Ladybug and super cat background. Ladybug and super cat story

31.07.2019 Computers
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Chapter 1

Adrian walked along a quiet street not far from the college and looked for a place where he could calmly think. Fencing training was cancelled, but he didn't inform Gorilla about it. The driver will faithfully wait for the allotted time in the car, and if Adrian returns on time, then the unscheduled trip will be hidden. Of course, there was a risk of running into another crowd of fans, so Agreste chose a pre-planned route, which had many escape routes or secluded places. In fact, I could have thought about it at home, but I didn’t want to miss the chance to walk freely alone.

Adrian turned into a park he came across and sat down on a bench, not immediately noticing the unnatural silence around him. The square was small but cozy, which always attracted at least a couple of mothers with children or elderly people who wanted to rest on a bench under the shade of spreading trees. Now neither children's voices, nor the rustling of newspapers, nor anyone's conversations could be heard. Just the noise of cars in the distance.

Agreste looked around warily, knowing from experience that such calm was not without reason, but there were no villains around. Taking a closer look, he noticed several children's toys near the next bench, similar to those that Marinette sewed. And - what's most surprising - one of them was an exact copy of Marinette herself.

Doll? - Adrian came closer and picked up the toy that interested him. - What a cutie. And how well made.

His thoughts immediately returned to the conversation he had accidentally overheard some time ago. He probably should have immediately indicated his presence or simply left, but the topic of the conversation turned out to be painfully curious - Alya persistently convinced Marinette to confess her feelings to some guy, and if that didn’t work out again, then turn her attention to Luka. Judging by the conversation, this was not the first time she convinced me. Adrien understood that it was rude to eavesdrop, but he suddenly became very interested in who Marinette liked so much. He decided that he would just find out the name and leave, because it was not nice to keep an eye on your friends like that, and he even thought of several options in his mind. And I was quite surprised when I realized that none of them were true.

In complete shock, he stood and listened to the quiet dialogue of his friends. Marinette liked him exactly - Adrien. For a long time! Moreover, judging by her words, he didn’t just like her. She was in love with him. From the first day we met!

The news seemed incredible, but, looking at his friend’s behavior from a new point of view, Adrian realized that it was all true. After all, she only got confused in her words in his presence. She often refused to go out with friends if for some reason he could not join them. And she easily agreed to participate in any event if he was involved there. She always supported me in everything, periodically tried to treat me to something tasty and was ready to help with anything, to the detriment of myself! Just remember the time when she had to help him escape from a crowd of fans. What kind of girl would so easily agree to run around the city in her pajamas? Hide in a fountain, alleyway, etc. strange places. Put a stupid turban and unfashionable glasses on your head, bought at the first stall you come across. Don't care about own plans, just to help him - Adrian. And - most importantly - do not demand anything in return!

Of course, Marinette always happily agreed to help others, but she only responded to his requests immediately and without any excuses, instantly forgetting about her own affairs. How could he not notice this before? Easily! Because he considered it a manifestation of friendly feelings. What a blind idiot.

But it was possible to think about it even that time when, in the guise of a Cat, he invited her to take a walk and showed her the place prepared for a date with Ladybug. Marinette also mentioned something about problems on the love front. That day he was the only one who didn’t show up for the planned walk, which means it was because of him that she was worried! And Noir believed unconditionally when he dragged her to an unknown place. It was clear that Marinette trusted Chat and really communicated with him. like a friend. Not like with Adrian.

Alya continued to say something else, but Adrian was no longer listening and hurried to hide before he was noticed.

And now what to do with all this?

No, he liked Marinette, of course. But as a friend! It was fun and interesting to be with her, she could always support, never refused help and did not try to use their acquaintance for some of her own purposes. Marinette has always been just... Marinette. Sweet, funny and very loyal. How should I behave now?

Pretend that he doesn’t know anything and wait to see how it all ends? What if she finally gathers her courage and confesses? Adrian didn't want to offend her with his refusal, and especially didn't want their friendship to be ruined because of it.

It's probably good that he found out about everything now. There is time to think about what you can say in the case of confession so as not to offend. Marinette is very kind. She will understand and accept the fact that he cannot return her feelings if he explains everything to her. Maybe. After the battle with the Glassiator, he had a similar conversation with Ladybug, so Adrien had a rough idea of ​​what needed to be said. In theory.

I’m sorry, Marinette, but I can’t answer your feelings,” Adrien whispered, looking at the doll and imagining that he was talking to the real Marinette. - We have known each other for a long time, and you have become a true friend to me. I don't want to deceive you and give you false hope. I really like you, I really do, but... there’s this one girl... Damn, this is more complicated than I thought,” Agreste lowered the doll to his knees and took a deep breath, closing his eyes. Perhaps you should think more about your speech. Maybe he’ll be lucky and Marinette won’t dare confess to him?

I hope that all this will not affect our relationship,” Adrian sighed and lightly kissed the doll on the corner of his painted lips. I still had to go home and think it over again.

What he definitely didn’t expect was a loud “poof” and a bright flash before his eyes. Adrien didn’t immediately understand how he found himself sitting on the ground, hugging an extremely surprised Marinette. The real Marinette!

S-sorry, what??? - the extremely surprised girl barely squeezed out, not taking her eyes off him and blushing like a tomato. She froze in his arms, not even making an attempt to free herself.

Ma...Marinette? - Adrian mechanically grabbed her shoulders, not allowing her to fall and refusing to believe that this was really happening. What helped him come to his senses were the frightened screams heard from somewhere far away, and the word “akuma,” which he was able to make out from Marinette’s inarticulate babbling.

What? - Adrian shook his head and pulled away a little, looking around in bewilderment.

“This is a new akuma,” Marinette repeated obediently. - She turns dolls into people. That is, people into dolls, and then asks... well...

Oh, so that's how you became a toy! - it dawned on Adrian, and he immediately jumped up, helping the girl get up. This was an excellent excuse to run away without explaining his strange behavior in case the Marinette doll could hear him all this time. - Find shelter immediately, and I’ll call for help.

B-but... was all Marinette could manage to say, looking at the guy of her dreams hiding around the corner.

Marinette, are you okay? I’m sorry that I couldn’t protect you from the attack, the villain threw your purse away so quickly,” the kwami ​​looked guiltily into the hostess’s eyes. “I was afraid that they would see me, so I didn’t get out.” Did Adrian help you? Marinette?

Adrian. Me. “Po-tse-lo-val,” Dupain-Cheng whispered almost syllable by syllable, dreamily looking somewhere to the side. - And it worked, Tikki! He broke my spell! Remember what that villain said - only a kiss of love will return you to your true form. Love, Tikki! Do you understand what this means? What a pity that I didn’t see or hear anything in the form of a doll. What if he confessed to me?

Of course, I'm happy for you. But remember the incident with the Homewrecker. Your kiss also worked, although you claimed that you were not in love with Cat Noir,” the kwami ​​reminded, wanting to bring Marinette out of her enthusiastic and dreamy trance.

What? Oh, yes, but... you mean...

What I'm saying is that right now we should focus on catching the villain. She's probably already turned a couple of blocks into toys.

Yes exactly. Oh, what if she managed to get to Adrian? - Marinette panicked. - Half the city dreams of kissing him. Only over my dead body! Tikki, transformation!

My Lady, who is our opponent this time? - Cat Noir asked, noticing his partner, who was carefully looking at all the toys she came across. - Crazy puppeteer?

She calls herself Evilficent (1) and bewitches everyone with the help of a staff, turning them into dolls,” Ladybug answered automatically, regretfully putting aside another doll in a light shirt. - He suggests breaking the spell with kisses.

Hmmm, unusual,” the Cat thought, but after a second he broke into a satisfied smile. - Judging by her name, she should be putting people to sleep, not turning them into toys. But don't worry, My Lady, if you get hit, I'll break your spell right away!

Thank you, Kitten, but I’ll still try to prevent this from happening,” Ladybug smiled guiltily. “And I advise you to do the same, because I definitely won’t be able to disenchant you.” I think you remember why. Look for the witch near the city hall, I will join you soon.

What? B-but... - The cat did not immediately come up with an answer, so his partner managed to jump to the other end of the square and again began to carefully examine the dolls. Male dolls! As if she was looking for... someone specific?

Shouts nearby distracted him from further questioning, and the Cat was forced to rush there. Evilficent showed up in a park where couples in love loved to walk. A frightened girl stood in front of her, holding a doll in her hands.

Come on, if you want your boyfriend back, just kiss him,” the villainess suggested. - You keep talking about the truth of feelings, but this is a lie! Look around, all these fools turned out to be liars. If you really love him, then a kiss of love will work. Otherwise, everyone will know that you are a liar!

No, don’t, don’t touch me,” the girl squealed and ran away, throwing the doll.

That's it, I knew it! I knew that you were all liars! There are no true feelings left in this world, it’s all pretense! - Evilficent screamed, shooting black rays in all directions. - No one is capable of true love! Hey, you! Do you want to try it too?

“I... I’ll do anything, just promise not to offend her again,” a guy asked, carefully clutching a doll in a bright dress in his hands.

Hmmm, let's see. Kiss! - the villainess became interested, stopping her rampage.

The guy kissed the painted face, and within a second the doll turned into a surprised girl, who pressed herself tightly to him, noticing the danger nearby.

Wow, it worked. Congratulations! - Evilficent smiled quite peacefully, putting away the staff and looked at the girl. - Keep him safe. Not many people are capable of such feelings. You can go.

Th-thank you,” the frightened couple thanked and backed away, never releasing their embrace.

Hey, madam witch, according to the canon you are supposed to put people to sleep, and not turn them into unknown things. Is there a spindle crisis in the kingdom? - Cat Noir asked, landing right in front of the villain who had lost her vigilance. “I doubt that there are so many princes capable of disenchanting this crowd.” Let everyone go!

It won't work, only true love's kiss can reverse my spell. Let’s see if there is someone who can disenchant you,” Evilficent deftly dodged the blow with the pole and attacked the Cat, intending to turn him into another doll and not listening to Hawk Moth’s cries that he first needed to take the ring. The battle took its usual turn.

Today's villain turned out to be not as skilled as the last Akuma victims, so they dealt with her quickly. The Talisman of Good Luck, a well-timed Cataclysm, and now Hawkmoth’s already confused victim turns his head in bewilderment.

But Ladybug was in such a hurry to find someone in the crowd of disenchanted Parisians that she didn’t even wait for the traditional victorious fist bump and simply ran away! This finally allowed Adrian to be convinced of his guess - His Lady was here with some guy for whom she was very worried. Most likely the same one she was talking about then on the roof. And her kiss could only disenchant him.

It looks like someone else's fairy tale will have a happy ending this time.

(1) Maleficent - evil Maleficent. That was the name of the sorceress from the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty. Theoretically, she was already evil, but fanon does not look for easy ways and a villain without the prefix “evil” does not look so villainous :) Yes, the author is not particularly original in choosing names for the akumatized.

Chapter 2

Adrian slammed the door to his room and habitually collapsed on the bed, spreading his arms and looking at the ceiling. There was a lot to think about.

Wait, I’m not ready yet,” Plagg suddenly announced, flying to his secret cabinet with cheese.

For what? - Adrian didn’t quite understand, looking at how the kwami, one by one, took out several round boxes at once and for some reason dragged them to the second floor.

What's the point of this? - the kitten was sincerely amazed. - Of course, for the next “princess attack.” I’m ready to bet my entire dinner on the fact that you will now start muttering again about how Your Lady doesn’t love you, doesn’t appreciate you, doesn’t trust you. You will beg me to reveal her identity to you, blackmailing me with offers to buy the rarest types of cheese. And when I show miracles of courage and patience, you will spend the next couple of hours thinking about the injustice of fate, the collapse of your hopes and other garbage. Do I need it?

Plagg, I'm not...

You can start,” the kwami ​​shouted, positioning himself on the second floor and inserting headphones into his ears. - I promise to nod in the right places sometimes.

Plagg, who had managed to swallow half of the first box of the most wonderful, tender and aromatic cheese, sighed heavily. These people like to create problems for themselves out of nowhere. Especially the current owner. During his rather long life, the kwami ​​managed to see different representatives human race, but for the first time I encountered such a vulnerable, naive, but at the same time quite brave and active person. Just one phrase from Ladybug, and now thoughts and tossing will last all night. And you won’t be able to sit at the top. Sooner or later, Adrian will still draw him into conversation and demand advice. Moreover, each time he receives the same advice - to stop fooling around and switch his attention to cheese, but for some reason he is in no hurry to follow it and continues to pester the unfortunate kwami ​​with questions, which he then answers. What's the point then?

Plagg has already cursed the stupid rule a thousand times, according to which he is forbidden to reveal Ladybug's identity. After all, how many problems could have been avoided! The owner would have mercy on his Marinette and not bother him with stupid conversations. Although there is a downside. Surely the number of transformations would increase three times, since Adrian cannot invite the Lady here as often as he would like. And I would have to run back and forth every day. Troublesome? Undoubtedly. The only positive is, perhaps, the opportunity to see Tikki more often to chat about old times.

Another heavy sigh was heard from below, which for some reason could be heard even through the headphones. And, of course, they are not connected in case someone comes in and you have to urgently hide. Nothing, you just need to shake your head to the beat of imaginary music and look at the opposite side. As they say, we smile and wave.

After a while, Plagg carefully looked out to watch Adrien change his body position again. This time he lay down on his back and... threw his legs up on the wall. Is it really more convenient this way? Maybe the owner hopes that in this way all unnecessary thoughts will fly out of his head? Hmmm, another confirmation that people are strange.

The third box of cheese refused to fit completely in the stomach, so the last two triangles had to be left in reserve. The eyes closed, and the kwami ​​did not deny himself the pleasure of taking a nap. Considering Adrian’s mood and the recent battle, there was every chance of getting a full night’s sleep without spontaneous activation of the ring at an unexpected moment.

Plagg was distracted from watching an exciting dream about building a cheese penthouse by voices. Squinting his eyes in dissatisfaction, the sleepy kwami ​​looked down. As expected, after a certain time his owner calmed down and again became confident that someday he would be able to win the heart of his partner. Look at the satisfied expression on his face when he watches the new video on LadyBlog. And he doesn’t even realize that his beloved Lady is in love with him just as much as he is with her. Didn't today's incident with the kiss give you any ideas?

But what is he talking about? Adrien didn’t understand anything even when he saw Marinette in the Ladybug costume! Yes, it was difficult for others to guess, since talismans conscientiously protect their owners, but the Cat had to suspect something! And Lady is good too. One word - people.

Adrian obviously started a replay of the video not for the first time and, with sad sighs, listened again and again to Alya’s thoughts about love and kisses. It looks like it didn't really dawn on him what exactly he did in the park today. Hmm, some kind of prince turned out wrong. And the fairy tale is strange. And no one else offers this rare type of Camembert. Badly. Very bad.

Plagg was actually already tired of his owner’s constant whining about his feelings for Ladybug, but he couldn’t break the rule. The Great Guardian will be very unhappy if he reveals the secret. But can you give a hint? Without details or details, just a couple of phrases that will switch Adrien’s attention to Marinette. And the boy will be distracted, and Plagg will be able to chat with Tikki more often, so that it won’t be so boring. And then, lo and behold, the owner will guess everything and it will be possible to remind you about that new exclusive cheese. To be happy, he will definitely buy it! True, this will clearly not happen earlier than in a year, but this is even better. Good cheese only benefits from aging.

You know, for a person who today found his true love, and mutual one, you’re behaving strangely,” Plagg said, thoughtfully examining his owner. - Have you really decided to take my advice and switch to cheese? If so, then keep in mind that I will not share the reserves. Buy yours!

What? What kind of love, Plagg? What cheese? - After such a statement, Adrian even turned off the video and stared at the kwami ​​in bewilderment. - If you remember, then Ladybug...

What does Ladybug have to do with it? I'm talking about your Princess. Today, just like a real prince from a fairy tale, you kissed her and lifted the spell. Remember what the villain said. Just the kiss of true love, blah blah blah and other bullshit,” the kitten grimaced defiantly. -Did you kiss Marinette? Kissed. Did it work? It worked. That means you love her. And she you too, if you remember that girlish chatter that you heard in the morning. The prince found and saved his princess. Grab him, put him in a carriage and take him to the castle. This is where the fairy tale ends. What's wrong? Hey, why are you laughing? For us, the Gorilla seems to play the role of a horse.

Pla-a-ag, you... sometimes you blurt it out,” Adrian stopped laughing. - What do fairy tales and mutual love have to do with it? Marinette is just my friend. Well, yes, the kiss worked. But probably because the feeling was on her part. This, of course, confuses me a little, but I'm glad I could help. If you think about it...

Saint Roquefort, how can you be so naive at this age? - The kwami ​​rolled his eyes, turning to a photograph of cheese in one of the magazines on the table. - Hawkmoth's power is directed towards evil, but it is true. And it gives very specific abilities. If the villain said that only real feelings can break the spell the one who kisses then this is the pure truth! Marinette's love has nothing to do with this. You and only you are responsible for the fact that Akuma's magic was neutralized. Congratulations!

W-what? No, Plagg, this is nonsense. “I can’t love Marinette,” Agreste stated categorically, although his face expressed confusion.

And why am I not surprised? “Think whatever you want,” the kwami ​​unexpectedly waved it off and yawned demonstratively, hiding the contented expression on his face. - Why am I even talking to you about this? Didn't notice and didn't notice, to hell with you. Live as you want.

Wait, Plagg, explain...

Leave me alone, I want to sleep. Think yourself!

Adrian automatically watched as Plagg flew somewhere towards the bed and hid under the pillow. It was probably worth wondering why the kwami ​​started such a conversation in the first place, but now it seemed unimportant.

Love for Marinette?! Absurd! He knows perfectly well what it means to love a girl. He has loved Ladybug for a long time and can say for sure that he does not feel anything like that for Marinette. Yes, he is ready to admit that she is very pretty. That he likes her character. And spending time with her is interesting. But that's how things work between friends, right?

Even if Marinette’s feelings go somewhat beyond the scope of friendship, there’s nothing you can do about it. This had happened to many people, he had heard, and all of these people somehow managed to cope with the situation. Yes, Ladybug made it clear that she cannot return Chat's feelings right now. But this does not mean that he should immediately come to terms with it and switch his attention to another girl who sympathizes with him!

Perhaps he likes a little to know that there is someone who truly loves him. Not for the name, not for the connections or wealth, but simply for the fact that Adrian is Adrian. But this thought is worth stopping at.

Suddenly, the moment when Marinette turned back into a human came to mind. Especially her look. Their faces were then unacceptably close, but only now did he remember what her eyes really were like. Bright, blue, that same cornflower blue hue that he likes so much. Her eyes literally shone with surprise and some kind of hidden hope. How could he not notice this before? Marinette then tried to say something, but he did not listen, carefully examining her face. Big eyes, a neat nose, cute dimples on her cheeks, blazing with a bright blush. Lips trembling with embarrassment, which turned out to be much more beautiful than drawn. I wonder what would have happened if he had really kissed her then?

The last thought made Adrian wince and shake his head. Why suddenly such strange desires? He had never thought about such a thing before. The whole point is that now he knows about Marinette's feelings? Or Plagg's stupid guess? Rave! He doesn't love Marinette at all. What happened today will not affect their relationship in any way, period!

No matter how much Adrien tried to think about something else, the kwami's words echoed in his head over and over again. The mood deteriorated more and more, and doubts still crept into the soul. And there was definitely no one to ask for advice in this situation; Plagg had already expressed his position.

Suddenly, the father came into the room and categorically expressed his dissatisfaction with the unscheduled walk of his son, who again put himself in danger. As always in such situations, no excuses helped, so hello to another house arrest. Not fair!

The mood completely deteriorated, and Adrian, barely waiting for his parent to leave, transformed, grabbed a triangle of cheese lying on the edge of the table and jumped out the window. He received punishment for nothing, so why not correct this injustice? Albeit in a very strange way.

The usual running across the rooftops calmed me down a little, but didn’t really help. The irritation has not gone away. Adrian realized more and more clearly that he was confused. Confused in my feelings, thoughts and desires. He remembered again and again everything that he had learned today, and he himself did not notice how he ended up at Marinette’s house. Maybe if he sees her, he can better understand how to behave? It’s not worth meeting in person, but you can take a peek.

We made it! The hero of Paris most brazenly peeks through the windows at an unfamiliar girl. More precisely, a well-known friend, but who knows about that? It will be very, very awkward if Marinette herself or, God forbid, Ladybug catches him doing something like this. Although the transmitter shows that His Lady is now without transformation. She's probably still hanging out with that guy she was so worried about during the day. Well, please! The cat also has something to do.

Looking through a small round window under the roof, Noir noticed Marinette in the company of Julia and some guy. The unusual color of his hair and the guitar standing nearby made it possible to identify him as Luka. It’s strange, since when do they communicate so closely?

The elder Kufen was telling something clearly funny, while accompanying his story with a visual demonstration using dolls that he held in his hands. Isn't he a little old for such toys? Marinette laughed, and Julika smiled slyly, clearly pleased with the situation. Hmmm, is she trying to set her brother up with Marinette? Somehow all this is at the wrong time.

Luka finished the story, laughed with the girls, and gave Marinette a small hug when she nearly fell off the couch. For some reason, the Cat really didn’t like such a simple action, especially since Luka was in no hurry to remove his hand, admiring the light blush on the girl’s cheeks. Marinette eventually pulled herself free and smiled a little awkwardly, trying to hide her embarrassment. She began to say something, but was constantly interrupted, as the words seemed to be mixed up again. Adrian didn't hear what the conversation was about, but he knew this manner of behavior. This is exactly how Marinette always acted in his presence. She blushed, was embarrassed, confused her words and did not dare to look into her eyes. It turns out that she likes not only Adrian? Or did she decide to follow Alya's advice and abandon her feelings? And Kufen, apparently, won’t mind at all. It's immediately obvious that he likes Marinette. Look how he shows off in front of her. I even brought a guitar!

Stop! What is this - jealousy?

While the Cat was realizing this unexpected thought, the guests said goodbye and left without noticing the secret observer. Marinette collected the dolls lying on the couch and put them in some kind of box, leaving only one in her hands. Looking closer, Noir was surprised to recognize himself in the toy. More precisely - Adriana.

Marinette looked sadly at the toy and said something quietly, every now and then glancing uncertainly at the hatch that had closed behind the guests. Did she really decide to follow Alya's advice and forget about her feelings for Adrien? Suddenly, right now, she is sitting there and saying goodbye, realizing that she will never dare to say anything like that to the real Adrian. It turns out that she also did not understand what exactly happened in the park during the day?

That's probably right, right? He will no longer have to worry about having to somehow justify himself if he confesses. Now they will actually remain friends and communicate as before. Unless Luka can join their company.

In principle, he’s cool, but something told me that nothing would come of it. Luca is a little older, so he won't be too interested in hanging out with them often. Surely he will want to spend more time alone with Marinette, since they will start dating, and he will not particularly like the fact that a stranger with whom his girlfriend was in love will be hanging around. Thus, it turns out that Adrian still loses his friend. And not just a friend, come to think of it.

Now there are two important girls in his life. Ladybug and Marinette. The lady had lately made it clear more and more often that her thoughts were occupied by someone else. She missed patrols, had her head in the clouds and categorically suppressed any attempt at flirting. In general, I moved away from him.

And now the same thing could happen to Marinette. If she is really tired of waiting for reciprocity from him, then she may well succumb to the charms of the charming musician. If he waits a little longer without doing anything, he will lose her too.

During the day, Adrien considered the possibility that someday Marinette would come to terms with the fact that they couldn’t be together and turn her attention to someone else. But that was in the future. Sometime later. And “someone else” was a rather abstract person. And now it suddenly turns out that this will happen almost before his eyes, and a very specific opponent has emerged!

Looking at how Marinette slowly got up from the couch and walked towards the trash can, continuing to hold the Adrien doll in her hands, Chat realized that he did not agree with this state of affairs. A plan immediately matured in my head, which, with due consideration, could seem like an idiotic and very wrong idea. But there was no time to think. Here and now Cat Noir will go to Marinette and take off his mask. For what? And the devil knows! The main thing is that in this case she will probably forget about all the talkers with guitars.

Chapter 3

While Cat Noir was about to make a desperate attempt to reveal his identity, Marinette had no idea what was going on in her partner’s soul.

After the villainess was defeated, Ladybug circled around for some time in search of Adrian. I wanted to make sure that he did not fall under the spell, much less be disenchanted by some nosy girl like Chloe. Unfortunately or fortunately, nothing like this was observed anywhere. Alya, who met nearby, was told the joyful news that Adrian had passed the test for true love, after which the girlfriends spent some time wondering how events would develop further. Inspired by happiness, Marinette was eager to find Adrien, but then Julika unexpectedly called and reminded that they were going to meet at the bakery fifteen minutes ago, since the future Madame Great Designer promised Luka the day before yesterday a sketch of a new guitar case. Which, it seems, she had successfully forgotten about.

Alya sighed demonstratively that Luka was definitely out of luck now, and sent her happy friend home, instructing her to watch a new video on the blog in the evening.

Julia and her brother showed up in Marinette's room with glasses of lemonade and a plate of fresh cookies. We had to develop the design of the case right on the spot, but it turned out to be even fun. Luka looked at the proposed options with interest and did not hesitate to make some changes to them himself. And he never tired of teasing his new friend with that “Mom-Marinette” thing, which terribly infuriated her and made her blush from time to time.

Then the guests caught the eye of a basket of toys, which they had not had time to remove after Manon’s visit yesterday, and the conversation smoothly turned to the day’s incident. Luka and Julika were just walking towards the bakery when the villainess attacked. They were not attacked, but saw almost the entire battle, including a couple of funny incidents. Luka told the story so interestingly, using the toys he found as a demonstration, that Marinette and Julika almost cried with laughter. And Marinette knew very well that everything was not entirely like that, but it was interesting to listen. True, towards the end of the gatherings, she nevertheless noticed that Luka was trying to show her small signs of attention. Unobtrusive, but quite obvious. And Dzulika periodically smiled mysteriously, looking at all this. It was necessary to somehow politely let the guests understand that this would lead nowhere, and in general it was time to go home. But instead, she again began to blush and stutter as usual, feeling the gaze on her blue eyes. Well, why now? She has no time for this at all!

It seems that Julika finally noticed her condition and hurried to say goodbye, promising to come back for new sketches later. Luka picked up the guitar, winked goodbye and followed his sister, asking not to accompany them.

Marinette collected the dolls scattered on the couch and put them back in place, leaving only Adrien for herself. Looking into the painted green eyes, she hastened to assure the doll that she did not need any guitarists with a charming smile. She only has one magnet, which causes her compass to go crazy, as Alya once put it. And even if today's kiss incident didn't mean anything, Marinette still wouldn't be able to forget her feelings for Adrien.

Her gaze fell on the trash can by the table, and Marinette remembered that she had promised her mother to take it out this morning. This had to be done, otherwise the banana skins Manon threw away yesterday would soon fill the room with not the most appetizing aromas. But as soon as I took a couple of steps in the right direction, an insistent knock was heard from above.

Marinette looked around in bewilderment and did not immediately notice Cat Noir clinging to the hatch in the ceiling. Seeing that he was noticed, the Cat smiled joyfully and waved his hand, after which he motioned to be let inside. It was strange.

After exchanging glances with Tikki, who was hiding in the desk drawer, Marinette nevertheless climbed up. It’s better to find out what he needs here before the whole house is on edge.

Cat Noir? What are you doing here?

“Hello, Marinette,” Chat gave his best smile. “I heard that you came under attack from a villain today, and I decided to stop by.” Everything is fine?

Y-yes, everything is fine. “There’s no need to worry,” she waved it off, trying to hide her confusion. Were there really witnesses to that scene in the park? This was just not enough! - How did you find out?

“I have my own sources,” the Cat said proudly and winked slyly. - Oh, a familiar thing. Didn't Ladybug's power disenchant everyone?

What? Oh, this... oh! - Marinette dropped the doll that the curious Cat was pointing at, and almost fell after her.

Be careful, Princess. I know that sometimes I can be stunning, but still control yourself,” Noir lightly flicked the caught girl on the nose and lowered her onto the bed, brazenly sitting down next to her. - So what is it?

Oh, don’t start, please,” Marinette habitually rolled her eyes, not reacting to the playful voice. - It's just a toy. I sew these myself, in case you forgot.

Exactly, it was them that little one with big plans wanted to steal then,” the Cat recalled, frantically wondering how exactly to bring the conversation to the desired topic. - But there seemed to be dolls of heroes and villains. And who is this? It looks somehow familiar.

Th-this is a friend. “Just a friend,” Marinette blurted out, mentally begging all the gods so that Noir would not look back and see the wall covered with photographs of “just a friend.”

Hmmm, just a friend, you say? - Cat smiled slyly. - Wasn’t he the one who helped you free yourself today?

What? How-how do you know? - Marinette squeaked and covered her mouth, realizing that she had screwed up. - And... and in general, it’s none of your business!

Why isn't this mine? I'm your friend too, by the way. By the way, are you sure that this is your doll? What if he was still the only one who was not disenchanted? Would you like to check? - Adrian finally got an idea on how to remove the mask. And this had to be done quickly, since determination was gradually evaporating.

Cat, don't be stupid! “I cleaned it myself... I myself saw how Ladybug used Healing and returned everyone to normal,” Marinette objected, who began to be strained by this strange conversation. Why did Chat Noir even come? She has no time for chatter right now; she has just sent the guests away to return to her business. We need to finally understand what happened today. She is unlikely to dare to call or write to Adrian, but it is quite possible to call Alya so that she will call Nino so that he will call Adrian. Or is it better to transform and go visit yourself? Like a cat! Ask how you are and unobtrusively ask about what happened.

Hmm, that's a good idea, of course. But it’s unlikely that Adrian will correctly assess the unusual indistinct bleating and strange questions from the heroine of Paris. Even on a normal day, she had difficulty talking to him even in a mask, and after today’s incident she might even faint!

Awww, Earth is calling Marinette,” a black glove flashed before my eyes a couple of times, bringing me back to reality. -What are you thinking so hard about?

Sorry, Cat, but you better leave. I appreciate the concern, but let's chat another day, okay? “I have a very important matter,” Marinette tried to get up to see the guest out, but he did not give her such an opportunity.

No problem, Princess. But not before you break the spell on this poor fellow,” Noir shook the Adrien doll and smiled mysteriously. - I'm sure he needs it.

Cat, that's enough already! - Marinette finally flared up. - It's just a doll.

No, it's not easy. And you know it! - Adrian himself no longer understood why this had become so important to him. - This is Adrien Agreste, I guessed right? Is he the guy you were talking about on the balcony then? It was he who freed you today. You like him?

This. Not. Your. Case! - Marinette almost growled, taking the toy from him. - Even if so, then this concerns you least of all. Go away. Please.

And I'm sure it does. I assure you, he is still under the spell. And only you can help! Or... or did I misunderstand something and your kiss won't work? Looks like you had a guest just now. Luke, right? Is it because of him? - the Cat continued to persist, fixing his interlocutor with a serious look.

His partner's behavior was strange even for him, so Marinette was still wary. What if she really missed something, and Adrian remained in the form of a doll! No, the toy in her hands is definitely an ordinary one, but if Noir is right, then Adrien could now be lying somewhere there, helpless and unhappy!

Quickly say what you know! Have you not completely defeated the villain? Is there a butterfly left in the city? Why didn't you warn Ladybug? Where is Adrian?

Hey-hey, calm down. “It’s not like that at all,” the Cat backed down, realizing that he had gone a little overboard. - More precisely, not quite like that. Adrian is fine. Almost.

Remove the transformation,” the Cat immediately blurted out and froze in tense anticipation.

Of course, I’m used to the fact that you like to do stupid things from time to time. But now you’ve broken all records,” Plagg said, warily watching Marinette’s reaction. He expected anything from Adrian other than such a radical solution to the problem. - Adrian, are you crazy? You are not allowed to reveal your identity!

Plagg, leave me alone, I have no time for you now. Go have a snack for now, I need to talk to Marinette,” Adrien, without looking, threw somewhere to the side a piece of cheese he had grabbed from home, but for the first time the kwami ​​ignored such a terrible treatment of his favorite food.

Talk? You are sure? Judging by her appearance, she won't be able to talk for another couple of hours. Be glad that you didn’t faint, otherwise you would have had to explain yourself to your parents,” Plagg flew back and forth past Marinette, who had been sitting in a stupor all this time with her eyes wide open and making some incomprehensible sounds. - Hey, are you alive?

S-s-s... Eh? I-ah-ah...

Oh, do what you want,” the kwami ​​waved his paw, sighing tiredly. “I didn’t start this, it’s not for me to clean it up.” And... So, stop! Did you throw away my cheese?!!

Adrian began to explain something confusingly, but Plagg no longer listened to him, rushing in search of cheese. In fact, he was no longer glad that he had pushed the owner to act, but now it was too late to change anything.

Plagg, how do you understand this?! - Tikki immediately attacked with reproaches, making sure that they were not visible from above. - We are not allowed to reveal identities!

What about me? I have nothing to do with it! I didn't know anything. He came up with this! - the kitten immediately began to deny, noticing the coveted delicacy in the girlfriend’s paws. - I told him it was a bad idea.

- “I didn’t know at all” and “I knew, but tried to dissuade” - different things, don’t you think? - Tikki caught it. - I asked you to be silent!

And I was silent. By the way, you have no idea what it cost me! I was tortured almost every day, but I held out until the last. You should be proud of me! - Plagg said proudly. - As a reward, you can give me this piece of cheese. You don't eat that anyway.

Are you lying? - Tikki thought, absolutely not trusting this crystal honest look, and listened to the quiet conversation upstairs. It seems that Marinette had already come to her senses and was trying to say something. There doesn’t seem to be any return recognition from removing the mask, so you have to be careful.

Plagg at this time began to describe in vivid colors how cruelly tortured Adrian had subjected him, how tired he was of all this and how wonderful it was in the end that these two would finally recognize each other’s identities and sort out their feelings. Tikki could argue with that last statement.

Adrien already spoke very quietly, but due to Plagg’s chatter, his words were completely inaudible. Tikki was literally burning with curiosity, but she was afraid to fly closer so as not to accidentally reveal Ladybug’s secret. Was it her imagination or did Adrien say that he liked Marinette?

Plagg decided to take advantage of the delay and take away the coveted treat. When will these people talk any more, and he’s hungry! Tikki did not share his enthusiasm and refused to give the cheese, pointedly flying to the side. Plagg did not appreciate her maneuver and rushed after her, starting the chase. The kwami ​​themselves didn’t even notice how they had started a full-fledged catch-up, completely forgetting about the owners who were sitting upstairs. Tikki woke up only when she crashed into some obstacle at almost full speed, almost dropping the unfortunate piece of cheese.

Damn it, Plagg, I asked you... Plagg? What happened to you? - Adrian looked in surprise at the kwami ​​who crashed into him, convulsively clutching the cheese. “Plagg” looked very strange from his point of view. - Did you break something again and get into the paint? Why are you red?

N-no, it's... Ah... an allergy! For cheese. Don’t give it to me again,” Tikki said, herself stunned by the unexpected collision, and disappeared from view, having previously swallowed the hated triangle. Was she really lucky and Adrian didn’t really understand who he saw in front of him?

Plagg, who was watching all this, simply chuckled, frantically twitching his paws. The expression on Tikki's face was simply indescribable!

Adrian, as expected, looked puzzled for a couple of seconds in the direction of the kwami ​​who had disappeared from sight, after which he continued to explain something confusingly, without understanding what had just happened.

Marinette, who had been practically silent all this time, giggled and covered her mouth with her hand. Then again and again, after which she couldn’t restrain herself and laughed out loud.

Adrian smiled uncertainly, but still didn’t fully understand what exactly amused her. All this time he tried to explain why he came here in the first place and what happened during the day. It didn't turn out very well, from his point of view.

I... I understand. This... a-ha-ha-ha... it's just a dream! - Marinette suddenly said, rejoicing at her guess. - Tikki, come here. It's still not real.

You know, I wouldn’t be so sure about it,” the kwami ​​squeaked quietly, appearing in front of her. A furious Plagg flew out next, throwing lightning bolts with his eyes.

Hey Ladybug, that's not fair! That time I only ate half of the cookie, but this glutton devoured all the cheese!

L... Ladybug? - Now it’s Adrian’s turn to sit with his jaw dropped and blink his eyes. - Is it true?

Congratulations on the opening of the century. It's finished! - Plagg folded his paws in a prayer gesture and exhaled contentedly, turning to Marinette. - By the way, congratulations to you too, you are not sleeping.

Marinette, Master Fu will not be happy,” Tikki risked reminding, who, in fact, was happy about this turn of events.

Master Fu? Is this the strange old man who gave me the magic cheese for transformations? - Adrien clarified, smiling contentedly and grabbing Marinette’s hands. - It turns out... it turns out that all this is true. You are Ladybug! This... this is great! It explains everything! Do you see, Marinette? Now everything is clear!

Marinette nodded affirmatively, not really having any idea what he was talking about. Now all she cared about was that Adrien was sitting next to her, holding her hand and rejoicing that it was she under the Ladybug mask. And even before that, he said something about how he liked her. This is the best day of her life!

Adrian, as if reading her thoughts, repeated this phrase and, unable to restrain himself, hugged her. Satisfied Tikki smiled joyfully, not paying attention to the grumbling of her relative, who promised to throw out all her cookies.

Tikki, if this is a dream, then I really hope I forgot to turn on the alarm,” whispered a happy Marinette, afraid to believe her happiness.

Baby, I really need your help in the kitchen. “You promised to come down half an hour ago,” Monsieur Dupin reminded, knocking on the door, but, fortunately, the teenagers hugged each other and did not enter the room. - I'm waiting.

S-of course, daddy. I... I'll come in an hour, oh, more precisely now, yes. That is, in five minutes... You... you go bye... - Marinette babbled, clutching Adrien in panic, whom she almost threw out of the bed in surprise.

“You have five minutes,” Tom agreed and stomped downstairs.

Um... I think it’s time for me to go,” Adrian smiled guiltily. - Let’s talk about everything tomorrow before college, okay? Plagg...

Do not even dream! This red glutton devoured my cheese, so I won’t be able to carry out the transformation. You can thank her for walking home!

Last time, as far as I remember, half a cookie was enough for you, so don’t be mischievous,” Tikki, offended by the accusations, handed him a cookie from her reserves and proudly raised her chin. - This will definitely be enough for you.

Don't even start. The last transformation was short, and I didn’t use Cataclysm,” Adrian confidently interrupted the argument. - Plagg, transformation.

“Which should have been proven,” Tikki chuckled contentedly, looking at Cat Noir, frozen near the hatch.

See you tomorrow, Princess,” the Cat smiled, not daring to steal a kiss. It looks like there will still be time for this. - Promise not to fall into evil witches again in my absence. Although, I now know how to remove spells.

After his words, Marinette only blushed even more and waved goodbye, still afraid to realize that her personal fairy tale had finally become a reality.

Here you will learn everything about Ladybug, or rather, her story.

Let's start with the main thing - who are kwami, who is Tikki and who is Plagg?

Who are kwami?

And here next to the super heroes are their kwami.

Kwami are magical creatures that help super heroes transform; without kwami ​​there are no super heroes themselves.

The kwami ​​themselves also have names, Marinette's kwami ​​(that's Ladybug's name in real life) is called Tikki, and you can find her in one of the pictures in the catalog (she is red, with black spots and with antennae on her head), and Adrin or Adrian's kwami , (that’s the name of Super Cat in real life) as you like. Plagg is completely black, has green eyes, and has a tail. Plagg loves cheese with... Camembert.

What are talismans and super powers?

During the fight.

Every superhero has talismans, Ladybug has earrings, Super Cat has a ring.

As soon as any person puts on these talismans and says “Transformation!”, he will turn into either Ladybug (in her costume) or Super Cat (depending on the mascot). As soon as the word “Transformation!” is heard, the kwami ​​seems to disappear and goes into the talisman, which is why the transformation occurs. If the kwami ​​gets tired (and he gets tired only after using a super ability), then the super hero will have five minutes left before he turns back into an ordinary person. The main thing is that no one knows who the legendary Ladybug and her partner Super Cat (or Cat Noir) are, therefore, as soon as their time for transformation ends, they disappear from view as soon as possible (their time, by the way, ends only after their super abilities).

Each super hero has his own super ability - Ladybug has a super ability - as soon as she says “Talisman of good luck!”, she will have some thing in color ladybug, with the help of which she will defeat the next villain. But things can be very different - overalls, a box, a Ladybug toy set, etc.

And Super Cat and his super ability is this: as soon as he says “Cataclysm!”, everything he touches will be destroyed, but the truth is that his super ability only works once while he is a super hero. And only one thing can break at his touch, and then everything is as usual.

How many minutes they have left until the end of the transformation is shown on their talismans, Ladybug’s black circles on her earrings begin to disappear, and Super Cat has green fingerprints (only from them!) begin to disappear.

Each super hero has his own “weapon”: Ladybug has an infinite yo-yo, and Super Cat has an iron stick that can extend infinitely.

Now a little about their main villain - Hawkmoth.



It is Hawkmoth who creates villains out of people, who are then defeated by Ladybug and Super Cat. But he cannot make a villain out of every person in the city, therefore Hawkmoth can only make villains out of offended, embittered people at the moment.

This is how he makes villains out of them - he sends an akuma to a given person (an akuma is a black moth that inhabits an object that this person was holding in his hands), and makes him evil, as soon as the akuma inhabits the object - Hawkmoth begins to talk to this person , and after that the person is reincarnated and becomes a super villain.

To save this unfortunate person, Ladybug must find the exact object in which the akuma is hiding, then break it so that the akuma flies out of this object. After which Ladybug must catch the akuma in her yo-yo, and there make an ordinary butterfly out of it, that is, remove it from it black magic Hawkmoth, and then she lets her go. As soon as the butterfly ceases to be an akuma, the villain becomes back to an ordinary person, but at the same time he does not remember what happened to him, and why, for example, he ended up on the Eiffel Tower.

To fix everything that was broken by the villain and the object that Ladybug broke, she says “Wonderful Ladybug!”, and everything becomes the same as it was before the next villain appeared.

The super cat cannot catch Akuma and remove the dark forces from it, so without Ladybug he cannot turn the villains back into ordinary people.

Why would Hawk Moth make villains?


Hawkmoth creates villains in order to take possession of their talismans and become omnipotent. Therefore, as soon as he makes a villain out of a person, he talks to him precisely about the fact that he will do for this person everything that he needs, or rather, give him the necessary power, and in return he must get him the Ladybug and Super Cat talismans .

Therefore, each villain fights Ladybug and Super Cat and tries to steal their talismans.

Also, Hawkmoth can establish contact with the villain at any time and start talking to him. Often villains forget that they must get talismans, and not take revenge on the person who offended them, and it is precisely for this that Hawkmoth establishes contact with them and reminds them that he will take away their powers if they do not bring him the talismans.

Who is Hawkmoth?

In fact, Hawk Moth also has his own kwami ​​and talisman, and his talisman is a purple stone (like a pendant). In fact, Hawkmoth is also a super hero, and his power should not be used in the name of evil, but vice versa, but the talisman fell into the wrong hands... Unfortunately, we do not know who is hiding under the mask of Hawkmoth, what is this person’s name and who is he in real life...


Marinette and Adrien.

In fact, Marinette was not a super hero before and had no idea that she would become one, and neither did Adrien. But one day, an old man, who is called a healer, who keeps all the talismans (only he had long since lost the talisman, which was found by the man who became Hawkmoth) realized that he could no longer be a super hero, because he was already 186 years! He can’t even reincarnate... And the healer himself decided to reincarnate only after his kwami ​​said that she felt the strong negative energy of that lost talisman.

The healer realized that he needed to defeat this villain and take away the talisman from him, but he failed to reincarnate and he began to look for other, younger people who would be well suited for the role of super heroes, and just after school, Marinette found a box with a talisman, and Adrien too, that's how it all started...

The healer chose them because he sort of carried out a test, first he fell, then something else... And Marinette helped him first, and then he fell on purpose (or maybe not, I don’t know) and his cane, with which he walked, rolled away a little, and then Adrian arrived in time. How Marinette and Adrien first saved Paris and met the kwami ​​is a different story...

Today was a very difficult day for one of the many married couples. Marinette and Adrien tried to calm down their small children, who were desperately rushing to the roof to play superheroes.

In the evening, the tired family came home. Marie fed the children and sent them to their room, while Adrien and Marinette went to their own room.

Do you think they decided to follow in our footsteps? - the girl asked with a grin.
“Such a dangerous and difficult life is not suitable for them.” Do you remember how you and I were always looking for places where we could transform? Do you remember how they hid their secret from Nino and Ali? - the guy answered.
- It’s impossible to forget! - Marinette said and laughed loudly.

Suddenly the door opened and frightened children ran in.
- Emma, ​​Hugo, what are you doing here?
- There's a thunderstorm! - the children answered her, roaring.
- Well, hush, hush. Superheroes are not afraid of some kind of thunderstorm. - their father began to calm them down. - Do you want mom and I to tell you a fairy tale?
Adrien winked at Marinette.
- Just let the fairy tale be about Lady Bug and Super Cat.
- Fine. - Marie answered, placing the children next to her and covering them with a blanket.

Once upon a time, my mother and I saved Paris together.
- Were you Lady Bug and Super Cat? - Emma said incredulously.
- Yes. Tikki, Plagg, fly here. - Adrian called to the kwami.
- I will never forgive you for tearing me away from Camembert. - the kwami ​​of the cat grumbled dissatisfied.
- Plagg, there are still children here. - Tikki shouted at him.

Emma and Hugo's eyes could be compared to plates.
- Let me introduce myself, Tikki - Ladybug's kwami. And this is Plagg, the kwami ​​of Super Cat. - Ladybug's kwami ​​said politely.
- Will you continue to listen? - Marinette asked indignantly.
- Certainly.
Adrian sat comfortably at the head of the bed and began to watch his wife.

Once we had to fight the Evil Cupid. It turned out to be Kim, our former classmate who was rejected by Chloe. Because of her, many akumatized ones were born. The brooch that Kim wanted to give as a gift was possessed by an akuma. He grew black wings, and a bow and arrows appeared. With these arrows he killed love. He hit Alya, she ran away from me. - At these words, Marinette sighed. “But thanks to this, I learned that a new villain had appeared. Your dad and I went to pick up Kim. But Cupid hit Super Cat, and dad took the side of the villain. I had to remember what the teacher told us in literature class. I kissed your father and he became the same. We defeated the Evil Cupid.

After the story, Adrian opened his eyes and looked slyly at Marie.
- Children, please come out.
Emma and Hugo climbed off the bed and walked out.

Why didn't you tell me that our first kiss happened during the battle?
- You would begin to rejoice and destroy everything around.

The children came into the room, but all they managed to hear at night was cheerful laughter from the parents' room.