected settlements. As a result, you will be able to use the surplus of certain resources of one settlement to develop another.

To connect settlements you will need a perk called “Local Leader”. It can only be opened with Level 6 Charisma. Then you will need to find a settler capable of leading the caravan.

If you cannot allocate even one person for this work, then you can send one of your companions to the desired settlement. Some of them, such as Codsworth (Mr. Handy), will refuse, but most will agree. We recommend sending Strong - with him you can almost always create the necessary trade route.

To open the supply route, go to the Workshop menu, and then go to the future caravan leader. Select the appropriate option that appears in the available commands, then find the settlement with which you want to create a trade route. We advise you to choose nearby settlements. If you plan to unite all the settlements with each other, then you will need to move along the chain.

After selecting a town, a supply route will be automatically created. You will immediately see that the inventory for settlements has become common. Good luck in the Wasteland!

Attention! This article will be updated as new details about the game are revealed! The translation into Russian is not official and in the release version of the game some names may differ from those written in the article!

In this article we plan to talk about the characteristics, perks and skills in Fallout 4. Unlike previous series of games, now you will not need to level up your skills from the initial ~15 to 100 - these values ​​have been replaced by ranks. Each skill or perk has its own maximum rank. A skill or perk begins to take effect immediately after receiving at least the first rank, but the higher the rank of the skill, the more opportunities it provides the user.

List of perks


Strength is a measure of your physical strength. Affects the weight you can safely carry and the damage from melee attacks.


Perception is your “sixth sense” and how you navigate space. It affects the accuracy of weapons in V.A.T.S mode.


Endurance is an indicator of your physical condition and health. It affects your total health and the number of action points spent when running.


Charisma is your ability to charm and please others. It affects the success of persuasion in dialogues and prices during exchange.

  • Cap collector

    Rank 1: You have mastered the art of trading! Buying and selling prices from merchants have improved.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Lady killer

    Rank 1: You are charming... and dangerous. Women take 5% more damage in combat and are easier to convince in dialogues.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Lone wanderer

    Rank 1: Who needs friends, after all? When traveling without a companion, you take 15% less damage and can carry 50 pounds more.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Attack dog

    Stat Requirement: 4
    Rank 1: Your faithful fanged companion can now hold enemies, increasing your chance to hit them in V.A.T.S.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Animal Friend

    Stat requirement: 5
    Rank 1: Communicate with animals! By pointing your weapon at any animal whose level is lower than yours, you get a chance to subdue it.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Local leader

    Stat Requirement: 6
    Rank 1: As the go-to ruler, you can establish supply lines between your settlements.
    Rank 2: ???

  • Party boy

    Characteristic requirement: 7
    Rank 1: No one has a better time than you! Eliminates the possibility of becoming alcohol dependent.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Inspirational

    Stat Requirement: 8
    Rank 1: Following your example, companions begin to deal more damage and can no longer deal damage to you.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Wasteland whisperer

    Stat Requirement: 9
    Rank 1: Lord of the Post-Apocalypse! By pointing your weapon at any creature of the wasteland whose level is lower than yours, you get a chance to pacify it.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • Intimidation

    Stat Requirement: 10
    Rank 1: It's time to show who's boss! By pointing your weapon at any human opponent whose level is lower than yours, you get a chance to subdue him.
    Rank 2: With a successful suppression, you can induce the target start attacking.
    Rank 3: If successfully subdued, you can order the target to carry out special commands.


Intelligence is an indicator of your erudition and horizons. It affects the number of experience points received.

  • V.A.N.S.

    Characteristic requirement: 1
    Rank 1: Let Vault-Tech Guide You! The path to the nearest quest objective is now displayed in V.A.T.S.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???

  • MEDIC (Doctor)

    Characteristic requirement: 2
    Rank 1: Is there a doctor at home? Stimpaks restore 40% of lost health, and anti-radin removes 40% of radiation contamination.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: ???
    Rank 4: ???

  • Gun Nut

    Characteristic requirement: 3
    Rank 1: ???.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 3: Gives access to rank 3 weapon modifications
    Rank 4: ???


Agility is a measure of your skill and reflexes. It affects the number of action points in V.A.T.S. and on your ability to “Sneak”.

  • Sneak (Ability to sneak)

    Characteristic requirement: 3
    Rank 1: Become a whisper, become a shadow. When you sneak, you are 20% harder to spot.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 4: ???
    Rank 5: ???


Luck is an indicator of your luck in general in everything. It affects the recharge rate of Critical Hits.

  • Bloody mess

    Characteristic requirement: 3
    Rank 1: +5% extra damage and chance to send bloody red mince to enemies. Beware of flying eyeballs.
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 2: ???
    Rank 4: ???

Data taken from this video: