Medical banks: benefit or harm? Everything about cupping treatment, also the benefits of cupping on the back.

25.02.2019 Health

For bronchitis glass jars used along with traditional methods of treatment. The procedure has anti-inflammatory, antitussive properties, improves blood circulation, and promotes recovery.

However, it has a wide list of contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed on children, pregnant women with bronchitis, or elderly people without knowing the contraindications, whether cupping can be placed, and how to do it correctly.

For treatment of bronchitis, two types of medical jars are used - glass and pneumatic (vacuum).


Glass medical banks- famous folk remedy, used at home for over 400 years. Like other folk methods, cupping, if placed correctly, serves as an excellent additional method of treatment for bronchitis.

The positive effect is achieved by increasing the circulation of lymph and blood at the site of attachment.


Vacuum jars are made of plastic material and are intended for massage at home. To use it, just squeeze and press it to the skin, and then, without lifting it from the surface, massage your back.

How to warm up

Cupping is a warming procedure that effectively eliminates cough due to bronchitis. The warming course can last up to 15 days, the procedures are repeated every other day.

To perform all the manipulations correctly, you need to have some skills.

What you need

  • Glass medical jars - 10-16 pieces for adults, 6 for children;
  • Vaseline to protect the skin from irritation;
  • a pre-prepared torch moistened with alcohol;
  • container with water in case of fire;
  • a wide towel to cover your back;
  • a napkin moistened with warm water to wipe your back.

You need to prepare a long object made of fireproof material in advance to heat the glass jar from the inside. A spatula may be suitable for this.

You need to wrap a piece of cotton wool around it and moisten it with alcohol. Squeeze out excess alcohol.

How to prepare a patient

If there is a lot of hair on the patient’s back, it must be carefully cut or shaved, avoiding cuts.

Before the procedure, you need to measure the patient’s temperature; if it is above 37 0 C, then you cannot warm it up.

Glass jars can be used for bronchitis if there are no abrasions, acne or inflammation on the skin. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the patient has any contraindications.


Warming up cannot be performed at , .

Do not place cups in the heart area.

It is prohibited to use cups for children under 5 years of age, pregnant women, and people who are underweight.

The patient must have sufficient subcutaneous fat so that the procedure does not negatively affect his condition.

Glass jars are contraindicated for:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • skin diseases;
  • skin pigmentation;
  • fungal diseases;
  • any tumor formations - benign and malignant;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma;
  • mental illness;
  • heart diseases.

Banks have been used in medical practice for a long time. They were first used in China: it was the Chinese who believed that cups would increase resistance to various harmful influences, normalize blood flow, stimulate the flow of energy and improve the condition of the human body.

How effective are they in treating certain diseases? Is it possible to harm your health by using cups? How to put cans on your back? What types of banks are there? You can get comprehensive answers to these questions.

In what cases are jars placed on the back?

Medical cupping is classified as a non-medicinal treatment method. They are considered by specialists to be a means of nonspecific therapy, the main purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of the drug course of treatment. They increase the body's natural defenses, improve blood circulation in organs and tissues located under the skin, enhance metabolic processes in them, and accelerate the resolution of inflammation.

Cupping is possible only after consultation with a doctor, who will make a diagnosis and be able to accurately determine whether a person has contraindications to this therapy. Proponents of this treatment have no doubt that this method helps in the fight against a wide variety of diseases.

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Operating principle

After installation in jars a vacuum arises. The skin underneath will retract slightly with further enlargement and deformation of the lumens of the blood vessels. Thus, the volume of blood that circulates deep in the tissues increases. The body will begin to work hard to supply these places with more oxygen and nutrients. Minor surface damage will speed up the metabolic process.

When a person develops a tumor, cupping therapy will help change the location of the tumor, which will lead to easier treatment or simplified surgery - the tumor can be easily removed from organs that are not vital.

Increasing blood flow to certain parts of the body will relieve inflammation, pain, and spasms. There will be a gradual regeneration of body cells.

Efficiency and rules for placing cups on the back

So, if there are no contraindications, you can start placing cups.

This must be done by following some simple rules:

  • Skin - only healthy and without damage, because after them bruises form. We should not forget that hands should be thoroughly washed with soap before the procedure.
  • So that the cans can stick more firmly to the body, apply a thin layer of Vaseline or cream (preferably for children) on your back.
  • The air inside the jar needs to be discharged, this is the only way she can stick to her back. To do this, you should make a small torch. Take a stick about 10 cm long, wrap it in cotton wool and soak it in alcohol or cologne. Light it and add it to the jar.
  • Quickly remove and place the can against your body, directly to the area of ​​skin indicated by the doctor.
  • Most often they are placed in the back, chest, lower back and sides.
  • Try to put the can down quickly, otherwise air will get into it and it will not stick to the patient’s body.
  • You need to extinguish the wick in a jar filled with water.
  • Newly delivered cans can be covered with a diaper to maintain warmth and cover the patient.
  • After all the jars are removed, remove any remaining Vaseline oil from the skin. using a small amount of dry cotton wool or cotton wool with alcohol.
  • A person is recommended to lie down after the procedure for at least half an hour in a comfortable position.
  • Wash jars and dry after use.

On what areas of the body can cupping not be placed?

  • In the area of ​​the kidneys and heart.
  • For women - too close to the mammary glands.
  • Along the line of the spine.

Depending on the age of the patient, from 6 to 14 cans can be used at the same time. The first procedure should take only a few minutes, gradually this time increases up to 10-15 minutes. During the procedure, the person should feel warm.

If sharp pain occurs, you don’t need to force it to endure., you should immediately remove the can. This is done without much effort: lightly press the skin near the jar with your fingers, let the air enter inside. Then it will disappear on its own. Make sure that the jars adhere well - after all, the benefits obtained as a result of the procedure depend on this.

If there is a need to repeat the setting, remember that you cannot set the jars every day! You need to take a break for at least a day, maybe 2-3. It is not recommended to put them in the same places.


  • Use extreme caution when placing jars so as not to burn the patient when the wick is lit.
  • Do not use ether as a flammable substance., it is an explosive substance.
  • If the exposure time of the cans is increased for one reason or another, this may result in the appearance of bubbles, inside of which there will be serous fluid. They will need to be carefully cut using sterile scissors, and then apply a 5% solution of potassium permanganate to the skin.
  • Vaseline oil is suitable as a substitute for Vaseline, any fatty cream or oil (technical mixtures cannot be used).
  • The wick rod must be metal- this will help prevent fire.
  • A jar of water must be kept within sight- this way you can quickly extinguish the wick.


Can I make an appointment with a specific doctor or clinic?


Experts have formed two diametrically opposed opinions regarding vacuum therapy. Among modern specialists, it is generally accepted that cupping does not have a significant effect on the body and only medications contribute to complete recovery.

But still, it’s worth saying a few words about the advisability of using cans. They, along with mustard plasters and other physiotherapeutic procedures, are prescribed only at the stage of resolution of respiratory tract diseases. In the initial stages (dry cough, elevated body temperature) they are not prescribed! Use only when sputum begins to come out when coughing, body temperature does not rise.

In particular, banks are placed on the back when:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi, pleura or lungs.
  • Congestion in the lungs (at normal body temperature).
  • Inflammation in muscles and nerve trunks.
  • Frequent headaches.
  • Intercostal neuralgia, radiculitis, acute and chronic myositis.
  • Moderate increases in blood pressure.

In case of pneumonia, it is dangerous to use cups for treatment - this can result in pneumothorax (rupture of lung tissue). This fact does not mean that this can happen to everyone. But experts insist: if such a disappointing outcome occurs in even one patient out of a hundred, human life cannot be risked.


You cannot install them when:

  1. Increased skin sensitivity, inflammation of the skin.
  2. A state of general exhaustion of the body.
  3. Tuberculosis of any form.
  4. Neoplasms in the chest area.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Heart defects.
  7. Body temperature exceeding 38 degrees.
  8. Thrombosis or vascular sclerosis.
  9. Acute infections.
  10. Pneumonia.
  11. State of mental excitement.

There is no need to self-medicate. Before using cups, be sure to consult with your doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications. Can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. It is not recommended to use if the patient's age exceeds 60 years.

Installation of medical vacuum cans with a cylinder

Vacuum jars with a balloon continue to be used to improve the health of the body (massage). It has been scientifically proven that a unique therapeutic effect can be achieved through improved blood flow. The dynamics of processes is influenced by pressure, which is achieved artificially, arising between the vacuum and the external environment.


  • Stagnation is eliminated.
  • Metabolic processes are enhanced.
  • Skin respiration of massaged areas increases many times over.

It has been noted that such procedures significantly increase the skin’s resistance to mechanical and even chemical influences. Mechanisms for restoration of the skin and adjacent organs are launched.

A rush of blood leads to an increase in metabolism depending on the place of application, productive functioning of the lungs and bronchi, more complete liver circulation, increased functional absorption of fluid by the kidneys, nerve impulses begin to send signals at a normal speed. The presence of a small pump increases the difference between the pressures on the outside and inside of the can, which leads to an increased effect on the subcutaneous tissue.

Air is removed from the cans using a special pump to create a negative pressure of 0.06 MPa, providing 10 full cycles of pressing. The vacuum effect created by the cans at the moment of pumping out air masses has a positive effect on cells, normalizes blood circulation.

You can place a magnetic attachment in the inside of the jar so that a weak magnetic field has an effect on the body. It penetrates deep into the cells by about 7-9 centimeters. The level of oxygen in the blood and in the heart muscle and brain increases, which increases the protective and restorative properties in the body.

Massage cups with a balloon are used for various ailments, in particular:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Humeroscapular periartiritis.
  • Lumbago.
  • Cervical spondylosis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Impotence.
  • Prostatitis.

There are a number of contraindications:

  • The progress of procedures in pregnant women should be monitored by a doctor.
  • Patients using a pacemaker should not be treated with such therapy.
  • Hemophilia and thrombocytopenic purpura.
  • The surface of open wounds should be kneaded.
  • Use with caution on sensitive skin.

Banks on the back: benefit or harm?

What is the effect of cupping treatment? How widely do they continue to be used here? Are they really capable of greatly harming our body or is this just an assumption by the Americans? Banks have never been banned in our country, they can be used freely.

It is important to know that:

  • Banks were used back in Ancient China.
  • They accompany increased blood flow, which has a positive effect on life.
  • Used as an alternative therapy in the treatment of respiratory diseases.
  • For frequent colds and rheumatic attacks, they can alleviate a person’s condition.

May cause harm:

  • When staging is performed for pneumonia.
  • Cupping should not be placed if the patient’s body temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees.
  • There is no need to use them if you have skin diseases, because they leave stains.

Thus, cupping can only be used when the diagnosis has been accurately made and there are no contraindications.

  • Treatment of bronchitis with silicone cups
  • Treatment of bronchitis with vacuum-magnetic cups

The Egyptians were the first in the world to treat bronchitis with cupping. This is a very effective and simple method. But not everyone knows how to put cups on the back for bronchitis. Why are they so useful?

Cupping is used for colds to improve blood flow from the inflamed area, which helps reduce swelling of the respiratory system. When coughing, sputum begins to come out, and the person’s general condition changes in a positive direction. The patient feels ease of breathing.

After the procedure, metabolism improves.

Cupping treatment helps with headaches, relieves pain in the back and abdomen, and improves the condition of the joints. In China, asthma and even diarrhea were treated in this way.

Who is contraindicated for cupping treatment?

  • people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with anorexia;
  • for dermatological diseases;
  • people with acute infectious diseases;
  • patients with mental disorders;
  • for oncological diseases;
  • people with high blood pressure;
  • with pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • at body temperature above 37°C;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • with bleeding.

For an adult, use from 10 to 16 cans.

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How should cupping be placed for bronchitis?

Jars for bronchitis are divided into 2 types: glass and jars with a balloon. The first differ from the second in that during the procedure with them the air is burned out rather than squeezed out with a balloon.

Cupping massage is widespread. To begin with, you should take completely dry jars, apply cream or massage oil to your back and install a couple of jars. Then, holding them, make sliding circular movements. Massage time varies from 5 to 10 minutes. The procedure is done daily. After the massage, the person should lie down without sudden movements for 30 minutes at a temperature not lower than 18°C. You need to cover him with a warm blanket and give him tea with lemon.

When treating bronchitis, it is correct to massage from the shoulder blades to the shoulders and in the chest area. After this procedure, phlegm is better removed, breathing becomes freer, and body temperature decreases.

The jars should be placed for the first time for no more than 10 minutes and in small quantities. If the procedure goes well, then you can install a few more cans and increase the time to 15 minutes.

For treatment, you need to take medical alcohol, special glass jars, a cotton pad, a holder and matches. You will also need Vaseline or massage oil.

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Sequence of treatment with glass jars

First, you need to apply Vaseline on your back or lubricate it with a thick cream. The patient's hair should be well covered for safety reasons. There should be no vegetation on the back. The patient lies on his stomach.

You should wrap cotton wool, previously moistened with alcohol, around a long holder (you can use cologne or vodka). The jars must be placed at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other. Next, you need to light the cotton wick and immediately insert it into the jar, then place the latter on your back. The patient should be covered with a warm blanket and left to lie down for 15-20 minutes. You need to remove the jar by the top, carefully holding the skin without tearing it off sharply.

You can place dry cans, but to do this you must first lubricate your back with fir oil, then firmly squeeze the can and apply it to the surface, and then remove your hand. The force of compression determines how tightly the can will attach to the skin. You need to lie down for 20 minutes, then remove the jars and wipe your back with a dry towel. It is recommended to alternate cupping treatment with mustard plasters. The placement of the cans should be changed without repeating the previous ones.

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How to treat bronchitis in children with cupping?

It is strictly forbidden to use cups for bronchitis in children under 5 years of age, so as not to produce a strong warm reaction, which can be dangerous for the child’s body. The procedure should only be performed after being prescribed by a specialist. The cups should be placed on the left chest area and only for 10 minutes. If the child feels discomfort, cupping therapy should be stopped immediately.

When treating a child, you can also use vacuum cups. They help boost immunity, improve blood circulation and actively influence stagnant processes in the body.

Like adults, children can alternate treatment with jars and mustard plasters. This method is effective for inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, but mustard plasters should not be used for asthma so as not to cause allergic reactions.

Cups should not be placed on places such as the heart, the mammary gland area, the spine or the kidney area.

The child should be put to bed and the skin should be lubricated with baby cream. After the jars are installed, it is covered with a blanket and left in a calm state for 5-10 minutes (the time depends on the age of the children). You cannot leave your child, you should be close and monitor his well-being. After the time has passed, you need to remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad, quickly dress the child and cover it warmly. It is best to use jars at night before bed. Bathing the child after the procedure is prohibited. It cannot be done more than once a day. After the procedure, the jars are washed with warm water and soap and wiped thoroughly.

Cough is almost always synonymous with the word ARVI. Back in Ancient China, people invented a method of treating and preventing this symptom - cupping. In addition to China, they are widespread in other eastern countries such as Tibet, Japan, Korea and Mongolia. Banks were used in all shapes and sizes.

Of course, now it’s easier, at the slightest hint of ARVI, to go to the pharmacy and buy a cough medicine, fortunately the shelves are full of them - syrups, tablets, dragees, sprays. In general, there is something for every taste and budget. But very often, in addition to the standard set of medications, the attending physician prescribes additional procedures, including the use of cupping. How effective are they? And who can you bet on? Let's figure it out.

Cupping will help best if you have a dry cough and wheezing. respiratory tract. They act on the body as follows. When a piece of cotton wool moistened with alcohol and set on fire is placed in a jar for a few seconds, the oxygen in the jar burns, thus the pressure inside the jar becomes negative. Because of this, there is a rush of blood to the place where the jar “sticks” to the skin and draws it into itself along with the subcutaneous tissue.

It turns out that the use of cupping improves blood microcirculation in the vessels. However, some small vessels may be damaged due to the strong blood flow. This is what causes bruising after the procedure.

The use of cupping helps to accelerate metabolic processes in the body and thereby increases the overall immunity of the body, which, thanks to this method, seems to heal itself.

You will need:

  • warm blanket;
  • spoke;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol;
  • matches or lighter.

First you need to wrap a small amount of cotton wool on a knitting needle. The cotton wool must be soaked in alcohol or cologne and then set on fire. Then we take the jar and bring the fire inside to it. You need to hold the lit knitting needle inside for a few seconds, and then immediately place the jar on the desired area of ​​the body. Usually banks are placed in top part back - on the shoulder blades, along the spine, while the distance from one can to the other should be about 5 cm. Next, for the best effect, you need to cover your back with a blanket for about 20-30 minutes. It is imperative to ensure that the patient breathes evenly and does not move.

You need to remove the cans with extreme caution: having carefully tilted the can to the side, you need to place your finger under it and wait for air to get inside the can. Then it will come off easier and won’t leave too much of a mark on the skin. After the procedure, you should wipe your back with a towel and leave the patient warm and at rest for a while.

Who should absolutely not bet on banks?

Banks cannot be placed if you have heat, there are skin diseases, problems with blood vessels. As for age, it is not recommended to use jars for children under 3 years of age and adults over 60 years of age.

It is also prohibited to resort to the procedure if you are sick with tuberculosis, oncology, bronchial asthma, or if there is blood in your sputum. Pregnant women are also not recommended to treat cough using this procedure.

Carry out the procedure with caution if you have birthmarks or age spots at the treatment sites, or if you suffer from varicose veins.

How often should you place jars?

It must be remembered that at least a day must pass between procedures. And under no circumstances should banks be placed in the same place. Why? Because the skin in the place where the jar stood is injured, and it needs some time to recover. Otherwise, dark spots may form on the back; they also appear in patients with thin and sensitive skin when the procedure lasts more than 20 minutes.

Often, a special cupping massage is performed to prevent cough, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Thanks to cupping massage, the elasticity and tone of muscles significantly increases, clogged blood vessels and glands are cleaned, the circulation of not only blood, but also lymph in the body is significantly accelerated, which helps reduce swelling and inflammatory processes in joints and tissues.

An ancient treatment method that has been tested for years is used both for colds and for some other diseases in our time.

Will a well-known technique always bring relief for a cold? After all, each treatment method has both indications and certain contraindications.

Since traditional methods not so harmless, it is necessary to know exactly when their use can really be beneficial, and in what cases their use is unacceptable, since it can cause harm to a sick person.

A glass vessel that fits tightly to the skin creates a vacuum over it, which causes a rush of blood and activation of microcirculation. During the procedure, hemodynamics are significantly activated in the area of ​​the inflammatory focus, which contributes to the activation of immune processes. These changes will lead to the activation of metabolic processes in the tissues over which the jar is installed and will accelerate recovery.

When can you bet banks?

Regardless of the diagnosis, the use of cupping procedure must be mandatory. agreed with the attending physician and carried out exactly according to his instructions.

When should you not place banks?

This procedure has a number of contraindications. In some cases, it can even worsen the patient's condition. Therefore, its use is possible only with the approval of the attending physician, especially if there are doubts whether it can be applied to an individual patient.

Much easier install silicone vessels, or plastic, equipped with a rubber pump. You don't need any fire or alcohol for this. It is enough to simply distribute them correctly over the back, avoiding the spine and heart area. They are also held on their back for about 15 minutes.