Who is Diana Gloster? Video blogger Diana Gloster: biography, activities and interesting facts

26.09.2019 State

She has a dream - to star in a perfume commercial, she combines several professions and gets sincere pleasure from each, she knows how to heal the soul and how to look as if a producer is sitting at the next table. Diana Gloster - blogger, actress, singer and new girl in the Pink style - spoke frankly about her favorite thing, moving to Foggy Albion and love at a distance.

Interviewed by Alina Dolya.

About London. My move to London is a whole story with a lot of backstory. After school, I entered the Faculty of Law at KNU. But after studying there for two years, I realized that I couldn’t do this anymore and didn’t want to. I felt withdrawn and unhappy. Therefore, I transferred to the correspondence department and went to study in England at Music Production.

About the vlog. The first year in London I felt lonely. I often watched Russian bloggers and at some point decided that I also had something to say and it wouldn’t hurt to dilute the content a little. So I sat down and recorded the first video, which got enough a large number of views. Now I understand that my vlog For me it will always be a priority when it comes to my favorite activities. It turned out that I completely accidentally found an outlet for my creative energy and I’m still surprised that I didn’t do this before. I always worry before the release of my video; sometimes, I admit, I can do something that will definitely cause discussion.

On the technical side, I love the whole process. Video editing is like painting a picture; I have a picture in my head of what it should look like. When I sit down to edit, I don’t feel time, but I feel the video in every detail. I know that my vlog makes people smile because I try to inspire and always share my thoughts and experiences.

About television. I am the hardest on myself. When I was invited to audition for TV, I doubted it for a long time, but still decided to try my hand. At the casting they immediately put me in front of a camera with a microphone and that’s it, I felt that it was mine. Thanks to my work as a TV presenter at ID Fashion, I travel a lot, meet new people, and get incredible pleasure from it all. In addition, work allows me to be a better blogger, improve and develop.

About the career of a singer and actress. Since childhood, I have shown an interest in singing. I sing in different styles, but I can say for sure that lyrics are an integral part of me. Now I'm recording the first tracks. This is very exciting for me.

I want to be an actress, after starring in the Ukrainian film “Kiev Cake”, I fell in love with this profession. When you get into an acting environment, you open up, something incredible happens to you. I realized that I could do this all the time and never get tired. I even plan to go to acting school to gain new knowledge and improve my skills.

About beauty secrets. My skin suffers from flying, so I use aloe vera masks, which are very nourishing and soothing. I never wipe my face with a towel, only with paper ones, it turned out to be effective. Lipsticks are my passion, I love them bright colors. You can always determine my mood by the color of my lips. I’m one of those girls who are always “on parade”; my sense of self depends on it.

About sport. I am a very active person, I dance almost every day, these are completely different directions. I recently went to pole dancing and I love it, it’s a great workout for all the muscles. And when I’m traveling, I use the 30 day challenge app, which helps me stay in shape.

About inspiration. I am inspired by life and love adventure. Some funny stories always happen to me, sometimes psychologically complex, but it seems to me that this is preparation for something very important in my life. New acquaintances inspire me; I always find in people those qualities that I lack. And I immediately fall in love with them, I try to adopt something, learn something. I also really love architecture, this is what inspires me 100%. Aesthetic beauty can heal the soul.

About personal relationships. A long-distance relationship is an opportunity to stretch out the candy-bouquet period for several years (smiles). The main thing is communication. After all, the most common problem among couples is the lack of dialogue. As they say, “he doesn’t talk to me, and she doesn’t listen to me.”

Advice to a modern girl. I believe that we should be better than yesterday, and not better than others. IN modern world There is often a feeling that you always have to prove something to someone. In fact, it really constrains us, we spend too much time on the opinions of others.

It is important not to sit still, get out of the house, thanks to communication with the outside world, amazing things happen. And, of course, dream and do only what you like. I am against what they say you can’t sit with your butt on 2 chairs. Maybe it’s not possible with two, but with 4 it’s definitely possible. We have one life. If you close yourself off, then what is the point? You need to do whatever you want.


At just 18 years old, Diana Gloucester came to London hoping to fulfill her dream. The young girl finally had the opportunity to confront her parents' opinions and prove to them that she can build a future in the world of music. Diana remembers this moment as one of the best in her life. She abandoned her studies at the Faculty of Law to devote herself to a risky but alluring adventure. Perhaps it was because of the loneliness in the first months of her life in London that the young singer decided to “release” all the creativity that was sitting inside her and made a decision that changed her life. Taking a camera in her hands, without having any investments in this matter, she created her own video blog and her YouTube channel - JustDlady, which in a matter of months collected more than 100 thousand subscribers. The variety of topics in her videos, in which she shares her experiences, travels, ambitions, fashion trends and covers of songs by famous artists, have allowed her to become a phenomenon on YouTube.

From childhood, Diana lived immersed in an atmosphere of creativity, which predisposed her to creative self-expression, and the guidelines always came from her family.

At the age of five, every time she visited her grandmother, she sang in front of the neighbors, surprising everyone with her beautiful angelic voice. At the same early age, she began playing the piano. With warm feelings, Diana recalls her school years: her peers did not like her because she was different from them and because of her desire to do everything differently, supported by many talents. But her bright personality and her strong character allowed her to overcome these difficulties, and Diana not only became president of the school, but also began to intensively prepare for what would become a promising career in the music industry.

Diana combined her studies with music and dance lessons, seizing every opportunity to prove her versatility and hard work.

In 2013, while studying to become a music producer at Ravensbourne College in London, Diana got her first job as a model. Her spontaneity and extraordinary photogenicity, present in her YouTube videos, attracted the attention of the organizers of the World's Top Model competition, one of the most interesting international modeling competitions, where Diana was awarded first place.

Opportunities kept coming. Again, thanks to her blog, which was noticed by the manager of a fashion channel (after which Diana was immediately invited to a casting), she began to combine her work as a model with traveling around the world in the company of the fashion channel ID Fashion. Diana quickly became the most popular presenter on the channel. Thus, she began attending the most important fashion weeks around the world.

In 2014, at the age of 20, the first film starring Diana, called “Kiev Cake,” premiered. Again, the video blog played a significant role, attracting the attention of one of the casting directors, who showed the girl to the director and then invited her to watch. Despite the fact that the film was released with great success, Diana could not escape the thought of a great desire to develop in the field of music.

She stopped at nothing in this endeavor, and some of the best teachers in London helped her in songwriting, voice production and dancing.

After many years, knocking on great amount doors, having sent her videos to many producers, Diana received her first response. Respectable House, a production house with over forty years of experience located in Germany, offered her a collaboration with renowned producer, composer and arranger Onry Gill, known for his work with Alicia Keys, Britney Spears and Jennifer Hudson. After immersing herself in work on her first album, created with the help of Onry Gill and under the careful guidance of Grammy Award-winning producers Prince Charles Alexander and Eddie Amador, Diana will launch her debut album, All or Nothing, in the spring of 2016. The record includes her first single Buona Sera, which combines pop and Latin rhythms, and she has already begun to conquer dance floors and receive praise from critics and audiences.

The album also features other songs such as "Burn Up!", "Let the Music Rise" and "Fire", the latter of which features superb work from renowned saxophonist Maceo Parker, a funk and soul genius known for his work with such legends like James Brown, Parliament-Funkadelic and Ray Charles, as well as many modern artists: Red Hot Chili Peppers and Prince.

After years of work, Diana Gloster has found her niche in the music industry. She continues to live in London, where her 4 younger sisters and mother recently moved.

In the capital of Great Britain, she continues to actively work with the support of many subscribers and fans who perceive her as a fashion expert.

At the age of just twenty-two, Diana Gloster is here in the world of music, and she plans to stay for a long time. Her debut album exudes freshness and a special charisma that makes her stand out on the international music scene.


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Video blogger, singer, actress - Diana Gloster - a talented girl with Ukrainian roots, who was born under lucky star! Whatever she does is a colossal success, which is sometimes impossible to believe, but the facts speak for themselves.

Getting into the “top ten”, as we say, Diana became the ninth Russian-speaking artist who was able to get into the Billboard Chart. The track "Bona Sera" by the young singer started in America's oldest national chart in the Dance Club Song category. In just a week, the song rose from 44 to 38 line.

Success story: Diana Gloster's journey from video blogger to Billboard Chart

  • How did you get the idea to make your own video blog?

At the age of 18, I came to London in the hope of fulfilling my dream, standing up to my parents and proving to them that I could build a future in the world of music. I abandoned my studies at the Faculty of Law to devote myself to a risky but alluring adventure. Perhaps it was because of the loneliness of the first months of living in London that I decided to “release” all the creativity that was sitting inside me and made a decision that changed my life. Taking a camera in her hands, without having any investments in this matter, she created her own video blog and her own YouTube channel - JustDlady, which in a matter of months collected more than 100 thousand subscribers. The variety of topics in my videos, in which I shared my experiences, travels, ambitions, fashion trends and covers of songs by famous artists, allowed me to carve out my own special niche on YouTube.

Success story: Diana Gloster's journey from video blogger to Billboard Chart

  • Modeling is another part of your life, isn't it?

In 2013, while studying Music Producer at Ravensbourne College in London, I got my first job as a model. Whether it was my spontaneity or photogenicity present in my videos on YouTube, or everything in combination, it attracted the attention of the organizers of the World's Top Model competition, one of the most interesting international modeling competitions, where I was awarded first place. Opportunities kept coming. Again, thanks to my blog, which was noticed by the manager of a fashion channel (after which I was immediately invited to the casting). I combined modeling work with traveling around the world in the company of the fashion channel ID Fashion and quickly became the most popular presenter of this channel. Thus, I began to attend the most important fashion weeks around the world.

Success story: Diana Gloster's journey from video blogger to Billboard Chart

  • Tell us about your acting experience.

In 2014, at the age of 20, the first film with me in the title role premiered, called “Kiev Cake”. It was a pleasure to work with people such as Dmitry Stupka, Valentin Tomusyak and Vita Chigrina. By the way, on August 24, on Independence Day of Ukraine, the film will be shown on the New Channel. Again, the video blog played a significant role, attracting the attention of one of the casting directors, who showed me to the director and then invited me to watch. Despite the fact that the film was released with great success, the thought of a great desire to develop in the field of music could not leave me.

Success story: Diana Gloster's journey from video blogger to Billboard Chart

  • Where did your musical attraction begin?

From early childhood, as long as I can remember and don’t remember, I dreamed of only one thing - to become a singer and perform on stage. This wasn't a recent decision where I just got bored and suddenly decided to start singing. I sang everywhere and always, at all kindergarten, school and university concerts, I always dreamed only of the stage, and studied vocals. I stopped at nothing in this pursuit, and some of the best teachers in London helped me with songwriting, voice training and dancing. After many years of knocking on a huge number of doors, sending my videos to many producers, I received my first response. Respectable House, a production center with more than forty years of experience, located in Germany, offered me a collaboration with the famous producer, composer and arranger Onri Gill, known for his work with Alicia Keys, Britney Spears and Jennifer Hudson. After immersing myself in work on my first album, created with the help of Onry Gill and under the careful guidance of Grammy Award-winning producers Prince Charles Alexander and Eddie Amador, I am launching my debut album “All or nothing” in the spring of 2016. The record includes my first single Buona Sera, which combines pop and Latin rhythms, has already conquered the dance floors and received many accolades from critics and audiences.

Success story: Diana Gloster's journey from video blogger to Billboard Chart

  • How are things going with your creativity today?

At the moment, I have recorded an album, and we continue to work on it, making arrangements, bringing each song to the most successful and complete result. Also, now I am preparing a concert program, which I will begin performing literally in September. There will be a lot of dancing, as I love to dance, and I consider this one of my great advantages. And, of course, preparations are in full swing for the shooting of a video for the song “Another”, the author of which was the famous producer and composer Jonas Thunder (in the English version “Fire”). You can also hear it on Ukrainian radio stations.

Name: Diana Gloster

Age: 22

Area of ​​activity: singer, video blogger, TV presenter, actress

Diana, you are a very versatile person, you have a whole list of your activities, but is there a direction to which your soul lies closest?

Of course, there is such a direction, and for me it is singing. For me, the career of a singer comes first. Naturally, I try myself in other different roles, but my main two professions are a singer and a video blogger. In any case, blogging is fading into the background, it's more like a hobby for me. But I never stopped singing, I don’t even remember when I started, because it was in early childhood.

- Is Gloucester a pseudonym?

This is my real last name, and that says it all.

Since childhood, have you wanted to become a TV star or did your parents, in particular your mother, actress Vita Chigrina, insist on this?

From early childhood I twirled in front of the mirror, gathered people, children around me, performed in front of them, sang, danced. It was my personal desire, but I had no desire to become a TV star, I wanted to always be in the center of attention, on stage, sing, dance, do something creative and creative.

- While studying at university, you moved to London. Why exactly there, and what contributed to this?

I chose London because England is one of the advanced countries in the music industry, and at the same time it is not as far away as America, which is even more advanced. All my life I lived with my family, with my little sisters, and I didn’t want to go so far for such a long period. Plus, having visited the USA, I realized that London in terms of atmosphere, feeling, mentality is for me perfect place in order to live.

You became famous after you started your blog under the nickname JustDLady on the Internet, where did you get your inspiration from?

My inspiration was the desire to find an outlet for my creative energy. I had a lot of ideas, a lot of different ideas. I didn't know how to use them. At that time I was studying, there was no opportunity to work somewhere. That's why I started blogging. And it was probably the best decision of my life.

- Do you like popularity and interest in you and your blog?

Of course, because, firstly, this is a big responsibility, since I have many little sisters, I’m used to responsibility, I’m used to the fact that you need to be a serious person. So I enjoy popularity, but I take it as a responsibility to let people know how I impact them, first and foremost.

- You were a presenter on the ID Fashion channel, would you like to continue your career as a presenter?

Of course, I just want to try myself in a slightly different role, perhaps in a different format, because ID Fashion had a rather narrow framework, one narrowly focused topic. I really want to try myself as a presenter, but in another show or program where I can open up, although at any moment when I have time, I would love to go with ID Fashion to the next fashion week.

In 2014, your debut film called “Kiev Cake” was released, were you invited, or did you yourself express a desire to participate in the casting?

The director found me through blogs, through my videos, he liked my type. He invited me to the casting, he was interested in what I could show in front of the camera. It turned out that this role was intended for me. Lisa's character is very close to me. Sometimes it even seems to me that he still lives inside me.

Unfortunately, the time when the film came out was very unfavorable. You could even say that the distribution failed; the film was seen by a very small number of people. Soon this film will be released on TV channels, people will see it, and I think there will be some proposals. At least I'm really looking forward to them.

- This year you attended the Grammy Awards, many critics called your outfit unsuccessful, how did you feel about it?

It depends on which critics, because there are many critics, but, for example, Vogue Australia, Vogue Russia, several world-famous publications in England and Spain put me on the list best dresses on the Grammys red carpet this year. Therefore, I focus more on publications that are indicative, rating, infinitely cool, and I was very pleased with this. Even if we ignore all these publications, while I was there, I saw people’s reactions. When I entered the path, all eyes, all the journalists were fixed on me. This was a great feature. My dress was even appreciated by Taylor Swift. She walked past me and said that I had a wonderful dress. My jaw immediately dropped, I was confused, froze and couldn’t believe it. For me this is the highest rating.

- What do you do in your free time, how do you relax?

I have very little free time, but when I have it, I really like going to the cinema. I love the smell of popcorn, even if I don't eat it myself. I absolutely love this atmosphere, I love watching good movies or cartoons. Sometimes I can just lie around and read a book. But this happens very rarely, because, as a rule, when I have a free minute, I immediately sit down to edit the video.

- What is your view on daily life?

I look at life with great interest and curiosity. I always wonder what will happen tomorrow. I just try to enjoy every minute as much as possible, every process in my life, the people I meet, the events that happen to me. Because this is important, and if you don’t pay attention to it, then life will fly by, and I want to remember as much as possible.

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