Brief theory on social studies Unified State Examination. Social science

15.10.2019 Business

Wait three years for the promised one? No, this is not about the work of our beloved FIPI this summer! As promised, in mid-August we had at our disposal the main documents regulating the 2019 Unified State Examination in social studies - a demo version and a codifier. Let's be curious, what's new?

Do you want to streamline your preparation for the Unified State Exam and make it as productive as possible? Then you should take the Unified State Exam codifier as a basis. “To act without rules is the most difficult and most tiring task in this world,” believed the famous Italian writer A. Manzoni. This opinion is more applicable than ever to preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2019.

It's the month of May. There is only one month until the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. How to prepare for an exam at the last minute? We must remember, as Zemfira sings, that “... all important moments fly by at especially high speed...”.

“An expert is a person who has made all possible mistakes in a very narrow specialty,” said Niels Bohr. We suggest you not make mistakes, but familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts on preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies!

The written part of the Unified State Exam in social studies always causes difficulties for graduates. This requires not only confident knowledge theoretical material, but also the application of one’s own knowledge, broad outlook and understanding of social interactions. I propose to analyze the real tasks of Part 2, encountered at the Unified State Exam 2016.

Any sufficiently severe stress, positive or negative, is equally capable of crippling our sanity and giving us ideas and abilities that we cannot gain in any other way. I consider this idea of ​​the popular modern writer Chuck Palahniuk more relevant than ever when preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies. So, how to use the stress of the Unified State Exam to your advantage?

It is always useful to look at the test that we have to go through through the eyes of those assessing its outcome. For example, for a football player - through the eyes of a referee, but for us - through the eyes of Unified State Exam experts. Let's get acquainted with the recommendations of the compilers of the KIM Unified State Examination 2015 in social studies!

You, of course, already know about the stunning drop in scores on the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2014. "Forewarned - forearmed!" Let's reflect on the principles of USE assessment in 2015, stated by FIPI in the key documents of the future exam - the demo version and the specifier.

Each Unified State Exam campaign begins with the publication of fundamental state documents on the Unified State Exam for each subject - a demo version, a codifier and a specifier. Let's look at the changes that have occurred in the demo version of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2015.

Do you know that part C will give you almost half the points on the Unified State Exam in social studies? On the Unified State Exam, you will count every point, therefore, no matter how difficult the written tasks are, they must be solved. Let's try to outline the main recommendations of Unified State Exam experts on Part C?

Do you use the text of the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation to solve social science problems and in preparation for the Unified State Exam? For your convenience, we place it in our materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

You don't know how to build complex plan for the Unified State Exam in social studies? Do you doubt the correctness of your plans for task 35 of the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2015? Of course, because it is considered one of the most difficult, it requires specifics, knowledge of theory and clear formulations.

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

Social science. A new complete guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Ed. Baranova P.A.

3rd ed. - M.: 2017. - 544 p. M.: 2016. - 544 p.

The reference book, addressed to high school graduates and applicants, provides in full the material of the “Social Studies” course, which will be tested on the unified state exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of content elements in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks - control and measurement tests - are compiled Unified State Exam materials(KIMS).

The directory presents block modules “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the basis of the school course “Social Studies”. A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. Format: ( 2017 pdf

, 3rd ed., 544 pp.) Size:

2.6 MBWatch, download:

The directory presents block modules “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the basis of the school course “Social Studies”. A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. Format: ( 2016

, 3rd ed., 544 pp.), 544 pp.; white)

2.6 MBWatch, download:

The directory presents block modules “Man and Society”, “Economics”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the basis of the school course “Social Studies”. A brief and visual form of presentation - in the form of diagrams and tables - ensures maximum efficiency in preparing for the exam. Sample assignments and answers to them, completing each topic, will help to objectively assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities. Format: (2016 8 MB

, 3rd ed., 544 pp.), 544 pp.; blue)

2.6 MBWatch, download:

8.1 MB
Preface 6
Topic 1.1. Natural and social in man. (Man as a result of biological and sociocultural evolution) 12
Topic 1.2. Worldview, its types and forms 17
Topic 1.3. Types of knowledge 20
Topic 1.4. The concept of truth, its criteria 26
Topic 1.5. Thinking and activity 30
Topic 1.6. Needs and interests 41
Topic 1.7. Freedom and necessity in human activity. Freedom and responsibility 45
Topic 1.8. System structure of society: elements and subsystems 50
Topic 1.9. Basic institutions of society 55
Topic 1.10. The concept of culture. Forms and varieties of culture 58
Topic 1.11. The science. Main features of scientific thinking. Natural and social sciences and humanities 65
Topic 1.12. Education, its significance for the individual and society 78
Topic 1.13. Religion 81
Topic 1.14. Art 89
Topic 1.15. Morale 95
Topic 1.16. Concept of Social Progress 101 Topic 1.17. Multivariate social development
(types of societies) 106
Topic 1.18. Threats of the 21st century (global problems) 109
Topic 2.1. Economics and economic science 116
Topic 2.2. Factors of production and factor income 122
Topic 2.3. Economic systems 126
Topic 2.4. Market and market mechanism. Supply and demand 134
Topic 2.5. Fixed and variable costs 145
Topic 2.6. Financial institutions. Banking system 147
Topic 2.7. Main sources of business financing 154
Topic 2.8. Securities 160
Topic 2.9. Labor market. Unemployment 163
Topic 2.10. Types, causes and consequences of inflation 173 Topic 2.11. and development. Concept of GDP 177
Topic 2.12. The role of the state in the economy 184
Topic 2.13. Taxes 191
Topic 2.14. State budget 195
Topic 2.15. World economy 202
Topic 2.16. Rational economic behavior of the owner, employee, consumer, family man, citizen 210
Topic 3.1. Social stratification and mobility 216
Topic 3.2. Social groups 227
Topic 3.3. Youth as a social group 232
Topic 3.4. Ethnic communities 235
Topic 3.5. Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them 240
Topic 3.6. Constitutional principles (foundations) of national policy in the Russian Federation 249
Topic 3.7. Social conflict 252
Topic 3.8. Types of social norms 260
Topic 3.9. Social control 264
Topic 3.10. Family and marriage 267
Topic 3.11. Deviant behavior and its types 272
Topic 3.12. Social role 276
Topic 3.13. Socialization of the individual 280
Topic 4.1. The concept of power 283
Topic 4.2. The state, its functions 291
Topic 4.3. Political system 304
Topic 4.4. Typology political regimes 307
Topic 4.5. Democracy, its basic values ​​and characteristics 310
Topic 4.6. Civil society and the state 314
Topic 4.7. Political elite 323
Topic 4.8. Political parties and movements 327
Topic 4.9. Facilities mass media V political system 336
Topic 4.10. Election campaign in the Russian Federation 342
Topic 4.11. Political process 351
Topic 4.12. Political participation 355
Topic 4.13. Political Leadership 360
Topic 4.14. Government bodies of the Russian Federation 364
Topic 4.15. Federal structure of Russia 374
Topic 5.1. Law in the system of social norms 381
Topic 5.2. System of Russian law. Legislative process in the Russian Federation 395
Topic 5.3. Concept and types of legal liability 401
Topic 5.4. Constitution Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation 409
Topic 5.5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on elections 417
Topic 5.6. Subjects of civil law 421
Topic 5.7. Organizational and legal forms and legal regime of entrepreneurial activity 428
Topic 5.8. Property and non-property rights 433
Topic 5.9. Hiring procedure. The procedure for concluding and terminating an employment contract 440
Topic 5.10. Legal regulation of relations between spouses. Procedure and conditions for concluding and dissolving a marriage 448
Topic 5.11. Features of administrative jurisdiction 453
Topic 5.12. Right to favorable environment and ways to protect it 460
Topic 5.13. International law (international protection of human rights in peacetime and war) 468
Topic 5.14. Disputes, procedure for their consideration 473
Topic 5.15. Basic rules and principles civil process 476
Topic 5.16. Features of the criminal process 484
Topic 5.17. Citizenship of the Russian Federation 495
Topic 5.18. Conscription, alternative civilian service 501
Topic 5.19. Rights and obligations of the taxpayer 509
Topic 5.20. Law enforcement agencies. Judiciary 513
Training version of the examination paper in social studies 523
Evaluation system for examination work in social studies 536
Literature 540

The reference book includes material from the school course “Social Studies”, which is tested on a single state exam(USE). The structure of the book corresponds to the Federal State Standard of Secondary (Complete) Education in the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks have been developed - control measuring materials (CMM), which make up the examination paper in social studies.
The directory presents the following content blocks-modules: “Man and Society”, “Economy”, “Social Relations”, “Politics”, “Law”, which form the core of the content of school social studies education and correspond to the codifier of social studies content elements tested within Unified State Exam.

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and competence of teaching...

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and the competence of its teachers; educational material it no longer seems like a terrible “vinaigrette” of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is himself interested in the subject and who is easily able to inspire a student to productive activity. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and built in the head into a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help you get better at solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities who are aimed at achieving a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Study, you can't procrastinate!

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Honestly, I really enjoy your webinars! Firstly, everything is clearly explained. No unnecessary information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can confidently trust this...

Honestly, I really enjoy your webinars! Firstly, everything is clearly explained. No unnecessary information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can confidently trust this teacher. I would like to say thank you for hosting such interesting and useful activities! And I am sure that thanks to your classes I will be able to score high scores!

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Very cool webinar😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly😊I will continue to study with you:)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and take notes...

Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ hurry up and start preparing with professionals After all, education! - this is the main thing something to strive for ❤ :)

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I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very intense, thanks to them I repeated the most complex topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that in addition to webinars, information...

I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very rich, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that apart from webinars, there was absolutely no information on the subject. As a result, 76 points. Very good result! Thank you very much;)

The Unified State Exam in social studies is very popular among schoolchildren. The exam is considered easy: no calculations are required, no time-consuming calculations are required. This ease is deceptive, and passing the exam can be difficult for two reasons. Firstly, the social studies course consists of several sections that are only conditionally related to each other, so structuring the acquired knowledge can be difficult. Secondly, during the test you will have to quickly switch between different sections, which will require composure and the ability to concentrate.

Item Features

Social science is a discipline that includes a complex of sciences that are somehow related to society. This is sociology, psychology, social philosophy, history, history, cultural studies, political science, economics, jurisprudence, ethics, etc.

The training course is divided into several topics:

  • Human and society
  • Right
  • Policy
  • Economy
  • Social relations

You will be asked questions on all of these topics in the exam. Coping with assignments without preparation will be very difficult even for those who received good grades in social studies classes from fifth to eleventh grade. It is necessary to refresh your knowledge, remember definitions, systematize what you have learned. This requires studying theory in social science.


Each exam ticket contains four types of tasks:

  • with the need to choose one or more correct answers;
  • to identify the structural elements of concepts;
  • knowledge of terminology, definition of concepts;
  • to establish the correspondence of positions.

20 tasks require a short answer, 9 require a detailed answer. Graduates will also have to write an essay. When passing an exam, it is impossible to do without knowledge of theory.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies

    Start preparing early. The subject seems easy only at first glance: getting the highest score is not so easy.
  • During the preparation process, you will have to memorize many terms and definitions. You shouldn’t just mechanically cram the wording, facts, events, names proposed in the textbook. Try to understand the essence, and then it will be easier for you to remember the material.
  • Write everything you need to memorize in a special notebook.
  • Start with tasks that seem easy to you. You shouldn’t skip them - even if you are confident in yourself, it won’t hurt to brush up on your knowledge.
  • After that, move on to more complex topics. Study the theory, repeat the definitions several times, and then begin practical exercises. Finally, again make sure you remember the terminology exactly.
  • When doing practice tests, practice reading the questions carefully. Practice shows that misunderstanding of questions is one of the common causes of errors.
  • Experienced tutors recommend starting your preparation in December-January by studying economics. This section is small in volume.
  • After that, you should take on the most difficult thing - law. Practice shows that it is this section of social studies that causes the greatest difficulties for graduates. Spend more time studying law.
  • Social relations, man and society are relatively simple sections. You can tackle them last.
  • Ideally, theory studies should be completed in April. After that, give yourself a little rest and do the repetition. Make sure you remember all the wording and definitions, and can repeat all legal acts by heart.