Why dream about a black river. Why do you dream of dirty water? The meaning of dreams about water for girls

28.08.2019 Finance

Water is a multi-valued symbol, interpreted very interestingly in many cultures, and has a powerful magical power. But what can black water mean in a dream? Quite often, dream books prophesy that such a picture predicts trouble for the sleeper. But at the same time, this interpretation is also popular: the dreamer will be revealed some sacred knowledge and secrets. It all depends on the remembered details of the night dream.

Swift current and "dead" pool

Beware, perhaps the urgent situation in reality is about to get out of control - with dark waters, rushing in a rapid stream, barely restrained by the banks or dam.

Did you dream about rivers? Don’t panic, such a vision indicates that you have a chance to improve the situation, but under one condition: act extremely carefully, think through every step, don’t hesitate, but don’t rush unless absolutely necessary.

Are you looking at a muddy river in a dream? Daytime worries and worries do not leave you even in slumber; you relive again and again the emotions experienced the day before, alas, often not the most positive.


Black water can also be a dream. Such a symbol does not bode well, because in reality the sleeper may be slandered, insulted, in other words, “throwing mud at him.” But having received such a warning, the dreamer needs to take measures to prevent the attempts of spiteful critics to sully his pure name, to avoid squabbles and clashes with enemies.

Miller's dream book predicts all kinds of grief that can occur due to a mistake made by the sleeper, which is why he dreamed of falling into a puddle.

To drink or not to drink?

While you were sleeping, did you drink a dubious-looking black liquid? Why did you dream about such an experiment? Besides, you need to take care of your health. It is possible that hidden pathological processes occur in the body. And most likely they will affect the gastrointestinal tract, which is what the dream book suggests.

However, in the Esoteric Dream Book there is a different interpretation of this plot, prophesying the comprehension of secret knowledge to the sleeper. So if you drank a black drink in a dream, you will soon become the owner of secret information.

Extreme situations

If in night dream you saw black water flowing from the tap, wake up, gather yourself, concentrate. The dream book warns that there is a high probability of an unexpected turn of events, the course of which is unlikely to be changed. So we must meet these surprises in full combat readiness.

Why then dream that black liquid pours out of the shower onto you? There is no reason to be afraid, this vision indicates that you will get rid of what has long been burdensome, confusing, and haunting.

Is your house flooded with black water in the night phantasmagoria? This means that, in fact, trouble is on the doorstep. However, when in a dream you managed to stop the flows disfiguring the walls and ceiling, then in reality you will find a way to avoid troubles, the dream book reassures.

Sometimes in a dream a person experiences horror, looking at the erupting. This will result in the fact that the same fear can fetter him in the face of real danger. But we must fight, because the situation will only be hopeless if it poses a serious threat.

Finally, about miracles. The Ukrainian dream book promises them to those who, in a voluntary slumber, plunged into black water.

Dreams in which water is present are a symbol of significant changes in life, leading to both better and worse. Dirty or black water is a symbol of anxiety and misfortune; it can predict danger and the beginning of a dark streak in a person’s life.

What if you dream about black water?

There are several interpretations of black water, but the most common one is that you need to prepare to face danger or failure and to withstand all the blows that fate has in store. If the water is black in a waterfall or a stormy river, it means that you will soon find yourself in circumstances that will be impossible to control, so you will have to go with the flow until everything resolves itself.

It is also important to know why you dream of black water in a quiet river. Usually this is only evidence that a person is tormented by anxiety for himself or his loved ones.

If in a dream a person falls into black water, then in real life he needs to take a close look at the events that happen to him. Otherwise, a serious mistake will be made, for which you will have to pay for your whole life.

If you have to drink black water in a dream, then after the dream you should immediately consult a doctor, since, most likely, a serious disease is developing in the body, which will soon make itself felt. Seeing yourself drowning in black water in a dream means the emergence of unforeseen circumstances that will be difficult to resist.

However, in most cases, black water is a symbol of tears and sadness. If it comes and floods a person’s house, then troubles cannot be avoided. But if, on the contrary, it decreases, then the person will be in danger, but will be able to avoid it at the last moment.

What does it portend?

A dream in which black water flows from a tap means gossip and criticism, unpleasant public opinion, which you will have to come to terms with. If there is black water in a puddle into which a person has fallen, then grief and mistakes cannot be avoided in the near future.

Drinking black water means diseases associated with the stomach. However, if a person ate a lot of salty foods before going to bed, then such a dream is simply physiological in nature. One of the most common dreams with water is the presence of a shower from which black water flows. If a person washes in such water, he will soon experience purification and get rid of problems and painful thoughts.

In some cases dirty water in a dream - this is a prediction that in real life a person can be “throwing mud at him,” slandered, or made the undeserved culprit of a crime. After such a dream, you need to be as careful and attentive as possible. Dirty water in a dream does not predict anything good, but it can predict an event that, if interpreted correctly, can be avoided. However, in some cases it is worth not taking any action and simply trusting the circumstances.

Most dream books recognize black water as one of the most ambiguous symbols. In explanations of why this image is dreamed of, all sorts of troubles and the opportunity to comprehend a certain mystery are mentioned. The true meaning of what you saw in a dream will be revealed by the details of the plot of each specific dream.

Darkwater river

If you dreamed of black water in a river, pay attention to the condition of its banks. If they are unable to contain the raging flow, the dream book warns that the real situation may also get out of control.

When in a dream you accidentally end up in a dark river, you still have a chance to correct the situation. But on one condition: you will be extremely careful, think twice, measure seven times before taking the next step.

If the muddy water in the river with its calmness strikingly resembles still life, a dream is a continuation of real experiences that haunt us even in sleep.

Dirty pond

In a dream, black water can also be found in other bodies of water, for example, in a puddle. The symbol does not bode well. In reality, the dreamer can literally be “thrown mud at”: insulted, slandered. However, knowing why you dream of muddy slurry in a swamp increases your chance of avoiding trouble or neutralizing it.

If you dreamed of falling into mud or a swamp, Miller’s dream book warns of possible grief as a result of an unfortunate mistake.

When you happen to fall into a muddy pond, try not to get involved in dubious adventures; it’s especially easy to find yourself in the role of a scapegoat now.

Questionable drink

What you dream about, how you had to drink black water, causes the dream book the greatest concerns. Check if everything is okay with your health. Such dreams are often experienced in cases of stomach problems.

This is not the only explanation for why one dreams of choosing such an exotic drink. Esoteric dream book believes that what you see in a dream will somehow bring you closer to secret knowledge. It is possible that someone who drank dark liquid in a dream will have access to forbidden information in reality.

Non-standard situations

If you dreamed about black water suddenly pouring out of a tap, the interpretation calls for full combat readiness. An unexpected turn of events awaits you, which there is no way to foresee.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about black water in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Today in a dream I jumped from a very high height into the water. I didn’t see anything around me except water. From horizon to horizon, the water was black. At first it was scary that it was so deep, but when I was already close to the water, I stopped being afraid. Before I had time to plunge into the water, I woke up

    I dreamed that I went to the bathroom, as if something was pulling me there. The white bathtub was filled to the brim with black water. I wanted to check what was at the bottom of the bath, but then the people around me began to dissuade me from this idea. At first I thought this was a really stupid idea, and when everyone started to leave, I still put my hand in the water. Having rummaged along the bottom of the bathtub, I found nothing and began to pull my hand out, but then I felt something in my palm. It was a gold doubloon or coin (it was very carved), and after that I began to pull heaps of such coins out of the water. Then I ran to make everyone happy that I had discovered such a treasure, to which they answered that I would very much regret it. And I woke up.

    I dreamed that the bathtub began to fill with black, opaque water, I realized that it was a blockage and decided to pull out the plug. I thought how disgusting it would be to plunge my hand into this abomination. I didn’t see the moment of immersion, the water began to quickly decrease, and I began to collect with a dustpan and mop garbage: fish bone, empty box and thought how it could leak through the pipe. I woke up.

    A school swimming pool, me and two girls in it, we are children, first the water turns into blood, then turns black. We get out in horror, the girls blame me for everything. I notice that at the bottom of the pool there is a huge black snake, a panther and then a crocodile, and we run away.

    In the dream I was lying in a bathtub with clean water, then the bath began to fill with black water, it came out of me. The door to the corridor was open and I noticed that the corridor was also flooded, ankle-deep. I got up and saw that there was no more water, but there were traces of a yellowish color on the walls.

    I dreamed of all my 3 acquaintances, then some other people, and then I see a river with very dark water, and before that I lost my umbrella, then I see this umbrella is floating on the water or flying, I still don’t understand. I quickly jump into that water and try to catch the umbrella. And someone shouts after me (female voice), look, she jumped and laughed. I understand that I am swimming in black water, I am getting scared, I hold an umbrella and swim through the algae...

    Good afternoon I had a dream that I was traveling with a woman on a bus (we started talking and for some reason I decided that she was clairvoyant). I felt cold on the bus, I complained to her that I was constantly freezing lately. And after that she looked into my mouth and said everything clearly. After which black water began to come out of my mouth. I was vomiting a lot.. Then I woke up. Please help me interpret the dream

    Hello, I dreamed that my head nurse forced me and two other employees to swim along a dirty river. And when we got to the right place, there were two rotten logs lying there. And there was no bank, but there was a high hill, all dirty and covered in yellow leaves. Then they called us away ago. In the dream, at first I was afraid, and then I think that I coped easily and quickly

    We were in a building on the 1st floor... there was a holiday... a friend took me by the hand and led me out of this building into the darkness and led me to a black river... there was no bridge... there was only a board across the entire river and he led me along this river to the middle. .the board was narrow and also wobbled, and we stood for some time and, in order not to fall, we held on tightly to each other, hugging each other.. I looked down and the river had no bottom and thought that if we fall now we won’t swim out again... then he again took me by the He took his hand out of there and led him into the same building, but led him to the second floor along the stairs... on the stairs I fell... he held me and lifted me and went on... the stairs were without railings... on the second floor we stopped and I took my hands off and woke up ..it seemed to me that I wanted to leave

    Hello! I dreamed that a man washed himself in the bathroom... and the water turned black... I drained the water in the bathroom... and went to get detergent to clean the dirty water from the bathtub... and when I returned... there was already a bathtub pure water..and there was a child swimming there!

    I dreamed that my mother pulled 3 scorpions out of my mouth and I went to the doctor, she didn’t really say anything and I went home, when I got home I went to the sink and began to rinse my mouth, and a black liquid poured back from my mouth, and the feeling became viscous and then I saw the black color again, it was activated carbon

    I dreamed that my skin was in transparent water, but with mud growing in it, and I saw two big fish, one is deeper, like a catfish, the other is right on the surface and I’m trying to lift it, but it’s falling apart as if it’s already dead, but that doesn’t scare me. Then I’m no longer in the water, either on the shore or on the bridge, I don’t remember exactly, and I see how the water in the reservoir turns into black slurry and bubbles like oil, the sensation is unpleasant.

    I dreamed of a large pool with black water and smooth as a mirror, but not cloudy. I sat with my back to the pool and was very afraid to turn around and look at the water, it was terribly black and I was afraid that I couldn’t see the bottom of the pool and what was in the depths of the water. The pool was not rectangular, but as if it had some kind of compartments, like at a sewage treatment plant, and there were people around, but I don’t remember who I saw.

    I dreamed that my father opened the tap in the bathroom, I was thirsty, and black water with pieces of earth dissolved in it flowed from the tap, one might say that very liquid black earth flowed from there

    I dreamed that my husband and I drove a car into a canal lined with slabs, the water in it was dirty. And no matter how hard he tried to get out, nothing worked. Then he found some kind of pipe that comes out of this channel and suggested that I go through it, he doesn’t see any other way out

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that they shot a fiery arrow at me which pierced my chest, but I didn’t die and fell into a pool of black water. I could breathe underwater and sank to the bottom, and in my mind I thought when would I start to choke... but I continued breathe as if I somehow suddenly realized that when I touched the bottom I would just close my eyes and be dead

    I’m not indoors. There’s black water all around, like a huge lake. It’s completely calm, like glass. In order to pass through this water, something similar to a narrow boardwalk appears on its surface, like a narrow sidewalk of three or four boards. I walk along it, thinking about that so as not to get wet. I turn several times and find myself near the ground. The water disappears and an apple tree about three meters high appears in front of me. It’s all covered in red and yellow apples. The apples are small, a little larger than an apricot, but there are so many of them that you can’t see the leaves. I pick one an apple and it turns out to be bitten on one side. I think that there is nothing wrong with this and I bite it on the other side. It turns out to be very sweet and tasty like honey. More people appear near the apple tree and they also pick apples. The atmosphere is very pleasant. I pick more apples and wake up. sleep from Monday 01/30/2017 to Tuesday 01/31/2017

    I dreamed of my deceased uncle who died 10 months ago. In a dream, you will be as if alive, telling yourself how to sound, so how to live. When I was about to fill my bath with water to bathe, I was sitting in the living room on the sofa, and my lad called me and told me to go out, and I say that I will immediately ask my uncle to let me go swimming, and then after and water and bought. I tell my uncle everything and it’s all about this day, but when I went to the bathroom, there I pumped black water, heaved and angry. At the end of my sleep I woke up.

Most dream books recognize black water as one of the most ambiguous symbols. In explanations of why this image is dreamed of, all sorts of troubles and the opportunity to comprehend a certain mystery are mentioned. The true meaning of what you saw in a dream will be revealed by the details of the plot of each specific dream.

Darkwater river

If you dreamed of black water in a river, pay attention to the condition of its banks. If they are unable to contain the raging flow, the dream book warns that the real situation may also get out of control.

When in a dream you accidentally end up in a dark river, you still have a chance to correct the situation. But on one condition: you will be extremely careful, think twice, measure seven times before taking the next step.

If the muddy water in the river with its calmness strikingly resembles a quiet pool, the dream is a continuation of real experiences that haunt you even in sleep.

Dirty pond

In a dream, black water can also be found in other bodies of water, for example, in a puddle. The symbol does not bode well. In reality, the dreamer can literally be “thrown mud at”: insulted, slandered. However, knowing why you dream of muddy slurry in a swamp increases your chance of avoiding trouble or neutralizing it.

If you dreamed of falling into mud or a swamp, Miller’s dream book warns of possible grief as a result of an unfortunate mistake.

When you happen to fall into a muddy pond, try not to get involved in dubious adventures; it’s especially easy to find yourself in the role of a scapegoat now.

Questionable drink

The dream about having to drink black water causes the greatest concern in the dream book. Check if everything is okay with your health. Such dreams are often experienced in cases of stomach problems.

This is not the only explanation for why one dreams of choosing such an exotic drink. The esoteric dream book believes that what you see in a dream will somehow bring you closer to secret knowledge. It is possible that someone who drank dark liquid in a dream will have access to forbidden information in reality.

Non-standard situations

If you dreamed about black water suddenly pouring out of a tap, the interpretation calls for full combat readiness. An unexpected turn of events awaits you, which there is no way to foresee.

If you dreamed that during water procedures black water flowed straight from the shower onto you, the image symbolizes cleansing, getting rid of what has been weighing you down for a long time.

An explanation of why you dream of a flood in a house, during which dark streams flow from the ceiling, can also be found in the dream book. If the rooms continue to flood and you feel powerless in the face of the elements, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid disaster. Anyone who can stop the flow of black water from the ceiling in a dream will also avoid trouble in reality.

If the sleeper is frightened by the sight of raging black water, the dream book warns of an encounter with danger or challenge. When black water poses a serious threat, it is unlikely that it will be possible to change the circumstances.

The Ukrainian dream book believes that voluntary immersion in black water foreshadows an encounter with the supernatural, a miracle.

Dreams about black or simply dark viscous water are among the most frightening and mystical for humans. To the dreamer, such dreams seem mysterious, shrouded in mystery and filled with sacred meaning. In many ways, this attitude has developed due to the fault of modern cinema, which quite often uses the image of dark or black water in the frame.

In fact, such a symbol as dark or black water in a dream has long been known and described in collections of interpretations. The meaning of a dream with such a plot is made up of a combination of the meaning of the images of water, darkness and other details of the night's dream.

An important point for the correct interpretation of what black water means in dreams is that the dark color is not an analogue of turbidity, dirt, blooming liquid and other similar characteristics. Dark water can be cloudy, clear, dirty or anything else.

What is more important for interpretation

To understand water, you need to take into account every detail of the dream. However, the main core symbol in such dreams is the water itself, and the rest is secondary. But the concept “secondary” does not mean at all that the color of the water and other details of the dream are not important. They are the strokes that create the whole picture; without taking them into account, the meaning of the dream will not be entirely complete or the dream will be misinterpreted.

Black, paradoxically, is a completely neutral symbol. Although it is he who attracts the dreamer’s attention, forcing the person to look for the meaning of the dream after waking up. That is, the human subconscious colors the water in black or dark shades in order to draw the dreamer’s attention to this symbol and emphasize its importance.

Accordingly, what black water means in dreams is similar to the meaning of dreams without this shade. But dreams in which water appears viscous, dark or black are important. With the help of this image, the dreamer's subconscious is trying to focus his attention. Such dreams cannot be left without decoding; they always warn about something important. The black color itself means restraint, neutrality in relation to the outside world.

In addition to the characteristics of water, that is, viscosity, temperature, purity, depth and other nuances, you should pay attention to what is its source. Whether liquid is flowing from a tap or is it a fountain, you dream of standing water in a lake or swamp, or is it a river. Other plot details also matter. But the decoding should begin with the image of the water itself.

Miller's collection

According to Miller's collection of dream interpretations, a dream in which clean water is present promises prosperity, good life prospects and pleasures. For a more specific understanding of the image, details are required. For example, if the water in a dream was in a deep mountain lake, then the general meaning is complemented by such concepts as serenity, peace, and contemplation. If you dreamed, then the dream foreshadows rapid movement in life, a quick change of impressions, activities, moving, that is, dynamics.

Muddy water portends something completely different. This symbol predicts despondency and melancholy, a lack of clarity in a person’s life. Accordingly, what one dreams of about black water, not clear, but cloudy, is the lack of clear prospects, ideas about one’s own future, and understanding of what is happening around. The black color indicates that this state of a person is important or poses a danger to the dreamer himself, that is, it urgently needs to be changed.

Transcript in Loff's collection

According to this collection of dream interpretations, water is a symbol of human energy, his strength and life in general. A positive image in dreams is controlled, controlled water. That is, according to what the dream book says, black water from the tap is a good sign, a dream with a good meaning. Its meaning is that the dreamer is in control of all the most important things in his own life.

However, in this dream it is worth considering the details. Are the valves broken? Is the sink broken or still there? Is water flowing down the pipe or filling the sink? Does it overflow or not? Is the dreamer in contact with the flowing water or just watching it?

These details contain what the dream warns about. For example, if the valves are broken, then the dream means the illusory nature of control over the most important things in life. In the case when a shell is broken in a dream, the dream suggests that devastation reigns around the person, but he does not notice it, as if it does not concern him. However, the cracks in the sink will begin to grow and this will lead to the fact that everything most valuable in life will literally flow out through them. Water flowing into a pipe indicates that a person is not doing anything that could become his legacy. This means it’s time to think about what will remain in this world after the dreamer. As the shell says, not overflowing, this is a symbol of a full bowl. Perhaps the meaning of such a dream is that it is necessary to stop the water supply for a while, that is, to moderate your life ambitions.

What is written in the collection of Nostradamus

Swimming in water in a dream, communicating with the inhabitants of the underwater world, admiring corals, or collecting shells at the bottom is a harbinger of important events. Such a dream predicts that the dreamer will soon make some discovery.

Opening is completely optional the new kind microbes or a method of time travel. It is quite possible that a person will discover an interesting activity or do something that will be useful in the garden. For example, it will improve the irrigation system. It could also mean that the dreamer will find a good supermarket near his home or find a squirrel hollow in the park.

You can understand what exactly the dream is talking about with the help of small strokes and details. For example, if the reservoir was shallow, then the opening will be insignificant. If a person swam in his own bathtub, which turned out to be filled with a whole underwater world, then the discovery will have a direct bearing on family and loved ones.

Swimming in water in a dream in a pool means a discovery related to work. Swimming in the ocean means that the discovery will have a wide resonance. Living underwater inhabitants symbolize people, and inanimate ones, that is, pebbles, shells, algae, are inanimate objects.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to this dream book, water is a symbol of change or contradiction. It also means washing away sins from the soul, liberation from difficult thoughts or illnesses.

Drinking water in a dream is a symbol of renewal in the world around us, in which the person who saw the dream will become a direct participant. If you dream of water flooding your home, then this dream promises flows of information in reality. This could be news, any messages from family or friends.

In a dream with such a plot, you need to try to remember the source of the water. If it is an open tap with a broken valve, then this will be the defining symbol for interpretation. Accordingly, one should look for the meaning of the dream in dreams telling about controlled, controlled water.

Interpretation in Hasse's collection

What black water means in dreams, according to this collection of interpretations, depends on the actions performed with it.

Spilling water is a sign of passion for a necessary and useful activity. Swimming in a pond is rehabilitation in the eyes of others, getting rid of slander. An important nuance is this: bathing and swimming are different actions. If you dream that a person enters a pond, plunges, splashes and comes ashore, then this is swimming.