What are the chances of getting pregnant after HSG. Hysterosalpingography - study of fallopian tube patency

23.07.2020 Psychology

The complex term hysterosalpinography (HSG) in medicine is the verification procedure fallopian tubes for cross-country ability. The need for it arises when (if within a year of regular sexual activity with a regular partner without protection, she cannot become pregnant).

When a disappointing diagnosis of infertility is made, HSG will be one of the first diagnostic tests to which a woman will be referred. At the very beginning of this path, it is necessary to exclude poor patency of the fallopian tubes (due to the formation of adhesions and scars), which may cause a woman’s inability to become pregnant. In addition, doctors recommend undergoing this procedure also because it is after HSG that many women manage to conceive a baby.

Thus, HSG is both a diagnostic and, in some way, a therapeutic procedure. Because in addition to getting a real picture of the patency of the fallopian tubes, a woman also increases her chances of the long-awaited conception of a child.

Probability of pregnancy after HSG

It is quite obvious that if the patency of the fallopian tubes is not impaired, then it lies in something else. And, of course, in this case, GHA will be useful only in that it will exclude possible obstruction from the “list of suspects” - you will need to look further to find out what the problem is.

However, if some obstacles still exist in the movement of the fertilized egg to the uterus, then after HSG they may disappear. The procedure itself helps to “cleanse” the fallopian tubes, improve their motility and restore their normal patency. Very often, in order to get pregnant, it is enough to do an HSG. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of women who gave birth to healthy children precisely as a result of undergoing this procedure.

A few words should be said about the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy after HSG. It does not exceed the statistical average. IN in this case the risks or chances of pregnancy generally increase. And an ectopic may occur due to changes in the tubes that are absolutely not related to hysterosalpinography. However, it is better to play it safe and visit a gynecologist as soon as the pregnancy test is positive or you feel the first signs of pregnancy to make sure that the fertilized egg is implanted correctly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after an HSG?

Practice shows that pregnancy after HSG, if the cause of infertility was precisely tubal obstruction, is possible in the same menstrual cycle that the procedure was performed. But such an outcome, oddly enough, may be undesirable. Moreover, there are often cases when doctors advise women to terminate a pregnancy that occurs immediately after an HSG.

It's all about the high doses of X-ray radiation that a woman is exposed to during the procedure. They can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the fetus, and therefore the doctor is obliged to warn his ward that within a month after the HSG (by X-ray method), she needs to use contraception in order to prevent pregnancy in the current cycle.

If ECHO-HSG was performed (using the ultrasound examination), then there are no risks associated with pregnancy. In general, the probability of pregnancy after HSG remains quite high for several months after the procedure.

We wish you exactly this outcome!

Especially for Elena Kichak

On the way to the desired baby, a couple may encounter various difficulties. Unfortunately, for a positive result - pregnancy - just an active sexual life is not always enough. A possible obstacle to a healthy pregnancy may be insufficient patency of the fallopian tubes. The latter represent a kind of corridor along which a mature egg moves towards the sperm.

Normally, after successful cell fusion, the zygote continues its movement along the fallopian tube, reaches the uterine cavity and “settles” in it. It is sufficient patency of the tube that is the key to the successful advancement of the fertilized egg. If this does not happen, the zygote settles in the tube and an ectopic pregnancy develops. Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes is one of the examinations at the planning stage of the baby. It is worth noting that this procedure should be carried out only if there are appropriate indications. How soon can you start planning for your baby? What is the probability of seeing the long-awaited stripes soon after checking the fallopian tubes?

Pregnancy after HSG. Indications, contraindications and technique for performing the HSG procedure

The abbreviation "HSG" stands for hysterosalpinography. This procedure is designed to evaluate the lumen of the fallopian tubes by injecting a contrast solution into them through the uterine cavity. The obtained result can be recorded using x-rays or ultrasound control. If the tubes have good patency, the image will show the fluid-filled uterus, its tubes, as well as the solution flowing into the peritoneal cavity. The manipulation is recommended to be carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle (the optimal period is considered to be 7-8 days). The procedure is not very pleasant, but not too painful, although much depends on the woman’s individual reaction to the intervention.

The main indication for HSG is the inability of a woman to become pregnant for a long time in the absence of other reasons for her health and a good spermogram of her partner. It is also recommended to check the patency of the uterine canals:

  • if there is a history of tubal pregnancy;
  • among the preparatory measures before the IVF or artificial insemination procedure.

There is no special preparation before the GHA. The woman undergoes tests to exclude possible infections, a smear on the flora, and on the eve of the procedure takes an analgesic or antispasmodic. Most often, the manipulation is performed under local anesthesia.

Testing the patency of tubes using the HSG method is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Acute infectious processes (ARVI, sore throat, rhinitis, furunculosis, etc.).
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland - hyperthyroidism.
  • Hypersensitivity to iodine.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the uterine cervix or vagina.
  • Poor results of a blood and/or urine test, as well as a smear.

Pregnancy after tubal HSG

If a woman went to check the patency of the uterine canals, then the appearance of a toddler in her womb is very desirable. Most often women are concerned with questions such as:

  • How soon after the manipulation can you start having sex without using contraception?
  • What impact - positive or negative - does the procedure itself have on the possibility of successful conception?
  • Will HSG be able to resolve the identified problems with tubal patency?

Pregnancy immediately after HSG

One of the options for assessing the lumen of the uterine tubes is to perform an HSG. The result of contrast passing through the organs of the woman’s reproductive system and entering the peritoneum (normally) is reflected on x-rays. This method of checking the channels of movement of eggs is quite common, but has an undeniable drawback - the actual irradiation. This factor is the main reason why pregnancy after HSG in the same cycle is categorically not recommended, although technically its occurrence is quite possible.

Pregnancy after ECHO HSG

ECHO GSG (or ultrasound GSG) is a method of studying the lumen of the fallopian tubes by injecting a colored solution into the uterine cavity and assessing the result on the monitor screen. After the fluid is administered, an ultrasound is performed using a vaginal probe. The passage of the substance into the abdominal cavity indicates the patency of the fallopian tube. This method is no less informative than X-ray images of HSG, but has an undeniable advantage - during an ultrasound, a woman is not exposed to radiation, so she can try to get pregnant just a few days after the manipulation. The procedure itself also increases the chances of successful conception. Liquid supplied under pressure is capable of straightening (destroying) small adhesions, if any. This pattern is usually indicated by the slow passage of contrast through the pipes. But if the fluid still reaches the peritoneum, the pipes are passable. That. ECHO HSG is the preferred option for assessing tubal patency.

When can you plan a pregnancy after HSG?

Manipulation to assess the condition of the fallopian tubes and study their lumen is a non-invasive procedure and does not require long-term recovery. For this reason, women planning a pregnancy want to start trying to conceive again as quickly as possible. Only the doctor who is observing her will tell you how to behave for a particular woman. Still, some general recommendations are worth highlighting:

  • If a woman was exposed to radiation during a tubal check, it is strongly recommended that she skip the current cycle. And although an alternative position claims that all of a woman’s eggs have already been exposed to irradiation throughout her life (since a woman already has a supply of eggs at birth - it is “issued” one for life), doctors’ recommendations should not be neglected.
  • It is also worth postponing planning a pregnancy if, during a tubal check, other abnormalities in the reproductive sphere that require treatment were identified.
  • If a woman is prescribed antibacterial therapy - as a preventive measure after surgery or for other indications - the current cycle must also be skipped.
  • When performing an ECHO HSG, the current menstrual cycle can not be skipped if there are no other contraindications to pregnancy.

Why does pregnancy occur after HSG?

The uterine cavity and its tubes are filled with contrast under pressure, so the fluid moves with a certain pressure. That. During HSG, a kind of cleaning of the uterine tubes occurs. If the cause of previous failures was precisely a problem with the tubes, namely the presence of a small (!) adhesive process in them, reduced motility of the tubes, HSG can eliminate the obstacle. The high probability of pregnancy continues over the next few months - up to six months. It is during this period that planning couples are advised to actively try to get pregnant. If the patency of the fallopian tubes is not impaired, then the problem of lack of pregnancy lies elsewhere. Naturally, performing an HSG in this case will not have any effect on the success of conception.

After HSG, ectopic pregnancy occurs

There is no direct established relationship between tubal pregnancy and a previous HSG procedure. However, this manipulation can actually increase the likelihood of implantation of the fertilized egg in the tube. Moreover, such a picture can occur even with a history of patent (according to the examination results) pipes. The fact is that manipulation itself can become an impetus for the development of the inflammatory process in the uterine canals and, as a result, the formation of adhesions in them. Immediately after the administration of contrast, the likelihood of developing such a picture is minimal, therefore it is recommended to make maximum attempts to become pregnant in the first months after the manipulation.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) is an examination method that allows you to obtain information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and the internal contours of the uterus. Speaking in simple language, this procedure allows you to check the patency of the fallopian tubes in those women who cannot become pregnant for a long time and there is a suspicion of their infertility.

It is after making such an unpleasant diagnosis as “infertility” that HSG will become the first diagnostic test that a woman will need to undergo. Most often, the main reason for the inability to conceive a baby is poor patency of the fallopian tubes, which develops as scars and adhesions form in them. Many experts strongly recommend that women undergo the procedure for the reason that pregnancy after HSG occurs much more often than after other treatment methods.

Features of the procedure

In medical practice, there are two types of such a procedure, when the study is carried out using both x-rays and ultrasound. A conventional HSG is a radiological examination that takes several x-rays. It would not be entirely correct to compare these two types of procedures, since each of them solves certain goals.

HSG, which is performed using ultrasound, helps to obtain the necessary information about the condition of the uterine cavity, as well as to identify anomalies in its structure and deformation. Unfortunately, such an ultrasound examination does not allow checking the patency of the fallopian tubes, and it is in this case that an HSG with x-ray is performed. Many experts are convinced that this type of research allows us to see the condition of the fallopian tubes and find out the true cause of infertility.

Indications and contraindications

If infertility is suspected, it is GHA that allows you to obtain full information about the condition of the uterus and fallopian tubes, so this procedure is most often prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • suspicions of poor conductivity of the fallopian tubes, which most often develops as a result of adhesions in diseases such as salpingitis and endometriosis;
  • suspicion of an abnormal structure of the uterus;
  • the presence of fibroids or polyps in the uterine cavity;
  • the need to stimulate ovulation, which is most often carried out in such a pathological condition of the female body as polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • suspicion of adenomyosis.

Despite the high efficiency and information content of this type of research, there are situations when its use is not allowed:

  • the woman is pregnant or suspected of being pregnant;
  • progression of the inflammatory process in the vagina or uterus;
  • the appearance of uterine bleeding;
  • the possibility of an allergic reaction to iodine and contrast;
  • increased pain threshold.

Carrying out the procedure

Carrying out an HSG requires certain preparation and first of all you will have to visit your doctor and take a smear for flora. This type of study will confirm the absence of an inflammatory process in the cervix and vagina, since there is a high probability of its penetration into the uterine cavity during HSG. If the presence of inflammation is confirmed, the procedure will have to be postponed for some time. If a woman is taking contraception and pregnancy is excluded, then HSG can be performed on any day except during menstruation.

In order to check the patency of the fallopian tubes using this method, a woman will have to undergo certain training, which includes:

  • 7-10 days before the scheduled date, it is recommended not to conduct any examinations, and also not to use vaginal suppositories, tablets and other intimate hygiene products.
  • HSG is performed using x-rays, so it is important to make sure there is no pregnancy.

When a woman is planning a pregnancy and if it is possible, the procedure is usually carried out in the first half of the menstrual cycle. In any case, before HSG, the woman undergoes a pregnancy test and, if the result is negative, the procedure begins.

During an HSG, the specialist performs the following actions:

  • a preliminary gynecological examination is carried out, after which a small tube is inserted;
  • such a tube is necessary for administering a contrast agent;
  • During the procedure, the organ cavity is filled, after which the specialist takes several photographs;

After some time, the contrast is absorbed into the blood and removed from the woman’s body. HSG is a painless procedure, which is accompanied by unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations. Most often, during hysterosalpingography, anesthesia is not introduced into the woman’s body, but to reduce pain, the doctor may apply a local anesthetic to the cervix.

Consequences of the procedure

HSG is considered a completely safe procedure, during which the risk of complications is minimal during and after it. Only a small proportion of patients may develop serious consequences, which manifest themselves as pain in the lower abdomen and an allergic reaction to the use of contrast.

After an HSG, the following consequences may develop:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge, which may be caused by damage to the epithelium during the procedure;
  • the appearance of strong discharge mixed with blood and a strong odor may indicate infection;
  • menstrual irregularities, which are associated with severe stress and experiences of the woman during HSG.
  • It is recommended to refrain from sexual activity for a while, which will help prevent the penetration of bacteria into the cervical area.

Is pregnancy possible after HSG?

If the patency of the fallopian tubes in a woman is completely normal, then the cause of infertility may be hidden in something else. Carrying out HSG will eliminate this factor from possible reasons female infertility, and the doctor’s work will be aimed at finding other causes of such a pathological state of the woman’s body.

In the event that the egg could not reach the uterine cavity and encountered obstacles in it, then the HSG procedure will restore normal patency of the fallopian tubes and restore their motility.

Medical practice shows that most women successfully became pregnant and gave birth to healthy children after undergoing the HSG procedure. There is an opinion that it increases the risk of an ectopic pregnancy in a woman, however, this statement is absolutely erroneous. It has been proven that the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy after pipe cleaning is the same as in women who have not undergone this procedure. The risk of an ectopic pregnancy may arise if there are any pathological changes in the fallopian tubes, which may not be in any way related to the HSG.

The best option would be to visit a gynecologist immediately after a positive pregnancy test, which will confirm the correct implantation of the fertilized egg.

Onset of pregnancy

In the event that a woman has not become pregnant for a long time due to poor tubal patency, then it is allowed to begin planning a child in the same menstrual cycle when the HSG was performed. However, most often doctors do not recommend starting to conceive a baby so hastily, and in some cases, if such a pregnancy occurs, they recommend terminating it.

This need is due to the fact that during HSG the woman is exposed to high doses of x-ray radiation. Their influence can negatively affect the developing fetus and that is why, after the procedure using the x-ray method, it is recommended to carefully protect yourself for some time and begin planning for the baby in the next cycle.

When conducting HSG using ultrasound, there are no restrictions or obstacles to planning the long-awaited baby. Pregnancy after HSG occurs within a few months after it is performed.

Today, medicine has achieved high positive results in the treatment of infertility in married couples, and it is the HSG procedure that often helps to wait until pregnancy and the birth of a child. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations and following all his recommendations will allow you to achieve the desired result within a few months after treatment.

The article discusses a method for studying the female reproductive system - hysterosalpingography, and its impact on the possibility of conception.

The problem of infertility today affects many couples, and it is often caused by disturbances in the work of a man or woman that do not manifest themselves externally.

To identify such abnormalities, women are prescribed hysterosalpingography.

How is HSG performed?

HSG or hysterosalpingography is a method of examining the fallopian tubes and uterine cavity for patency.

There are two types of HSG:

  1. X-ray;
  2. echohysterosalpingoscopy.

Fluoroscopy is a method of performing GSK, during which the uterus and oviducts are filled with a water-soluble contrast agent.

An X-ray machine then takes a picture in which the radiologist sees and evaluates the anatomy and function of the female organs. During an ultrasound, the doctor injects it into a saline solution, which eliminates the risk of allergic reactions.

Feature of MSG

HSG and MSG are designations for the same diagnostic procedure. Therefore, their only difference is their names.

Medical terms use the Greek and Latin names of human organs to refer to diseases or techniques.

This also applies to the terms “hysterosalpingography” and “metrosalpingography”, where the Greek and Latin names are used female organ. In the first case it is “hyster”, in the second “metro”. Both words are translated as “uterus.” Due to the presence of two medical languages, the same diagnostic method has two names that are used equally often.

Pregnancy after HSG

Medicine has achieved great results in the treatment of infertility. Often, it is thanks to HSG that couples manage to conceive and give birth to a child. Following all the doctor’s recommendations allows you to achieve results several months after treatment.

Anxious moments

The procedure involves intervention in a woman’s body, so doctors do not recommend planning during the examination period. This is due to possible negative impacts:

  • X-ray irradiation affects the egg, causing mutations;
  • the stressful state of patients affects the functioning of the hormonal system, which is also responsible for the development of the fetus;
  • risk of infection entering the uterine cavity;
  • the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction or inflammatory disease.

Specific contraindications

Contraindications for performing the HSG procedure are:

  • availability in reproductive organs women inflammatory process;
  • the woman is pregnant or is highly likely to be pregnant;
  • high pain sensitivity threshold in women;
  • the appearance of uterine bleeding;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • menstruation;
  • presence of allergies to substances used in the study: iodine, contrast agent.

The effect of x-rays on pregnancy in the first month after the procedure

Experts advise trying to conceive in the next cycle, which is associated with the negative effects of x-rays. The radiation is partly radioactive, but in small doses it does not harm the human body, with the exception of germ cells. They “absorb” radiation more actively and are much less protected from it. X-rays can change the DNA structure of an egg, thereby reducing the possibility of conception and increasing the risk in the fetus.

Is pregnancy possible after MSG?

Since MSG is a diagnostic procedure, it cannot directly influence the ability to conceive. The study only provides a conclusion as to whether the woman has pathologies that prevent her from becoming pregnant:

  • hypoplasia;
  • adhesions in the tubes or uterus;
  • infantilism;
  • polyps;
  • myoma or fibroid of the uterus;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes and others.

In some cases, the introduction of a special substance helps remove small adhesions and increase the patency of the pipes. At the same time, the functioning of the endometrial glands of the uterus improves. This leads to the fact that in the coming months after the procedure, a woman’s chance of pregnancy increases significantly.

Contraindications and preparation for the procedure

Before MSG, it is important to make sure there is no pregnancy. In this case, you need to prepare for the procedure:

  • exclude pregnancy;
  • do not undergo other examinations for a week, do not use intimate hygiene products such as vaginal suppositories and tablets;
  • take a painkiller.

What do the doctor's say

Carrying out MSG will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and formulate a treatment method. Doctors recommend undergoing MSG for women who have not become pregnant within 1-2 years of regular sexual activity.

Hello girls!!!

At the beginning of March, we began our planning. In January, I went to see a doctor and underwent an examination (tests, ultrasound). In general, like everyone else. But even at that moment, the doctor, feeling my appendages, said that she felt some kind of compaction in the left tube. And since two years ago I had a cyst removed by laparoscopy, there is a high probability that I have formed an adhesion. She prescribed me candles, which I successfully placed and two months later we started planning. But after 4 months there are no results. I understand that it’s too early to panic, but since I see a gynecologist every six months, I went for a repeat appointment with a clear conscience

The doctor felt me ​​again and said that the lump remained and sent me for HSG (hysterosalpingography) - an x-ray of the patency of the fallopian tubes. She said that 60% of her patients become pregnant in the first months after this procedure.

Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss: And I, as a curious person, spent the whole evening surfing the Internet (it would be better if I didn’t do this, but my bad head doesn’t give rest to my hands) and learned the whole technological process of this action. And also what I should feel. Imagine my surprise when I experienced soooooo much, after which I had an irresistible desire to jump up from the table and run without looking back. But…. I didn't do it... remained lying... lying, enduring and crying I don’t want to scare anyone, perhaps my feelings are connected with a bad mood for the procedure (once again I was convinced that sometimes it’s better not to know what awaits you), but I wouldn’t want to end up like this a second time table.

In the end, as expected, the left pipe was impassable. I was very upset. The truth remained until the house, until the husband asked, “So how?” and tears flowed like a river. It seems like nothing special, there is also a right trumpet, but I am a very worried person and for as long as I can remember I have always wanted a child, even when I thought that storks were bringing them, that’s why I worry a lot about everything related to my reproductive system function. Anyway. Then I gathered my will and went with my husband to the gynecologist to show off the pictures

They boasted. And already there was hope that in the coming months everything might work out. Our wonderful doctor said that this month it is not only possible to plan, but even necessary (although the day before she told me sternly - take precautions!!!) And the doctor who did the radiography also gave the go-ahead. Since this procedure has a beneficial effect on reproductive ability. So we arrive in faith and hope for success.

So I want to ask, has anyone done this procedure and what was your success?

Were you allowed to plan a pregnancy in the cycle in which the HSG was done?

I had an HSG on the 12th day of the cycle, the doctor said that ovulation had not yet occurred and the radiation did not affect it, so I can try already in this cycle

P.S. I forgot to say that for the treatment of adhesions I was prescribed to insert tampons with Vishnevsky ointment. They say the effect is like mud therapy. Has anyone been prescribed anything similar?